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Nikki Meyer

1st Grade

Counting By Evens and Odds

 I am teaching this lesson to teach students about even and odd numbers and
that even numbers make pairs while odd number have a remainder. Students
will gain an understanding of what an even and odd number is and how to
figure out if a two, three or four digit number is even or odd based off of the
number in the ones place.
 Core Standards- (2)
o Extend the counting sequence.
o Understand place value.
o Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and
 This lesson is important because it teaches children what an even and odd
number is and how they can determine if a number is even or odd based off of
the number in the ones place.
 With the understanding of even and odd numbers, students acquire an
understanding for adding, subtracting, multiplying and division. Students gain
knowledge of pairs and that an even number has an equal number of pairs and
when there’s a remainder, the number is odd.
 My cooperating teacher and I collaborated the idea based off of the worksheet
she was planning on teaching that day,

 The mathematical goal of this lesson is for students to understand what makes
an even number even, and an odd number odd. The students will understand
that a pair is an even number and if a pair has a remainder, the number is odd.
This is important for students because they will also learn make a connection
to skip counting by 2’s and that when you skip count by 2’s, the number is
always even.
 Through this lesson, students will be able to determine whether a larger
number is even or odd based off of the number in the ones spot. They will
also be able to create pairs and understand that if you have one pair then you
have an even number, if you have a pair and a remainder then the number is

 Grade Level-
o This lesson is important for students because they just learned about
skip counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s and with that knowledge, the
students will make connections between even numbers and counting
by 2’s, odd and even numbers when counting by 5’s, and even
numbers when counting by 10’s. Not only does this lesson extend the
knowledge students gained during skip counting, but also the first
graders will build on their previous knowledge of numbers and that
numbers are either even or odd.
 Parts of the Lesson-
o I will begin the lesson by telling the class that we will be learning
about even and odd numbers, and how we can determine whether a
larger number is even or odd based off of the number in the ones
o I will start by asking the students what an even number is, and then
what an odd number is, after taking a few answers, I will demonstrate
to the students that even numbers make pairs and that odd numbers
have a remainder (one left over).
o I will give a few examples of even pairs, for example, socks and shoes
and then I will use paper mittens to demonstrate even pairs and odd
numbers using the mittens as a physical prompt.
o I will then give the students manipulative and give them a number and
using the manipulative, ask them to pair them up to determine whether
or not the number I gave them was odd or even.
o I will write the numbers on the board using a chart that says even and
odd, and place the number underneath the correct heading so the
students can see which numbers are odd and even. I will repeat this
several times.
o After the students have used the manipulative, I will regain the
students attention and introduce to them if 0 and explain to them that
even though 0 cannot be paired off to become even, the number 10, 20,
30, etc can be paired off which means 0 is an even number.
o I will give the students examples of big numbers that are either even or
odd and explain to them that if you look in the ones column, you can
determine if the whole number is even or odd.
 Materials-
o Even and odd worksheet
o Manipulative
o Paper mittens
 Questions-
o During the lesson I’m going to ask the students what an even and odd
number is and why the think that.
o I’m going to ask the students how to determine if a two, three, or four
digit number is either even or odd and if zero is an even or odd number
and how they arrived at their answer.
 Source-
o Mrs. Miller’s Envisions worksheet helped frame the lesson plan to
introduce and teach even and odd numbers.
o I used the Internet to come up with the idea about the manipulative.
 Behavior Management-
o I will ask for the student’s eyes and ears before I begin the lesson and
make sure they are all looking at me before I begin.
o I will ask the students to raise their hands if they have an answer and if
a student calls out and another raises their hand I will call on the
student who raises their hand to make an example out of them.
o I want the students to have fun with the manipulative so I’ll explain to
them my expectations and let them know that they are a learning tool
not toys and I don’t want to see them on the floor or being thrown.
 Influences-
o How students interact with one another while working with the
manipulative will affect the lesson because some students may act out
and throw their manipulative, which could cause a fight or unneeded
o If certain students have a harder time understanding the lesson then
other will influence the lesson because I’ll walk around and try to
explain and help the students that are struggling.

 I understand that some students will grasp the concept of even and odd
numbers better then other students and to deal with that differentiation, I will
tell the class we are working together as a class to determine what numbers
are even and odd and why. If a student figures out a number is even or odd
with the manipulative quicker then another student, I will tell the students to
think about how they arrived at their answer and be prepared to share it with
the class.

 Students will to know what an even and odd number is and be able to show
me how to determine an even and odd number using manipulative by pairing
them together.
 A worksheet will be handed out at the end of the lesson about even and odd
numbers in which case students will do the worksheet and I’ll walk around
and check their work to make sure they understand the lesson. I will work
with any student who appears to be struggling.

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