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Mid-Term Examination

(PGP 2020– 22), Term - IV

Course Name: Integrated Marketing Communications


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Total marks: 20 Time: 1 Hour

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Q1: Titan Ltd-owned jewellery brand Tanishq had to withdraw its advertisement by Tanishq Ekatvam
featuring an interfaith family after being viciously trolled across social media platforms. The
Advertising Agencies Association Of India (AAAI) and The Advertising Club (TAC) stood united for the
right of advertisers to promote their businesses in a safe environment. Tanishq decided to withdraw,
considering the safety of employees. These kinds of ads creating a stir that may damage the brand's
reputation is not a new thing. Undoubtedly, 'Managing uncertainty is essential for PR'. Explain the
key steps that must be followed for a Crisis Communication Plan. (10 Marks)

Ans 1:

Q2: As the world grapples with COVID-19, it is imperative to consider what the post-COVID world will
mean for those of us in the digital marketing realm. The pandemic has accelerated the speed at
which we are "going digital" and has given new power to many online industries. Never before have
we been so dependent on Amazon or Zoom to get through the day, which means that as digital
marketers, we want to make decisions that use this new reliance on technology to our advantage.
With an example of any recent ad, illustrate a brand campaign with its content and media strategy
to impact unprecedented times? (5+5 marks)

Ans 2:

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