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Digital Marketing: Meaning, Scope and
Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet.
Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and their websites to
connect with current and prospective customers.

Marketing has always been about connecting with your audience in the right place and at the right time.
Today, that means you need to meet them where they are already spending time: on the internet.

Enter digital marketing — in other words, any form of marketing that exists online.

Digital marketing is defined by the use of numerous digital tactics and channels to connect with
customers where they spend much of their time: online. From the website itself to a business’s online
branding assets — digital advertising, email marketing, online brochures, and beyond — there’s a
spectrum of tactics that fall under the umbrella of “digital marketing.”

The best digital marketers have a clear picture of how each digital marketing campaign supports their
overarching goals. And depending on the goals of their marketing strategy, marketers can support a larger
campaign through the free and paid channels at their disposal.

A content marketer, for example, can create a series of blog posts that serve to generate leads from a new
ebook the business recently created. The company’s social media marketer might then help promote these
blog posts through paid and organic posts on the business’s social media accounts. Perhaps the email
marketer creates an email campaign to send those who download the ebook more information on the

Scope and Importance

Digital Marketing industry is booming not just in India but all parts of the world. The year 2016 took the
industry by surprise with over 1.5 lakh job opportunities in the Digital Marketing domain. Well, the
following was a bigger surprise when only the first quarter of 2017 marked for 8 lakh job opportunities.

The surveys conducted by several forums have predicted this number to grow with Digitalisation in the
nation. Our Prime Minister has been actively promoting the idea of Digital India. PM Modi’s digital India
campaign gained massive popularity. The initiative of Government of India is aimed at providing easy
services to its natives.

Now imagine when a nation’s government is promoting the digital interaction, what do you think will be
the Digital Marketing scope in that nation.
Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator
The Digital Marketing industry is at its peak at the moment due to many reasons, take a look at
some of them:

It is the newest thing in town

Hasn’t the internet driven all of us crazy? well, it sure has. There was a time when a new serial on the TV
used to be the hot topic whereas today, the online posts or a new music video on YouTube grabs our
attention. What is this? this is a shift in the choice and preferences. Digital media is gaining mass
attention because of the fresh air it has got with itself. It’s like living in a new era. We are experiencing a
revolution, while we are shifting from the traditional to the Digital media.

It is flexible

Since the entire work is to be done on the internet, there is no restriction of the place. It doesn’t matter if
you are at the office or at home. All you need is a device that is connected to the internet and you are
sorted.  Yes, it is actually that easy. Do you want to check your bank balance? do it on your smart phone.
Want to book movie tickets? pick up your smartphone and book! This is the digital age, everything is
available at your fingertips.

It is easy
Accessing the digital media is no rocket science. It is a piece of cake. The newest of users also take a
maximum of few days to learn how to operate the digital media. This is purely because it is designed in
such a user-friendly manner that its primary objective is to ease the operations for human beings, the
reason why our mobile phones are now called smartphones.

Eco- friendly
Being responsible citizens of the world it is important that we operate through mediums that do not harm
our atmosphere cause being ignorant to the atmosphere will only have an adverse effect on us. The digital
media additionally cuts down on paper usage. We operate the digital media over the internet and thus can
save ourselves a lot of hustle in terms of hard work, long process of work and all the other drawbacks of
using the traditional medias.

Fastest Reach
Previously radio was considered to have the fastest reach because of the live communication feature.
Radio is still the medium with the widest reach but the new media is gradually overshadowing the most
popular medias like a newspaper, television, etc.

Today, you post anything online and it gets trending within a few hours. This is because the number of
users of the digital media are touching heights with each passing day.

The man kind is used to being influenced by whatever is trending the most. The virtual media has not
fallen short of influencing the masses of its own new style. The social media occupying the most space
has infused itself so well in the lives of the users that it is like the early morning newspaper that is a must.
Only this newspaper is carried forward all day long (pun intended).
Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator
Job Opportunities
The massive user engagement calls for more and more job opportunities. The employment sector has seen
a major share of jobs generated by the Digital Marketing Industry. The statistics show that the total
number of job opportunities in the Digital Marketing industry to cross 8 lakh job in 2017. The career
scope in Digital Marketing seems attractive to masses and that is the reason why many professionals are
learning this course to enter the industry.

High engagement
It is true that the traditional media are being completely overshadowed by the internet- led Digital
Marketing due to high engagement factors. The brands and companies have begun to give extra emphasis
to the ad campaigns run on the internet over television ads. The revolution is here!

Small investments and big Returns

Digital Marketing ad campaigns ask for a very little amount of investments as compared to television and
print ads. The high ROI is attractive enough to draw the attention of the marketers and advertisers.

Measure immediate results

An advertiser running a social media campaign can easily measure the performance of the campaign in
real time without waiting for long intervals. The leads generated and online purchases are a direct
measure of the performance of the campaign.

The 5Ds of digital marketing

To understand the importance of digital marketing to the future of marketing in any business, it’s
helpful to think about what audience interactions we need to understand and manage. Digital
marketing today is about many more types of audience interaction than website or email… It
involves managing and harnessing these ‘5Ds of Digital’ that I have defined in the introduction
to the latest update to my Digital Marketing: Strategy, Planning and Implementation book. The
5Ds define the opportunities for consumers to interact with brands and for businesses to reach
and learn from their audiences in different ways:

1. Digital devices – audiences experience brands as they interact with business websites and
mobile apps typically through a combination of connected devices including smartphones, tablets,
desktop computers, TVs and gaming devices.
2. Digital platforms – most interactions on these devices are through a browser or apps from the
major platforms or services, that’s Facebook (and Instagram), Google (and YouTube), Twitter and
3. Digital media – different paid, owned and earned communications channels for reaching and
engaging audiences including advertising, email and messaging, search engines and social networks.
4. Digital data – the insight businesses collect about their audience profiles and their interactions
with businesses, which now need to be protected by law in most countries.
5. Digital technology – the marketing technology or martech stack that businesses use to create
interactive experiences from websites and mobile apps to in-store kiosks and email campaigns.

Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator
Digital marketing Vs. Traditional Marketing
To clarify the terms, the use of print ads on newspapers and magazines is a simple example of traditional
marketing. Other examples include flyers that are put in mailboxes, commercials both on TV and radio
and billboards. On the other hand, when a business invests on building a website, advertising the brand
name through different social media such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, this kind strategy is
called digital marketing.

Benefits of Traditional Marketing

You can easily reach your target local audience. For example, a radio ad might play in one location:
your city or region. Or mailbox flyers will go to households in a select number of suburbs.

The materials can be kept. The audience can have a hard copy of materials of which they can read or
browse through over and over again.

It’s easy to understand. It can be easily understood by most people because they are already exposed to
this kind of strategy.

The Downside to Traditional Marketing

There is very little interaction between the medium used and the customers. It is more of providing
information to the public that the brand exists with the hope of these people patronizing the brand.

Print or radio advertisements can be very costly. Printing materials can be expensive and you need to
hire people to distribute these.

Results on this marketing strategy cannot easily be measured. Was the campaign successful?

Benefits of Digital Marketing

You can target a local audience, but also an international one. Further, you can tailor a campaign to
specific audience demographics, such as gender, location, age and interests. This means your campaign
will be more effective.

Your audience can choose how they want to receive your content. While one person likes to read a
blog post, another person likes to watch a YouTube video. Traditional marketing doesn’t give the
audience a choice. Most people hate receiving sales flyers in their mailbox or phone calls at inconvenient
times on stuff that they have little interest in.  Online people get the choice to opt in or out of

Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator
communications and often it is relevant because they were the ones searching for it in the first place.
Don’t underestimate the power of market segmentation and tailored marketing.

Interaction with your audience is possible with the use of social media networks. In fact, interaction is
encouraged. Traditional marketing methods don’t allow for audience interaction. You can encourage your
prospects, clients and followers to take action, visit your website, read about your products and services,
rate them, buy them and provide feedback which is visible to your market.

Digital marketing is cost-efficient. Though some invest on paid ads online; however, the cost is still
cheaper compared to traditional marketing.

Data and results are easily recorded. With Google Analytics and the insights tools offered by most
social media channels, you can check on your campaigns at any time. Unlike traditional marketing
methods, you can see in real time what is or is not working for your business online and you can adapt
very quickly to improve your results.

Level playing field:  Any business can compete with any competitor regardless of size with a solid digital
marketing strategy.  Traditionally a smaller retailer would struggle to match the finesse of the fixtures and
fittings of its larger competitors.  Online, a crisp well thought out site with a smooth customer journey
and fantastic service is king – not size.

Real time results: you don’t have to wait weeks for a boost to your business like you would have to
waiting for a fax or form to be returned.  You can see the numbers of visitors to your site and its
subscribers increase, peak trading times, conversion rates and much more at the touch of a button.

Brand Development: A well maintained website with quality content targeting the needs and adding
value to your target audience can provide significant value and lead generation opportunities.  The same
can be said for utilising social media channels and personalised email marketing.

Viral: how often do your sales flyers get passed around instantly by your customers and prospects? 
Online, using social media share buttons on your website, email and social media channels enables your
message to be shared incredibly quickly.  If you consider the average Facebook user has 190 friends of
which an average of 12% see their liked posts – your one message has actually been seen by 15 new
prospects. Now imagine a number of them also like and share your message and their friends do the
same?  That’s why high-quality content is so important.

So which kind of marketing is better?

Well, we would recommend both. Obviously, we are passionate about digital marketing, because we
know that it works. But we do use traditional marketing materials, too.

A 2009 study conducted by Bangor University and branding agency Millward Brown also used fMRI to
study the different effects of paper and digital media.

Some of their key conclusions were:

Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator
 Physical material is more “real” to the brain.  It has a meaning, and a place. It is better connected
to memory because it engages with its spatial memory networks.
 Physical material involves more emotional processing, which is important for memory and brand
 Physical materials produced more brain responses connected with internal feelings, suggesting
greater “internalization” of the ads.

How We Use Both Digital & Traditional Marketing

Our traditional marketing methods support our digital marketing efforts. The two do not operate in
exclusion from each other. But we only use hard copy marketing materials to further strengthen a
relationship with a contact, referral partner or client. We don’t invest in television or radio ads, for
example, but we will give brochures to someone who is interested in our services.

Rather than taking an all or nothing approach, it appears that a multi-channel approach that leverages the
unique benefits of paper with the convenience and accessibility of digital will perform best.

Marketing Strategies For The Digital World

Many years ago, developing effective marketing strategies was a much simpler task than it is today. With
only a small number of television channels, radio stations, newspapers, and relevant magazines pertaining
to a given market, advertisers could develop fairly targeted marketing strategies to generate sales. In the
emerging digital environment, marketing strategies have become a far more complex task. There are now
vast arrays of different marketing channels, tools, and tactics that must be unique in strategy while
seamless and integrated in application. Companies also need to connect and engage with customers, and
create memorable, lasting experiences. To develop a successful marketing campaign in today’s digital
environment, companies must focus on three strategic components. Marketers must establish clear,
strategic, and targeted objectives and ensure that they are tactical in the rollout and implementation of
new campaigns. Companies should also focus on the development of a separate team to identify and
analyze emerging marketing opportunities. Companies that are able to clearly identify the strengths and
weaknesses of each digital medium will likely be more successful in their campaigns.

Here are 10 strategies to emerge into a smarter marketing era, grow

as a company and strengthen the performance of your brand.
1. Marketing: integrate your sales and marketing for optimal performance.

Yes, it is a “thing” although you probably won’t find this word in Webster’s Dictionary. It means that you
integrate sales and marketing to optimize performance of marketing efforts.

Gone are the days when a consumer peruses an ad in print media then purchases that product later during
the appointed shopping day of the week. Digital ads are portals to online sales. Marketing and sales all
happen in the same place with the tap of a finger or click of a mouse.

Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator
If a potential customer has a question about a product, that, too, happens in the same place in cyber-world
through chat window features. If your company is not marketing, it is losing significant sales potential.

2. Experience: Reaching a digital customer, requires that you become one yourself.

Have you walked in the shoes of your customers? Have you surfed the web to map the path of discovery
to your product’s online ad? Did you click and see where your landed in cyberspace? What about the
purchasing process? Was it a secure experience?

If you have not walked a mile in your customer’s shoes, how can you know if the process is efficient?
That’s one of the best ways to fine tune your online presence.

Learning a new language requires complete immersion. Otherwise you’ll need an interpreter and in the
case of digital marketing, that mean a savvy digital marketing agency.

3. Playing Field Dynamics: Not every digital marketing challenge is solved by throwing more
money at it.

In the olden days the playing field belonged to the company that could afford the biggest print ad or a
prime-time television/radio slot for a commercial.

Digital advertising has seriously leveled the playing field. Just look at what happens when a YouTube
video goes viral. A company doesn’t always have to outspend a competitor to solve a marketing problem. 

4. Engagement: Having a Digital Presence is not enough.

So you have a company blog and a profile with every social media platform under the Sun. Yet you
haven’t seen a significant impact on sales. What is going on?

Creating a digital presence is only the first step. Now you have to engage, engage, engage. That means
creating content that inspires a reaction. Calls to action, surveys, asking viewers to name the new
company cat rescued from the alley are all great ideas to create intrigue and stimulate engagement.

You’ve got to do something with your digital presence: connect with people. offer value and get them
communicating with you.

5. Who’s In The Driver’s Seat? Let data drive the decision-making.

If data is not behind every decision, then your company is flying blind. The greatest thing about digital
marketing is that every single action can be measured.

Did switching background colors result in more traffic? Good decision. But, even if it had been a bad
decision, analytics reflecting a noted drop in traffic, or less time spent by visitors on your site, would have
alerted you to the need to re-adjust accordingly. Data must captain the ship.

Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator
6. Value: You must offer education & value.

There is more to value than getting a great product at a great price. Content is the most valuable
commodity in the digital age. The information you share needs to have value to viewers.

Cultivate an online reputation for being the premier authority on your particular industry. It’s easy to
Google an answer to a question. But believing in the integrity of a source is the value that will bring
readers back time and again to your site for reliable information

7. Personalized Automation: So you don’t lose that personal touch.

Automated e-mails and notifications don’t seem very personal, do they? It kind of has the flavor of
SPAM. Au contraire, mon ami. That’s the lovely thing about data!

As of 2014, nearly 70% of businesses were using a marketing automation platform.

Analytics identifies so many unique characteristics of customers and viewers that marketing automation
can take on amazing personalization aspects. You can send birthday greetings or religious holiday
observances according to each individual. An anniversary of a loyal customer’s first purchase can be

A customer’s purchasing history can generate a suggestions list of other products of interest. Marketing
automation can definitely create that personal experience that online customers still crave.

8. Get Out More: Your customers don’t spend all their time in one place, and neither should

In the time of yester-year, sales executives had to get out and mingle in order to bring in more customers.
It’s the same in the digital age. Your content needs to get out more.

This is often called a multi-channel digital marketing strategy which means ads are delivered to other
online targets. For example, when Google recognizes the potential of a Facebook user to find your brand
interesting, it places your ad before their eyes as suggested content. Voila. You just mingled online. 

9. Digital Agility is a must.

There are all sorts of technical lingo to explain concepts like “agile sales”. All you really need to know is
that things can change.

You’ve heard us say before: “your website is not an office building, so don’t treat it like one!” In the
ever-changing digital world, you must be ready to change with it– and that includes your website.

So that website you built? Is it turning out to be lousy? Don’t despair! Be agile! Change it!  When you
build something to be accessed by others through the worldwide web, it’s not set in stone like a brick and
mortar store.
Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator
If they turn out to be a bomb, tweak it. The digital age means everyone gets do-overs until you get it right.

10. Chatter Matters: Business practices, good and bad, will catch up with you eventually.

That old saying, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” does not apply to what your company or brand
is doing online. Reviews matter. Feedback matters. Social media chatter matters.

If you get a bad review, be responsive and get things resolved. Stay focused on good customers service
because all of your digital footsteps are out there for the entire world to see.

The Contemporary Digital Revolution

The Digital Revolution refers to the advancement of technology from analog electronic and mechanical
devices to the digital technology available today. The era started to during the 1980s and is ongoing. The
Digital Revolution also marks the beginning of the Information Era.

 The Digital Revolution is sometimes also called the Third Industrial Revolution.
 Also called the third industrial revolution, it is the era of digital electronic equipment that started
around the 1980s and is still continuing.
 The widespread diffusion of telecommunications and computer technology that is creating
entirely new ways of working and socializing as well as challenging, and even destroying, many others.
 It is the change from analog, mechanical, and electronic technology to digital technology. Learn
more in: Creation of an Instrument to Measure Website Effectiveness Using the Analytic Hierarchy
Process (AHP)
 An expression used to denote the extraordinary transition in media, communications, devices
(and ultimately economics and society), from an analogue form (i.e., continuous, linear signals
Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator
representing information) to a form expressed in discrete digits (actually: bits). This started in the early

The development and advancement of digital technologies started with one fundamental idea: The
Internet. Here is a brief timeline of how the Digital Revolution progressed:

 1947-1979 – The transistor, which was introduced in 1947, paved the way for the development of
advanced digital computers. The government, military and other organizations made use of computer
systems during the 1950s and 1960s. This research eventually led to the creation of the World Wide Web.
 1980s – The computer became a familiar machine and by the end of the decade, being able to use
one became a necessity for many jobs. The first cell phone was also introduced during this decade.
 1990s – By 1992, the World Wide Web had been introduced, and by 1996 the Internet became a
normal part of most business operations. By the late 1990s, the Internet became a part of everyday life for
almost half of the American population.
 2000s – By this decade, the Digital Revolution had begun to spread all over the developing
world; mobile phones were commonly seen, the number of Internet users continued to grow, and the
television started to transition from using analog to digital signals.
 2010 and beyond – By this decade, Internet makes up more than 25 percent of the world’s
population. Mobile communication has also become very important, as nearly 70 percent of the world’s
population owns a mobile phone. The connection between Internet websites and mobile gadgets has
become a standard in communication. It is predicted that by 2015, the innovation of tablet computers will
far surpass personal computers with the use of the Internet and the promise of cloud computing services.
This will allow users to consume media and use business applications on their mobile devices,
applications that would otherwise be too much for such devices to handle.

Digital Transformation Framework

The world is undergoing a digital transformation. For example, there will soon be over a billion
smartphones, impacting all aspects of organizations’ value chains, commerce, and customer and supplier
engagement processes. This transformation will result in an explosion in digital data and more
importantly, usable insight.

And the smartphone isn’t the only digital technology driving business transformation. Other technologies
like sensors, beacons, scanners, RFID (radio frequency identification), NFC (near field communications),
GPS (global positioning systems), Bluetooth, web clicks, social media postings, digital newsfeeds, smart
watches, fitness bands, video surveillance, drones, robotics, etc. are all contributing to the digitalization of
our physical world.

Framing The Digital Business Transformation Discuss

Digital business transformation accelerates, communications, and improves coordination across an

organization’s value chain (design, procurement, inventory, manufacturing, shipping, marketing, sales,
support) yielding massive amounts of detailed data about individual customer, product, and operational,
usage, performance and current state data, that can be converted into new digital intellectual assets
(curated data, analytic models, real-time scores, behavioral profiles, edge analytics).

Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator
However, the more important digital business transformation opportunities lie in the “make money”
aspects of the business transformation. Here is where organizations can have a game-changing impact on
their value creation processes through the superior insights gleaned about the organization’s customers,
products, operations, partners, channels and markets. These game-changing impacts manifest themselves
in three ways:

1. Optimize key value chain processes. Exploit superior customer, product and operational
insights to not just improve existing business processes but to actually change or re-tool the entire
2. Uncover new monetization opportunities. Leverage superior customer, product and operational
insights to identify “white spaces” or under-served, un-served or un-met market that yield new
monetization opportunities (e.g., new products, new services, new partners, new channels).
3. Create a more compelling, more prescriptive customer experience. Leverage an
understanding of an individual customer’s tendencies, preferences, behaviors, propensities, trends,
interests, passions, associations and affiliations to provide a more rewarding customer and partner

Introduction to Blogging
Blogging is often described as an online diary, but this is a bit of an inadequate definition, as it’s become
much more than that. We prefer to describe it simply as an easy interface to publish content on the web.

Blogs can be used to publish news and reviews and to discuss products and ideas. They are easy to update
and an excellent way to communicate online with customers and people interested in a particular industry
or topic. From the readers’ perspective, a good blog provides useful, free information and helps them to
stay informed on the subject of their interest.

The internet contains blogs on almost every issue imaginable – in fact, it is estimated that there are
currently over 150 million blogs floating around on the Internet! Some blogs focus on just one topic,
while others talk about a variety of different things. Some blogs are maintained by one person, and others
feature a host of different writers.

Downsides to Blogging
Regular Updates

For blogs to be effective they must be updated regularly otherwise readers lose interest – and so do the
search engines! Some people find this a challenge; the good news is that we will be giving you some
ideas for content in our ‘Content Creation‘ lessons!


Perhaps the biggest problem for blog owners is spam. While the comment function is the life-blood of
any good blog, it is also frequently misused by spammers to advertise other websites and products;
fortunately, a lot of blog-software writers have cottoned on to this, and most blogs now contain
sophisticated features to help reduce spam significantly.
Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator
How Do I Blog?

You can either set up a stand-alone blog or a blog on your own domain. A stand-alone blog can be set up
in just a few minutes via a weblog hosting service.

There are three weblog services worth a mention. They are:

Blogger is a free service and possibly the simplest to use. However, scalability options are limited and we
are not going to be spending time on this service in future lessons.

Typepad claims to be the world’s most advanced weblog service – but it’s also the most expensive, with
subscription plans ranging from $4.95-$89.95 per month.

WordPress is also free but contains many state-of-the-art publishing features. WordPress is the service we
recommend and will be our focus in subsequent Affilorama lessons on blogging.

Building Website using CMS WordPress

Creating an online presence for a business or professional portfolio can be done quickly and simply
through a content management system (CMS) like WordPress. Large enterprises and small businesses
alike need ways to publish content. The key is working with a user-friendly CMS that makes it possible
for almost anyone—from newbies to experts—to construct web pages. Using these templates makes it
easy to create a basic web page then swap in a logo, change the color palette, or alter the font to fit your
brand and needs.

When you're getting started with WordPress, you need to decide whether you'll use or They're both free, but is an all-in-one service that generates the HTML
script for the site in addition to the domain name and hosting services. While it is a one-stop-shop for
people wanting to build a webpage, there are numerous limitations you'll face if you want to customize
many aspects of your site., on the other hand, allows you to download the script for free,
then manipulate that script as you please on your site, with your own domain name and web hosting. 

This is also known as a self-hosted site.

Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator
Here, you’ll learn how easy it is to set up a WordPress self-hosted website for your home business. This
CMS can be managed from almost any computer that is connected to the internet. Knowledge of basic
HTML coding is helpful, but not necessary with WordPress. You can learn as you go, then add more
options and plugins as you grow accustomed to the standard features.

Choose and Buy Your Domain Name

Selecting a business domain name is a vital part of the presence and marketing associated with your
business. Ideally, this should be a ".com" that includes your business name. Web hosting services like
Wix and Hostinger might offer to provide a domain (some will provide one for free), but most experts
suggest keeping your domain name and hosting services separate to ensure you have ownership and
control over your domain.

Sign up for Web Hosting

Although there are free options, your best bet is to go with a paid host to ensure quality and control. There
are many affordable web hosts to choose from. Since you want to install WordPress, ensure that the host
offers the WordPress script in its library. WordPress is a popular service, so most include it. Whatever
web hosting service you choose will likely offer tiered options. You don't need to feel pressured to opt for
the more advanced options. You can start with a basic plan and scale up as needed.

Connect Your Domain and Web Host Services

After you sign up for hosting, you’ll receive account login information and the address of your host’s
nameservers (two series of numbers). Copy the nameserver information, and then head to your domain
registrar and add the nameserver info to your domain name. This tells the domain registrar where (which
host) the domain should point to. Once these two aspects of your website sync up, then you're ready to
start building.

Install WordPress

Gone are the days when you had to download the script from the WordPress site and then upload it to
your host. Most hosts offer a quick install option through their script library. Log into your host account
(i.e., cPanel) and find the WordPress script (if you’re unsure where this is in your cPanel, ask your host).
Click on “Install” and indicate where you want the script to install.

If you want your whole site on WordPress, use your domain name, leaving the directory option blank
(i.e., If you already have a website and want to install a blog in a different
folder, write in the folder name after your domain. For example, if you want WordPress for your blog,
you can install it in The install will create the “blog” folder and install
WordPress there. During the install, you’ll also provide your admin name, blog name, and email, which
will be included in WordPress (you can change the blog name and email later). 

When complete, you’ll be given a link to the newly created WordPress site and a password. You’ll want
to change the password.

Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator
Browse the WordPress Dashboard
The nice thing about WordPress is that, even when it’s updated, the basic functions stay the same. Once
you learn where everything is and how it works, you’re good to go. Log into your WordPress site using
your admin name and password. Once logged in, you’ll be taken to your dashboard. On the left is a menu
of all the standard options:

This is how you create and edit blog articles.

This is where pictures, videos, and other kinds of media are stored. You can add media directly to this
folder as a standalone action, or while writing a post or page. If you add media to a page, it will get stored
in your Media folder.

Pages: Pages host static content such as your “About Me” information. If your home business offers a
service, you’d put your service information on a page.

Comments: This is how you manage and moderate comments left on your site.

Appearance: This is how you manage and customize your site theme, organize your sidebar widgets,
create menus (as allowed by your theme), and access the theme’s editor.

Plugins: Add, delete, and update plugins here. Some plugins add menu features directly to the dashboard
menu, while others get added as a submenu item under Tools or Settings.

Users: You can manage people who register as guests, as well as the permissions of those to whom you
give access. For example, if you have a virtual assistant, you may want to allow them to update and make
changes to the site. If your virtual assistant quits, you'll want to revoke those permissions.

Tools: Import and export WordPress data through the Tools menu. Some plugin settings are also accessed

Settings: This is where you'll set up how your blog is read, how comments are posted, your permalink
structure (how your blog content URLs look), and more. Many plugin settings are accessed through

Choose a WordPress Theme

WordPress offers default themes, or you can browse and install themes from the WordPress theme
library. Click on “Appearance,” then “Theme.” If you like the default theme, you can leave it, but choose
the “Customize” option (under the "Appearance" option) to change aspects such as color and the
header. You can change the theme by clicking on a different theme, and then clicking on “Activate.”

If you don’t like the default options, you can add a new theme. One way is to click on “Add Theme”
where you can access a theme library. If you like any of the themes in the library, simply click “Install”
and then “Activate” to apply the theme. Another option is to find themes from other sources. To use these

Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator
themes, you need to download them from the source, then in your WordPress dashboard click “Add
Themes” then “Upload Theme.” Use the browse button to find the theme you downloaded, click on the
file (it’s usually a zip file), and then upload. Once it's uploaded, click on “Install” and “Activate.” Note
that some themes add menu items to your left navigation. Some also have customization options such as
adding your social media links.

Set up Sidebar Widgets

Widgets are shortcut buttons that perform a function, like skipping right to the most recent blog posts or
signing up for an email list. Under “Appearance” and then “Widgets,” you’ll see a list of widget options
including “Recent Posts” and “Archives.” "Recent Posts" is likely one of the default widgets in your
sidebar, alongside “Recent Comments” and “Meta.”

The great thing about WordPress is that adding or removing widgets simply involves dragging and
dropping where you want them. While many widgets serve a specific function, there is a "Text" widget
that allows you to add whatever you want, including code. This is a good place for adding your email
list sign-up script or affiliate product codes. The standard sidebar is on the right-hand side of your
blog/site, but sometimes your theme may allow you to choose where the sidebar is located. Other times
the theme might have more than one sidebar, for example, two on the left, and three at the bottom.

Set up Your Plugins

WordPress comes ready-made with two plugins. Askimet is the anti-spam plugin you’ll want to activate.
You'll need an activation code, but you can get a free one by clicking on the link in the Askimet plugin.
There are millions of plugins that add cool features and functions to your website. For example, some
plugins will create a storefront on your WordPress site.

Many plugins are less noticeable. They run behind the scenes to keep the site safe and fully
functional. Basic plugins you should add include security (to keep the hackers out), cache (to help
improve speed and performance), backup, and SEO. Plugins can be added under the “Plugin” option of
the menu. Like themes, you can search for plugins within the WordPress library, or get them from other
sources and upload them to your site.

Add Content to Your Site

Start by adding your static pages such as “About Me,” “Contact,” and whatever other information you
want visitors to have (such as a media kit). If you’re running your WordPress site like a standard website,
you may want visitors to land on a specific home page, whether it's your "About Me" page or another
section of the site. To do so, go to “Settings,” then “Reading,” toggle “Static Page,” and then select what
page or post you want on your homepage. If you’re running a blog, you can leave the default setting,
which should be “Your Latest Posts.”

Once you have your pages, add posts related to your blog or home business topic. Both pages and posts
work the same. Click on “New Page” or “New Post” under "Page" or "Post" in the dashboard menu. Add
your title to the title box and your content below. WordPress gives you two options to add your content,
"Visual" and "text." “Visual” allows you to work on the content as it appears to visitors. "Text" takes
away the frills to give you the basic HTML of the page or post. If you have code you want to include
Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator
(such as an affiliate link), you'll need to choose "Text" to add it. On the right-hand side of the page, you’ll
see options to publish or schedule your post, categorize it (including adding new categories), tag it
(including adding new tags), and add a featured image.

Create a Blog post for your project, Including headline,

imagery, links and post, content planning and writing
How to Write a Blog Post in Five Easy Steps [Summary]:

1. Step 1: Plan your blog post by choosing a topic, creating an outline, conducting research, and
checking facts.
2. Step 2: Craft a headline that is both informative and will capture readers’ attentions.
3. Step 3: Write your post, either writing a draft in a single session or gradually word on parts of it.
4. Step 4: Use images to enhance your post, improve its flow, add humor, and explain complex
5. Step 5: Edit your blog post. Make sure to avoid repetition, read your post aloud to check its flow,
have someone else read it and provide feedback, keep sentences and paragraphs short, don’t be a
perfectionist, don’t be afraid to cut out text or adapt your writing last minute.


There are two main approaches you can take to writing blog post headlines. You can either decide on
your final headline before you write the rest of your post (and use your headline to structure your outline),
or you can write your blog post with a working title and see what fits when you’re done.

Using Images Effectively

Writing for the web is an entirely different animal than writing for print. Oftentimes, people simply don’t
have the time, will, or ability to focus on lengthy blog posts without some visual stimulation. Even a well-
formatted blog post consisting solely of text is likely to send your reader screaming back to Reddit or
Twitter within minutes, which is why it’s so important to include images in your posts.

Images Help Your Blog Post Flow More Effectively

One of the most important reasons to include images in your blog posts is to break up the text. Many
people scan blog posts rather than pore over every word, and interspersing images throughout the copy
will make your post seem less intimidating and more visually appealing.

Images Make Great Visual Punchlines

Everyone likes a good laugh, and a well-chosen image can help lighten the tone of your posts and inject
some much-needed humor into a piece. This can be particularly effective if you’re writing about a dry (or
flat-out boring) topic.

Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator
Content planning and writing

You’ve got to find out which method works best for you, but here are the items we believe every content
plan should contain:

 Delivery date/time: Remember, timing is important for content marketing, and this will help
make sure you’re writing to deadline.
 Title: You can’t start writing without a title, even if it’s just a working one. This should outline
the main premise of the piece.
 Wordcount: This will determine how much depth and detail the piece will go into.
 Quick summary: Just two or three sentences – outlining key points and your conclusion. You
can always add an ‘additional ideas’ section if you want some extra room for your ideas.
 Sources: Find sources you can use for research and as inspiration for your piece. This will save
you time later and might spark some ideas. Just make sure they’re credible!

6 Tips for Top-Notch Content Planning:

So, you know what your content plan should include, but you could probably do with a few additional
pointers to get you going. We’re happy to oblige – take a look!

1. Consider your brand’s stance

Everything you say should fit with your brand’s guidelines, ethos and values. So, forget what you know
about the subject personally – what does your brand think?

Your content plan should be written from your brand’s perspective and subtly align your offering as the
solution. Remember that word though – ‘subtle’ – as your content should always be more educational
than promotional.

2. Know your audience

Who is your piece meant to be targeting? Which segment of your audience should it speak to?

You need to think long and hard about this, as it will define the direction of your piece. Think about the
needs of the individual and where he or she might be in your sales funnel by using audience personas
based on existing customers.

Think about how you can structure your content specifically for your users, and give them everything
they want to know about the subject. Then you can think about getting started on writing your content.

3. Brainstorm lots of ideas

With those two key things in your mind, start brainstorming ideas – we find mind-maps work well!

Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator
Generate as many ideas as possible, just go crazy. Yes, some may not be as good as others, and some may
not even be realistic, but you can hone these down to create highly-targeted, engaging content.

4. Decide which angle you’ll take

This is key to good content planning – an angle that will grab attention and help you stand out from the

Visit competitor sites to see what they’re doing and see if you can switch it on its head. If you’re stuck,
use the four-pillar approach like this:

1. What is happening to Uber in London?

2. Where can I still get an Uber?
3. Why is TFL and Sadiq Kahn banning Uber in London?
4. How can I stop Uber leaving London?

There you go, four different approaches to the same topic. Take your pick!

5. Set a goal for each piece of content

Each piece of content should have a goal. It can either be something explicit (e.g. increasing newsletter
sign-ups, or downloading guides), or something more implicit (like educating, informing or explaining a
process). The latter is more suited to content marketing.

6. Choose a strong focus keyword

Pick a keyword now, so you can consider it throughout the content planning process. It will help you stay
on track and prepare your piece for SEO.

These content planning tips will help you create an effective plan that will act as a great foundation for
your content. Try our ideas out next time content planning rolls around, and see how your content quality

Different types of websites

1. Homepages

The homepage is your site’s main hub and serves as the face of a brand.

Your homepage helps site visitors get to different areas of the site, and it can also serve as a conversion
funnel. Because most people come to you through your homepage, this is where design matters most.

A homepage can take on many different forms, but while designing it’s important to remember the
purpose of the homepage as the main navigation and point of interest for site visitors. Make it clear what

Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator
the business is and offer the unique value proposition (UVP) upfront. Establish the site’s hierarchy and
navigation structure on the homepage. Utilize your brand’s color palette, logo and images highly relevant
to the business. The homepage sets the tone for the business’ image, so it should tell a story about who
you are through images and words.

Matcha Kari is an excellent example of this type of homepage websites. Note the navigation at the top of
the page that sets the tone for what you’ll find on the site. Since the page serves as the beginning of the
conversion funnel, visitors can get a coupon, subscribe to the mailing list or watch a video about their

2. Magazine websites

A magazine website features articles, photos and videos that are informational and educational. In the last
twenty years, the magazine industry has changed from a print-only platform to largely digital format. The
magazine website type works well for informational websites, particularly publications from universities
and organizations.

As you think about creating a magazine site, start by building a basic framework. Users should see a
similar layout no matter what day they land on your homepage, and each article must have a similar
layout and navigation. Keep in mind how responsive the overall design is to different screen sizes to
make sure your content is easily readable both on desktops and smartphones.

Urban Omnibus is an online magazine website with a fairly traditional magazine layout. The theme of
their current issue is highlighted with a hero image and a box describing what’s in the feature article.
Under the featured post is a grid layout of each column in the magazine with an image, headline and brief
description of what readers find inside each article.

3. E-commerce websites

An e-commerce website is an online shopping destination where users can purchase products or services
from your company.

A robust e-commerce web page makes it easy to browse products, filter by categories, highlight special
sales and make purchases.

An easy way to get started is through a full-solution, e-commerce platform like Shopify or Squarespace.
Your team can easily update online inventory and list new products. Plus, because the system is
interconnected, sales, logistics and marketing are all kept apprised on what’s working well. On the design
front, e-commerce platforms offer several templates that match the needs of nearly any business type.

Flipkart sells a wide range of products, which means there are a lot of items featured on their homepage.
Note how they break items into specific categories but also offer highlighted deals of the day on their

Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator
homepage. Each image is professional and shows the product clearly, but descriptions are initially brief,
with more detail on the product page.

4. Blogs

A blog features regularly updated articles, photos and videos. Blogs started with more casual, personal
content compared to magazines. But since then, the lines have blurred, and now it’s extremely common
for major brands and businesses to have their own blog. Adding expert content improves the overall
credibility of a company or an individual. Blogs also provide material for social media posts and email

However, a blog can also become cumbersome for smaller companies. Make sure you have a team and
strategy in place to keep content fresh before you consider launching one. It’s actually better not to have a
blog and instead offer a few videos or guides, than to have a hopelessly outdated blog.

Nourish Eats keeps things simple and focused on the content on its blog. Instead of using a slider at the
top of the page, the site integrates a rotating slider to the right, which goes through the different categories
on the site. The slider keeps the content fresh and engages users. Users can navigate at any point or use
the arrows to go forward or back.

5. Portfolio websites

A portfolio website allows creative professionals a place for showcasing their best work. This is perfect
for artists, writers, designers, filmmakers, furniture builders—you name it.

As you build a portfolio, there’s no need to add every single project you’ve ever worked on. Instead,
focus on creating categories of items and highlighting the best work from each category. A portfolio
website is a bit more creative by nature, so this is the place to try unique layouts and add in interesting

The online portfolio for designer Gautier Maillard is the perfect blend of creativity and best project
highlights. As the user scrolls down the page, different images get highlighted. Click on any image, and
you see ad campaigns from the project. If you want to know more about the designer, click the about
navigation button in the upper right corner and learn that he lives in Paris, where he’s studied and what
projects he worked on. This layout and strategy work because the focus is on his actual work and the text
is limited. Users process and remember images better than text alone.

6. Landing pages

A landing page is a specific page type created for a marketing campaign that drives visitors to take a
specific action.

The content on a landing page should be limited and point toward the call-to-action (CTA) you’d like the
user to take. Allow plenty of white space around your CTA and save elements not related to the purpose
of that campaign for other pages.

Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator
Shopify’s free trial landing page provides simple headlines and calls to action, such as “Start free trial.”
All the elements on the page drive the buyer through a very specific journey meant to have them become
a qualified lead. They use relevant, trendy images and add a bit of a 3D effect with the sunglasses in the
corner while also showing what one of their shopping sites layouts looks like.

7. Social media websites

There are approximately 2.77 billion people on social media with dozens of different platforms available.
No matter who your target audience is, you’ll probably find them on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram or
Snapchat or LinkedIn. Although you can’t redesign the platforms themselves, you do have some control
over the look of your page, and you can create content that drives social media shares.

Go for a consistent look across all your social media pages and web pages, so users instantly know your
brand is behind the page. Use the same logo and color choices. Choose a specific voice and personality
that shines across all content.

When creating content, focus on things that have a high potential of being shared on social media, such as
entertaining videos, infographics, memes, in-depth reports and free offers. Find more tips on how to make
your social media pages work for your business here.

Nutella’s Facebook page shows an interesting mix of content that all align with the overall color palette
and look of the brand. They feature memes made specifically for social media, such as “Today, I’ll share
my Nutella with…” However, they also offer videos and ideas for how to use their product in unique
ways. Note how they also feature social media buttons on their website so users easily find them on the
different platforms.

8. Directory and contact pages

A directory or contact page is a place where users can connect with you or others.

This type of website works well when you want to list a repository of businesses or people within an
organization. For example, a local restaurant directory features eateries in the area with menus, price
ranges, phone number and reviews.

The nature of an organization creates an opportunity for a directory website. For example, an association
of local dentists in a city might list each member, their area of expertise and their contact information.
Keep this design option in your back pocket for clients.

Manta is a business directory featuring small businesses based on location. In addition to keyword search
capability, the site offers category browsing in areas such as restaurants, contractors and doctors.
Companies can add an entry to the directory and the site earns money through advertising.

9. Business websites

A business website is a website designed to represent the identity of a business on the Internet.There are
many reasons why a business might want to be visible on the Internet, including public perception of its
Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator
size, sophistication, modernity, connectedness, customer service and reliability - and typically to
encourage enquiries from potential customers or partners.It is still the case that not all active businesses
have an Internet presence. Some tradespeople (such as plasterers and electricians) may get enough
business through word-of-mouth recommendations and through contracts with established contacts to feel
no need to advertise their services on the Internet with their own website.

10. Non-profit websites

A non-profit website is one that represents a not-for-profit organisation such as a medical research
charity, an overseas aid charity, or a heritage charity. 
While many other types of website are technically not for profit, including educational websites
representing public and some private schools, the term non-profit websites tends to be used about
charitable organisations other than schools and colleges.

Non-profit websites normally present the work of the organisation in terms of its benefits to society as
well as to individuals who have been assisted or funded. They are likely to include details of how to make
donations and bequests, and also how to apply for funding (if applicable).

11. Educational websites

An educational website in its narrowest definition is one representing an educational institution such as a
traditional school, college or university. It may also represent a private education provider such as a tutor,
or a virtual college offering online and distance-based courses.

Educational websites should be designed to represent their education providers as professionally and as
welcomingly as possible, so that they attract students and reassure both students and parents about the
quality of education and pastoral care provided.
They do not necessarily include educational sources on the website itself, but are likely to give details of
each educational department within the establishment, photographs of the campus (if applicable), term
dates, fees, addresses by the principal or head, contact details, and news.

12. Portal websites

A portal website is one that links to a large number of disparate sub-sites or external sites. It is designed,
as the name suggests, as a portal or entry point to other content, and will typically try to attract a high
volume of traffic by linking to a wide range of interesting content and other features.

Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator
Such sites may also play the role of selected content aggregators, in that they gather together and display
in preview form material that is displayed more fully at the subsites or external sites that the previews link
The best-known portal websites with integral search engines have included Yahoo, AOL and MSN. But
there are many other types of portal websites without search engines that serve more niche areas of

13. Search engines

Search engines are resources serving as keys to finding relevant content on the Internet. These platforms
differ from portals in that they do not spoonfeed curated or managerially selected resources to everyone
who visits them. Instead, they begin by presenting a blank slate in the form of a search query box into
which the user must type text or (in the case of some image search engines) paste a picture.
Where text input is involved, the search engine is programmed to respond to the user’s word, phrase,
series of words or sentence, and then interpret the intention of the query, before processing it through an
algorithm that seeks to present the most relevant websites or image results.

14. Crowdfunding websites

Crowdfunding websites are a relatively recent phenomenon that has become an important part of the web
economy. They vary from websites designed to allow individuals to make personal charitable appeals to
their friends and families, such as for medical care, through to those designed to allow small businesses
and new start-ups to develop a new product and bring it to market. In between are those such as Patreon
which allow individuals to pledge ongoing financial support to a researcher, content provider or other

Choose the right website type for your audience

Good design is much more than simply an appealing look, but also drives user engagement and is highly
targeted to the needs of the audience viewing the site. Pay attention to what other companies have done
with their website design and quickly identify which format works best for each project. Knowing what
others have accomplished with different page types gives you a strong feel for the kind of website that
will work best for you.

Understanding Web hosting & Domain

Domain names and web hosting are two different services. ... Behind each domain name, there is an
address of the web hosting service storing the website's files. Without domain names, it will not be
possible for people to find your website and without web hosting you cannot build a website

Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator
What is web hosting?

Your website is made up of a number of files, folders and data. For visitors to be able to view your
website, that information needs to be put on a server (a computer) that visitors can access. That’s where
web hosting servers play a part. They store your website files for a small fee and allow visitors access to
it. A web server is somewhat similar to a home computer, but it’s built specifically to store websites. It’s
always on and connected to the internet continuously.

What is a domain name?

A domain name is the address of your website on the web and helps visitors find you. Examples of
domain names are,,

Domain names make it easy for users to recall the name of the website. That’s one of the reasons why
it’s important to pick a suitable name for your website.

To own a domain, you’ll need to register it using a service called a domain registrar.

The difference between a domain name vs web hosting

Though domain names and web hosting are often purchased together, they are actually two different

Main differences between domain name and web hosting:

 Web hosting is where your website files are physically stored, a domain name is the address of
that storage location.
 You cannot create a website without first purchasing a domain name, though you can have a
domain name without creating a website.

Where to get a domain name and/or hosting

Now that you know the difference, let’s talk about where you can buy both domain names and web

Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator
Easiest option – buy domain name and web hosting from the same provider

One reason why people get confused between domain name and web hosting is that often they are both
offered by the same service provider. And that’s good practice because:

 That’s the easiest approach, especially when you’re just getting started online
 You can conveniently manage domain and hosting from the same provider when your website is
up and running
 Connecting the domain name to your host server is easier if it’s handled by the same company

Bluehost is one such company that offers a one-stop solution for all your web hosing requirements. For
a special intro offer at $2.59/mo, you’ll get a free domain for one year, free SSL certificate and one-click
WordPress install.

Some people prefer to keep their domain name registration and web hosting separate. This may be on
account of:

 No intention to create a website, but merely to reserve a domain name

 Already in possession of domain name and just need web hosting
 Hold the view that it may be easier to shift to a new hosting company when you register your
domain with a third party

Where to buy just a domain name

You can buy a domain name from a domain name registrar for as little as $10, and use it with any
hosting company. Once you purchase and register a domain name, it’s yours for the duration of the
registration (one year by default). Just take care to renew the registration before expiry of the validity

Some of the best domain name registrars are:

 Namecheap -with rates starting at about $9 and many deals on offer, Namecheap adds WhoIs
protection for free. With a simple and intuitive domain management panel, it’s one of the most
trusted Registrars.
 GoDaddy – pricier with a “.com” domain starting at $18. It allows you to buy domains in bulk as
well as existing domains.
 Hover – is a more recent player and focuses mainly on selling domain names. Rates start at $13,
and they offer email addresses with their domain names
 Google Domains – fair prices and free add-ons like automatic WhoIs privacy.

Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator
While selecting a registrar, do check out their add-on services like WhoIs privacy, support and reminder
services before you make your choice. If you’re choosing any specific country level extension like “.uk”
or “.ca”, you may need to contact a registrar in that country.

Where to buy just web hosting

Nowadays, there are many hosting service providers who rent out server space for reasonable
monthly/annual subscriptions. When it comes to shared hosting, a few of the popular web hosts are:

 Bluehost – rates starting as low as $2.99/mo. You’ll also get a free domain name as part of your
 A2 Hosting – hosting plans start at less than $3/mo. In exchange you get 100 GB storage,
unlimited bandwidth and free site migration.
 Hostinger – competitively priced starting from just $0.99 per month, it packs in 100GB
bandwidth and 2 subdomains. The higher plans (starting at less than $3/mo) add a free domain,
unlimited websites, email and bandwidth.

Notes by - Siddharth Singh
Assistant professor & Administrative coordinator

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