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This is such an awesome, descriptive, and satisfactory response to the prompt.

I love how you

approach each of the prompt in all section. In section III you went for options that I was finding
hard to me and that means I am learning something from your answers. I definitely agree with
your explanation on the goals of California missions. Everyone who is informed about the
historical event is aware that the goal was to eliminate the indigenous. Regarding the definition
of Manifest Destiny and its relation to Sea to Shining Sea, you really have a unique explanation
that is detailed and satisfactory. I also love your analysis about Deborah Miranda’s argument. I
agree with you that she wants the reader to understand this and also understand that teaching
about the Missions the way they are being taught is doing damage to the California Indians
because it’s caused Indians to lean towards alcoholism, domestic violence, horizontal racism,
and internalized hatred since their story and voices aren’t being truly heard. What stood out to
you is different from what stands out to me and that makes sense because we are different and
we all have different opinions about the situations. I would also want to comment on your
analysis of Bob Marley’s song, indeed, it was meant to narrate the story of Black resistance. The
term itself was a symbol and a description of a group of Black American Soldier who used to
help fight the native.

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