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Spring 2010



Study Guide: Nutrition/Diagnostics/Blood Administration

Nutrition Lecture
 Know the nutrients needed for growth and development and their functions.
 Know the two types of carbohydrates and their source.
 Know how carbohydrates are metabolized (the process).
 Know what vitamins are water and fat soluble and whether the body can store
 What is a major source of energy for the body?
 Review in your text religious and cultural considerations related to food.
 Know developmental and lifespan nutritional considerations.

Diagnostics/Blood Administration
 Know the phases of diagnostic testing and what takes place in each. What is the
nurse’s role in diagnostic evaluation?
 Know collection procedures as if you were teaching another nurse to collect a 24
hour urine specimen, midstream urine analysis and a stool specimen for occult
 Know normal values for H & H, serum electrolytes, and urinalysis. (Kozier)
 What lab values may reflect a patient’s hydration status?
 What labs may be ordered to evaluate renal function?
 Know nursing role/interventions in assisting with a lumbar puncture and a liver
 Know compatible blood types and Rh compatibility.
 Know the procedure for blood transfusion.
 Be able to identify appropriate nursing actions in the event of blood transfusion
 Be able to identify nursing interventions related to the diagnostic tests we
discussed and those in your reading (Kozier).

Lab 1 Nutrition lab
 Know how to perform an abdominal assessment:
o This would include measuring girth, assessing bowel sounds ect.
 Know the four skill sets in your text
o There is a question on the exam that asks you to place the steps of a
skill in the correct order.
o This includes assessments related to the skills
 What nursing interventions are appropriate for a client with dysphagia?
 What is the difference between clear liquids, full liquids, soft diet and pureed
 What is the difference between enteral, parenteral and total parenteral nutrition?
o Which of these methods of nutrition use the GI tract, an IV or a central
o How does the body respond to TPN? And what nursing actions are
required when administering TPN?

Lecture: Spirituality, Loss, Grief, Death, Dying

Know and be able to apply information about:

 Terminologies re: spirituality

 The Nursing Process re: spirituality
o Know indicators of spiritual health and examples of spiritual needs
o List characteristics of spiritual distress
o Spiritual development stages…0-3 years, adolescents, mid-late adulthood
o Know the guidelines for ethical conduct and spiritual care giving (in
Spiritual Practices Affecting Nursing Care sub- section and clinical alert,
p. 1048.)
o Know spiritual practices that affect nursing care, especially those beliefs
re: diet and nutrition.
o Pay attention to any mention of Middle Eastern ( Arabic, Jewish) and
Hindu health beliefs, practices, food guidelines, etc. Please look at page
1237, the Culturally Competent Care box, Arab Heritage and Jewish
o Assessment and interview
o Planning goals

o Implementation
 Prayer guidelines
 Support for religious practices
 How does the nurse use self?
 What is presence? Types of presence?

Know Practice Guidelines: Supporting Religious Practices, p. 1051, Praying with

Clients, p. 1053, Practice Guidelines re: Nurse-client values conflict, p. 1053.
 Evaluation:

What are some barriers to nurses providing spiritual care? (Last ppt slide)

Loss, Grief, Death, Dying:

Be able to apply knowledge about:

 Types of loss
 Types of grief
 Clinical signs of grief
 What is the value of anticipatory grief?
 Why is grieving necessary?
 Factors affecting loss and grief response
 Know Kubler-Ross’ Stages of Grieving: Can you identify different behaviors
(assessment) related to the Stages and think of a nursing strategy (intervention)
to apply for each stage?
 Factors affecting survivor responses to dying and death.
 Nursing Process re: care of the dying individual
 Advanced Directives…what are they ( you have had this before)
 Nursing Process re: Death, especially implementation and meeting client needs
o Physiologic needs of dying individual
o How does the nurse best help the dying individual to maintain dignity,
respect and sense of self-worth? In what ways can control be given to
the dying patient?
 What responsibility/need does the nurse have for him or herself re: ability to
provide spiritual care and care re: to loss, grief, death?
 Manifestations of Impending death
 What is closed awareness? Mutual pretense? Open awareness?

Test taking strategy tip:

Make certain you determine who the client is in a scenario. Is the “client” the patient,
or, is the “client” now a family member who might be visiting, asking questions, caring
for an ill person, etc. The correct answers always focus on the client, but clients are not
always the person in the bed! We teach family members how to care for someone, and
in that case, for example, the family members are the clients. Make sense?!


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