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Focusing on what market wants: In this fast world expectations and needs of customers change
very quickly. In a densely populated country like Bangladesh customers’ needs are more
versatile. A company should always focus how the market is changing. In special situations they
should be ready to modify and improve their plans and strategies. If company knows and ready
to provide what customers want then the marketing communication will be strong.
2. Use of IMC to Maximize Impact on Customers: IMC (Integrated Marketing Communication)
builds a multipurpose bridge between customers and brand. IMC works with all the marketing
communication tools so that customers and brand is all over engaged. It helps to detect how
brand is performing and what is left to do. Though IMC needs more effort and time but it helps
to solve many problem altogether. If a company is willing to maximize customers involvement
IMC is very important.
3. Following Emerging Marketing Trend: In market brands always try to bring up new marketing
trends to catch customers’ attention. So when a trend becomes popular and accepted by
customers, all the brands try to follow that. Otherwise a brand might be left behind in the
market. As marketing trends are constantly changing brand should be updated according to
trends which will help them in more customer engagement.

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