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Pick Release

here pick release is the process of picking items from our ware house.
In other words Pick Release is the process in which the items on the sales order are taken out from
shipping==> Release sales orders-->Release sales orders
Based on rule - enter as standard
order -- enter the sales order tab.
shipping --make the below flags yes
Auto create delivery--yes
Auto pack delivery-- yes
Auto pick confirm -- yes

Inventory --choose the warehouse

Click on execute (in the office we need to click on concurrent)
pick slip report
shipping exceptions report
autopick report
pick slip report

pick slip report

it will give the warehouse name,delivery number,sub inventory and quantity ,uom.
shipping exceptions report
it will give the error message related packing
eg: the packing operation completed with errors.
1-- delivery line had error
0-- lines had warning and only '0' lines were packed successfully.
auto pack report
it will display packing instructions and error messages related to packing.
select released_status,DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID from wsh_delivery_details
where source_header_id='94619'
-- y-- means pick release happend
(earlier it was 'R')
select * from wsh_delivery_assignments
where delivery_detail_id='235151'
-- Here delivery_id has created
-- copy delivery_id .
select status_code from wsh_new_deliveries
where delivery_id='80881'
--Here op means open

At this step we will deliver all the goods to the customer location.
shipping-->transactions-->enter the order number.
-->click on find-->go to shipment tab-->click on -->go
it will display the message "delivery was successfully confirmed"
back end tables and flag changes
select released_status,DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID from
where source_header_id='94619'
-- C-- means Shipped
--(earlier it was 'Y')
select * from wsh_new_deliveries
where delivery_id='80881'
--Here CL means closed

select flow_status_Code from

where header_id='94619'-- flow_status_Code=shipped,earlier it was awaiting shipping.

At this stage we can see the following concurrent programs.

Bill of Lading--
Packing Slip Report
Commercial Invoice
Vehicle Load Sheet Details
Interface Trip Stop

bill of lading:
This report will give the details like
Shipper/Exporter,Consignee (Name, Full Address) Seller Licenses and Full Address) F.M.C.
HERe consignee means customer,shipping instructions ,and items wight,courier method
Packing Slip Report
This report will display the details like
from address and to address,how many items that package contains and what is it total
weight,expected pickup date.

Commercial Invoice
It is simply acknowledgement of items.we need to give the signature in it.

Vehicle Load Sheet Details


It will display the details like vehicle type,Planned Arrival Date,Planned Departure Date ,Gross
Weight,Delivery Status

Interface trip stops


Interface Trip Stop is one of the main interface programs which can be triggered at the time of
ship confirm or later as Interface Trip stop - SRS concurrent request.
Interface trip stop has two parts

1. Order Management Interface (First part)

2. Inventory Interface (Second part)

Order Management Interface part update the order management tables like
OE_ORDER_LINES_All (Update Shipped_Quantity, Shipping_Quantity,
Actual_Shipment_Date) and

WS_DELIVERY_DETAILS (make Released_status, OE_INTERFACED_FLAG = ‘Y’) table.

The Inv_Interfaced_Flag remains = X (Pending) or N which will changes to Y after execution of

second part

The second part i.e.

Inventory Interface will be triggered only if the value of OE_INTERFACED_FLAG = ‘Y’
otherwise the second part will not be triggered. Even if you try to run this from SRS, these lines
will not be picked for processing.

Inventory Interface part move data from

MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS is updated with Sales Order Issue transaction.
Also data is deleted from
Item quantity reduced from MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITIES and
MTL_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS is updated with accounting information.

Common scenarios

How to find out the back ordered qty


select ool.ordered_quantity quantity,ooh.order_number

from oe_order_headers_all ooh
,oe_order_lines_all ool
,wsh_delivery_details wdd
where ooh.header_id = ool.header_id
and ooh.header_id = wdd.source_header_id
and ool.line_id = wdd.source_line_id
AND wdd.released_status = 'B' -- Backorder
and ooh.org_id=204

What is back order ?and reasons

If there is no stock available in the warehouse for an item then Sales Order can get into
backorder state after performing Pick Release on a Sales Order
but there are many reasons for a Sales Order to get backorder. the possible reasons for a Sales
Order to get backorder.
1. Order on Hold
2. Inventory Period NOT open
3. No enough on-hand quantity
4. No enough quantity to reserve/transact
5. No on-hand quantity in required sub-inventory
6. The Lot from which items are selected is inactive/expired
7. Lot control Item Lot Divisible Option not enabled
8. Specified Lot is Disallowed Transaction (Applied on Material Status)
9. Item On-Hand to Disallowed Transaction (Applied on Material Status)
10. Wrong Item reservation (even inventory have enough quantity)
11. Inventory reserved for other sales orders
12. Inventory picked-up by other sales orders
13. Previously done return to stock not properly performed
14. Cycle Count Adjustments
15. Serial Control Item Serial number not allocated or not assigned
16. Manually Backordered
17. Move order is in pending state

How to display open sales orders

Select * from oe_order_headers_all where open_flag=’Y’

Link between sales order and customer

/* Formatted on 2020/08/08 22:05 (Formatter Plus v4.8.8) */

SELECT hp.party_name customer_name, hca.account_number customer_number,
FROM hz_parties hp, hz_cust_accounts hca, oe_order_headers_all ooh
WHERE hp.party_id = hca.party_id AND ooh.sold_to_org_id = hca.cust_account_id
and ooh.order_number ='69338'

How to display sales representative name

select ooh.order_number,
from JTF_RS_SALESREPS jrs,oe_order_headers_all ooh
and ooh.order_number='69334'

What is auto ship

We can perform pick release and shipping at a time

At what stage we can not cancel sales order

Till pick release we can cancel that means order entry ,booking,pick release in all these 3
stages we can cancel sales order .

How to display order number and customer name ?

select party.party_name,cust_acct.account_number,h.order_number
from hz_parties party,
hz_cust_accounts cust_acct,
oe_order_headers_all h
where party.PARTY_ID=cust_acct.party_id
and h.sold_to_org_id = cust_acct.cust_account_id(+)
and h.order_number ='69454'

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