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232 PART | IV  Behavioral Ecology

breeding sites sets limits on their distributions. Historical which is introduced in this chapter and discussed in the
factors also play a role, as pointed out in Chapter 12. Past context of social behavior in Chapter 9. Spacing typically
and present locations of dispersal barriers, including moun- implies the spatial distribution of individuals within a spe-
tain ranges, rivers, and oceans, have excluded many species cies and, more specifically, within a local population. As
from invading areas where climatically they could survive a result, spacing usually focuses on home ranges and ter-
and flourish. Geographic distributions of species or popula- ritories.
tions can be limited by microhabitat distributions, presence
or absence of competitors or predators, or even the avail-
Home Ranges
ability of prey. Microhabitat specialists such as Xantusia
henshawi are restricted to areas with exfoliating rock; Home ranges of amphibians and reptiles usually are asso-
flat lizards in the genera Tropidurus and Platysaurus are ciated with one or more resources. The resources include
restricted to granitic outcrops in South America and South food, shelter, mates, thermoregulation sites, escape routes,
Africa, respectively. Anolis lizards on Caribbean islands and a host of other things. Home range size can vary
have evolved microhabitat specialization (see Chapter 12) between sexes, is often associated with body size, and is
in response to competition with other Anolis and thus are often influenced by population density. For species living
limited to specific microhabitats within the same habitat. in two-dimensional habitats, such as fringe-toed lizards
Dietary specialists occur only in microhabitats containing (Uma) on sand dunes in southern California or plethodon-
the prey that they eat. Horned lizards, Phrynosoma, which tid salamanders in the Great Smoky Mountains, the home
are ant specialists, do not occur in habitats lacking edible range can easily be measured as the area that encompasses
ants, and some, like Phrynosoma cornutum, may move very all the outer points within which an individual occurs. This
little while active because they sit along trails of harvester technique is called the minimum polygon method of home
ants. No single factor explains the geographic distribution range determination and does not take into consideration
of any species. At a local level, a multitude of factors influ- the amount of time or the relative frequency with which
ences spatial distributions of individuals. an individual might use different parts of the home range.
Nevertheless, it is the most widely used method of calculat-
ing home range and has many advantages. In particular, it
LOCAL DISTRIBUTION OF INDIVIDUALS can be calculated easily in the field, the measurements are
Distribution of individuals occurs at a number of levels. fairly accurate if samples are adequate, and it is based on
In the context of community ecology, species tend to be actual observations of animal occurrences. Moreover, the
associated with specific microhabitat patches (the “place” amount of overlap in home ranges between individuals in
resource or niche discussed in Chapter 12). A relatively the population can be easily calculated. The variation in
easy and informative exercise is to walk through a natu- sizes of amphibian and reptile home ranges is impressive
ral habitat and list the animal species and the microhabi- (Table 8.1). An association between body size and home
tats where they were first observed. A tabulation of these range size exists across many species, but some exceptions
data reveals that each species tends to be associated with exist. For arboreal amphibians and reptiles, measuring
specific microhabitats. Because microhabitats interdigitate, home range is much more difficult, and even defining it is
any given habitat can contain a large number of species not easy. The Amazonian lizard Anolis transversalis, for
that spatially overlap, but occupy different microhabitats. example, spends much of its life in the canopy of a single
Selection of microhabitats is enforced by competitive inter- or a few trees. The home range is three dimensional and
actions and the risk associated with activity in unfamiliar thus is a volume rather than an area. Moreover, because
places or patches. An individual may no longer be cryptic the lizard can only move on the branches and leaves within
or may be unable to escape predators in unfamiliar patches the canopy, many gaps or unusable areas exist. Neverthe-
(see Chapter 11). The distribution of amphibians and rep- less, conceptually, a three-dimensional home range is no
tiles that use wetlands, especially those that live on land but different from a two-dimensional one—they both represent
breed in water (most amphibians) or live in the water but regular use of space by individuals.
reproduce on land (turtles, most snakes), can vary consider- Home ranges can and often do vary through time or
ably on a seasonal basis as individuals move to reproduce. space; they can change radically following single events.
Within species, individuals often move within an area For some species they may not even exist. Home ranges are
that they do not defend from conspecifics, called the home not usually defended, and other individuals may use parts
range. Foraging and social activities occur in this area. of them. Overlap in home ranges among individuals can be
Adjacent home ranges can overlap or they can be com- considerable. During the nonbreeding season, many terres-
pletely exclusive. Part or all of the home range might be trial amphibians (e.g., Ambystoma maculatum, Plethodon
defended, usually against conspecifics but occasionally cinereus, Rhinella marina, Rana temporaria) have small to
against other species. This defended area is the territory, moderate-sized home ranges away from water. An individual
Chapter | 8  Spacing, Movements, and Orientation 233

TABLE 8.1  Home Range and Resource Defense in Select Amphibians and Reptiles


Taxon Area (m2) Female area Male size (mm) Terr S-S Habits

Batrachoseps pacificus 3.6 ? 42 ? ? Terrestrial

Desmognathus fuscus 1.4 ? 45 ? ? Semiaquatic

Salamandra salamandra 10 > 82 ? ? Terrestrial


Atelopus varius <20 = 25 + Terrestrial

Lithobates clamitans 65 = 60 + Semiaquatic

Eleutherodactylus marnockii 328 = 20 + Terrestrial

Ranitomeya imitator 4.6–13.5 = 22 + +

Ranitomeya variabilis 31.3–38.9 = 17 + +

Bufo bufo spinosis 570 = ≈150 – – Terrestrial

Pseudepidalea viridis 2,456 = ≈120 – – Terrestrial


Terrapene c. triungis 52,000 = 115a – – Terrestrial

Trachemys scripta 397,500 < 200a – ± Aquatic


Crocodylus niloticus 7990 < 2100b + Aquatic


Sceloporus merriami 535 < 45 + Terrestrial

Varanus olivaceus 20,500 < 450 ± + Arboreal

Xantusia riversiana 17 = 65 – + Terrestrial


Acrochordus arafurae 15,000 ? 900 – ? Aquatic

Carphophis amoenus 253 ? 215 ? ? Semifossorial

Natrix natrix 99,000 > 700 ? ? Terrestrial

Pantherophis obsoletus 5,600 < 758 – – Arboreal

Coluber constrictor 24,200 = 59 – – Terrestrial

Note: Terr = territorial, S-S = site or resource specific.

aPlastron length
bTotal length

Sources: Salamanders—Bp, Cunningham, 1960; Df, Ashton, 1975; Ss, Joly, 1968. Anurans—Av, Crump, 1986; Lc, Martof, 1953; Em, Jameson, 1955; Ri and
Rv, Brown et al., 2009; Bbs and Bv, Indermaur et al., 2009. Turtles—Tct, Schwartz et al., 1984; Ts, Schubauer et al., 1990. Crocodilians—Cn, Hutton, 1989.
Lizards—Sm, Ruby and Dunham, 1987; Vo, Auffenberg, 1988; Xr, Fellers and Drost, 1991a. Snakes—Aa, Shine and Lambreck, 1985; Ca, Barbour et al., 1969;
Nn, Madsen, 1984; Po and Cc, Carfagno and Weatherhead, 2008.

can have one or more resting and feeding sites (activity cen- occupancy of the total area adjacent to these sites delimit
ters) within its home range, but it might use a single site the individual’s home range. For species that reproduce
for a day, a week, or longer before shifting to another site. in ponds or streams, the home range breaks down during
An amphibian may not visit all sites each day or even each breeding events because adults breed in aquatic sites that are
week, but the periodic occurrence at sites and the persistent not within the home range. Terrestrial-breeding amphibians
234 PART | IV  Behavioral Ecology

(e.g., dendrobatid, mantellid, and brachycephalid frogs, ranges of these turtles are effectively linear. Adult females
Plethodon) generally deposit eggs within their home ranges. have larger home ranges than males (878 m versus 481 m,
Some spend their entire lives in a single home range. respectively), and although immature individuals have even
Crawfish frogs, Lithobates areolatus, have one of larger home ranges (1073 m), their home ranges are not
the smallest home ranges of any frog species, primarily statistically different from home ranges of adult females
because they are restricted to crayfish burrows when not because of high variability. Each turtle uses several core
breeding. Their breeding season extends for as little as 2–6 sites in the streams, with most movement occurring between
weeks during early spring, so about 10.5 months are spent core sites. Core sites usually are deep pools, contain struc-
in their burrows. The home range, based on the concept tural elements (e.g., sunken logs, beaver dens, overhanging
that it is the place where an animal spends its time and car- trees and shrubs), and are located where a tree canopy exists.
ries out most of its activities, includes a small feeding plat- The smooth softshell turtle Apalone muticus is linearly
form at the entrance of the burrow and the burrow itself; distributed in rivers throughout the southern and central
thus, calculations reveal that the home range is 0.05 m2. United States. These rivers experience drastic and unpre-
Crawfish frogs tracked for a number of years showed fidel- dictable fluctuations in water level, and flooding can cause
ity to the same burrows year after year. Abandoned cray- major changes in the physical structure of the river channel.
fish burrows provide several advantages for crawfish frogs: As a result, the home ranges of soft-shelled turtles are short-
burrows extend to the water table in years of normal rain- lived. Home ranges are associated with sandbars that change
fall and below the frostline in winter so frogs do not risk periodically due to erosion, but some softshells change the
dehydration or freezing. The crayfish burrows are mostly location of their home ranges without any apparent change
in grasslands, which can burn either naturally or anthro- of habitat (Fig. 8.1). Some individuals often move long dis-
pogenically, but frogs are not harmed during burns. When tances from their home ranges and then return, presumably
threatened by predators, frogs, which always orient with
heads toward the burrow entrance, back down the burrow,
tilt their heads to plug the burrow, and inflate their bodies
against the sides of the burrows to discourage predators.
Shape of home ranges varies considerably and is often
related to the microhabitat specificity of a species and the
physical structure of the microhabitat. In the case of craw- River flow
fish frogs discussed above, including the area covered dur-
ing the migration to the breeding site and back to the burrow
would increase the size of the home range and change its
shape radically. Semiaquatic or aquatic species (Desmog- Home range
nathus monticola, Limnonectes macrodon, mud turtles) are shift

linearly distributed along streams and lakeshores. As a con-

sequence, individuals within these populations tend to have
elongate, narrow home ranges along the stream edge or
lakeshore, or within the watercourse. The watersnake Nerodia
taxispilota is linearly distributed along rivers, streams, and
River flow
edges of ponds and lakes in the southeastern United States.
Along part of the Savannah River that divides Georgia and
South Carolina, these watersnakes are most common adja-
cent to backwater areas, such as oxbow lakes and areas
along the outside banks of curves in the river where water
velocity is highest. They commonly are found on steep
riverbanks or perched on logs and roots out of the water. 0 0.5 km
Although N. taxispilota moved an average of 270 m during
a 2-year period, most individuals moved very little. These FIGURE 8.1  Shifts in the home ranges of two female Apalone muticus
snakes are capable of long movements but often remain in in the Kansas River. Two time periods are represented: closed circles
a relatively small area because of the availability of good represent early sightings during summer, and open circles represent
perch sites. Additionally, steep banks and overhanging logs sighting approximately 1–2 months later (time periods are not the same
and roots provide some protection from aquatic and terres- for each turtle). The upper panel is a subadult that shifted its home range
1363 m upstream. The lower panel is an adult female that shifted its
trial predators. home range 1534 m upstream. Because the turtles are aquatic and live
Alligator snapping turtles (Macrochelys temminckii) live in rivers and streams, their distribution is linear. Adapted from Plummer
on the bottom of streams, lakes and ponds. In streams, home and Shirer, 1975.
Chapter | 8  Spacing, Movements, and Orientation 235

assessing the quality of other areas in the river. Other indi- by individuals. Based on long-term capture–recapture
viduals maintain approximately the same home range year studies, Arthur Dunham and his collaborators were able to
after year, even when the habitat structure changes. demonstrate that variation in home range size results from
Home range size often varies among sexes and with complex interactions between resource availability, micro-
reproductive state. Home ranges of male Sceloporus climate, and physical structure of the habitat. As in Scelo-
jarrovi are twice the size of female home ranges and porus jarrovi, home ranges of male Sceloporus merriami
increase in average size as the fall breeding season com- are larger than those of females, but geographically close
mences. In contrast, female home range size remains the populations vary greatly in home range size (Fig. 8.4). This
same (Fig. 8.2). The increase in male home range size lizard occurs across an elevational gradient in the Chisos
is due partially to a 50% reduction in male density from Mountains of west Texas. Populations at higher elevations
summer to fall and an increase in the proportion of the experience a much more mesic environment than those at
home range defended by reproductive males. By the peak low elevations. Males and females at the lowest elevations
of the breeding season, males defend the entire home at Boquillas have much smaller home ranges than individu-
range; during this time, the home range and territory are als at higher elevations, even though food availability is
the same. lowest and lizard density is highest at Boquillas. Although
In most species, home range size generally decreases it appears paradoxical that lizard density could be high
as food availability or density increases (Fig. 8.3). In at with low food availability, an interaction between repro-
least one instance, the local climate places constraints on ductive, microhabitat, and energetic requirements accounts
lizard activity that feed back on the amount of space used for the small home ranges. The environment at Boquillas
is the most extreme (high temperatures, low rainfall) along
the elevational gradient, and as a result, the amount of time
1000 available to each lizard for activity is reduced. Feeding
rates of Boquillas lizards are low, suggesting that energy
800 is more limited compared with higher-elevation popula-
Home range size (m2)

tions. High temperature also limits activity, and with food

600 already in short supply, the lizards further limit their activ-
ity, which reduces home range size. Reduced activity cou-
400 pled with low food availability ultimately feeds back on
allocation of energy for reproduction and results in lower
reproductive output. Sceloporus merriami is a sit-and-wait
females predator. In contrast, lizards that actively search for prey
would be expected to have large home ranges. Actively
May June July Aug Sept Oct
FIGURE 8.2  Seasonal variation in home range size for male and female
Sceloporus jarrovi. Breeding occurs in fall, at which time male home
ranges increase in size. Adapted from Ruby, 1978.
Area in square meters

1000 200
Density (females per hectare)








82 83 84 82 83 84 82 83 84 82 83 84 82 83 84 82 83 84
males females males females males females
0 Grapevine Hills Boquillas Maple Canyon
0 1 10 100 1000 10000
FIGURE 8.4  Home range size in Sceloporus merriami varies between
Female home-range size (m2) sexes, among years, and among three different sites in the Chisos
FIGURE 8.3  As female density increases, home range size decreases for Mountains of west Texas. Boquillas, the site with the most extreme (hot
most amphibians and reptiles, as shown here for territorial and nonterrito- and dry) environment, imposes thermal constraints on lizard activity,
rial female lizards. Adapted from Stamps, 1983. resulting in small home ranges. Adapted from Ruby and Dunham, 1987.

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