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Research Proposal: Alarming increase of divorce rate and its benefits.

Date: June 8, 2017

To: Nasrin Pervin
From: Azharul Islam, ID# 16 10 54 80 30, ENG105, Sec: 25
Subject: Proposal to conduct a research project on the increase of divorce rate and its benefits.
Divorce is the death of a marriage, dissolution of the relationship between a husband and a wife.
Currently divorce rate is booming in Bangladesh with only Dhaka having 23 divorce per day in
2015(Wikipedia). The divorce rate is increasing because of various reasons such as increase in
economic independence of women, tendency of lack of patience to adjust with someone among
the young generation, inferiority complex, effect of western tradition, decrease of traditional and
religious values, dowry etc. But it’s not all that bad. As a person gets separated from his or her
spouse for any logical reason he or she gets the chance to start his or her life from a new
beginning and generally not doing the same mistake twice. He or she gets the chance to choose
her life partner with the assist of a very bad experience of divorce. Specially the women cherish
this chance a lot because generally
My focus will be to find out why the divorce rate is increasing and its effects on people
specifically on women. It is said that it’s better to be alone than to be with someone who makes
you alone. The people who get divorced are more-happy in being separated than being together
and in their second marriages. Most of the marriages in Bangladesh are arranged by family. The
boy and the girl don’t get to know each other before marriage and so more than a few times they
get married to the wrong person but at modern times they can’t adjust as their parents used to do
which leads to many problems and confrontations. For example: in today’s time a girl wants to
do something with her life, she wants to become someone, achieve something in her life. But
after marriage her new family, especially her father-in-law, mother-in law and her husband
generally don’t want her to work outside of home more specifically with other men. They are
afraid what will their neighbor say, what will their relatives say and so on but they don’t think
the husband or their son also work with other women or have to meet with other women because
of work. But their thinking is like a girl has to be the “Holy Marry” (like a goddess) but the boy
can be whatever they wish. A woman of today doesn’t or will not tolerate this kind of things, she
thinks that she has the same rights as her husband has and the society doesn’t feed her. These
two kinds of thinking clash and usually ends up in divorce and after divorce a women can be
whatever she likes, it’s like breaking out of a jail. I want to find out in my research that if my
claim is correct or not how much of it is correct and how much is not.
Research Questions:
I hope to find the causes of divorce and its benefits. My research will address the following
*What are the causes of divorce?
*How often does the divorce take place in Bangladesh?
*Why are people more-happy in being separated?
*What are effects of divorce on family specially children?
*What do men and women do after getting divorced?
*Why are people more-happy in their second marriages?
*What kind of oppression do women face because of male dominance in our society?
*What are the reasons of women up-rising at modern times in Bangladesh?
*Why the current social norms are one of the main reasons for divorce?

In my research I hope find, why the divorce rate is increasing and why people are more happy
being separated and in their second marriages. In my opinion one of the prime reasons of divorce
is that women are getting more and more economically independent, they are standing toe to toe
with their spouses in every aspect. This is a very good sign because it indicates that our country
is developing socially. This also indicates the ugly truth of women oppression in our culture
because of male dominance. Furthermore I intend to find that why people are more happy in
being separated and in their second marriages. Because I believe that the reason for that is female
uprising. At past a woman’s opinion didn’t matter in anything not even in the decisions
concerning their life but at present the situation is changing and the reason for this is because of
women up-rising. As women don’t give up to male dominance, males feel insecure or inferior so
they try to dominate the spirit of the women which leads to divorce. In our country a woman is
thought to be or treated like a product. A product or a property can’t say anything and can’t do
anything that’s the basic idea of our society but as the women are proving the society wrong in
every aspect the society tries to fight back resulting in divorce.
Research Methodology:
For the primary research I shall conduct a survey associated with the increase of divorce rate and
people being happy separated and on second marriages on various people, mostly of whom will
be the students from my varsity, divorcees, separated couples and other people as well. I will
design questions appropriate for the data I am hoping for.
On secondary research I am going to browse the internet and read books, journals and biography.
I will also try to interview, people who have gone through this kind of experience and last but
not the least I will take help from my friends, family and teachers.
My paper will include different divisions like introduction, background, data presentation and
analysis, and summery of findings. The divisions might also include sub divisions.
I shall try my best to complete my primary report by the middle of July and my secondary report
by the end of July. I shall try to complete my research at the beginning of the August and submit
it at the specific date which will be given in the class.
Request for Approval
I request you to approve my proposal. If you wish me to modify anything I submit it after doing
the necessary changes and I also request you to help me in completing my project.

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