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Knowledge Wins: Adding Real-life Integer Game Cards to Optimize Learning


Background of the study

Results from international competitions and assessments locally have

showed poor learners’ numeracy skills. In the Program for International
Students Assessment (PISA) 2018, Filipino students achieved an average
score in Mathematical Literacy that was significantly lower than the
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) average
and only 1 out of 5 Filipino students attained at least the minimum
proficiency level in Mathematical Literacy (Department of Education, 2019).
In another international test, the 2019 report of the Trends in International
Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the Southeast Asia Primary
Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM) Program 2019 Main Regional Report revealed
students obtained low scores that concludes Philippines is falling behind in
mathematics compared to other countries (UNESCO Bangkok). From these
international results, we can conclude that there is a poor numeracy skills
in the country.

Locally, from the diagnostic assessments validated by expert teachers being

utilized showed low performance of 7th graders in solving integers. Based on
grade 7 teachers observations, learners were confusingly struggle in solving
integers due to lack of procedural fluency or retention on the law of signs in
the fundamental operations. Thus, this study aims to integrate gamified and
tutorial-based approach and examine its effectiveness on learners’
procedural fluency in operations on integers. Add atleast 1 local

In this increasingly digital era, gamified and tutorial-based integration can

be best fit to help learners learn in an interactive and engaging way which
can provide them strategies to retain information better. Gamification refers
to use of game elements and mechanics in non-game contexts, such as
education and the other areas. Results showed in the study of Chong (2017)
that gamified learning increased student motivation and engagement in
mathematics. It was particularly effective in enhancing knowledge
acquisition and retention, Sailer et al. (2017). Another result that supports
great impact of gamification in mathematics is the study of Madsen and
Levasseur et al (2018), proponents found that gamification significantly
increased students’ motivation, engagement, and academic performance in
mathematics. The study of Rojoh et al (2019) discusses various game
elements that can be used in mathematics context, such as badges,
leaderboards, and interactive simulations. These, studies highly suggests
that gamified learning can improve learners’ performance in mathematics.

Additional approached is the tutorial-based class integration. This focuses

on providing step-by-step guidance and instruction to learners, helping them
better understand concepts and develop their numeracy skills specifically,
operations on integers. Tutorials involves videos from other reliable sources
and as well as simulations. The study of Rong-Jyue Fang (2017) suggests
that tutorial-based integration can enhance learners mathematical learning.
Results showed in the study of Yu-Wei Lin et al. (2020) that learners who
received tutorial-based integration instruction had significantly higher
achievement scores compared to those who received traditional instruction.
Furthermore, Wei-Ying Hung et al. (2021) revealed that tutorial-based
integration had a positive impact on both achievement and motivation.

Thus, with gamified and tutorial-based integration, learners can enjoy the
benefits of an engaging and supportive learning environment. Through this
project, the proponents expect and assumes that the learners may acquire
new skills and improve their solving abilities in integers in a fun and
interactive way.
Statement of the problems
Due to the mathematical working problem in 7 th graders, the researchers of
this study proposed an intervention program in a classroom-based setting
through an action research design.
Specifically, it works on the following objectives:
1. what is the the mean-percentage scores of the respondents in the pretest
and post-test;
2. is there a significant difference on the mean-percentage scores of the
respondents in the pretest and post-test; and
3. what is the effect size of the result?

This study will be conducted to implement project GILAS and examine its
effectiveness on learners’ procedural fluency in solving integers.

Specifically, it aims to answers the following:

1. determine the mean-percentage scores of the respondents in the pretest
and post-test;
2. evaluate the significant difference on the mean-percentage scores of the
respondents in the pretest and post-test; and
3. determine the effect size of the result.

Hypothesis of the study

There is a significant difference between the pretest and post-test of the
students when the Intervention Program will be administered.

Significance of the study

In understanding the specific issues related to the learners’ solving skills in
fundamental operations on integers, this study would help with the

Students. The primary beneficiaries of the study are the learners’ who will
benefit positively from the intervention program. The program is the answer
to the needs for more preparation for students’ advancement in higher
Teachers and School administration. The research will serve as resource of
data for the teachers and school administration for relevant programs to
engage and enhance the students that would help them gain more learning
skills in integers or other areas of mathematics.

Future researchers. This research study will serve as a basis of the future
researchers who will conduct the same study.

Conceptual Framework
This research study presents a paradigm which consists of input, process,
and output. The respondents given a test to assess their abilities and skills
in solving integers.


- Assess learners’
solving abilities and
skills in the
- Learners’ solving skills fundamental
in fundamental operations on integers
operations on integers during an intervention - Enhanced learners’
before an intervention program. solving skills in the
program fundamental operations
- Test the significant on integers.
-Determine the
difference of the
significant difference
learners’ solving - Post test results after
of the learners’ solving
abilities and skills in an intervention program.
abilities and skills in
their Pre-test and
their Pre-test results.
during the intervention


Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study

The quantitative study employed the descriptive research design. It involved
the One Group Pretest-Posttest Design (OGPPD). The respondents of this
study were Grade 7-Rizal students of regular class of the Quirino General
High School who participated in the tutorial sessions of the Pre-service
teachers for the School Year 2023-2024. Total Population Sampling was
utilized in getting respondents, wherein, the researchers chose to evaluate
the whole population based on a certain criteria. The research instrument
contained 20 items which are multiple choice in addition of integers. A
pretest was given to the participants before the intervention program. After
which, the tutorial was implemented to recall the rules in adding integers
then, PROJECT KWATRO was employed. After completely implementing
the project, post-test was given to examine its effectiveness. The data was
then analyzed using Mean Distribution, Paired Sample t-test, Theta Square,
and Post-Hoc test to determine whether the effects of the intervention
program on academic performance have significant results.
Intervention Activity
The game Kwatro is intended to develop mastery of the computational skill of
the students on the topics relative to addition of integers. For the players to
win, they must collect large amount of points at the end of the game.
Four players and one host are needed to play the game. The game comes
with 38 cards, including 32 playing cards and six category cards. The
category cards are the cards that the host will present each round. The
following are the list of category cards: (1) Even Numbers, (2) Odd Numbers,
(3) Positive Numbers, (4) Negative Numbers, (5) Numbers Divisible by 2, and
(6) Numbers Divisible by 3. The numbers on the 32 playing cards range from
-8 to 8, excluding zero. These cards will be given to the four players at the
start of the game. A score sheet is also included to record the players' scores
for each round in order to determine the game's winner.

Figure 1 shows the sample cards for the game Kwatro. The first card is the
back part of all cards of the game, the second is one of the examples of a
category card, and the third is an example of playing cards.
 To start, the host will give each player with eight (8) random cards.
 Then, the host will choose a category and will present it to the players.
 Each player will then pick a card from their 8 cards and will show it to the
other players.
 All cards laid down by the players will be added (Mathematical rules for
adding Integers will apply)
 The player with the highest value of card put down will have the total
score for the round. The score will depend on the cards laid down by the
players. So, it could be a loss (negative) or gain (positive) depending on the
sum of the cards laid down.
 This will continue until all the category cards are drawn by the host.
 The Player with the highest score will be the winner of Kwatro.

Kwatro was played by the participants every after regular class hours and
every Friday as part of the Independent Cooperative Learning (ICL) for two (2)
weeks. They are assisted by the researchers to avoid the contamination of
the game Kwatro with non-respondents.
After the two weeks conduct of intervention, the same test was administered
to the group. The result of the post-test was recorded and compared to the
pre-test. The data were gathered and interpreted using the frequency count,
mean, and performance level (PL).
The gathered data were treated statistically. These are presented in a logical
order based on the study's specific problems.

References (APA)

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