The Tools of Transformation - Final With Images

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The Tools of Transformation

Welcome everyone, I am so honored to have the opportunity to lead the discussion today. Before joining the
BOTA and doing this work, most of us had different lives and challenges.

Today I would like to discuss tools and how they help us accomplish our goals. It takes many tools to do many
things. Plumbers have tools to fix pipes. Carpenters have tools to build homes.

As Aspirants, we also build homes, but as it is stated in the Open Door, our Adytum is
the “house built without hands.” Well, that is a miraculous feat. But even the house
built without hands needs tools to build it.

We are given tools or lessons that play vital parts in our transformation into light
bearers. These tools are our building blocks, our road map on our path of return.

When there is a building project you will always have a contractor and a foreman, even possibly a supervisor.
These individuals oversee the supervision, instruction, and the teaching of each worker to make sure the
house is built with a strong foundation. They remain vigilant until the completion of the house.
And so, we aspirants also have our supervisors in charge of being vigilant as we are building our house. They
are our spiritual teachers who guide us on our path to make sure we have a strong foundation to our house.
They provide direction for us and the tools to accomplish our goals.

In a 1967 article for the Adytum New Notes titled, “Vibration: The Basis of Manifestation,” our Beloved teacher
Ann Davies writes,

“As is so often reiterated in our lessons, no one, not even a true spiritual teacher, can
magically lift you to higher levels of attainment. All a true teacher can do to help you grow is
to give you the methods and show you the map for the journey you must make! You have to
tread the path yourself. No one can tread it for you.”

A Spiritual teacher, however, can intensify our aspiration while instructing and preparing us for our journey.

Our Spiritual Teachers gave us many tools to build our house

with a strong foundation. Our toolbox is very well equipped with
effective tools and blueprints of our house. It has a map to guide
us on our journey. And we have a spiritual tool belt to keep them
close at our disposal. Here are some of our tools:

• The Pattern on the Trestleboard is a particularly good example.

In the Early Writings of Paul Foster Case, he said of the pattern on the Trestleboard,
“These statements formulate the truth about yourself, no matter whether you
comprehend that truth in all its details at the time or not. Recited from 1 -10, the
affirmations are a series of logical deductions corresponding to the path of the
descent of the Life-Power into the conditions of Name Form which constitute the
world we live in.
At night we use the reverse order, corresponding to the path of return from the
conditions of Name and Form, because this prepares the mind for union with the
L.V.X. while the personal consciousness is extinguished in restful, dreamless sleep.”

• Our B.O.T.A. Lessons are many and very informative. Each lesson given to us
has a purpose in our transformation and each affects us in different ways,
depending on where we are in our path.

Most times, no two aspirants’ experiences are the same.

• The Seven Steps- This is a very simple yet very difficult lesson that many
aspirants revisit. I know I have reviewed it so many times. It is truly
powerful and transforming. I use these principles with my clients to help
them find their way. Each is given homework to write what they want.
They, like us, find it a simple yet difficult task. I usually follow up with a
saying from Confucius: “Do what you love to do, and you will never work
again.” And then I admit that I never work because I am doing what I love.
It usually convinces them to give it try.

• The Hebrew Letters and their meaning- It is so powerful to know what

each letter means and how it relates to the work.

• Color and Sound- This is used in regular everyday therapy in modern day but we,
the builders, have been taught this lesson for years before it was the new
‘happening.’ The musical notes and their use of sound and tones initiate
transformation and healing. We are taught about musical notes and how they
relate to our path. That lesson is expanded when we do the vibratory
attunements and meditations.

• Levels of Consciousness and Mental Faculties- We have many in our

personality. It is powerful to get to know thyself and how we relate to
those and that around us.

• Astrology- We are taught astrology and its purpose in the

work and on our path.

• Meditation and Chanting

• Gematria- If anyone has read The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order,
they will definitely have an experience with numerology. My head spins all
over again just thinking about the book and its wonderous works.

• The Cube of Space is the center of it all.

• And finally, Tarot which relates to all that I have mentioned and all
that we do.

Before I joined the BOTA and learned more about how the tarot related to us, I never understood why we colored
the tarot. But after studying my lessons, I learned how the tarot is just another depiction of ourselves, how
coloring them increases the impact those images have our development and helps them be ingrained in our
cellular level.

I remember coloring The Empress. I had decided to color the green first and then
finish the rest of the colors. The experience with the card left me with the profound
belief that I just needed to open my heart to communicate my desires and I would
be able to change my life. And that I did. I was working in a restaurant at the time. I
was so afraid to change my job. But I got a better job and eventually moved to New
York. I started a new path of travel, education and new careers. Today after so
many career changes and travels, I am a doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental
Medicine in my own clinic. I have visited many parts of the world. And my path has
not finished. I have an open mind and heart looking to the next adventure. When I
thought about my life and where I was and where I had come, I find myself feeling
like The Fool, unafraid of my next adventure, trusting that although I am close to
that edge, I will never fall. I will just fly into my next adventure. It may seem to
most like a crazy thought to start new things as most people are winding down.
Although I am close to retirement, I am looking at returning to school while I have
started two more new businesses.

I realized how much these tools have affected me and my outlook on life. They affect us, the aspirants on our
path, to build the strong foundation of our houses. The tools enable us to be excited about life and the adventure
it offers in our manifestation of experiences, relationships, travel, or just living life free from the illusion that we
are trapped without choices.
Reviewing for this discussion I saw the diversity of our lessons and the vast
latitude that the tools we have cover. This gave me confidence that the tools our
beloved founders gave us are very powerful and will always serve as our map on
our path of return.

It is what has kept me studying all these years. It is important for us to meditate on our past and how
we have transformed through our path to where we are. Each time I think of my experiences and
how my life has changed, it encourages me to do the work and hold to my path. I hope this will
encourage you to hold fast on your path.


Dr. Jame’e Brazie’r

August 1, 2021
San Mateo, CA. USA

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