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Evidence Four: Summary of Product distribution: the basics

Israel Esteban Correales Albarracín

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje

Tecnólogo en gestión logística


12 de agosto del 2021


Summary Product distribution: The basics

The author wants to express the importance of the means and modes of transport according

to the characteristics of the product to be able to take the customer in optimal conditions, taking into

account factors such as time and costs. Another aspect that must be taken into account are the

characteristics of the product as perishable, if they are dangerous substances, if the merchandise is

valuable or expensive, the amount of product that is required to be sent, what are the means of

transport that its use will depend on the conditions that have been agreed with the customer, it is also

important to take into account to ensure the merchandise and be clear when negotiating what will be

the responsibility that the supplier and the customer will assume. The modes of transport are the

road: it is characterized by its flexibility, however it is not friendly to the environment, since today

companies that require hiring a company are interested in aspects such as environmental

conservation, since their policies are oriented to the preservation of the environment. In many cases,

it is a promise to sell that sets them apart from the competition. Another important aspect is that the

railway, compared to the road, is usually inflexible and expensive, it is recommended when it is used

for long trips in which what is transported goes from the point of origin to the destination or in

which it is not It is necessary to use another mode of transport. transport. This is the transportation

of coal. However, there are countries in which this modality shows relevance and great importance

in the transport of goods due to low costs. Air is one of the fastest to travel long distances, but more

expensive because it involves the payment of tariffs, and generally taxes must be paid, in addition to

the merchandise being measured by kg. Sea or river: compared to air transport it is usually much

cheaper, although it has its limitations such as the availability of ports, but it is very convenient for

the transport of bulk, solid goods and containers, machinery, vehicles. The distribution of the

products is key for any business owner. Knowing this would mean having a balance between time

and budget or disappointing customers. What do we need to consider when choosing the mode of

transport? The budget must be the most important factor in your decision making• Transportation

speed, if the expiration date of the products is greater than the travel time. Transportation of

dangerous products, institutional guidelines for the transportation of these must be followed.

Insurance of the products, in case they are very expensive. Modes of transport Choosing the right

mode depends on the size and urgency of the shipment. Road• It is cheaper, but not friendly to the

environment. The height, weight and length restrictions of the truck must be taken into account

Train• It is faster, friendly to the environment and does not have frequent delays. The easiest way is

with a carry packet by train. And it is only economically viable if packages of more than 300 tons or

a trip of more than 150 miles are sent. Air It is the fastest way to cross long distances. But expensive

and not very friendly with the environment, Depends on the passenger schedule. There are shipping

organizers who care about the details and extra costs. Sea It is relatively cheap with respect to air

shipping. It is slower and transportation to the interior must be arranged. Containers of boats cargo

ships freighter tanks to service Messengers are faster, more reliable and more secure. They can also

be more expensive. They deliver products up to a certain weight. They are economically viable up to

short distances

I could conclude that the means of transport used to make the shipment will depend on the

characteristics of the product and the conditions that have been negotiated to choose the means of

transport and the logistics platform that allows a better negotiation.


Logistics Glossary

1. Air: Air transport or transport by plane is the service of moving passengers or cargo from

one place to another, through the use of aircraft

2. Maritime: Maritime transport can move people or things by sea from one geographic

point to another on board a ship.

3. Land: Land transport is the transport that takes place on the land surface. The vast

majority of land transport is carried out on wheels that could be cars, buses, motorcycles, trucks,

etc ...

4. Deliveries: it is a product distribution strategy that consists of sending the merchandise or

products of a company, directly, from the production point to the customers' points of sale and / or

warehouses without there being a collection point intermediate.

5. Product: is the result obtained from the production process within a company. There are

consumer and investment products.

6. Taxes: Amount of money that must be paid to the Administration to contribute to the

public finances.

7. Merchandise: A commodity is anything "that can be sold or bought."

8. Environment: set of natural, social and cultural values existing in a place and at a certain

time, which influence the life of the human being.

9. Commercial competition: refers to when several private companies go to a market to offer

their products or services to a group of consumers who act independently and who make up the


10. Port: they are points of convergence between the interior and the coastal transportation

systems, which is defined as the interior area of influence of the port. Seaports carry out different

types of operations: Boarding, disembarking and transfer of passengers and crew.

11. Times: Refers to the time that elapses from when an order is generated to the supplier

until the product is delivered.

12. Fluvial: it is a mode of transport, that is, the transfer of products or passengers from one

place to another, which is carried out through rivers andriver channels with adequate depth.

13. Collection: generally, money, in order to satisfy the needs of third parties orsolve an

obligation. In general, collection is the active or passive action of hoarding resources for the same

organization or for third parties through intermediation.

14, Cheap: barato 15. Budget: Presupuesto; 16. Perishable: perecedero; 17. Cargo : carga ;

18. freight: flete ; 19. Vessels: buques; 20. Road: carretera.



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