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A. Listen to a radio program about five tricks used by advertisers. Check ( X ) the
things that the woman mentions that are often used in ads:

 Free gifts  Attractive models

 Limited supplies of the product  Doctors and celebrities
 Two-for-one offers  Smiling, happy families
 Animals and nature  Good music or a good song
 Crowds of people  Recent studies
 A good slogan  Humor

B. Share your experience

 Can you think of a recent ad that made you buy the product?
 Have you bought something online but got disappointed by the product once

you got it?

C. Grammar
Look at some extracts from the listening, and complete them with the phrases A -G

1. In spite of __________, its price was really included in the magazine


2. Even though __________, and maybe don't even like them, we immediately
want to be among the lucky few who have them.

3. So as to __________, they use expressions like, “It’s a must-have...”

4. … and they combine this with a photograph o f a large group of people, so

that __________ .

5. The photo has been airbrushed in order to __________, with perfect skin,
and even more attractive than they are in real life.

6. Although __________, do you really think she colors her hair with it at

7. It was probably produced for __________, and paid for by them, too.


A. the company itself

B. the actress is holding the product in the photo
C. we can't fail to get the message
D. make us believe it
E. we don't really need the products
F. what the ad said
G. make the model look even slimmer

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