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The ECan) CAC ae Lx Introduction Ml the references are ee eee feed ra gece ay cece acme, Weare told that thanks to vaccines, deadly leases have been eradicated Doctor hve yal ital Tom tin ier beeen eed Ws evened tat we tc vac ‘the garbage! baa ace poate ee ree ee ae a ra cee yw setu monwra‘ase Vaccines contain known carcinogens Gncluding formaldehyde and polysorbate 80) and childhood cancers are continuously climbing. (See box on page 5) n August 11, 1997, my eighth child was bor. “Twomenthelater trookhim fora well dit where he was vaccinated for Polio, DPT, and dont know \whatelse, He developed a fever cried for afew days, and developed astrange- ooking rash, He let alot and was very lethargic. It vwashard to wake him up. He would ake five hour naps during the day, which the had never done before took several weeks forthe ‘ah togo away and for him to appear ate ess sick. At eight months, he was just starting totum over ‘Ate months took him to the doctor, who vaccinat- ed him forthe second time. ‘After the shots, he screamed Inconsolablyforafew days and was very st. tas very hard to wake im. Tater found out that this was anotsorrae symptom of ‘yaccin-induced encephal- tis (bain inflammation). He also developed hemiplegia and could barely use his eft hand and foot After this he didnt tum over indepen dently for another two years. He was diagnosed with microcephaly. was tle that the injection Inhis let arm had affected the function of his am and Jeg, With year of intensive therapy, he regained nce tion onhislef side and started to walkindepen- dent by age 7. ‘Attonyearsold he sll ‘needs full personal cae and 's globally delayed, tis dear tome thathad he aot been vaccinated, he would not have the deablties he now suffers fom. Mrs B(Latewood) Do The Benefits Outweigh The Risks? arents are told that the benefits ‘of vaccines by far outweigh the risks; that aside from a slight fe- vveror other mild reactions, dan- _gerous side-effects or permanent damage from vaccines are virtually unheard of Additionally, there is pervasive belie that ‘the diseases chat vaccines are meant to ‘prevent would otherwise be widespread ‘and dangerous, Assuming that the vac ‘ines are effective in rendering immunity, ‘the obvious conclusion is that vaccines are anccessity ‘This beg the following questions: Are vac ines as safe as they claim? Are side effects, including permanent disability and death, in fact, rare? Inorer for vacins tobe worthwhile, he dseoser must carry greater chance of ‘permanent damage or death ‘har the vacines. evidence proves otherwise, we must ask ‘oureaves: Are we being more responsible ifwe choose to vac- ©-"1 worked with Congress in the early 1980s on that [vac ine injury] law and have watched it be tured into a 5 eruel jokethe Department of Justice ofcials fight every claim, viewing every reward to a vaccne-injured child as ‘admission that vaccines can tent reports a severe or even lif-threaten- ing reaction toa vaccine, they are usually told that this was not a vaccine reaction atall, but an unrelated illness. Doctors are expected to voluntarily report severe reactions. However, they often do not, claiming that the event was not caused by the vaccine Despite tis mounting evidence, the medical ‘establishment continues to claim that vac- ‘nes are safe and risk free. Vaccine Courts How have governmental agencies responded ta the tremendous incidence of vaccine reactions? In 1986, there were only three pharmaceu- tical companies making vaccines. leas an ‘unpopular marker, as they vere all drowning in law- site for vaccine injury In forder to deal withthe great umber of adverse events, congress passed the Na- ‘onal Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, ostensibly to help cover damages for vaccine-injured children. Adverse Reactions ** AMMONIUM SULFATE (SALT) sytem, nerve, reproductive system, and in experimental animale Suspected gastrointestinal, ver, nerveand piratory. Feaon. Linked to leukemia is. = MERCURY (THIMEROSAL) 5 een ee —— ‘The second-most-toxic element on Earth = BETA-PROPIOLACTONE = MICRO-ORGANISMS oftenundetected) (after Plato). Has an afiity to the | Known tocause cance, suspected gastrin- Live and lle viruses and bacteria or their bran, gut, Her, bone marrow, ad kidneys, [aa Wc a aerate ola | fice MUR ok ene colle eer tuto naoatincems ‘cauae ake = ANIMAL, BACTERIAL, AND VIRAL DNA were contaminated with monkey vies (SV- damage. Symptoms of mercury tonicity are 40), now tuning up ia human bene ung ‘mar to thone of aut, Ca be enporatd inks the supe DNA and canse unknown genetic mutation. _ ning (mesothelioma), brain rumors, and TRIN) BUTYLPHOSPHATE. |= LATEX RUBBER — Suspected kidney and nerve poison. Cancel testing lrg reaction > NEOMYCIN SULFATE (ANTIBIOTIC) aS Producedfromselecadpieesofatfandcat- ” OTN TE AIO in poh a tlskn demineraiedcatdcbonesandperk —SVTGs MA BG storie teratogenicity (eta malformation) and, ‘tm AUNTS reactions have een ported py and mental etadation, Allegre reproductive fects. Can crest mid tose- ALUMINUM, sionscanrangefrommildtolifethreatening ‘yereallegicreactions, Probable carcinogen: Implicaled sa cue of brain damage Si" PHENOL / PHENOXYETHANOL (2 PE) speci casngcanrofthelver sere Petedtarorin Ahmar dcse deme. Goan caer tanto esd ‘ous, gastrointestinal, reproductive, empi-. fy Stesandcomas.Alepereation ca ag the immune eens Po ‘atoy aed ienuneaiter Linked talane EHEC Inary response mechanism ‘emia brain, clon and imphatie cancer —= cine. Incredibly, after shielding vaccine Common Adverse ‘manufacturers and doctors from vaccine Vaccine Reactions injury lawsuits, in 1991, “contraindications” Compl femsneraesines) (for the DPT shot) were e-ateporized a, ee “precautions After this, caution was dis- Comins ge?) carded: doctors were no longer discouraged. from revaccinating despite previous severe Package Inserts Erery vaccine comes witha productinsert that ists many possible sie effectsof the vaccine. Most patients have never seen these documents, adits questionable whether her beltare providers are {ava of what is writen on theze informa: tion sheets These inserts indicate that vac ines actualy carry great rk. Beery patients entitled, fot required, ose the package insert before accepting any media test ‘ment. This sinformed concent. Wehoxt Inowring the trueisks, how can parents do an honest rise benefit analysis? (Ser exmple ofincerton page 7) Scientific Studies on Vaccine Safety ‘When determining vaccine safety, Jong- term studies are never done. Often, the studies have major design faws making it easy for them to miss many serious reac- tions. For example, a reaction is counted only ift occurs within an arbitrarily eet ‘time period, such as 48 hours, where a reaction om the third day would be labeled “unrelated.” Two to three weeks is consid: cred anormal tral period! Even if there are adverse reactions, researchers usually ‘donot follow up with those patients after the brief emady period to ace whether they. hhave recovered. This would make it impos sible to track long-term damage from ‘The CDCwritesin their Parent's Guideto Childhood immunizations: "Q. How can swebe sure vaccines dan’ cause ong- term problems? A. Tracking vaccinated children for many years looking for long-term health conditions would be impractical." ‘Additionally, most ofthe studies are conducted by the vaccine manufacturers ‘themselves, rather than by independent third parties, raising obvious questions hou the integrity of these studies. Often, instead of comparing new vaccines to n= nocuous placebos, such as saline, nanu- facturers use previously approved vaccines as their “placebo a totally unscientific practice Revealing Studies ‘Third-party studies usually eeport a much higher incidence of adverse reactions. ‘Additionally, when parents are educated about vaccine reactions, and know sehat to look for, the numbers are usually very different than those reported by the manufacturers DTaP Package Insert “Toxoids and Acellular i oy aot the safety of the vaccine. Addition- arma eca: Tripedia® ally, while 80% ofthe rae Culinainthestady ae ee soup were atleast ween ee Teron cl the Se US. health depart- nears rentusedthisstudy Sle gm Gane cated treat: eee eee Chiller veyoungas6 See pein feeks old? “erying, Petchiae, pharyrgits, prom Hey (Human Ae Sg ee oe Papillomavirus) = aa eon Sent or mpm study of 2,392 women, ee oy tures) inthe inal nage incedbiy vemeavto (alee ie ere three doisand hen nti ge abn op teste poste or Eire ae ok Se EPVisere exceed son from the study. Syrrome, headache igh fe eee In dinical trials, 99% Onestdy ontuctdbyathind pay — atyomennhorecenedtbeHV cane aaa ae on DPT found noreaction monly 7% of Sara ee te dag patients Another Meaperincedsevere _ber'sumnen cco athe froma te ee] reactions, ata aero annenat study to avoid further reactions.” There local reactions (puin, redness, swell maerions Pato ‘were 17 deaths during the cimical trials, but Ing at injection te, llr race While this study was testing DPT, similar nyeigatrs dismissed these events cating ‘16am, levels ofaevee adverse events srefound _jvegeuurdumied ews es ea is a, with the current acellular pertel (AP) ee eee eee vaccine The Jam-Packed Schedule om Influenza Vaccines suchas MMR and ree 12005, The Lancet DTaP arecombined for eo in es a published sreview chat convenience, nt health x aren - ‘etn nung of jeans) ae ‘concluded, "The safety ‘The isk of unnaturally ofinfiuensa vaccines exposingchildren omany am ais upmee {given to babies and chil Glsensesatonce through | eed Anh mei di the vaccination process ee a ene _fven reported that they pagoct boenayebied (Gatun dort Spore enlace, ound lear evidence of ‘We must wonder why eno eee a ae systematic suppression health authorities have ‘ait lie. mp, me, of date When the e- otconductelanystucies utp pret atin searchers contacted the todetermine dhesafetyof Sinamay a arms ‘actine manufacturers ‘heir cument practices at for the missing evi- dence, they were denied ‘fore believing the conc. | etry hcon wai, sone draw by the vaccine rere access." ‘mannfacturers, take a look bagel Pe DPT stthescientiicdatathey Spay amet fare usingtomake their ena otc oon (Clincal rials were aims. Youwillbeamased pene pp, aa dome never conducted in the US.on children tdlicoverthat the evdenceoftemcontrar | ‘as ef alain, ‘to determine ifthe pertussis vaccine was dicts theirconclusions. While a parent's goal cece Oak safe. They relied ona British study, which etoprotct thelr children, the pharmaceiti- uray) was meant to test only the effectiveness, cal industry may have otber goals, EET . 5 a is _ No Causal Relationship? eS Vaccine Reactions ‘Vaccine manufacturers will cite many possible adverse Vaccine Reactions onimed) reactions, and then write, however, no causal relationship a Meningscoceal hasbeen established” This strange statement, as there ‘wont _siybaae moins pee eae (te Pa) Bat sample evidence to establish a strong causal relation- ee ‘Bee day Boe pat ange EASE SRERES ship between vaccines and associated reactions. Vaccines Safer mn alas SER yinres ae frequently approved derpite obvious evidence of Su eve aria ‘ren orhd acs (ieomgqe _theic dangers orineffeciveness. Tae above examples are at. enh. Hho es, 1), fat neroe pr, tie, illustrative of virtually every vaccine on the market. ee (fe, Gilde Bart Spade eo edd, eg deh, ‘eda, haga» —_‘ncesponse tothe question ofhow the CDC culdethicilly dey vente robust hes emmy iy mass promote vaccines whose safety has nt been proven they vas teen an ‘rpaiga, raween, oropharyngeal the outra that ‘withholds dew Tree a mmeyeel | gvethe outrageourrerponse that ‘witholingnew vaccines cng mdeum Ot a ER from children who would beef from thera whe germ pirsipenplacenysi Grom tory, seine dons | studies wore bung done would unethicel™ Estes would Galina. Sane ‘ecvig prove that these vaccinesare dangerous, wouldnt be foertcnsone ror rmoreunethicalto administer them? Notonlyarevaccines _agpamunma Mom? tual ston lor notwithbeld, but they are actually forced upon usvia gow tpn, mal nu ma St Benen, tena rumen mandate or hacen ase ae tek eng ere oe (te pened wi) fos io, nln ties, Once vaccines publicly administered, hgh levels of Soh renee eres ere adverse events accumulate. Nonetheless, it is rare for a. ‘nausee, nepiviis esiney disease), crlninithvmay cise vaccine to be removed from circulation no matter how a rare es Ging pcinsie Sea anp much darnage it is causing. One Hkely reason fr this is ‘en aur, per ra Sees mrsirn ing the health department’ fear that withdrawing avace rein pa Raped ath tes fre D.aring ne may click public concern about vaccine safety and eee 2 possbly cause large-scale vaccine ejection, Despite clear sitdem/me, ses (tote calle face Gafuas evidence that vaccines causeharm int leasthundreds Sagara Sone ons Suton ain, of thousands of people yearly, the CDC has decided that fw mah 3 upon rity ines, raise they are nonetheless worthwhile Ie ais sae, vanes Ime mange dg "pei igen Ph ‘imc oot proctalomer slong ashealth authorities neglect to conduct long- Fe eee So" ‘os wes term studies on individual vaccine, ar wellar the cme munarie( ygecine schedule as asshole, ther assertion that “the atti neu) mnnaces, —_-Benafts outweigh the risk” i haseless If hey have Forpseniwfuieeme pe not dame a proper rskchenefit analysis, we mast da one for ‘port as res selves ages, LO contanet Inside the vial: Outside the vial: Safe for infants and "Toxic biohazard? pregnant women “Entomol Ptcon Agency —_— ‘After a coercive four-year smallpox vaccination cam- ppaign reaching 97.5% of the population, England experienced its worst stnallpox epidemic of the century, claiming more than 44,000 lives. Coney Ae Fine "Ma Rese Newt 1995) “The World Heath Organization has pointed out thatthe kee the to eradication of smallpox was switching from ‘mass vaccination, which was not working, to containing the disease through islaton, (Bale Wt Hath Ongar 1375) Researchers at Rockerfller Institute in Manhattan ex: Periment with pesaging polovinas_ through Fpinal cord tissue of Resustonkey with (1916) the hope of increasing ts virulence’ Tis same Yat the lanes are ment dealy outhreal of Polo occured: Brockiyo, New York, the eplente ofthe teak, war a mere hte miles for Rockefeller Ined- tate where the polio experiments took place iy epee 428-17) In 1967, Ghana was declared measles-free by the World Health Organization after 96% ofits popula- ton was vaccinated. In 1972, Ghana expert- enced one of is worst measles outbreaks ever with che! ate, = (© Ato MR Vie Carat Sera Mar 1990) In the UK. between 1970 and 1980, over 200,000 cases ea area ce ee oe dren (Grant Dimer Co (1970-1980 ) ‘Sweden abandoned the whooping cough vac ‘ine due to its ineffectiveness. Out of 4,140 Cases in 1978, it was found that 84 percent nad een vaccinated three mest Goh de a 2885967, 181) ‘The February 1981 iasue of the Journal ofthe American Medical Association found that 905. of obstetricians and 66% of pediatricians re- fused to take the rubella vaccine. Canada suspended use of an MMR vaccine that cused many cases of aseptic meningitis. De- spite its track record, this same MMR vaccine twas introduced in the United Kingdom. More deadly cases of meningitis ensued. (Ameena of msg, 2007, 265, 8) In the New England Journal of Medicine, July 11984 issue a study found that over 80% of chi- dren under five years of age who had contracted ‘whooping cough had been fully vaccinated. 97% of people who caught the mumps during the 2008 outbrealchad been vaccinated. (le rd aro Mere 012 96717081715) = @ While experimenting with vaccines, Pench tmnmunalo- ist, Charles Richet coined the term “ana-phylaxis” Gonaing aunt protection) fo ein ‘manmade deadly reaction to hartaless eub- stances caused by injections with the newly invented hypodermic needle. (Pea Aly pri Heh rae, 2011) ‘Austrian pediatrician, Clemens von Pirque, coined the term “allergy” to describe a vaccineinduced ‘condition that caused hypersensitivity and ronicillnss. (Prt Aly pn thr Pra 2012) El Lilly experimented with the mercury derivative thi ‘eros on 22 patiente with meningitis, All 22 subjects died; seven of them within one ‘day of thimerosal administration, Lily used this study as the bass for the safety of thi- ‘merosal, and they've been putting it into vaccines ever since Inthe 1960, two viologists discovered that both pollo vaccines were contarainated ‘with the SU 40 virus, which causes cancer im animals as wel as changes in human eal-ts- sue cltures, Milions of chiliren had been injected with these vaccines. (ttl eral Mach 17,173 p55) ‘Aaurvey of 30 states in the US. revealed that more than half ofthe children who contracted measles had been adequately vaccinated. (le ep Der Dr abet Mada) tet. tote atten Bo ene acne coe bance eee eee ueee eet Sanaa ee ea ‘The Journal of the American Medical Asociation pub lished an article on measles that stated, “Although more than 959 of school-aged children in the US. are vacel ‘nated against meades, large measles outbreaks ‘continue to occur in schools and most caces inthis setting accur among previously vacci- nated children” (2h eter, 1990) (On January 10%, Robert E Kennedy Jr. met with the then-president elect at Trump Tower in NY. He reported tothe press that Trumphad asked him toheada "vaccine safety and scentife integeity” commission, Within hhours, a Trump spokesperson qualified Kennedy's state ‘ments saying the president "is exploring the ‘possibilty of forming a commission on Au- te. owever no dedsions have een (irc Meine Fa 15,2007) “Are we trading transient child- hood diseases for alifetime of chronic illness?” © Asthma > Chronie bronchitis © Anaphylaxis & Allergies > ADD/ADHD = Autism > Dyslexia ~ Learning disabilities = Crohn’ disease © Ukerative colts = Infertility > Guillain-Barre Syndrome = Eeaema = Shingles = Diabetes = Obesity = Hypothyroidism = Hyperthyroidism = Alzheimer's disease = Childhood Leukemia > Cancer = Blindness > Deafness = Epilepsy = Depression Bipolar Disorder > Rheumatold arthritis = Juvenile arthritis = Colicihigh pitched, screaming = Infantile insomnia How Dangerous Are The Diseases? here is great fear of contagious disease. However, we have an incomplete understanding of the actual risks of "vaccine prevent able diseases.” For example, almost every body has heard Measles: Extremely contagious! ‘encephalitis (brain inflammation) Maamps: Male sterility ‘Rubella: Birth defects Polio: Paralysis/iron lungs Pertussie/whooping cough: Compromised breathing and desth in infants ‘Tetanus: An incurable infection that cauces paralysis and is invariably deadly ‘These examples illustrate virtually the only thing most people know about these dis ‘eases. Until now, the partial information the publichas received about the dangers of the Whether there are any risk factors that make complications from these diseases more o less likely? > Hove vaccines have afected the epidemiol- ogy of these diseases? > Whether vaccines have reduced the inci- dence ofthe feared consequences of these diseases? > Whether ather treatments besides vac- ines exist? Belovs, we provide a brief overview of some “important but Hise know facts about these diseases, Ihecomes apparent that selective ‘information can be misleading enowgh to ‘make i impossible to make a truly educated decision about vaccines. You can find answers tothe above questions through further read- ing. After reading this handbook, if you like, take a look atthe recommended book list found at the hack of this handbook. Diseases for which there are vaccines are not allequal. We have categorized them below in the hopes of clarifying their true relevance in courlives, For the sake of brevity, thi ist does not include every disease for which there is ‘a vaccine. Conduct your own research to nd ‘oat more about the diseases mentioned, as ‘wellas those chat are not ‘While some of these diseases can be inter- changed within these categories, the medical testablishment would have us believe that all “vaccinable” diseases fal into the realm of dangerous or deadly. This i far from the truth “There are: = Diseases that are frightening and possibly dangerous, & Diseases that are low tisk or generally harmless, and Diseases that are irslevant to most popu lations. FRIGHTENING DISEASES Pertussis/ Whooping Cough Pertussis isa genuinely frightening disease, hich despite massive vaccination caverage is atl tranemitced today. However, death ‘ates from the disease have declined dramati- cally since the early 1900s, before the vaccine ‘became available. The most likely reason is ‘improved standard of living and nutrition, 1m. 2010, out of 27,500 cases of whooping cough reported in the US, there were 27 deaths, 25 of whieh occurred in children under 1 year old This does not come dose to the average 10,000 annul cazes of Sudden Infant Death, 70% of which may be caused by the DTaP vacsine."? ‘The vaccine for whooping cough is highly react tive; in addition to SIDS, ithas been correlated ‘with brain damage and many other severe side-effects. One study found that the DTaP vaccine caused severe reactions (such a brain Inflammation) in 1 out of 106 babies."2This vas almost double the rate ofthe original ‘ehole-cell pertussis vaccine which was removed from circulation due tothe tremen- dous incidence of adverse reactions Additionally, the vaccine is not very effective fn protecting against the disease. Accord- ing to the Jewrnal of che American Medical “Assocation, “Whooping Cough infections fare common in an immianized population ‘Tae Bitch Medical Journal states, “in 1979 Sweden abandoned the whooping cough vaccine. Out of 5,140 cases in 1978, twas found that 84% had been vaccinated three times” The fact that this vaccine comesin 5 dases speaks volumes ofits inability to render permanent immunity (see below for more about booster shots). “In the USA in 1978, they mandted vacina> tion fan] ic resulted na thre fold increase in the reported incidence of whooping cough.” Viera Scheibmer PRD (from Tokai Journal of Experimental Biology and Meine, 1988) Polio Polio is an oralefcal disease which is contracted via contact with excrement, not sneezes of infected (or recently vaccinated) persons. We have put it in thie category because soclety is terrified oft, since ithas trace record of easing paralysis. Vaccines have been given alot of credit for eradicating the disease, but in truth, statistics hhave shown that for reasons unrelated tothe vaccine, polia was alteady declining before vaccination wasintroduced Infact, after the introduce ton ofthe vaccine in the US., cases of polio nearly doubled!® In 1954, after the introduction of the vaccine, the CDC changed the diagnostic criteria for polio labeling mast cases that woul have previ- ‘ously been diagnosed as polioas “acute laced pa- ralysis". Subsequent years saw 30,000 new paralysis cases yearly given this al- ternate diagnosis, thereby “eradicating” the disease vith the sweep of apen, [Acute laced paralysis on therise, ad isclin- cally ndistinguichable from patio. Diphtheria Diphtheria sn longer found in developed countries. In the words of pediatrician, Rob- tert Mendelsohn, MLD, “Today your child has fs much chance of contacting diphtheria as be does of being bitten bya cobra Ago, vaccination i given undeserved caedit forthe dieas¢' eradiation. In the 1940s, counties that introduced the vaccine sara dramatic ineaseinceeae incidence. 6 During the same period, countries such ss Sweden sa diphtheria deine, despite the fc that they didnot vaccinate against In 1975 an FDA report conch thatthe Aliphtheria vaccines not as effective an Jmmuizing agent as might be anticipated” and that the disease may ocurin vacated individuals Historia, during outbreaks at least 50% of thove who contracted the Meningitis & Kidney lure © Failureto thrive Thisis not an exhaustive lise. Vaccines area major contributing factor ‘many other chronic diseases as well. Sanitation, Nutrition and Improved Living Conditions, NOT Vaccines, Reduced Disease Incidences Who was scared of chicken pox before the vaccine was introduced? Media- induced fearmongering made there vaccines seem lke a necessity. These iseaces only become greatly feared after they become “preventable” Unlike narual immunity fom the diseases themselves, vaccines donot impart lifelong immunity. This isthe reason for booster shots, which ate taken for granted as a routine part of vaccination. What many do not realize is thatthe reason for repeated boosters is that immunity from vac dines usually wanes overtime. Booster shots are intended to solve thie problem. However, immunity usualy declines shortly after repeated boost- ersas well “The big secret among vaccinologists’ is that anywhere from 20 to 50% of. ren are not resistant to the diseases for which chy have heen imnutized.” Dr Russell Blalock M.D., "The Truch Behind the Vaccine Cover-Up" ‘When mothers contracted these iceases during childhood, their infants received natural immunity atbirth, which lasted 15 months, Vaccinated mothers no longer protect ‘their infants, and these vaccines are Ineffective on infants as well. The sad ‘ony is that because of vaccines, we are lef with many adults and infants ‘who are nolonger resistant tomany diseases, While these diseases are harmless to most children, they {impart a much greater risk to adults and infants, The MMR Vaccine ‘There i little doubs that the MMR vaccine has been effective in reducing the incidence of the three diseases it {is intended to prevent. But at what ‘cost? Few parents would risk their ils health—or even life—with vaccines just because a disease ie in- convenient, and may cost them work days. The reason people are willing to accept the risks of vaccines is because they are afraid of the dangers of the diseases What ifthe MMR vaccine were damaging more children than the diseases? With deafness, disability, and mental retardation on the rise, ‘we must take a step back and ack ‘whether vaccines are accomplist ing their original goal of preventing cluldren from being harmed or killed. (Or have vaccines perhaps become a greater threat to our childrens health than the diseases they are intended toprevent? “Talmost died of Tetanus because dnt ter shot ani es fected with efrom nus is arly the offending bacter- Um.ln the US. there are only about 4 deaths per year due fo tetanus infection. Tetanus is an anaerobic bacteria found inthe feces of farm animals. t does nat usually ie dor- ‘mant on rusty nails, though other anaerobic bacteria may have been Dresentat the time of injury. If you receive the tetanus booster, which sactually the DTaP vacine,it will do nothing to protect you from myriad infectious bacteria, The vac- inet ality to protect against all Wound infection is litle more than an illusion. Since vaccines can sup- press the immune sytem, there i. reason to be concerned that ateta- rus shot may put one at greater tsk {for wound infection, Measles Up until the early 1900, measles 9 Tetanus ‘Tetanus ie a rare non-contagious bacte= nial infection [tis anaerobic and cannot survive if there is oxygen: it can only develop if it is contracted through deep serious wounds, exposed to animal feces. In the early 1900s, before the vaccine was introduced, tetanus cases in wounded ‘American soldiers had dropped 92%, and ‘continued to decline to 44 in 100,000 ‘cases by World War I Researchers 2ttri- Dbute this to better wound hygiene.®® In developed countries, there are apprax- ately 5 to 5 canes of tame srinally, with about 4 death per yearin the US. Most of the deathe occurred in people overage 50; ony 9 of tetanus cases 0 ‘curred in individuals under 20 and these cases were rarely fatal Yet, a9 pat of the DTaP shot, this vaccine given to bile lion oFinfants. @ UC ES CY eC) nyone old eno! y the 1950s will people paraly Unite Paralytic Polio: a New Disease Beleriand promt Sa ned for thousands of yee, Nery every humana earth ae licen eal egos RR peal (ed without ncn. Th tar te dese) (uri, id cere wn ee ake a ig ep catego paslpan Ber psi po eel aeeet AOS. Bl pes r cn an ata ete oven tat tha outbreak gn befor aca. Noe a Cpicenarof the 116 ei at RockfllerInetitatein alleles Yak, ences rd eri toarcig tere vrlet Ganges sen ples whe ini attraction to central ervecle®Nent al thee a alice ee spc ect ffom the Rodkflerlnsitte Toxic Pesticides ‘The second major outbreak ocurred in the 1950s. DDT, toxic pesticide now banned inthe US. was in widespread use during the 1950s, DDT manufacturers marketed the pol- ‘sons totally safe, even health promoting, and people coated every surface, even thelr food with this toxie substance! 13951, Dr. Albert Sabin (developer of the lve polio vaccine) noticed thatthe American Military inthe Philppineshad ‘stonishingly high ates of pllo. Approximately in 79 re- ‘ruts. He was mystified why the ilipino natives considered polio the “white man's disease’, since despite intermingling, they were unaffected by US. coldiee were trained to coat thelr clothing, food, and bed- jes with DDT, while the natives didnot use the pesticide. Symptoms ‘of DDT poisoning are neatly identical to polio snyeltis© Every country that has made wide- spread use of DDT has experienced paralytic epidemics of polio Tonsillectomies and Polio During the 1950s tonsi- lectomies were widely sdministered, evento symptom-free healthy cullen. These open ‘wounds allowed polio easy entry tothe central nervous system, and cdildren whose tonsils had been ned. leadly removed were at much greater risk of central nervous infec- tion with pot: 3d States in years.” —From the 2012 ETT olie—avirusthatleftxp to 20,000 en to breathe...Thanks to polio va APreference for Treatments that Didn't Work “standard of care" at that time included surgery casting, ‘immobilization, and iron lungs, often leaving patients ‘rippled for lif: During the same period, other practitioners ‘were effectively curing polio, sometimes ina mere fee days Strangely, their success was ignore. Fred Klesiner used high-dose vitain C supplementation {intravenously witha nearly 1008 suecess rat in quickly cur~ ing severe cases of polio, even where the breathing musdes ‘were paralyzed. (Note: vitamin Cis one ofthe most powerful tacky one inflammation ne body ha gotten wort inthe past three decades—wth 1 dl i 6p earning dbl” 1 ‘no ueing wth stands developing autism" in 00 becoming dlabetc; and milions mere sutering vith eves food allergies," inflasns torybowel disease. mental ealth disorders" and other disabilities" and chronic liness. ‘The health of American adults has also deteriorated during the past three decades compated to other wealthy na- sions where health is improving” and ourlife expectancy is worse than many ‘ther countries as well°® The CDC says that today chronte diseases are the most common and costly causes of death and disability with about half fall adults l= Jing with at least one chronic iness:°* Largest consumer of pharmaceuticals Wins ete tet tes cae face peices Ree er oie eee etal ‘accines. With a population of 322 lion people out of 7 billion people onthe earth, the. spends neni $3 lion dollars pr year on healthcare —more thea an oer nation a te el elie cere Ke eal Sd ball In aditon, Americas the leading purchaser f vaccine inthe $15 blon dlr US. nd $20 ilion Sie pol act athe iat reach $100 bln in 10 years Since 1981, 95% ofall children enter BE ie raaten ae ceived ral ies catering eh racion f1981, the CDCrecomamened ll infants get hepa Bshogan 22 bours old and ‘by 2012 more than 70% of all newborns Ind crgedsbepatie Babi a brth while betveen 50% and 0% of tree RE a poten malta ae Wada to ETE nding ht Gericaes, US curently SS oa ‘doses of 14 vaccines by age tix, starting ‘nthe iy of bith wits morethan two oan does aan bya incan's Pe See ESA Sel a ei nen randated for enagerard atndide SS Be Scere Has Mandated Use of More Vaccines Compramised America’s Health? very state inthe US has Lave requitng dozens of vaccinations for daycare nd schoo attendance inconteast to neighbor: ‘ng Mexico and Canada, whichrecommends ‘but does not mandate vaccines (a provision sn Canada’ Constitution pits compu sory vacinatin) Japan, New Zesland, Aust, Tesland, and Norway recommend but donot legally require vaccines and 15 countries In the European Union, including United Kingdom, Germany, Span, Greece, Den mark Netherlands, Finland, and Austria similarly recommend but do not mandate vaccines lof these countries have lover infant mortality rates than the US. and do not recommend and mandate that infants under one year old get as many ‘accines as American infants da." In fact, no other country legally vequives ‘he numbers of vaccinations thatthe US, does for children to attand dayeave and school or for adel to keep their jabs: Ieienowonder that more American are asking questions about why our children ‘aed 9 many vaccines and why adults ned togeta fu shot every year—even during regnaney—when our population ialresdy the most vaccinated inthe wood bt fr lese heathy than other countries that donot ‘mandate or recommend so many vacines Ile 2015, the Food and Drug Administra tion (DA) moved towanlloweringiensing, standards inorder to art track new exper mental vaccines targeting pregnant women, ‘ho are already being given for vaccines (Genss ctar,pertusl, diphtheria) Ahuring every pregnancy even though those vaccines were not tested ino spcifcaly leensed for sein pregnant women" Ask for the Science Ifyou are expecting oraleady have children, be aware thatthe Amerian Academy of Peditrice surging pediatr ‘ans to vaccinate patents when they bring ‘their chien infor sick orwell baby ‘iis, especially pregnant women. Ifan bstetridan or pediatrician pressures you to get vaccinated while you ae pregnant, aulethe doctor to show you the science. IF youcondlade the vacein' benefits do not ‘outweigh the risks for you and your baby botare threatened or sanctioned inany Way for making an informed choice, you hol find another doctor who wil treat you yeth repectand honoe your health- fare choices Gow NVICorgtoleaen moreand sign up forthe ree anne NVIC Adwoescy Port 1Gernpower yourself ith inforstaton and work to protctthefractiom andlegalght “wmake voluntary vacine dens in. your Reyourhaith, yourfamiy.yourchoie,

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