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In 2020 we faced a new problem,what most of the people never experienced.

In these crises
we start to appreciate our relationships and family more than we do usually.

As I see, the role of the family is important today, but has differences compared to the past.
Going back to history, we can see them. For example, my grandmother was 19, when my
godmother was born, which is shocking, because I am just two generations younger in the
family life. Nowadays marriage and pregnancy extend and decrease.

In the western scienty, where we live, the family models  are different than in some
cultures.In the easter countries,in the traditional  communities and in the religious areas,
people  are watching families as tighter units, they want to keep the structures more
traditional. Also, these structures are forming. This is the reason why we can see more
single-parent families . People are more likely to  devorce or break up. But we have to think
about the fact that not being divorced, does not  necessarily mean that the marriage, or the
family life is better. 

We can also tell that the roles of women and men changed as well. Compared to the past,
women have more opportunities. They are no more just housewives. They can choose, they
can have a career, they can be anything they want to be. For men, the unrealistic
expectations of being masculine all the time, and the roles coming with also loosen. They
have bigger part in the childrearing as well. Also the kids are usually seen more like a young
human, than just somebody who is secondary.

All in all, in the 21st century, the members of a family are more equal, than in the past. And
the importance of it did not change, rather the way we identify it.

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