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SUMMERS - 2021
JULY 17TH 2021– AUGUST 27TH 2021
BATCH # 2+3
Mid Practice Examination

Name:   ___  ____
Student Number:  ___   
Phone Number:  ________________ __    
Total marks:     _________ _________ 

Part 1: Multiple-Choice Questions (10 x 1 mark = 10 marks)

On the final examination, there are 35 multiple-choice questions each worth 1 mark to a total
of 35 marks. Below is a sample of ten multiple-choice questions.

Circle the letter beside the best answer for each multiple-choice question.
1. To be diagnosed as a psychological disorder, a behaviour must be…
a. deviant, maladaptive, unjustifiable, and atypical
b. distressful, maladaptive, unjustifiable, and atypical
c. disturbing, maladaptive, unjustifiable, and atypical
d. dysfunctional, maladaptive, unjustifiable, and atypical

a. Depression can occur at what ages?

A. 20 to 30
B. 30 to 40
C. 40 to 50
D. All of the above

3.  A major cause of depression in women is:
A. Increased stress
B. Sadness
C. Jealousy
D. Competitiveness

4. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) often focusses on which of the following?

a. repressed memories

b. genetic predisposition to mental illness

c. traumatic incidents in childhood

d. problematic ways of thinking

5. Schizophrenia is usually diagnosed in:

a. infancy
b. childhood
c. early adulthood
d. old age

6. A traumatized person is likely to be diagnosed with PTSD after having symptoms for at least...

A 1 month

B 2 weeks

C 3 weeks

D 1 week

7. GAD is more common in ______, while ADHD is more common in ________.
a. educated people, uneducated people
b. uneducated people, educated people
c. females, males
d. males, females

8. Disruptive and irrational fears of objects or situations most likely indicate a(n)…

a. obsessive-compulsive disorder
b. phobia
c. post-traumatic stress disorder
d. generalized anxiety disorder

9. What is NOT a positive symptom of schizophrenia?

a. delusions

b. avolition

c. disorganized thinking and speech

d. hallucinations

10. Extreme emotional or psychological upset after tragedy or disaster is also called
A. Denial
B. Shock
C. Avoidance
D. Fear

Part 2: Long-Answer Questions (3 x 10 marks = 30 marks)

According to the DSM-V, psychological disorders are grouped into categories based on their
symptoms. For each category, name one specific disorder that falls into that category.. Follow
this up by naming and explaining two different treatment options that are available from a
qualified therapist for each specific disorder that you chose (05 mark each to a total of 15
marks overall category).

Category: Obsessive Compulsive Disorders

Specific Disorder:
Hoarding Disorder:
Hoarding disorder is a tenacious trouble disposing of or leaving behind belongings in light of an
apparent need to save them. An individual with hoarding disorder encounters trouble at the
prospect of disposing of the things.

 Treatment Option 1 and Explanation:


Psychotherapy, also called talk therapy, is the essential treatment. Cognitive behaviour therapy is
the most well-known type of psychotherapy used to treat hoarding disorder.

As a component of cognitive behaviour therapy, you may:

 Figure out how to distinguish and challenge beliefs and thoughts identified with getting
and saving things
 Figure out how to fight the temptation to obtain more things
 Figure out how to put together and arrange assets to assist you with choosing which ones
to dispose of

 Develop your dynamic and adapting abilities.

 Treatment Option 2 and Explanation:

There are as of now no medication supported by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to
treat hoarding disorder. Ordinarily, prescriptions are utilized to treat different problems, for
example, anxiety and depression that regularly happen alongside with the hoarding disorder. The
drugs most generally utilized are antidepressant called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
(SSRIs). Examination progresses forward the best approaches to utilize medication in the
treatment of hoarding disorder.
Category: Neurocognitive Disorders
Specific Disorder:
Delirium happens when an individual has unexpected disarray or an abrupt change in mental
status. The individual might experience difficulty focusing or thinking obviously. They might act
muddled or diverted.

 Treatment Option 1 and Explanation:

The main objective of treatment for delirium is to address any fundamental causes or
triggers for instance, by stopping utilization of a specific drug, tending to metabolic
lopsided characteristics or treating a contamination. Treatment then, at that point
canters around establishing the best climate for recuperating the body and quieting the

Supportive care:

Supportive Care consideration expects to forestall entanglements by:

 Ensuring the aviation route

 Giving liquids and sustenance

 Helping with development

 Treating torment

 Tending to incontinence

 Treatment Option 2 and Explanation:

Antibiotics for infections:

A medical services supplier might endorse antipsychotic drugs, which treat agitation and
hallucination and work on tangible issues. Antipsychotic drugs include:

 Haloperidol
 Risperidone

Category: Bipolar Disorders

Specific Disorder:
Bipolar 2 disorder:
Bipolar 2 disorder includes a significant burdensome scene enduring no less than about two
weeks and something like one hypomanic scene (a period that is less serious than an all out
manic episode). Individuals with bipolar 2 ordinarily don't encounter manic episodes adequately
extraordinary to require hospitalization.

Treatment Option 1 and Explanation:


By definition, hypomanic scenes don't include psychosis and don't meddle with working.
Antipsychotic drugs, for example, aripiprazole (Abilify), asenapine (Saphris), cariprazine
(Vraylar), quetiapine (Seroquel), olanzapine (Zyprexa), risperidone (Risperdal), and ziprasidone
(Geodon) and others, are all things considered some of the time utilized in hypomania and a few
are utilized for wretchedness in bipolar II issue.

Treatment Option 2 and Explanation:

Seroquel and Seroquel XR are the lone drugs FDA-supported explicitly for bipolar II
melancholy. Normal antidepressants like fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil), and
sertraline (Zoloft) are additionally in some cases utilized in bipolar II despondency, and are
believed to be more averse to cause or deteriorate hypomania than is the situation in bipolar
I issue. Psychotherapy, like intellectual conduct treatment, may likewise help.


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