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International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2004; 14: 155–166

Aetiology, diagnosis and treatment of posterior cross-bites in

Blackwell Publishing, Ltd.

the primary dentition


Department of Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, Westmead Centre for Oral Health,
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Summary. Introduction. Children who present with a posterior cross-bite in the

primary dentition may be predisposed to long-term detrimental consequences if the
condition is left untreated. Controversy exists in the literature as to the most appropriate
time to treat this condition.
Objectives. The aim of this review is to evaluate the need for correcting posterior cross-
bites in the primary dentition based on the current understanding of the aetiology, like-
lihood of self-correction, and consequences of various forms of this malocclusion
persisting into the mixed and permanent dentitions. A review of the reported treatment
options for management of this condition is also presented.
Methods. Literature pertaining to the epidemiology and management of posterior cross-
bites in the primary dentition are reviewed.
Conclusion. Posterior cross-bites in the primary dentition are relatively common and
their causes are numerous. Because a significant proportion of posterior cross-bites self-
correct beyond the primary dentition, routine correction in the primary dentition phase
cannot be advocated. A unilateral posterior cross-bite as a result of a functional dis-
placement of the mandible is one of the few malocclusions which should be considered
for correction in the primary dentition. Further research is needed in the management
of this condition.

Recognizing conditions which predispose young
children to malocclusions is an important part of any
comprehensive paediatric dental assessment. Detection
of these conditions in the primary dentition can allow
either intervention or monitoring on an effective basis
[1]. Deciding when or even whether to treat an
orthodontic problem in the primary dentition is a
controversial issue [2,3]. A condition that typifies
this controversy is the treatment of a posterior cross-
bite in the primary dentition (Fig. 1).

Correspondence: M. Malandris, Department of Paediatric Dentistry Fig. 1. Example of a posterior cross-bite in the primary
and Orthodontics, Westmead Centre for Oral Health, Darcy dentition.
Road, Westmead, NSW 2145, Australia. E-mail: mmal9885@mail.

© 2004 BSPD and IAPD 155

156 M. Malandris & E. K. Mahoney

Fig. 2. Flow diagram showing common

clinical manifestations of posterior cross-
bite in the primary dentition and the way
in which they arise. The terminology used
in the literature to describe the various
clinical manifestations can vary considerably
and cause confusion. The classification shown
below is adapted from Proffit [5].

Posterior cross-bite has been defined as a trans- reporting between 55% and 92% of these maloc-
verse discrepancy in arch relationship in which the clusions failing to self-correct beyond the primary
palatal cusps of one or more of the upper posterior teeth dentition stage [9,13,17,18].
do not occlude in the central fossae of the opposing Treatment of posterior cross-bites in the primary
lower teeth [4]. Clinical manifestations of posterior dentition has been advocated for better long-term
cross-bite are shown in Fig. 2. A posterior cross-bite stability, reduction in overall treatment complexity
may be unilateral or bilateral when a patient bites and time, and better functional and/ or aesthetic end
into maximal intercuspation, and the cross-bite is results [1,19]. Conversely, orthodontic treatment is
usually described in terms of which teeth (maxillary often postponed until the mixed or permanent denti-
or mandibular) are displaced from their normal posi- tion stages in order to allow time for possible spon-
tion [5]. The majority of posterior cross-bites in the taneous correction of the malocclusion, to avoid
primary dentition appear to be unilateral rather than multiple treatment phases (as a result of relapse or
bilateral [6–10]. other orthodontic problems which do not manifest
The reported prevalence of posterior cross-bite in until later), and to ensure the patient has reached a
the primary dentition varies from 1% to 16%, depend- developmental stage at which cooperation towards
ing upon the population sampled, with Caucasian and self-motivation for treatment is more likely
populations generally exhibiting a higher prevalence [2,20].
than African and Asian populations [6–8,11–15]. It The purpose of this review is to determine whether
is thought that this difference between racial groups there are any indications for treating posterior cross-
may be, in part, caused by cultural variation in the bites in the primary dentition by describing the
prevalence of sucking habits among these popula- causes and the consequences of a cross-bite persisting
tions [8,16]. The proportion of posterior cross-bites into the mixed and permanent dentitions. Finally, the
of the primary dentition which persist into the indications and contraindications of the various
permanent dentition varies, with longitudinal studies treatment modalities which can be used for posterior

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Posterior cross-bites 157

cross-bite correction in the primary dentition are acquisition of normal speech, results in scarring and
discussed. inhibition of mid-facial growth [21]. Posterior cross-
bites in these patients are most commonly treated
in the mixed or permanent dentition, when a number
Aetiology and diagnosis
of other orthodontic and surgical interventions may
A transverse discrepancy in arch relationship result- be required.
ing in a posterior cross-bite may be skeletal or dental
in origin, or often a combination of both. Transverse Soft-tissue influence and habits. Jaw growth and tooth
problems in the primary dentition can also lead to alignment can be altered by many soft-tissue factors
occlusal interferences, particularly in the canine and habits. During this rapid growth period for the
region, which may then lead to a functional shift of child, tongue position and size, mouth breathing,
the mandible anteriorly or laterally [1]. A summary non-nutritive sucking (such as digit or pacifier sucking),
of the possible causes of posterior cross-bite in the and jaw-posture habits can all contribute to the
primary dentition is seen in Table 1. development of a posterior cross-bite [4]. In managing
the posterior cross-bite, these influences should be
considered and habit correction strategies imple-
mented, if possible before embarking on orthodontic
Posterior cross-bites in the primary dentition com- treatment.
monly arise as a result of a narrow maxilla that may Several studies have shown that significant maxil-
be a result of genetic or environmental influences, lary constriction is associated with sucking habits
or usually, a combination of both. The diagnosis of which continue longer than 24 months of age [16,
posterior cross-bite is often complicated by skeletal 22–26]. The effect the sucking habit will have on
and dental discrepancies in the sagittal and vertical narrowing the maxillary arch will depend on the
dimensions. Patients with a severe antero-posterior intensity (number of hours per day) of the habit as
skeletal discrepancy class II can present with a well as the duration in years [16,24]. Non-nutritive
complete buccal cross-bite, and patients with class III sucking is also associated with anterior open bite,
malocclusion can have bilateral posterior cross-bite increased over-jet and class II malocclusion [14,23,27].
with normal maxillary and mandibular arch widths In a prospective study of 372 children from Iowa,
[1]. Growth in the transverse direction can be impeded USA, who had their sucking habit monitored from
by interference with the mid-palatal suture at an birth until 4–5 years of age, the greatest changes in
early age, such as that seen in patients with a cleft dental arch and occlusal characteristics were seen
palate who have undergone surgical repair of the when a sucking habit continued beyond 48 months
cleft. These patients are predisposed to developing [23]. In 71% of children with a habit that persisted
posterior cross-bites because early repair of the cleft up to or beyond 48 months, there was evidence of
(before 2 years of age), in order to facilitate the anterior open bite, posterior cross-bite or increased

Table 1. Possible causes of posterior cross-bite in the primary dentition.

Type Cause
Developmental Transverse discrepancy between the maxilla and mandible
Anteroposterior skeletal discrepancy
Cleft palate, and other malformations of the head and neck
Pathology Unilateral condylar hypoplasia or hyperplasia
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
Soft-tissue influence and habits Neonatal intubation resulting in trauma to or prolonged pressure on the palate [44]
Early weaning and associated low-impact muscular activity from bottle feeding [14]
Non-nutritive sucking
Functional shift to achieve maximal intercuspation
Adaptive swallowing behaviour
Open mouth posture/ predominant mouth breathing
Low tongue position
Conditions associated with decreased tonic muscle activity
Scarring as a result of post-traumatic injury (e.g. burns)

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over-jet, whereas less than 35% of children displayed Functional posterior cross-bites. A functional pos-
any of these malocclusions if the habit ceased before terior cross-bite in the primary dentition results from
48 months of age. Posterior cross-bites accounted the mandible shifting into an abnormal position due
for 29% of the malocclusions observed in the to the presence of tooth interferences. This position
children with a sucking habit that persisted beyond is often more comfortable for the child [31]. A func-
4 years of age. More recent findings from this tional posterior cross-bite is typically a result of a
same cohort revealed that pacifier use beyond the mild bilateral constriction of the upper arch, which
age of 24 months was associated with a significantly forces the mandible to displace laterally (or anteriorly)
greater prevalence of posterior cross-bite, mainly to a position that is more comfortable [1,4]. This
as a result of an increase in mandibular arch displacement prevents the posterior teeth occluding
width, with maxillary growth remaining relatively in a cusp-to-cusp relationship, as would occur in
stable [22]. centric relation (retruded jaw position) [32]. Methods
A prospective study of 148, 3-year-old Finnish of determining whether a patient is undergoing
children considered the effect of early weaning and mandibular displacement on closure have been
non-nutritive sucking on occlusion [14]. This study described by several authors [4,20,31,33].
reported that posterior cross-bite was associated with
early weaning, and it was suggested that this was
Benefits of early intervention versus
caused by interference with normal development of the
consequences of non-self-correcting posterior
alveolar ridges and the hard palate as a result of the
comparatively lower-impact muscular activity asso-
ciated with bottle feeding. The implications of long-standing skeletal malocclu-
Jaw-posture habits such as routinely posturing the sions are commonly debated among investigators
mouth open can also inhibit transverse maxillary and practitioners [34]. As previously indicated, there
growth. This is because the tongue is not positioned is evidence that the majority of posterior cross-bite
within the maxillary arch to counter the effect of the malocclusions do not correct themselves. The long-
inward cheek pressure. Breathing obstruction, often term consequences of not treating a posterior cross-
as a result of adeno-tonsillar enlargement, is asso- bite early, therefore, need to be understood in order
ciated with mouth breathing and altered head to justify correction during the primary dentition
posture, and also leads to a significant increase in the stage. Orthodontic treatment of posterior cross-bites
prevalence of posterior cross-bite [28–30]. Another during this period is considered desirable when it
group of patients at risk of developing a posterior cross- may have a positive effect on the factors described
bite as a result of an open mouth posture are those below.
with various forms of cerebral palsy and conditions
associated with muscle hypotonia.
Chewing function and the temporo-mandibular joint
Occlusal interferences are more prevalent in chil-
dren with a posterior cross-bite. Because bruxism
In addition to a thorough history and examination can be triggered by occlusal interferences [35], chil-
of the child in the dental chair, observing study dren with posterior cross-bite may be at increased
models for adequacy of width or depth of the palatal risk of bruxing, which could lead to significant tooth
vault, or abnormal axial inclination of the molar teeth surface loss. A recent study by Thilander et al. [36]
will help to distinguish those cross-bites which are showed that this may occur in the primary dentition.
primarily skeletal from those which are primarily The effect that these occlusal interferences have on
dental in origin [5]. The nature of the skeletal discre- the temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) are unclear.
pancy may be further assessed by analysing a postero- Most investigators agree that occlusal factors play
anterior cephalometric radiograph [1]. It is important only a minor contributory role in the aetiology of
to note that there are few cross-bites of dental origin TMJ pain and dysfunction, while factors such as
observed in the primary dentition because most stress-related grinding or clenching habits play a
dental cross-bites are a result of crowding [4] and much greater role [37,38]. Although the extent to
significant crowding in the primary dentition is which malocclusions in the primary dentition can
rare [20]. lead to long-term temporo-mandibular disorders is

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Posterior cross-bites 159

still greatly disputed, posterior cross-bites with a children [46], but it appears that no studies have
shift on closure are one of the malocclusions analysed the effect of posterior cross-bites on degluti-
which correlate consistently with TMJ problems tion in the primary dentition. However, good oral motor
[32,36,39–43]. This is thought to be a result of the function is essential for sucking, swallowing and
asymmetric condylar positioning and contralateral feeding, and is the basis for speech sound development.
dental arch asymmetry (cross-bite side towards
class II sagittal relationship and non-cross-bite side
Space considerations
towards class I relationship) that is associated with
such a functional shift [1]. Therefore, the early cor- Expanding a narrow maxilla increases both arch
rection of functional unilateral posterior cross-bites, width and circumference [47]. If this is carried out
associated with a functional shift, may be indicated early, before extensive root formation of the permanent
based on assessment of the degree of disruption to teeth, this may help to promote normal eruption, and
normal TMJ function. therefore, prevent the cross-bite from persisting into
the mixed and permanent dentitions [48]. In some
patients, therefore, it may be possible to reduce the
risk of future crowding by correcting a posterior
Certain skeletal malocclusions are routinely judged cross-bite early, but randomized, controlled clinical
as non-aesthetic by patients or their carers, and may trials are required to confirm or refute this.
lead to varying amounts of distress, depending on
the individual’s values and self-confidence [34]. In From this review of the consequences of not cor-
the case of unilateral posterior cross-bites in the pri- recting a posterior cross-bite early, it appears that the
mary dentition, a facial asymmetry, as a result of a only clear indication for correction in the primary
lateral mandibular displacement, results in lower mid- dentition is in cases where aesthetics or function
line discrepancy and deviation of the chin towards the may otherwise be compromised. For example, the
cross-bite side [1]. This may be seen as a significant correction of a functional posterior cross-bite during
deviation from normal facial aesthetics, particularly the primary dentition stage may reduce the risk of
by the parent or caregiver, and may be an indication undesirable growth modification more effectively
for treatment in the primary dentition. Although a than if correction was carried out at a later stage.
young child with an uncorrected posterior cross-bite Further research is required, however. In addition,
may have a facial asymmetry only as a result of a func- each case needs to be assessed individually since many
tional shift, a long-term consequence of this functional of the treatment modalities described below depend
shift could be a displaced resting posture, which can on an intact dentition and a certain level of patient
lead to the production of an undesirable growth cooperation.
modification [4]. The result of this would be a facial
asymmetry of skeletal origin. Bilateral cross-bites,
Treatment modalities
in contrast, are not associated with any such facial
asymmetry. Overall, there are three basic approaches to manag-
ing posterior cross-bites in the primary dentition:
1 Correct any habit that has contributed to the aeti-
Speech and deglutition
ology of the cross-bite or monitor for spontaneous
Patients are commonly referred by speech patho- correction.
logists to paediatric dentists for assessment of severe 2 Remove tooth interferences or generate cuspal
posterior cross-bites as a possible aetiological agent guidance that prevents the patient from biting
for poor speech. There is some evidence to suggest into functional cross-bite. This approach may be
that posterior cross-bites in the primary dentition considered when there is a unilateral cross-bite
may be linked to speech abnormalities, such as poor associated with a canine-guided functional shift.
speech intelligibility and greater speech nasality 3 Actively expand a constricted maxillary arch using
[44], as well as defective articulation of sounds such as one of several removable or fixed appliances. For
‘r’, ‘s’ and ‘l’ [45]. One Spanish study did find an asso- dental and most forms of skeletal posterior cross-
ciation between unilateral posterior cross-bites and bites with an intermolar arch width differential
abnormal swallowing patterns in 10- to 15-year-old of greater than one millimetre, these cannot be

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predictably corrected by removal of tooth interfer- radiographs reveal that they are no longer covered
ences alone, and so arch expansion is required. Some by bone, appliance therapy should be delayed until
of the expansion appliances may serve an additional the mixed dentition phase to avoid the molars erupt-
function by helping to eliminate certain contributory ing into cross-bite after the primary teeth have already
habits such as digit sucking. been moved [31,57]. The early loss of primary molars
As indicated in Table 2, there are a wide variety of as a result of caries may also necessitate delaying
treatment modalities which have been used to correct treatment, probably until the late mixed or early
posterior cross-bites in the primary dentition. Some permanent dentition stage [31].
of these correction strategies appeal to clinicians If correction of the posterior cross-bite is indic-
because of their simplicity or their efficiency in ated at the primary dentition stage and the dentition
achieving a desired effect. As with any clinical inter- is intact, there are advantages and disadvantages in
vention, there are limitations to what can be achieved using either removable or fixed appliances. Remov-
with each particular treatment modality. One of the able appliances are advantageous because they require
most important considerations is the need for patient very little operative time, but fixed appliances such
cooperation for many of these procedures. By the as quad helix or W-arch appliances can be more
age of 5 years, many patients will have developed suitable because they are less dependent on patient
a certain level of initiative that would enable them to cooperation and deliver continuous rather than cyc-
cooperate with a number of these correction strategies, lical loads of force. Few clinicians would advocate
but there will be considerable individual variation using RMEs at the primary dentition stage, probably
[49]. Patients with certain forms of cerebral palsy because there are documented cases of changes in
and conditions associated with muscle hypotonia may facial morphology during this stage of development
be unable to cooperate with normal habit-correction as a result of this form of expansion [58]. However,
strategies because of physical and/or learning there are studies which document successful (and
disabilities, but may respond well to other combined possibly more effective) correction of posterior cross-
therapies [50–52]. Finally, the wearing of an appliance bites in the primary dentition with RMEs compared
relies on the presence of sound abutment teeth and to conventional expansion appliances [33,48,53,59].
a dentition that is not about to be modified by the A cost-benefit analysis, as described by several authors,
emergence of permanent teeth. is a useful exercise to implement prior to undertaking
Orthodontic appliances used to correct posterior a particular course of treatment [17,60,61].
cross-bites in the primary dentition may result in
side-effects which may be of some benefit to the
Outcomes of correction
patient. The orthodontic forces which are only con-
sidered light enough to tip teeth in later stages of Although the physical limitations of each treatment
development may also result in some skeletal change modality can be measured, what is of greatest clinical
during the primary dentition phase because there is interest is the outcome of implementing posterior
less interdigitation of the mid-palatal suture [1]. The cross-bite treatment in the primary dentition under
orthodontic appliance may also act as a habit modifi- controlled clinical research conditions. Unfortunately,
cation (or elimination) device since it acts to remind few randomized or controlled clinical trials have
the child when the offending digit has been placed been conducted which provide clinicians with the
in the mouth. There are reports that rapid maxillary necessary evidence to support the implementation of
expansion appliances (RMEs) may also be an aid in many of these treatment modalities. Harrison [62],
alleviating nasal airway constriction that may have in an extensive literature search on posterior cross-
contributed to constricting the maxilla in the first bites in the primary and permanent dentition for the
place [53–56]. However, the effect of rapid expan- Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, only
sion can vary from no appreciable change to marked found 13 studies over the past 32 years to be of a
improvement in nasal airflow depending on the cause, sufficient standard to be classified either as random-
location and severity of the nasal obstruction [55]. ized or controlled clinical trials. Of those studies
One factor that may impact on whether to treat the relevant to the correction of posterior cross-bites in
cross-bite in the primary dentition is the expected the primary dentition, only one controlled clinical
timing of eruption of the first permanent molars. If trial provided a clinically significant outcome. This
the first permanent molars have not erupted, but study, by Lindner [63], evaluated the effect of

© 2004 BSPD and IAPD, International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 14: 155–166
Table 2. Treatment options for the posterior cross-bite in the primary dentition: their indications and contraindications, and the advantages and disadvantages of their use. References
to studies which investigate each of the treatment modalities are given in parentheses.
Treatment modality Effect and duration
and references of treatment phase Indications Contraindications Advantages Disadvantages
No treatment [9,63] Nil When spontaneous Nil No cost Low success rate
correction of the No intervention
cross-bite is more likely
(e.g. post-habit cessation)
When further orthodontic
and/or surgical
treatment is anticipated
Selective grinding Removes premature Unilateral functional Uncooperative Minimal cost Few specific indications
(equilibration) at a contacts which cross-bites as a result of patients Minimal intervention Persistent habits which
© 2004 BSPD and IAPD, International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 14: 155–166

plane approx. 45 ° to contribute to a mostly canine High success rate contribute to cross-bite
the tooth axis [9,63] functional cross-bite interference [63] reported for indicated must first be eliminated
Correction evident cases [63]
after a 5-year
Bonded composite Removes premature Unilateral functional Uncooperative Minimal cost Few specific indications
guiding cusps with contacts cross-bites and with patients Minimal intervention Relies on patient
equilibration and Approximately maxilla: mandible High success rate cooperation.
functional shift 6-month correction intermolar arch width reported for indicated Persistent habits which
correction [66] phase differential of less than cases [66] contribute to cross-bite
1·4 mm must first be eliminated
Slow and semi-rapid Approximately 70– Functional or skeletal Uncooperative (1) Low level of (1) High level of technical
maxillary expansion 80% of the expansion cross-bites requiring up patients technical difficulty difficulty (Coffin spring)
(up to 2 mm per is a result of buccal to 4 mm intermolar Good control and cyclical nature of as a result of
month) tipping and expansion of force ( jackscrew appliance) expansion forces (screw)
(1) Removable approximately 20– Skeletal unilateral Coffin spring can Speech and swallowing
appliances: Upper 30% is caused by cross-bites can be provide differential Long treatment phase
expansion plate with midpalatal suture corrected by Patients with expansion along the Not cost-effective

Posterior cross-bites
jackscrew or Coffin opening [19] modifications to missing primary arch Patient cooperation
spring [4,65,67,68] Requires some appliances for molars or required
over-expansion differential expansion erupting Retention may be poor
by 2–3 mm between right and left permanent first
(1) Mean active sides molars
phase of 4–7 months,
followed by a retention
phase of 2–4 months

© 2004 BSPD and IAPD, International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 14: 155–166

M. Malandris & E. K. Mahoney
Table 2. Continued
Treatment modality Effect and duration
and references of treatment phase Indications Contraindications Advantages Disadvantages
(2) Fixed banded or (2) Mean active phase Some evidence to Uncooperative (2) Continuous force (2) For appliances with
bonded appliances of 2–3 months, suggest that fixed patients during active phase of bonded bite planes, plaque
(bands on upper followed by retention appliances may Patients with treatment retention is high and
primary second molars phase of 1–3 months achieve slightly more missing primary Few visits required removal is difficult
or acrylic blocks intermolar expansion molars or Cost-effective. For quad helix, posterior
bonded to upper (up to 6 mm) [71] erupting May help eliminate a coils may impinge on
primary canines permanent first sucking habit palatal mucosa
and molars): molars Quad and W-arch can Relies on patient
Porter W-arch provide differential cooperation
appliance [57,69,70] or expansion along arch
Quad helix Easy-to-insert bonded
[19,57,71,72] appliances
(3) Transpalatal arch Greater than 10 mm Functional cross-bites Cross-bites with an Rapid expansion May cause short-term
appliance with Coffin maxillary expansion caused by a maxillary intermolar arch permits greatest dizziness following
or omega loop [64,73] after 2–4 weeks (up constriction that width differential orthopaedic effect of activation
Rapid maxillary to 50% because of contributes to an < 4 mm all appliances, helping Diastema opening may
expansion (0·2– sutural separation) intermolar arch Patients with to optimize skeletal alarm some patients or
0·5 mm per day) 3–6 months retention width differential of anterior open bite expansion parents
(a) Haas expander 2–4 mm over- greater than 4 mm tendency and steep May produce significant
[33,74] expansion required mandibular plane undesirable alteration to
(b) Minne expander Downward angle nasal contours, such as
(may also be used for and forward Uncooperative nasal hump formation and
slow maxillary displacement patients paranasal swelling
expansion) of maxilla Patients with Longer retention periods
[48,53,55,57,58, Opening of a missing primary required
75,76] diastema between molars or erupting
upper incisors permanent first
Increase in width of molars
floor of nasal cavity
Posterior cross-bites 163

selective grinding of premature contacts of primary

teeth in 76, 4-year-old children from Stockholm,
Sweden, exhibiting a unilateral posterior cross-bite. With up to 45% of posterior cross-bites in the primary
The outcome of this study was that an 85% success dentition self-correcting with continued development of
rate could be predicted if selective grinding was the dentition, there is no evidence at the present time to
undertaken to correct these functional posterior cross- support the routine correction of cross-bites in the primary
bites, as long as the initial inter-canine width differen- dentition, as opposed to the early mixed dentition.
tial was greater than 3·3 mm and there was virtually The treatment of posterior cross-bites of the
no discrepancy in intermolar width (less than primary dentition can only be advocated when not
0·5 mm). treating this condition in the primary dentition pre-
While the results of some studies which evaluate disposes the child to long-term detrimental conse-
the effect of implementing various treatment modal- quences. A unilateral posterior cross-bite as a result
ities for posterior cross-bite correction in the pri- of a functional displacement of the mandible is
mary dentition are inconclusive [64], many other thought to carry such a risk if left uncorrected. The
studies cited in Table 2 report high success rates for associated detrimental consequences could include
treatment in the primary dentition. Although many TMJ dysfunction and deviation from normal facial
of these studies would be excluded from such a aesthetics. Before any treatment is contemplated,
rigorous assessment process as is carried out for however, it is important to determine that the child
reviews in the Cochrane Collaboration, there is still will be able to cooperate with appliance or other
considerable clinical value in some of these research corrective therapy, and that there is an intact denti-
findings. In a longitudinal study by De Boer and tion that is not about to undergo significant change
Steenks [65], cross-bite correction with an upper during the correction phase.
removable expansion plate using a jackscrew suc- When treatment is indicated in the primary denti-
cessfully treated primary dentition posterior cross- tion, posterior cross-bites with an intermolar arch
bites in 23 out of 27 patients (85%) who initially width differential of greater than one millimetre will
participated in the study, after an 8-year follow-up. require some form of upper-arch expansion with a
Out of the four remaining patients, two had dropped removable or fixed appliance. The most popular and
out of the study and two showed a relapse of the cross- successful forms of expansion appliances reported
bite, but had also developed a class III tendency. for use in the primary dentition include the remov-
This study highlighted the difficulty in measuring able upper expansion plate with jackscrew or fixed
success for cross-bite correction since 11 of the lingual arch appliances. Although a considerable
participating subjects had asked for advice at follow- number of studies investigating the effects of cor-
up regarding a second orthodontic treatment phase, recting posterior cross-bites have been conducted,
although in most cases (nine out of 11) this was because the outcomes of most of these cannot be judged
of a malocclusion that was unrelated to their cross- to be clinically significant. Selective grinding of
bite that was diagnosed at the initial assessment. The premature contacts of the primary teeth is the only
practitioner who is considering cross-bite correction clinically proven treatment modality for posterior
must, therefore, decide whether intervention during cross-bite correction in the primary dentition, but is
the primary dentition will have significant benefits only indicated for mild forms of unilateral posterior
for an individual, given that a second phase of ortho- cross-bite associated with a functional shift.
dontic treatment may be required later.
In terms of the harmful side-effects of treatment, Résumé. Les enfants présentant un inversé d’articulé
the most common detrimental effects from correct- en denture temporaire peuvent être prédisposés à
ing posterior cross-bites include the limited co- long terme à des conséquences défavorables en
operation of young patients, gingival irritation and l’absence de traitement. Le moment le plus approprié
enamel decalcification. Other less commonly reported pour ce traitement reste l’objet de controverse.
side-effects are changes to nasal morphology, sensations Objectifs. Cette revue a pour objectif d’évaluer
of dizziness and transient diastema opening between le besoin de correction des inversés d’articulé
the central incisors following rapid expansion postérieurs en denture temporaire, à partir des
[55,58] and tooth sensitivity following selective connaissances actuelles sur l’étiologie, la possibilité
grinding. d’auto-correction et les conséquences de différentes

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formes de cette malocclusion persistant en denture Objetivos. El propósito de esta revisión es evaluar
mixte et permanente. Une revue des options de la necesidad de corregir las mordidas cruzadas
traitement pour la prise en charge de ce trouble sera posteriores en la dentición temporal basándose en el
également présentée. conocimiento actual de la etiología, probabilidad de
Méthodes. Analyse de la littérature relative à autocorrección y consecuencias de las diferentes
l’épidémiologie et à la prise en charge des inversés formas de esta maloclusión cuando persisten en la
d’articulés postérieurs en denture temporaire. dentición mixta y permanente. También se presentará
Conclusion. Les inversés d’articulés postérieurs en una revisión de las opciones de tratamiento de esta
denture temporaire sont relativement communs et alteración.
de causes multiples. En raison de la proportion signific- Métodos. Se revisará la literatura perteneciente a
ative de correction spontanée, l’intervention systématique la epidemiología y tratamiento de las mordidas
ne peut être admise. L’inversé d’articulé consécutif cruzadas posteriores en la dentición temporal.
à un déplacement fonctionnel de la mandibule est une Conclusión. Las mordidas cruzadas posteriores en la
des rares formes à pouvoir être traitées en denture dentición temporal son relativamente comunes y sus
temporaire. Des études ultérieures sont nécessaires causas son numerosas. Debido a una proporción
quant à la prise en charge de ce problème. significativa de mordidas cruzadas posteriores
autocorregidas después de la dentición temporal,
Zusammenfassung. Kinder mit posteriorem Kreuzbiss no puede recomendarse su corrección rutinaria en
im Milchgebiss könnten, falls eine Therapie unter- dentición decidua. Una mordida cruzada posterior
bleibt, prädisponiert sein für ungünstige Langzeit- como resultado de un desplazamineto funcional de
folgen. Der richtige Behandlungszeitpunkt für diese la mandíbula es una de las pocas maloclusiones que
Situation wird in der Literatur kontrovers diskutiert. deberían considerarse para su corrección en la
Ziele. Ziel dieser Übersichtsarbeit ist es, die Indika- dentición temporal. Son necesarias más investi-
tion zur Behandlung eines posterioren Kreuzbisses gaciones en el tratamiento de esta alteración.
im Milchgebiss zu evaluieren auf der Basis des derzei-
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