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Part2 You are going to read a newspaper article about a very young artist. Six paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from the paragraphs A-G the one which fits each gap (712). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use. In the exam, mark your answers on the separate answer sheet All the time we are talking, Kieron Williamson is busy sketching on the pad in front of him with quick, fluid movements of his pencil. He is copying from a book of pen and ink illustrations by Edward Seago, the cwentieth-century British artist, before he adds touches of his own to the sketches. 7 aa Kieron is clearly caught up in what he is doing, his blonde head a study in concentr the front room of his family home. But he’s nor so distracted that he doesn't sometimes look me in the eye and put me right. ‘You've added a bit more detail here, say, as he is reproducing Seago’s sketch of an old man in an overcoat. ‘Seago’, I explain, ‘is lighter “Not lighter” Kieron corrects me, “You call it looser. Loose and tight. They're the words.’ Seven-year-olds don't often give adults lessons in the terminology of fine art. jon as he kneels in - Kieron actually can and does, and has been hailed as a ‘mini-Moner’, on account of his neo-Impressionist style, or the next Picasso. Recently, buyers from as far afield as South Africa and America queued up outside his modest local art gallery ~ some of them camping out all night — to snap up 33 paintings in just 27 minutes, leaving Kieron £150,000 better off. How did it feel? “Very nice, he replies politely. “Did you talk to any of the buyers?” ‘Yes, they kept asking me what else Ido.’ And what did you tell chem? “That I go to school, that I play football for my school and that | am_ the best defender in the team Is Kieron Britain’s most exciting artist? Peter Stanford watches an amazing seven-year-old artist at work. His exhibition ~ the second to sell out so quick! brought him a lot of attention. Several An networks have filmed him in the family flat already | and today a camera crew is squeczed into the front room with me, Kicron'’s mum, Michelle, his younger sister, Billie-Jo, and two sleeping cats. 40 “These are ones 1 did last night when I was wai the television with Billic-Jo, he says, handing me a sketchbook. It falls open on a vibrant fairground scene. Kieron finds the page in the Seago book that inspired him. There is the same carousel, but he has added figures, buildings and trees in his drawing in the sketchbook. 44] Asaccomplished as Kieron's paintings are, part of their appeal is undoubtedly the story of precocious talent that goes with them. If he’s doing similar work when he's 28, it may prompt a different reaction. 12 But Kieron is having none of it. He looks up sharply from his sketching. ‘If | want to paint, he says, “Tl paint. TEST 5, PAPER 1: READING A An example is his pastel Figures at Holkham, an composition with big blues skies, a line of sand, dunes framing to either side and two figures, one witha splash of red in the centre to draw the eye in. There is such an adule quality to his ‘work that you can't help wondering if someone older has been helping accomplished Standard seven-year-old boy stuff there. Kieron, however, is being hailed as a child prodigy. “They only come along once in a generation, artist Carol Pennington tells me later, as she explains how she helped nurture this carly-blooming talent, ‘and Kieron is, that one. Michelle Williamson is aware of this. “I fully expect Kieron in a few years time to focus on something else as closely as he is focusing on art right now,’ she says. ‘Football or motor racing. Thete may well be a lot more ahead for him than art.” Yer, in the centre of the melee, Kieron seems utterly oblivious and just gets con with what he does every day, often rising at 6 a.m. to get on to paper a piccure that is bursting to get out of his head. He will be painting every day of the school holidays, relishing the freedom denied him during term time. E Each one takes him only a few minutes — horses, figures huddling in a tent, men and women in unusual costumes. ‘I'm going to do this one, then this one, then this one, he tells ime, ‘but nor this one ~ the eyes aren't looking at anyone ~ or this one ~ it’s too messy.” This, it is clear, is no_mechanical exercise in reproduction. To underline the point, Kieron takes it back off me and adds a smudge of dark under one of the groups of people. G Bur then Kieron Williamson is not your average boy. Aside fom his precocious articulacy, he is. single- handedly illustrating thac familiar remark, made by many a parent when confronted with a prize-winning work of modern art, that ‘my seven-year-old could do better than that’, TEST 5, PAPER 1: READING Part 3 You are going to read an article about a management theory book. For questions 13-19, choose the answer (A,B, C oF D) which you think fits best according to the text. In the exam, mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Bees, Ants. Reindeer. Nor the usual topic of conversation at an average board meeting. But if Peter Miller's debut book, Smart Swarr, is anything to go by, che creatures could revolu we do business. In the latest in a sefies of books that challenge leaders to think differently, Smart Swarm explores the habits, actions and instincts of animals and how they can be applied to business. The book is set to become the most talked about in management circles after Miller, a senior editor at National Geographic Magazine, wrote an article on the subject a few years ago, which was read by 30 million people globaliy. Ic follows a string of business thinking’ books that have hic che shelves in recent years, all searching for new answers on how to run organisations effectively. Obliquity, published in March, cold us that che most profitable ‘companies are not the most aggressive in chasing profits, Wikinomics, a bestseller, demonstrated new models of production based on community and collaboration. Miller believes his book is the first time anyone has laid out the science behind a management theory. “The biology of how ant colonies or beehives work are appealing models for organisations and systems that can be applied in a business context” he says. So how exactly can bees help run board meetings? ‘By the way they work independently before they work together,” Miller says. “Picture a huge bechive hanging on the branch ‘of a uee, with about 5,000 bees vying for space and protection. They know their colony is getting too big and leaving them vulnerable. They must find a new home and fast— bur in a way that everyone agrees with. In today’s business environment, managers need to be able ro make the right decisions under huge amounts of pressure. Yer it is clear that some of the best-paid leaders in some of the biggest organisations can gec it dramatically wrong. How is it chat they can fail to make efficient business decisions when a swarm of bees can make a critical decision about their hive in just a few seconds?” According co Mille, ‘swarm theory’ can help managers in three simple steps: discover, test and evaluate. The bees firs realise they have a problem, They then fy inco the The new management gurus What can animals tell us about business? neighbourhood to find potential new sites. They come back and perform a ‘dance’ to get other bees follow them. Eventually, the bees with the best dance attract the most vores ~ and a decision is made. Back to the board meeting, Managers that encourage debace, and then have a ballot over which idea is best, stand a better chance of {getting ic right, Mille says. “The bee example tells you that you need to seek out diversity in your team. You need to have a way of gathering up very different approaches and ideas so you can make sure you pick the right one.’ Ants, in addition, can help businesses organise workflow and people. In an ant colony, there is no leader. Ants are self-organised, and respond to their environment and ‘each other. One ant on its own could not raid a kitchen ‘cupboard, but one ant telling the next one that it's worth following him to find food ends up creating a food chat In an ant colony, you get the right number going in and out searching for food, you get the right number taking care of the babies,’ Miller says. ‘As a manager, this can tell you yout hierarchy, your bureaucracy, is getting in the way of getting the work done. ‘he airline industry has already flirted with the idea that ants can help make flying stress-free. Southwest Airlines, an American low-cost airline, was concerned its 30-year- ‘old policy of letcing customers choose where they sit ‘once they boarded a plane was slowing down the proces. By creating a computer simulation of people loading on ‘oa plane, based on what ants would do, the company was able to show that assigned seating would only be faster by a few minutes. It was not worth scrapping their first-come, first-served policy, which was a key part of the company’s brand. (Other animal examples in the book include reindeer, which can act together as a single herd, and schools of fish, which coordinate their movements precisely so they can change direction in an instant. Miller says: TF you are concerned about surviving the next business cycle, in other words giving your company the resilience and ability to bounce back from challenges that you can't anticipate, then Nature isa great model.” TEST 5, PAPER 1: READING 13, 14 15 16 7 18 19 ‘What does the writer say about Smart Swarm in the first paragraph? A. thas already attracted a great deal of attention. B_Itis one of several books on animal behaviour and business. C_ It concerns a topic that a great many people are interested in, D_Itreflects what is already happening in some businesses. Miller believes that his book differs from other ‘business thinking’ books because of ‘A. the evidence given in support of the theory. B_ the ease with which the theory can be implemented, its focus on behaviour rather than profit or production. D its emphasis on practical action rather than theory. In the third paragraph, the writer says that the behaviour of bees can show managers, A. the consequences of making the wrong decisions. B_ how to pinpoint exactly what a problem is. Chow to arrive at the correct conclusions very quickly, D_ the need to act decisively when under great pressure. ‘According to the ‘swarm theory’, managers need to A. consider the effect of a decision on a variety of other people. B_ be able to persuade others that their proposed decisions are right, regard decision-making as a collaborative process. D_ accept criticism of decisions they have made. The example of ants raiding a food cupboard illustrates ‘A. the need to create the right kind of hierarchy and bureaucracy, B_ the differences between how managers and employees think the belief that aims can be achieved in various different ways. D_ the effectiveness of employees making decisions for themselves. Looking at the behaviour of ants caused Southwest Airlines to A. improve one of its practices. B_ speed up one of its processes. retain one of its policies. D increase customer choice. What do we learn about Miller's book in the last paragraph? ‘A. It focuses both on individual and group behaviour among animals. B tis aimed at people who have fear about the future of their companies. C It makes connections between business cycles and animal behaviour. D_ It compares animal behaviour with the behaviour of managers. TEST 5, PAPER 1: READING. mid Part 4 You are going to read an article about the Royal Society, a British scientific institution. For questions 20-34, choose from the sections of the article (A-D). The jobs may be chosen more than once. In the exam, mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. In which section of the article are the following mentioned? a belief that a certain development has been of particular use 20 to scientists the variety of ways in which the Royal Society encourages people 2 ‘who are not scientists to consider scientific issues ‘a rapid reaction to research being made public 22 ‘particular development that requires urgent action to improve it 23 the need for non-scientists to discuss certain 24 25 scientific issues a resource for information on past scientific discoveries 26 a lack of understanding of scientific matters among people in general | 27 the need for the Royal Society to maintain its 28 29 original purpose a system that the Royal Society introduced 30 the fact that scientists do not always reach firm conclusions 3 previous difficulties in finding certain information 32 ‘a problem that is not limited to the world of science 33 the belief that certain things that are possible are not desirable Ey TEST 5, PAPER 1: READING The unstoppable spirit of inquiry The president of the Royal Society, Martin Rees, celebrates the long history of one of A “The Royal Society began in 1660. From the beginning, the wide dissemination of scientific ideas was deemed important. The Society started to publish Philosophical Transaction, the first scientific journal, which continues to this day: The Society's journals pioneered what is still che accepted procedure whereby scientific ideas are subject ro peer review ~ criticised, refined and codified into ‘public knowledge’ Over the centuries, they published Isaac Newton's researches on light, Benjamin Franklin’ experiments on lightning, Voltas frst battery and ‘many of the triumphs of pwentieth- century science. ‘Those who want to celebrate this glorious history should Visit the Royal Society's archives via ‘our Tiuilblazing website. B The founders of the Society enjoyed speculation, buc they were also intensely engaged with the problems of their era, such as improvements to timekeeping and navigation, After 350 years, ur horizons have expanded, but the same engagement is. imperative in the 21* century. Knowledge has advanced hugely, but it_must be ployed for the benefit of the cver- ‘growing population of our planet, all empowered by ever more powerful technology. ‘The silicon chip was perhaps the most transformative single invention of the past century: it has allowed miniaturisation and spawned the worldwide reach of mobile phones and the internet. Ie was physicists who developed the World Wide Web and, though it impacts usall, scientists have Traditional journals survive as iarantors of quality, but they are supplemented by a blogosphere of widely varying quality. The later Britain’ greatest institutions cries out for an informal system of ty conttol. The internet levels the playing fields between researchers lation. It has transformed the 1 science is communicated and debated. In 2002, three young Indian mathematicians invented a faster scheme for factoring large numbers ~ something that would be crucial for code-breaking, ‘They posted their results on the web, Within a day, 20,000 people had downloaded the work, which was the copic of hastily convened discussions in many centres oof mathematical research around the world, The internet also allows new styles of research. For example, in the old days, astronomical research vas stored on delicate photographic plates; these were not easily accessible and tiresome to analyse. Now such daca (and large datasers in genetics and particle physics) can be accessed and downloaded anywhere. Experiments and natural events can be followed in real time. D We recently asked our members what they saw as the most important questions facing us in the years ahead and we are holding discussion meetings on the “Top Ten’. Whatever breakthroughs are in store, we can be sure of one thing: the widening gulF berween what science enables usco do and what its prudent oF ethical actually co do. In respect of certain developments, regulation will be called for, on ethieal as wel as prudential grounds. ‘The way science is applied is a matter nor just for scientists. All citizens need to address these questions. Public decisions should be made, after the widest possible discussion, in the light of the best scientific evidence available. That is one of the key roles of the Society. Whether itis the work of our Science Policy Centre, our journals, ‘our discussion meetings, our work in TEST 5, PAPER 1: READING education or our public events, swe must be atthe heart of helping policy makers and citizens make informed decisions. E But science isn't dogma, Its assertions are sometimes tentative, sometimes compelling: noisy controversy doesnt always connote balance risks are never absolutely zero, even if they are hugely outweighed by potential benefits. In promoting an informed debate, the media are crucial. When reporting a scientific controversy; the aim should be neither to exaggerate risks and uncertainties, nor to gloss over them. ‘his is indeed a challenge, particularly when institutional, political or commercial pressures distore the debate. Scientists ofien bemoan the publics weak grasp of science ~ without some ‘Yee!’ for the issues, public debate canit get beyond sloganising. Buc they protest too much: there are other isues where public debate is, an equally disquieting degree, inhibited by ignorance F ‘The Royal Society aims to sustain Britain’ traditional screngeh in science, but also to ensure that wherever science impacts on people's lives, ic is openly debated. Citizen scientists, with views spanning the entire political and philosophical spectrum, should engage more willingly with the media and political forums. In the words of a recent president of the Society, ‘the ivory tower is no longer a sanctuary; scientists have a special responsibility. ‘We should aspire, like our founders, to ‘sce further’ into Nature and Nature's laws, but also to emulate their broad engagement with society and public affairs — no longer just in one city or one nation, but on global scales.” Part 1 For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). Inthe exam, mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Example: 0A fulfil B accomplish C manage D_ perform Book Review Galapagos: The islands that changed the world Iwas lucky enough to (0)....... an ambition and visit the Galapagos Islands two years ago. It's only when you experience the place first (1)... that you really appreciate why the early explorers gave this isolated archipelago the (2)... The Enchanted Isles’. (3) ...... NO substitute for a visit, this superbly attractive book provides a fascinating ‘commentary and scientific background to the Galapagos experience. BBC books have (4)... their usual high-quality job in producing the volume that will accompany their TV series of the same name. Nothing can compare to exploring the strange landscapes, (5) ..... up close and personal with the unique wildlife and witnessing the rich biological and environmental history that is so very apparent on the islands. However, this book does (6) close. The superb descriptive prose of award-winning cameraman Paul Stewart is another plus (7)... 8 is the fact that this is punctuated by his iconic photography. This book (8)... in celebrating the weird and wonderful sights and unique life (9) that are hidden amongst these fascinating islands. It also comes (10) with a comprehensive gazetteer section. But don't (11)... read this book as an alternative to actually going, use it as the (12)... of inspiration for your own trip, a useful guide once you're there and a stunning reminder on your return. 1A foot B_ person © flesh D_ hand 2 A label B badge emblem D_ token 3A Despite B However © Whilst D Whereas 4 A set B done © made D given 5 A getting B reaching arriving D gaining 6 A mun B come © 90 D pass 7 A spot B point © mark D tip 8 A attains B succeeds C achieves D_obtains 9 A sorts B types © forms D ways 10 A complete —B_entire © intact D joined 11 A barely B hardly © merely D scarcely 12 A base B cause © origin D source TEST 5, PAPER 3: USE OF ENGLISH Part2 For questions 13-27, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). In the exam, write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet Example: 0 | |A|S Ahistory of table tennis Like many other sports, table tennis started out (0)... a mild social diversion. Itis actually a descendent, (13)........ with lawn tennis and badminton, of the ancient game of tennis. It was popular in England in the second half of the nineteenth century under its present name and various trade names (14)....... a8 Whif-Whaff and Ping-Pong, (15) ...... sought to imitate the sound (16)....... by the ball striking the table. The game soon (17)... Something of a craze and there are many contemporary references to it and illustrations of it (18)... played, usually in domestic surroundings. (19)... the early twentieth century, the sport had already acquired some of its present-day complexities, (20)... it was still seen by many as an after-dinner amusement (21)....... than a sport. An account published in 1903 found it necessary to warn players (22)... the wearing of evening dress, but went (23) ...... 10 give detailed technical advice about the pen-holder grip and tactics, Over the next 60 years, table tennis developed (24) ....... a worldwide sport, played by up to 30 million competitive players and by countless millions (25)....... played less seriously. (26)... getting faster, more subtle and more demanding all the time, the game has not changed in its essence (27)... the earliest days. TEST 5, PAPER 3: USE OF ENGLISH cE Part 3 For questions 28-37, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an ‘example at the beginning (0) In the exam, write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet. Example: [0] | | /n]c] Re | Als] |nfolely Dancing is good for you In recent decades, in both theatre and cinema, danoe shows have > become (0)... popular. Meanwhile, the British Amateur Dancesport INCREASE Association estimates that there are now four million people (28)... PART in dancing activities in the country every week. But the popularity of dancing is by no means a recent phenomenon Since the dawn of civilisation, dance has been an important part of life, and dance (29)... struggle to identify the first evidence of dances HISTORY as ithas always been an intrinsic part of human (30) BEHAVE The earliest recorded dances, discovered in the 9,000-year-old Bhimbetka rock paintings in India, were used to tell stories and celebrate (31)... events, whilst also serving as a way of SIGNIFY passing on information to future generations. But why has dance, something which can make someone look utterly (32) ..... if done wrong, always seemed to be natural to ourDNA? RIDICULE. Experts argue that its psychological and physiological benefits are the cause. (33)....... studies have discovered that dancing is NUMBER not only an (34)... form of non-verbal communication, but is EFFECT ‘also a mood-boosting cure that can alleviate (36)... improve DEPRESS. interpersonal (36)........ and cure illnesses. Physically, dancing RELATION makes us happy because, as with any repetitive exercise, it releases ‘endorphins. Also it's a socialising event, (37)... us to be physically ABLE close to people and more emotionally connected to them. 424 TEST 5, PAPER 3: USE OF ENGLISH Part 5 For questions 43-50, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the word given. Here is an example (0). Example: 0 Chloe would only eat a pizza if she could have a mushroom topping. ‘ON Chloe ‘a mushroom topping when she ate a pizza. The gap can be filled with the words ‘insisted on havin Example: [0 || INSISTEDONHAVING In the exam, write only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet. |, $0 you write: 43. The village shop is now being managed by a national supermarket chain. TAKEN Anational supermarket chain of the village shop. 44 This door is an emergency exit and must never be locked for any reason ACCOUNT On... 7 o .. be locked because itis an ‘emergency exit. 45. Melvin's friend recommended that website where he bought the camping equipment. ON Melvin bought equipment from that website a friend. 48 We never imagined that Julian might be planning to resign from his job. OCCURRED Itnever j-ssesee Julian might be planning to resign from his job. TEST 5, PAPER 3: USE OF ENGLISH en 47 49 50 As long as he could see, Kevin really didn't mind where he sat in the stadium. DIFFERENCE As long as he could see, where he sat in the stadium. Unfortunately, | don't have enough time to visit the gym regularly. ABLE If had more time, snstnnesnnnieene MOTE Fegular visits to the gym. Somebody should have told us that the date had been changed. INFORMED We... a the change of date. Yolanda’s family persuaded her to enter the competition. TALKED Yolanda was the competition by her family. TEST 5, PAPER 3: USE OF ENGLISH

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