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Javítsd a hibákat a mondatokban!

1. If I were you, I will opened the door for her every day.

2. Yesterday I had bought a present for my uncle 60 birthday.

3. I prefer to listen to music in my room alone than dancing in a noise disco.

4. Hey, this book is my not your!

5. You can play the guitar? Yes, I can to play the guitar and the piano too.

6. Before the burglar had opened the door he had called her wife on his mobile phone.

7. I am to going to bake pizza this weekend. I hope my friends are coming.

8. Who is the your best friend in the world?

9. How many rices is in the box?

10. This garden is opened two years ago when the major decided to organised a party here.

11. If I had eaten the soup I will have been healthy forever.

12. I was greeting my aunt in the door when my neighbour is running out from his flat naked.

13. When do you usually have a shower today mornings?

14. I have given my dinner to the dog since 2 years.

15. You have to cook the dinner, I really would like it!

16. These is my house and those are my animals, a chickens, some goose and a donkey.

17. Had you ever tried the base jumping? It must to be very funny.

18. While I was enjoying the musical my friends were sing the “Singing in the rain” in the street.

19. I have been living in that big house since I start to learn at the elementary school.

20. Do you like a cup of coffee? No thanks, just a glass of water.

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