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Wolf Spirit
b y M AT E O S O L ( H T T P S : / / L O N E R W O L F. C O M / A U T H O R / M AT T Y / ) /

I am often asked why we decided to call our website ‘LonerWolf’.

Spirit Animals ( for centuries have been

seen as sources of meaning, wisdom and power.  At their origins, Spirit Animals or
totems, have been symbolic guides of our unconscious minds to journeys of self-

Before psychology and personality types (,

animals were used as a means to learn about ourselves.  Wolves, out of all the
power animals (, has powerful


The personality traits of the Wolf are those of powerful instinct, intuition, and high
intelligence.  The Wolf roams the wild with a thirst for freedom, working within a
social environment.

Young wolves on the brink of sexual maturity will sometimes be driven away from
the group by the alpha males of the pack, losing all of their social connections.
 These ‘lone wolves (‘ must learn to fend for
themselves, without the help of any social group: they must become stronger.
 Hence our name “lonerwolf.”

Wolf Spirit Animal Meaning

Ancient cultures and indigenous people believed that animals and humans shared
the same spiritual essence between each other.  They also believed that these
animals are attracted to us and present themselves to us in speci c moments of our
lives to reveal messages.

The Wolf Totem symbolizes:

Strong connection with your instincts or intuition

High intelligence
Loyalty and communication
Deep desire for freedom

History of the Wolf Spirit Animal

The Wolf has appeared conspicuously throughout history.  In modern culture, we
associate wolves with negative qualities such as the darkness that mythical
Werewolves (the story of Lycaon the King and Zeus) represent.  In Aesop’s fables for
instance, they are portrayed as being evil and dangerous, such as in the story of “The
boy who cried Wolf” and “The Wolf in sheep clothing“.  The Brothers Grimm story of
“Little Red Riding Hood” also portrays the Wolf as ferocious and intimidating.

Luckily, wolves haven’t always been seen in such a negative light.  In fact, wolves and
humans once lived together according to some historians. They also share many
parallel human traits (

Native American Indians perhaps had the greatest symbolism for wolves.  They
modeled themselves a ter the Wolf in hunting methods, cooperation and
e ciency, valuing them as proud hunters, loyal friends and intelligent teachers.

 They also thought of the Wolf as a spiritual path nder, which symbolized
intelligence and leadership.

Rome has one of the best known Wolf-founding legends.  As the legend goes,
Romulus and Remus ( the two
founding brothers of Rome, were raised and suckled by a she-wolf.

In Egyptian mythology, the Wolf Wepwawet

( (also rendered Upuaut, Wep-wawet,
Wepawet, and Ophois) was originally a war deity, his name meaning; the opener of the
ways.  It’s interesting to note here that the Native American Indians, a completely
di ferent race and culture of people, believed that wolves had a special connection
to our paths in life as well.

The Mongolians, on the other hand, believed they were descendants of wolves
_and_Mongolian).  The legend goes that in Northern China a small Turkic village

was raided by Chinese soldiers, but one small baby was le t behind.  An old she-
wolf named Asena found the baby and nursed him.  She then gave birth to half-
wolf half-human cubs, from which the Turkic people were born.
In Asia, the wolf is the guardian of the entrance to heavenly, celestial realms.  The
Wolf is also said to be among the ancestry of Genghis Khan.

Download Our FREE Wolf Within eBook!

Learn how to be true to yourself and listen to your calling, we’ve written Wild Wolf
Within (a short eBook) to show you exactly how.


Intelligence and Instincts

A Wolf possesses a high intelligence and strong instincts, and these have been
observed in their hunting strategies, habitat creation, and migration habits.

When a Wolf presents itself as your spirit animal, it could be an expression of your
sharp intelligence and strong instincts.  When the Wolf appears, either physically,
through meditation or through a dream, it’s o ten a way of telling you that you’re
either using your intelligence and instincts well to solve a challenging life situation,
or that you’re not using them at all.

The Wolf represents the path nder.  He is a guide that helps you to discover when
you are being misguided, or led correctly, when using your instincts.

lf l h l l f
Having a Wolf as a power animal serves to emphasize your levels of trust or
mistrust in your instincts and intuition.  Totem animals, as a whole, make you
aware and introspective of your current emotional state, and wolves can serve as
omens ( or guides to show you that which
is making you emotionally unbalanced.

When the Wolf shows up in your life, look closely and listen carefully to what your
intuition or instincts are telling you.

Loyalty, Connection and

There’s a misconception that all wolves are ‘lone wolves’.  In fact, this is far from the
truth. The Wolf is a power animal with a high sense of loyalty and communication.
 These animals are actually very social, family-oriented and good at communicating
with each other.

With the use of body movement, touch, eye contact and vocal sounds, they engage
with other wolves constantly.  If your totem is a Wolf, you’re most likely good at
expressing yourself verbally and physically.  O ten it’s the case that people with the
Wolf spirit animal are naturally eloquent in speech, or are good at creative writing.

The Wolf’s sense of loyalty can be seen in a variety of ways.  They are one of the few
animals to hold only monogamous relationships.  Most wolves mate for life and will
not take another partner if their own dies.  Pack members also hold deep

emotional bonds, greeting each other enthusiastically a ter they have been
separated for long periods of time.

h f lf l l d f l k fl l
The presence of a Wolf spirit animal can also serve as reminder of a lack of loyalty or
trust in your life.  O ten wolves manifest themselves to people who have become
strongly apprehensive of bonding with others and have grown immense mistrust of
those around them.  A Wolf totem animal can represent a perceived threat or
feeling, for instance: that you are being threatened by someone or something in
your life.

As Wolf’s main trait is its sharp instinct, a Wolf spirit animal could be trying to tell
you that you’re misguided in your trust for someone, or it may be warning you to
listen more o ten to your instincts or intuition and to be loyal to yourself.

Perceiving the Wolf Animal Spirit is your unconscious’ way of letting you know that
it might be feeling vulnerable; that you might have revealed too much to someone
about yourself, and now your sense of freedom feels bounded by the predatory
mistrust of that person. It may also signify that the people you’re trying to connect
with at the moment are making you feel afraid.

Mistrust doesn’t always have to do with other people.  Sometimes our mistrust and
lack of loyalty is towards ourselves.  For example, maybe you’re not listening to your
‘communicative’ traits of verbal or written expression, or perhaps you’re not
behaving in a loyal self-loving way with yourself.

Wolf Spirit Animal Freedom

Wolves are wild animals, they are beautiful creatures of mystery that cannot be
domesticated.  If a Wolf appears to you in a certain period of your life when you’re
in doubt of the changes that are happening, it can be reassuring you that the path
you’re taking is the right one and that you’re being loyal to your instincts.

Equally, if the Wolf presents itself in a moment in life where you feel stuck, it might
be reminding you that you’re a free spirit (, that
you can deviate from whatever path you are currently on and become a ‘lone wolf
(‘ if necessary in order to pursue your dreams.

Meanings will be revealed to you as you deepen your personal connection with the


The Spiritual Awakening Process

Discover profound insights and practices that will help you to
access deep levels of love and freedom. Explore soul retrieval,
shadow work, and more. Start your Spiritual Awakening
journey now!


The Wolf and Dream Interpretation

Native American Indians knew that dreaming of a Wolf symbolized beauty,
solitude, mystery, self-con dence, and pride.  If a Wolf appears in your dreams, it
may signify that you’re approaching life with a composed, adaptable attitude, and
that it’s okay to be a loner by choice.

Negatively, it might be warning you against hostility, domination or aggression

from others. The Wolf might want to serve as a guide in a situation in your life
where you feel vulnerable and weak.

Some dream psychoanalysts interpret wolves in nightmares as conveyors of a

perceived threat such as strong sexual energy (
sexual-energy/) occurring in your life (in you or someone close to you) or di ferent
types of addictive craving behaviors that you might be struggling with.  The story of
‘Little Red Riding Hood’ was originally an allegoric metaphor for the loss of virginity
(red hood) taken away by the predatory ‘Big Bad Wolf’ (men).

In positive dreams, psychoanalysts interpret the Wolf as a guiding symbol for

trusting your instincts (again, sexual instincts and addictive ‘cravings’ play a role
here) and expressing them in a more balanced way.

If you’d like to nd out if the wolf is your spirit animal, take our test

Want to discover your spirit animal? Try our spirit animal

reading. (

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