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The range of variation in "families" throughout history and across cultures is enormous.
Families have changed over the past thirty years. now, they have a much more diverse
structure. Families can be different in structure, size, ethnicity, religion and many more
aspects. Two-parent households are on the decline as divorce, remarriage and
cohabitation are on the rise. And families are smaller now.
In the past, growing up, getting married, and having children was the norm, but in
today's world, more people are choosing to postpone having children or deciding not to
have any. Being a mother and a housewife is no longer the only option for women. Not
only are women having fewer children today, but they are having them under different
circumstances than in the past.
In addition to the changes in family structure that have occurred over the past several
decades, family life has been greatly affected by the movement of more and more
mothers into the workforce. The more education a mother has, the more likely she is to
be in the labor force. In US, 72% of women in the child-bearing years are employed.
These days, different family types are not only common but also much more accepted
than they were in the past.
Single-parent families are increasingly common, and most are headed by , however,
there are males who are also choosing to form a family on their own, who face special
challenges. Blended families are also common. Remarriage often eases the financial
problems of single parenthood
Me, as a primary education teacher, it’s therefore important for teachers to be inclusive
of all types of families. No matter the type of family, students do best when educators
remain sensitive to--and welcoming of--these differences
We, as educators, must teach children about respect for others. Diversity and
inclusion help children learn to empathize with people who are different from them.

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