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How to use

By: Mayela Varela
Start off by typing in the website to your browser.
You will be going to
Next, you will be clicking on the “GET A FREE
Fill in all the information needed to create an account.
Next, make sure you agree to the “terms.”
Next, check out the user guide for more instructions.
To create a quiz click on the “Manage Quiz” tab.
Choose one of the options. To make a new quiz
pick “Create Quiz”
Start off by naming your quiz and choosing a
Write the question in and answer choices.

Type question here.

Type answer choices

Pick the correct answer choice by clicking on the
box to the right. Next, write an explanation.
Choose the format of the next
Type in the next question, choose the correct choice,
and provide an explanation. Next select the next

Type the

Choose the answer.


Write a new question, give possible answers
(optional), and provide and explanation.


To save and finish the quiz, scroll up, and click
“Save and Exit”
To give a quiz, return to the main screen and select
“Start A Quiz” .
Select the quiz you want to use.
Adjust the quiz settings, then click start!

Quiz settings.
Give students the room number, and the results
should begin to appear
To end the quiz, click the “Finish” tab.
Choose an options, reports are always saved.
Another option

 If you want to do a space race (a race

between students.

 Return to the dash board and click the

“Space race option.
Choose the “Space Race Option”
Select a quiz, and choose team numbers, the way
to assign teams, and number of students in teams.
Now let the competition begin!
Watch the progress as teams race!
To finish, click the “Finish” tab.
Choose an options, reports are always saved.
To get a report, choose the format you would like to
receive it.
You now have the steps to use
Socrative. Repeat the steps as needed!

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