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Set in a medieval fantasy land there were five kingdoms,

*bla bla*

The most prosperous Kingdom, Möhris, had a guild of mages called The Conjurers, these had a task
doing research in the magical field, it was a rare talent to be able to weave and control mana, kids would
be brought from every kingdom if they showed any hint of magic, and one of these kids was Vagus.
He used to live with his family in a farm on the outskirts of the kingdom walls, at the age of five an
accident happened, when he was playing with his friends pretending to be able to use magic, he
managed to cast a spell which burned the face of another child, the word spread and, soon enough,
guards were sent to capture him and take him to The Conjurers.
Once there, he was taught how to control his powers and to cast more powerful magic, his growth
amazed even the most powerful Conjurers, the Circle of Fifths, ten years had passed and no word from
their family had him worried, he heard news about weird creatures attacking nearby farmers, the Master
Conjurer visited him and gave him the sad news that his family had died to one of these attacks, he felt
so much hate for the conjurers he blamed them for the death of his family and almost killed the Master
conjurer had he not been stopped by the Circle of Fifths, after seeing how much power he had the
Master Conjurer told him that he could be the one to power the shield to protect the kingdom so no one
else would have to suffer, however, they wanted to open a portal to the realm of mana, they took him to
the top of the Conjurer's tower and he was lead into a room with a Relic, the Circle of Fifths stood
around him and channeled all their mana onto him which he transferred onto the relic, a beam flashed
from the top ripping apart the skies and then the fabric of space itself, a portal was opened and beams
of mana burst everywhere turning into various elements, Vagus understood he had been deceived and
that he had to close the portal or else more innocent people would perish, he managed to launch every
member of the Circle of Fifths into the portal but he could not control all the power in the relic and he
was absorbed into the portal with it and that was the last thing known of him.
On the day the portal was opened the whole continent of *XXXX* changed, the realm of mana was the
land of the Divines; their power had given knowledge to creatures, soul to objects and life to the dead.

Different tribes were born with their own rules and beliefs, but they all shared one thing, the feeling that
a world beyond their comprehension exists and a need to know more about it.

Previously mere animals, they now share human features, most of them look like a mix between humans
and animals, they feel the World Spirit is the one that changed them and as such, they believe and
practice a lot of Spiritualism in order to reach their Divine.
They protect other animals and plants thinking everyone is part of the World Spirit and will fight to
defend them.
They usually build their houses out of fallen/dead trees and live in tribes.

Humans that believed their god manifested himself on the day of the rift as the Eternal Seraph and
granted them healing powers to protect the weak, anything that praises a different Divine is heresy for
them and must be purged; they can channel their mana to their Divine by “praying”.

Many Conjurers survived the Rift and after seeing what happened, they knew their goal was real and
achievable, it was easier to control mana now and they feel attracted to a mysterious Divine.

Some humans were changed into red-skinned beasts similar to orcs who stablished their own tribe
focused on fighting; they feel like combat is what brings their Divine, Ginzu, glory.
They always get into a dispute with every other faction, and even, among themselves.
Every time they win a fight they develop tribal tattoos on their skin, they believe this is how Ginzu
praises them for their prowess in combat.

Reanimated twisted corpses or corrupted living entities, they exist solely to steal the life force of plants,
animals and even the earth itself and give it to their Divine, Vel’Gath, they will do everything in order to
achieve this, even consume each other in order attain more power.

They were engineers in Möhris, they were working with the conjurers in order to create a power source
for their automatons but after the Rift they gained the knowledge of splitting their soul and powering
objects with that, they feel they owe this to the Divine "Name".
While splitting their soul allows them to power these machines if either of them dies the other one will
also perish.

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