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国际教育学院 2020—2021 学年第二学期期末考试试卷

考试科目:初级汉字读写 (A 卷) 姓名(full name):

Anik Hasan(欧尼克)
Total scores: 100
Time: 90mins

一、 写拼音或汉字 Write Pinyin or Chinese Characters

(共 20 题,一题 2 分,共 40 分)

A.Write Pinyin
1. 九十 jiǔ shí 2. 介绍 jièshào

B. Write Chinese Characters

1. qǐngwèn 请问 2. kě’ài 可爱

二、写拼音并组词 write Pinyin for the following words and then make phrases
(共 10 题,一题 2.5 分,共 25 分)
E.g:见___jiàn___( 看见 )

三、为下列汉字标注拼音,并在括号里写出笔画数。Give the Pinyin of the following

characters and write the stroke numbers in the parentheses. (共 15 题,一题 1 分,
共 15 分)
1.吗___ma_____( 6 )
四、为下列汉字标注拼音,并把它们分解为部件 。Write Pinyin for the following
characters and devide them into character components.
(共 10 题,一题 2 分,共 20 分)
1. 汉____hàn____( 氵+又 )

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