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Chapter 1: Theoretical Aspects of the Digital Communication Strategies vs Mass-Reach

Traditional Marketing Approach in Global Smartphone Industry on the Asian Market

Digital communication strategies vs Mass-Reach traditional marketing approach

Marketing can take on different forms, either through traditional or digital methods.
Traditional marketing is the most well-known form of advertising or marketing. Traditional
marketing involves non-digital techniques to promote products or services, such as print media,
billboards, business cards, and radio advertising. On the other hand, digital marketing employs
digital platforms to reach customers, such as social media, banner ads, and websites. While
digital marketing has become more popular, traditional marketing remains relevant and has
adapted to incorporate digital strategies. It is essential to consider the potential outcomes of both
forms of marketing before deciding on a marketing plan, with the goal of attracting qualified
customers and building brand awareness. Combining traditional and digital marketing can be
more effective than using them separately, as they can complement each other to achieve better
results. By breaking down and analyzing the differences between digital marketing and
traditional marketing based on specific factors, we can better understand their distinctions.

Traditional Marketing Digital Marketing

Traditional marketing includes broadcast, Digital marketing includes search engine

print, telephone and direct mail optimization, online advertising, text
messaging, email marketing, social media,
affiliate marketing, pay per click

There is no audience contact There is participation of the audience

The outcomes are simple to assess The outcomes are, for the most part,
straightforward to assess

Campaigns for advertising are designed over a Campaigns for advertising are designed for a
long time period limited period of time

Method that is both costly and time- A low-cost and quick way to advertise goods
consuming or services
Traditional marketing tactics will be hailed as If a firm's digital marketing efforts are
a success if the enterprise is able to attract a effective, it can be praised if it can attract a
broad local audience certain number of local customers

One project performs for a long time Campaigns can be quickly updated, and new
ideas can be incorporated into every campaign

Owing to a scarcity of customer technology, Because of the use of different customer

there is a small access to the customer technologies, there is a greater access to the

It is not possible to expose yourself 24/7, all It is possible to expose yourself 24/7, all year

No chance of going viral Chances of going viral

One-way communication Two-way communication

Only during working hours are responses It is possible to receive a response or feedback
possible at any time

Customer use of smartphones is rapidly growing, providing advertisers with a plethora of

new ways to attract and serve customers. Digitalization is among the most transformative trends
in industry and culture in recent decades, with the ability to radically alter how businesses work
and generate value (Liebeck and Picot, 2015). ‘Born-digital' businesses have emerged to
compete with conventional – that is, pre-digital – businesses in a variety of sectors, including
retail, banking, and auto manufacturing. As a result, many pre-digital businesses believe that a
digital transformation of their operations, described as the "transformation of business practices,
processes, competencies, and models to fully exploit the changes and opportunities brought by
digital technology," is critical (Demirkan et al, 2016). The aim of digital transformation is for
businesses to become more successful and catch up to companies that were born digital without
being challenged (Vial, 2019).
Promotional efforts made via the Internet, social media, mobile phones, electronic
billboards, as well as digital television and radio networks, could all be used as part of a firm's
digital marketing strategy. Digital marketing is a subset of conventional marketing that employs
new digital platforms to position goods, such as downloadable music, and to communicate with
stakeholders, such as consumers and investors, about the brand, products, and performance of the
Digital transformation has become a key driver of innovation, growth, and success for
businesses of all sizes and industries. It involves the integration of digital technologies into all
aspects of a company's operations, from marketing and sales to customer service and supply
chain management. By leveraging the power of digital technologies, companies can streamline
processes, reduce costs, improve customer experiences, and gain a competitive edge.
One of the most significant benefits of digital transformation is the ability to collect and
analyze vast amounts of data in real time. With the help of big data analytics, businesses can gain
valuable insights into consumer behavior, market trends, and operational performance. This data
can be used to optimize business processes, develop targeted marketing strategies, and create
more personalized customer experiences. Critical component of digital transformation is the use
of artificial intelligence and machine learning. These technologies can help businesses automate
repetitive tasks, enhance decision-making processes, and improve the accuracy and speed of
operations. For example, chatbots powered by AI can provide immediate customer support,
while predictive analytics can help companies forecast demand and optimize inventory levels.
Cloud computing is also a critical enabler of digital transformation, as it allows companies to
access and manage data and applications from anywhere, at any time. Cloud-based solutions can
help businesses reduce costs, improve scalability, and enhance collaboration and agility.
However, digital transformation is not without its challenges. It requires significant
investments in technology, infrastructure, and talent, as well as a willingness to adapt to new
ways of doing business. Companies must also address concerns around data privacy, security,
and ethical considerations related to the use of emerging technologies. Digital transformation is a
necessary step for businesses looking to stay competitive in today's rapidly evolving digital
landscape. By embracing new technologies and rethinking traditional business models,
companies can unlock new opportunities for growth, innovation, and success.
The criterion for ensuring continued progress is thus to recognize digital transformation
in a sufficiently broad and competent manner, rather than to do nothing. Failure to move quickly
enough will result in a significant and long-term loss of competitiveness. Large incumbents in
retail, for example, have lost substantial market share and, as a result, long-term competitiveness
as a result of their sluggish adoption and rollout of digital and analytical techniques in their
operations. Despite the fact that most existing companies, such as Ikea, had rudimentary online
shopping services, Amazon and Alibaba were able to outperform them in terms of revenue
growth and market share thanks to their comprehensive use of digital analytics. Similar trends
can be seen in a variety of other sectors, as businesses compete to enjoy the benefits of this
transition, which is quickly becoming a core driver of competitive advantage, if not the primary

Digital communication strategies vs Mass-Reach traditional marketing approach in global

smartphone industry on the Asian Market

The smartphone industry has seen tremendous growth in the past decade, mainly due to the
adoption of advanced mobile technologies and the shift towards digital lifestyles. Asia has
emerged as a major growth driver for the industry, with countries like China, India, Japan, and
South Korea leading the charge (Shahid, 2023). In 2021, the global smartphone market saw over
1.5 billion units sold worldwide (Statista, 2022). To reach their target audience, engage them,
and drive sales, companies in the smartphone industry rely on both digital communication
strategies and traditional marketing approaches. While TV, radio, print, and outdoor advertising
play a significant role in creating brand awareness and influencing purchase decisions, digital
communication strategies such as email marketing, social media marketing, and mobile
marketing have become increasingly crucial (Shahid, 2023).

The growth of emerging markets, especially in Asia, has contributed significantly to the rapid
expansion of the smartphone industry. According to Statista (2022), the global smartphone
market is projected to reach 1.75 billion units by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 5.5% from 2021
to 2026. China and India, which accounted for 27% and 10% of global smartphone sales in Q4
2021, respectively, are the largest markets in the region (Counterpoint Research, 2022).
Additionally, other Southeast Asian countries like Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines are
also experiencing significant growth in smartphone sales (Counterpoint Research, 2022).

the digital communication strategies marketing approach has become a critical component in the
success of major players in the global smartphone industry. As the Asian market continues to be
a significant contributor to the industry, understanding how market leaders have harnessed
digital channels to propel growth is crucial.

One notable strategy that has been employed in the region is the use of social media platforms to
engage with consumers directly. Companies like Samsung, Huawei, and Xiaomi have leveraged
platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and WeChat to create a rapport with their target
audience, providing regular updates on product launches, sales promotions, and customer
testimonials. By maintaining an active and influential online presence, these companies have
been able to foster brand loyalty, generate buzz around their products, and ultimately, drive up
Another strategy that majors smartphone manufacturers have implemented is content marketing.
By creating valuable, relevant, and engaging content, these companies have been able to educate
consumers about their products and the unique features that set them apart from the competition.
Examples of this include the creation of product demonstration videos, publishing in-depth blog
posts, and offering insightful infographics. By providing consumers with valuable content,
companies can establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry and build trust with
potemarntial customers. Influencer marketing has also been a prominent strategy used by
smartphone manufacturers to reach potential customers. By partnering with popular influencers
and key opinion leaders, companies can tap into their vast online following and leverage their
credibility to promote their products. These influencers primarily operate on social media
platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, where they create engaging content and
promote the company's products through authentic and compelling reviews, tutorials, and
product placements.

Digital advertising has also played an important role in the marketing approach adopted by major
industry players in the Asian market. Companies invest heavily in targeted advertising on
platforms such as Google AdWords and Facebook Ads, ensuring that their promotions reach the
most relevant audience. This helps them to achieve maximum exposure and ultimately drive up

Digital communication strategies and mass-reach traditional keting approaches are essential for
companies in the smartphone industry to reach their target audience, engage them, and drive
sales. With the rise of digital technologies, companies have shifted towards digital
communication strategies such as email marketing, social media marketing, and mobile
marketing. Traditional mass-reach marketing approaches such as TV, radio, print, and outdoor
advertising still play a significant role in creating brand awareness and influencing purchase

Digital communication strategies have become a popular and cost-effective way to reach a wider
audience, particularly in Asia where the use of smartphones and social media is widespread.
With various online channels available, such as social media platforms, email marketing,
influencer marketing, and online advertising, digital marketing can engage with users in a
targeted and personalized way based on their data. Traditional communication strategies such as
TV advertising, print advertising, and outdoor advertising still hold value in the Asian market.
These methods can effectively reach older generations who may not be as tech-savvy and can
establish brand awareness and credibility for a strong brand image.
To effectively market smartphones in Asia, the ideal communication strategy will depend on the
target audience, budget, and marketing goals. Combining both digital and traditional
communication strategies can be the most effective approach to reach a diverse audience and
achieve marketing objectives in the global smartphone industry.

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