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Chapter 4


Profile of the respondents in terms of the variables age, and civil


Table 2
Profile of the respondents in terms of
variables used in this study
XVariables Categories Frequency Percentage
Younger (below 27 years
33 53.20
Age Older (27 years old and
29 46.80
Total 62 100
Single 46 74.20
Civil Status Married 16 25.80
Total 62 100


Extent of challenges encountered of the newly-hired teachers

assigned in the far-flung schools according to the areas Mode of

Transportation,Physical Facilities/Water and Food Supplies, and

Learning Environment/Resources

Table 3
Extent of challenges encountered of the newly-hired teachers
assigned in the far-flung schools according to the areas Mode of
Transportation, Physical Facilities/Water and Food Supplies, and
Learning Environment/Resources

Areas Mean Interpretation

A. Mode of Transporation    
1. Riding in “habal-habal” just to reach the station. 3.84 High Extent
2. Rent out vehicles everyday just to reach the school. 3.37 Moderate Extent
3. Using “Balsa” / Boats to cross the rivers. 2.98 Moderate Extent
4. Riding on a personal vehicles. 2.79 Moderate Extent
5. Walking for almost 20-25 kilometers. 4.26 High Extent
6. Riding on a truck with sugarcane sometimes because of
3.47 Moderate Extent
unavailability of vehicles.
7.Waiting a vehicle for almost 1 hour. 4.21 High Extent
8.Riding on a carabao, horses and etc. to reach the station. 4.21 High Extent
9.Walking for almost 1-3 hours just to reach the school. 4.23 High Extent
10.Climbing hills and carrying bags and supply of foods. 4.35 High Extent
Overall Mean 3.77 High Extent
B.Physical Facilities/Water and Food Supplies
1. Poorly maintained comfort rooms. 3.29 Moderate Extent
2. Having poor lighting. 3.94 High Extent
3. Inadequate chairs and tables in schools. 3.65 High Extent
4. Inadequate materials and equipment for the SBM Wins
3.77 High Extent
5. Using candles and “king-ki” and other lighting materials. 3.82 High Extent
6. Electricity is available but usually experienced power
3.98 High Extent
7. Lack of classrooms. 3.85 High Extent
8. Having poor ventilation in each classrooms. 3.81 High Extent
9. Insufficient water supply. 3.81 High Extent
10. Going to some rivers just to seize water supply and use for
3.60 High Extent
Overall Mean 3.75 High Extent
C. Learning Environment/ Resources
1. Handling Multi-Grade group of students/ Pupils. 3.48 Moderate Extent
2. Mismatch of the subject taught. 3.45 Moderate Extent
3. Some of the people are on the low level of literacy. 3.95 High Extent
4.Experience culture schock and adapting to a new set of
4.05 High Extent
cultural expectations and social norms.
5. Difficult to understand different language. 4.06 High Extent
6. Adjusting the topic on the level of the students. 4.32 High Extent
7. Students combined in one class. 4.05 High Extent
8. The school is vulnerable in floods and landslides. 3.90 High Extent
9. Having poor attendance of the students. 3.66 High Extent
10. Lack of Modules or books. 3.71 High Extent
Overall Mean 3.86 High Extent

Extent of challenges encountered of the newly-hired teachers

assigned in the far-flung schools when they are grouped according to
age and civil status

Table 4
Extent of challenges encountered of the newly-hired teachers
assigned in the far-flung schools when they are
grouped according to age

Categories Younger Older

Mean Interpretation Mean Interpretation
A. Mode of Transporation
1. Riding in “habal-habal” just to reach the station. 3.91 High Extent 3.76 High Extent
2. Rent out vehicles everyday just to reach the school. 3.48 Moderate Extent 3.24 Moderate Extent
3. Using “Balsa” / Boats to cross the rivers. 2.70 Moderate Extent 3.31 Moderate Extent
4. Riding on a personal vehicles. 2.85 Moderate Extent 2.72 Moderate Extent
5. Walking for almost 20-25 kilometers. 4.21 High Extent 4.31 High Extent
6. Riding on a truck with sugarcane sometimes
3.45 Moderate Extent 3.48 Moderate Extent
because of unavailability of vehicles.
7.Waiting a vehicle for almost 1 hour. 4.18 High Extent 4.24 High Extent
8.Riding on a carabao, horses and etc. to reach the
4.15 High Extent 4.28 High Extent
9.Walking for almost 1-3 hours just to reach the
4.24 High Extent 4.21 High Extent
10.Climbing hills and carrying bags and supply of
4.30 High Extent 4.41 High Extent
Overall Mean 3.75 High Extent 3.80 High Extent
B.Physical Facilities/Water and Food Supplies
1. Poorly maintained comfort rooms. 3.30 Moderate Extent 3.28 Moderate Extent
2. Having poor lighting. 3.97 High Extent 3.90 High Extent
3. Inadequate chairs and tables in schools. 3.64 High Extent 3.66 High Extent
4. Inadequate materials and equipment for the SBM
3.82 High Extent 3.72 High Extent
Wins Program.
5. Using candles and “king-ki” and other lighting
3.85 High Extent 3.79 High Extent
6. Electricity is available but usually experienced
4.03 High Extent 3.93 High Extent
power interruption.
7. Lack of classrooms. 3.88 High Extent 3.83 High Extent
8. Having poor ventilation in each classrooms. 3.85 High Extent 3.76 High Extent
9. Insufficient water supply. 3.94 High Extent 3.66 High Extent
10. Going to some rivers just to seize water supply
3.76 High Extent 3.41 Moderate Extent
and use for cooking.
Overall Mean 3.80 High Extent 3.69 High Extent
C. Learning Environment/ Resources
1. Handling Multi-Grade group of students/ Pupils. 3.42 Moderate Extent 3.55 High Extent
2. Mismatch of the subject taught. 3.45 Moderate Extent 3.45 Moderate Extent
3. Some of the people are on the low level of literacy. 4.00 High Extent 3.90 High Extent
4.Experience culture schock and adapting to a new
4.12 High Extent 3.97 High Extent
set of cultural expectations and social norms.
5. Difficult to understand different language. 4.27 High Extent 3.83 High Extent
6. Adjusting the topic on the level of the students. 4.45 High Extent 4.17 High Extent
7. Students combined in one class. 4.15 High Extent 3.93 High Extent
8. The school is vulnerable in floods and landslides. 3.91 High Extent 3.90 High Extent
9. Having poor attendance of the students. 3.55 High Extent 3.79 High Extent
10. Lack of Modules or books. 3.79 High Extent 3.62 High Extent
Overall Mean 3.91 High Extent 3.81 High Extent


Table 5
Extent of challenges encountered of the newly-hired teachers
assigned in the far-flung schools when they are
grouped according to civil status

Categories Single Married

Mea Mea
n Interpretation n Interpretation
A. Mode of Transporation
1. Riding in “habal-habal” just to reach the station. 3.78 High Extent 4.00 High Extent
2. Rent out vehicles everyday just to reach the school. 3.39 Moderate Extent 3.31 Moderate Extent
3. Using “Balsa” / Boats to cross the rivers. 2.98 Moderate Extent 3.00 Moderate Extent
4. Riding on a personal vehicles. 2.78 Moderate Extent 2.81 Moderate Extent
5. Walking for almost 20-25 kilometers. 4.26 High Extent 4.25 High Extent
6. Riding on a truck with sugarcane sometimes
3.41 Moderate Extent 3.63 High Extent
because of unavailability of vehicles.
7.Waiting a vehicle for almost 1 hour. 4.26 High Extent 4.06 High Extent
8.Riding on a carabao, horses and etc. to reach the
4.24 High Extent 4.13 High Extent
9.Walking for almost 1-3 hours just to reach the
4.24 High Extent 4.19 High Extent
10.Climbing hills and carrying bags and supply of
4.37 High Extent 4.31 High Extent
Overall Mean 3.77 High Extent 3.77 High Extent
B.Physical Facilities/Water and Food Supplies
1. Poorly maintained comfort rooms. 3.35 Moderate Extent 3.13 Moderate Extent
2. Having poor lighting. 4.02 High Extent 3.69 High Extent
3. Inadequate chairs and tables in schools. 3.63 High Extent 3.69 High Extent
4. Inadequate materials and equipment for the SBM
3.87 High Extent 3.50 High Extent
Wins Program.
5. Using candles and “king-ki” and other lighting
3.91 High Extent 3.56 High Extent
6. Electricity is available but usually experienced
4.02 High Extent 3.88 High Extent
power interruption.
7. Lack of classrooms. 3.89 High Extent 3.75 High Extent
8. Having poor ventilation in each classrooms. 3.89 High Extent 3.56 High Extent
9. Insufficient water supply. 3.83 High Extent 3.75 High Extent
10. Going to some rivers just to seize water supply
3.74 High Extent 3.19 Moderate Extent
and use for cooking.
Overall Mean 3.82 High Extent 3.57 High Extent
C. Learning Environment/ Resources
1. Handling Multi-Grade group of students/ Pupils. 3.50 High Extent 3.44 Moderate Extent
2. Mismatch of the subject taught. 3.43 Moderate Extent 3.50 High Extent
3. Some of the people are on the low level of literacy. 4.00 High Extent 3.81 High Extent
4.Experience culture schock and adapting to a new
4.13 High Extent 3.81 High Extent
set of cultural expectations and social norms.
5. Difficult to understand different language. 4.09 High Extent 4.00 High Extent
6. Adjusting the topic on the level of the students. 4.43 High Extent 4.00 High Extent
7. Students combined in one class. 4.13 High Extent 3.81 High Extent
8. The school is vulnerable in floods and landslides. 3.91 High Extent 3.88 High Extent
9. Having poor attendance of the students. 3.74 High Extent 3.44 Moderate Extent
10. Lack of Modules or books. 3.74 High Extent 3.63 High Extent
Overall Mean 3.91 High Extent 3.73 High Extent

Level of coping of the newly hired teachers assigned in the far-flung

schools according to the areas Mode of Transportation, Physical
Facilities/Water and Food Supplies, and Learning

Table 6
Level of coping of the newly hired teachers assigned in the far-flung
schools according to the areas Mode of Transportation, Physical
Facilities/Water and Food Supplies, and Learning

Areas Mean Interpretation

A. Mode of Transporation    
1. Ride with only light materials to carry/ bring. 4.18 High Level
2. Rent a vehicle you are comfortable in. Choosing an owner who you can trust on. 4.06 High Level
3. Ride with life jacket provided or floatation devices that can be used in case of
3.55 High Level
4. Ride in a squad together with the co-teachers. 3.35 Moderate Level
5. Bring supply of water, food, umbrella, an coat. 4.65 Very high Level
6.Carefully chose drivers who are trust worthy and ride together with the group. 4.39 High Level
7. Preparing ahead of time and manage the time. 4.63 Very high Level
8. Choosing an owner who you can trust on. 4.77 Very high Level
9. Have some rest, bring water and walk together with the co-teachers. 4.65 Very high Level
10. Walk/ Ride with only light materials to carry or bring. 4.58 Very high Level
Overall Mean 4.28 High Level
B.Physical Facilities/Water and Food Supplies
1. Educating students/ pupils about the cleanliness and maintenance of the
4.37 High Level
2. Asking support from the LGUs and private individuals to cope up with the
4.63 Very high Level
lighting at school.
3. Tap the parents and other stakeholders to make provisional charis, tables, and
4.56 Very high Level
classroom or even ask support from LGUs.
4. Asl assistance from stakeholders and parents to make some provisional program
4.50 Very high Level
for SBM Wins.
5. Procure candles and king-ki from the MOOE budget. Asking help from the LGUs
4.50 Very high Level
and other stakeholders to support solar flashlights.
6. Raise the problem to the school head and always prepare candles or even “king-
4.63 Very high Level
ki” all the time.
7. Make improvised classrooms by asking support from private individual, LGUs or
4.45 High Level
even parents.
8. Askig support from private individuals and LGUs to address with the
4.66 Very high Level
ventilations in school.
9. Raise the problem to the school head and make some action plan and pass it to
4.47 High Level
the LGU to address the problem.
10.Getting water in the rivers together with the squad or co-teachers for safety. 4.35 High Level
Overall Mean 4.51 Very high Level
C. Learning Environment/ Resources
1. Establishing strategies and activites in multi-grade pupils or students. 4.18 High Level
2. Learning from other subjects and make some research and techniques.
Preparing ahead of time doing istructional planning and details on how to meet the 4.27 High Level
needs of the students.
3. Respect and deal them with passion and sincerity. 4.71 Very high Level
4.Learning as much as you can their way of life and their culture at the same time. 4.66 Very high Level
5. Adapting and respecting to different language. 4.65 Very high Level
6. Adjusting the topic on the level of the students. 4.69 Very high Level
7.Considering the level of understanding of the different students. 4.76 Very high Level
8. Staying in the evacuation center and safe areas if possible. 4.61 Very high Level
9. Home Visitations every month if possible. 4.61 Very high Level
10. Inform the school heads, make some plan, ask support from the Deped and
4.53 Very high Level
Overall Mean 4.57 Very high Level

Level of coping of the newly hired teachers assigned in the far-flung

schools when they are grouped according to age and civil status

Table 7
Level of coping of the newly hired teachers assigned in the
far-flung schools when they are grouped
according to age

Categories Younger Older

Mean Interpretation Mean Interpretation
A. Mode of Transporation
1. Ride with only light materials to carry/ bring. 4.27 High Level 4.07 High Level
2. Rent a vehicle you are comfortable in. Choosing an owner who
4.21 High Level 3.90 High Level
you can trust on.
3. Ride with life jacket provided or floatation devices that can be
3.24 Moderate Level 3.90 High Level
used in case of emergency.
4. Ride in a squad together with the co-teachers. 3.52 High Level 3.17 Moderate Level
5. Bring supply of water, food, umbrella, an coat. 4.61 Very high Level 4.69 Very high Level
6.Carefully chose drivers who are trust worthy and ride together
4.42 High Level 4.34 High Level
with the group.
7. Preparing ahead of time and manage the time. 4.61 Very high Level 4.66 Very high Level
8. Choosing an owner who you can trust on. 4.82 Very high Level 4.72 Very high Level
9. Have some rest, bring water and walk together with the co-
4.73 Very high Level 4.55 Very high Level
10. Walk/ Ride with only light materials to carry or bring. 4.58 Very high Level 4.59 Very high Level
Overall Mean 4.30 High Level 4.26 High Level
B.Physical Facilities/Water and Food Supplies
1. Educating students/ pupils about the cleanliness and
4.45 High Level 4.28 High Level
maintenance of the comfort
2. Asking support from the LGUs and private individuals to cope
4.64 Very high Level 4.62 Very high Level
up with the lighting at school.
3. Tap the parents and other stakeholders to make provisional
4.58 Very high Level 4.55 Very high Level
charis, tables, and classroom or even ask support from LGUs.
4. Asl assistance from stakeholders and parents to make some
4.70 Very high Level 4.28 High Level
provisional program for SBM Wins.
5. Procure candles and king-ki from the MOOE budget. Asking
help from the LGUs and other stakeholders to support solar 4.45 High Level 4.55 Very high Level
6. Raise the problem to the school head and always prepare
4.64 Very high Level 4.62 Very high Level
candles or even “king-ki” all the time.
7. Make improvised classrooms by asking support from private
4.45 High Level 4.45 High Level
individual, LGUs or even parents.
8. Askig support from private individuals and LGUs to address
4.64 Very high Level 4.69 Very high Level
with the ventilations in school.
9. Raise the problem to the school head and make some action
4.48 High Level 4.45 High Level
plan and pass it to the LGU to address the problem.
10.Getting water in the rivers together with the squad or co-
4.30 High Level 4.41 High Level
teachers for safety.
Overall Mean 4.53 Very high Level 4.49 High Level
C. Learning Environment/ Resources
1. Establishing strategies and activites in multi-grade pupils or
4.21 High Level 4.14 High Level
2. Learning from other subjects and make some research and
techniques. Preparing ahead of time doing istructional planning 4.18 High Level 4.38 High Level
and details on how to meet the needs of the students.
3. Respect and deal them with passion and sincerity. 4.76 Very high Level 4.66 Very high Level
4.Learning as much as you can their way of life and their culture
4.64 Very high Level 4.69 Very high Level
at the same time.
5. Adapting and respecting to different language. 4.70 Very high Level 4.59 Very high Level
6. Adjusting the topic on the level of the students. 4.70 Very high Level 4.69 Very high Level
7.Considering the level of understanding of the different students. 4.82 Very high Level 4.69 Very high Level
8. Staying in the evacuation center and safe areas if possible. 4.67 Very high Level 4.55 Very high Level
9. Home Visitations every month if possible. 4.55 Very high Level 4.69 Very high Level
10. Inform the school heads, make some plan, ask support from
4.55 Very high Level 4.52 Very high Level
the Deped and stakeholders.
Overall Mean 4.58 Very high Level 4.56 Very high Level

Table 8
Level of coping of the newly hired teachers assigned in the
far-flung schools when they are grouped
according to civil status

Categories Single Married

Mean Interpretation Mean Interpretation
A. Mode of Transporation
1. Ride with only light materials to carry/ bring. 4.11 High Level 4.38 High Level
2. Rent a vehicle you are comfortable in. Choosing an owner
4.09 High Level 4.00 High Level
who you can trust on.
3. Ride with life jacket provided or floatation devices that can
3.46 Moderate Level 3.81 High Level
be used in case of emergency.
4. Ride in a squad together with the co-teachers. 3.39 Moderate Level 3.25 Moderate Level
5. Bring supply of water, food, umbrella, an coat. 4.70 Very high Level 4.50 Very high Level
6.Carefully chose drivers who are trust worthy and ride
4.41 High Level 4.31 High Level
together with the group.
7. Preparing ahead of time and manage the time. 4.59 Very high Level 4.75 Very high Level
8. Choosing an owner who you can trust on. 4.74 Very high Level 4.88 Very high Level
9. Have some rest, bring water and walk together with the
4.63 Very high Level 4.69 Very high Level
10. Walk/ Ride with only light materials to carry or bring. 4.57 Very high Level 4.63 Very high Level
Overall Mean 4.27 High Level 4.32 High Level
B.Physical Facilities/Water and Food Supplies
1. Educating students/ pupils about the cleanliness and
4.41 High Level 4.25 High Level
maintenance of the comfort
2. Asking support from the LGUs and private individuals to
4.61 Very high Level 4.69 Very high Level
cope up with the lighting at school.
3. Tap the parents and other stakeholders to make
provisional charis, tables, and classroom or even ask 4.54 Very high Level 4.63 Very high Level
support from LGUs.
4. Asl assistance from stakeholders and parents to make
4.54 Very high Level 4.38 High Level
some provisional program for SBM Wins.
5. Procure candles and king-ki from the MOOE budget.
Asking help from the LGUs and other stakeholders to 4.57 Very high Level 4.31 High Level
support solar flashlights.
6. Raise the problem to the school head and always prepare
4.57 Very high Level 4.81 Very high Level
candles or even “king-ki” all the time.
7. Make improvised classrooms by asking support from
4.46 High Level 4.44 High Level
private individual, LGUs or even parents.
8. Askig support from private individuals and LGUs to
4.67 Very high Level 4.63 Very high Level
address with the ventilations in school.
9. Raise the problem to the school head and make some
4.46 High Level 4.50 Very high Level
action plan and pass it to the LGU to address the problem.
10.Getting water in the rivers together with the squad or co-
4.43 High Level 4.13 High Level
teachers for safety.
Overall Mean 4.53 Very high Level 4.48 High Level
C. Learning Environment/ Resources
1. Establishing strategies and activites in multi-grade pupils
4.17 High Level 4.19 High Level
or students.
2. Learning from other subjects and make some research
and techniques. Preparing ahead of time doing istructional
4.22 High Level 4.44 High Level
planning and details on how to meet the needs of the
3. Respect and deal them with passion and sincerity. 4.67 Very high Level 4.81 Very high Level
4.Learning as much as you can their way of life and their
4.65 Very high Level 4.69 Very high Level
culture at the same time.
5. Adapting and respecting to different language. 4.63 Very high Level 4.69 Very high Level
6. Adjusting the topic on the level of the students. 4.74 Very high Level 4.56 Very high Level
7.Considering the level of understanding of the different
4.74 Very high Level 4.81 Very high Level
8. Staying in the evacuation center and safe areas if
4.67 Very high Level 4.44 High Level
9. Home Visitations every month if possible. 4.65 Very high Level 4.50 Very high Level
10. Inform the school heads, make some plan, ask support
4.59 Very high Level 4.38 High Level
from the Deped and stakeholders.
Overall Mean 4.57 Very high Level 4.55 Very high Level


Level of performance of the newly-hired teachers assigned in the far-

flung schools when they are grouped according to age and civil

Table 9
Level of performance of the newly-hired teachers assigned in the far-
flung schools when they are grouped according to age and civil

Variable Category N Mean Interpretation

Younger 33 4.27 Very Satisfactory

Older 29 4.45 Very Satisfactory
Single 46 4.37 Very Satisfactory
Civil Status
Married 16 4.33 Very Satisfactory

Comparative Analysis in the extent of challenges encountered of the

newly-hired teachers in the far-flung schools when they are grouped
and compared according to the aforementioned variables

Table 10
Significant difference in the extent of challenges encountered of the
newly-hired teachers in the far-flung schools on the area Mode of
Transportation when they are grouped and compared according to
the aforementioned variables

Categor Sig.
Variable N Mean Whitney p-value Interpretation
y level
Younger 33 3.75
Age 420.50 0.412 Not Significant
Older 29 3.80
Single 46 3.77
Civil Status 35.500 0.790 Not Significant
Married 16 3.77

Table 11
Significant difference in the extent of challenges encountered of the
newly-hired teachers in the far-flung schools on the area b.
Physical Facilities/Water and Food Supplies when
they are grouped and compared according
to the aforementioned variables

p- Sig.
Variable Category N Mean Whitney Interpretation
value level
Younger 33 3.80
Age 399.00 0.260 Not Significant
Older 29 3.69
Single 46 3.82
Civil Status 246.500 0.050 Significant
Married 16 3.57

Table 12
Significant difference in the extent of challenges encountered of the
newly-hired teachers in the far-flung schools on the area Learning
Environment/Resources when they are grouped
and compared according to the
aforementioned variables

Categor Sig.
Variable N Mean Whitney p-value Interpretation
y level
Younger 33 3.91
Age 379.50 0.160 Not Significant
Older 29 3.81
Single 46 3.91
Civil Status 256.000 0.070 Not Significant
Married 16 3.73


Comparative Analysis in the level of coping of the newly-hired

teachers in the far-flung schools when they are grouped and
compared according to the aforementioned variables

Table 13
Significant difference in level of coping of the newly-hired teachers
in the far-flung schools on the area Mode of Transportation when
they are grouped and compared according to the aforementioned

Categor Sig.
Variable N Mean Whitney p-value Interpretation
y level
Younger 33 4.30
Age 458.00 0.770 Not Significant
Older 29 4.26
Single 46 4.27
Civil Status 307.000 0.320 Not Significant
Married 16 4.32

Table 14
Significant difference in the level of coping of the newly-hired
teachers in the far-flung schools on the area b. Physical
Facilities/Water and Food Supplies when
they are grouped and compared according
to the aforementioned variables

Categor Sig.
Variable N Mean Whitney p-value Interpretation
y level
Younger 33 4.53
Age 425.00 0.443 Not Significant
Older 29 4.49
Single 46 4.53
Civil Status 313.000 0.369 Not Significant
Married 16 4.48

Table 15
Significant difference in the level of coping of the newly-hired
teachers in the far-flung schools on the area Learning
Environment/Resources when they are grouped
and compared according to the
aforementioned variables

Categor Sig.
Variable N Mean Whitney p-value Interpretation
y level
Younger 33 4.58
Age 471.50 0.920 Not Significant
Older 29 4.56
Single 46 4.57
Civil Status 348.000 0.745 Not Significant
Married 16 4.55


Comparative Analysis in the level of performance of the newly-hired

teachers assigned in far-flung schools when they are grouped and
compared according to the aforementioned variables

Table 16
Significant difference in the level of performance of the newly-hired
teachers assigned in far-flung schools when they are grouped and
compared according to the aforementioned variables

Mann p- Sig.
Variable Category N Mean Interpretation
Whitney U value level
Younger 33 4.27
Age 321.000 0.026 Significant
Older 29 4.45
Single 46 4.37
Civil Status 331.500 0.557 Not Significant
Married 16 4.33


Relational analysis between the extent of challenges encountered of

the newly-hired teachers assigned in the far-flung schools and the
level of performance

Table 17
Relationship between the extent of challenges encountered of the
newly-hired teachers assigned in the far-flung schools
and the level of performance

Variable rho p-value Sig. level Interpretation

Challenges Encountered
-0.071 0.585 0.05 Not Significant
Level of Performance


Relational analysis between the level of coping of the newly-hired

teachers assigned in the far-flung schools and the level of

Table 18

Relationship between the level of coping of the newly-hired

teachers assigned in the far-flung schools and
the level of performance

Variable rho p-value Sig. level Interpretation

Coping Mechanism
0.092 0.476 0.05 Not Significant
Level of Performance

Relational analysis between the extent of challenges and level

coping mechanisms of the newly-hired teachers assigned in the far-
flung schools

Table 19
Relational analysis between the extent of challenges and level of
coping mechanisms of the newly-hired teachers assigned
in the far-flung schools

Variable rho p-value Sig. level Interpretation

Challenges Encountered
0.299 0.018 0.05 Significant
Coping Mechanism

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