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mae 2 VaccineSafety eae eexera CT Le etc Introduction asin Doctor, have Fabricated! Throw iin ‘Most of us have spent our entire lives hearing the same story about vaccines ‘We ae told that thanks to vaccines, deadly diseases have been eradicated and millions of lives have been saved, We are warned that if we stop vacci= nating, the diseases will come back with a vengeance, Instead of receiv- ing an accurate picture of vaccine effectiveness and risks, we receive an, ‘oversimplified yet frightening portrayal of disease dangers, while the rise ‘of vaccine-injury or death is written off as “one ina million” Alot of the information we receive about vaccines and the diseases they {are meant to prevent is true, However, much of itis misleading by virtue ‘of omizeion. On the other hand, some of what we are told about vaccines is simply untrue. In this publications, we have undertaken the job of filling in the huge information gap and discerning fact from fiction, ven if vaccine choice was offered, it would beillusory, Why? Because undee the current circumstances the decision to vaccinate s usually rendered through frightening misinformation. The most common refrain we hear i: "Do you want to go back tothe days of polio?” Well, we're not sure that those days ever realy ended. Read on to find out why The only way to ‘makea decision that is not douded by fear is to expose the reality behind the dlusion, From our research (and for some of us, from personal experience) many more that “one in a million’ lives have been ruined by vaccines. We don't want any more people tobe hurt needlessly. This is what motivates us. Based on the feedback we received from our readers, we've made every effort to cover topics of greatest interest and importance. We have also ‘kept some ofthe original articles and stories, as they are still as relevant 35 4 are Me cooing yout aphowbvthceleyecinakrenintaied dwisina, O77 Posenulld decide for yournalf: Table Of Contents 4. Dothe Benefits 22 ‘The Autism Epidemic Outweigh the Risks? ee 26 How to Prevent Your Children eae BOs ey Darercer Aria (Conroe eee svete eto ee Diseases? vnuel Fler 28 Halachic Points of Interest pete ete 15 The Forgotten History of Polio ae . (30 The Unpublished Letters ‘Leah Sige aa 16 Are Unvaccinated Children 7 ‘Endangering Public Health? 32 SIDS: Is “Back to Sleep” Proofreader: ret acer Yocheved Krems Fischman 18 Vaccines “For the Greater Conta: Good"? 35 Frequently Asked Questions vasinfoisraclagmallcom 19 Why Is Health on the Decline? 37 Resources “Somepaeadonymabaveeen ed BO arian x Eoetient Mottaret 0 38. Borers es aed etme ee ne ee Letter From Our Founder ‘Dear Fellow Parents, Back when my kide were younger, never thought of ques- toning vaccines It yas outine atthe doctor's fice, and | ‘rusted my doctor. I would cringe while my tele ones were given their shots, but Inew Iwas doing the right thing. ‘Thank G-d, my family grew. My six children were lovely, but hhad many issues. Four of them needed early mtervention ‘Taree of them had tubes in their enrs after recurring ear infections. We dealt with hyperactivity, learning problems, tnd constant visits tothe pediatrician, (One day, [came across an article stating that based on studies, vaccines may be causing some ofthe major issues today’s chil Gren are facing, such ae asthma, autiem, ADHD, and allergies. (Of course, the frst thing I did was ask my doctor ifthe vaccines may have caused some of my children's iesues. His answer was sharper than I expected: “Absolutely not!” he exclaimed, obviously disturbed by my. (question. He then went on to explain that there is no con nection between vaccines and any of these problems, “There is aterible ‘antiwaccine movement’ that is out to terrorize people telling them how dangerous vaccines ae and con- vincing them not to vaccinate, Don't believe the quacks out there, they have no solid science to prove what they say breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that my doctor was able to easoure me that vaccines were not the culprit. Perhaps Twas more relieved to be spared of the guilt I would fel if ‘earned that vaccines had indeed brought some damage ©The National Vaccine Compensation Program has awarded over $3 billion in damages to children and adults injured by vaccines. (See page 4) Unusual high-pitched crying after vaccination is often a sign of brain inflammation. (ee page 5) ©The DTaP vaccine package insert lists both SIDS and autism as possible adverse reactions, and that 70% of SIDS deaths occur within three weeks after the (See pages 7 and 32) Getting a fu shot during pregnancy can increase the risk of miscarriage by 4,250%. (See page 20) ‘upon my children, Either way, accepted hie anewer and tried to patie out of my mind But the seed had already been planted and [begsn to see and hhear about dstreseful situations, [noticed how many other children suffered from chronic ear infections, | heard stories of babies who died just days after their shots. While my doctor's words rang in my ears, the thought that theve might indeed be a connection sil nagged me. 1 did not doubt that what my doctor said was true. After all, hae was a professional who went to medical school and had. years of experience. But for my own peace of mind, I decided to do some research to allay my fears, Sulficeit to say, was astonizhed. Weave nothing to gain ‘by shaving thie information with you. Our only hope is that other families wil ind relief from their suffering ike we did Some of you reading this now the pain of rising child With serious conditions such as ASD (autism), juvenile diaber tes, or asthma, Weall know someone with learning disabili= ties, sensory issues, serious allergies, and more. Te inform=- tion in thie publiation may not answer all the questions you ‘might have about vaccines; it may bring up more questions. 1 hope twill encourage you to do your awa research. PS. Pleas forgive us for our anonymity Its not because we don't ‘believe in our cause, We do! Iti becauce many of usbavesul- {ered auace from fellow community members for questioning the medical authorities and advocating for dren's health. "A single vaccine given to a six pound new: bom is equivalent to giving a 180-pound adult 30 vaccinations on the same day!” (Dr Boy Haley, professor and cai, Dept. of Cherise, Univesity of Kentucky, 2001) © After vaccine recommendations were ‘accelerated in 1991, autism rates in the US. went up from roughly 1 in 2,500 to at least 1 in 45 today (See page 25) The CDC admits that no long- term studies were ever done on vaccines. (See page 6) Vaccines contain known carcinogens (nduding formaldehyde and polysorbate 80) and childhood cancers are continuously climbing, (See box on page 5) august 1, 1997, my eighth child vas bar. “wo months ater, Itocichim fora well vi ‘where he was vaccinated for Polio, DPT, and I don't know ‘what els, He developed 2 fever, ctled for afew days, and developed a strange looking ash. Heslepta lot and was ery lethargic. It ‘was hard to wake him Up. He would take five hour naps during the day which hhefad never done before. ‘00k several weeks forthe rashto.go away and fr him ‘oappearalite less sick. At ‘ight months he wasjust starting totum over ‘Atnine months, Itookhim {othe doctor, who vaccinat- ‘ed him forthe second time. After the shots, he screamed Inconsolablyforafew days and was ery st. tas ‘veryhard to wake hi. [ster found out that hi we ‘a notso~are symptom of ‘accineinduced encephal- ‘is (brn inflammation), He alo developed hemiplegia ‘and could borely use his eft hand and foot. After his, he didnt tun aver indepen dently for another two yeas. Hewas diagnosed with eg. With years of intensive {therapy he regained fan tion on his ef sde and started towak indepen dently by age 7 ‘Aten years ld he sti needful personal care and isalobaly delayed. tis ear ‘ome that had he not been ‘vaccinated, he would not havethe disilties he now sues from, Mie B (Lakes) Do The Benefits Outweigh The Risks? rents are told that the benefits fof vaccines by far outweigh the isles; that aside from a slight fe- ver or other mid reactions, dan _gerous side-effects or permanent damage ‘from vaccines are virtually unheard of Additionally there is pervasive belief that the diseases that vaccines are meant ta ‘prevent wonld otherwise he widespread and dangerous, Assuming that the vac- ‘ines are effective in rendering immunity, the obvious conclusion is that vaccines area necessity. ‘This begs the following questions: Are vac- including permanent disability and death, infact, rare? permanent damage or dat than the vaccines IFevidence proves otherwise, we mustask ‘urclves: Are we bing more responsible f we choose to vac- inate, oF nat? Event Reporting System (VAERS), which became available inthe 1990s, Bv- ‘ery year over 12,000 adverse reactions are ‘voluntarily reported tothe federal govern- ment. This includes ER visits, permanent ‘injuries, and deaths. The FDA estimates ‘hat these numbers account for only 10% ‘of actual case, while other scientists ‘estimate that aslittle as 1% of cases are reported." Accordingly, the trae number of adverse vaccine reactions ‘anywhere between 120,000 and 1.2 ‘million every year! No ellable system isin place for tacking vaccine reactions since most dactors do not recognize adverse reactions and report ‘them, Health-care providers ate not well informed about vaccine risk, and patients are not tld what ra look for. When apa ines a safeas they claim? Are side effects, ‘ine injury] law and have watched fe be turned into a © erud joke..the Department sient reports a severe or even life-threaten- {ing reaction toa vaccine, they are usually ‘old chat this was not a vaccine reaction, atall, but an untelated illness. Doctors ‘are expected to voluntarily report severe reactions. However, they often do not, claiming that the event was not caused by ‘he vaccine. Despite this mounting evidence, the medical ‘establishment continues tcl that vace ines are safe and risk foe Vaccine Courts How have governmental agencies respond to the tremendous incidence of vacine reactions? Jn 1986, there were only three pharmaceu- tical companies making vaccines. Itwasan Inorder for vaccines tobe sii ‘unpopular market, as they vworthwlile thedizenses 2g. ae UD swere all drowning in law rust cary agreatechanceof | cay $0808 om that foae- _ Sit for vaccine injury. In ‘order to deal withthe great smumber of adverse events, congess passed the Na- tonal Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, ostensibly to bhelp cover damages for vaccine-injured children, Adverse Reactions — *»<¢esssehss" Since that time, vaccine Barbara Loe Fisher, injuries must be taken to Vaccines (oan he Naat |e necine courts “The CDCand FDA deve Be acetone of US x opedthe Vaccine Adverse enghelreheCairts 7 the rare nstances that claimants succeed in win- ning their suits, Congress established a “disability and death’ tax on childhood ‘vaccines. A percentage of the money from ‘every shot goes into a special fund to com pensate parents of children who have been seriously damaged or killed by vaccines. ‘As of 2016, over $3 billion have been awacd- fed to vaccine-damaged families by vaccine ‘courts And this was only paid out to that small minority of people who willingly went ‘through the gauntlet ofthe vaccine courts, and succeeded. Only around 1in 6 vaccine ‘damaged children are approved funding. ‘ronically, instead of protecting children, the act protects dactors and drug compa nies against legal action, since it has essen tially “immunized” vaccine manufacturers ‘and doctors against lawsuits for vaccine damage. Alllaweuite must turn to the special vaccine courte funded by US. citizens Why are so many vaccines being recommended? Mamafacurersare not held able forany vaccine that is partofthe recommended vaccination sched- tle This may explain why the US. has the most jam-packed vacine schedutein the word. (Among ther fab seeeetinities, wre are offered to expectant mothers, infants recive the Hepatitis Bvac- Cine on their first day of life, and DTaP at2,4,and §months) ein the pharmaceutical industry's best interest to make as many vaccines mandatory as possible. The question Temaine: ls itin our children's best ierest? Common Adverse Reactions ‘Theincdence ofthe fllowing ese- tions vary: however even some of the ‘more serious events sted below occor surprisingly feeguent Serious reactions include: high fever, headache, swellingand pain, dar- shea, vomiting, high-pitched scream sng (often a vesuleof swelling inthe ‘brain, which may lead to permanent disability or even death), loss of consciousness, convulsions, paralysis, blindness, deafness, brain dam- age [including learning disabilities, ADHD, and autism and death. Addi ‘ional most eases of Sudeen Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) occur shortly _aftervaccination, Warning Signs Being informed about vaccine xeactions can help prevent possible Catastrophe. [eis up to parents to educate themccives. When achild hha a severe reaction toa vaccine, they areat greater riskofexperienc- ing a similar reaction toa future vaccine, While permanent damage particulary tothe brain, may occur after just one shot, sometimesitis only after sepeated insule tht che luld becomes disabled Medical professionals usually deny that a reaction contraindicates future hoosters. In most cases they do not even believe thatthe reaction ‘was caused by the vaccine altogether. ‘They often convince parents, against their own better judgment that itis safe to continue administering the vaccine, despite ‘the parent's valid reservations ‘These strong reactions are a warning sign that the vaccine may be danger ous to your child's health, Ia most cases, adverse reactions to vaccines are not isolated events. While many doctors seem tobe completely in ‘the dark about vaccine reactions if patents conduct independent re- search, they wil find that whatever reaction they have observed in their own child has occurred in hundreds for even thousands of other children after vaccinations. Rather than trusting the medical establishment's baseless reassurance, parents should Investigate the matter for them- selves and make a well-educated decision Many parents have olive wih iflong regret for having been convinced to ignore reactions and continue with vaccines cha subsequeny ld to thelr hil's permanent disability or even death Caution Discarded Some of us may remember atime when doctors were cautious enough towithhold a booster because of a severe reaction toa previous vac- Do You Know What's In A Vaccine? > HUMAN AND ANIMAL CELLS Haman elle fen abortedfetses and hu ‘man albunin: pig Hood, horse blood, ab- [betes pascicig dog icy cele ‘monkey kidney, chick embryo, chicken eu, dduckegg.calfserum, sheep sbioodandmore = AMMONIUM SULFATE (SALT) Suspected gastrointestinal ver, nerve and respiratory system poison. > BETA-PROPIOLACTONE Kova to cau cancer surpected gastrin testinal, iver, ld and sense organ poo. |= ANIMAL, BACTERIAL, AND VIRAL DNA (Can be incorporated into the recipient DNA and cause unknown genetic mutation, = LATEX RUBBER (Cancaus lie threatening llerp reactions ‘> MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE ‘Anewotauin, Being studied for mutagenic, temtogenicty (etal_maformation), and epeoctive feta, Can eteate mld to w= ‘ete allergic reactions. Probable carcinogen: sopediedin cetingeanceroFficting ae vou, gatrointetnal, productive, reap ‘ratory and immune systems. Linked to leu (EEE emia, brain, colon, and lymphatic cancer. = POLYSORBATE 80 Kowa te Ge canctrin animal = FORMALDEHYDE (FORMALIN) Major constinient of embalming fd: pot secu Hf ingested, Deobable ctcinogen: ‘suspected in gastrointestinal, liver, immune system, nerve, reproductive system, and re sfieatory. Beton. Linked to Teka, bai, ‘colon, and lymphatic cance > MICRO-ORGANISMS (often undetected) peared Killed vires and Bator othe taxine, Milions of doses of polio vaccine esc ocianieated wid mcaley ns 2 12), son tornng op fn bara bone, keg, lining (mesothelioma), brain tumors, and lymphomas = GELATIN Produced from elected pieces ofcalfandca- Peden deneediandetectcncsentpeck sin, Alle eations ve been soparted. = ALUMINUM Impliated a a cause of brain damage, Sus- ‘ected actor in Aihelmer' disease, deen Saseizre, and coms Allergic eaction an cccurom skin ‘> GENTAMICIN SULFATE AND POLYMYXIN ANTIBIOTIC) ‘Nlesgc reactions can range from wild to lie threatening > GLUTARALDEHYDE Poisonous if ingested Causes birth defects in experimental aninale = MERCURY (THIMEROSAL) Mae. stcrcd-scebtnt enact on Earth (after Plutonium). Hat an affinity to the esi, fot Hae mc na ed ge Mite amounts can cxure braia/ncrve damage. Symptoms of merry toxicity ate ‘Smart those of stam, = TRI(N) BUTYLPHOSPHATE ‘Sunpeted kidney and neive poison, ‘> NEOMYCIN SULFATE (ANTIBIOTIC) Intrferes with BS absorption. A deficit in the uptake of BG can cave rae form p- Alcpey and mental retardation, Allergic rea tines cantange fromm tos Hhestening. > PHENOL / PHENOXYETHANOL (2-PE) Used in antifreeze toxic toall cls and ex Vaccine Reactions (pi frase pacers) pre eee a ee ng, sng eine. abies ot eae eh alone ope se rmugin ee ayia! ea, oh a il gh common ce ng bead grand mh cs ‘eres, dunes a ln a ‘erly, cena sling of ‘hemes flay fe Guar Sabo, Resch igh fo, bye tons, aby, uae mest ‘ne. Incredibly, afer shielding vaccine ‘manufacturers and dactos from vaccine injury lawsuits in 1991, ‘contraindicatons” (for the DPT shot) were ve-cateporized as “precautions "°” After this, caution was dise ‘carded doctors were no longer discouraged ‘rom revaccinating despite previous severe Package Inserts [Every vaccine comes witha product insert that lists many possible side effect of the vaccine, Most patientshave never seen ‘these documents, and itis questionable ‘whether their healthcare providers are aware of what is writen on these informa ‘ion sheets. These inserts indicate that mee cdinesactually carry great risk, Every patient is entitle, if not required to see the package Insert before acceptingany medical teat- ‘ment. This is informed consent. Without knowing the true risks, how can parents do an honest rsk-benefit analysis? (Se example oftnsertan page 7) Scientific Studies on Vaccine Safety ‘When determining vaccine safety, long term studies are never done. Often, the studies have major design flaws makingit ‘easy for them to miss many serious reac tions. For example, a reaction is counted only ifit occurs within an arbitrarily set time period, such as 48 hours, where a reaction on the third day would be labeled “unrelated.” Two to three weeks is consid ered a normal trial period! Bven i there sre adverse reactions, researchers usually donot followup with those patients after the bref study period to see whether they have recovered, This would make i inpos- sible to trace long-term damage from, ‘The CDC writes in their Parent's Guide to (Childhood Immunizations: "Q. How can we be sure vaccines don’teauselong- term problems? A. Tracking vaccinated ‘hildren for many years looking for long-term health conditions would be impractical..°° Additionally, most ofthe studies are conducted by the vaccine manufacturers themselves, rather than by independent third partes, raising cbvious questions about the integrity of these studies. Often, instead of comparing new vaccines to ine rnocuous placebos, such a saline, manu facturers use previously approved vaccines as their “placebo'; a totaly unscientific practice, Revealing Studies ‘Third-party studies usually report a much, higher incidence of adverse reactions, Additionally, when parents are edacated shout vaccine reactions, and know what tolook fr, the numbers are usually very different than those reported by the manufacturers DTaP Package Insert = Toxoids and Acellular ® Pertussis Vaccine Adsorhed x Sere earn erent mre ‘One study conducted by a third party not the safety of the vaccine. Adéition- ally, hile 80% of the children in the study ‘group were atleast 14 months old, the US health depart ‘ment used this study ‘asa basis to vaccinate children as youngas 6 weeks oldt In one prelicensure study of 292 women, only 768 were inchded inthe inal analysis, Incredibly, women who received the series of tee shots and then tested positive for HHPVI6 wereexchided from the study.” 1m clinical tals, 93% ‘of women who received the HPV vaccine onDPT found no reaction in only 7% of Feported adverse teacions within 19 days patients, Another 7% experienced severe Many women even withdrew from the reactions, a full 59% reported moderate study co avoid further eactions.® There reactions, and 27% had mild reactions. While this study was testing DPT, similar levels of severe adverse events axe found with the current acellular pertussis (2P) were 17 deaths during the clinica ral, but investigators dismissed these events, claiming that they wore unrelated to the shots! vaccine! The Jam-Packed Schedule Influenza 4182005, The Lancet published a review that conclided, "The safety of influenza vaccines _given ta babies and chil- dren isunknown."They even reported that they. “found clear evidence of systematic suppression ‘of data” When the re- searchers contacted the vaccine manufacturers for the missing evi- dence, they were denied opr (Clinical rials were ‘Vaccines suc as MMR and ISP ate combined for convenience, not health “Therisk of unnaturally exposing children to many diseases at once though the vaccination process basnorbeen evaluated, ‘We must wonder why bealth authorities have not conducted any studies to determine the safety of ‘heir current practices. Before believing the concli- ‘ons dram by the vaccine ‘manufacturers, take look atthe sclentific data they arc using to make their ‘aims, You wil beamazed never conducted in the US.on children _todiscoverthat the evidence often contrar to determine if the pertussis vaccine was dicts their condusions, While a parent's goal safe. They elied on a British study, which isto protect ther chikren, the pharmaceuti= was meant to test only the effectiveness, _calindustry mayhave other goals, No Causal Relationship? Vaccine manufacturers wil cite many possible adverse reactions, and then wete, “however, no causal relationship ‘hasbeen established” Thi ea strange statement, as there sample evidence to establish a strong causal elation- ship between vaccines and associated reactions, Vaccines are frequently approved despite obvious evidence of theie dangers or ineffectiveness. The above examples are illustrative of virtually every vaccine on the market. In response to the question of how the CDC could ethically promote vaccines whose safety has not been proven, they sive the outrageous response that “withodng new vaccines {rom children wih would nef from them wile longterm tudes were being done would be unethical" If studies would prove that these vaccines are dangerous, wouldntit be ‘more unethical to administer them? Not only ae vaccines ‘not withheld, but they are actualy forced upon us via gov- ‘ernment mandate COncea vacine ia publicly administered, high evel of addres events crumulate Nonethnim: ita cre foca ‘accne tobe removed from cicalation no matter how tach damage itis causing, One likely reason forthe che health depaetment'far that withdrawing vac ‘ine may lc public concern about vacin safety and jaar cana basse cerapetion, Dased cast tvidence that vacines cause harm in at last hundseds of thousands of people yearly, the CDChas decided that they are nonetheless wort Along asheaith authorities neglect te conduclong- termstudier onindividual vaccines, aswell the ‘accine schedule a a whole their arsetion that “the benefits outweigh herisks”isbaseles. they have not done prope skcbeneft alysis we must do one or ourselves @ Inside the vial Safe for infants and pregnant women Outside the vial: Toxic biohazard? After a coercive four-year smallpox vaccination eam: ‘While experimenting with vaccines, French immunclo- palgn reaching 97.5% of the population, ‘ist, Charles Richet coined the term “an-phylais™ England experienced its worst smallpox (neaning against protection) to explain a epidemic of the century, daiming more ‘manmade deadly rection to haemless sub- than 44,000 lives. stances used by injections with the newly (copa i Pee Sea Te ses ee ee ‘The World Health Organization has pointed out that the d ‘Austrian peditridan, Clemens won Prquet, coined the ee ee pea ati ean oe PA a eae ‘the disease thr isolation. chronicillness. oe ttt Omni 9 (et ey ants Fhe a. 21) ‘Researchers at Rockerfller Institute in Manhattan ex: ‘periment with passaging poliovirus through Se ee ee ere ial ‘ierosal on 22 patients with meningitis. All inal cord tissue of Rbenas monkeys with 2 an Farner ec se Ried ee 22 subjects died seven of them within one year the largest and most deadly outbreak of day of thimerosal administration, Lilly used this study as the bass for the safety of thi- ‘merosal, and they've been putting tito vaccines ever polio occured. Brooklyn, New York, the epicentre ofthe ‘outbreak, wasa mere the miles from Rockefeller Insti tte, where the palo experiments took place (QL he Cpe Ve eal 201 413-17) 11967, Ghana was declared measles fre by the Wold Health Organization after 36% ofits popula- ton was vaccinated. In 1972, Ghana expert enced one ofits worst measles outbreaks ever ‘with the highest mortality rat. (De Abc MR Ve Canug Setarnd a 90) Inthe 1960, two viologists discovered that both polio vaccines were contaminated withthe SV 40 virus, which causes cancer in animals as well as changes im human cell-tis- sue cltures, Milions of children had been injected with these vaccines, (Atel avr Arba Mac? 173 2555) Inthe UK. between 1970 and 1990, over 200,000 cases cf whooping cough occurredin fully vaccnated dren, (monty neces Coe U2 (1970-1990 ) Sweden abandoned the whooping cough vac dine due to its ineflectiveness Out of 4240 Cases in 1978 it was found that 84 percent Faden vaccinated thre times (ash aed 2697 00) ‘A survey of 20 states in the US. vealed that more than Thalf of the duldren who contracted messles hhad been adequately vaccinated. (Oh apr Dr Ha Madi) Inthe US, the cost ofa single DPT shot had risen from 111 cents in 198 to $11.40 in 1987, The manufacturers ‘of the vaccines were putting aside $8.00 per shot to cover legal costs and damages they ‘were paying out to parents of brain-dam- ‘The February 1981 fue ofthe Journal of the aged children and children who died after American Medical Association found that 90% ‘vaccination. peepee tae teem fous tte ” ‘The Journal of the American Medical Association pub- See eerie meee on nares lished an article on measles that stated, “Although more See Shaan Sees i Coca Sooo es Soe cos eaten oh es i. ee (TAMA, Nveniber 23, 2990) ee See ee ee Sees ee alsprsey eh Wil oe ary ea tothe press that Trumphad asked him toheada “vaccine ‘97% of people who caught the mumps during 5 the 2008 outbreak hod been vaccinated ‘ments, saying the president “is exploring the (ee Eg alo Mean 2012 36717081713) possibility of forming a commission on A tiem ... however no decisions have been made? (Se Magne R18, 2017) “Are we trading ‘transient child- hood diseases foralifetime of | chronic illness?” = Asthma’ = Chronic bronchitis = Anaphylaxis = Allergies| = ADD/ADHD = Autism > Dyslexia = Learning disabilities > Crohns disease = Ulcerative colitis = Infertility > Guillain-Barre Syndrome = Ecema = Shingles & Diabetes = Obesity = Hypothyroidism = Hyperthyroidism = Alzheimer's disease = ahildnood Leukemia = Cancer = Blindness > Deafness > plepsy = Depression © Bipolar Disorder = Rhoumatold artis = Juvenile artis = Colichigh pitched screaming © Infantile insomnia How Dangerous Are The Diseases? here is great fear of contagious disease, However, we have an ‘incomplete understanding of the actual risks of "vaccine prevent able diseasea” For example, almost every- body has heard: Measles: Extremely contagious! ‘encephalitis (rain inflammation) ‘Mumps: Male sterility Rubella: Birth defects Polio: Paralysis/iron lungs Pertussis/whooping cough: Compromised breathing and death in infants ‘Tetanus: An incurable infection that cases paralysis and is invariably deadly ‘Taese examples illustrate virtually the only ‘thing most people know about these dis ‘eases, Until now, the partial information the ‘public has received about the dangers of the Aiseases has inevitably led to widespread fear and therofore faithful acceptance of vaccines. Dowe know: = How frequently these diseases occur? © How often they produce these side effets? © Whether the numbers cited by health authorities have any basis in reality? © Whether there are any risk factors that rake complications from these diseases ‘more orless likely? > How vaccines have affected the epidemiel- ‘ogy ofthese diseases? = Whether vaccines have reduced the inci dence ofthe feared consequences of these diseases? > Whether other treatments besides wace Below, we provide a brief overview of some {important but little-known facts about these diseases, It becomes apparent that aelective {information ean be misleading enough to ‘make it impossible to make a trly educated ecsion about vaccines, You can ind anewers ‘to the above questions through further road ing. Aftereading this handbook, if you bike, take alook a the recommended book list found atthe back ofthis handbook. Diseases for which there are vaccines are not allequal. We have categorized them below in the hopes of darfying their true relevance in courlives, For the sake of brevity, thie list does not include every disease for which there is vaccine. Conduct your own research to find cout more about the diseases mentioned, as ‘ell as those that are not While some ofthese diseases can be inter= changed within these categories, the medical establishment would have us believe that all “vaccinable” diseases fll nto the realm of dangerous or deadly. This far fom the truth, ‘There ae: [© Diseases that are frightening and possibly dangerous, = Diseases that are low tisk or generally harmless, and © Diseases that are relevant to most popu lations FRIGHTENING DISEASES. Pertussis/ Whooping Cough Pertussis is a genuinely frightening disease, wich despite massive vacination coverage Js still transmitted today. However, death, rates from the disease have declined dramati- cally since the early 1900s, before the vaccine became available The most likely reason is {improved standard of living and nutrition In 2020, out of 27,500 cases of whooping cough reported in the US. there were 27 deaths, 25 of which occurred in children tunder 1 year old. This does not come clase +0 the average 10,000 annual cases of Sudden Infant Dest, 70% of which maybe caused by the DTaP vaccine “The vaccine for whooping cough is highly reac. tive; in addition to SIDS, it has been conelated ‘with brain damage and many other severe side-effects, One sdy found thatthe DTaP ‘vaccine caused severe reactions (suchas rain inflammation) in 1 out of 105 babies. This ‘was almost double the rate ofthe orginal ‘whole-cell perrussi waccine 9 hich was removed from circulation due tothe tremen- dous incidence of adverse reactions Additionally, the vaccine is nt very effective ‘im protecting against the disease. Accord- ing to the Journal ofthe American Medical Assocation, “Whooping Cough infections are common in an immunized population” ‘Tae British Medical Journal states, “In 1973 Sweden abandoned the whooping cough vaccine. Out of 5,140 cases in 1978, twas found that 84% had been vaccinated three ‘umes The fact that this vaccine comes in ‘doses speaks volumes ofits inability to render permanent immunity (see below for more about booster shots). “In the USA in 1978, they mandated vacina- om [and] resulted n a three fold inerease in ‘the reported incdenceof whooping cough.” Viera Scheibmer PRD (from Tokai Journal of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1988) Polio Polio is an oralsfecal disease whichis ‘contracted via contact with excrement, not ‘sneezes of infected (or vecently vaccinated) ppetsons, We have put it in thie category Dbecatse soceny is terrified off, ince ithas track record of causing paralysis ‘Vaccines have been given a lotof cei for eradicating the disease, but in truth statistics [nave shown tha for reasons untelated tothe ‘vaccine, polio was already declining before vaccination wasintroduced © In fact, after the introduc ton of the vaccine in the US., cases of polio nearly doubledt” In 1954, after the introduction of the vaccine, the CDC changed tHe diagnostic criteria for polio labeling most cases that would have previ ‘ously been diagnosed as polio as “acute faced pas ‘lysis Subsequent years {307 30,000 new paralysis cases yealy given thie al- ternate diagnosis, thereby “exadicating’ the disease with the sreep of a pen, ‘Aste aces paralysis fon the rise and is clini- ‘rom poli.” Diphtheria Diphtheria sno longer found in developed countries. in the words of pediatidan,Rob- tr Mendeltohn M.D, “Today your child as 2s much chance of contracting diptheriaas Ine does of being bitten by acabea™ Again, vaccination is given undeserved credit for the dseac’s radiation. Inthe 1840s, counties that introduced the vaccine sav dramatic increase in disease incidence. 2 Duringthe same period countries such asSmden save diphtheria dedne, derite the fact that they dt nor vacate against 13075, an FDA report conde that the diphtheria racine not as effective an immuniing agent as might be anticated” Ad that the ease may ocr in vacated individuals Historically, during outbreaks atleast 50% of those wh contracted the Glaease were vacated. Adon, in the US. diphtheria ddined at the eame ratesin states where fe cilren were vacated a5 it didn hove wth mandatory vacation palcies®™ Low-Risk Diseases Most childhood diseases fll nto this category. In the 1960s, after the vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella was introduced, the media began to inflate the dangers of these diseases in order to compel the publicto vaccinate, The same thing has happened in recent years with chicken pax. © Infantile encephalitis = Autoimmune disease © Paralysis/brain damage > Multiple sclerosis = Demyelinating polyneuropathy © Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis © Acute transverse ryelits ‘= Chronic ear infection © Chronic strep throat © Chronic fatigue syndrome = Migraines = Meningitis = Kidney fete > Faure to thrive ‘hiss not an exhaustive lise. Vaccines area major contributing factor to ‘many other chronte diseases as wll. Sanitation, Nutrition and Improved Living Conditions, NOT Vaccines, Reduced Disease Incidences ‘Who was scared of chicken pox before ‘the vactine was introduced? Medi induced fear mongering made these vaccines seem like anecessity. These iseases only become greatly feared after they become “preventable” ‘Unlike natural imananity from the diseases themselves, vacines da not ‘impart lifelong immunity. This is the reason for booster shots, which are taken for granted as routine part of vaccination. What many do not realize is that the reason for nepeated boosters is that immunity from vac. ines urually wanes over time, Booster ‘hots are intended to solve this problem, However, immunity usually declines shortly after repeated boost- fersas well. “The big acret among ‘vaccinologsts’ Is that anywhere from 20 to 50% of children are not resistant tothe dseases or which they have been immunized.” Dr Russell Blaylock M.D. “The Truth Behind the Vaccine Cover-Up" When mothers contracted these iceases during childhood, their Infants recived natural immunity at birth, which lasted 15 months. Vaccinated mothers no longer protect ttheirinfants, and these vaccines ate Ineffective on infants aswell. The sad ‘ony is that hecause of vaccines, we are lefe with many adults and infants ‘who are no longer resistant to many diseases, While these diseases are harmless to most children, they Imparta much greater risk to adults and infants, ‘The MMR Vaccine ‘Theres little doube that the MMR vaccine has been effective in reducing te incidence ofthe three diseases it is intended to prevent. But at what cost? Faw patents would rise their child's health—or even life—avith ‘vaccine just because a disease isin convenient, and may cost them warle ‘days. The reason people are willing to accept the risks of vaccines is because they are afraid of the dangers of the diseases, (What ifthe MMR vaccine were damaging more children than the diseases? With deafness, disability, and mental retardation on the tse, ‘we must take a step back and ack ‘whether vaccines are accomplish ing ther original goal of preventing children from being harmed or killed. ‘Or have vaccines perhaps become a greater threat to ous children’s health ‘han the diseases they are intended roprevent? “Talmost died of Tetanus because I didn't get my booster shot and was infected with it from rusty nail ‘There are many anaerobic bacte- fi that an tke up residence in ep puncture wounds. Although ‘wound infection common, tela us sary the effening act tim Inthe US. there are ony about ‘deaths per year due to tetanus infection. Tetanus i an anaerobic tte found the fces of fa animals doesnot usualy dre thant on rusty nas thowgh other Sracrbie bata may have Been ‘resentatthe time of ny. Ifyou receive the tetanus boost, which sactually the DTaP vaccine, will do nothing te protect you from myriad infectious bacteria. The vac- ines ability to protect against al ‘wound infections ite mare than anilluson, Since vaccines can sup- ress the immune system, there Is ‘eason to be concerned thatateta- ‘nus shot may putone at greater risk or wound infection. Measles Upuntil the early 1900s, messes deaths were common in both the US. and England. Average death rates ranged around 8% sn the US. and 30% {in England. This was apparently due +9 poor living conditions and manu ‘tition, both rampant at that time, ‘As living conditions improved, and bfore the MMR vaccine was intro- duced, death rates declined to be- ‘tween 0.03% and 0.000038. In 1963, ght before the introduction of the seasles vaccine, chere were between and 3 death in children due to ‘measles in various US. states." ‘The number of deaths from measles sn children in impoverished countries is much greater. Mortality rates are 200 to 400 times higher in malnour- ‘shed children. These rates are added indiscriminately to statistics making ‘measles look much more dangerous to children in affluent countries than iteally is "Ohilren in Third World countries need improved vitamin A ard general nuri« tion stats, not vaccines” Dr Vera Scheibmer ‘Though measles is highly contagious, inconvenient, and uncomfortable, it ‘ately causes harm in properly nous ‘shed children in affluent countries. However, the live virus MMR vaccine carries considerable risks. The fol lowing sa partial list of possible, ‘often-permanent adverse reactions to the vaccine: deafness, seizures, convulsions, autoimmune disorders, chronic bowel disease, encephalitis, Drain damage (suchas autism), and death®? “The CDC claims that the adds of en= ephalitis from measles are 1/1000. However, this mumber i prob- ably only accurate in malnourished children. The real adda ofa child in ‘arst word country, being disabled by encephalitis from measles is bereen 41/10,000 and 1/100,000. There was also belief among doctors that ‘when a child experienced photopho- bia ight sensitivity, i could lead to blindness; an unfounded claim ‘Accontingto Dr. Wiliam Atkinson, senior epidemiologist with the CDC, in somelarge outbreaks, over 95% of ‘those who contract measles had been vaccinated. According to the World Health Organization, during an out= ‘break vaccinated people have about a 15 times greater chance of contracting measles than unvaccinated Additionally, after the introduction of the vaccine, a strange form of measles, called “stypical meaeles” ap- peated, Occurring only in vaccinated individuals, the disease lasted much longer and carried much greater risks than the original ilness.°*") ‘Note: Vitamin A supplementation has ‘been shown to reduce complications ‘rom measles, while fever reducers or Antibiotics may increase the odds of complications, Mumps Mumps isnt serioas illness when caught doing childhood. AS mene tioned above adults are now a restr ik of contracting mumps ‘there ithas the potential odo more (damage. One paricalar concer is for corhitiin boys a reaction that only ‘ccursafterpaberty and cacies avery fall hance of casing tri. Ironic. becausef the vaccine, there hasbeenan eideninogal shift the incidence af mumps Before the ‘recne the disease occured primarily in cre under 14 yn of ag, 72004, over 798 of cases cere impeople over 15° Additional in outbreaks the majority a people who Contacte dseae have een filly vaccinated Rubella Rubella isa harmless disease in chil= dren. The purpose of the vaccine was to protect expectant mothers, since te disease can cause birth defects if ‘contracted during the frst trimester. ‘With an astounding lack f foresight, vaccinating child ha deprived many adults of ifelong immunity, Since vaccination does not usualy ‘confer permanent immunity, adults lacking natural immunity are more Waly to contract the disease precisely ‘when it can cause harm, The irony is thatthe best way to protect mothers ‘would have been for them ta contract the disease naturally as children, ‘which vaccination has prevented. Note: Vaccinating women before or during pregnancy caries a significant ‘sk ro the fetus of causing congenital, rubella syndrome CRS). Some epide- iological data has shown that cases ‘of CRS have increased since the MMR vaccine was introduced Varicella/ Chicken Pox Despite recent media hype about the ‘dangers of chicken pox, most are stil aware that chicken pox is an innocuous dicease The vaccine however isnot. Ace ‘cording to the FDA, serious reactions (Gcluding life threatening events, sabilties, and deaths) have occurred inanywhere from4-14%of those ‘vaccinated! Compare these numbers ‘tothe miniscule risk of complications from the disease ite" Addition- aly che varicella vaccines cauced a Ihuge inreacein the once rare shingles disease, an infection significantly more pinful and chronic than chicken pos. (0 Their response? A shingles vaccine Influenza ‘Tazough aggressive masketing, the ‘media hae been instrumental in ‘convincing the pbc that the fais a deadly diseate that kil thousands annually. According ta the CDC's vital ‘statistics (NCHS), influenza and pneu- ‘monia were the ninth leading cause ‘of death in 2010 with 50,097 deat. Understandably this is why most doc: tore recommend the fu shot. Further analysis ofthe data revels that out ‘ofall those deaths, 49,597 were from ‘pneumonia, and anly 500 were from the ful “This deceptive ping of disease data convinces the publi ofthe danger of influenaa, making the a shot seom ike alfeeavingneceesiny™ Pewmonia commonly occurs in de Dlitated hospitalioed patents femay. portend death, butts rarely associ- [ed with ia. Asie fom the raving of ‘deaths, che vacineis noc usually ‘capable of preventing the disence, since seraely matches the culating virus ‘suain, Inexplicably the fu shotie rec: ‘ommended rgandless of ts rinimal eictiveness, ‘Also, acconding tothe package inser, ‘te chotcan cauee "Bulle eymptome” Many experience thet shorty after and found that 2008-2009, HIN vaccination was associated witha 14 102.56 incensed sk of contracting ‘theta virus The Cochrane Database has stated in two studies, that there i ‘no datato support efficacy in cudren ‘under two, and in adults "There eno evidence that any inftunan ‘mec thes far developed effective in preventing or mitigating any areack of influenza” Dr Anthony Mons, Former Chief Vacine Officer tthe FDA. ‘The fiuis actualy of litte concern, compated tothe serious damage the shot i capable of, including disability and death. The CDC admits that the ‘lu vaccine can cause Guillain-Barré syndrome, a debilitating paralytic condition. hey play down the seri- ‘uisness ofthis condition while em- ‘phasizing the dangers ofthe Bu," ‘making us wonder who decides which diseases the public should fear Irrelevant Diseases Hepatitis B Hepatitis B isa rare viral infection. Ieis spread through blood and body ‘fuids and primarily affects IV drug ‘users and promiscuous individuals. It fs rarely found in children. The only babies who ae at risk of contracting Stare those whose mothers cary the disease, or in the unkiely event that they receive a blood transfusion from an infected donor. The vaccine has been «administered to infants less thar a day old since 1991, though | am introverted by nature; worked up the cour. age to ask the nurse at my slatecian’ office for the ‘package insert before receving a vac- ‘ine for my child. She disappeared into the backroom for along time, while | waited. Eventually she returned with a booklet from the CDC explaining the Importance of vaccinating. “This isnot what asked for! told her She sent meon a wild goose chase, but I could not extract the document from, ‘anyone. | left the office without the ‘drug info, and without accepting the vaccine for my child. What were they ‘tying to hide? Concern mother ‘New Jersey Why are babies given this vaccine? “The vaccine mamfacrurers admit that it is given to babies because they do not have ‘cess to the population actually at isk of ‘contracting the disease. In the words of the GlaxoSmithKline product insert, infants are vaccinated for Hep B “because avaccina= tion strategy limited to high-risk individuals Jas failed. and children are “accessible” So in essence, newborns are exposed to the risks ofa vaccine fora disease irelevant to them to protect IV drugusers, and others ‘with iy lifestyles, ‘The National Vaccine Information Center has received reports of many adverse reac- tions to this vaccine inchiding, chronic ‘eczema, seizures, arthritis, autoimmune disorders, diabetes, and infant death, ‘According to researcher, J. Barthelow Classen, M.D. the vaccine causes approxi- rately 10,000 cases of diabetes each year inthe US” When information from the US. govern- rment’s Vaccine Adverse Event Report- ing System was analyzed, the number of serious adverse veactions to the vaccine in children by far outnumbered caves of the disease." In 1993, Pediatrics magazine reported that according to surveys, up to [87% of pediatricians did not believe the ‘vaccine was appropriate for their new- bborn patients. Many doctors refuse to be ‘vaccinated with HepB, even though itis recommended for them, a day of eceving vaccines my sons entire personaly changed. He stopped smiling crying and making eye contact He stopped eating {and began to lose weight This went on for months, and he was dagnosed with | “alu tothrive: Thankfully he eventually ‘came out oft {stil member calling the pediatrician Immediately ftereshut down and. {asking her ft could have been because ofthe vaccines he had just received. She ‘responded thatit could not possibly have been from the vaccines, and that vacines 2 are very safe. ‘Since then | have discovered that many ‘ther parents have sen the same sudden regression in ther children after receiving ‘vaccinations. Many of them never recov- ‘ered and are stil sabled today. What | goods doctors worthless reassurance when realty is contrary to their claims? f iy doctor would have realized the ove ‘us, maybe she could have prevented ‘ther children fem being harmed. ZC. (Boro Park) Real People, Real Conversations HPV (Gardasil) Human Papillomavirus is an STD. Some strains of HPV may in are instances cause czrvical cancer. However, no study was ‘conducted fora time period long enough to prove thatthe vaccine has prevented even A single case of cancer 20 Additionally, the ‘vaccine only targets 9 out of the over 100 stains of HPV that exist “The greatest problem with this wacine is that it has caused huge numbers of severe reactions in young girls and women © ‘Many American parents only allow their children to receive this vaccine out of fear ‘of promiscuous behavior. The HPV vace ‘ine is now being routinely administered to very young girls, who are hapefully at no risk of contracting this disease. Scen- tist, Dr. Diane M. Harper, who spent 20, years developing the HPV vaccine, stated, “The vaccine isnot for young girls, and not only may not protect them, but may ‘cause the rates of cervical cancer to Since the vaccine was released in 2006, according to VABRS there have been more than 50,000 adverse reactions reported. Due tovast underreporting, this may be only asmall percentage of actual cases. Hundreds of young women required ex: tended hospital care. Incredibly, warts and lesions Gnduding precancerous lesions) in the cervical areaand HPV infection have ‘been reported in association with the vace ine. Additionally, as of 2016, atleast 317 ‘young women have died after receiving HRV shots.=% Tetanus ‘Tetanus is arare non-contagious bacte- rial infection It is anaerobic and cannot survive if there is oxygen: it can only develop if itis contacted through deep serious wounds, exposed to animal feces. In the early 1900s, before the vaccine was introduced, tetanus cases in wounded ‘American soldiers had dropped 92%, and continued to decline to .44 in 100,000 ‘cases by World War Il Researchers attai- bute this to better wound hygiene =! In developed counties, there are spprox- rately 5 t0.35 cases of tetamis aval, ‘with about 4 deathe per yearin the US. Moat ofthe deacins occurred in people coverage 50; only 5th of tetas cases ox ‘irred in individuals under 20 and these cases were rarely fatal => Yet, as part of the DTaP shot, this vaccines given to bile Kons of infants. THE FORGOTTEN HISTORY OF POLIO people paralyzed each year, unable to walk ParalyticPolio: a New Disease Poliovirus isa mild gastrointestinal disease thathas existed for thousands of years. Nearly every human on earth was natually exposed to all thee trains of the disease and recov ‘ered without incident. The turn ofthe 20th century (during fgolated outbreaks) wasthe first time poli was ever ssid to Ihave cased epidemic paralysis ‘The worst paralytic polio epidemic occurred in the US. in 4916. Iwas blamed on Italian iennigrans, though iewaa later proven that the outbreak bogan before their arrival. Near the epicenter ofthe 1316 epidemic, at Rockefeller Institute in Manhattan, New York, sdentists were working on developing the most virulent (dangerous) strain of poliovirus, withan affity (attraction) to central neve calls Neavy all the re- ‘searchers later involved in developing the polo vaccines were from the Rockefeller Institute.” Toxic Pesticides ‘he second major outbreak occurred inthe 1950s. DDT, 2 tote pesticide now banned inthe US. was in widespread tase during the 1950s, DDT manufacturers marketed the poi- son a totaly safe, even health promoting. and people coated very surface, ren thee food with this toxic anbstance 1n1951, Dr. Albert Sabin developer ofthe live poio vaccine) ‘noticed thatthe American Miltary in the Philippines had ‘stonishingly high rates of poll, Approximately 1 in 79 1=- cuits. He was mystified why th Filipino natives considered polio the “white man's disease’, ince despite intermingling, they were unaffected by it US. soldiers were trained to cot their dlothing, food, and bod- {es with DDT, while the natives did not use the pesticide. Symptoms SEDDT poisoning are neatly identical to polo yells Every country that has made wide- spread use f DDT has caperienced paralytic epidemics of polio Tonsillectomies and Polio Duringthe 1950s tonsi- lectomiee were widely administered, evento symptom-free healthy dlildren. These open ‘wounds allowed palo easy entry tothe central ‘nervous system, and childcen whose tonsils had been need Tsay removed were at much greater risk of central nervous infec: ‘ton with plo “anyone Si enough toremember the 1850s willremember the panic caused by polio esp 020,000 ‘or sometimes even to breathe...Thanks t0 ‘been a case of polio in the United States in years.” —Prom the 2012 CDC's “Parent's Guide to Childhood Immunizations” there has not APreference for Treatments that Didn't Work “standat of careattht tie cluded orgery casting, Smsmebization, stem safes leaving patents gst! Aaa tag lar pee, ober ooe were eectvely ering pola smecires amare ew aya. ‘Stange their sucess wa ore ee RO ae intavenouly witha mesly 100% success atm quickly cre tng severe caus of plo, fair the beating cle were prayed. Note vitamin Cisne of he mat port abet capable of rmoving ptteea Ika DDT he ov quicy and ae ‘ter leet Kenoy, an Atctalon mors eternal the then newiangle physical therapy. Using movernent tater tha ha etandar mci ree da ‘ffectively cared many poli ces Polio Vaccine: the Main Source of Polio ‘Dr Jonas Salk, ceatr ofthe Salk Polio Vaceine alongwith ‘other centist, tested in court that since 1961, the polo vaccine was the “principle fot sole caus” of polo aces in theus® According to the World Health Organization's information-sheet on polio vaccines, “OPV caries the risk of vaccine-asocited paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP)...In _adilition, when pole vaccine coverage is low in the population, ths live attonuated vaccine may revert its virulence and ‘vansmissbility and pose addtional isk for emergence of vaccine-derived palioviruses (VDPVs). which have bean sociated with outbreaks, Because ofthese risks, OPV use willbe discontinued worldwide once the goal of eradicating allwild poliovirus (WPV eransmisson) is achieved"? Yeis bafting to imagine how a vaccine can eradicate a disease that it continues to cause, [t would seem that polio eradication by means of vaccination isnot only risky, but impossible {In 2011, an aggressive campaign to “eradicate polio” tn India wos conducted, where children received as many as 15 polio shots Tis precipitated an epidemic of 47,500 cases of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP), condition that is indistinguishable from poliomyelitis. The higher the vaccination rates, the more cases of patalysls, Although the rate of pedatrcparaly- ai shyrockeed, the campaign was consdered a success, since ower cases of wild pli" were reportad!™ Childhood Disability on the Rise Despite all the effort to protect society from the “polio scourge, childhood disabilities, including lifelong paaly- fieare not on the decline. Cases have more than since the 1950s, but have been overshadowed by the 16% increase sn mental disabilities occurring in the US. between, 2001 and 2014, according tothe American Academy of Pediatrics. © ‘Sowhile we may feel some (fale) sense of security that the polio ‘vactne is protecting our cikren from disability, this could not ‘be further fom the truth During the last 60 years smmething has caused an unprecedented sein allfrs of cided ds abit. Thishas gone agaly unnoticd. @ inated become the new group to be singled out for per- secution, asthe Jews were in Strasbourg in 13008? ere vaccines mandated for school entry because uavacci- nated children pose a genuine danger to their peers, or were the laws enacted merely to increase vaccine Unvaccinated Children angering Public Health? ‘must have come fom unvacrinated children, because they are the only ones sil capable of ‘aching and wansmitting disease. Toreisan ‘obvious aw in thislogi. If vaccinated children frequently contract diseases they are protected During black plague, compliance? Though there is sentiment gee ai foreigners, beggsts, that vaccine non-compliance endangers Teun ie feign ieee anal publichealth, theres reason to suspect eee ecu Tepers were alapperse- hat hat really endangers s medical ‘Some fae that unvaccinated children em Saat futhoritarionism,fothereany basis forthe anger society, presuming that they may be Gite buttosouch —_beliefthat unvaccinated children havea __ayingevery infectious ease known to eae ee que ability to spread disease? ‘mankind, ready to spread them to vaccinated See wh eer Fae ‘tude at ny moment, Infact, the exact Hess plage Pevaiise ‘What Is This Fear Based On? ‘opposite i true. they never drank fram ya carmeae Som chi hatred vacings Can Spread Disease een ‘er pullichaalth because thir tts enables read Diseas eae therm to spread diacace tothe vaccinated popo- While vaccinated individuals may experience lean ss Ine Inton. Whenever there isa disease outbreak, a miler form fthe seas or no symptoms ie en a ‘unvaccinated populations will invariably be atall or full-blown infection, for that mat- the Jews, the main umed Thissanunsdentscandbaseess 119 40s we ly pae of exrtringshe stream Buropean big- presumption aease®™ Addtionally, many vaccines, sch coted populace “ratio. Few of mwacinaed hldren i eapecialy {5 MIR, chicken pow, whooping cough, nalising” that because bizare, sncethe intent ofvacinesisto pre-and polio emainin the patients body fra the Jews didn't have ‘vent thoes who recive them fom contacting few wels ser vacchation, These ves can smallpoxand everyone feared disenes. Why would an unvaccinated “shed” fromthe vaccinated person and spread to else did the Jews must ‘ce, Tis undea whether even high sacination rats wil ver ttally er Cate these disease Finding Someone to Blame ‘With or without a basis, the media Ihas blamed foreigners and unvac: ‘inated for disease outbreaks, Some Delieve tht i ia reeponsible and ‘even unethical to reject vaccines, and that those who doo are endangering ‘publichealth. Should parents who are concerned that vaceines may cause hharm be deprived of the option to reject them? Can and should society force ll children to receive vacenes and ottracize those who den? Unethical Experiments ‘After World War I, at the Nuremberg trials, Nazi doctors were acused of medical atrocities. The Nazis argued that thet experiments were fr “the greater good of society” This defense ‘wat rejected and the tral conclnded ‘with the establishment ofthe inter: national Nuremberg Code, intended ‘toprotec the individual from being as “For the Greater Good”? expored to dangerous medial proce date againat his wil”) ‘To protect basic human rights the ‘Nuterberg Code requires "voluntary fnformed consent” for any medical procedure, Thie means that the patient ‘must receive full closure about the potential risk and benefits ofthe teat- ment and has fee choice to acceptor reject ‘Vaccines: “Unavoidably Unsafe” According the Merck Manual and US, lw, vaccination is "unavoidably un- safe® Vaccines pose recognized risks, Including permanent daa brain damageand death, Allthiss evident from the vaccine package inserts, and the US, government’ Vaccine Adverse “Events Reporting System (VAERS). To date, US. courts have rewarded over $3 Iilin t aris of vaccine damaged ctildcen ® The CDC admits that vac- ‘ine are studied for very brief time periods and their long-term effects are not investigated, and are therefore unknown U.S. Falls Behind Despite spending more on healthcare per capita and giving more vaccines ‘than any other country inthe word. according tothe CIA, as of 2014 the US. infant death ranking has fallen to 56th place"* This means that the US. has more deaths than neatly every ‘other afluent country and even some lees affuent countries tke Bosnia, and Cubs) all of which spend les on ‘healthcare and give fewer vaccines Forced Vaccination For some parents, the reason they stopped vaccinating is because they hhavehad children injured or klled by vaccines, Most other parents and doc- tors who have rejected vaccines, only Pee eee Cpe pace ae vaccines, health care & reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent id s0 after thoroughly investigating ‘the subject and realizing thatthe rss ‘outweighed the benefits” In recent years, individuals wha chose not to vaccinate are being ceused of Dutting society at risk. Ourright to ‘efuse medial weatment ie dented in the nate of public health (precisely the logic used bythe Nazi) Temporary Immunity Fortran, unl exposure tothe teal eae vacination doesnot ‘uually ender permanent immunity. nheknewnst other, nny alloc cdoated adit are no longer tenn Childhood dass leaving ther ina ery slr state wracinated ae (ren. 09 The fat that immunity fom aces can wea off ake herd ‘unity nd ease eradication through ‘acnation an impossible gal, Booster ‘lots may seem Heth obvious aawer to waing immunity, however antod- ies from repeated bosters often wear otquddye Freedom of Health ‘While not vaccinating nay passively expose individuals to disease risks, every child who is vaccinated is being actively exposed tothe very real rske ‘of vaccines. Every parent should be fully aware ofthe risks and benefits of vaccines and then be given the right to acceptor eject them, Toforceevery- ‘oneto reeivean “unavoidably unsafe” treatment for society's "greater good is. reminiscent ofthe all-too-recent past and strikes at the very fabric of free society In order to male an informed vaceine choice, parents must be presented with ‘more information bout vaccines than they curently receive, Ifthe risks of vactines are not disdosed, and if one ‘cannot optout of them, theres no “informed consent” and the Nurem- ‘berg Codes not being upheld. ‘Since fored vacination could not possibly be forthe benefit ofthe in ‘ial, and ie theoretclly intended to protect soley, the question remains: Has mass vaccination improved public heleh? @

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