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 Alexander Flores

 Kevin Matabay
 Gabriela Loza

Unit 14
So that’s what it means!

Before reading:

Are there any differences or expectations between how people date in different
regions of your country? Discuss in small groups.

No, In most regions of your country, people are the same, the guys get to know each other
and if they like each other, the continue dating until they form a relationship.
Sometimes, people go on dates when they invite them out for dinner, take a coffee or go to
the movies. People date on trip or when they go to dancing too.

After reading:

Answer the following questions.

1. What is the main problem the author had with his move?
The main problem about his move to Midwest, occurred when he went out with someone
3 times you had what they called: "a relationship." He had never heard that term.

2. Describe the dating scene in California.

In California people never assume of exclusivity when you dated someone. Most people
dated multiple people.

3. Describe the dating scene in the Midwest.

In the Midwest, when a person goes on three dates, it is considered a relationship and the
person is considered married.

4. What is a blind date?

A blind date means that two people do not know each other very well but go on a date
without knowing each other.

5. What is the “surprise” ending?

In the end, the guy who initially went on a blind date and then went out a couple of times
with the girl, finished up married.
6. Based on what you read, what do you think some differences are between California
and the Midwest?

In California, most people dated multiple people, there was an assumption of exclusivity
when you dated. While in Midwest, with 3 dates, practically you were already married

Follow-up activity:

Write a list of dating do’s and don’ts for the region you come from.

On dates must be done:

On a date is important to ask what you want to eat for dinner.

On a date is important to ask what is the favorite place that she go to dance.

On dates shouldn´t do:

On a date, you should never interact with your partner until you know everything about his
or her tastes.

On a date you shouldn´t talk more, is important shows interest for the live of your partner.
Unit 14
So that’s what it means!

Mr. Sensitive Comments: California vs. American Midwest—

Different Meanings
California's "Opt-In Exclusivity"

I grew up in California. There was never an assumption of exclusivity when you dated
someone. Most people dated multiple people.

At some point, if you were feeling serious about the person that you were dating, you
would raise the issue, "Should we keep dating other people?" If both people agreed to stop
dating others, it would be called: going steady, serious, committed, engaged, or just crazy.

We didn't consider any of this a California thing, it was just the way that people dated.

Trouble in the American Midwest

After college I moved to the Midwest (a move that few Californians make, for some
reason). I got into a lot of trouble that first year.

Three Dates = Practically Married

I invited a woman I had just met to dinner, and then discovered that we were practically
married in her mind. At first I thought that she was strange. It could just be her, I thought.
But I came to realize that she was the norm in the Midwest. In the Midwest if you went out
with someone 3 times you had what they called: "a relationship." I had never heard that
term in California. After 3 dates, it was just assumed that you were not dating anyone else.

The Third Date

I escaped the Midwest as quickly as I could and fled back to California. After graduate
school I moved back to the Midwest, but a big city this time. Shortly after moving I was out
to dinner with some locals and they asked if I was meeting any women. I told them that I
had gone on a blind date with someone, and had been out with her a couple of times. One
of the locals warned, "Be careful, if you go out with someone here 3 times, you are as good
as married."

She was right. I married this blind date less than a year later.

Adapted from

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