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Good nutrition means good health and good health is man’s greatest


Our highly - distinguished guest, deeply- honored Public Schools District

Supervisor Dr. Virgilia S. Bagalanon, greatly- respected members of the
MRPS South Regular faculty and staff spearheaded by our School Principal
Mr. Jaime T. Pa gong, parents, pupils, ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to
the Nutrition Month Culmination Program with its theme “ Kalamidad
Paghandaan; Gutom at Malnutrisyon Agapan”.

To start unraveling today’s celebration of good nutrition, let us all rise for
the singing of the national anthem.

After the singing of the national anthem, please remain standing for a

You may all be seated.

Today is not just a culmination. It is also a celebration to show that we

value life through good nutrition. As a salute to the celebration of life, let us
all lend our ears for the welcome address of our health- loving School
Principal, Mr. Jaime T. Pa gong. A round of applause please

Thank you so much Sir for the heartwarming words of welcome.

Healthy pupils manifest dynamism and enthusiasm in everything that they

do. To prove to you this statement, here are select Grade II Pupils in their
dance number. Our loudest cheers for them please

Thank you so much pupils for showing your enthusiasm on stage. That was
remarkably impressive!

Do you agree with me that there are reasons why we eat? Do we ever put
much thought into why our body needs food?

To challenge us with his forceful and influential words, let us put our hands
together for our District Nurse Mrs. Khollier Faber M. Bulfa.

Thank you so much, Ma’am for persuading and convincing us to eat what is
right. That message was very significant to all of us, indeed!
Since our pupils have wholly motivated life styles because of good nutrition,
here is another manifestation of their energy and vigor. To hit the floor with
their dance number, here are select Grade IV Pupils. A hand please

Wow that was obviously wonderful and amazing kids! Two thumbs up for
you for such a performance worthy of admiration.

Is it true that eating fresh fruits is better than taking vitamins? Well, let us
hear some nuggets of wisdom from our fine looking municipal sanitary
inspector, Mr. Jose Bersyl Barrita. A resounding applause for him please

It is true Sir. We are what we eat. Thank you so much for the very helpful
and useful pieces of information that you shared to us Sir! We will always
commit them to memory.

The stage is heating up because more and more pupils want to occupy the
center stage. This time it will be from Grade IV Orchid. I am sure these kids
will show us some more moves and grooves. So, let us pave the way for the
Grade VI Orchid pupils. Let us give them our loudest and strongest clap.

That was superbly done kids! I salute you for such a good performance.

Last Monday, we had poster making contest and to declare the winners, we
would like to request one of the best teachers in our school, Mrs. Junalyn O.
Munoz. Please give her a big round of applause

Thank you ,Ma’am for declaring the winners. Congratulations to the

winners. Those who did not win, you do better next time.

Today’s activity is memorable not only because we emphasize the

importance of health but also because we feel the warmth of the all- out
support of our Public Schools District Supervisor, To share her wisdom to
us, please join me in welcoming, Dr. Ma. Virgilia S. Bagalanon, a hand

Thank you so much, Ma’am. We are indeed blessed to have you as our
strongest pillar in the district.

Another doze of entertainment will be given to us by none other than Select

Grade III Pupils. Let us make way for them.
Thank you, pupils for such a marvelous presentation of talent. It was
indeed worthy of appreciation.

This time, we will be giving TRIVIA Questions by year level. To kick off,
may we request the Grade V Teacher, Mr. Elmer Delvo.

To facilitate the Kinder to Grade VI, this shall be done by drawing of lots.

It is a celebration of good health and good life. To fill the air with wonderful
melodies, let us have our community singing which shall be led by Grade V
Teacher, Mr. Elmer Delvo.

Kinder to Grade II will sing Ako Si Angi

Grades III to IV will sing Leron Leron Sinta

Grades IV to VI will sing Magtanim Ay Di Biro.

Thank you so much pupils and teachers for the participation and

On behalf of the administration, faculty and staff of MRPS South Regular, I

would like to express our heartfelt and sincerest gratitude for your hundred
percent indulgence in making this activity a success.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you very much.

I am Mrs. Michelle S. Lanas, your host for the day.

God bless us all.

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