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The first significant reason behind divorce is infidelity which is that the act of being

unfaithful to a wife or husband by having other special relationship. As everyone knows,

marriage could be a relationship based on faith, belief and feelings for every other. When a
spouse betrays this trust, it causes pain and suffering to the opposite partner. additionally,
nobody wants to share a wife or husband to a different person. it's unacceptable to some
people, so that they couldn't forgive to their wife or husband if their spouse deludes them.
thanks to the pain and also the unacceptable when the partner doesn’t seem to be faithful,
couples arrange to divorce to flee one another. this can be why infidelity becomes one in all
the leading factors cause to divorce. I can take example of case where my cousin sister
divorced from her husband due to extramarital affair with husband and his secretary. I
witnessed this case and found it very difficult that my sister faced during divorce this is one
of reason of divorce.

Another reason behind divorce is communication skill. Communication is important for

healthy and lasting relationships, so when couples are lack of communication, it can make
them boring and misunderstanding. for instance, after quite five years together, my aunt and
her husband found their marriage on the brink because my ant used of the rebuff whenever
problems arose or whenever she wasn't satisfied along with her husband. She admitted that
her poor communication made her husband confuse what she wanted or what she failed to
want him to try to for her, and also the distance about feeling between them slowly become
bigger. Consequently, they decided to divorce. In contrast, an excessive amount of arguing is
additionally destroying a marriage. In fact, arguing could be a normal action within the
family life because arguing helps to unravel the matter, but some people don't think that.
They argue with their spouse simply because they need to become a winner even though their
reason doesn’t make any sense. Then there is little problems expand to big problems, leading
to divorce. Therefore, either too talkative or too quiet can result in divorce.

Another important cause of divorce is unreasonable expectations. It is good for marriage

partners to discuss each other's expectations before signing the marriage certificate, as
partners often have different expectations about the outcome of the marriage and the partner's
position in the marriage. . Sometimes a spouse will have high expectations for marriage as we
can take for example my sister when her husband and mother-in-law expect her to do both
office work and housework, which leads to to a lot of disappointment for me. older sister.
Then her husband came to beat her because they expected a lot from her, then after thinking
and discussing with her family, she divorced her husband and continued her job, living an
independent life with her children. male.
Maturity factor like in Many couples break up after couples engage in behaviour that partners
consider inappropriate and childish. The behaviour is then considered intolerable, making life
difficult for both because of the couple's lack of understanding. I can give an example of a
couple with a huge age difference such as a 40-year-old groom and a 20-year-old bride, so
there is a generation gap between the two in a marriage, even though it is a marriage.
arranged marriage, but there. no ideas and themes. match and they complained to their
parents about it and there was a lot of tension in the family. Later, it was noticed that the
groom's sister was also getting in the way of the wedding, so they finally decided to divorce
and end their marriage.

In- laws may be the biggest contributing factors to divorce in that when a spouse decides to
marry someone who is different from who they are, they may move mountains just to ruin
their reputation or when Husband and wife have conflicts and those in-laws are allowed to
intervene, they can take advantage of this opportunity to cause a rift between husband and
wife, leading to divorce. Here I can take an example from my brother's friend and his wife
that the wife's parents were guilty in the divorce case between husband and wife. The
woman's parents were bitter between the two of them and meddled in every matter, and then
they even taught their daughter to do bad things. then the couple decides to divorce and
separate, through which we can see how parental or legal intervention can lead to divorce.

The unrealistic expectations of spouses are the last leading cause of divorce. Both men and
women expect a lot from marriage Some expectations are very important such as respect,
honesty or kindness. For example, men expect their wives to be able to keep the body as
beautiful as on the first date, or women hope their men have a lot of money to buy them.
expensive things. However, reality was not what they expected. Indeed, after giving birth,
women will have more work to do, so they will not have as much time to take care of
themselves as before, so they will gain weight or age. Men are also in the same situation, they
will no longer have enough to spend money like children's belongings or household expenses,
so their wives will no longer have luxury gifts from them. These expectations can put a lot of
pressure on the other partners and disappoint the spouse; As a result, the relationship can be
ruined I can take my cousin and sister-in-law as an example My cousin is very conscious
about health and keeping in shape, but after giving birth to a child, his wife can 'Can't keep
her body and get fat so she can't go to the gym because of lack of time so that's the root cause
of their divorce in their relationship.
In my opinion, one of the very common reasons for divorce is the precisely that divorce is so
common. Divorce no longer carries the stigma it used to. You probably know a lot of people
who have been divorced at least once or maybe you yourself are a child of divorces. Almost
the "everyone does it" mentality makes it a "popular thing". You see it every day in the news
and it appears in most TV shows and movies. I don't like to say that divorce is a "common"
thing, because that almost reduces its impact on individuals and families and makes divorce
fashionable. That's not how I see divorce. Divorce clearly has a significant effect on spouses,
children and their extended family. However, divorce is not always a bad thing and if handled
properly the impact on the family can be lessened. Basically, people get stuck in unhealthy
relationships, regardless of their personal happiness. Being in an unhealthy relationship is not
a way to live, if someone wants to get out of that relationship, they should be able to do so.
Sometimes people get married because that's what they "have to" do. I often see the "that's
what I have to do" mentality in today's society. You grow up, you find someone else, you go
to college, you get married. In today's society, that's what everyone has to do when they grow
up. Unfortunately, this sometimes leads to people getting married without really realizing
what exactly marriage entails and the challenges associated with marriage.

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