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Some people believe that the activities of large multinational corporations mostly

benefit the economies of developing countries. Other people take the opposite
view and feel that these large multinationals are generally harmful.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
A. Introduction:
As governments are pushing to globalize, many large companies are now trying to reach the
market of developing nations. While some people believe that this tendency is crucial for
the economies of such countries, others contend that multinational corporations do more
harm than good. Both viewpoints are justifiable but I personally lean towards the former.
B. Body:
1. Disadvantages of multinational companies:
- Such companies can monopolize the market by utilizing their wide range of
products as well as their popularity  less opportunities for local start-ups to rise
and widen their branches.
- Multinational companies are guided by profit motive. They can make economic
exploitation of host countries (pay low wages to local people, charge high price
for products to exploit consumers).
2. Advantages:
- Provide host countries with an inflow of capital (investing in building factories,
training centres, etc)
- Provide local employment.
- Multinational companies diversify local economies.
C. Conclusion:
In conclusion, although multinational corporations can pose several threats to the local
economies, I believe their disadvantages are eclipsed by the benefits they can offer. If
developing nations can find a way to invest in international companies while promoting
local firms, their economies would grow exponentially.

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