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Checking comprehension

The objective of the entire project is recording a video and talk about the main details of the book. This project is
divided in three phases which will be solved along each term.

Term Phase Topic Dates

Organization, forum and
Reading comprehension
First Term First Phase February 13th – March 14th
chapters 1, 2, 3

Second Second Reading comprehension March 25th - April 25th

Term Phase chapters 4, 5, 6

Third Term Third Phase presentation April 30th - May 30th
Chapters 7, 8, 9

In this First Phase (Organization) you have to follow these steps:

Step 1: Make a group of 3 members, in the link “Creating My Group”, select one group by clicking on the group,
then click on the button “Save my option” to finish the process. If you don’t select one group according to the dates
required in the course agenda, the teacher will assign you a random group.

Step 2: Participate in the forum “Getting to know my partners”, in this activity all the members of the group have to
answer the questions requested in the forum.

Step 3: Reading comprehension activity. Read the first part of the book AMAZON RALLY (pages 1 to 7) and
work in the following graphic organizer.
Name of the book:

Characters (personajes) Settings (lugares)

Problem Solution

Note: The entire group is responsible about the answers presented in this activity. Copying others group copying
and pasting answers from another groups or using Google translator will be penalized. For every answer you have
to write full sentences.

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