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PETER C. GOODY B.Sc. M.Sc(Ed). Ph.D.
Former Lecturer in Anatomy, The Royal Veterinary College, London

Dog Anatomy


ment, while in wann weather the coat 17 Stop. 18 Forehead. 19 Pinna (visible part Carpal (stopper) pad. 59 Metacarpal pad of of attachment for common calcaneal tendon
lies flatter reducing the thickness of the of external ear based on auricular cartilage). forepaw, metatarsal pad of hindpaw. 60 from calf muscles).
blanket and allowing heat to be dissi- 20 Marginal cutaneous pouch of helix. 21 Digital pads, 61 Claw (unguis - capping
pated more readily. Such hair move- Tragi (prominent hairs at opening into ear ungual process of distal phalanx). 62 Wall of Position of joints
ments are produced to some extent by canal). 22 Tongue. 23-25 Teeth of lower claw. 63 Sole of claw. 64 Interdigital space. 92 Jaw (temporomandibular) JOint. 93
the action of cutaneous muscle sheets dental arch. 23 Incisor teeth. 24 Canine tooth Shoulder (scapulohumeral) joint. 94 Elbow
in the superficial fascia but are mainly a (eye-tooth). 25 Lower carnassial (shearing) Bony landmarks of head, neck and trunk (cubital) joint. 95 Metacarpophalangeal joints
response to reflex action in minute tooth (molar 1). 26 Crest of neck. 27 Throat. 65 Zygomatic (supraorbital) process of frontal of forepaw and metatarsophalangeal joints of
muscles attached to each hair root in 28 Jugular groove (containing external jugu- bone. 66 Orbital ligament (joining frontal hindpaw. 96 Proximal interphalangeal joint.
the dermis. lar vein). 29 Jugular fossa (triangular de- bone and zygomatic arch completing orbital 97 Distal interphalangeal joint. 98 Hip (coxo-
Certain special facial hairs, in the pression at base of neck). rim). 67 External sagittal crest. 68 External femoral) joint. 99 Stifle (knee) joint. 100
fonn oflong, stiff taaile hairs are import- occipital protuberance (occiput). 69 Zygomatic Talocrural (crurotarsal) joint.
ant for sensory perception. These may Surface features of trunk and tail arch (bridge of bone connecting face and
be solitary or grouped and are found in 30 Breast (based on pectoral muscles). 31 cranium below eye). 70 Body of mandible Muscles producing identifiable contours
various places on the face - on the lips, Withers (interscapular region). 32 Brisket (lower jaw). 71 Thyroid cartilage (forming I 101-102 Jaw closure muscles. 101 Temporal
muzzle, cheeks, throat, and above the (chest).33 Back (dorsal region). 34 Umbilicus 'laryngeal prominence' of voice box). 72 Wing muscle. 102 Masseter muscle. 103 Epaxial
eyes - and nerve fibres wrapped around (navel - hairless scar denoting point of entry of atlas (transverse process of 1st cervical musculature (extending whole length of neck,
their roots record 'touch' infor- and exit of blood vessels in foetus). 35 Belly. vertebra). 73 Costal arch (fused costal carti- trunk and tail). 104 Brachiocephalic muscle
mation whenever the hairs are moved. 36 Flank. 37 Fold of flank (running onto thigh lages of ribs 10-12 attached to costal cartilage (major limb protractor). 105 Latissimus dorsi
Numerous other nerve endings lie in proximal to stifle joint). 38 Loins (lumbar of rib 9). 74 Rib 13 (last orfloating rib normally muscle (major limb retractor). 106 Long head
the dennal layer which means that the region). 39 Croup (sacral region). 40 Rump attached by fibrous tissue with costal arch). of triceps brachii muscle (forming caudal bor-
skin can act as a receptor organ for (hindquarters). 41 Prepuce (sheath covering der [tricipital margin] of arm). 107 Sartorius
several different types of stimulus such and protecting glans penis). 42 Ischiorectal Bony landmarks of limbs muscle (forming cranial border of thigh). 108
as temperature, p~, touch and pressure. fossa (depression lateral to root of tail and 75-77 Scapula (shoulder blade). 75 Dorsal Extensor muscles of carpus and digits (cranio-
normally fat filled). 43 Root of tail (set-on of (vertebral) border of scapula. 76 Spine of lateral muscle mass of forearm). 109 Flexor
Surface features of head and neck tail). 44 Tail. scapula. 77 Acromion process of scapula. muscles of carpus and digits (caudomedial
1 Nasal plane (pigmented hairless skin). 78 Point of shoulder (greater tubercle of muscle mass offorearm). 110 Tendonofulnar
2 External nostril (leading into nasal vestibule Surface features and regions of limbs humerus). 79 Point of elbow (olecranon pro- carpal flexor muscle (taut cord attached to
surrounded by nasal cartilages). 3-5 Lips 45 Shoulder. 46 Arm (brachium or upper cess of ulna). 80 Lateral styloid process of accessory carpal bone). 111 Tendons of deep
(surrounding oral fissure - mouth opening). arm). 47 Axilla (armpit). 48 Forearm (ante- ulna. 81 Medial styloid process of radius. 82 and superficial digital flexor muscles. 112
3 Upper lip (supporting superior labial tactile brachium). 49-51 Forepaw. 49 Carpus (wrist Accessory carpal bone. 83-85 Hip (pelvic) 'Hamstring' muscles (biceps femoris, semi-
sensory hairs). 4 Lowerlip. 5 Commissure of - a topographical region based on carpal bone. 83 Sacral tuberosity of ilium (point of tendinosus and semimembranosus). 113
lips at angle of mouth. 6 Foreface. 7 Muzzle. bones and carpal joints). 50 Metacarpus (front croup - cranial dorsal iliac spine). 84 Coxal Patellar tendon (continuation onto tibia of
8 Prominence of chin (mentum supporting pastern based on metacarpal bones). 51 Digits tuberosity of ilium (point of haunch - cranial quadriceps femoris tendon and containing
tactile sensory mental hairs). 9-12 Tactile (toes based on phalangeal bones). 52 Thigh ventral iliac spine). 85 Ischiatic tuberosity of patella). 114 Common calcaneal tendon
sensory hairs of face. 9 Supraorbital sensory (upper thigh). 53 Calf (based on gastro- ischium (point of buttock or seat bone). 86 (aggregate of tendons attached to point of
hairs. 10 Zygomatic sensory hairs. 11 Buccal cnemius muscle). 54 Popliteal fossa (caudal Greater trochanter of femur (point of hip). hock including Achilles' tendon from gastro-
sensory hairs. 12 Intermandibular sensory to stifle joint containing popliteal lymph node). 87 Patella ('knee cap' - sesamoid bone in cnemius and tarsal tendons from hamstrings).
hairs. 13 Cheek (based on buccinator muscle). 55 Shank (leg, crus or lower thigh). 56-57 tendon of insertion of quadriceps femoris
14 Eyeball (situated in orbit and protected by Hindpaw. 56 Hock (tarsus or ankle - a topo- muscle). 88-89 Tibia. 88 Tuberosity of tibia Blood vessels
a bony orbital rim). 15-16 Eyelids (surround- graphical region based on tarsal bones and (insertion for patellar tendon). 89 Medial mal- 115 Cephalic vein of forelimb. 116 Lateral
ing palpebral fissure). 15 Upper eyelid sup- joints). 57 Metatarsus (rear pastern based on leolus of tibia. 90 Lateral malleolus of fibula. saphenous vein of hindlimb.
porting cilia (eyelashes). 16 Lower eyelid. metatarsal bones). 58-60 Pads of paws. 58 91 Calcaneal tuberosity (point of hock - area





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brittle and is responsible for the glossy Anal sacs are distinct from circumanal Scapular region. 31 Costal region. 32 Cardiac

2 sheen of the coat. The tarsal (Meibomian)

glands along the internal edge of the
eyelids are modified and specialized
glands opening separately onto me skin
at and around the anus. These are
modified sebaceous glands (odoriferous

Topographical regions of the abdomen

REGIONS OF THE DOG sebaceous glands producing an oily se- glands) which produce a particularly 33-34 Cranial abdominal (epigastric) region.
cretion. The oily superficial layer this attractive secretion - at least to other 33 Hypochondriac region. 34 Xiphoid region.
imparts to the tears film of the eye dogs! Finally the mammary glands have 35-36 Middle abdominal (mesogastric)
As a slightly different approach to that reduces evaporation, lubricates the lids a very sinlliar structure to sweat glands region. 35 Lateral abdominal (iliacI region
adopted in fig 1, in which a selection of preventing them from sticking, and and develop from the same rudiments. (includes paralumbar fossa). 36 Umbilical
'points' was indicated, these four illus- forms a barrier at the lid margins pre- Five pairs of glands are a normal comp- region. 37-39 Caudal abdominal (hypo-
trations show the body surface divided venting tear overflow onto the face. lement (fig 170), although four pairs or gastric) region. 37 Inguinal region. 38 Pubic
up into a number of regions which are Sweating is a method used by many even six pairs are not unusual, lying in region. 39 Preputial region.
given particular names. Nevertheless, animals to lower their body tempera- the superficial fascia beneam me dermis.
as you may notice, many of the points of ture. The evaporation of fluid (sweat) A conical teat marks the position of Topographical regions of the back
the dog are represented in this drawing from the skin gives a considerable cool- each gland but even these are only dis- (dorsal regions)
as regions of the body because of their ing effect. However, in dogs true sweat tinct projections in a lactating bitch and 40 Interscapular region. 41 Thoracic vertebral
distinctness from neighbouring areas. glands are only found in the pads on the are rudimentary in a dog. region. 42 Lumbar region.
Some of the names used for body paws where their watery secretion may
regions refer specifically to the major playa role in gripping. As an alternative Topographical regions of the head Topographical regions of the pelvis and tail
internal structures found in that particu- method of cooling dogs pant, the evap- 1-5 Cranium.1 Frontal (supraorbital region). 43 Sacral region. 44 Gluteal region. 45 Coxal
lar region; ego the femoral region based oration of water from the epiilielial sur- 2 Parietal region. 3 Occipital region. 4 tuberosity region. 46 Clunial region including
on the femur (thigh bone) and its sur- faces of the lips, tongue, mouth cavity Temporal region. 5 Auricular region. 6-21 ischiorectal fossa. 47 Ischiatic tuberosity
rounding muscles; the parotid region and lungs, accomplishes a similar cool- Face. 6-8 Nasal region. 6 Dorsal nasal region. region. 48-50 Perineal region. 48 Anal region.
underlain by the parotid salivary gland, ing effect to sweating. Nevertheless dogs 7 Lateral nasal region. 8 Nostril region. 9-10 49 Urogenital region. 50 Scrotal region. 51
and so on. For describing positions on are prone to overheating. Oral region. 9 Upper lip. 10 Lower lip. 11 Caudal region.
the body surface, and for describing the Several further types of gland are Mental region. 12-13 Orbital region. 12
position of internal organs in relation to modifications of sweat glands. Odor- Upper eyelid. 13 Lower eyelid. 14 Zygomatic Topographical regions of the forelimb
the surface, these named regions often iftrous glands are quite widespread and region. 15 Infraorbital region. 16 Temporo- (thoracic limb)
prove very useful. open into hair follicles. The scent de- mandibular (jaw) joint. 17 Masseteric region. 52 Shoulder joint. 53 Axillary region (in-
Skin contains a selection of glands rived from their secretions is of import- 18 Buccal region. 19 Maxillary region. 20 cludes axillary fossal. 54 Brachial region. 55
situated in the dermis and emptying ance in social communication between Mandibular region. 21 Intermandibular region. Tricipital region. 56 Cubital region. 57
their secretions onto the epidermal sur- dogs. Of more restricted occurrence Olecranon region. 58 Antebrachial region. 59
face through pores. Sebaceous glands are are the ceruminous glands of the ear Topographical regions of the neck Carpal region. 60 Metacarpal region. 61
present throughout the skin and open canal producing the ear wax (cerumen), 22 Dorsal neck region. 23 Lateral neck Phalangeal region (digits).
into the hair follicles. The fatty semi- and the glands of the anal sacs (paranal (jugular) region. 24 Parotid region. 25
liquid secretion, sebum, solidifies when sinuses). The latter produce the foul- Pharyngeal region. 26-27 Ventral neck Topographical regions of the hindlimb
exposed to air and becomes applied to smelling secretion which collects in the region. 26 Laryngeal region. 27 Tracheal (pelvic limb)
the hair root and the neighbouring epi- paired anal sacs on either side of the region. 62 Hip joint. 63 Femoral region. 64 Genual
dermal surface. It helps to keep the skin anal canal. A duct from each anal sac region. 65 Popliteal region. 66 Patellar region.
soft and pliable and to 'waterproof' tlle opens onto the skin each side of the Topographical regions of the thorax 67 Crural region. 68 Tarsal region. 69 Cal-
body. Spread thinly over individual hairs anus and the secretion is added to the (pectoral regions) caneal region. 70 Metatarsal region. 71
sebum prevents them from becoming surface of faeces as they are voided. 28 Presternal region. 29 Sternal region. 30 Phalangeal region.


8 43
47 24


parts: a central diaphysis and two and gradually remodelled to conform to region). 22-24 Caudal (tail) vertebrae. 22 joint in tendon of insertion of interosseous
extremities (epiphyses). Continued the original shape of the bone. If reset Caudal vertebra 1. 23 Caudal vertebra 6. 24 muscle [proximal plantar sesamoids at equiv-

growth in length is ensured by the main- in the correct alignment following the Caudal vertebra 18. 25-30 Thoracic rib-cage alent positions in hindpaw]).
tenance of an actively growing plate of initial fracture, the final result may well formed from 13 pairs of ribs. 25 Rib 1. 26
cartilage between epiphysis and dia- be practically indistinguishable from Bony part of rib 6. 27 Costal cartilage at lower Joints of forelimb
physis to provide cartilage for sub- uninjured bone. end of rib 6. 28 Costal cartilage of rib 9 (last 54 Shoulder (scapulohumeral) joint. 55-57
sequent conversion into bone. As sternal [true] rib - ie. with direct attachment Elbow joint (composite joint with 3interrelated
maturity is reached the rate of bone Skull to sternum). 29 Costal arch (formed from components). 55 Humeroulnar joint. 56
deposition ultimately overtakes that of 1 Cranium (braincase). 2 Occiput (caudal fusion of costal cartilages of ribs 10-12, Humeroradial joint. 57 Proximal radioulnar
cartilage cell multiplication and growth, boundary of cranium). 3 Tympanic bulla (sur- asternal [false] ribs - ie. without direct attach- joint. 58 Distal radioulnar joint. 59 Ante-
. and ossification completely invades the rounding middle ear [tympanic] cavity con- ment to sternum, only indirectly through brachiocarpal joint (dominant component of
growth plate of cartilage. Boile growth taining 3 auditory ossicles - incus,malleus association with costal cartilage of rib 9). 30 composite carpal joint). 60 Metacarpo-
in length effectively ceases, but growth and stapes). 4 Face (muzzle - based on nasal Rib 13 (last or floating rib connected by fibrous phalangeal joint, digit 2. 61 Proximal
in bone diameter can continue to occur cavity and jaws and attached to rostral end of tissue with costal arch). 31-33 Sternum interphalangeal joint, digit 2. 62 Distal inter-
by deposition of bony tissue at the sur- cranium). 5 Nasal cartilages (movably articu- ('breastbone' formed from 8individual sternal phalangeal joint, digit 2.
face beneath the periosteum. lated with incisive bones of face and sur- segments [sternebrae] joined by intersterne-
Bone once formed is not an unchang- rounding nasal vestibule). 6 Nasal cavity bral cartilages). 31 Manubrium of sternum Hindlimb skeleton
ing structure, it' undergoes structural (containing olfactory apparatus and forming (sternebra 1 elongated into base of neck). 32 63-65 Hip bone (pelvic bone of pelvic girdle
rearrangement to combat the differing initial part of respiratory air tract). 7 Orbit Sternebra 3. 33 Xiphoid cartilage of sternum - formed from 3 separate bones which fuse
stresses encountered during growth. (housing and protecting eyeball - continuous (cartilaginous prolongation into b~lly wall ·of together during development). 63 Ilium. 64
Provision is made for this change in the caudally with temporal fossa). 8 Upper jaw 8th [last] sternebra, xiphoid process). Ischium. 65 Pubis. 66 Femur (thigh bonel. 67
form of bone destroying cells sited in (supporting upper dental arch - consisting of Patella ('knee cap' - sesamoid bone in tendon
the periosteum. These cells can erode 6 incisor teeth, 2canine teeth, 8 premolar and Joints of axial skeleton of insertion of quadriceps femoris muscle).
existing bone, dissolving its rigid matrix· 4molar teeth). 9 Mandible (lower jaw support- 34 Jaw (temporomandibular) joint. 35 68 Fabellae (stifle sesamoid bones in tendons
and making way for new bone forming ing lower dental arch - consisting of 6incisor Atlantooccipital joint ('yes' joint). 36 Atlanto- of origin of gastrocnemius muscle). 69 Tibia.
cells to lay down bone in different pat- teeth, 2 canine teeth, 8 premolar and 6 molar axial joint ('no' joint). 37 Costovertebral joint. 70 Fibula. 71-74 Tarsus (ankle or hock -
terns or even in different places. Thus teeth). 10 Hyoid apparatus (suspending 38 Costochondral joint. 39 Sternocostal joint. based on 7 tarsal bones arranged in 3 rows).
the interior of the shaft of a long bone, tongue and larynx in floor of throat). 11 71 Talus (astragalus or tibial tarsal bone). 72
for instance, receives very little stressing Thyroid cartilage (most prominent cartilage of Forelimb skeleton Calcaneus (os calcis or fibular tarsal bone).
as it enlarges, so that bone initially de- larynx - 'voice box'). 40 Scapula (shoulder blade of pectoral girdle). 73 Central tarsal bone. 74 Tarsal bones 1-4.
posited here is reabsorbed as the bone 41 Humerus (arm bone). 42 Radius. 43 Ulna. 75-77 Metatarsus ('sole' - based on 5 meta-
increases in girth by deposition at its Vertebral column, ribs and sternum 44-47 Carpus ('wrist' - based on 7 carpal tarsal bones). 75 Metatarsal bone 1(rudimen-
outer, periosteal surface. This reabsorp- 12-15 Cervical (neck) vertebrae. 12 Atlas bones arranged in two rows). 44 Radiocarpal tary). 76 Metatarsal bone 2. 77 Metatarsal
tion produces a cavity at the centre of a (cervical vertebra 1).13 Axis (cervical vertebra bone. 45 Ulnar carpal bone. 46 Accessory bone 5.
bone which is available for housing bone 2). 14 Cervical vertebra 4. 15 Last (7th) cervi- carpal bone. 47 Carpal bones 1-4. 48-49
marrow as we noticed earlier. cal vertebra. 16-18 Thoracic (dorsal or back) Metacarpus ('palm' - based on 5 metacarpal Joints of hindlimb
A bone's capacity to change in form vertebrae. 16 Summit of spinous process of bones).48 Metacarpal bone 1. 49 Metacarpal 78 Hip (coxofemoral) JOint. 79-81 Stifle
according to ~n animal's im- thoracic vertebra 1. 17 Anticlinal vertebra bone 5. SO-53 Phalanges (3 in each digit (knee) joint (composite joint with 3 compon-
portant should it be fractured. Bone in (Thoracic vertebra 10). 18 Last (13th) thoracic except digit 1 ['deWclaw'] with only 2). 50 ents). 79 Femorotibial joint. 80 Femoropatellar
the region of the break is literally 'dis- vertebra. 19-20 Lumbar (loin) vertebrae. 19 Proximal (1st) phalanx of digit 5. 51 Middle joint. 81 Proximal tibiofibular joint. 82 Distal
solved' and completely rebuilt to unite Lumbar vertebra 2. 20 Summit of spinous (2nd) phalanx of digit 5. 52 Distal (3rd) phalanx tibiofibular joint. 83 Talocrural joint (dominant
the broken parts. Over a period of sev- process of last (7th) lumbar vertebra. 21 of digit 5. 53 Proximal palmar sesamoid bones component of composite tarsal joint). 84
eral months the new bone is stressed Sacrum (3 fu~d sacral vertebrae in pelvic of digit 5 (a pair at each metacarpophalangeal Metatarsophalangeal joint of digit 5.



34 35 "




f H---+--4-3

I "*-+---j--- 4-2.

45 74




.J. s ~
age point at the upper ends of the fore- fossa of squamous temporal bone). 12' Man- Vertebral co(~mn vertebrae).68-70 Intervertebral foramina (for

limbs, while a lumbar bracket projects dibular symphysis (fibrocartilaginous inter- 40-52 Cervical (neck) vertebrae. 40 Dorsal passage of spinal nerves, arteries and veins).
forwards from an anchorage at the mandibular joint allowing practically no arch of atlas (cervical vertebra 1- cut through 68 Intervertebral foramen 1 (lateral vertebral
sacrum above the hindlimbs. The size movement). 13 Alveolar border of mandible in median plane in fig D). 41 Dorsal tubercle foramen of atlas). 69 Intervertebral foramen 2
and strength of the backbone at any (bearing teeth of lower dental arch). 14 Lower of atlas (spinous process absent). 42 Wing of (between atlas and axis - for passage of cer-
point along its length is clearly related carnassial (shearing) tooth (molar 1). 15 atlas (enlarged flattened transverse process). vical nerve 2). 70 Intervertebral foramina 8
to the stresses and strains that it bears; Mental foramen. 16-30 Cranium (braincase). 43 Ventral arch of atlas (vertebral body (last cervical), 17 (9th thoracic) and 25 (4th
the greatest stress no doubt occurring 16 Zygomatic arch (bridge of bone connecting absent -cut through in median plane in fig lumbar).
II at the points where it attaches to the face and cranium below eye). 17 Orbit D). 44 Alar notch of atlas. 45 Spinous process
limbs. Thus in the loins each vertebral (housing and protecting eyeball). 18 'Zygo- of axis (cervical vertebra 2). 46 Odontoid Ribs and sternum
bone carries the weight of dIe body in matic (supraorbital) process of frontal process (dens) of axis (developmentally 71 Rib head (capitulum) of rib 5. 72 Rib
I front of it together with the weight of bone. 19 Temporal line (rostral divergence of represents vertebral body of atlas). 47 Cranial tubercle of rib 5. 73 Shaft (bony body) of rib 1.
its own body 'segment'. Passing back external sagittal crest). 20 External sagittal articular surface of axis. 48 Vertebral canal in 74 Costal cartilage of rib 6 (articulating with
I towards the sacrum each vertebra is
accepting more total weight than the
crest (in dorsal midline of cranium). 21 Ex-
ternal occipital protuberance (occiput - most
atlas.49 Spinous process of last (7th) cervical
.vertebra (much reduced). 50 Transverse
intersternebral cartilage). 75 Rib 9(last sternal
[truel rib - i.e. with direct sternal attachment).
one in front of it al1d you can see from dorsocaudal portion of cranium). 22 Nuchal process of cervical vertebra 6 (enlarged and 76 Costal arch (fused costal cartilages of ribs
I the drawings that the vertebrae enlarge crest (division between dorsal and caudal sur- bifid). 51 Transverse foramen of cervical 10-12 with fibrous connection to costal carti-
back through the 'lumbar region. Like- face of cranium). 23 External occipital crest. vertebra (consecutive foramina producing a lage of rib 9). 77 Rib 13 (last or floating rib
wise in the thorax, the vertebrae, and 24 Temporal fossa (origin of temporal transverse or vertebrarterial canal for passage united with costal arch by fibrous tissue). 78
I in particular their spines, are at their
largest and longest over the shoulders
muscle). 25 Jugular process of occipital bone.
26 Occipital condyle (both condyles form
of vertebral artery and vein). 52 Transverse
(vertebrarterial) canal of axis vertebra. 53-56
Intercostal space 6 (between bony ribs 6 and
7). 79 Interchondral space 6 (between costal
where strains are greatest. atlantooccipital joint with atlas). 27 Foramen Thoracic (chest or back) vertebrae. 53 Spinous cartilages of ribs 6 and 7). 80 Thoracic inlet
magnum. 28 Mastoid process of temporal process of thoracic vertebra 1. 54 Spinous (bounded by sternal manubrium, first pair of '
Skull bone (sole representation on skull surface of process of thoracic vertebra 10 (anticlinal ver- ribs and costal cartilages and thoracic vertebra
1-15 Face (based on nasal cavity and jaws). petrous temporal bone). 29 Tympanic bulla tebra). 55 Spinous process of last (13th) 1). 81 Manubrium of sternum (sternebra 1
1 Nasal cartilages (movably articulated with (surrounding tympanic or middle ear cavity thoracic vertebra. 56 Transverse process of elongated into base of neck). 82 Sternebrae 2
bone of nasal cavity and surrounding nasal and containing 3 auditory ossicles - incus, thoracic vertebra 5. 57-58 Lumbar (loin) ver- and 3 (sternal segments joined by inter-
vestibule). 2 Nasal process of incisive bone malleus and stapes). 30 External acoustic tebrae. 57 Spinous process of last (7th) sternebral cartilage 2). 83 Xiphoid cartilage of
(bordering bony nasal opening leading into meatus (across which eardrum is stretched in lumbar vertebra. 58 Transverse process of . sternum (cartilaginous prolongation of last
nasal cavity proper). 3 Alveolar border of life and around which auricular cartilage is lumbar vertebra 5. 59-62 Sacrum (3 fused [8th] sternebra, xiphoid process, into belly
maxillary bone (upper jaw bearing teeth of attached).31-36 Hyoid apparatus supporting sacral vertebrae). 59 Median sacral crest (3 wall).
upper dental arch). 4 Upper carnassial (shear- tongue and larynx. 31-34 Cranial horn of fused spinous processes of sacral vertebrae).
ing) tooth (premolar 4). 5 Alveolar jugae hyoid lying in pharyngeal wall. 31 Cerato- 60 Sacral wing (enlarged 1st sacral transverse Landmarks of appendicular skeleton
(impressions on surface of maxillary bone hyoid bone. 32 Epihyoid bone. 33 Stylohyoid process). 61 Lateral sacral crest (fused sacral 84 Dorsal (vertebral) border of scapula. 85
created by tooth roots internally). 6 Infra- bone. 34 Tympanohyoid cartilage (articulating transverse 'processes 2 and 3). 62 Auricular Cranial angle of scapula. 86 Caudal angle of
orbital foramen. 7-13 Mandible (lower jaw). ' with tympanic bulla and mastoid process). surface of sacral wing (for formation of sacro- scapula. 87 Scapular spine. 88 Acromion
7 Body of mandible. 8-11 Ramus of man- 35 Basihyoid bone (lying transversely in floor iliac joint). 63 Caudal (tail) vertebrae. 64-67 process of scapula. 89 Greater tuberosity of
dible. 8 Angular process of mandible.' 9 'of throat). 36 Caudal horn of hyoid (thyrohyoid Additional vertebral processes. 64 Cranial humerus (point of shoulder). 90 Iliac crest.
Coronoid process of mandible (insertion of bone in wall of laryngopharynx articulating articular process of vertebra. 65 Caudal articu- 91 Sacral' tuberosity of ilium (point of croup).
temporal muscle). 10 Masseteric fossa of with thyroid cartilage of larynx). 37-39 lar process of vertebra. 66 Accessory process 92 Coxal tuberosity of ilium (point of haunch).
mandible (insertion of masseter muscle). 11 Laryngeal cartilages (forming . larynx- of vertebra (present only on caudal thoracic 93 Ischiatic tuberosity (point of buttock). 94
Jaw (temporomandibular) joint (condyloid voicebox). 37 Epiglottic cartilage. 38 Thyroid and lumbar vertebrae). 67 Mamillary process Greater trochanter 01 femur.
process of mandible located in mandibular cartilage. 39 Cricoid cartilage. of vertebra (present on thoracic and lumbar (D After Taylor, 1955)




often accompanied by a brachygnathic, (ethmoturbinate bones - attached to cribriform Jugular process of occipital bone. 43 Foramen glossal foramen (passage of hypoglossal
receding lower jaw. Dogs with shortened plate and supporting nasal mucous mem- magnum (passage of spinal cord). 44 Cranial nerve). 75 Stylomastoid foramen (passage of

'faces as I'm sure you know may also brane). 15 Maxillary recess (lateral diverti- cavity (containing brain). 45 Bony cerebellar facial nerve). 76 Condyloid canal passage of
have problems breathing through their culum from nasal cavity). 16-17 Frontal tentorium (separating cerebral from cerebellar condyloid vein). 77 Lacrimal foramen (passage
noses and/or difficulties with the bite sinus. 16 Lateral part of frontal sinus (large hemispheres).46 Hamulus of pterygoid bone. of nasolacrimal duct). 78 Infraorbital foramen
of their jaws. ,. empty space in frontal bone). 17 Medial part 47 Basisphenoid bone. 48-52 Temporal (passage of infraorbital branches of maxillary
The dorsal profiles of the cranium of frontal sinus (containing extensions from bone. 48 Petrous component of temporal nerve and vessels). 79 Alar canal of sphenoid
and face are in approximately parallel ethmoidal labyrinth). 18 Hard palate (from bone (pyramid - housing membranous wing (passage of maxillary artery). 80 Rostral
planes, the nasofrontal suture marking palatine processes of incisive, maxillary and labyrinth of inner ear). 49 Tympanic bulla alar foramen (exit from alar canal). 81 Caudal
the boundary on the dorsal surface be- palatine bones). 19-28 Mandible (lower jaw). (surrounding tympanic [middle earl cavity alar foramen (entry into alar canal). 82 Man-
tween the two. The step down from the 19 Body of mandible. 20 Angular process of containing three. auditory ossicles - incus, dibular foramen (passage of mandibular
cranium to the facial level is the naso- mandible. 21 Ramus of mandible. 22 Coro- malleus and stapes). 50 External acoustic alveolar nerve and vessels). 83 Mental for-
frontal angle or stop. In brachycephalic noid process of mandible (insertion of meatus (across which eardrum stretched in amina (passage of mental branches of man-
breeds the shortened, broadened face is temporal muscle). 23 Masseteric fossa of life). 51 Squamous part of temporal bone. dibular alveolar nerve and vessels). 84 Canal
coupled with a deepened stop and eyes mandible (insertion of masseter muscle). 24 52 Mastoid process of temporal bone (sale for transverse venous sinus in occipital bone.
that are directed more forwards. Cranial Condyloid (articular) process of mandible representation on skull surface of petrous 85 Canal for trigeminal nerve through petrous
and facial regions in all breeds are joined (transverse to articulate with mandibular fossa temporal bone). 53-67 Auricular cartilage. 53 temporal bone. 86 Internal acoustic meatus
on either side by a bar of bone, the of temporal bone in jaw joint). 25 Mandibular Scapha (helix). 54 Apex. 55 Medial border of (passage for vestibulocochlear [auditory]
zygomatic arch, which forms the outer notch (separating coronoid and condyloid helix. 56 Spine of helix. 57 Lateral crus of nerve). 87 Cerebellar fossa of petrous
boundary of an orbitotemporal fossa processes of mandible). 26 Mandibular fossa helix. 58 Medial crus of helix. 59 Lateral temporal bone (housing paraflocculus of
containing the eyeball and jaw muscle. (smooth articular area for mandibular condyle border of helix. 60 Antitragus. 61 Lateral cerebellum).
The orbit therefore lies at the cranio- in formation of jaw joint). 27 Retroarticular process of antitragus. 62 Exterior opening of
facial boundary although normally con- process (caudal boundary of mandibular vertical part of ear canal. 63 Concha. 64 Hyoid apparatus supporting tongue and
sidered a part of the face. fossa). 28 Mandibular symphysis (fibrocarti- Tragus. 65 Pretragic notcb. 66 Intertragic larynx, and laryngeal cartilages
laginous intermandibular joint). 29 Alveolar notch. 67 Anthelix. 88 Basihyoid bone (transverse element in
Bony basis of face and jaws borders of maxillary bone and mandible floor of throat). 89-92 Cranial horn of hyoid
1-4 Nasal cartilages. 1 Internasal septum (tooth-bearing areas of upper and lower jaws). Skull foramina for nerve and blood vessel (lying in pharyngeal wall). 89 Ceratohyoid
(cartilaginous septum). 2 Dorsolateral nasal passage bone. 90 Epihyoid bone. 91 Stylohyoid bone.
cartilage. 3 Ventrolateral nasal cartilage. 4 Cranium and ears 68 Orbital fissure (rostral lacerate foramen - 92 Tympanohyoid cartilage (articulating with
Accessory nasal cartilage. 5 Nasal process of 30 Orbit (housing and protecting eyeball). 31 passage of oculomotor, trochlear and tympanic bulla and mastoid process). 93
incisive bone (bordering nasal opening leading Zygomatic arch (bridge of bone connecting abducent nerves and ophthalmic branch of Caudal horn of hyoid (thyrohyoid bone in wall
into bony part of nasal cavity). 6 Nasal bone. face and cranium below eye). 32 Zygomatic trigeminal nerve). 69 Foramen lacerum of laryngopharynx articulating with thyroid
7 Maxillary bone. 8 Dorsal nasal concha (supraorbital) process of frontal bone. 33 (middle lacerate foramenlinternal carotid fora- cartilage of larynx). 94 Epiglottic cartilage. 95
(nasoturbinate bone - supporting nasal Temporal line (rostral divergence of external men - passage of internal carotid artery). Thyroid cartilage. 96 Cricoid cartilage. 97
mucous membrane). 9 Ventral nasal concha sagittal crest). 34 External sagittal crest (in 70 Jugular foramen (caudal lacerate fora- Arytenoid cartilage.
(maxilloturbinate bone - supporting nasal dorsal midline of cranium). 35 Externaloccipi- men - passage of glossopharyngeal, vagus
mucous membrane). 10 Nasal meatuses (air tal protuberance (most dorsocaudal portion of and accessory nerves and internal jugular Teeth
passageways through nasal cavity). 11 Naso- cranium). 36 Nuchal crest (division between vein).71 Optic canal (passage of optic nerve). 11-13 Incisor teeth (3 upper and 3 lower). C
pharyngeal meatus (airway leading back to dorsal and caudal surface of cranium). 37 72 Round foramen (passage of maxillary Canine teeth. P1-P4 Premolar teeth (4 upper
internal nostrils). 12 Internal nostril (choana Parietal bone. 38 Frontal bone. 39 Temporal branch of trigeminal nerve - position indicated and 4 lower teeth - with 'milk' precursors
- leading into nasopharynx). 13 Cribriform fossa (origin of temporal muscle). 40 Occipital by broken circle in fig A in medial wall of alar· except for premolar 1). M1-M3 Molar teeth
plate of ethmoid bone (separating cranial from bone. 41 Occipital condyle (both condyles canal). 13 Oval foramen (passage of man- (2 upper and 3 lower teeth - without 'milk'
nasal cavities). 14 Ethmoidal labyrinth form atlantooccipital joint with atlas). 42 dibular branch of trigeminal nerve). 74 Hypo- precursors).






... _ _ 19
B 19
Dolichocephal ic
pr:essing down onto the pad. scapula). 24 Neck of humerus (only distinct . Joints of forelimb acetabulum of hip bone). 90 Neck of femur.
. The phalangeal joints, proximal and caudally). 25 Greater tuberclj:! of humerus 57 Shoulder joint. 58-59 Elbow joint. 58 91 Greater trochanter of femur (point of hip).

Uistal interphalangeal in each digit, are (point of shoulder). 26 Crest of greater Humeroulnar component of elbow joint. 59 92 Body (shaft) of _femur. 93 Lateral supra-
closely comparable in forepaw and hind- tubercle of humerus. 27 Tricipital. line of Humeroradial component of elbow joint. 60 condylar tuberosity of femur. 94 Lateral epi-
paw and again are functional if not humerus. 28 Deltoid tuberosity of humerus. Antebrachiocarpal joint (main component of condyle of femur supporting a sesamoid
strictly anatomical hinges, flexing at;ld 29 Brachial (musculospiral) groove of carpal joint). 61 Metacarpophalangeal joint of fabella. 95 Lateral condyle of femur. 96
extending. The angles at these digital humeral shaft (beg,ins on caudal surface of -digit 2. 62 Proximal interphalangeal joint of Medial condyle of femur (smaller and less
joints in a normal standing position humeral neck and ends on crania,! surface of digit 5. 63 Distal interphalangeal joint of digit convex than lateral). 97 Fabella supported on
are quite marked: the proximal inter- shaft). 30-31 Condyle of humerus. 30 5. medial epicondyle of femur. 98 Femoral
phalangeal joint has a ventral angle of Capitulum of humeral condyle (articulating trochlea with lateral and medial trochlear
about 135°, the dorsal angle of the distal with head of radius). 31 Trochlea of humeral Topographical regions of pelvis and hindlimb ridges. 99 Extensor fossa of femur (origin of
interphalangeal joint is about 90°. The condyle (larger than capitulum and pulley- 64 Gluteal region (rump). 65 Coxal tuberosity long digital extensor ml,lscle). 100 Patella
digits are therefore not splayed out flat shaped, articulating with trochlear notch of region (haunch). 66 Clunial region (including ('knee cap' - sesamoid bone in tendon of
on the ground as many skeletal drawings ulna).32 Supratrochlear foramen of humerus. ischiorectal fossa). 67 Ischiatic tuberosity insertion of quadriceps femoris muscle and
and museum preparations would have 33 Medial (flexor) epicondyle of humerus. 34 region (buttock). 68 Hip joint region. 69 occupying trochTea of femoral condyle [patellar
us believe. Lateral (extensor) epicondyle of humerus. Femoral region (thigh or upper thigh). 70 groove]). 101-110 Crural bones (bones of leg
'35-44 Forearm bones. 35-39 Radius. 35 Genual region (stifle). 71 Patellar region. 72 or shank). 101-107 Tibia.101 Medial condyle
Topographical regions of forelimb Head of radius (articulating with capitulum of Popliteal region. 73 Crural region (leg, shank of tibia. 102 Lateral condyle of tibia. 103 Ex-
1- Scapular region (shoulder). 2 Shoulder humerus and radial notch of ulna). 36 Neck of or lower thigh). 74 Tarsal region (ankle or tensor groove of tibia (for passage -of long
joint region. 3 Brachial region (arm or upper radius. 37 Lateral tuberosity of radius. 38 hock). 75 Calcaneal region. 76 Metatarsal digital extensor tendon). 104 Tibial tuberosity
arm).4 Tricipital region (caudal border of arm Body (shaft) of radius. 39 Medial styloid region (rear pastern). (insertion of patellar tendon). 105 Cranial
based on tricipital muscle). 5 Cubital region process of radius. 40-43 Ulna. 40 Olecranon border of tibia (tibial crest). 106 Body (shaft)
(elbow). 6 Olecranon region. 7 Antebrachial process of ulna (point of elbow). 41 Trochlear Hindlimb skeleton of tibia. 107 Medial malleolus of tibia. 108-
region (forearm). 8 Carpal region (wrist). 9 (semilunar) notch of ulna. 42 Body (shaft) of 77-88 Hip bone (pelvic bone of pelvic girdle). 110 Fibula. 108 Head of fibula. 109 Body
Metacarpal region (fore pastern). 10 Phalan- ulna.43 Lateral styloid process of ulna (articu- 77-84 Ilium of hip bone. 77 Crest of ilium (shaft) of -fibula. 110 Lateral malleolus of
geal region (digits or toes designated by lating with ulnar carpal and accessory carpal (cranial border of ilium). 78 Wing of ilium. fibula. 111-118 Hindpaw bones. 111-116
roman numerals - I = dewclaw or 1st digit). bones). 44 Antebrachial interosseous space 79 Coxal tuberosity of ilium (point of haunch - Tarsal bones. 111 Talus (astragalus or tibial
between radius and ulna. 45-56 Forepaw cranial ventral iliac spine). 80 Caudal ventral tarsal bone). 112 Trochlea of talus (articulatory
Forelimb skeleton bones. 45-48 Carpal bones. 45 Radial carpal iliac spine. 81 Sacral tuberosity of ilium (point surface with tibia). 113 Calcaneus (os calcis
11-22 Scapula (shoulder blade - pectoral bone (scaphoid). 46 Ulnar carpal bone (tri- of croup - cranial dorsal iliC!c spine). 82 or fibular tarsal bone). 114 Calcaneal tuber-
girdle). 11 Spine of scapula. 12 Supraspinous quetrum). 47 Accessory carpal bone (pisi- Caudal dorsal iliac spine. 83-86 Ischium of osity (point of hock). 115 Central tarsal bone
fossa of scapula. 13 Infraspinous fossa of form). 48 Carpal bones 1-4 (trapezium, hip bone. 83 Ischiatic tuberosity (point of (navicular). 116 Tarsal bones 1-4 (medial,
scapula. 14 Acromion process of scapula. 15 trapezoid, capitate and hamate). 49-51 Meta- buttock). 84 Ischiatic spine. 85 Greater ischi- intermediate and lateral cuneiform and cu-
Dorsal (vertebral) border of scapula. 16 carpal bones. 49 Metacarpal bone 1. 50 Meta- atic notch of hip bone. 86 Lesser ischiatic boid). 117-118 Metatarsal bones. 117 Meta-
Caudal angle of scapula. 17 Caudal border of carpal bone 2. 51 Lateral surface of base of notch of hip bone (converted into lesser ischi- tarsal bone 1. 118 Metatarsal bone 5 (lateral
scapula. 18 Infraglenoid tubercle. 19 Cranial metacarpal bone 5. 52-56 Digital bones. 52 atic foramen by sacrotuberous ligament). 87 surface, base).
angle of scapula. 20 Cranial border of scapula. Proximal (1st) phalanx of digit 2. 53 Middle Pecten of pubic bone (attachment area for
21 Scapular notch at level of neck of scapula (2nd) phalanx of digit 2. 54 Distal (3rd) cranial pubic ligament and prepubic tendon). Joints of hindlimb
(constricted region separating off articular phalanx of digit 2. 55 Ungual process of 3rd 88 Obturator foramen (blocked in by obtu- 119 Hip joint. 120-121 Stifle joint. 120
angle in which lies glenoid cavity for humeral phalanx. 56 Proximal sesamoid bones of rator membrane in life and perforated by Femoropatellar component of stifle joint. 121
head). 22 Supraglenoid tubercle of scapula. metacarpophalangeal joint of digit 5 (pair of obturator nerve and vessels). 89-99 Femur Femorotibial component of stifle joint. 122
23-34 Humerus (arm bone). 23 Head of sesamoids associated with each metacarpo- (thigh bone). 89 Head of femur (nearly hemi- Crurotarsal joint (main component of tarsal
humerus (larger than glenoid cavity of phalangeal joint). spherical and fitting into deep cup-shaped joint). 123 Metatarsophalangeal joint, digit 2.





115 .



B Y- 23
synovial joints but still help to connect of movement). 5 Mandibular symphysis hinge action by muscles such as supraspinatus iliac joint (combined synovial and fibrocarti-

bones and to prevent dislocation. The (fibrocartilaginous intermandibular joint, little and subscapular acting as collateral liga- laginous, little or no movement). 56 Dorsal
backbone, for instance, has a variety of if any movement). ments). 26 Articular capsule (capsular liga- sacroiliac ligament. 57 Pelvic symphysis
ligaments, a particularly important one ment) of shoulder joint. 27-29 Elbow joint (combination of pubic and ischiatic sym-
being the supraspinous ligament Joints and ligaments of vertebral column (composite synovial, hinge in overall action). physes - fibrocartilaginous, little if any move-
joining the tips of spinous processes 6 Intervertebral discs (fibrocartilaginous, very 27 Humeroulnar joint. 28 Humeroradial joint. ment). 58 Hip joint (synovial, ball-and-socket
together and reducing the possibility restricted movement at individual discs 29 Proximal radioulnar joint. 30-31 Col- with wide potential range of movement). 59
of excessive separation of vertebral although sum total throughout column is quite lateral ligaments of elbow joint. 30 Medial Articular capsule (capsular ligament) of hip
bodies. In the neck it is modified as the considerable). 7 Zygapophyseal joints be- (radial) collateral elbow ligament. 31 Lateral joint. 60-62 Stifle (knee) joint (complex
nuchal-ligament containing an extra tween cranial and caudal articular processes (ulnar) collateral elbow ligament. 32 Annular synovial, hinge in action). 60 Femorotibial
component of elastic tissue. Passing (synovial, some angular movement, restrict ligament of radial head. 33 Oblique ligament joint. 61 Femoropatellar joint. 62 Proximal
forwards from the summit of the first rotation between vertebrae). 8 Intertransverse of elbow joint. 34 Antebrachial interosseous tibiofibular joint. 63-64 Intraarticular fibro-
thoracic spine to the spine of the axis ligaments (only distinct in lumbar region). 9 ligament. 35 Distal radioulnar joint (synovial, cartilages (semilunar meniscal cartilages) of
this assists in head support and, due to Interspinal ligaments. 10 Supraspinous liga- contributing to forearm rotation I. 36 Radio- stifle joint. 63 Lateral meniscus. 64 Medial
its elastic nature, helps to raise the head ment (uniting summits of spinous processes ulnar ligament. 37-39 Carpal joints (com- meniscus. 65 Meniscofemoral ligament
and neck on the thorax reducing the in trunk). 11 Nuchal ligament (continuation posite, synovial, several plane joints although (femoral ligament of lateral meniscus). 66-67
muscular effort needed. of supraspinous ligament in neck attaching a hinge in overall action). 37 Antebrachio- Intraarticular ligaments (cruciate ligaments) of
A further important ligament, the cranially to spine of axis). 12 Lumbosacral carpal joint (carpal component at which most stifle joint (joining tibia and femur in interior
sacrotuberous ligament, lies in the joint (intervertebral joint between lumbar movement occurs). 38 Intercarpal joints. 39 of stifle joint). 66 Cranial (lateral) cruciate liga-
pelvic wall (E). It is a stout band of vertebra 7 and sacrum). 13 Atlantooccipital Carpometacarpal joints. 40-41 Collateral ment. 67 Caudal (medial) cruciate ligament.
fibrous tissue running from the ischiatic joint (synovial, hinge in action, flexion and ligaments of carpus. 40 Medial (radial) col- 68-69 Collateral ligaments of stifle joint. 68
tuberosity (point of the buttock) to the extension of head on neck - 'yes' joint). 14 lateral carpal ligaments. 41 Lateral (ulnar) col- Medial (tibial) collateral stifle ligament. 69
sacrum and caudal vertebra I, and pro- Lateral atlantooccipital ligament. 15 Atlanto- lateral carpal ligaments. 42 Dorsal intercarpal Lateral (fibular) collateral stifle ligament. 70
vides attachment for some of the muscles axial joint (synovial, rotation of head on neck - ligaments. 43 Palmar intercarpal ligaments. Patellar ligament (continuation of tendon of
of the rump and thigh. Below it blood 'no' joint). 16 Dorsal atlantoaxial ligament or 44 Ligaments of accessory carpal bone. 45 quadriceps femoris muscle onto tibial tuber-
vessels and nerves to the pelvic wall and membrane. Palmar carpal fibrocartilage. 46 Metacarpo- osity). 71-72 Femoropatellar ligaments (col-
hindlimb pass in and out of the pelvis phalangeal joints of forepaw/metatarsophal- lateral ligaments of femorppatellar joint). 71
over the surface of the pelvic bone Joints and ligaments of ribcage angeal joints of hindpaw (synovial, hinge in Medial femoropatellar ligament. 72 Lateral
through the greater and lesser ischiatic 17-18 Costovertebral joint. 17 Rib head action). 47 Medial and lateral collateral liga- femoropatellar ligament. 73 Ligaments of
foramina. It will also therefore prevent (capitular) articulation with vertebral body ments of metacarpophalangeal/metatarso- fibular head. 74 Distal tibiofibular joint (syn-
compression of these vessels and nerves (synovial, hinge in action). 18 Rib tubercle phalangeal joints. 48 Medial and lateral col- ovial, immobile). 75 Tibiofibular ligaments.
by surrounding muscle contractions. articulation with transverse process (synovial, lateral ligaments of proximal sesamoid bones. 76-78 Tarsal joint (composite synovial,
hinge in action). 19 Ligament of rib head. 49 Proximal interphalangeal joint (synovial, hinge). 76 Talocrural joint (synovial saddle-
Joints and ligaments of skull 20 Ligament of rib tubercle (costotransverse hinge in action). 50 Collateral ligaments of shaped joint at which most tarsal movement
1 Orbital ligament (completing orbital rim ligament). 21 Sternocostal joint (synovial, proximal interphalangeal joints. 51 Distal occurs). 77 Intertarsal joints. 78 Tarsometa-
caudally joining zygomatic process of frontal hinge in action). 22 Dorsal sternal ligaments. interphalangeal joint (synovial, hinge in action). tarsal joints. 79-80 Collateral ligaments of
bone with frontal process of zygomatic bone 23 Ventral sternal ligaments (merging with 52 Collateral ligaments of distal interphal- tarsal joint. 79 Medial collateral tarsal liga-
of zygomatic arch). 2 Jaw (temporomandibu- sternal membrane). 24 Costochondral joints angeal joint. 53 Dorsal elastic ligaments. ment. 80 Lateral collateral tarsal ligament. 81
lar) joint (synovial, hinge, containing an intra- (fibrous, little appreciable movement). Dorsal tarsal ligaments. 82 Long plantar
articular cartilage subdividing joint cavity into Joints and ligaments of hindlimb ligament.
upper and lower compartments). 3 Lateral Joints and ligaments of forelimb 54 Sacrotuberous ligament (joining lateral (E, F & GAfter Evans & Christensen, 1979)
ligament of. temporomandibular joint. 4 25 Shoulder joint (synovial, ball-and-socket sacral crest and transverse process of caudal
Temporohyoid joint (fibrous, limited degree although movement restricted primarily to a vertebra 1with ischiatic tuberosity). 55 Sacro-








c o 27
e~pecially thick and well formed, they Fascial layers pinna, cheek, lower lip, teeth and gums of of lumbar nerves 1-3 (cranial iliohypogastric,

may provide attachment areas for 22 Superficial fascia of rump and tail. 23 lower jaw). 47-48 Auriculotemporal nerve. caudal iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves).
muscles themselves, just like skeletal Superficial fascia of shoulder and arm. 24 47 Rostral auricular nerve (from auriculo- 67 Genitofemoral nerve (from ventral ramus
bones. The thoracolumbar and gluteal Deep fascia of forearm (antebrachial fascia temporal). 48 Transverse facial nerve (from of lumbar nerve 4). 68 Lateral cutaneous
fascia, both shown in this drawing, can forming a close fitting sleeve around forearm auriculotemporal). 49 Buccal nerve. 50 Mental femoral nerve (bulk of ventral ramus of lumbar
be included in this category, the former muscles).25 Deep fascia of carpus (producing nerves. 51 Mylohyoid nerve. nerve 4).
providing attachments for muscles of flexor and extensor retinacula). 26 Deep fascia
the abdominal wall. In the flanks and of thigh (lateral femoral fascia - providing Cutaneous branches from dorsal rami of Cutaneous branches from ventral rami of
belly, however, deep fascia is not so attachment for biceps femoris muscle and spinal nerves sacral and caudal nerves
well developed as it is on the limbs,and having its own tensor muscle). 27 Deep fascia 52 Cutaneous branches of dorsal rami of cer- 69 Caudal cutaneous femoral nerve (from
is not as easily separated from underly- of shank (crural fascia - closely investing vical nerves 2-7. 53 Cutaneous branches ventral rami of sacral nerves 1 and 2 and
ing muscles. The relatively poor devel- muscles of crus). 28 Deep fascia' of tarsus of dorsal rami of thoracic nerves 2-13. 54 giving origin to perineal branches and caudal
opment of deep trunk fascia presumably (producing flexor and extensor retinacula of Cutaneous branches of dorsal rami of lumbar c1unial nerves). (Ventral rami of sacral nerves
allows for the degree of exPansion re- tarsus). nerves 1-6 (cranial clunial nerves). 55 Cu- 1-3 also give rise to a pudendal nerve and a
quired from this area. Nevertheless it taneous branches of dorsal rami of sacral caudal scrotal nerve!. 70 Cutaneous branches
must be borne in riUnd that the ab- Blood vessels and lymph nodes nerves 1-3 (middle c1unial nerves). 56 Cu- from ventral rami of caudal nerves 1-5.
dominal wall in particular is supporting 29 Facial vein, 30 Linguofacial vein. 31 taneous branches of dorsal rami of caudal
the weight of the guts through its Maxillary vein. 32 External jugular vein. 33 nerves 1-5. Cutaneous nerves from brachial plexus
muscles. In this'action it receives assist- Dorsal common digital veins. 34 Accessory to forelimb
ance from its deep fascia. cephalic vein. 35 Cephalic vein. 36 Axillo- Cutaneous branches from ventral rami of 71 Cranial lateral cutaneous brachial nerve
brachial vein. 37 Omobrachial vein. 38 Lateral cervical nerves (from axillary nerve). 72 Superficial radial
Bony landmarks saphenous vein. 39 Medial saphenous vein. 57-58 Ventral ramus of cervical nerve 2. 57 nerve (from radial nerve). 73 Cranial cu-
1 Spine of scapula, 2 Olecranon process of 40 Mandibular lymph nodes. Great auricular nerve. 58 Transverse cervical taneous antebrachial nerve (branches from
ulna (point of elbow). 3 Accessory carpal nerve. 59 Lateral cutaneous branches of medial and lateral elements of superficial
bone. 4 Sacral tuberosity of ili.urn. 5 Cal- Cutaneous branches of cranial nerves ventral rami of cervical nerves 3-6 (supra- radial nerve). 74 Lateral cutaneous ante-
caneal tuberosity (point of hock!. 41-51 Trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve 5). clavicular nerves). 60 Lateral thoracic nerve brachial nerve (from lateral branch of super-
41-43 Ophthalmic branch oftrigeminal nerve (from ventral rami of cervical nerve 8 and ficial radial nerve). 75 Caudal cutaneous
Muscles (smallest of 3 trigeminal subdivisions - sen- thoracic nerve 1). antebrachial nerve (from ulnar nerve). 76
6 Superficial sphincter muscle of neck (located sory nerve of orbit, skin of dorsum of muzzle Medial cutaneous antebrachial nerve (from
in superficial fascia of neck). 7 Platysma and some of mucous membrane of nasal cavity Cutaneous branches from ventral rami of musculocutaneous nerve). 77 Dorsal branch
muscle. 8 Cutaneous muscle of trunk (located and paranasal sinuses). 41 Frontal (supra- thoracic nerves (intercostal nerves) of ulnar nerve.
in superficial fascia. of trunk). 9. Preputial orbital) nerve. 42 Infratrochlear nerve (from 61 Lateral cutaneous branch of intercostal
muscle of sheath.:10 Deep sphincter muscle nasociliary branch of ophthalmic). 43 External nerve 2 (intercostobrachial nerve). 62 Lateral Cutaneous nerves from lumbosacral plexus
of neck and head (intermediate partf 11 nasal nerve (from ethmoidal branch of cutaneous branch of intercostal nerve 3(inter- to hindlimb
Frontal muscle. 12 Orbicularis oculi muscle of ophthalmic). 44-46 Maxillary branch of tri- costobrachial nerve). 63 Lateral cutaneous 78 Saphenous nerve (from femoral nerve).
eyelids (sphincter of palpebral fissure). 13 geminal nerve (largest of 3 trigeminal sub- branches of intercostal nerves 4-12. 64 79 Lateral cutaneous sural nerve (from
Orbicularis oris 'muscle of lips (sphincter of divisions - sensory nerve of cheek, side of Lateral cutaneous branch of costoabdominal common peroneal [fibular) nerve}. 80 Cu-
mouth). 14 Levator muscle of nostril wing nose, muzzle, maxillary recess, palate, teeth nerve (thoracic nerve 13). 65 Ventral cu- taneous branch from superficial peroneal
and upper lip. 15' .Rostral auricular muscles. and gums of upper jaw). 44 Zygomatico- taneous branches of intercostal nerves 3-10. [fibular] nerve. 81 Caudal cutaneous sural
16 Brachiocephalic muscle. 17 Trapezius temporal nerve. 45 Zygomaticofacial nerve. nerve (from tibial nerve). 82 Cutaneous
muscle. 18 Deltoid' muscle. 19 Lateral head 46 Infraorbital nerve. 47-51 Mandibular Cutaneous branches from ventral rami of branches of medial and lateral plantar nerves
of triceps muscle. 20 Biceps femoris muscle. branch of trigeminal nerve (mixed motor and lumbar nerves (from tibial nerve).
21 Common calcaneal. tendon. sensory nerve - sensory components to 66 Lateral cutaneous branches of ventral rami





34 28

ment the triceps contracts concentri- pebral part of sphincter muscle of head (malar Omotransverse muscle. 56 Latissimus dorsi muscle. 85 Semimembranosus muscle. 86-
cally, the muscle shortening to extend muscle). 32-33 Buccinator muscle (forming muscle (important limb retractor muscle). 57 89 Extensor muscles of digits and flexor

the elbow. Stabilization (fixation) of basis of cheek). 32 Buccal part of buccinator Deep pectoral muscle (adductor muscle of arm muscles of tarsus. 86 Cranial tibial muscle
many other joints depends upon the muscle. 33 Molar part of buccinator muscle. and subsidiary limb retractor). 58-59 Deltoid and tendon. 87 Long digital extensor muscle
cooperation between antagonistic 34 Zygomaticoauricular muscle. 35 Parotido- muscle. 58 Scapular part of deltoid muscle. and tendon. 88 Lateral digital extensor muscle
muscle groups to a greater extent; ie. auricular muscle. 36 Interscutular muscle. 37 59 Acromial part of deltoid muscle. 60 Supra- and tendon. 89 Long peroneal muscle and
equal isometric contraction in both Scutuloauricular muscle. 38-40 Jaw muscles. spinous muscle. 61 Infraspinous muscle. 62 tendon. 90-93 Flexor muscles of digits and
groups effectively cancelling out any 38 Temporal muscle (passing from temporal Teres major muscle. 63 Biceps brachii muscle extensor muscles of tarsus. 90 Lateral head
tendency for either to produce joint fossa of cranium onto coronoid process of (shoulder extensor and elbow flexor muscle). of gastrocnemius muscle. 91 Medial head of
movement. mandible}. 39 Masseter muscle (passing from 64 Brachial muscle (elbow flexor muscle gastrocnemius muscle. 92-93 Deep digital
zygomatic arch onto masseteric fossa of man- inserting into forearm with biceps). 65-67 flexor muscle of hindlimb. 92 Medial digital
Bones and ligaments dible). 40 Digastric muscle (passing from Triceps muscle (elbow extensor muscle and flexor muscle. 93 Lateral digital flexor muscle.
1 Zygomatic (supraorbitall process of frontal jugular process of occiput onto body of man- main support of forelimb in normal standing 94 Accessory (tarsall tendon of 'hamstring'
bone.2 Nasal bone. 3 Zygomatic arch (bridge dible). 41 Geniohyoid muscle (passing from posture). 65 Long heaq of triceps muscle and gracilis muscle (thickened band of deep
of bone connecting face and cranium below mandible close to symphysis back to basihyoid (arising from caudal border of scapula and crural fascia extending down onto point of
eye). 4 Spine of scapula. 5 Caudal angle of bone). forming caudal margin of arm). 66 Lateral hock). 95 Common calcaneal tendon (aggre-
scapula. 6 Medial (flexor) epicondyle of hu- head of triceps muscle. 67 Medial head of gate of structures attaching to point of hock,
merus. 7 Lateral (extensor) epicondyle of hu- Muscles of neck, trunk and tail triceps muscle. 68 Pronator mUScle of fore- including Achilles' tendon, superficial digital
merus. 8 Body (shaft) of radius. 9 Styloid 42 Sternohyoid muscle. 43 Sternocephalic arm. 69-72 Flexor muscles of carpus and flexor tendon, and accessory or tarsal tendon
process of radius. 10 Olecranon process of muscle. 44 External abdominal oblique muscle digits. 69 Radial carpal flexor muscle. 70 of 'hamstring' and gracilis muscles).
ulna (point of elbow). 11 Styloid process of (originating from ribs and from thoraco- Ulnar carpal flexor muscle (forming caudal
ulna. 12 Accessory carpal bone. 13 Crest of lumbar fascial. 45 Tendon of insertion contour of forearm). 71 Superficial digital Fascial layers
ilium. 14 Position of patella (in tendon of (aponeurosis) of external abdominal oblique flexor muscle and tendon. 72 Radial head of 96 Thoracolumbar fascia (deep fascial layer
quadriceps femoris muscle). 15 Body (shaft) muscle (meeting fellow of opposite side in deep digital flexor muscle. 73-77 Extensor enclosing epaxial muscles and providing
of tibia. 16 Medial malleolus of tibia. 17 midventral fibrous linea alba). 46 Tail de- muscles of carpus and digits. 73 Radial carpal attachment for latissimus dorsi and lateral
Lateral malleolus of fibula. 18 Calcaneal tuber- pressor muscles (ventral sacrocaudals). 47 Tail extensor muscle (forming cranial contour of abdominal muscles). 97 Lateral femoral fascia
osity (point of hock). 19 Rib 5. 20 Rib 13 (last levator muscles (dorsal sacrocaudals).· 48 forearm).74 Common digital extensor muscle (deep fascial layer enclosing extensor muscles
or floating rib). Lateral flexor muscles of tail (intertransverse and tendon. 75 Lateral digital extensor muscle of stifle joint and providing one area of attach-
cauda Is). 49 Coccygeus muscle (component and tendon. 76 Ulnar carpal extensor muscle ment for biceps femoris muscle). 98 Extensor
Muscles of head of pelvic diaphragm extending between is- (lateral ulnar muscle). 77 Oblique carpal retinacula (loops of deep fascia holding ex-
21 Platysma muscle. 22-37 Facial muscu- chiatic spine and caudal vertebrae and forming extensor muscle and tendon (abductor muscle tensor tendons in position at carpus and
lature (muscles offacial expression). 22 Inter- medial boundary of ischiorectal fossa). of digit 1). tarsus). 99 Flexor retinacula (holding flexor
mediate sphincter muscle of head and neck. tendons in position at carpus and tarsus
23 Frontal muscle. 24 Orbicularis oculi muscle Muscles of forelimb Muscles of hindlimb and completing carpal and tarsal canals for
of eyelids (sphincter muscle of palpebral 50-52 Brachiocephalic muscle (important 78-80 Rump muscles. 78 Superficial gluteal passage of deep digital flexor tendons).
fissure). 25 Orbicularis oris muscle of lips limb protractor muscle). 50 Cleidobrachial muscle. 79 Middle gluteal muscle. 80 Tensor
(sphincter muscle of mouth). 26 Levator part of brachiocephalic muscle. 51 Cleido- muscle of lateral femoral fascia. 81-82 Salivary glands and ducts
muscle of medial (inner) angle of eye. 27 Re- cervical part of bracbiocephalic muscle. 52 Sartorius muscle (forming cranial margin of 100 Parotid salivary gland (diffuse and
tractor muscle of lateral (outer) angle of eye. Clavicular tendon (fibrous intersection thigh). 81 Cranial part of sartorius muscle. wrapped around concha of auricular cartilage).
28 Levator muscle of upper lip. 29 Levator representing remains of clavicle sitl,lated in 82 Caudal part of sartorius muscle. 83-85 101 Parotid duct (crossing masseter muscle
nasolabialis muscle (levator muscle ofnostril brachiocephalic muscle). 53-54 Trapezius 'Hamstring' muscles (extensor muscles of hip and opening into oral vestibule through
wing and upper lip). 30 Zygomatic muscle muscle. 53 Cervical.part of trapezius muscle. joint and important limb retractor muscles). cheek). 102 Mandibular salivary gland (caudo-
(retractor muscle of angle of mouth). 31 Pal- 54 Thoracic part of trapezius muscle. 55 83 Biceps femoris muscle. 84 Semitendinosus medial to angle of jaw).



bqll-and-socket nature. Probably the minor muscles. However, rotation does 41 Deep pectoral muscle. 42 Infraspinatus sacrum and 1st caudal vertebra with ischiatic

main shoulder extensor, and protractor not seem to occur these three muscles muscle. 43 Supraspinatus muscle. 44 Teres tuberosity).
of the forelimb, is the brachiocephalic presumably cooperating to prevent it. major muscle. 45 Scapular part of deltoid
muscle. More minor e),.1:ensors include muscle. 46 Acromial part of deltoid muscle. Muscles of hindlimb
the supraspinatus and subscapular Bones and joints of forelimb 47 Biceps brachii muscle. 48 Brachial muscle. 99 Superficial gluteal muscle. 100 Middle
muscles. These two muscles, however, 1 Dorsal (vertebral) border of scapula. 2 49 Long head of triceps muscle. 50 Lateral gluteal muscle. 101 Tensor muscle of lateral
are very important shoulder stabilizers Caudal angle of scapula. 3 Spine of scapula. head of triceps muscle. 51 Medial head of femoral fascia. 102 Sartorius muscle (cranial
with their strong 'tendons of insertion 4 Acromion process of scapula. 5 Greater triceps muscle. 52 Anconeal muscle, 53 Pro- and caudal parts). 103-105 'Hamstring'
lying dose to the shoulder joint itself tubercle of humerus (point of shoulder). 6 nator muscle of forearm. 54 Radial carpal muscles (extensor muscles of hip joint and
and playing the part of lateral and Deltoid tuberosity of humerus. 7 Humeral flexor muscle. 55 Ulnar carpal flexor muscle. main retractors of hindlimb). 103 Biceps
medial 'ligaments' which restrict ad- condyle. 8 Medial (flexor) epicondyle of hu- 56 Superficial digital flexor muscle of forelimb. femoris muscle. 104 Semitendinosus muscle.
duction and abduction confining the merus. 9 Lateral (extensor) epicondyle of hu- 57 Superficial digital flexor tendon. 58 Deep 105 Semimembranosus muscle. 106 Gemelli
joint to a single plane of movement. merus.10 Olecranon process of ulna (point of digital flexor muscle of forelimb. 59 Deep muscles. 107 Tendon of internal obturator
The counterpart to the brachiocephalic elbow). 11 Body (shaft) of ulna. 12 Lateral digital flexor tendon. 60 Radial carpal exten- muscle. 108 Quadratus femoris muscle. 109
on the rear of the shoulder is the latis- styloid process of ulna. 13 Body (shaft) of sor muscle. 61 Radial carpal extensor tendon. Adductor muscles. 110-112 Quadriceps fe-
simus dorsi. Although it will flex the radius. 14 Medial styloid process of radius. 62 Common digital extensor muscle. 63 moris muscle (major stifle extensor muscle
shoulder to a certain extent its major 15 Radial carpal bone. 16 Ulnar carpal bone. Common digital extensor tendons. 64 Lateral inserting through patella and patellar tendon
action is to pull the whole limb back- 17 Accessory carp~1 bone. 18 Metacarpal digital extensor muscle. 65 Lateral digital onto tibial tuberosity). 110 Lateral vastus
wards in relation to the trunk (retrac- bone 2. 19 Metacarpal bone 5, base. 20 extensor tendon. 66 Ulnar carpal extensor muscle. 111 Medial vastus muscle. 112
tion). Additional shoulder flexors Phalanges of digit 4. 21 Position of shoulder muscle (lateral ulnar muscle). 67 Oblique Rectus femoris muscle. 113 Cranial tibial
include the teres muscles, the deltoid joint. 22 Elbow joint. 23 Antebrachiocarpal carpal extensor muscle and tendon. 68 Supin- muscle and tendon. 114 Long digital extensor
and the infraspinatus. However, this joint. 24 Metacarpophalangeal joint, digit 5. ator muscle of forearm. 69 Abductor muscle muscle. 115 Long digital extensor tendon.
last muscle is best viewed as a further 25 Proximal interphalangeal joint, digit 4. of digit 5. 70 Interosseous muscle of digit 5. 116 Lateral digital extensor muscle and
ligament muscle which stabilizes the 71 Extensor retinaculum. 72 Flexor retina- tendon. 117 Long peroneal muscle and
shoulder joint. Muscles of forelimb culum. 73 Palmar annular ligaments. tendon. 118 Short digital extensor muscle.
Abduction and adduction at the 26 Sternocephalic muscle. 27 Sternohyoid 119 Lateral head of gastrocnemius muscle.
shoulder joint refer to inward and out- muscle.28 Sternothyroid muscle. 29 Cervical Bones and joints of hindlimb 120 Deep digital flexor muscle of hindlimb
ward movement of the humerus in re- part of trapezius muscle. 30 Thoracic part of 74 Crest of ilium. 75 Sacral tuberosity of (medial component). 121 Deep digital flexor
lation to the scapula. The deltoid and trapezius muscle. 31 Omotransverse muscle. ilium. 76 Ischiatic tuberosity (point of buttock). muscle of hindlimb (lateral component). 122
infraspinatus muscles could abduct the 32 Latissimus dorsi muscle (important limb 77 Greater trochanter of femur. 78 Position Superficial digital flexor muscle of hindlimb.
humerus, the subscapular could adduct retractor muscle). 33-34 Ventral serrate muscle of patella (in tendon of quadriceps femoris 123 Superficial digital flexor tendon. 124
it. However, both movements appear (synsarcotic muscle suspending trunk from muscle). 79 Medial condyle of femur. 80 Common calcaneal tendon (aggregate of
to be of negligible occurrence so that upper end of forelimb). 33 Cervical part of Lateral condyle of femur. 81 Lateral condyle structures attaching to point of hock including
synchronized contraction within these ventral serrate muscle. 34 Thoracic part of of tibia. 82 Tibial crest (cranial border of tibia). Achilles' tendon, superficial digital flexor ten-
three muscles effectively cancels out ventral serrate muscle. 35 Thoracic part of 83 Body (shaft) of tibia. 84 Medial malleolus don, accessory or tarsal tendon of 'hamstring'
either action stabilizing the joint. Any rhomboid muscle. 36 Cervical part of rhom- of tibia. 85 Lateral malleolus of fibula. 86 and gracilis muscles). 125 Accessory (tarsal)
apparent abd ucting/adducting move- boid muscle. 37-39 Brachiocephalic muscle Talus. 87 Trochlea of talus. 88 Calcaneus. 89 tendon (from tendinous components of biceps
ments at the shoulder are most likely to (main limb protractor muscle). 37 Cleido- Calcaneal tuberosity (point of hock). 90 femoris, semitendinosus and gracilis muscles).
be movements of the whole limb on its brachial part of brachiocephalic muscle. 38 Central tarsal bone. 91 Metatarsal bone 2. 92 126 Popliteal muscle. 127 Lateral femoral
muscular attachments to the trunk. Fi- Cleidocervical part of brachiocephalic muscle. Metatarsal bone 1. 93 Base of metatarsal bone fascia. 128 Crural fascia. 129 Lateral collateral
nally, rotation of the humerus relative to 39 Clavicular tendon in brachiocephalic muscle. 5. 94 Position of hip joint. 95 Stifle joint. 96 stifle ligament. 130 Proximal extensor reti-
the scapula might be brought about by 40-41 Pectoral muscles (adductor muscles Crurotarsal joint. 97 Metatarsophalangeal joint, naculum. 131 Distal extensor retinaculum.
the subscapular, infraspinatus and teres of forelimb). 40 Superficial pectoral muscle. digit 2. 98 Sacrotuberous ligament (joining I-V Digits (Digit 1 of forepaw = dewclaw).



ments might have is difficult to deter- Carpal bone 3. 9 Carpal bone 4. 10 Meta- carpal extensor tendon surrounded by a bone 4 for passage of long fibular tendon.
mine. The first digit (dewclaw) has its carpus (topographical region based on meta- synovial sheath at carpus. 44. Oblique carpal 83 Metatarsus (topographical region based

own adductor, flexor and abductor carpal bones). 11 Metacarpal bone 1. 12 extensor muscle. 45 Oblique carpal extensor on metatarsal bones). 84 Remains of meta-
muscles (G) : the fifth digit has its own Metacarpal bone 5. 13 Carpal (stopper) pad. tendon surrounded by a synovial sheath at tarsal bone 1. 85 Metatarsal bone 2. 86 Meta-
abductor and flexor muscles (G). Of 14 Metacarpal pad of forepaw (metatarsal pad carpus. 46 Common digital extensor muscle. tarsal bone 5. 87 Medial malleolus of tibia.
these five small muscles only the of hindpaw). 15 Digital pad. 16 'Dewclaw' (1st 47 Common digital extensor tendon sur- 88 Lateral malleolus of fibula. 89 Lateral mal-
abductor of the fifth digit seems to digit of forepaw -remaining digits labelled 11- rounded by a synovial sheath at carpus. 48 leolar groove for passage of lateral digital
have real importance in posture and V). 17 Claw (unguis). 18 Styloid process of Lateral digital extensor muscle. 49 Lateral extensor tendon. 90 Extensor tubercle on
movement since it is attached onto the radius. 19 Radial groove for passage of digital extensor tendon surrounded by a ungual crest of distal phalanx of digit 4.91-
underside of the accessory carpal bone. oblique carpal extensor tendon. 20 Radial synovial sheath at carpus. 50 Ulnar carpal 93 Composite tarsal joint. 91 Crurotarsal joint
Onto the upper surface of the accessory groove for passage of radial carpal extensor extensor (lateral ulnar) muscle. 51 Ulnar (joint at which main movement at hock
carpal bone the ulnar carpal flexor tendon..21 Radial groove for passage of carpal extensor tendon. 52 Extensions from occurs). 92 Intertarsal joints. 93 Tarsometa-
muscle attaches. When the muscles act- common digital extensor tendon. 22 Styloid interosseous muscles onto common extensor tarsal joints. 94 Articular capsule of tarsal
ing at the carpus were considered this process of ulna. 23 Intermetacarpal spaces. tendon branches. 53·60 Carpal and digital joint. 95 Proximal extensor retinaculum. 96
ulnar carpal flexor was pointed out as 24 Proximal (1 st) phalanx of digit 4.25 Middle flexor muscles. 53 Superficial digital flexor Distal extensor retinaculum. 97 Flexor
being one of the major supports for the (2nd) phalanx of digit 4. 26 Distal (3rd or muscle. 54 Superficial digital flexor tendons. retinaculum.
carpal joint; ie. preventing its over- terminal) phalanx of digit 4. 27 Ungual crest 55 Deep digital flexor muscle. 56 Deep digital
extension and consequent collapse. of distal. phalanx of digit 3. 28 Ungual process flexor tendon surrounded by asynovial sheath Muscles and tendon sheaths of hindpaw
Were the accessory carpal bone not of distal phalanx of digit 3. 29·30 Sesamoid in carpal canal. 57 Digital synovial sheath 98·104 Tarsal flexors and digital extensors.
firmly attached in position it could easily bones of metacarpophalangeal/metatarso- around superficial and deep digital flexor ten- 98 Cranial tibial muscle. 99 Cranial tibial ten-
be displaced. A firm anchorage is phalangeal joints. 29 Palmar/plantar sesamoid dons. 58 Ulnar carpal flexor muscle. 59 Ulnar don surrounded by asynovial sheath at tarsus.
assured by several ligaments running bones of digit 3 (in tendons of insertion of carpal flexor tendon. 60 Radial carpal flexor 100 Long digital extensor muscle. 101 Long
from it to the other carpal bones and to interosseous muscles). 30 Dorsal sesamoid tendon. digital extensor tendon surrounded by a
the fourth and fifth metacarpals (see bone of digit 3. 31-33 Composite carpal joint. synovial sheath at tarsus. 102 Lateral digital
fig 7), but is also aided by active con- 31 Antebrachiocarpal joint (joint at which Intrinsic muscles of forepaw extensor tendon surrounded by a synovial
traction in the abductor of the fifth digit major carpal movement occurs). 32 Inter- 61 Short flexor muscle of dewclaw. 62 Short sheath at tarsus. 103 Long peroneal tendon
pulling on it in the opposite direction to • carpal joints. 33 Carpometacarpal joints. 34 abductor muscle of dewclaw. 63 Adductor surrounded by a synovial sheath at tarsus.
the ulnar carpal flexor muscle. How- Metacarpophalangeal joint of digit 4 of fore- muscle of dewclaw. 64 Adductor muscle of 104 Short digital extensor muscle. 105·108
ever, this in itself might present a prob- limb and metatarsophalangeal joint of digit 4 digit 2. 65 Adductor muscle of digit 5. 66 Tarsal extensors and digital flexors. 105
lem should the accessory carpal bone of hindlimb. 35 Proximal interphalangeal joint Flexor muscle of digit 5. 67 Abductor muscle Lateral component of deep digital flexor ten-
be damaged (fractured possibly). of digit 3. 36 Distal interphalangeal joint of of digit 5. 68 Interosseous muscles. 69 Ten- don surrounded by asynovial sheath at tarsus.
Muscles pulling on the bone from above digit 3. 37 Dorsal elastic ligaments. 38 Exten- dons of interosseous muscles. 106 Medial component of deep digital flexor
and below will mean that unless weight sor retinaculum. 39 Digital annular ligaments tendon surrounded by a synovial sheath in
can be removed from the paw for some (proximal, middle and distal). 40 Palmar Bones and joints of hindpaw tarsal canal. 107 Superficial digital flexor ten-
considerable time it will be difficult for carpal fibrocartilage (covering rear of carpus 70 Shank (crus or leg - based on tibia and dons. 108 Common calcaneal tendon (aggre-
a fractured accessory carpal bone to heal. and serving as origin for most of special fibula). 71 Tarsus (hock atopographical region gate of structures attaching to point of hock
muscles of digits 1, 2 and 5). 41 Collateral based on seven tarsal bones). 72 Talus including Achilles' tendon, superficial digital
Bones and joints of forepaw ligaments of proximal and distal interphalan- (astragalus or tibial tarsal bo~e). 73 Trochlea flexor tendon, accessory or tarsal tendon of
1 Antebrachium (based on radius and ulna). geal joints and metacarpophalangeal joint. of talus. 74 Calcaneus (fibular tarsal bone). 'hamstring' and gracilis muscles). 109 Cal-
2 Carpus (topographical region based on 75 Calcaneal tuberosity (point of hock). 76 caneal bursa (between superficial flexor ten-
seven carpal bones). 3 Radial carpal bone. Muscles and tendon sheaths of forepaw Sustentaculum tali. 77 Central tarsal bone. 78 don and calcaneal tuberosity).
4 Ulnar carpal bone. 5 Accessory carpal 42·51 Carpal and digitai extensor muscles. 42 Tarsal bone 1. 79 Tarsal bone 2. 80 Tarsal (C, F, J; & M after Bourdelle & Bressou, 1953;
bone. 6 Carpal bone 1. 7 Carpal bone 2. 8 Radial carpal extensor muscle. 43 Radial bone 3. 81 Tarsal bone 4. 82 Groove on tarsal N after Evans & Christensen, 1979)



57 39
52 1,9
24 56

7Q! . 100
/: 95
. \ 88
92 9b



34- 39

JY 17
H I J K L M N 43
(passage of infraorbital branches of maxillary pharyngeal muscle. 57 Thyropharyngeal Muscles of hindlimb


nerve and vessels). 5 Body of mandible. 6 muscle. 58 Styloglossal muscle of tongue. 59 101 Iliacus part of iliopsoas muscle. 102
Temporomandibular (jaw) joint. 7 External Sternohyoid muscle. 60 Sternothyroid muscle. Superficial gluteal muscle. 103 Middle gluteal
acoustic meatus (across which eardrum is muscle. 104 Piriform muscle. 105 Deep gluteal
DEEP MUSCLES OF THE stretched in life). 8 Lateral sacral crest. 9 Rib Muscles of neck, trunk and tail muscle. 106 Tendon of internal obturator
DOG - 1 1 (marking lateral boundary of thoracic inlet). 61 Thoracic part of iliocostal muscle. 62 muscle. 107 Gemelli muscles. 108 Quadratus
10 Rib 5. 11 Rib 13 (last or floating rib). 12 Longissimus muscle (covered by thoraco- femoris muscle. 109-112 Quadriceps femoris
Dorsal (vertebral) border of scapula. 13 lumbar fascia). 63 Cervical intertransverse muscle. 109 Vastus lateralis muscle. 110
These two drawings follow on from fig Caudal angle of scapula. 14 Cranial border of muscles. 64 Longus capitis muscle. 65 Vastus medialis muscle. 111 Rectus femoris
9 and show further stages in the dissec- scapula. 15 Spine of scapula. 16 Acromion Splenius muscle. 66 Lateral tail flexors (caudal muscle. 112 Patellar tendon (attachment of
tion and display of the axial musculature process of scapula. 17 Supraspinous fossa of intertransverse muscles). 67 Tail depressors quadriceps femoris muscle onto tibial tuber-
in the neck, trunk and tail - and the scapula. 18 Scapular notch. 19 Supraglenoid (ventral sacrocaudal muscles). 68 Tail levators osity, crossing front of stifle joint). 113-114
branchiomeric musculature in the head tubercle of scapula. 20 Greater tubercle of (dorsal sacrocaudal muscles). 69 Scalene 'Hamstring' muscles. 113 Semitendinosus
and throat. In A a number of extrinsic humerus (point of shoulder). 21 Deltoid muscle. 70 Sternocephalic muscle with ster- muscle. 114 Semimembranosus muscle. 115
forelimb muscles have been removed tuberosity of humerus. 22 Humeral condyle. nomastoid and sternooccipital parts. 71 Cranial Adductor muscle. 116 Cranial tibial muscle.
exposing musculature of the neck and 23 Olecranon process of ulna (point of elbow). dorsal serrate muscle. 72 Caudal dorsal ser- 117 Long digital extensor muscle. 118 Long
thorax while in B the left shoulder and 24 Shoulder joint. 25 Elbow joint. 26 Crest of rate muscle. 73 Cervical part of ventral serrate peroneal muscle. 119 Lateral digital extensor
arm have been removed and are placed ilium. 27 Coxal tuberosity of ilium (point of muscle. 74 Thoracic part of ventral serrate tendon. 120 Lateral head of gastrocnemius
as an inset sketch at bottom left. This haunch). 28 Sacral tuberosity of ilium (point muscle. 75 External intercostal muscles. 76 muscle. 121 Common calcaneal tendon
removal would have been effected by of croup). 29 Ischiatic tuberosity (point of Rectus thoracis muscle. 77 Rectus abdominis (aggregate of tendons attaching to point of
cutting through the remaining extrinsic buttock).30 Lesser ischiatic notch. 31 Greater muscle. 78 Aponeurosis of origin of rectus hock, including Achilles' tendon, superficial
muscles attaching the forelimb to the trochanter of femur. 32 Body (shaft) of femur. abdominis muscle. 79 External abdominal digital flexor tendon, and accessory or tarsal
trunk - superficial and deep pectorals, 33 Lateral condyle of femur. 34 Fabella (stifle oblique muscle. 80 Aponeurotic tendon of tendon of hamstring and gracilis musclesl.
rhomboid and ventral serrate (their cut sesamoid in tendon of origin of lateral gastro- external abdominal oblique muscle (forming 122 Deep digital flexor muscle. 123 Super-
surfaces are shown by heavily stippled cnemius muscle). 35 Position of patella (in outer layer of rectus sheath). 81 Coccygeus ficial digital flexor muscle. 124 Popliteal
areas in B). As a result of this pro- tendon of quadriceps femoris muscle). 36 Hip muscle. 82 Levator ani muscle (in combi- muscle. 125 Accessory or tarsal tendon.
cedure muscles in the chest wall and at joint. 37 Stifle joint (femorotibial component). nation with coccygeus muscle forming pelvic
the base of the neck are now exposed, 38 Tibial tuberosity (insertion of patellar diaphragml. 83 External anal sphincter Fascia and ligaments
in particular the scalenes passing onto tendon). 39 Body (shaft) of tibia. 40 Medial muscle. 126 Thoracolumbar fascia (deep fascia of back
the first few ribs, and the large fan- malleolus of tibia. 41 Lateral malleolus of and loin). 127 Extensor retinacula (loops of
shaped ventral serrate muscle, both of . fibula.42 Tarsus (ankle or hock). 43 Calcaneal Muscles of forelimb deep fascia holding tendons in position). 128
which lie in neck and thorax in the bone (with calcaneal tuberosity forming point 84 Capital part of rhomboid muscle. 85 Cer- Sacrotuberous ligament (uniting sacrum and
medial wall of the aillIa. Removal of of hock). vical part of rhomboid muscle. 86 Thoracic caudal vertebra 1with ischiatic tuberosity and
various muscles in the rump and thigh part of rhomboid muscle. 87 Omotransverse forming lateral boundary of ischiorectal fossa).
has exposed practically the entire extent Muscles of head muscle. 88 Superficial pectoral muscle. 89
of the abdominal wall muscles and the 44 Orbicularis oculi muscle. 45 Levator muscle Deep pectoral muscle.. 90 Scapular part of Internal viscera
sacrotuberous ligament and muscles in of upper lip. 46 Buccal part of buccinator deltoid muscle. 91 Acromial part of deltoid 129 Trachea (windpipe). 130 Cranial (apical)
the pelvic wall. muscle. 47 Molar part of buccinator muscle. muscle. 92 Supraspinatus muscle. 93 Infra- lobe of left lung (occupying pleural pocket
48 Superficial part of masseter muscle. 49 spinatus muscle. 94 Teres minor muscle. 95 of left pleural cavity and projecting through
Bones, joints and ligaments Deep part of masseter muscle. 50 Temporal Teres major muscle. 96 Biceps brachii muscle. thoracic inlet into base of neck). 131 Oesoph-
1 Zygomatic (supraorbital) process of frontal muscle. 51 Digastric muscle. 52 Stylohyoid 97 Brachial muscle. 98 Long head of triceps agus (gullet).
bone.2 Zygomatic arch. 3 Orbit (housing and muscle. 53 Mylohyoid muscle. 54 Thyrohyoid muscle. 99 Lateral head of triceps muscle.
protecting eyeball). 4 Infraorbital foramen muscle. 55 Cricothyroid muscle. 56 Crico- 100 Anconeal muscle.



23 35

1\2: 45
The cubital fossa has its equivalent arm). 27 Cubital region (including cubital Forelimb skeleton and joints Muscles

.- depression in the hindlimb - the pop- fossa). 28 Antebrachial region (forearm). 29 55 Dorsal (vertebral) border of scapula. 56 89 Levator muscle of nostril wing and upper
liteal fossa - a depression caudal to Carpal region (carpus or wrist based on carpal Cranial border of scapula. 57 Spine ofscapula. lip. 90 Levator muscle of upper lip. 91 Or-
the stifle joint; ie. on its flexor surface bones and joints). 30 Metacarpal region (front 58 Acromion process of scapula. 59 Supra- bicularis oris muscle of lips (sphincter muscle
(see fig 16). The divergent hamstrings, pastern).31 Phalangeal region (digits ortoes). glenoid tuberosity of scapula (attachment for of mouth opening). 92 Platysma muscle. 93
semitendinosus medially and biceps 32 Claws (capping ungual processes of distal biceps brachii muscle). '60 Greater tubercle of Zygomatic muscle (retractor muscle of angle
femoris laterally, and the gastrocnemius phalanges). 33 Digital pad (beneath distal humerus (point of shoulder). 61 Deltoid tuber- of mouth). 94 Orbicularis oculi muscle of eye-
muscle below fonn the boundaries of interphalangeal joint). 34 'Dewclaw' (1st digit osity of humerus. 62 Crest of greater tubercle lids (sphincter muscle of palpebral fissure!.
the fossa. The fossa is deep and its floor of forepaw - remaining digits are designated of humerus. 63 Intertubercular (bicipital) 95 Frontal muscle. 96 Rostral auricular
is fonned from the popliteal surface of by roman numerals II-V). 35 Interdigital groove of humerus (for passage of biceps muscles. 97 Sternohyoid muscle. 98 Sterno-
the femur, the stifle joint capsule, and space. tendon surrounded by bicipital bursa and held cephalic muscle. 99 Omotransverse muscle.
the deep fascial covering on the pop- in place by atransverse humeral retinaculum). 100 Cervical part of trapezius muscle. 101
liteus muscle. .Embedded in fat within Bones of skull 64 Lesser tubercle of humerus. 65 Body (shaft) Superficial pectoral muscles. 102 Deep
the fossa is the prominent poplileallymph 36 Bony nasal opening (piriform aperture of humerus. 66 Supratrochlear foramen of pectoral muscle. 103 Cleidocervical part of
node, a stn.\cture which is nonnally pal- leading into bony part of nasal cavity bounded humerus. 67 Capitulum of humeral condyle brachiocephalic muscle. 104 Cleidobrachial
pable. The lateral saphenous vein enters by nasal processes of incisive bones). 37 (small lateral part of condyle articulating with part of brachiocephalic muscle. 105 Clavicular
the fossa froni the lower leg, and the Nasal bone. 38 Infraorbital foramen (passage radial head). 68 Trochlea of humeral condyle tendon within brachiocephalic muscle (rep-
popliteal artery and vein and the tibial of infraorbital branches of maxillary artery (pulley-shaped medial part of condyle articu- resenting fibrous remnants of clavicle). 106
and common 'fibular nerve traverse the and nerve). 39-42 Mandible (lower jaw). 39 lating with trochlear notch of ulna). 69 Medial Acromial part of deltoid muscle. 107 Lateral
fossa more deeply. Body of mandible. 40 Angular process of (flexor) epicondyle of humerus. 70 Lateral head of triceps muscle. 108 Brachial muscle
mandible. 41 Ramus of mandible. 42 Mental (extensor) epicondyle of humerus. 71 Olec- (elbow joint extensor occupying brachial
Surface features and topographical regions foramen (passage of mental branches of ranon process of ulna (point of elbow). 72 [musculospiral] groove of humerus). 109
1 Nasal. plane (pigmented hairless skin). 2 mandibular alveolar nerve and vessels). 43 Body (shaft) of ulna. 73 Lateral styloid process Biceps brachii muscle (shoulder joint extensor
External nostril (leading into nasal vestibule, Mandibular symphysis (fibrocartilaginous of ulna. 74 Head of radius. 75 Neck of radius. and elbow joint flexor inserting onto both
movable part of nose surrounded by nasal intermandibular joint allowing little if any 76 Lateral tuberosity of radius. 77 Body radius and ulna in forearm). 110 Radial carpal
cartilages). 3 Philtrum. 4 Muzzle. 5 Lips. 6 movement!. 44 Jaw (temporomandibular) (shaft) of radius. 78 Medial styloid process of extensor muscle and tendon. 111 Common
Commissure of lips at angle of mouth. 7 Chin joint. 45 Zygomatic arch (bridge of bone con- radius. 79 Grooves on surface of distal end of digital extensor muscle and tendon. 112
(mentum). 8 Tongue. 9 Cheek (based on necting face and cranium below eye). 46 Orbit radius for passage of extensor tendons Lateral digital extensor muscle. 113 Oblique
buccinator muscle). 10 Foreface. 11 Stop. 12 (housing and protecting eyeball). 47 Zygo- (medial groove for oblique carpal extensor: carpal extensor muscle. 114 Pronator muscle
Forehead. 13 Pinna of external ear (based on matic (supraorbital) process of frontal bone. middle groove for radial carpal extensor: of forearm.
auricular cartilage). 14 Throat. ·15 Jugular lateral groove for common digital extensor).
groove (containing external jugular vein). 16 Vertebral column, ribs and sternum 80 Carpal bones (radial carpal and ulnar Blood vessels
Jugular fossa (triangular depression at base 48 Cervical vertebra 7. 49 Transverse process carpal in proximal row, carpal bones 1-4 in 115 Linguofacial vein. 116 Maxillary vein. 117
of neck communicating internally with axilla). of cervical vertebra 6. 50 Rib 1 (short and distal row). 81 Metacarpal bones (5 with External jugular vein (entering jugular fossa at
17 Dorsal neck region. 18 Lateral neck region. fairly straight). 51 Costal cartilage of rib 1 metacarpal bone 1reduced in size). 82 Lateral base of neck-en route for thoracic inlet). 118
19 Tracheal region. 20 Median pectoral (articulating with manubrium of sternum). 52 surface of base of metatarsal bone 5. 83 Phal- Dorsal common digital veins. 119 Cephalic
groove.21 Presternal region (breast based on Manubrium of sternum (sternebra 1elongated anges of digits. 84 Shoulder joint. 85 Elbow vein. 120 Axillobrachial vein (connection of
superficial pectoral muscles). 22 Sternal into base of neck). 53 2nd sternebra (sternum joint (composite synovial joint - 3 parts con- cephalic vein with brachial/axillary vein in
region (brisket based on deep pectoral formed from 8 sternebrae joined by inter- tained in a single joint capsule). 86 Ante- axilla). 121 Omobrachial vein (minor super-
muscles). 23 Axillary region (includes axilla sternebral cartilages which tend to ossify in brachiocarpal joint (main component of carpal ficial connection between cephalic vein and
or axilla'ry fossa - the armpit). 24 Scapular aged dogs). 54 Thoracic inlet (more or less joint and joint at which most movement external jugular vein).
region (shoulder). 25 Shoulder joint region. oval opening bounded by sternal manubrium, occurs). 87 Carpometacarpal joints. 88 Proxi- (After Ellenberger, Dittrich & Baum, 1956)
26 Brachial region (brachium"arm or upper first pair of ribs and thoracic vertebral). mal interphalangeal joints.








82 ,:
,I ':
:,U~ J...l~li~;

A 32.
c 49
transverse abdominal in the flank and rib). 15 Costochondral junction between bony muscle. 62 Tail depressors (ventral sacro-

14 practically the entire length ofthe rectus ribs and costal cartilages. 16 Costal arch (fused caudal muscles). 63 Tail levators (dorsal

abdominis in the belly. In the chest costal cartilages of ribs 10-12 [asternal ribs!. sacrocaudal muscles). 64 Lateral tail flexors
removal of the scalene, rectus abdominis linked by fibrous tissue with costal cartilage of (caudal intertransverse muscles). 65 Ventral
DEEP MUSCLES OF THE DOG andeA1:ernal intercostal muscles exposes rib 9, last sternal rib). 17 Manubrium of ster- serrate muscle (remains of). 66 Cranial dorsal
AND BITCH - 2 the ribs, costal cartilages and internal num (sternebra 1 enlarged into base of neck). serrate muscle. 67 Caudal dorsal serrate
intercostal muscles. Consequendy in 18 Wing of ilium. 19 Crest of ilium. 20 Coxal muscle. 68 External intercostal muscles. 69
dle trunk overall, only the innermost tuberosity of ilium (point of haunch). 21 Sacral Internal intercostal muscles. 70 Internal ab-
In this second pair of deep muscle draw- layers of the body wall muscles (internal tuberosity of ilium (point of croup). 22 Greater dominal oblique muscle. 71 Tendon (apo-
ings eA'P0sure of the musculature of the intercostals in the thorax between the ischiatic notch of hip bone. 23 Lesser ischiatic neurosisl of internal abdominal oblique muscle
head, neck, trunk and rail is continued ribs, transverse abdominal in the notch of hip bone. 24 Ischiatic tuberosity (point (contributing to external layer of rectus sheath).
from fig 12B. In the head the remaining abdomen) are left in place on the surface of buttock). 25 Ischiatic spine. 26 Pubic pec- 72 Inguinal ligament. 73 Transverse abdomi-
facial musculature· has been removed ofthe serous membranes lining the body ten of hip bone. 27 Obturator foramen. 28 nal muscle. 74 Tendon of transverse abdomi-
eA'Posing the branchiomeric (modified cavities. Acetabulum of hip joint. 29 Hip (coxofemoral) nal muscle (contributing to external layer of
visceral) muscle of the jaws, tongue and In the pelvic wall complete removal joint. 30 Greater trochanter of femur. 31 rectus sheath). 75 Rectus abdominis muscle.
pharynx. Removal of the ventral and of the rump and thigh muscles and the Sacrotuberous ligament (joining lateral sacral 76 Tendinous intersections in rectus ab-
• II dorsal ~errate muscles and thoraco- femur exposes the hip bone and sacro- crest and 1st caudal transverse process with dominis muscle. 77 Prepubic tendon. 78
lumbar fascia, all in position in A, ex- tuberous ligament. Medial to this liga- ischiatic tuberosity). Coccygeus muscle. 79 Levator ani muscle. 80
poses the three main components of the ment the 'pelvic diaphragm' is displayed External anal sphincter muscle. 81 Ischio-
epaxial musculature - iliocostal and composed of the coccygeus and levator Muscles of head cavernosus muscle. 82 Bulbospongiosus
longissimus components in the back and ani muscles. This diaphragm originating 32 Temporal muscle. 33 Medial pterygoid muscle. 83 Constrictor muscle of vestibule.
loins, and the spinal and semispinal from the hip bone and inserting onto muscle. 34 Geniohyoid muscle. 35 Mylohyoid 84 Constrictor muscle of vulva. 85 Thoraco-
parts of the transversospinal component caudal vertebrae and blending caudally muscle. 36 Thyrohyoid muscle. 37 Jugulo- lumbar fascia.
in the back and neck. Additional re- with the external anal sphincter, separ- hyoid muscle. 38 Cricothyroid muscle. 39
moval of the splenius from the neck ates off an ischiorectal fossa laterally Cricopharyngeal muscle. 40 Thyropharyngeal Limb muscles
eA'Poses the cervical longissimus and between it and the sacrotuberous muscle. 41 Hyopharyngeal muscle. 42 Cerato- 86 Symphyseal tendon (midline fibrous plate
the biventer and complexus parts of the ligament. pharyngeal muscle. 43 Styloglossal muscle. attached to pelvic symphysis providing origin
capital semispinal muscle. 44 Hyoglossal muscle. for medial thigh muscles). 87 Iliacus part of
The eA1:ernal abdominal oblique Bones, joints and ligaments iliopsoas muscle. 88 Psoas major part of
muscle has been removed from the 1 Body of mandible. 2 Angular process of Muscles of neck, trunk and tail iliopsoas muscle. 89 Superficial pectoral
caudal end of the chest and flank eA'P0S- mandible. 3 Coronoid process of mandible 45 Sternothyroid muscle. 46 Lumbar part of muscle. 90 Deep pectoral muscle.
ing the rectus abdominis muscle as it (removed in B). 4 Temporomandibular (jaw) i1iocostal muscle. 47 Thoracic part of iliocostal
runs forwards on the underside of the joint. 5 External occipital protuberance (occi- muscle.48 Lumbar part of longissimus muscle. Viscera
belly onto the' chest, and the internal put - most dorsocaudal portion of cranium). 49 Thoracic part of longissinius muscle. 50 91 Trachea (windpipe). 92 Cranial (apical)
abdominal oblique lying in the flank 6 Nuchal crest (division between dorsal and Cervical part of longissimus muscle. 51 Capi- lobe of left lung. 93 Oesophagus (gullet). 94
and belly. Removal of rump and thigh caudal surface of cranium). 7 Zygomatic arch tal part of longissimus muscle. 52 Thoracic Rectum (continuation of descending colon
musculature has also eA'Posed the (sawn through and removed). 8 Temporal part of spinal muscle. 53 Cervical part of spinal within pelvis). 95 Vaginal process (extension
iliopsoas muscle emerging from the fossa (origin of temporal muscle). 9 External muscle. 54 Thoracic part of semispinal muscle. of parietal abdominal peritoneum through
abdomen behind the caudalmost extent acoustic meatus (across which eardrum 55 Capital part of semispinal muscle (biven- inguinal canal containing testis). 96 Scrotum
of the internal abdominal oblique stretched in life). 10 Basihyoid bone. 11 ter). 56 Capital part of semispinal muscle (sparsely haired skin sac containing vaginal
muscle. Thyroid cartilage of larynx. 12 Lateral sacral (complexus). 57 Cervical intertransverse processes and testes). 97 Penis. 98 Prepuce
II In B the internal abdominal oblique crest (fused 2nd and 3rd sacral transverse muscles. 58 Longus capitis muscle. 59 Longus (sheath). 99 Vestibule. 100 Vulva. 101 Pos-
muscle has been removed exposing the processes). 13 Rib 1. 14 Rib 13 (last or floating colli muscle. 60 Splenius muscle. 61 Scalene ition of teats of mamm'ary glands.

4- 37


" 80
, 24-



and bodies of tail vertebrae back to six 10 Auricul~r region (pinna of external ear). (chest or back) vertebrae. 47 Spinous process of longissimus muscle. 88 Thoracic part of

or ~even. The levator ani also has a 11 Neck. 12 Crest of neck. 13 Dorsal neck of 1st thoracic vertebra. 48 Spinous process longissimus muscle. 89 Cervical part of
significant attachm,ent tol association region. 14 Interscapular region (withers). 15" of anticlinal vertebra (nO). 49 Spinous longissimus muscle. 90 Thoracic part of ilio-
with the eA1:ernal anal sphincter muscle Thoracic vertebral region (back). 16 LUll)bar process of last thoracic vertebra (T13). 50-51 costal muscle. 91 Lumbar part of iliocostal
around the anal canal effectively sealing region (loins). 17 Sacral region (croup). 18 . Lumbar (loin) vertebrae. 50 Transverse muscle. 92 Spinal and semispinal muscle.
off the pelvic cavity caudally beneath Clunial region (incJudes ischiorectal fossa). 19 process of lumbar vertebrae. 51 Spinous 93-94 Capital part of semispinal muscle. 93
the perineum. It. :1eems fairly obvious Root oftai!. 20 'Caudal region (tail). 21 process of lumbar vertebra 7. 52-54 Sacrum Complexus muscle. 94 Biventer muscle. 95
that these muscles will cooperate with Scapular region (shoulder). 22 Costal region (3 fused sacral vertebrae) and caudal ver- Multifidus components of transversospinal
tail depressors to pull the tail down (chest or thorax). 23 Lateral abdominal region tebrae. 52 Median sacral crest (fused spinous muscle. 96 Long tail levators (dorsal medial
against the anus and eA1:ernal genitalia, (flank). 24 Coxal tuberosity region (haunch). processes of sacral vertebrae). 53 Wing of sacrocaudal muscles). 97 Short tail levators
and between the hindlegs. However, 25 Gluteal region (rump). 26 Ischiorectal fossa, sacrum (enlarged 1st sacral transverse pro- (dorsal lateral sacrocaudal muscles). 98 Lateral
during defaecation these pelvic dia- (depression between root of tail and sacro- cess). 54 Lateral sacral crest (fused 2nd and tail flexors (caudal intertransverse muscles).
phragm muscles are important in tuberous ligament lateral to anus). 27 Hip 3rd sacral transverse processes). 55 Trans- 99 Cranial dorsal serrate muscle. 100 Caudal
squeezing the rectum and anal canal to joint region. 28 Ischiatic tuberosity region verse processes of caudal vertebrae. 56 dorsal serrate muscle. 101 External inter-
void the faeces. At such a time the tail is (buttock). Cranial articular process of vertebra. 57 costal muscle. 102 External abdominal oblique
raised to avoid becoming soiled, hence Caudal articular process of vertebra. 58 muscle. 103 Internal abdominal oblique
these diaphragm muscles, acting at the Bones of skull Accessory process of vertebra (on caudal muscle.
same time as tail levators, produce the 29 Zygomatic (supraorbital) process offrontal thoracic and lumbar vertebrae). 59 Mammil-
pronounced kink in the tail at about the bone. 30 External sagittal crest (in dorsal lary process of vertebra (on thoracic and Appendicular'muscles
sixth or seventh vertebra which is often midline of cranium). 31 External occipital pro- lumbar vertebrae). 60 Intervertebral foramen 104 Latissimus dorsi muscle. 105 Cleido-
apparent in the defaecating dog. tuberance (occiput:.... most dorsocaudal part 1(lateral vertebral foramen of atlas). 61 Inter- cervical part of brachiocephalic muscle. 106
Also of importance during the strain- of cranium). 32 Nuchal crest (division between vertebral foramen 2 (between atlas and axis). Cervical part of trapezius muscle. 107 Thoracic
ing accompanying voiding is the role dorsal and caudal surface of cranium). 33 62 Dorsal sacral foramina (passage of dorsal part of trapezius muscle. 108 Omotransverse
played by these, same pelvic diaphragm Zygomatic arch (bridge of bone connecting rami of sacral spinal nerves). 63 Lumbosacral muscle. 109 Thoracic part of rhomboid muscle.
muscles in stopping pelvic organs from face and cranium below eye). 34 Orbit junction. 64 Rib 1. Rib 65 13 (floating rib). 110 Cervical part of rhomboid muscle. 111
being pushed backwards. Straining re- (housing and protecting eyeball). 35 Tem- Capital part of rhomboid muscle. 112 Infra-
sults from raising pressure within the poral fossa (origin of temporal muscle). 36 Limb skeleton spinatus muscle. 113 Supraspinatus muscle.
abdomen which in tum raises pressure 'Coronoid process of mandible (insertion of 66 Dorsal (vertebral) border of scapula. 67 114 Sartorius muscle. 115 Middle gluteal
inside the pelvis (the two cavities being temporal muscle). 37 Mastoid process of tem- Cranial angle of scapula. 68 Caudal angle of muscle. 116 Superficial gluteal muscle. 117
continuous). Increased intrapelvic press- poral bone. 38 Auricular cartilage (basis of scapula. 69 Spine of scapula. 70 Crest of Deep gluteal muscle. 118 Internal obturator
ure compresses the rectum and forces pinna of external·ear). 39 Scutiform cartilage. ilium. 71 Sacral tuberosity of ilium (point of muscle. 119 Gemelli muscles. 120 Iliopsoas
faeces through the a~al canal. The 40 Nasal cartilages (surrounding nasal croup), 72 Ischiatic tuberosity (point of but- muscle. 121 Tensor muscle of lateral femoral
coccygeus and levator ani muscles help vestibule). tock). 73 Ischiatic spine. 74 Greater ischiatic fascia. 122-123 'Hamstring' mllscles. 122
to prevent the'intestine from herniating notch. 75 Lesser ischiatic notch. 76 Ischiatic Biceps femoris muscle. 123 Semitendinosus
through the pelvic wall lateral to the Vertebral column, ribs and sternum arch. 77 Sacroiliac joint. 78 Hip joint. 79 muscle.
anus into the ischiorectal fossa. 41-46 Cervical (neck) vertebrae. 41 Dorsal Greater trochanter of femur.
arch of atlas vertebra (Cll. 42 Wing of atlas Ligaments and fascia
Surface features and topographical regions vertebra (enlarged flattened transverse Axial muscles 124 Sacrotuberous ligament (uniting lateral
1 Upper eyelid (supporting cilia). 2 Foreface process). 43 Transverse foramen of atlas 80 Levator muscle of nostril wing and upper sacral crest and 1st caudal transverse process
(dorsal nasal region). ,3 Muzzle (lateral nasal vertebra (passage of vertebral artery). 44 lip. 8' Frontal muscle. 82 Interscutular with ischiatic tuberosity). 125 Thoracolumbar
region). 4 '.Stpp, 5 Forehead. 6 Temporal Spino'us 'Ofaxis vertebra (C2). 45 muscle. 83 Rostral auricular muscles. 84 fascia (dense layer of deep fascia covering
region. 7 Frontal (supraorbital) region. 8 l ransverse processes of cervical vertebrae. Caudal auricular muscles. 85 Temporal epaxial muscles of loins).
Parietal region. 9 Occipital region (occiput). 46 7th (last) cervical vertebra. 47-49 ThoraCic muscle. 86 Splenius muscle. 87 Lumbar part (After Ellenberger, Dittrich & Baum, 1956)




llL--~-52 . . 51
'+-t-+-~-74 '- 96
1L...lll",;-\---+-73 11\\11'-+_':'-'-12.0'

79 ! 97
, 98
" 124-
-- ----
" 72
dogs may be the site of hernia ofviscera Surface features and topographical regions malleolus of fibula. 53 Crural interosseous

from the pelvic cavity. 1 Sacral region (croup). 2 Root of tail. 3 space between tibia and fibula. 54 Calcaneus
Caudal region (tail). 4 Gluteal region (rump). (fibular tarsal bone). 55 Calcaneal tuberosity
The hamstring muscles (bicepsftmoris, 5 Ischiatic tuberosity region (buttock). 6 (point of hock). 56 Sustentaculum tali. 57
SURFACE FEATURES, semimembranosus and semitendinosus) Clunial region. 7 Ischiorectal fossa. 8 Anal Talus (tibial tarsal bone). 58 Central tarsal
SUPERFICIAL MUSCLES AND form the large muscle mass at the rear part of perineal region. 9 Urogenital part of bone. 59 Tarsal bone 4. 60 Tarsal bones
SKELETON OF THE DOG of the thigh, extending down from the perineal region. 10 Root of penis (diverging 1-3. 61 Metatarsal bones. 62 Proximal plantar
FROM BEHIND sacrotuberous ligament and ischiatic fibrous structures attached to ischiatic arch). sesamoid bones (pair associated with each
tuberosity. Unlike the hamstrings in 11 Femoral region (thigh). 12 Popliteal region. metatarsophalangeal joint). 63 Hip joint. 64
yourself, those ofa dog do not terminate 13 Popliteal fossa (at rear of stifle joint). 14 Stifle joint. 65 Crurotarsal joint. 66 Intertarsal
The four illustrations here of the body in well-defined tendons behind its stifle Crural region (crus, shank or lower thigh). joint. 67 Tarsometatarsal joints. 68 Sacro-
from the rear show the surface (A), the joint (your own knee jou{t where you 15 Calf. 16 Tarsal region (tarsus, hock or tuberous ligament (uniting lateral sacral crest
superficial muscles once the skin has may feel them in yourself quite easily). ankle). 17 Calcaneal region. 18 Metatarsal and 1st caudal transverse process with ischiatic
been removed (0), .the, skeleton (B) In a dog they continue down into the region. 19 Phalangeal region. 20 Metatarsal tuberosity).
and a surface view (C) on which the lower part of the leg to pass on either pad. 21 Digital pad. 22 Scrotum (scrotal
topographical subdivisions of the body side of the calf muscles (gastrocnemius region). Muscles
surface are indicated as are the major muscles) and attach onto the tibia. 69 Superficial gluteal muscle. 70-72 Tail
palpable bony features. . . Further up in the thigh they have ad- Bones, joints and ligaments muscles. 70 Long tail levators (dorsal medial
ditional attachments onto the femur, 23 Median sacral crest (fused sacral spinous sacrocaudal muscles). 71 Short tail levators
The ischiorec·tal fossae ar~ de- patella and patellar tendon, and, as we processes). 24 Sacral wing (enlarged 1st sacral (dorsal lateral sacrocaudal muscles). 72 Lat-
pressions situated on either side between have already seen, their action on the transverse process). 25 Transverse process of eral tail flexors (dorsal intertransverse caudal
the root of the tail and the rump muscles . stifle joint will be both considerable 1st caudal (tail) vertebra. 26 Sacral tuberosity muscles). 73 Coccygeus muscle (forming
roofed over by perineal fascia underly- and complex. Extra tendinous cords of ilium (point of croup). 27 Wing of ilium. pelvic diaphragm with levator ani muscle). 74
ing the skin ofthe perineum. The lateral from the hamstrings (accessory or tarsal 28 Greater ischiatic notch. 29 Ischiatic spine Internal obturator muscle. 75 Ischiourethral
wall of a fossa consists of rump muscles, tendons), and also from the gracilis of hip bone. 30 Lesser ischiatic notch. 31 muscle. 76 Bulbospongiosus muscle (con-
sacrotuberous ligament and ischiatic muscle, e~tend down the rear of the leg Ischiatic tuberosity (point of buttock). 32 tinuation of urethral muscle around urethral
tuberosity, and the internal obturator where they are closely associated with Ischiatic arch of pelvic girdle (extending trans- bulb in root of penis). 77 Ischiocavernosus
muscle on the dorsal surface of the the tendon from the calfmuscles attach- versely between ischiatic tuberosities). 33 muscle (covering cavernous body in root of
ischium: the medial wall consists of ing with it on the calcaneal tuberosity. Greater trochanter of femur. 34 Lesser tro- penis). 78-80 'Hamstring' muscles. 78 Biceps
muscles of the pelvic diaphragm (levator The compound common calcaneal chanter of femur. 35 Trochanteric fossa of femoris muscle. 79 Semimembranosus
ani and coccygeus), external anal tendon attaching to the point of the femur. 36 Rough surface of femur bounded muscle. 80 Semitendinosus muscle. 81
sphincter and retractor penis/ hock therefore contains: firstly the by medial and lateral lips. 37 Popliteal surface Gracilis muscle. 82 Lateral head of gastro-
constrictor vulvae muscles. Ventrally and Achilles' tendon, the tendon of the of femur. 38 Lateral condyle of femur. 39 cnemius muscle. 83 Achilles' tendon. 84
cranially the fossa is closed off by a gastrocnemius muscle beginning mid- Lateral epicondyle of femur. 40 Medial con- Superficial digital flexor muscle and tendons.
merging of fascia on the pelvic dia- way down the back of the leg; secondly dyle of femur. 41 Medial epicondyle of femur. 85 Deep digital flexor muscle. 86 Common
phragm and internal obturator muscles. the superficial digital flexor tendon 42 Intercondyloid fossa of femur. 43 Lateral calcaneal tendon (aggregate of structures
From this description I hope you can winding around the medial side of supracondyloid tuberosity of femur. 44 Fa- attaching to point of hock, including Achilles'
appreciate that each fossa is a deep Achilles' tendon to spread and cap the bellae (stifle sesamoids situated in tendons of tendon, superficial digital flexor tendon, and
wedge-shaped depression lateral to the point of the hock before continuing origin of gastrocnemius muscle). 45 Lateral accessory or tarsal tendon of hamstring and
anus and anal canal and to the terminal down on the underside of the paw to condyle of tibia. 46 Medial condyle of tibia. gracilis muscles). 87 Interosseous muscles (4
end of the urogenital tract in the pelvis. the digits; and thirdly the accessory 47 Popliteal notch of tibia. 48 Body (shaft) of components forming bulk of musculature
They are normally padded out with fat tendons from the hamstIings and gracilis tibia. 49 Medial malleolus of tibia. 50 Head of on plantar surface of metatarsus).
and loose connective tissue and in muscles. fibula. 51 Body (shaft) of fibula. 52 Lateral (After Ellenberger, Dittrich & Baum, 1956)

the milk-producing glandular tissue muscles of shoulder and upper arm and 12 attached to costal cartilage of rib 9 last

17 takes place over a period of a month or muscles of chest wall). 24 Belly. 25-26 sternal rib - ie. with direct sternal attachment).

two after the pups have been weaned. Cranial abdominal (epigastric) region. 25 61 Costochondral junction between bony rib
Each teat is a short, practically hair- Hypochondriac regions left and right (internal and costal cartilage. 62-64 Sternum (breast-
SURFACE FEATURES, less cone ofskin which thickens towards extent of hypochondriac region indicated by bone). 62 Manubrium of sternum (1st
SUBCUTANEOUS STRUCTURES its base where a fine covering of hair dome of diaphragm). 26 Xiphoid region, 27- sternebra elongated into base of neck). 63
AND SKELETON OF THE BITCH may be present. Opening onto the sur- 28 Middle abdominal (mesogastric) region, Sternebrae (sternal segments joined by inter-
FROM BELOW face of a teat are up to a dozen or more 27 Lateral abdominal (iliac) regions right and sternebral cartilages), 64 Xiphoid cartilage of
small holes each one terminating a teat left (flanks), 28 Umbilical region. 29 Fold of sternum (last sternebra enlarged into belly
canal. These canals are the narrowed flank. 30 Umbilicus (navel). 31-32 Caudal wall), 65 Scapula (shoulder blade). 66 Greater
The four accompanying drawings are ends of large spaces inside the gland abdominal (hypogastric) region. 31 Inguinal tubercle of humerus (point of shoulder), 67
of a bitch lying on her back. As in which receive and temporarily store the regions right and left. 32 Pubic region. 33 Ilium of hip bone. 68 Coxal tuberosity of ilium
previous drawings this sequence shows milk. Storage of a sufficient amount of Fold of groin. 34 Teats of mammary glands (point of haunch). 69 Pubis of hip bone, 70
the surface of the body (A), the skeleton milk depends to a considerable extent (cranial and caudal thoracic, cranial and caudal Pubic pecten. 71 Ischium of hip bone. 72
(B) and then subcutaneous structures on the smooth muscle sphincters sur- abdominal, inguinal). 35 Urogenital part of Ischiatic arch of pelvic girdle. 73 Ischiatic tu-
(D). An additional surface view (C) is rounding teat canals. Reflex relaxation perineal region. 36 Vulva (external genitalia, berosity (point of buttock), 74 Obturator for-
shown on which the specifically palpable of these sphincters will allow milk to pudendum). 37 Caudal region (tail). 38 amen. 75 Pelvic symphysis (combination of
bony features of the trunk are indicated flow when suckling begins. Mammary Brachial region (arm). 39 Femoral region pubic and ischiatic symphyses-fibrocartilagi-
along with the topographical subdiv- glands are richly supplied with both (thigh).· 40 Femoral triangle (bordered by nous). 76 Head of femur. 77 Jaw (temporo-
isions. Such a view is especially useful blood vessels and lymphatics, the drain- sartorius, pectineus and abdominal muscles). mandibular) joint. 78 Lumbosacral joint. 79
in attempting to visualize internal struc- age of. the latter being of particular Sacroiliac joint. 80 Shoulder joint. 81 Hip
tures in relation to surface 'landmarks'. interest since it is the pathway taken by Bones, joints and ligaments . (coxofemoral) joint.
malignant cells should they disseminate 41 Body of mandible (lower jaw). 42 Angular
The surface view shows the typical from mammary tumours "particularly in process of mandible. 43 Upper jaw (support- Muscles
complement of ten teats - two pairs of old bitches. ing teeth of upper dental arch). 44 Internal 82 Platysma muscle. 83 Sphincter muscle of
thoracic, two pairs of abdominal and an nostrils (choanae - leading into nasopharynx). neck (poorly developed scattering of trans-
inguinal pair. Teats, although not absent Surface features and topographical regions 45 Zygomatic arch (bridge of bone connecting versely arranged strands). 84 Cutaneous
in the male dog, are rudimentary and 1 Nostril region (nasal plane). 2 Oral (mouth) face and cranium below eye). 46 Tympanic muscle of trunk. 85 Cleidobrachial part of
not normally visible through the coat. region. 3 Hard palate in roof of mouth. 4 bulla (surrounding tympanic [middle earl cavity brachiocephalic muscle. 86 Superficial pec-
Teats and their underlying mammary Mental (chin) region,S Buccal region (cheek containing ear ossicles). 47-49 Hyoid appar- toral muscle. 87 Deep pectoral muscle. 88
glands develop in the young animal based on buccinator muscle), 6 Masseteric atus (supporting tongue and larynx), 47 Basi- Sartorius muscle. 89 Gracilis muscle. 90 Linea
along the milk-line, a line on either side region. 7 Mandibular region (lower jaw). 8 hyoid bone. 48 Cranial horn of hyoid, 49 alba (fibrous union of lateral abdominal
of the trunk more or less parallel to the Intermandibular region. 9 Auricular region Thyrohyoid bone (caudal horn of hyoid). 50 muscles in midventralline of abdomen),
midline extending from pectoral to (pinna of external ear). 10 Outer opening of Thyroid cartilage of larynx. 51 Wing of atlas
inguinal regions. The glands themselves external ear canal. 11 Lateral neck (jugular) (C1) vertebra (enlarged transverse process). Blood vessels and glands
appear to be highly modified sweat region. 12 Jugular groove. 13. Jugular fossa. 52 Enlarged bifid transverse process of cervi- 91 External jugular vein. 92 Mammary glands
glands of the skin! Since they provide 14 Parotid region. 15 Pharyngeal region cal vertebra 6. 53 Transverse process of lumbar (cranial and caudal thoracic, cranial and caudal
nourishment to a litter of pups they will (throat). 16 Laryngeal region. 17 Tracheal vertebra 5. 54 Wing of sacrum (enlarged 1st abdominal and inguinal).
only be prominent at certain times of region, 18 Prestemal region (breast). 19 sacral transverse process). 55 Pelvic (ventral)
a bitch's life - when she is pregnant Sternal region (brisket). 20 Median pectoral surface of sacrum. 56 Pelvic sacral foramina. Fascial layers
(also if she is undergoing a pseudo- groove. 21 Costal region (thorax, chest or rib 57 Transverse processes of caudal vertebrae. 93 Superficial fascia of thigh, 94 Superficial
pregnancy) and throughout the sub- region), 22 Cardiac region. 23 Axillary region 58 Rib 1. 59 Rib 13 (last or floating rib), 60 fascia of trunk. 95 Superficial fascia of neck. 96
sequent nursing period. Shrivelling of (including axillary fossa [armpit] between Costal arch (fused costal cartilages of ribs 10- Axillary fascia.


.:•. ;,..:.....1::..

parent. The rectus abdominis muscle the vessels shrivel and the umbilicus Femoral triangle. 35 Arm (brachial region). dominal muscle. 74 Tendon (aponeurosis) of
extends from attachments on the rib- closes at the birth of a pup. The simple transverse abdominal muscle (contribution to

cage as far forwards as the first rib, structure of the fibrous linea alba, and Bones, joints and ligaments external layer of rectus sheath). 75 Rectus
back to an attachment on the leading the fact that it is not crossed by blood 36 Auricular cartilage (basis of pinna of exter- abdominis muscle. 76 Tendinous inscriptions
edges of the pubic bones where it vessels or nerves, makes it a favour- nal ear). 37 Body of mandible (lower jaw). in rectus abdominis muscle. 77 Aponeurotic
merges with a mass of fibrous tissue, able site for surgical incision into the 38 Zygomatic arch. 39 Basihyoid bone of tendon of origin of rectus abdominis muscle.
the cranial pubic ligament. As the draw- abdomen. However, bearing in mind its hyoid apparatus. 40 Thyroid cartilage of larynx 78 Prepubic tendon. 79 Rectus sheath (from
ing indicates, it has several fibrous inter- capacity for and speed of healing, it (forming laryngeal prominence of voice box!. tendons of insertion of lateral abdominal
sections in it which suggest that it is a cannot compare with that of muscle. 41 Manubrium of sternum (1st sternebra muscles). 80 Inguinal canal (through abdomi-
compound structure made up from elongated into base of neck). 42 Xiphoid carti- nal wall muscles). 81 External inguinal ring
several smaller segments. Its functions Surface features and topographical regions lage of sternum (last sternebra enlarged into (subcutaneous exit from inguinal canal). 82
are allied to those of the lateral ab- 1 Mental region (chin). 2 Oral region (mouth). belly wall). 43 Rib 1. 44 Costal arch (fused Internal inguinal ring (abdominal entry into
dominal muscles considered elsewhere, 3 Mandibular region (lower jaw). 4 Interman- costal cartilages of ribs 10-12 [asternal ribs) inguinal canal). 83-85 Brachiocephalic muscle.
and there is a very close structural re- dibular region (between mandibular bodiesl. attached by fibrous tissue to costal cartilage 83 Cleidobrachial part of brachiocephalic
lationship between them. The lateral 5 Buccal region (cheek based on buccinator of rib 9). 45 Rib 13 (last or floating rib). 46 muscle. 84 Cleidocervical part of brachio-
muscles must pass over the surface of muscle). 6 Masseteric region. 7 Hard palate Pubic pecten (supporting a cranial pubic liga- cephalic muscle. 85 Clavicular tendon within
the rectus to reach their attachments on (in roof of mouth crossed by ridges of cornified ment).47 Ischiatic tuberosity (point of buttock). brachiocephalic muscle. 86 Superficial pec-
the fibrous tissue of the linea alba buccal mucosa). 8 Auricular region (pinna - 48 Ischiatic arch. 49 Os penis (penile bone toral muscle. 87 Deep pectoral muscle. 88
(white line) in the midline of the under- visible part of external earl. 9 Parotid region. representing ossified cavernous bodies extend- Latissimus dorsi muscle. 89 Teres major
side of the belly. The external and inter- 10 Pharyngeal region (throat). 11 Laryngeal ing through glans penis). muscle. 90 Biceps brachii muscle. 91 Retrac-
I!al oblique muscles pass over its outer region. 12 Tracheal region. 13 Lateral neck tor penis muscle (arising from caudal vertebrae
(ventral) surface, while the transverse (jugularl region. 14 Jugular fossa. 15 Pre- Muscles and fascia and external anal sphincter and travelling
muscle passes over its internal (dorsal) sternal region (breast). 16 Sternal region 50 Platysma muscle. 51 Sphincter muscle of along underside of root and body of penis to
surface (except at the caudal end of the (brisketl. 17 Median pectoral groove. 18 Axil- neck. 52 Cutaneous muscle of trunk. 53 Pre- attach in region of preputial fornix). 92 Cranial
abdomen). Each rectus muscle therefore lary region (armpit between muscles of putial muscle. 54 Mylohyoid muscle. 55 and caudal parts of sartorius muscle. 93
lies sandwiched between the sheet-like shoulder and upper arm, and muscles of chest Geniohyoid muscle. 56 Digastric muscle. 57 Gracilis muscle. 94 Pectineus muscle. 95
tendons (aponeuroses) of lateral ab- wall). 19 Chest (costal or rib region). 20 Right Masseter muscle. 58 Styloglossal muscle. 59 Semimembranosus muscle of 'hamstring'
dominal muscles which form a sheath. hypochondriac region. 21 Xiphoid region. 22 Hyoglossal muscle. 60 Sternohyoid muscle. group. 96 Adductor muscle. 97 Superficial
On contraction the rectus muscles can Right lateral abdominal region (flank). 23 Fold 61 Sternothyroid muscle. 62 Thyrohyoid fascia of thigh. 98 Superficial fascia of trunk.
move within this sheath. of flank (extending onto thigh proximal to muscle. 63 Cricothyroid muscle. 64 Sterno- 99 Superficial axillary fascia. 100 Superficial
The midventral fibrous union of the stifle joint). 24 Umbilicus (navel in umbilical cephalic muscle. 65 Scalene muscle. 66 fascia of neck. .
lateral abdominal muscles, the white region). 25 Inguinal region (fold of groin be- External intercostal muscles. 67 Internal inter-
line, extends from the xiphoid process tween thigh and abdominal wall). 26 Pubic costal muscles. 68 Linea alba (white line - Blood vessels and lymph nodes
of the sternum to the prepubic tendon region. 27 Sheath (prepuce covering glans fibrous union of left and right sides of belly 101 External jugular vein. 102 Maxillary vein.
at the pubic symphysis. The navel penis). 28 Preputial orifice (leading into pre- wall extending from sternum to pubic sym- 103 Linguofacial vein. 104 Mandibular lymph
(umbilicus) shown on the skin surface putial cavityl. 29 Penis (composed of root, physisl. 69 External abdominal oblique nodes.
by a whorl of hair and located in the body and glans extending from pelvic outlet muscle. 70 Tendon (aponeurosis) of external
umbilical region, is an area of scar tissue forwards between thighs onto underside of abdominal oblique muscle (contributing to Glands, viscera and peritoneum
which marks the remains of the point of belly wall - cut through in figs D and E). external layer of rectus sheath). 71 Internal 105 Mandibular salivary gland. 106 Parotid
entry of blood vessels from the develop- 30 Scrotum (skin sac containing testes and abdominal oblique muscle. 72 Tendon (apo- salivary gland. 107 Trachea (windpipe). 108
ing foetus to the placenta of the mother vaginal processesl. 31 Scrotal raphe (surface neurosisl of internal abdominal oblique muscle Apex of cranial lobe of right lung. 109 Vaginal
and vice versa. Obviously the scar tissue representation of internal subdivision). 32 (contributing to both internal and external process (pocket of abdominal peritoneum ex-
forms after the umbilical cord is severed, Root of tail. 33 Thigh (femoral region). 34 layers of rectus sheath). 73 Transverse ab- tending through inguinal canal into scrotum).



longissimus lumborum). 4 Thoracic part of Extrinsic muscles of forelimb carpal flexor muscle (m flexor carpi ulnaris).
longissimus muscle (m longissimus thoracis). 29-30 Trapezius muscle (m trapezius). 29 54 Deep digital flexor muscle of forelimb (m

5 Cervical part of longissimus muscle (m Thoracic part of trapezius (m trapezius pars flexor digitorum profundus).
longissimus cervicis). 6 Capital part of longis- thoracica). 30 Cervical part of trapezius (m
BIOMECHANICS OF THE simus muscle (m longissimus capitis). 7-9 trapezius pars cervicalis). 31 Omotransverse Extrinsic muscles of hindlimb
MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM Semispinal muscle. 7 Thoracic part of semi- muscle (m omotransversarius). 32-33 Rhom- 55-56 Iliopsoas muscle (m iliopsoas). 55
OF THE DOG spinal muscle (m semispinalis thoracis), 8-9 boid muscle (m rhomboideus). 32 Thoracic Psoas major muscle (m psoas major). 56
Capital part of semispinal muscle (m semi- part of rhomboid muscle (m rhomboideus Iliacus muscle (m iliacus).
spinalis capitis). 8 Biventer muscle (m biventer thoracis). 33 Cervical part of rhomboid
The body of a dog is clearly an inte- cervicisl.9 Complexus muscle (m complexus). muscle (m rhomboideus cervicis). 34-35 Intrinsic muscles of hindlimb
grated system, it cannot be subdivided 10 Taill,evator muscles (m sacrocaudalis dor- Ventral serrate muscle (m serratus ventralis). 57-59 Gluteal muscles (mm glutei). 57
into separate units independent in their salis lateralis and m sacrocaudalis dorsalis 34 Thoracic part of ventral serrate muscle (m Superficial gluteal muscle (m gluteus super-
form and function. The preceding draw- medialis). serratus ventralis thoracis). 35 Cervical part ficialis).58 Middle gluteal muscle (m gluteus
ings have therefore tried to depict the of ventral serrate muscle (m serratus ventralis medius). 59 Deep gluteal muscle (m gluteus
close functiolJal relationship that exists Subvertebral hypaxial muscles cervicis). 36-38 Brachiocephalic muscle (m profundus). 60 Gemelli muscles (mm gemelli).
between the muscular and skeletal sys- 11 Psoas minor muscle (m psoas minor). 12 brachiocephalicus). 36 Brachial part of 61 Quadratus femoris muscle (m quadratus
tems. The text accompanying the draw- Quadratus lumborum muscle (m quadraius brachiocephalic muscle (m cleidobrachialis). femoris). 62 External obturator muscle (m
ings has also tried to emphasize their lumborum).13 Longus colli muscle (m longus 37 Cervical part of brachiocephalic muscle (m obturatorius externus). 63-66 'Hamstring
integrated roles in posture and move- colli). 14 Longus capitis muscle (m longus cleidocephalicus pars cervicalis). 38 Mastoid muscles'.63 Biceps femoris muscle (m biceps
ment. Many of the muscles figured and capitis), 15 Tail depressor muscles (m sacro- part of brachiocephalic muscle (m cleido- femoris). 64 Semitendinosus muscle (m semi-
mentioned in the earlier part of the caudalis ventralis lateralis and m sacrocaudalis cephalicus pars mastoideal. 39 Latissimus tendinosus). 65 Semimembranosus muscle
book are included in the diagrams here ventralis 'medialis). dorsi muscle (m latissimus dorsi). 40-41 (m semifllembranosus). 66 Tarsal (accessory)
but in a somewhat diagrammatic and Pectoral muscles (mm pectorales). 40 Super- tendons of 'hamstring' muscles. 67-68 Quad-
stylized pattern. Each muscle is, depicted Hypaxial muscles ficial pectoral muscle (m pectoralis super- riceps femoris muscle (m quadriceps
simply by lines running along its 16 Sternohyoid muscle (m sternohyoideus). ficialis).41 Deep pectoral muscle (m pectoralis femoris). 67 Rectus femoris muscle (m rectus
'functional axis' between its origin and 17 Sternothyroid muscle (m sternothyroideus). profundus). femoris). 68 Vastus muscles (mm vasti
insertion. In such a format the action of 18 Thyrohyoid muscle (m thyrohyoideus). medialis, intermedius et lateralis). 69 Patellar
a muscle at any particular joint can be 19-20 Sternocephalic muscle (msterno- Intrinsic muscles of forelimb tendon. 70 Sartorius muscle (m sartorius). 71
quite readily visualized. cephalicus). 19 Sternooccipital component of 42 Supraspinous muscle (m supraspinatus). Pectineus muscle (m pectineus). 72 Gracilis
The extrinsic musculature of the sternocephalic muscle (m sternocephalicus 43 Infraspinous muscle (m infraspinatus). 44 muscle (m gracilis). 73 Adductor muscles (m
limbs is shown in drawings A and D: pars occipitalis). 20 Sternomastoid component Deltoid muscle (m deltoideus). 45 Teres major adductor longus and m adductor magnus). 74
the intrinsic limb musculature in draw- of sternocephalic muscle (m sternocephalicus muscle (m teres major). 46 Biceps brachii Cranial tibial muscle (m tibialis cranialis). 75
ings Band E. The epaxial components pars mastoideal. 21 Scalene muscle (m muscle (m biceps brachii). 47 Bracbial muscle Long digital extensor muscle (m extensor
of the axial 'trunk muscles are shown in scalenus). 22 External intercostal muscles (iii brachialis). 48 Triceps brachii muscle (m digitorum longus). 76 Gastrocnemius muscles
drawing C, and the hypaxial com- (mm intercostales externi). 23 External ab- 'triceps brachii). 49 Radial carpal extensor (m gastrocnemius caput mediale and m
ponents in both drawings A and C. dominal oblique muscle (m obliquus externus muscle (m extensor carpi radialis). 50 Com- gastrocnemius caput laterale). 77 Superficial
abdominis). 24 Internal abdominal oblique mon digital extensor muscle (m extensor digi- digital flexor muscle of hindlimb (m flexor
Epaxial muscles muscle (m obliquus internus abdominisl. 25 torum communis). 51 Ulnar carpal extensor digitorum superficialis). 78 Deep digital flexor
1-2 lIiocostal muscle. 1 Lumbar part of ilio- Transverse abdominal muscle (m transversus (m extensor carpi ulnaris or m ulnaris lateralis). muscle of hindlimb (m flexor digitorum pro-
costal muscle (m iliocostalis lumborum). 2 • abdominis). 26 Rectus abdominis muscle (m 52 Superficial digital flexor muscle offorelimb fundus). 79 Linea alba. 80 Sacrotuberous
Thoracic part '. of iliocostal muscle (m ilio- rectu~ abdominis). 27-28 Muscles of pelvic (m flexor digitorum superficialis). 53 Ulnar ligament.
costalis thoracis) , 3'-6 Longissimus muscle. diaphragm. 27 Coccygeal muscle (m coccy-
3 Lumbar part of longissimus muscle (m geus).28 Levator ani muscle (m levator ani).


38- ",,",,' ,



, ". pelvic roof into the rectal wall and anal 'scent' presumably had an importance thigh (based on sartorius muscle). major muscle. 79 Tendon of psoas minor
~, . canal where it blends with the external in behaviour patterns such as territorial muscle. 80 Costal retractor muscle. 81 Costal

anal sphincter muscle before continuing marking in ancestral dogs, but under Bones, joints and ligaments muscle fibres of diaphragm. 82 Tail levator
to the external genitalia. Together with domestication it seems to serve little 38 Transverse process 'of cervical vertebra 6. muscles (dorsal sacrocaudal muscles). 83 Tail
the coccygeus and levator ani mu~cles apparen.t purpose. Indeed, quite often it 39 Spinous process of thoracic vertebra 1. depressor muscles (ventral sacrocaudal
of the pelvic diaphragm,.and t~il muscu- proves to be a considerable nuisance 40 Spinous process of lumbar vertebra 1. 41 muscles). 84 Lateral tail flexor muscles (caudal
lature (sacrocaudal muscles), these anal should the drainag~ ducts of the sacs Spinous process of lumbar vertebra 6. 42 intertransverse muscles). 85-86 Pelvic dia-
diaphragm. musclescpntribute to de- become blocked permitting the sacs to Transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae. 43 phragm. 85 Coccygeus muscle. 86 Levator
faecatory movements. The tail is raised swell with accumulated secretion. This Median sacral crest (fused spinous processes ani muscle. 87-88 Anal diaphragm. 87 Exter-
by the dorsal sacrocaudal muscles, and will irritate the dog and lead to dis- of sacral vertebrae). 44 Lateral sacral crest nal anal sphincter muscle. 88 Anal part of
the position of the anus is stabilized by comfort. An afflicted dog will try to (fused 2nd and 3rd sacral transverse pro- retractor clitoridis muscle. 89 Urogenital dia-
the anal part of the retractor penis/ alleviate its discomfort by chasing its cesses). 45 Manubrium of sternum (1st phragm (constrictor muscles of vestibule and
clitoridis muscle assisted by the fibrous tailor more commonly by squatting-. and sternebra elongated into base of neck). 46 Rib vulva). 90 Symphyseal tendon (midline fibrous
union of the external anal sphincter dragging its bottom along the ground. 1(bordering thoracic inlet). 47 Rib 6 (denoting plate attached to pelvic symphysis and serving
with the underside of tail vertebrae 3 approximate caudal extent of heart in chest). for attachment of medial thigh muscles).
and 4. The rectum and anal canal are Surface features and topographical regions 48 Rib 13 (last or floating rib). 49 Costal arch
shortened by rectococcygeal contrac- 1 Dorsal neck region. 2 Lateral neck (jugular) (fused costal cartilages of ribs 10-12 attached Viscera
tion, assisted by raising of the tail which region. 3 Jugular fossa. 4 Ventral neck (tra- to costal cartilage of rib 9 last sternal rib). 91 Heart. 92 Trachea (windpipe). 93 Cranial
pulls on the rectococcygeus, and cheal) region. 5 Presternal region (breast 50 Dorsal (vertebral) border of scapula. 51 (apical) lobe of left lung. 94 Middle (cardiac)
squeezed by pelvic diaphragm muscles, based on superficial pectoral. muscles). 6 Cranial angle of scapula. 52 Caudal angle of lobe of left lung. 95 Caudal (diaphragmatic)
assisted by raising of the tail which pulls Sternal region (brisket based on deep pectoral scapula: 53 Spine of scapula. 54 Acromion lobe of left lung. 96 Oesophagus (gullet). 97
on these same muscles. The anus is muscles). 7 Scapular region (shoulder). 8 process of scapula. 55 Greater tuberosity of Stomach (predominantly on left side). 98
opened on relaxation of the anal sphinc- Costal (rib or chest) region. 9 Cardiac region. humerus (point of shoulder). 56 Olecranon Greater omentum (enlarged and modified
ter muscles. These defaecatory move- 10 Axilla (armpit between muscles of shoulder process of ulna (point of elbow). 57 Crest of dorsal mesogastrium associated with stomach
ments occur practically simultaneously and upper arm, and muscles of chest wall). ilium (cranial border of ilium). 58 Coxal tuber- but covering much of intestinal mass laterally
during normal voiding and are a~­ 11 Left hypochondriac region. 12 Xiphoid osity of ilium (point of haunch). 59 Sacral and ventrally and extensively infiltrated with
companied by widespread muscular region. 13 Left lateral abdominal region (flank). tuberosity of ilium (point of croup). 60 Ischiatic fat). 99 Descending colon (passing caudally
actions within the trunk which are as- 14 Fold oUlank (extending back from belly tuberosity (point of buttock). 61 Ischiatic spine in contact with left flank). 100 Rectum (direct
sociated with straining - raising the onto thigh proximal to stifle joint). 15 Umbilical of hip bone. 62 Greater ischiatic notch of hip continuation of colon through pelvis). 101
pressure in the abdomen and pelvis, region. 16 Belly. 17 Left inguinal region. 18 bone. 63 Lesser ischiatic notch of hip bone. Anus (surrounded by involuntary internal and
and with the adoption of the crouched, Pubic region. 19 Interscapular region (withers). 64 Pubic pecten. 65 lIiopubic eminence. 66 voluntary external anal sphincter muscles).
defaecatory posture. 20 Thoracic vertebral region (back or dorsal Obturator foramen. 67 Pelvic symphysis. 68 102 Liver (exposed slightly beyond costal arch
The anal canal has numerous lubri- region). 21 Lumbar region (loins). 22 Sacral . Acetabular fossa of hip bone. 69 Acetabular in xiphoid region). 103 Spleen (related to
cative mucous glands to assist in faecal region (croup). 23 Root of tail. 24 Caudal notch of acetabular fossa. stomach and suppo.rted in greater omentum).
passage and also has two large anal region (tail). 25 Gluteal region (rump). 26 104 Left kidney. 105 Left ureter. 106 Urinary
sacs (paranal sinuses), one on either Coxal tuberosity region (haunch). 27 Clunial Muscles bladder (receiving ureters). 107 Left ovary
side of its opening, sandwiched between region. 28 Ischiorectal fossa. 29 Ischiatic 70 Lumbar part of iliocostal muscle. 71 (anchored in sublumbar position by a suspen-
internal and external sphincters. These tuberosity region (buttock). 30 Shoulder joint Thoracic part of iliocostal muscle. 72 Lumbar sory ligament). 108 Left uterine (Fallopian)
sacs open into the anal canal laterally region. 31 Brachial region (arm). 32 Cubital part of longissimus muscle. 73 Thoracic part tube (closely related to and encircling ovary).
and contain the foul-smelling secretion region (elbow). 33 Tricipital margin of arm of longissimus muscle. 74 Cervical part of 109 Left uterine horn. 110 Body of uterus
from anal glands which is added to the (based on long head of triceps muscle). 34 longissimus muscle. 75 Thoracic spinal and (from fusion of horns). 111 Vulva (external
faeces when passed. It may be lubricative Olecranon region. 35 Hip joint region. 36 semispinal muscle. 76 Cervical intertransverse genitalia, consisting of vulvar cleft surrounded
assisting defaecation, although its Femoral region (thigh). 37 Cranial margin of muscle. 77 Longus colli muscle. 78 Psoas by labia). 112 Teats of mammary glands.


39 51 59



-----' ..... /,--- --



walls are subjected to during copulation 3rd sacral transverse processes). 7 Lumbar Heart and blood vessels Internal organs
and parturition, and allow for the expan- accessory process. 8 Rib 1. 9 Rib 3. 10 Rib 6. 44-48 Heart exposed on removal of left lung. 69 Thymus gland (shown here as the size it
11 Rib 13 (last or floating rib). 12 Costal arch

sion in diameter necessitated during 44 Left atrium of heart. 45 Auricular append- might be in a juvenile - in later life regresses
both activities. On either side the vagina (fused costal cartilages of ribs 10-12 attached age of left atrium of heart. 46 Left ventricle of considerably although always present). 70
is related to the levator ani muscles of to costal cartilage of rib 9 [last sternal or true heart. 47 Right atrium of heart. 48 Right ven- Trachea (windpipe). 71 Left principal bronchus
the pelvic diaphragm and the ureters rib]). 13 Manubrium of sternum (1st sternebra tricle of heart. 49 Interventricular groove (from tracheal bifurcation). 72 Cranial (apical)
cross its lateral surface on their way elongated into base of neck). 14 Pelvic sym- (denoting position of interventricular septum lobe of right lung. 73 Caudal (diaphragmatic)
from kidneys to bladder. physis (cut through in median plane). internally). 50 Pulmonary trunk (leading from lobe of right lung. 74 Intermediate (accessory)
The vestibule is the common pass- right ventricle and dividing into right and left lobe of right lung. 75 Oesophagus (gullet).
ageway for genital and urinary systems - Muscles pulmonary arteries). 51 Left pulmonary artery. 76-78 Stomach (predominantly on left side
a urogenital sinus. Its structure is very 15 Longus colli muscle. 16-18 Longissimus 52 Pulmonary veins (entering left atrium of of body). 76 Fundus of stomach (bulging
similar to the vagina; ie. muscular and muscle. 16 Lumbar part of longissimus muscle. heart from lungs). 53 Aortic arch (leading off dorsally). 77 Body of stomach (orientated
dilatable with a stratified, squamous 17 Thoracic part of longissimus muscle. 18 from left ventricle of heart). 54 Thoracic aorta transversely). 78 Greater curvature of stomach
epithelium. It continues back through Cervical part of longissimus muscle. 19-21 (continuing aortic arch back through thorax). (facing caudoventrally). 79 Small intestine
the pelvis to the vulva, the external Semispinal muscle. 19 Thoracic part of semi- 55 Brachiocephalic trunk (origin of blood (numerous coils of jejunum and ileum occupy-
opening at the surface of the body. The spinal muscle. 20-21 Capital parts of semi- vessels to head and right forelimb). 56 Left ing much of abdominal cavity and removed in
vulva is the only part of the tract which spinal muscle. 20 Biventer muscle. 21 common carotid artery. 57 Left subclavian B). 80 Descending colon (passing caudally
can really be considered as external Complexus muscle. 22-23 Spinal muscle. 22 artery (to left forelimb - arising directly from against left flank). 81 Rectum (continuation of
genitalia and constitutes an opening or Thoracic part of spinal muscle. 23 Cervical aortic arch). 58 Ligamentum arteriosum colon through pelvis) 82 Anus (surrounded
vulval cleft lying some way below the part of spinal muscle. 24 Multifidus muscle. (occluded ligamentous representation of a by internal and external anal sphincter
anus and bounded on either side by 25 Cervical intertransverse muscles. 26 Rib patent foetal communication between aorta muscles). 83-84 Liver (moulded on rear face
thickened lips (labia). The area of the levator muscles. 27 Costal retractor muscle. and pulmonary trunk, ductus arteriosus, which of diaphragm). 83 Left lateral lobe of liver.
body surface surrounding the vulval cleft, 28-31 Diaphragm. 28 Costal muscle fibres bypassed lungs in foetal life. Occlusion occurs 84 Left medial lobe of liver. 85 Spleen (related
the urogenital region (pudendum), is of diaphragm. 29 Central tendinous area of at birth when lungs expand at first breath). to stomach and supported in greater omen-
part ofthe perineum which also includes dia hragm. 30 Aortic hiatus of diaphragm tum). 86 Left kidney. 87 Left ureter. 88 Uri-
the anus. At the lower boundary of the (pa age of aorta from thorax into abdomen). Lymph nodes nary bladder (receiving ureters from kidneys).
cleft the lips join to form a pointed 31 0 phageal hiatus of diaphragm (passage 59 Caudal deep cervical lymph node (only 89 Urethra (continuation of neck of bladder).
projection hanging down below the level of oesophagus into stomach). 32 Sublumbar member of deep cervical nodes consistently 90 Left ovary. 91 Left uterine (Fallopian) tube
of the ischiatic arch. Labia are soft and muscles (cut surface). 33-35 Tail muscles. present). 60 Cranial mediastinal lymph node (closely related to ovary). 92 Left uterine horn.
pliable, containing fat, elastic tissue, 33 Tail levators (dorsal sacrocaudal muscles). (one of up to 6 nodes). 61 Middle tracheo- 93 Body of uterus (formed from fusion of
smooth muscle and numerous sebaceous 34 Tail depressors (ventral sacrocaudal bronchial lymph node (large node at tracheal uterine horns. 94 Position of cervix of uterus
glands. During oestrus (heat) they be- muscles). 35 Lateral tail flexors (caudal inter- bifurcation). 62 Sternal lymph node. (sphincteric neck terminating uterine body).
come enlarged and more prominent. transverse muscles). 36 Levator ani muscle 95 Vagina (continuing cervix into pelvic cavity).
They are in fact the female equivalent (major component of pelvic diaphragm). 37 Autonomic nerves 96 Vestibule (urogenital sinus, direct caudal
of the male scrotum developing from External anal sphincter muscle. 38 Recto- 63 Left vagosympathetic trunk (association of continuation of vagina, entry of urethra mark-
the same areas of the embryo. coccygeal muscle. 39 Urethral muscle. 40 cervical sympathetic trunk and vagus nerve in ing vaginovestibular junction). 97 Vulva (ex-
Anal part of retractor clitoridis muscle (coccy- neck). 64 Left vagus nerve. 65 Left recurrent ternal genitalia - consisting of vulvar cleft
Bones geoanal muscle). 41 Constrictor muscle of nerve (hooked around aortic arch prior to surrounded by labia).
1 13th (last) thoracic vertebra. 27th (last) vestibule. 42 Constrictor muscle of vulva. 43 ascent of neck on trachea). 66 Dorsal vagal
lumbar vertebra. 3 Sacrum (3 fused sacral Symphyseal tendon (midline fibrous plate trunk (joins dorsal vagal trunk of right side on Body cavities
vertebrae). 4 Lumbar transverse process. 5 attached to pelvic symphysis and providing oesophagus). 67 Ventral vagal trunk (joins 98 Thoracic cavity. 99 Abdominal cavity. 100
Wing of sacrum (enlarged 1st sacral transverse attachment for adductors and gracilis, the ventral vagal trunk of right side on oesoph- Pelvic cavity (in continuity with abdominal
process). 6 Lateral sacral crest (fused 2nd and medial thigh muscles). agus). 68 Cardiovagal nerve. cavity through pelvic inlet).



of the duct - sperm at this stage are 9 Accessory processes on caudal thoracic and Bulbospongiosus muscle (covering surface of just visible on right side). 86 Descending duo-
still in effect non-motile. lumbar vertebrae. 10 Mammillary processes pe.nile bulb). 53 Retractor penis muscle. 54 denum (passing back against right flank). 87
on thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. 11 Inter-

Beyond the point of entry of the sperm Ischiocavernosus muscle (on root of penis Pancreas. 88 Small intestine (coils of jejunum
ducts the urethra is a commom pass- vertebral foramen (for passage of spinal nerves attached to ischiatic arch). 55-57 Anal dia- and ileum in abdominal floor). 89 Greater
age for both sperm and urine, but the and vessels). 12 Supraspinous ligament. 13 phragm. 55 External anal sphincter muscle. omentum (enlarged and modified dorsal
flows obviously occur at different times. Nuchal ligament. 14 Rib 1. 15 Rib 3. 16 Rib 6. 56 Rectococcygeal muscle. 57 Anal part of mesogastrium). 90 Caecum (in centre of right
It continues through the pelvis and penis 17 Rib 13 (last or floating rib). 18 Costal arch retractor penis muscle. flank).91 Descending colon. 92 Rectum (con-
opening at the tip of the glans. As you (fused costal cartilages of ribs 10-12 [asternal tinuing colon through pelvis). 93 Anus. 94
may see from the drawing (B) the point or false ribs] associated with costal cartilage Heart and blood vessels Liver. 95 Right kidney. 96 Right ureter. 97
of entry of sperm ducts into urethra is of rib 9 [last sternal or true rib]). 19 Manubrium 58-59 Heart. 58 Right atrium of heart. 59 Urinary bladder (receiving ureters from
surrounded by the prostate gland. Of sternum (1st sternebra elongated into base Right ventricle of heart. 60 Coronary groove kidneys). 98 Prostate gland (surrounding
The ejaculate (semen) is a combination of neck). 20 Wing of ilium of hip bone. 21 of heart. 61 Caudal vena cava (returning blood pelvic urethra at pelvic inlet). 99 Urethra (con-
of sperm from the testes and fluid from Crest of ilium. 22 Coxal tuberosity of ilium from rear end of body to heart). 62 Cranial tinuation of neck of bladder). 100 Penile (ure-
the prostate emptied into the urethra (point of haunch). 23 Sacral tuberosity of ilium vena cava (returning blood from front end of thral) bulb (at root of penis). 101 Right crus of
through numerous minute openings. It (point of croup). 24 Ischium of hip bone. 25 body to heart). 63 External jugular vein. 64 penis (attached to ischiatic arch medial to is-
is somewhat difficult to suggest what Ischiatic spine. 26 Greater ischiatic notch. 27 Internal thoracic (mammary) vein. 65 Sub- chiatic tuberosity - cut through after removal
prostatic fluid actually does although it Lesser ischiatic notch. 28 Ischiatic tuberosity clavian vein (draining blood from forelimb). of hip bone). 102 Body of penis (commences
has been suggested that it provides an (point of buttock). 29 Pubis of hip bone. 30 66 Costocervical vertebral trunk. 67 Azygos at merging of penile crura). 103-104 Glans
energy source for the sperm because it Pubic pecten. 31 Obturator foramen. 32 vein. penis. 103 Bulbus glandis (expansion of
contains some simple sugars. It might Acetabular fossa of hip bone. 33 Pelvic erectile tissue at base of glans penis). 104 Pars
also alter the composition of the fluid in symphysis. Autonomic nerves longa glandis (bulk of glans penis containing
which the sperm is carried. In the epi- 68 Vagosympathetic trunk (association of os penis). 105 External urethral orifice (at free
didymis fluid becomes increasingly acid Muscles vagus nerve and cervical sympathetic trunk). end of glans penis). 106 Scrotum (containing
because sperm concentration leads to a 34 Symphyseal tendon (fibrous midline plate 69 Vagus nerve. 70 Dorsal vagal trunk. 71 testes). 107 Testis. 108 Epididymis (append-
build up of carbon dioxide produced attached to pelvic symphysis and serving for Ventral vagal trunk. 72 Recurrent nerve. 73 age of testis containing epididymal duct in
by their respiratory activity. Prostatic origin of medial thigh muscles). 35 Sub- Subclavian loop of sympathetic trunk (sub- which sperm is stored and concentrated). 109
secretion may neutralize this acidity lumbar muscles. 36 Longus colli muscle. 37- division of trunk around subclavian artery). Vaginal process of parietal peritoneum. 110
producing the required 'environment' 41 Transversospinal muscles. 37 Lumbar part 74 Cervicothoracic (stellate) sympathetic Spermatic cord (composed of testicular blood
in which sperm can develop to the full of multifidus muscle. 38 Thoracic part of ganglion (fused last cervical and first three vessels and vas deferens located within
their capacity for independent mobility. multifidus muscle. 39 Rib levator muscles. 40 thoracic sympathetic trunk ganglia). 75 Sym- vaginal process). 111 Vas deferens (conveying
A further possible function for prostatic Rotator muscles. 41 Interspinal muscles. 42- pathetic trunk. 76 Vertebral nerve (transverse sperm away from testis). 112 Sheath (pre-
fluid will be mentioned later when the 44 Diaphragm. 42 Costal muscle fibres of nerve - combined grey communicating rami puce). 113 Preputial fornix (at which sheath
mechanics ofcopulation are considered. diaphragm. 43 Central tendinous area of to cervical nerves). reflects onto glans penis). 114 Preputial cavity
diaphragm. 44 Caval foramen of diaphragm (around glans penis). 115 Preputial orifice (at
Bones, joints and ligaments (passage of caudal vena cava). 45 Tail de- Internal organs tip of penis and leading into preputial cavity).
1 Transverse process of thoracic vertebra 4. pressors (ventral sacrocaudal muscles). 46 77 Trachea (windpipe). 78-81 Right lung. 78
2 13th (last) thoracic vertebra. 3 Transverse Tail levators (dorsal sacrocaudal muscles). 47 Cranial (apical) lobe of right lung. 79 Middle Body cavities
process of lumbar vertebra 4. 47th (last) Lateral tail flexors (caudal intertransverse (cardiac) lobe of right lung. 80 Caudal (dia- 116 Thoracic cavity (separated from abdominal
lumbar vertebra. 5 Median sacral crest (fused muscles). 48 Diagrammatic representation of phragmatic) lobe of right lung. 81 Cardiac cavity by diaphragm). 117 Abdominal cavity.
sacral spinous processes). 6 Wing of sacrum position of inguinal canal. 49-50 Pelvic notch in ventral border of right lung. 82 Left 118 Pelvic cavity (in continuity with abdominal
(enlarged 1st sacral transverse process). 7 diaphragm. 49 Coccygeus muscle. 50 Levator lung (partly visible). 83 Principal bronchus of cavity through pelvic inlet).
Lateral sacral crest (fused 2nd and 3rd sacral ani muscle. 51-54 Urogenital diaphragm. 51 right side (arising from tracheal bifurcation).
transverse processes). 8 Caudal vertebra 1. Urethral muscle (around pelvic urethra). 52 84 Oesophagus (gullet). 85 Stomach (only



circular in section as is the pelvic inlet. actually terminates caudally as a series root of penis). 32 Scrotum. of pubic bones and on either side by arcuate
However, since the ilia of the pelvic of blind-ending pockets between pelvic lines on ilia - boundary indicated by dotted

girdle slope strongly down and back viscera particularly clearly illustrated in Bones, joints and ligaments line). 64 Pelvic outlet (roughly triangular
from their sacral articulations, the pubic the pelvis diagrams (figs 29C & 29F). 33 Median sacral crest. 34 1st thoracic opening bordered above by caudal vertebra 3,
brim lies ventral to the sacrocaudal The parietal peritoneum of the abdo- spinous process. 35 1st lumbar spinous below by ischiatic arch and ischiatic tuber-
boundary and the inlet is set at an men is also extended on either side process. 36 Lumbar transverse processes. 37 osities and on either side by sacrotuberous
oblique angle to the long axis of the caudally as the vaginal processes pro- Sternum (breastbone). 38 Manubrium of ligaments).
body. Since the pelvic roof is longer jecting through the inguinal canals into sternum (1st sternebra elongated into base of
than the floor the pelvic outlet although the scrotum. The cavities of the pro- neck). 39 Rib 1 (bordering thoracic inlet). 40 Surface projection of coelomic cavities
still oblique is more upright than the cesses remain in communication with Rib 3. 41 Rib 6. 42 Rib 13 (last or floating rib). 65 Surface projection of outer boundary of
inlet. However, the longitudinal axis of the peritoneal cavity in the abdomen 43 Costal arch (fused costal cartilages of ribs left pleural cavity (parietal [costal] pleura -
the pelvic canal remains more or less throughout life and represent persistent 10-12 attached to costal cartilage of rib 9). indicated by broken line). 66 Pleural pocket of
horizontal. 'flaws' in the abdominal wall always 44 Dorsal (vertebral) border of scapula. 45 left pleural cavity. 67 Costodiaphragmatic line
As you can see from D, compared presenting the potential for herniation Cranial angle of scapula. 46 Caudal angle of of pleural reflection. 68 Position of costodia-
with the abdomen the pelvic cavity is of abdominal contents. An additional scapula. 47 Spine of scapula. 48 Acromion phragmatic recess of left pleural cavity. 69
small, and considerab~y smaller than the site at which herniation is not un- process of scapula. 49 Greater tuberosity of Costomediastinalline of pleural reflection. 70
suiface contour of the pelvic region Ivould common is the umbilicus (navel). humerus (point of shoulder). 50 Olecranon Position of costomediastinal recess of left
suggest. The cavity is reduced further in process of ulna (point of elbow). 51 Crest of pleural cavity. 71 Surface projection of outer
size by the pelvic diaphragm whose Surface features and topographical regions ilium. 52 Coxal tuberosity of ilium (point of boundary of peritoneal cavity in abdomen and
muscles close off the caudolateral part 1 Scapular region (shoulder). 2 Position of haunch). 53 Sacral tuberosity of ilium (point pelvis (parietal peritoneum - indicated by
of the pelvic cavity (where the walls are shoulder joint. 3 Brachial region (arm I. 4 of croup). 54 Pubic pecten. 55 Ischiatic tuber- broken line). 72 Retroperitoneal component
lacking in musculoskeletal support) from Olecranon region. 5 Tricipital margin of arm osity (point of buttock). 56 Greater trochanter of pelvic cavity (indicated by dense stipple).
the perineum and ischiorectal fossae (based on long head of triceps muscle). 6 of femur. 57 Sacrotuberous ligament. 73 Vaginal process from peritoneal cavity in
caudally and laterally. Interscapular region (withers). 7 Thoracic ver- abdomen (projecting through inguinal canal).
tebral region (back). 8 Lumbar region (loins). Surface projections of body cavities
The outer contour of the peritoneal 9 Lateral boundary of iliocostal muscle (ven- 58 Surface projection of outer boundary of Surface projections of thoracic viscera
cavity (disposition of parietal peri- tral extent of epaxial musculature). 10 Gluteal thoracic cavity - endothoracic fascia lining 74 Surface projection of left lung at maximal
toneum) is shown in D by the broken region (rump). 11 Coxal tuberosity region thoracic cavity (unbroken line incorporating expiration. 75 Surface projection of left lung
line. Abdominal and peritoneal cavities (point of haunch). 12 Hip joint region. 13 1st rib [39], sternum [37], costal arch [43] and at maximal inspiration. 76 Position of tracheal
are coincident in surface projection but Clunial region (including ischiorectal fossa). last rib [42]). 59 Contour of diaphragm in bifurcation. 77 Heart.
in the pelvis the peritoneal cavity is 14 Root of tail. 15 Femoral region (thigh). 16 median plane of body. 60 Surface projection
considerably less in size than the pelvic Cranial margin of thigh (based on sartorius of outer boundary of abdominal cavity - trans- Surface projections of abdominal and pelvic
cavity since much of the caudal and muscle). 17 Presternal region (breast). 18 versalis fascia lining abdominal cavity (un- viscera
lateral parts of the pelvic cavity are Sternal region (brisket). 19 Costal region broken line incorporating diaphragm [59]). 61 78 Stomach. 79 Greater curvature of stomach.
'excluded' by the pelvic diaphragm. (thorax, chest or rib region). 20 Cardiac Surface projection of outer boundary of pelvic 80 Fundus of stomach. 81 Transverse colon.
Even within the restricted pelvic cavity region. 21 Axilla (armpit between muscles of cavity - pelvic fascia lining pelvic cavity (un- 82 Descending colon. 83 Rectum (continuing
the terminal parts of the digestive and arm and shoulder and muscles of chest wall). broken line continuous with outer abdominal colon through pelvic cavity). 84 Anal canal.
urogenital tracts are still not peritoneal 22 Hypochondriac region. 23 Xiphoid region. boundary at pelvic inlet). 62 Thoracic inlet 85 Liver. 86 Spleen. 87 Left kidney. 88 Left
structures but are retroperitoneal in 24 Lateral abdominal region (flank). 25 Fold (bordered by 1st ribs, thoracic vertebra 1 and ureter. 89 Urinary bladder. 90 Pelvic urethra.
position, embedded in loose connective of flank. 26 Umbilical region (belly). 27 sternal manubrium). 63 Pelvic inlet (more or 91 Prostate gland. 92 Root of penis. 93 Body
tissue. The extent of this retroperitoneal Inguinal region. 28 Pubic region. 29 Preputial less rounded opening at an oblique angle to of penis. 94-95 Glans of penis. 94 Bulbus
component is indicated by the close region (prepuce [sheath] surrounding glans long axis of body and bordered above by glandis. 95 Pars longa glandis. 96 Left testis.
stippling in D. The peritoneal cavity penis). 30 Anus. 31 Penile (urethral) bulb (in sacral promontory, below by cranial borders 97 Left vas deferens.

35 51 53
.......... 23



16 __ - 59

c E
responding to rib 5. process. 33 Lumbar transverse processes. 34 broken line). 59 Pleural pocket of right pleural

Dorsal boundary - the ventral limit Sternum (breastbone). 35 Manubrium of cavity. 60 Costodiaphragmatic line of pleural
of the epaxial muscle mass from rib 5 sternum (sternebra 1 elongated into base of reflection. 61 Position of costodiaphragmatic
caudally to intercostal space 11, corre- neck). 36 Rib 1 bordering thoracic inlet. 37 recess of right pleural cavity. 62 Costomedia-
SURFACE PROJECTIONS OF sponding to a line from the caudal angle Rib 13 (last or floating rib). 38 Costal arch stinalline of pleural reflection. 63 Position of
THORACIC, ABDOMINAL AND of the scapula to the coxal tuberosity of (fused costal cartilages of ribs 10-12 attached costomediastinal recess of right pleural cavity.
PELVIC VISCERA OF THE BITCH the pelvic bone. to costal cartilage of rib 9). 39 Dorsal (ver- 64 Surface projection of outer boundary of
FROM THE RIGHT SIDE Caudoventral boundary - an oblique tebral) border of scapula. 40 Cranial angle of peritoneal cavity in abdomen and pelvis
line from the upper end of the penulti- scapula.41 Caudal angle of scapula. 42 Spine (parietal peritoneum - broken line). 65 Retro-
mate intercostal space (at the ventral of scapula. 43 Acromion process of scapula. peritoneal component of pelvic cavity (dense
As a complement to the five preceding border of the epaxial musculature) to 44 Greater tuberosity of humerus (point of stipple).
drawings of a dog from the left side, the point of the elbow at the lower end shoulder). 45 Olecranon process of ulna (point
these five outline sketches are of a bitch of intercostal space 6, crossing the of elbow). 46 Crest of ilium. 47 Coxal tuber- Surface projections of thoracic viscera
from the right side. The significant dif- middle of rib 8. osity of ilium (point of haunch). 48 Sacral 66 Surface projection of right lung at maximal
ference in the chest is that on the right tuberosity of ilium (point of croup). 49 Pubic expiration (dense stipple). 67 Area of auscul-
(0) the ventral border of the lung is Surface features and topographical regions pecten. 50 Ischiatic tuberosity (point of but- tation of lung. 68-70 Borders of auscultatory
indented with a cardiac notch through 1 Scapular region (shoulder!. 2 Shoulder joint tock). 51 Greater trochanter of femur. area. 68 Cranial border (tricipital margin in
which the heart gains greater contact region. 3 Brachial region (arm). 4 Olecranon standing animal, from caudal angle of scapula
with the chest wall at the lower ends of region. 5 Tricipital margin of arm (based on Surface projections of body cavities to point of elbow roughly corresponding to rib
intercostal spaces 4 or 5. The cavity of long head of triceps muscle and in a normal 52 Surface projection of outer boundary of 5). 69 Dorsal border (lower border of epaxial
the heart in this area is the right ventricle. standing position approximately at the level thoracic cavity - endothoracic fascia lining musculature from rib 5 caudally to intercostal
In E the lung is again considered but of rib 5). 6 Interscapular region (withers). 7 thoracic cavity (unbroken line incorporating space 11 approximately on a line from caudal
from the point ofview of auscultation - Thoracic vertebral region (back). 8 Lumbar 1st rib [36]. sternum [341. costal arch [38] and angle of scapula to coxal tuberosity roughly
listening to the sounds emanating from region (loins). 9 Lateral boundary of iliocostal last rib [37]). 53 Contour of diaphragm in paralleling vertebral column). 70 Caudo-
a lung. You might think that lung sounds muscle (ventral extent of epaxial musculature). median plane of body. 54 Surface projection ventral (basal) border (from point of elbow at
could be heard from any point at which 10 Gluteal region (rump). 11 Coxal tuberosity of outer boundary of abdominal and pelvic lower end of intercostal space 6 to upper end
a lung is in contact with the chest wall. region (haunch). 12 Hip joint region. 13 cavities - transversalis and pelvic fascia lining of intercostal space 11 and crossing middle of
Not so, however, since for instance cau- Clunial region (including ischiorectal fossa). abdominal and pelvic cavities (unbroken line rib 8). 71 Heart. 72 Cardiac notch in ventral
dally, lung tissue in the region of the 14 Root of tail. 15 Femoral region (thigh). 16 incorporating diaphragm [53]). 55 Thoracic border of right lung.
basal border of the lung has little depth Cranial margin of thigh (based on sartorius inlet (bordered by 1st ribs, thoracic vertebra 1
where it occupies the costodiaphrag- muscle). 17 Pre-sternal region (breast). 18 and sternal manubrium). 56 Pelvic inlet (more Surface projections of abdominal and pelvic
matic recess. Dorsally also, the upper Sternal region (brisket). 19 Costal region or less rounded opening bordered above by viscera
limit of a lung is some distance in from (thorax, chest or rib region). 20 Cardiac region. sacral promontory, below by cranial borders 73 Duodenal loop. 74 Ascending duodenum.
the body surface covered by the epaxial 21 Axilla (armpit between muscles of arm and of pubic bones and on either side by arcuate 75 Duodenojejunal flexure. 76 Liver. n Right
muscles (iliocostal and longissimus). shoulder and muscles of chest wall). 22 lines on ilia). 57 Pelvic outlet (roughly tri- kidney. 78 Right ureter. 79 Urinary bladder.
Consequently there is a roughly triangu- Hypochondriac region. 23 Xiphoid region. 24 angular opening bordered above by caudal 80 Neck of bladder. 81 Urethra. 82 Right
lar minimum area of constant contact Lateral abdominal region (flank). 25 Fold of vertebra 3, below by ischiatic arch and ischiatic ovary. 83 Right uterine horn. 84 Uterine
between lung and chest wall mapped by flank.26 Umbilical region. 27 Inguinal region. tuberosities and on either side by sacro- body. 85 Position of uterine cervix. 86 Va-
three construction lines: 28 Pubic region. 29 Anus. tuberous ligaments). gina. 87 Vestibule. 88 Vulva.
Cranial boundary - the tricipital
margin of the upper arm extending more Bones, joints and ligaments Surface projections of coelomic cavities
or less vertically from point of elbow to 30 Median sacral crest. 31 1st thoracic 58 Surface projection of outer boundary of
caudal angle of scapula, roughly cor- spinous process. 32 1st lumbar spinous right pleural cavity (parietal [costal] pleura -



c 83

- - - - --~ --- .~~.I-~~~:;~'~&

~._----- ----.. ~~~ --~._----- -- - - ----- - - ----- - -
the fat that is normally present filling of tongue. 35 Body of tongue. 36 Root of temporal bone (sole representation on skull Muscles
the spaces between muscles in the tongue. 37 Circumvallate taste buds of tongue. surface of petrous temporal bone). 75 101-102 Jaw closure muscles. 101 Temporal

socket and displaces it forwards around 38 Lingual frenulum. 39 Palatoglossal fold. Temporomandibular joint (position shown by muscle. 102 Masseter muscle.
the eyeball. The movement offat pushes 40 Palatine tonsil (in tonsillar fossa). 41 Epi- broken circle in fig A). 76-78 Hyoid apparatus
on the stem of the T which moves the glottis (based on epiglottic cartilage). 42 Soft (support for tongue and larynx in floor of Glandular structures of head in surface
third eyelid across the cornea. In a palate. 43 Palatine ridges of hard palate. 44 throat). 76 Cranial horn of hyoid (in wall of projection
starved, emaciated dog, orbital fat has Sublingual papilla (opening of mandibular and pharynx - composed of tympanohyoid carti- 103 Parotid salivary gland (surrounding
often been used up so its eyeball be- sublingual salivary gland ducts). 45 Sub- lage, epihyoid, stylohyoid and ceratohyoid concha of auricular cartilage). 104 Parotid sali-
comes sunken and its third eyelid is lingual fold of mucosa (on course of salivary bones). 77 Basihyoid bone (transverse bar of vary gland duct (opening into oral vestibule
allowed to protrude permanently across gland ducts). 46 Gums (gingivae). 47 Car- bone located in musculature of tongue root through cheek opposite upper premolar 4).
its eyeball. nassial (shearing) teeth (upper premolar 4 and and linking horns of left and right sides). 78 105 Mandibular salivary gland. 106 Man-
lower molar 1). 48 Jugular groove. 49 Neck. Thyrohyoid bone (caudal horn of hyoid in wall dibular salivary gland duct (opening at rostral
Surface features 50 Throat. of laryngopharynx linking basihyoid with end of floor of oral cavity proper on sublingual
1 Nasal plane. 2 External nostril (leading into thyroid cartilage of larynx). 79-81 Laryngeal caruncle to side of lingual frenulum). 107
nasal vestibule surrounded by nasal cartilages). Bones cartilages. 79 Epiglottic cartilage. 80 Thyroid Sublingual salivary gland, monostomatic part.
3-7 Lips (surrounding mouth opening - oral 51 Facial region of skull (based on nasal cavity cartilage (most prominent with ventral border 108 Sublingual salivary gland duct (ac-
fissure). 3 Upper lip (supporting superior labial and jaws). 52 Nasal bone. 53 Nasal process forming laryngeal prominence of 'voice box'). companies duct of mandibular gland). 109
sensory hairs). 4 Lower lip. 5 Philtrum. 6 of incisive bone (bordering entry into bony 81 Cricoid cartilage. 83 Dorsal arch of atlas. Sublingual gland, polystomatic part (diffuse
Wing of nostril. 7 Commissure of lips (at angle part of nasal cavity). 54 Maxillary bone (form- 84 Lateral vertebral foramen of atlas (inter- lobules alongside mandibular duct opening
of mouth). 8 Prominence of chin (mentum - ing much of lateral surface of muzzle). 55 vertebral foramen 1for passage of 1st cervical separately in floor of mouth). 110-111 Buccal
supporting mental sensory hairs). 9 Sensory Infraorbital foramen. 56 Alveolar border of spinal nerve and vertebral artery). 85 Wing of salivary glands. 110 Ventral buccal glands
hairs of face (supraorbital, zygomatic, buccal, maxillary bone (bearing teeth of upper dental atlas. 86 Spinous process of axis. 87 Trans- (intermingled with fibres of buccinator and
intermandibular). 10 Foreface. 11 Stop. 12 arch). 57-63 Mandible (lower jaw). 57 Body verse foramina of transverse canal (passage orbicularis oris muscles in cheek). 111 Zygo-
Forehead. 13 Cheek (based on buccinator of mandible. 58 Angular process of mandible. of vertebral blood vessels). 88 Atlantooccipital matic gland (consolidation of dorsal buccal
muscle). 14 Eyeball (situated in orbit and pro- 59 Masseteric fossa of mandibular ramus joint. 89 Atlantoaxial joint. glands in base of orbit below eyeball emptying
tected by bony orbital rim - outline of eyeball (insertion of masseter muscle). 60 Coronoid into oral vestible caudal to parotid duct). 112
indicated by broken line in orbit in fig C). process of mandible (insertion of temporal Nasal and auricular cartilages Lacrimal gland (beneath supraorbital process
15-17 Eyelids (surrounding palpebral fissure). muscle). 61 Alveolar border of mandible 90-93 Nasal cartilages (surrounding vestibule of frontal bone and emptying into conjunctival
15 Upper eyelid (supporting cilia - eye- (bearing teeth of lower dental arch). 62 Man- and supporting mobile part of nose). 90 Nasal sac). 113 Nasolacrimal duct (leading from
lashes). 16 Lower eyelid. 17 Third eyelid (nic- dibular symphysis. 63 Mental foramina. 64 septum. 91 Dorsolateral nasal cartilage. 92 lacrimal ducts from lacrimal puncta at medial
titating membrane). 18 Position of lacrimal Cranial region of skull (braincase). 65 Orbit Ventrolateral nasal cartilage. 93 Accessory angle of eye - runs through wall of nasal
puncta in eyelids. 19 Lacrimal caruncle. 20 (housing and protecting eyeball). 66 Bony nasal cartilage. 94-98 Auricular cartilage cavity to empty into nasal vestibule below alar
Medial angle of eye. 21 Lateral angle of eye. orbital rim (from frontal, maxillary and zygo- (surrounding ear canal and supporting pinna fold). 114 Lateral nasal gland (located in wall
22 Iris (visible through cornea). 23 Sclera matic bones). 67 Zygomatic process of frontal of ear). 94 Scapha of auricular cartilage (outer of maxillary recess). 115 Duct of lateral nasal
(white of eye). 24 Pinna of ear (visible part of bone. 68 Zygomatic arch (bridge of bone con- leaf-like portion). 95 Antitragus of caudal gland (opening in nasal vestibule above alar
external ear). 25 Helix (scapha of auricular necting face and cranium below eye). 69 border of helix. 96 Medial crus of helix. 97 fold).
cartilage). 26 Cranial margin of helix with Orbital ligament (completing orbital rim). 70 Lateral crus of helix. 98 Concha of auricular
spine.27 Marginal cutaneous pouch of pinna. Temporal line of frontal bone (rostral diver- cartilage (basal rolled tubular portion). 99 Teeth
28 Tragi (prominent hairs at opening of ear gence of external sagittal crest). 71 External Position of external acoustic meatus (at base 11-13 Incisor teeth 1-3. C Canine tooth. P1-
canal). 29 External opening of ear canal (facing sagittal crest (in dorsal midline of cranium). of concha facing laterally across which ear- P4 Premolar teeth 1-4. M1-M3 Molar teeth
dorsally). 30 Anthelix. 31 Pretragic notch. 32 72 External occipital protuberance (occiput). drum stretched in life - shown in broken line (1-2 upper and 1-3 lower).
Intertragic notch. 33 Tragus of conchal part of 73 Nuchal crest (dividing caudal from lateral in fig C). 100 Scutiform cartilage (lying on (D after Taylor, 1955)
auricular cartilage. 34-37 Tongue. 34 Apex surface of cranium). 74 Mastoid process of temporal muscle rostral to ear).



with a forcible attempt to breathe out by palate. 8-10 Nasal conchae (turbinate bones - Nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses palate and denoting termination of oral cavity
abdominal tension is the basis of strain- supporting nasal mucous membrane). 8 46 External nostril (leading into nasal vesti- caudally). 82 Palatine rugae (transverse ridges

ing activities. Air cannot escape through Dorsal nasal concha (nasoturbinate). 9 Ventral bule). 47 Nasal vestibule (surrounded by of cornified mucosa of hard palate). 83-85
the glottis and is retained in the trachea nasal concha (maxilloturbinate). 10 Alar fold nasal cartilages). 48 Internasal septum (divid- Pharynx (pharyngeal cavity shown in surface
and lungs raising intrathoracic pressure. of ventral nasal concha. 11-12 Ethmoid bone. ing nasal cavity into left and right nasal fossae). projection in E). 83 Nasopharynx (pharynx
In turn this raises pressure in the 11 Cribriform plate of ethmoid bone (separat- 49 Nasal cavity (shown in surface projection above soft palate continuing nasopharyngeal
abdomen and pelvis necessary for evacu- ing nasal from cranial cavities). 12 Ethmoidal in A & C). 50-53 Air passages (meatuses) meatus of nasal cavity). 84 Oropharynx (phar-
ative procedures. Sudden opening of labyrinth (ethmoidal conchae - attached to through nasal cavity. 50 Dorsal nasal meatus. ynx below soft palate continuing oral cavity).
the glottis after such a pressure rise is cribriform plate and supporting olfactory 51 Middle nasal meatus. 52 Ventral nasal 85 Laryngopharynx (common pharynx - con-
also the basis of coughing. Once swal- mucous membrane). 13-17 Lower jaw (man- meatus. 53 Nasopharyngeal meatus (airway fluence of nasopharynx and oropharynx). 86
lowing has occurred the various phar- dible). 13 Body of mandible. 14 Ramus of leading back to internal nostrils). 54 Internal Palatopharyngeal arch (mucosal fold in lateral
yngeal structures return to their original mandible. 15 Angular process of mandible. nostrils (leading into nasopharynx). 55 Maxil- pharyngeal wall marking caudal boundary of
positions, the glottis opens, and breath- 16 Mandibular symphysis. 17 Alveolar border lary recess (lateral diverticulum from nasal nasopharynx - arches on either side surround
ing movements can recommence. of mandible (supporting teeth of lower dental cavity shown in surface projection in A, B & intrapharyngeal opening. 87 Middle ear (tym-
Although the trachea can be felt arch). 18 Frontal bone. 19 Zygomatic process C). 56 Nasal opening into maxillary recess. panic) cavity (contained within tympanic bulla
through the skin in the ventral midline of frontal bone. 20 Parietal bone. 21 Occipital 57 Frontal sinus (shown in surface projection and housing three auditory ossicles shown in
of the neck, it is still covered by a layer bone. 22 External occipital protuberance. 23 in A, B & C). 58 Lateral part of frontal sinus surface projection in C). 88 Pharyngotympanic
of muscles of the undersurface of the Nuchal crest. 24 Canal for transverse venous (large empty space in frontal bone). 59 Medial (auditory or Eustachian) tube (linking middle
neck (sternohyoid and sternothyroid) sinus (in occipital bone). 25 Cerebellar ten- part of frontal sinus (containing extensions ear cavity with nasopharynx) and pharyngeal
running forwards from sternum and first torium.26 Sphenoid bone in braincase floor. from ethmoidal labyrinth). opening. 89 Palatine tonsil (in tonsillar fossa).
costal cartilage to the hyoid apparatus 27 Pituitary (hypophyseal) fossa (in braincase 90 Epiglottis (based on epiglottic cartilage and
and larynx in the throat just behind and floor). 28 Cranial cavity (shown in surface Muscles projecting from pharyngeal floor marking
between the angles of the lower jaws. projection in E). 29 Foramen magnum. 30-32 60 Mylohyoid muscle. 61 Geniohyoid muscle. caudal boundary of oropharynx). 91 Aryepi-
They form a continuation of the strap Cranial horn of hyoid (situated in pharyngeal 62 Sternohyoid muscle. 63 Genioglossal glottic fold (bordering laryngeal vestibule). 92
muscles of the abdomen and thorax and wall). 30 Epihyoid bone. 31 Stylohyoid bone. muscle. 64 Intrinsic musculature of tongue. Laryngeal vestibule. 93 Laryngeal cavity. 94
in turn are continued forwards in the 32 Ceratohyoid bone. 33 Basihyoid bone. 34 65 Longus colli muscle. 66 Ventral rectus Trachea (windpipe). 95 Vocal fold (mucous
floor of the mouth beneath the tongue Caudal horn of hyoid (thyrohyoid bone). capitis muscle. 67 Dorsal rectus capitis muscle. membrane bordering glottis - opening from
by geniohyoid muscles extending from 68-69 Semispinal muscle of head. 68 Biven- laryngeal vestibule into larynx proper). 96 Ves-
hyoid to chin. These muscles associated Laryngeal and tracheal cartilages ter muscle. 69 Complexus muscle. 70 Dorsal tibular fold (false vocal fold). 97 Entry into lar-
with the hyoid arch and larynx will assist 35 Epiglottic cartilage (forming basis of epi- cricoarytenoid muscle (glottic opening muscle). yngeal ventricle. 98 Oesophagus (gullet).
in moving it backwards and forwards in glottis). 36 Thyroid cartilage. 37 Cricoid carti-
the throat during the swallowing move- lage. 38 Arytenoid cartilage. 39 Tracheal Oral cavity, pharynx and larynx Central nervous system
ments which have been outlined above. cartilage (one of approximately 35 ring-shaped 71 Oral fissure (mouth opening between lips). 99 Cerebral hemisphere of forebrain. 100 Ol-
cartilages, incomplete dorsally). 72 Oral cavity (in surface projection in E). 73 factory lobe of forebrain. 101 Corpus callosum
Bones of skull Oral vestibule (between lips and cheeks and (connecting cerebral hemispheres - cut in
1 Nasal cartilage (surrounding nasal vesti- Vertebral bones dental arches and gums). 74 Oral cavity proper. median plane). 102 Fornix (fibre tract associ-
bule).2 Bony nasal aperture (leading into bony 40 Dorsal arch of atlas vertebra (Cl). 41 75-78 Tongue. 75 Apex of tongue. 76 Body ated with hippocampus). 103 Intermediate
part of nasal cavity). 3 Nasal bone. 4 Infra- Ventral arch of atlas. 42 Spinous process of of tongue. 77 Root of tongue. 78 Lyssa (rod- mass of thalamus (cut in median plane). 104
orbital foramen (passage of infraorbital vessels axis vertebra (C2). 43 Vertebral body of axis. like body in free end of tongue). 79 Soft palate Optic chiasma (confluence of right and left optic
and nerves). 5 Zygomatic arch (bar of bone 44 Odontoid process (dens) of axis (projecting (attached to caudal border of hard palate). nerves). 105 Pituitary body (hypophysis). 106
linking cranium and face below eye). 6 Alveolar forwards into vertebral canal of atlas). 45 80 Palatine veil (soft palate beyond pterygoid Pineal body. 107 Midbrain. 108 Cerebellum of
border of maxillary bone (upper jaw - sup- Vertebral (spinal) canal (for housing spinal hamuli). 81 Position of palatoglossal' fold of hindbrain. 109 Pons (cut in median plane). 110
porting teeth of upper dental arch). 7 Hard cord - shown in surface projection in E). mucous membrane (between tongue and soft Medulla oblongata. 111 Spinal cord.


of its wall is thrown into numerous of groin. 16 Urogenital (pudendal) region sides and attaching to pelvic symphysis). 51 larged and modified dorsal mesogastrium
longitudinal folds. The lumen is opened (vulva). 17 Root of tail. 18 Brachial region Semitendinosus muscle of hamstring group. extensively infiltrated with fat). 90 Liver
up either by urine or the ejaculate being (arm). 19 Femoral region (thigh). 20 Femoral 52 Quadratus femoris muscle. 53 External (moulded on rear surface of diaphragm). 91

moved along it by muscle activity. In triangle. 21 Teats of mammary glands. obturator muscle. Pancreas. 92-97 Small intestine. 92-95
urination movement is predominandy Duodenum (U-shaped loop in abdominal roof).
due to bladder contraction, but in ejacu- Bones, joints and ligaments Heart and blood vessels 92 Cranial duodenal flexure. 93 Descending
lation sperm is moved along by the 22 Rib 1. 23 Rib 13 (last or floating rib). 24 54-57 Heart. 54 Right ventricle. 55 Left ven- duodenum (against upper part of right flank).
surrounding urethral muscle, assisted by Costal arch (fused costal cartilages of ribs 10- tricle.56 Auricular appendage of right atrium. 94 Ascending duodenum. 95 Duodenojejunal
rhythmic contraction in the bulbospon- 12 attached to costal cartilage of rib 9 [last 57 Auricular appendage of left atrium. 58 flexure. 96 Coils of small intestine. 97 Jejunum
giosus muscle around the penile bulb. sternal rib]). 25 Sternum (formed from fusion Aorta (leading from left ventricle). 59 Thoracic (cut through just beyond duodenojejunal
of eight sternebrae - intersternebral cartilages aorta. 60 Abdominal aorta. 61 Renal artery to flexure). 98 Ileum (cut through just before
The large prostate gland completely becoming infiltrated with bone). 26 Ma- kidney. 62 Left external iliac artery (to hind- ileocolic junction). 99 Caecum (blind-ending
surrounds the pelvic urethra and neck nubrium of sternum (first sternebra projecting limb). 63 Brachiocephalic artery (origin of corkscrew-shaped projection from the colon
of the bladder at the pelvic inlet, but forwards into base of neck). 27 Xiphoid pro- blood vessels to head, neck and right fore- on right side at ileocolic junction). 100-102
obviously the degree of bladder dis- cess of sternum (last sternebra extending back limb). 64 Left common carotid artery (to head). Large intestine (colon - a sigmoid shaped
tension will effect its position somewhat. into belly wall). 28 Pubic brim (pubic pectens 65 Right subclavian artery. 66 Left subclavian structure in 3 parts). 100 Ascending colon
A full bladder drags the prostate gland of left and right sides). 29 Ischiatic tuberosity artery. 67 Cranial vena cava (returning blood (against right flank). 101 Transverse colon.
forwards into the abdomen; an empty (point of buttock). 30 Ischiatic arch. 31 Pelvic from front end of body). 68 Right brachio- 102 Descending colon (passing back against
bladder allows the prostate to lie just symphysis. 32 Hip joint. 33 Obturator cephalic vein. 69 External jugular vein. 70 Left upper part of left flank). 103 Jejunal lymph
inside the pelvic cavity. The sperm ducts foramen. subclavian vein. 71 Caudal vena cava (return- nodes. 104 Right kidney. 105 Left kidney
pass through the prostate on their way ing blood from hind end of body). 72 Renal (further caudally in abdomen than right). 106
into the pelvic urethra. Because of its Muscles vein. 73 Pulmonary trunk. 74 Left pulmonary Left ureter (leaving hilus of left kidney). 107
position and relationships to urethra, 34 Internal intercostal muscles (beneath par- artery. Urinary bladder (receiving ureters from kid-
bladder, sperm ducts and rectum ietal pleura). 35-40 Diaphragm (musculo- neys and temporarily storing urine). 108 Neck
(clearly shown in fig 29C), I'm sure you tendinous partition between thorax and Internal organs of bladder. 109 Urethra (continuation into
can appreciate how enlargement of the abdomen). 35 Costal muscle fibres of dia- 75 Trachea (windpipe). 76 Tracheal bifur- pelvis of neck of bladder). 110 Right ovary.
prostate gland in an old dog (not an phragm.36 Crura of diaphragm (arising from cation (division into left and right principal 111 Right uterine horn. 112 Uterine body
uncommon happening) may interfere lumbar vertebrae). 37 Central tendinous area bronchi). 77 Cranial (apical) lobe of left lung. (from fusion of uterine horns in midline).
with both urination and particularly of diaphragm. 38-40 Diaphragmatic hiatuses 78 Middle (cardiac) lobe of left lung. 79 Caudal 113 Position of uterine cervix. 114 Vagina
defaecation. (openings for passage of structures between (diaphragmatic) lobe of left lung. 80 Thymus (continuing uterine cervix into pelvis). 115
thorax and abdomen). 38 Caval foramen of gland (at its largest in young dog and atrophy- Vestibule (urogenital sinus, direct caudal con-
Surface features and topographical regions diaphragm (passage of caudal vena cava). 39 ing with age although never disappearing tinuation of vagina, entry of urethra mark-
1 Tracheal region. 2 Presternal region (breast). Oesophageal hiatus of diaphragm (passage of completely). 81 Oesophagus (gullet). 82-87 ing vaginovestibular junction). 116 Vulva
3 Sternal region (brisket). 4 Costal (rib) oesophagus). 40 Aortic hiatus of diaphragm Stomach (more or less transversely orientated (external genitalia of vulvar cleft surrounded
region. 5 Cardiac region. 6 Axillary region (passage of aorta). 41 Costal retractor muscle. with bulk on left side). 82 Cardia of stomach by labia). 117 Left adrenal gland.
(armpit). 7-8 Cranial abdominal (epigastric) 42 Quadratus lumborum muscle. 43 Psoas (entry from oesophagus). 83 Fundus of
region. 7 Right hypochondriac region. 8 minor muscle. 44-45 Iliopsoas muscle. 44 stomach. 84 Body of stomach. 85 Pylorus of Body Cavities
Xiphoid region. 9-10 Middle abdominal Psoas major part of iliopsoas muscle. 45 Iliacus stomach (exit into duodenum). 86 Greater 118 Thoracic cavity. 119 Abdominal cavity
(hypogastric) region. 9 Right lateral abdominal part of iliopsoas muscle. 46 Cranial and caudal curvature of stomach (transversely positioned (containing abdominal part of peritoneal cav-
(iliac) region (flank). 10 Umbilical region. 11 parts of sartorius muscle. 47 Pectineus with greater omentum attached to it). 87 Lesser ity). 120 Pelvic cavity (containing pelvic part
Fold of flank. 12 Umbilicus (navel). 13-14 muscle. 48 Adductor muscles. 49 Gracilis curvature of stomach. 88 Spleen (associated of peritoneal cavity opened by removal of
Caudal abdominal (hypogastric) region. 13 muscle. 50 Symphyseal tendon (uniting ad- with greater curvature of stomach and costal midventral sections of pubic and ischiatic
Right inguinal region. 14 Pubic region. 15 Fold ductor and gracilis muscles of left and right arch of left side). 89 Greater omentum (en- bones).

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B c D E
mediastinum is a potentially fragile region. 9 Right hypochondriac region. 10 tuberosities and on either side by sacro-

28 structure which might rupture. Further Xiphoid region. 11-12 Middle abdominal tuberous ligaments).

dorsally in the chest, however, the (mesogastric) region. 11 Right lateral abdomi-
mediastinum is a substantial partition nal (iliac) region (fla'lk). 12 Umbilical region. Surface projections of coelomic cavities
SURFACE PROJECTIONS OF containing the heart, great vessels, tra- 13 Umbilicus (navel). 14 Fold of flank. 15-16 37 Surface projection of outer boundaries of
THORACIC, ABDOMINAL AND chea and oesophagus and occupying up Caudal abdominal (hypogastric) region. 15 left and right pleural cavities - parietal pleura
PELVIC VISCERA OF THE BITCH to one third of the volume inside the Right inguinal region. 16 Pubic region. 17 Fold (broken line). 38 Costal pleura. 39 Dia-
FROM BELOW thoracic cavity. In D the heart is shown of groin. 18 Urogenital (pudendal) region. 19 phragmatic pleura. 40 Mediastinal pleura. 41
in position in the cardiac mediastinum Brachial region (arm). 20 Femoral region Costodiaphragmatic line of pleural reflection.
and you can see how the pleural cavities (thigh). 21 Femoral triangle. 42 Pleural pocket of left pleural cavity. 43
The selection of sketches on this page here will be much restricted in size. Costomediastinal line of pleural reflection.
are outline drawings of the body surface Consideration of the thorax is com- Bones 44-45 Mediastinum. 44 Ventral mediastinum.
on which have been superimposed the pleted in C on which approximate pos- 22 Rib 1 (at thoracic inlet). 23 Rib 13 (last or 45 Cardiac mediastinum. 46 Surface projec-
outline of various internal structures to itions of the lungs and heart are shown. floating rib). 24 Costal arch (fused costal carti- tion of outer boundary of peritoneal cavity in
indicate the position they might occupy Surface projections of the lungs and lages of ribs 10-12 attached to costal cartilage abdomen and pelvis - parietal peritoneum
in relation to the surface. This pro- heart again indicate that the lungs are of rib 9 [last sternal rib]). 25 Manubrium of (broken line). 47 Retroperitoneal component
cedure has already been used from left smaller than would be expected. The sternum (first sternebra projecting forwards of pelvic cavity. 48-49 Areas available in
and right lateral views (figs 23 & 24). long axis of the heart is at an angle to into base of neck). 26 Xiphoid process of ster- pleural cavities for lung expansion. 48 Costo-
As a starting point A shows the body the long axis of the body with up to two num (last sternebra extending back into belly diaphragmatic recess. 49 Costomediastinal
surface on which are indicated the pal- thirds of the heart being to the left of wall). 27 Pubic brim (formed from pubic pec- recess.
pable bony points of reference and topo- the median plane. tens of left and right sides). 28 Ischiatic tuber-
graphical subdivisions of the trunk. The In E the outer boundary of the ab- osity (point of buttock). 29 Ischiatic arch. 30 Surface projections of thoracic viscera
thorax drawings (B, C & D) show in- dominal and pelvic cavities is shown in Greater tubercle of humerus (point of 50 Surface projection of lungs at maximal
itially a projection of the bony limits of the solid line with the outer limit of the shoulder). expiration. 51 Surface projection of heart. 52
the thoracic cavity (solid line). How- peritoneal cavity contained within in a Apex of heart.
ever, the more restricted internallongi- broken line. The retroperitoneal part of Surface projections of body cavities
tudinal eJl.1ent of the cavity is again the pelvis shown by the heavy stippling 31 Surface projection of outer boundary of Surface projections of abdominal and pelvic
indicated by a line showing the most is again clearly apparent, the peritoneal thoracic cavity - endothoracic fascia lining viscera
cranial extent of the dome of the dia- cavity not extending very far back thoracic cavity (unbroken line including 1st rib 53 Fundus of stomach. 54 Greater curvature
phragm. The outer limits of left and through the pelvic inlet so that pelvic [22], costal arch [24] and last rib [23)). 32 of stomach. 55 Body of stomach. 56 Pylorus
right pleural cavities are shown by the viscera are in the main retroperitoneal Contour of diaphragm at its most cranial extent. of stomach. 57 Cranial duodenal flexure. 58
broken lines. From B it might be as- in position. 33 Surface projection of outer boundary of Descending duodenum. 59 Duodenal loop.
sumed that the pleural cavities come In drawings F and G the approximate abdominal and pelvic cavities (unbroken line 60 Ascending duodenum. 61 Duodenojejunal
close together in the midline of the positions in surface projection of the including diaphragm [32]). 34 Thoracic inlet flexure. 62 Ileocolic junction. 63 Caecum. 64
thorax where they are separated by the principal abdominal and pelvic organs (bordered by 1st ribs, thoracic vertebra 1 and Ascending colon. 65 Transverse colon. 66
narrow connective tissue partition the are shown. sternal manubrium). 35 Pelvic inlet (more or Descending colon. 67 Rectum. 68 Liver. 69
mediastinum. This is in fact the situ- less rounded opening at an oblique angle to Spleen. 70 Left kidney. 71 Right kidney. 72
ation in the ventral thorax internal to Surface features and topographical regions long axis of body and bordered above by Left ureter. 73 Urinary bladder. 74 Urethra.
the sternum where right and left pleural 1 Tracheal region. 2 Lateral neck (jugular) sacral promontory, below by cranial borders 75 Left ovary. 76 Right uterine horn. 77
cavities are only separated by a medias- region. 3 Jugular fossa. 4 Presternal (breast) of pubic bones and on either side by arcuate Uterine body. 78 Uterine cervix. 79 Vagina.
tinum composed of a thin sheet of endo- region. 5 Sternal region (brisket). 6 Costal lines on ilia). 36 Pelvic outlet (roughly tri- 80 Vestibule. 81 Vulva.
thoracic fascia supporting the pleura. (rib) region. 7 Cardiac region. 8 Axillary region angular opening bordered above by caudal
Because of its thinness the ventral (armpit). 9-10 Cranial abdominal (epigastric) vertebra 3, below by ischiatic arch and ischiatic


c D





G 97
before the tie fully forms. It would seem 26 Biceps femoris muscle. 27 Semitendinosus through inguinal canal). 56 Spermatic fascia 77 Os penis (ossification of both cavernous
that the formation of a tie is not necess- muscle. 28 Semimembranosus muscle. 29 (enveloping vaginal process - continuation of bodies in glans penis). 78 Spongy body

arily an essential component of success- Tail depressors (ventral_sacrocaudal muscles). transverse fascia through inguinal canal). 57- of penis (erectile tissue surrounding penile
ful copulation. Nevertheless a tie seems 30 Lateral tail flexors (caudal intertransverse 59 Vaginal tunic (extension of parietal perito- urethra - continuation of urethral spongy
to be a normal component of copulation muscles).31 Tail levators (dorsal sacrocaudal neum enclosing cavity of vaginal process). tissue around pelvic urethra). 79 Urethral
and may last for some considerable time, muscles). 32 Internal obturator muscle. 57 Proper (visceral) vaginal tunic (broken line - (penile) bulb (expansion of spongy erectile
up to 30 minutes, during which the dog 33-34 Pelvic diaphragm. 33 Coccygeus covering testis and epididymis). 58 Common tissue in penile root between diverging penile
may continue to ejaculate. It has been muscle. 34 Levator ani muscle. 35-36 Anal (parietal) vaginal tunic (broken line - lining crura). 80-81 Glans penis (expansion from
suggested that the ejaculate which is diaphragm. 35 Rectococcygeus muscle. 36 scrotal cavity). 59 Cavity of vaginal process. spongy erectile body along length of os penis).
passed during the tie consists mainly of External anal sphincter muscle. 37-41 Uro- 60 Vaginal ring (brim of parietal peritoneum 80 Bulb of the glans (expansion of spongy
prostatic gland secretion and this aids genital diaphragm. 37 Bulbospongiosus surrounding entry into vaginal sac at internal erectile body at base of glans). 81 Long part
in flushing the sperm loaded initial muscle (modified urethral muscle around opening of inguinal canal). of the glans (elongated expansion of spongy
ejaculate further into the bitch. penile bulb). 38 Constrictor muscle of vesti- erectile body). 82-83 Prepuce (sheath - en-
bule (female equivalent of urethral and bulbo- Internal organs closing glans). 82 Parietal (middle) layer of
Surface features and topographical regions spongiosus). 39 Constrictor muscle of vulva 61 Rectum (continuation of descending colon sheath. 83 Visceral (inner) layer of sheath
1 Caudal region (tail). 2 Gluteal region (labial muscle as for vestibular constrictor). through pelvis). 62 Left ureter. 63 Urinary (sensory covering of glans penis continuous
(rump). 3 Femoral region (thigh). 4 Ischiatic 40 Retractor penis muscle (anal part extends bladder (receiving ureters from kidneys and with urethral epithelium at external urethral
tuberosity region. 5-8 Perineal region. 5 from caudal vertebrae and inserts into rectum temporarily storing urine). 64 Urethra (con- opening). 84 Preputial fornix (reflection of
Anal region. 6 Urogenital region. 7 Pudendal and external anal sphincter before passing tinuation of bladder neck). 65 Pelvic urethra middle layer of sheath onto glans surface as
region. 8 Scrotal region (scrotum containing along underside of penis to preputial fornix). of dog (urogenital sinus - equivalent to vesti- inner layer). 85 Preputial cavity (only present
testes). 9 Scrotal raphe (surface representation 41 Anal part of retractor penislclitoridis bule of bitch). 66 Penile urethra of dog (with- in non-erect state of penis, during erection
of internal scrotal division). 10 Ischiorectal muscle. 42 Ischiocavernosus muscle (originat- out counterpart in bitch - extends from pelvic sheath is rolled back along penile body). 86
fossa (c1unial region). 11 Anus. 12 Circumanal ing from ischiatic arch covering cavernous outlet to free end of penis). 67 External urethral Preputial opening (leading into preputial
skin. 13 Urethral (penile) bulb (expansion of body in penile root). 43 Ischiourethral muscle. opening (in floor of vestibule in bitch at cavity). 87 Left ovary (suspended by mesentery
spongy body in penile root between diverging 44 Sacrotuberous ligament (joining ischiatic vaginovestibular junction and at free end of from left flank). 88 Ovarian bursa (enclosed
crura). 14 Vulvar cleft. 15 Labia (vulval lips). tuberosity with sacrum and caudal vertebra penis in dog). 68 Testis (spermatozoa pro- by mesentery supporting ovary and uterine
16 Inguinal mammary gland. 1). duced continuously). 69-71 Epididymis (tes- tube and into which ova are shed from ovary).
ticular appendage containing long coiled 89 Left uterine (Fallopian) tube encircling
Bones Body cavities and peritoneum epididymal duct). 69 Head of epididymis ovary. 90 Infundibulum of uterine tube (in-
17 Lumbar vertebra 3. 18 Wing of sacrum. 45-46 Peritoneum (fluid secreting layer lining (receiving sperm f.rom testis). 70 Body of epi- flated, flared opening leading off from ovarian
19 Lateral sacral crest. 20 Ischiatic tuberosity abdominal and pelvic cavities). 45 Parietal didymis (storing and concentrating sperm). bursa).91 Left uterine horn (long and narrow).
of hip bone (point of buttock). 21 Ischiatic peritoneum (lining walls of abdominal and 71 Tail of epididymis (giving origin to vas 92 Uterine body (short from fusion of left and
arch of pelvic girdle (origin for ischiocaver- pelvic cavities, enclosing peritoneal cavity). deferens). 72 Spermatic cord (aggregate of right horns). 93 Uterine cervix (neck, ter-
nosus and ischiourethral muscles and fibrous 46 Visceral peritoneum (covering abdominal blood vessels and nerves to testis and vas minating body). 94 Cervical canal (constricted
cavernous bodies of penis). 22 Pelvic sym- and pelvic viscera). 47 Abdominal part of deferens). 73 Spermatic (testicular) artery vein passage through cervix). 95 Round ligament
physis (cut through in median plane). peritoneal cavity. 48 Pelvic part of peritoneal and nerve (passing tolfrom vessels in ab- of uterus (assisting in anchorage of uterine
cavity. 49-52 Pelvic peritoneal excavations. dominal roof). 74 Vas deferens (conveying horn). 96 Vagina (continuing cervix into pelvis).
Muscles 49 Pubovesical pouch. 50 Vesicogenital sperm to pelvic urethra). 75 Prostate gland 97 Vestibule (direct continuation of vagina,
23 Symphyseal tendon (fibrous plate in pouch. 51 Rectogenital pouch. 52 Pararectal (accessory sex gland surrounding pelvic urethral entry marks vaginovestibular bound-
median plane attached to pelvic symphysis fossa. 53 Retroperitoneal part of pelvic cavity urethra at entry of vasa deferentia in pelvic ary). 98 Clitoris (female equivalent of male
providing attachment for medial thigh (perineum). 54 Transverse fascia (lining ab- inlet). 76 Cavernous body of penis (pair of penis lying in vulval floor).
muscles). 24 Superficial gluteal muscle. 25 dominal wall limiting abdominal cavity). 55 fibrous erectile bodies extending through penis (C & FAfter Evans & Christensen, 19791.
Gracilis muscle. 26-28 Hamstring muscles. Vaginal process (extension of peritoneal cavity from attachments bilaterally on ischiatic arch).


The forelimbs receive blood from left) to the heart from the aorta close to arch and with terminal mental branches). 13 Arterial supply to abdomen, pelvis and

the subclavian arteries (right from the its origin from the left ventricle. External ophthalmic artery. 14 Rostral and hindlimbs
brachiocephalic trunk: left as the second The abdomen receives blood to its caudal deep temporal arteries. 15 Infraorbital 55 Thoracic aorta. 56 Dorsal costoabdominal
branch from the aortic arch), each con- walls dorsally through phrenicoab- artery (supplying upper dental arch and with artery. 57 Abdominal aorta. 58 Phrenico-
tinuing across the axilla as the axillary dominal arteries (right and left), terminal dorsal and lateral nasa! arteries). 16 abdominal artery. 59 Lumbar arteries. 60
artery and into the arm as the brachial a series of lumbar arteries (right Internal carotid artery. 17 Carotid sinus. 18 Deep circumflex iliac artery. 61 Median sacral
artery. In the forearm it is continued as and left) and deep circumflex iliac Left subclavian artery. 19 Vertebral artery. 20 artery. 62 Median caudal artery. 63 Caudal
the median artery and into the palmar arteries (right and left) all arising from Spinal arteries. 21 Anastomotic branch be- arteries. 64 Coeliac artery with gastric, hepatic,
surface of the paw where it is distributed the abdominal aorta: ventrally from tween vertebral and occipital arteries. 22 pancreaticoduodenal and splenic branches.
as the palmar common digital ar- epigastric arteries (right and left) aris- Costocervical artery. 23 Dorsal scapular artery. 65 Cranial mesenteric artery with caudal
teries and finally palmar proper digi- ing cranially from internal thoracic 24 Deep cervical artery. 25 Thoracic vertebral pancreaticoduodenal, ileocolic and numerous
tal arteries. Forelimb distribution is in arteries and caudally from external iliac artery. 26 Dorsal intercostal arteries. 27 intestinal branches. 66 Caudal mesenteric
a number of branches arising from this arteries via deep femoral arteries Dorsal branches to epaxial muscles. 28 Internal artery with left colic artery and cranial rectal
main trunk en route through the limb. (right and left). The lumbar arteries thoracic (mammary) artery. 29 Pericardia- branches. 67 Left renal artery. 68 Left gon-
The hindlimbs receive blood from also supply the spinal cord. Blood to cophrenic artery. 30 Ventral intercostal ar- adial (testicular/ovarian) artery. 69 Left inter-
the external iliac arteries (right and abdominal viscera is from three un- teries.31 Musculophrenic artery. 32 Cranial nal iliac artery. 70 Caudal gluteal artery. 71
left) from the abdominal aorta. An ex- paired branches from the abdominal epigastric artery with superficial and deep Iliolumbar artery. 72 Cranial gluteal artery. 73
ternal iliac leaves the abdominal cavity aorta - coeliac artery, cranial mesen- branches. 33 Superficial cervical artery with Lateral caudal artery. 74 Internal pudendal
to continue in the thigh as the femoral teric artery and caudal mesenteric deltoid and ascending branches. 34 Axillary artery with urogenital and penile branches.
artery. Behind the stifle joint it is con- artery, and from paired aortic branches artery (direct continuation of subclavian artery). 75 Left external iliac artery. 76 Deep femoral
tinued as the popliteal artery, in the - renal arteries (right and left) and 35 Subscapular artery (cut through after artery. 77 Pudendoepigastric artery. 78
shank as the cranial tibial artery and gonadial arteries (right and left). scapular removal consequently circumflex Caudal epigastric artery with deep and super-
into the dorsum of the paw as the dorsal The pelvis receives blood from the scapular and thoracodorsal branches to chest ficial branches. 79 External pudendal artery
pedal artery. It penetrates through to internal iliac arteries (right and left) wall removed). 36 Caudal circumflex humeral with medial circumflex femoral and obturator
the plantar surface of the paw as the arising from the abdominal aorta caudal artery. 37 Cranial 'circumflex humeral artery. branches. 80 Femoral artery (direct continu-
perforating metatarsal artery and is to the external iliacs. An internal iliac 38 Brachial artery (direct continuation of axil- ation of external iliac artery). 81 Lateral cir-
distributed to the digits as the plantar gives rise to a caudal gluteal artery lary artery). 39 Deep brachial artery. 40 Col- cumflex femoral artery. 82 Proximal, middle
metatarsal arteries and finally as the supplying the pelvic wall and rump and lateral ulnar artery. 41 Superficial brachial and distal caudal femoral arteries. 83 De-
plantar proper digital arteries. Hind- terminating in the tail and thigh, and an artery. 42 Cranial superficial antebrachial scending genicular artery. 84 Saphenous
limb distribution is in a number of internal pudendal artery supplying artery (medial and· lateral branches). 43 artery.85 Cranial branch of saphenous artery.
branches from the main trunk en route the pelvic viscera and external genitalia. Common interosseous artery with ulnar and 86 Caudal branch of saphenous artery. 87
through the limb. recurrent ulnar branches into forearm. 44 Popliteal artery. 88 Cranial tibial artery. 89
The thorax receives blood to its walls Arterial supply to head, neck, forelimb Caudal interosseous artery (main continuation Superficial branch of cranial tibial artery. 90
primarily through intercostal arteries and thorax of common interosseous). 45 Caudal interos- Dorsal pedal artery. 91 Caudal tibial artery.
(right and left): dorsal intercostals from 1 Aortic arch. 2 Brachiocephalic trunk. 3 Left seous artery, dorsal branch. 46 Median artery 92 Perforating metatarsal artery. 93 Dorsal
the- thoracic aorta and ventral intercos- common carotid artery. 4 Cranial thyroid and (direct continuation of brachial artery). 47 common digital arteries. 94 Dorsal metatarsal
tals from the subclavian via the internal cranial laryngeal arteries. 5 External carotid Radial artery with dorsal and palmar carpal arteries. 95 Lateral plantar artery. 96 Medial
thoracic arteries (right and left). The artery. 6 Occipital artery. 7 Lingual artery. 8 branches. 48 Dorsal common digital arteries. plantar artery. 97 Deep plantar arterial arch.
dorsal intercostals also supply the spinal Facial artery with sublingual and dorsal 49 Dorsal metacarpal arteries. 50 Dorsal 98 Plantar metatarsal arteries. 99 Plantar
cord. Blood to thoracic viscera is in the (superior) and ventral (inferior) labial branches. proper digital arteries. 51 Superficial palmar proper digital arteries. 100 Pulmonary trunk.
bronchoesophageal arteries from the 9 Caudal auricular artery. 10 Superficial tem- arterial arch. 52 Palmar common digital ar- 101 Left pulmonary artery. 102 Left ventricle
thoracic aorta to the lungs and bronchi, poral artery. 11 Maxillary artery. 12 Man- teries. 53 Palmar metacarpal' arteries. 54 of heart. 103 Left atrium of heart. 104
and in the coronary arteries (right and dibular alveolar artery (supplying lower dental Palmar proper digital arteries.' Pulmonary veins.



run together serving comparable parts vessels. As we shall see later these caudal interosseous tributaries; 51 Median

of the body and consequently having plexuses play a significant role In vein. 52 Deep (palmar) antebrachial vein. 53
the same names. However there are 'cushioning' of the spinal cord. Radial vein. 54 Dorsal common digital veins.
a number of exceptions such as the 55 Dorsal proper digital veins. 56 Superficial
BLOOD VESSELS OF THE hepatic portal vein draining the guts Venous return from head, neck, forelimbs palmar venous arch. 57 Palmar common digi-
DOG - VEINS which has no arterial counterpart and thorax tal veins. 58 Palmar proper digital vein.
running with it. It has been drawn in 1 Cranial vena cava. 2 Azygos vein. 3 Dorsal
the schema in isolation in the abdomen intercostal veins. 4 Intervertebral veins. 5 Venous return from abdomen, pelvis and
This second blood vessel schema snows since' it terminates in the sinusoidal Costoabdominal vein. 6 Lumbar veins. 7 hindlimbs
the major systemic veins from the right networks of the liver. Subsequent Costocervical vein. 8 Vertebral vein. 9 Dorsal 59 Caudal vena cava. 60 Phrenicoabdominal
side. As with the arterial diagram by drainage from the liver passes into the scapular vein. 10 Deep cervical vein. 11 vein.61 Deep circumflex iliac vein. 62 Hepatic
no means all of the veins have been . caudal vena cava through the hepatic Thoracic vertebral vein. 12 Venous branches veins. 63 Gonadial (testicular/ovarian) vein.
included since the drawing would have veins which are shown as cut stumps from epaxial I}luscles. 13 Internal thoracic 64 Renal vein. 65 Hepatic portal vein with
become too complex, and when vessels in the drawing. In the limbs also we (mammary) vein. 14 Ventral intercostal veins. gastroduodenal, pancreaticoduodenal, splenic,
are symmetrically disposed right and have already seen that the system of 15 Musculophrenic vein. 16 Cranial epigastric cranial mesenteric, intestinal, and caudal
left sides, only the right side has been deep veins accompanying' arteries vein with superficial and deep branches. 17 mesenteric tributa·ries. 66 Right common iliac
included. is supplemented by a superficial, , Brachiocephalic vein. 18 Internal jugular vein. vein. 67 Median sacral vein. 68 $acral veins.
subcutaneous· venous' circuit. The 19 Thyroid vein. 20 External jugular vein. 21 69 Median caudal vein. 70 Internal iliac vein.
The arrangement and distribution of cephalic venous network in the forelimb Cephalic vein. 22 Accessory cephalic vein. 23 71 Urogenital vein. 72 Cranial gluteal vein.
veins is more variable than that of ar- drains into the axillary vein and external Median cubital vein. 24 Axillobrachial vein 73 Lateral caudal vein. 74 Caudal gluteal vein.
teries. This is presumably eA'})lained be- jugular vein; the saphenous venous (receiving a lateral thoracic vein from chest 75 Internal pudendal vein. 76 Right external
cause mechanical as well as inherited network in the hindlimb drains into the wall). 25 Omobrachial vein. 26 Linguofacial iliac vein. 77 Deep femoral vein. 78 Medial
genetic factors playa role il.l the forma- femoral vein. vein. 27 Lingual vein with sublingual branch. circumflex femoral vein. 79 Pudendoepigastric
tion ofblood pathways in the developing In the head we see considerable 28 Facial vein. 29 Deep facial vein. 30 Con- vein. 80 Caudal epigastric vein with super-
animal. Preferred channels are 'selected' differences between arterial and venous nection between deep facial vein and external ficial and deep branches. 81 External pudendal
by these factors out of a diffuse vascular distribution. Drainage from the face ophthalmic vein. 31 Angular vein of eye (con- vein. 82 Femoral vein. 83 Lateral circumflex
network in the early embryo. Since the and musculature outside the cranium nection between facial vein and external oph- femoral vein. 84 Proximal, middle and caudal
speed of flow in veins is considerably is into tributaries eventually draining thalmic vein). 32 External ophthalmic vein. femoral veins. 85 Medial saphenous vein. 86
less than in arteries, mechanical influ- into the external, jugular' vein running 33 Maxillary (superior) labial vein. 34 Dorsal Cranial branch of medial saphenous vein. 87
ences will be lessened and the possibility down the neck superficially. Drainage and lateral nasal veins. 35 Maxillary vein. 36 Caudal branch of medial saphenous vein. 88
that different pathways will be 'chosen' from the brain inside the cranium is Caudal auricular vein. 37 Superficial temporal Descending genicular vein. 89 Lateral sa-
is thereby increased. The end result is into a separate, ,system of venous vein. 38 Mandibular alveolar vein (draining phenous vein. 90 Cranial branch of lateral
that veins are less regular in arrangement sinuses located in the dural layer of lower dental arch). 39 Dorsal sagittal sinus. saphenous vein. 91 Caudal branches of lateral
than arteries and they also tend to be the meninges. These pursue a different 40 Sigmoid sinus. 41 Temporal sinus. 42 saphenous vein. 92_ Popliteal vein. 93 Cranial
more numerous. They often communi- course to the main arterial supply to Cavernous sinus continued caudally as ventral tibial vein. 94 Dorsal pedal vein. 95 Caudal
cate freely with each other and, although the brain in the internal carotid artery. petrosal sinus. 43 Ventral internal vertebral tibial vein. 96 Perforating metatarsal vein. 97
generally running with arteries, an Some of this head drainage is channelled venous plexus. 44 S bclavian vein. 45 Axil- Dorsal common digital veins. 98 Dorsal
accompanying vein may be paired, one back into the vertebral canal as large lary veln. 46 Subscapular vein (cut through proper digital veins. 99 Plantar common digital
on either side of the artery. internal vertebral venous plexuses after scapular removal receiving thoracodorsal veins. 100 Plantar proper digital veins. 101
Despite some notable exceptions the accompanying the spinal cord. These vein from chest wall and caudal circumflex Right atrium of heart. 102 Right ventricle of
overall distribution of venous channels venous pleA'llses also receive blood humeral vein). 47 Brachial vein. 48 Deep heart.
parallels arteries to a considerable from the epaxial musculature and drain brachial vein. 49 Collateral ulnar vein. 50
extent. Thus many arteries and veins into vertebral, intercostal and lumbar Common interosseous vein with cranial and








the latter into the venous system at present on trachea cranial to thoracic inlet 11 Axillary lymph node - in axilla related to of lumbar aortic series near renal vessels

the union of the left subclavian vein (drainage area = deep structures of neck rib 2, palpable when enlarged (drainage area = (drainage area = kidney and adrenal gland).
and the cranial vena cava on the left including bones, muscles, larynx, trachea, skin and subcutaneous tissues of thoracic wall 22 Medial iliac lymph node - up to 4cm long
side. The right tracheal trunk con- thyroid gland and oesophagus; deep drainage including thoracic and cranial abdominal in abdominal roof at pelvic inlet (drainage
taining lymph from the right side of the from shoulder and upper arm into caudal mammary glands; deep structures of forelimb area = bones and muscles of dorsal half of
head and neck, empties into the venous member of series). . and neck. Also receives lymph from accessory abdomen and pelvis and thigh; abdominal
system with lymph from the right 6 Cranial mediastinal lymph nodes - may be axillary lymph node when present). and pelvic genitalia including uterus, vagina
forelimb as the right lymphatic duct, as many as 6 and up to 3cm long in cranial 12 Accessory axillary lymph node - caudal to and prostate gland; caudal parts of digestive
in the angle between the right eA1:ernal mediastinum on trachea (drainage area = axillary in region of rib 3, inconstant (drainage and urinary systems including urethra, bladder,
jugular vein and the right subclavian bones and muscles of dorsal parts of neck, area = same as for axillary). colon and rectum. Also receives lymph from
vein. thorax and abdomen; trachea, oesophagus, 13 Hepatic lymph nodes, left and right - superficial inguinal, hypogastric and popliteal
thymus gland, heart, pericardium, aorta and flanking hepatic portal vein close to porta nodes).
Lymph nodes parietal pleura dorsally. Also receives lymph (drainage area = lesser curvature of stomach, 23 Hypogastric lymph node - small in fat
1 Parotid lymph node - small node under from sternal, intercostal and tracheobronchial duodenum, pancreas and liver). below lumbosacral junction in pelvic roof
parotid salivary gland (drainage area = skin lymph nodes). 14 Splenic lymph nodes - several on splenic (drainage area = bones and muscles of pelvic
and subcutaneous tissues of upper part of 7 Sternal lymph node - up to 2cm long and vessels at hilus (drainage area = oesophagus, roof and wall, part of loins, tail and thigh;
head, eyelids and external ear; jaw joint, jaw inside chest at lower end of intercostal space fundus, body and greater curvature of stomach, pelvic viscera including caudal parts of uro-
muscles and parotid salivary gland). 2 (drainage area = ventral parts of thoracic pancreas, liver, spleen, greater omentum and genital and digestive tracts, vagina and ves-
2 Mandibular lymph nodes - 2 or 3 palpable wall including ribs, sternum, intercostal diaphragm). tibule, urethra, and also epididymis and vas
nodes up to 2cm long at angle of jaw (drainage muscles, thoracic muscles, diaphragm and 15 Gastric lymph nodes - in lesser omentum deferens. Receives lymph from sacral nodes
area = skin and subcutaneous tissues of lower parietal pleura; also from thymus gland and close to pylorus, inconstant (drainage area = when present).
part of head, lips and cheeks; mucosa of floor pericardium. NB. May participate with axillary oesophagus, stomach, liver and diaphragm). 24 Superficial inguinal lymph nodes - usually
of mouth, tongue, jaw joint, jaw muscles and node in draining thoracic and cranial abdomi- 16 Pancreaticoduodenal lymph node - on 2, in fat in fold of groin related to vaginal
salivary glands). " nal mammary glands. It also receives lymph cranial duodenal flexure related to pancreas, process in dog and inguinal mammary gland
3 Medial retropharyngeallymph node - large from parietal peritoneum of abdomen which inconstant (drainage area = pancreas, duo- in bitch, normally palpable (drainage area =
node up to 5cm long, deeply placed on passes in lymphatic vessels penetrating per- denum and greater omentum). skin and subcutaneous tissues of ventral half
pharynx below atlas wing (drainage area = all iphery of diaphragm to run forwards beneath 17 Jejunal lymph nodes - 2 large nodes may of abdominal wall, including caudal abdomi-
deep structures of head and cranial end of transverse thoracic muscles). be up to 20cm long in a large dog in root of nal and inguinal mammary glands, penis,
neck including oral, nasal and· pharyngeal 8 Intercostal lymph node - small and often mesentery (drainage area = ileum, jejunum prepuce and scrotum; pelvic floor and peri-
cavities, tongue, salivary glands, tonsils, larynx, absent, inside chest at upper end of intercostal and pancreas). neum, tail, medial thigh, stifle and crus).
oesophagus, orbits, deep parts of ear, muscles space 5 or 6 (drainage area = bones and 18 Colic lymph nodes - several small nodes 25 Popliteal lymph node - up to 2cm long in
of head and neck. Also receives lymph from muscles of thoracic roof, upper parts of ribs, in mesocolon (drainage area = ileum, caecum, popliteal fossa behind stifle joint, normally
parotid and mandibular lymph nodes). thoracic muscles and parietal pleura). ascending and transverse colon). palpable (drainage area = all parts of hindlimb
4 Superficial cervical lymph nodes - 2 nodes 9 Tr~cheobronchial lymph nodes, left right 19 Caudal mesenteric lymph nodes - several below stifle joint).
up to 3cm long, cranial to shoulder and pal: and middle - large, in relation to tracheal small nodes on colon close to pelvic inlet
pable if enlarged (drainage area = skin and bifurcation and principal bronchi (drainage (drainage area = descending colon). Major lymph trunks
subcutaneous tissues of caudal part of head area = lungs, bronchi, trachea, oesophagus, 20 Lumbar aortic lymph nodes - 12 or more 26 Lumbar lymph trunk. 27 Cisterna chyli. 28
and ear, of neck, shoulder, back and forelimb; heart, aorta, mediastinum and diaphragm. small nodes in sublumbar fat flanking aorta Intestinal lymph trunk. 29 Tracheal lymph
deep structures of forelimb, shoulder and Also receives lymph from pulmonary lymph (drainage area = bones and muscles of ab- trunk. 30 Right lymphatic duct. 31 Thoracic
cranial part of ventral thoracic wall). nodes when present). dominal roof including parietal peritoneum; duct.
5 Deep cervical lymph nodes - cranial, middle 10 Pulmonary lymph nodes - small, in' ureters and abdominal parts of urogenital
and caudal, but small and variable in number - constant at lung hilus (drainage area = lungs system including ovary, uterus and testis).
caudal deep cervical is only one constantly and bronchi). 21 Renal lymph node - cranialmost member




largest of the cranial nerves are indicated (cranial nerve 10) are not included in (from musculocutaneous nerve). 20 Axillary nerve (from ventral rami of lumbar nerves

on the c!.iagram. Six of the cranial nerves the drawing. The vagus, widely dis- nerve (from ventral rami of cervical nerves 5-6). 51 Saphenous nerve (from femoral
have a .very restricted distribution and tributing autonomic fibres to the viscera, 7-8). 21 Cranial lateral cutaneous brachial nerve). 52 Obturator nerve (from ventral rami
are not considered in our drawing: the is shown in fig 35B. nerve (from axillary nerve). 22 Pectoral nerve of lumbar nerves 5-6). 53 Lumbosacral trunk
olfactory (cranial nerve I), optic (cranial (from ventral rami of cervical nerve 8 and (from ventral rami of lumbar nerves 6-7 and
nerve 2) and auditory (cranial nerve 8) Dorsal rami of spinal nerves with cutaneous thoracic nerve 1 and incorporated with lateral sacral nerves 1-2). 54 Cranial gluteal nerve
supply the nose, eye and ear respect- branches and muscular branches to epaxial thoracic nerve at its origin). 23 Radial nerve (from lumbosacral trunk). 55 Caudal gluteal
ively, the organs of special sensation; muscles (from ventral rami of cervical nerves 7-8.and nerve (from lumbosacral trunk). 56 Ischiatic
the oculomotor (cranial nerve 3), troch- 1 Dorsal ramus of cervical nerve 1(suboccipital thoracic nerve 1). 24 Deep (motor) branch of nerve (direct continuation outside pelvis of
lear (cranial nerve 4) and abducent nerve). 2 Dorsal ramus of cervical nerve 2 radial nerve. 25 Superficial (cutaneous) branch lumbosacral trunk). 57 Motor branches of
(cranial nerve 6) supply the muscles (greater occipital nerve). 3 Dorsal ramus of of radial nerve. 26 Lateral and medial com- ischiatic nerve. 58 Common peroneal nerve
that move the eyeball in its socket. cervical nerve 7 (NB dorsal ramus of last cer- ponents of superficial branch of radial nerve. (fibular nerve from ischiatic nerve). 59 Lateral
Of the remaining six nerves the vical nerve [C8J always small and often absent). 27 Lateral cutaneous antebrachial nerve (from cutaneous sural nerve (from common peroneal
trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve S) 'has 4 Dorsal rami of thoracic nerves 1 and 1J radial nerve). 28 Median nerve (from ventral nerve or from ischiatic nerve). 60 Superficial
the most extensive distribution in the 5 Dorsal rami of lumbar nerves 1 and 7 (cu- rami of cervical nerve 8 and thoracic nerves peroneal (fibular) nerve (from common pero-
head. It is responsible for conveying taneous branches are cranial c1unial nerves). 1-2). 29 Ulnar nerve (from ventral rami of neal nerve). 61 Deep peroneal (fibular) nerve
sensation from the skin of the head and 6 Dorsal rami of sacral nerves 1 and 3 (cu- cervical nerve 8 and thoracic nerves 1-2). (from common peroneal nerve). 62 Tibial
the mucosa of the mouth- cavity, and taneous branches are middle c1unial nerves.) 30 Caudal cutaneous antebrachial nerve (from nerve (from ischiatic nerve). 63 Caudal cu-
motor impulses to the jaw muscles. A 7 Dorsal rami of caudal nerves 1-5 (inter- ulnar nerve). 31 Dorsal carpal branch of ulnar taneous sural nerve (from tibial nerve or from
number of its ramificatio'ns are shown connected to form a dorsal caudal plexus nerve. 32 Palmar branch of ulnar nerve. 33 ischiatic nerve). 64 Plantar nerves (medial and
in the schema. The facial nerve (cranial [trunk]). Dorsal common digital nerves. 34 Dorsal lateral from tibial nerve). 65 Dorsal common
nerve 7) is also an eA1:ensively distributed proper digital nerves. 35 Palmar common digital nerves. 66 Dorsal proper digital nerves.
nerve since it is responsible for convey- Ventral rami of spinal nerves digital nerves. 36 Palmar proper digital nerves. 67 Plantar common digital nerves. 68 Plantar
ing motor innervation to the muscles of 8 Ventral ramus of cervical nerve 1.9 Ventral 37 Ventral ramus of 1st thoracic (intercostal) metatarsal nerves. 69 Plantar proper digital
facial eA'Pression. Some of its ramifi- ramus of last cervical nerve (C8). 10 Cervical nerve. 38 Ventral ramus of 12th thoracic inter- nerves. 70 Autonomic branch from ventral
cations are shown in the schema. The loop (ansa hypoglossi - connecting ventral costal) nerve. 39 Costoabdominal nerve ramus of sacral nerve to pelvic plexus. 71
hypoglossal nerve (cranial nerve 12), ramus of cervical nerve 1 with hypoglossal (ventral ramus of last thoracic nerve - T13). Pudendal nerve (from ventral rami of sacral
also shown, innervates tongue muscles. nerve [cranial nerve 12]). 11 Cervical plexus 40 Intercostal nerve 7 (ventral ramus of tho- nerves 1-3). 72 Caudal cutaneous femoral
Certain of the cranial nerves also (interconnections between ventral rami of racic nerve 7). 41 Distal lateral cutaneous nerve (from ventral rami of sacral nerves 1-2
supply structures in. the neck. The cervical nerves). 12 Great auricular nerve (from branches of intercostal and lumbar nerves. giving rise to caudal c1unial nerves). 73 Ventral
connection (cervical loop) between the ventral ramus of cervical nerve 2). 13 Trans- 42 Ventral cutaneous branches of intercostal rami of caudal nerves 1-5 (interconnected to
hypoglossal nerve and cervical nerve I verse cervical nerve (from ventral ramus of nerves 3-10.43 Cranial iliohypogastric nerve form a ventral caudal plexus or trunk).
is shown in the diagram. Fibres from cervical nerve 2). 14 Supraclavicular nerves (ventral ramus of lumbar nerve 1). 44 Caudal
the loop pass to strap muscles on th (from ventral rami of cervical nerves 3-5). iliohypogastric nerve (ventral ramus of lumbar Cranial nerves
underside of' the throat and neck. The 15 Phrenic nerve (from ventral rami of cervical nerve 2). 45 Ilioinguinal nerve (ventral ramus 74-76 Trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve 5). 74
accessory nerve (cranial nerve 11) is nerves 5-7). 16-36 Nerves arising from of lumbar nerve 3). 46 Ventral ramus of last Ophthalmic component of trigeminal nerve.
also shown on the diagram extending brachial plexus - ventral rami of C6- T1. 16 lumbar nerve (L7). 47 Genitofemoral nerve 75 Maxillary component of trigeminal nerve.
back in the neck, communicating with Subclavian nerve (nerve to brachiocephalic (external spermatic nerve from ventral ramus 76 Mandibular component of trigeminal nerve.
the ventral rami of cervical nerves, and muscle from ventral ramus of cervical nerve of lumbar nerves 3-4). 48 Lateral cutaneous 77 Facial nerve (cranial nerve 7). 78 Spinal
innervating certain muscles of the lateral 6).17 Suprascapular nerve (from ventral rami femoral nerve (from ventral ramus of lumbar accessory nerve (cranial nerve 11). 79 Hypo-
surface of the neck and shoulder. The of cervical nerves 6-7). 18 Musculocutaneous nerve 4). 49 Ventral rami of sacral nerves glossal nerve (cranial nerve 12).
two remaining cranial nerves, glosso- nerve (from ventral rami of cervical nerves 1-3. 50-69 Nerves arising from lumbosacral
pharyngeal (cranial nerve 9) and vagus 7-8).19 Medial cutaneous antebrachial nerve plexus - ventral rami of L3-SJ 50 Femoral


53 71




35 j 1,7

~Gz-/ 1:>9
p $

notice that the radial nerve is very muscle (cervical and thoracic parts). 14 Genio- Muscles innervated by ventral rami of spinal


important because of the muscle groups hyoid muscle innervated by hypoglossal nerves
that it innervates; viz. the extensor nerve (cranial nerve 12). 42 Sternohyoid muscle. 43 Sternothyroid
muscles of the elbow (triceps group), muscle. 44 Thyrohyoid muscle. 45 Longus
MOTOR INNERVATION OF carpal and digital joints. A paralysis Muscles infJervated by nerves arising from colli muscle. 46 Scalene muscle. 47 Ventral
THE SKELETAL MUSCLES involving the radial nerve leads to a dog brachial plexus serrate muscle (cervical part). 48 Rhomboid
OF THE DOG being unable to perform the actions of 15 Ventral serrate muscle (thoracic part) muscle (capital, cervical and thoracic parts).
elbow, carpal and digital extension. Loss innervated by long thoracic nerve. 16 Lati- 49 Dorsal serrate muscle. 50 External inter-
of the capacity to extend its carpal and ssimus dorsi muscle innervated by dorsal costal muscles. 51 External abdominal oblique
The groups of body. muscles innervated digital joints will accentuate the action thoracic nerve. 17-18 Muscles innervated by muscle. 52 Internal abdominal oblique
by specific nerves are indicated on these of the opposing flexors of these joints, pectoral nerves. 17 Superficial pectoral muscle. muscle. 53 Rectus abdominis muscle. 54
drawings in various different types of and a dog so afflicted might well stand 18 Deep pectoral muscle. 19-20 Muscles Coccygeus muscle. 55 Ventral sacrocaudal
shading. Ifyou remember when muscles and move 'knuckled over'; ie. placing innervated by suprascapular nerve. 19 Supra- muscles.
were considered earlier the emphasis and dragging the dorsum of its paw spinatus muscle. 20 Infraspinatus muscle.
was firmly placed on groups of muscles along the ground. Loss of the capacity 21-24 Muscles innervated by axillary nerve. Muscles innervated by nerves arising from
acting together to produce actions to extend its elbow, on the other hand, 21 Deltoid muscle. 22 Teres major muscle. lumbosacral plexus
at specific joints. The drawing here is a far more serious situation for a dog 23 Teres minor muscle. 24 Brachiocephalic 56-59 Muscles innervated by cranial gluteal
through the medium of its shading, to cope with since it means that the muscle (c1eidobrachial part). 25-26 Muscles nerve. 56 Middle gluteal muscle. 57 Deep
shows how the motor nerve innervation elbow joint cannot be fixed in position innervated by musculocutaneous nerve. 25 gluteal muscle. 58 Piriform muscle. 59 Tensor
to muscles is organized in terms of (stabilized) to support weight. Weight Biceps brachii muscle. 26 Brachial muscle. muscle of lateral femoral fascia. 60 Superficial
these same muscle groups. In practical placed on the limb will automatically 27-32 Muscles innervated by radial nerve. gluteal muscle innervated by caudal gluteal
terms what this means is that should flex the elbow and collapse the limb. 27 Triceps brachii muscle. 28 Radial carpal nerve. 61-63 Muscles innervated by femoral
damage occur to a particular nerve then The dog would limp along very badly extensor muscle. 29 Common and lateral nerve. 61 Iliopsoas muscle. 62 Quadriceps
specific' groups of muscles will be on three legs only. digital extensor muscles. 30 Ulnar carpal ex- femoris muscle. 63 Sartorius muscle. 64
affected. Temporary or even permanent tensor muscle (lateral ulnar). 31 Oblique carpal Adductor muscles innervated by obturator
paralysis of muscles (loss of voluntary Muscles innervated by cranial nerves extensor muscle. 32 Supinator muscle. nerve. 65-67 Muscles innervated by rotator
movement) might well be a symptom of 1-3 Muscles innervated by trigeminal nerve 33-36 Muscles innervated by median nerve. nerves from ischiatic nerve. 65 Quadratus
such nerve damage. (crabial nerve 5).1 Masseter muscle. 2 Tem- 33 Pronator teres muscle. 34 Radial carpal' femoris muscle. 66 Internal obturator muscle.
Muscle groups produce specific PQn31 muscle. 3 Digastric muscle. 4-7 Muscles flexor muscle. 35 Superficial digital flexor 67 Gemelli muscles. 68-70 Muscles inner-
actions at particular joints so that innervated by facial nerve (cranial nerve 7). muscle. 36 Deep digital flexor muscle (all three vated by ischiatic nerve. 68 Biceps femoris
disruption of nerve supply and the 4 Levator muscle of upper lip. 5 Orbicularis heads). 37-38 Muscles innervated by ulnar muscle. 69 Semitendinosus muscle. 70 Semi-
consequent muscle paralysis will oris muscle. 6 Buccinator muscle. 7 Orbicu- nerve.37 Ulnar carpal flexor muscle. 38 Deep membranosus muscle. 71-73 Muscles inner-
produce alterations' in the action of laris oculi muscle. 8-9 Muscles innervated digital flexor muscle (bar radial hea.d). vated by tibial nerve. 71 Gastrocnemius
these joints. Certain actions may be by vagus nerve (cranial nerve 10).8 Pharyngeal muscle. 72 Superficial digital flexor muscle.
lost by a joint; other actions may be muscles. 9 Cricothyroid muscle. 10-13 Muscles innervated by dorsal rami of spinal 73 Deep digital flexor muscle. 74-76 Muscles
ilccentuated at that joint because of the Muscles innervated by spinal accessory nerve nerves innervated by peroneal (fibular) nerve. 74
loss of antagonistic muscle activity. (cranial nerve 11). 10 Sternocephalic muscle. 39 Splenius muscle. 40 lIiocostal and long- Cranial tibial muscle. 75 Long and lateral digi-
Should you examine the drawing, and 11 Brachiocephalic muscle (c1eidocervical issimus muscles. 41 Dorsal sacrocaudal tal exte[1sor muscles. 76 Long peroneal
in particular the forelimb, you might part). 12 Omotransverse muscle. 13 Trapezius muscles. (fibular) muscle.





trol include such things as respiration, sympathetic fibres only). 6 Visceral ramus of 34 Sympathetic distribution with branches of thorax and abdomen caudally as far as trans-

blood pressure regulation, gut activity, cervical nerve 1. 7 Visceral ramus of cervical coeliac artery. 35 Sympathetic distribution with verse colon. 53 Vagus nerve (10). 54 Cranial
glandular secretion, bladder emptying, nerve 8. 8 Visceral ramus of lumbar nerve 5. branches of cranial' mesenteric artery. 36 laryngeal nerve. 55 Vagus nerve in neck (runs
and so on. 9 Transverse (vertebral) nerve (combined grey Sympathetic distribution with branches of . with cervical sympathetic trunk as vago-
Although not included in the drawing visceral rami of cervical nerves 3-7). 10-11 caudal mesenteric artery. 37 Postganglionic sympathetic trunk). 56 Recurrent laryngeal
the adrenal glands are of importance White visceral rami (preganglionic and post- sympathetic distribution to pelvic viscera with nerve. 57 Tracheal and oesophageal branches
in any consideration of the autonomic ganglionic sympathetic fibres intermingled). branches of urogenital artery. from recurrent laryngeal nerve. 58 Caudal
nervous system. They are shown in fig 10 Visceral ramus of thoracic nerve 1 (1st laryngeal nerve (termination of recurrent
27E in the abdominal roof between the white visceral ramus). 11 Visceral ramus of Parasympathetic nervous system laryngeal nerve). 59 Cardiovagal nerve. 60
kidneys, related to the aorta and caudal lumbar nerve 4 (last white visceral ramus). 38-52 Cranial parasympathetic outflow to Bronchial and pulmonary branches of vagal
vena cava. Their importance lies in the 12-14 Sympathetic t(unk. 12 Sympathetic glandular structures in head. 38 Preganglionic nerve. 61 Dorsal vagal trunk (trunks of left
role they play in reinforcing the effects trunk in thorax, abdomen and pelvis (trunk in parasympathetic fibres in oculomotor nerve and right sides join close to diaphragm). 62
of sympathetic activity. The central core pelvis becomes irregular and trunks of left (3). 39 Ciliary ganglion.' 40 Postganglionic Ventral vagal trunk (trunks of left and right
of an adrenal gland, the adrenal and right sides may join). 13 Sympathetic parasympathetic fibres to ciliary and pupillary sides join close to diaphragm). 63-64 Pre-
medulla, is formed in embryonic devel- trunk in neck (runs with vagus nerve as vago- muscles in short ciliary and nasociliary nerves. ganglionic parasympathetic vagal distribution
opment from the same cellular rudi- sympathetic trunk). 14 Subclavian loop 41 Preganglionic parasympathetic fibres orig- to abdominal viscera accompanying post-
ments that produce the peripheral (subdivision of sympathetic trunk around sub- inating in facial nerve (7) but distributed in ganglionic sympathetic fibres. 63 Parasym-
sympathetic ganglia and postganglionic clavian artery). 15-20 Sympathetic trunk branches of maxillary component of trigem- pathetic distribution with branches of coeliac
sympathetic nerves. What this means is ganglia. 15 Cranial cervical sympathetic inal nerve (5) - vectored from facial through artery. 64 Parasympathetic distribution with
that the adrenal medulla will function ganglior:l. 16 Middle cervical sympathetic nerve of pterygoid canal. 42 Pterygopalatine branches of cranial mesenteric artery. 65-67
as a giant postganglionic sympathetic ganglion. 17 Cervicothoracic (stellate) sym- ganglion. 43 Postganglionic parasympathetic Sacral parasympathetic outflow distributing
fibre passing adrenal hormone (adrena- pathetic ganglion (fused ganglia of C8-T3). fibres to nasal glands in caudal nasal nerve. to pelvic and caudal abdominal viscera. 65
line and noradrenaline) into the blood- 18 Thoracic sympathetic ganglion. 19 Lumbar 44 Postganglionic parasympathetic fibres to Pelvic splanchnic nerves from sacral spinal
stream for widespread distribution. The sympathetic ganglion. 20 Sacral sympathetic palatine glands in major and minor palatine nerves 1-3: 66-67 Parasympathetic distri-
effects produced are superimposed on ganglion (ganglia in pelvis become irregular nerves. 45 Postganglionic parasympathetic bution from pelvic plexus accompanying
the more local effects produced by and may combine). 21-24 Splanchnic nerves. fibres to lacrimal gland in lacrimal nerve.'46 postganglionic sympathetic fibres. 66 Para-
sympathetic postganglionic nerves. You 21 Greater splanchnic nerve. 22 Lesser Preganglionic parasympathetic fibres orig- sympathetic distribution with branches of
may surmise from this that the adrenal splanchnic nerve. 23 Lumbar splanchnic inating in facial nerve (7) and distributed in urogenital artery. 67 Parasympathetic distri-
medulla must also receive preganglionic nerves. 24 Sacral splanchnic nerves. 25-30 mandibular component of trigeminal nerve bution through hypogastric nerves, caudal
fibres from the sympathetic trunk in Collateral sympathetic ganglia and plexuses. (5) - vectored from facial through chorda mesenteric ganglion and with branches of
visceral nerves. These actually originate 25-26 Coeliacomesenteric plexus. 25 Coeliac tympani nerve and lingual nerve. 47 Mandibu- caudal mesenteric artery. 68 Left subclavian
from the more' caudal thorac.ic segments ganglion. 26 Cranial mesenteric ganglion. 27 lar ganglion. 48 Postganglionic parasym- artery. 69 Heart. 70 Aorta. 71 Larynx. 72
of the sympathetic trunk as part of the Caudal mesenteric ganglion. 28 Pelvic plexus. pathetic fibres to mandibular and sublingual Trachea. 73 Lung. 74 Diaphragm. 75
splanchnic nerves. 29 Intermesenteric (abdominal aortic) plexus. salivary glands in lingual nerve. 49 Pre- Oesophagus. 76 Stomach. 77 Duodenum. 78
30 Hypogastric nerve. 31-37 Postganglionic ganglionic parasympathetic fibres originating Jejunumllleum. 79 Colon. 80 Rectum. 81
Ventral rami of spinal ne.rves sympathetic distribution to viscera. 31 Post- in glossopharyngeal nerve (9) but distributed Anal canal. 82 Liver. 83 Spleen. 84 Kidney.
1 Cervical nerve 1. 2 Cervical nerve 8. 3 ganglionic sympathetic distribution to viscera in branches of trigeminal nerve (5). 50 Otic 85 Bladder.86 Urethra.87 Ovary.88 LJterus.
Thoracic nerve 1. 4 Lumbar nerve 4. 5 Sacral in head and cranial en.d of neck with carotid ganglion. 51 Postganglionic parasympathetic 89 Vestibule. 90 Mandibular salivary gland.
nerve 1. artery. 32-33 Postganglionic sympathetic dis- fibres to parotid salivary gland in auriculo- 91 Sublingual salivary gland. 92 Parotid sali-
tribution to viscera in neck 'and thorax. 32 temporal nerve. 52 Postganglionic para- vary gland. 93 Zygomatic salivary gland. 94
Sympathetic nervous system Cardiosympathetic nerves. 33 Broncho- sympathetic fibres to zygomatic salivary gland Nasal glands. 95 Palatine glands. 96 Lacrimal
6-11 Visceral (communicating) rami of spinal sympathetic nerves. 34-36 Postganglionic in buccal nerve. 53-64 Cranfill parasym- gland.
nerves. 6-9 Grey visceral rami (postganglionic sympathetic distribution to abdominal viscera. pathetic outflow distributing to viscera of neck,



o o o c
o o o
o o 0
o o o o
c c o
o o

B ('b

necting face and cranium below eye). 20 Forelimb skeleton Blood vessels and lymph nodes


Orbital ligament (joining frontal bone and 52 Greater tubercle of humerus (point of 99 Angular vein of eye (continuation of facial
zygomatic arch and completing orbital riml. shoulder). 53 Cranial border of scapula. 54 vein into orbit to connect with ophthalmic
21 Temporal line (rostral divergence of Cranial angle of scapula. 55 Medial epicondyle venous plexus). 100 Facial vein. 101 External
SURFACE ANATOMY OF THE external sagittal crest). 22 External sagittal of humerus. 56 Medial surface of radial head. jugular vein (in jugular groovel. 102 Femoral
DOG - HEAD, NECK AND crest (in dorsal midline of craniuml.23 57 Medial collateral elbow ligament. 58 Elbow artery. 103, Parotid lymph node (small, beneath
TRUNK External occipital profuberance (occiput). 24 joint (humeroulnar component). 59 Olecranon parotid salivary gland). 104 Mandibular lymph
Nuchal crest (division between dorsal and process of ulna (point of elbow). 60 Styloid nodes (p'rominent and normally palpable).
caudal surfaces of cranium). 25 Mastoid process of radius. 61 Antebrachiocarpal joint 105 Medial retropharyngeal lymph node
This drawing, and the final two (figs 37 process of temporal bone (sole representation (main component of carpal joint). (large, deeply positioned and up to 5cm long).
& 38), attempt to portray most of the on skull surface of petrous temporal bone). 106 Superficial cervical lymph nodes (promi-
structures that are clearly related to the 26-28 Mandible (lower jaw). 26 Mandibular Hindlimb skeleton nent, palpable if enlarged). 107 Axillary lymph
body surface, either palpable or visual- body. 27 Angular process of mandible. 28 62 Pubic pecten. 63 Cranial pubic ligament. node (related to rib 2, palpable if enlarged).
izable in surface projection. Mandibular symphysis. 29 Mental foramen 64 Ischiatic tuberosity (point of buttock). 65 108 Accessory axillary lymph node (only oc-
(passage of mental branches of mandibular Ischiatic arch. 66 Inguinal ligament. 67 Patella casionally present). 109 Superficial. inguinal
Surface features alveolar nerve and vessels). 30 Auricular (knee cap). 68 Medial ridge of femoral trochlea. lymph node (often paired, palpable normally).
1 Nasal plane (pigmented hairless skin). 2 cartilage. 31 Scutiform cartilage. 32-34 Hyoid 69 Femoropatellar component of stifle joint. 110 Popliteal lymph node (up to 2cm long in
External nostril (leading into nasal vestibule apparatus (suspending tongue and larynx in 70 Medial femoral condyle. 71 Medial ,tibial popliteal fossa and normally palpable).
surrounded by nasal cartilages). 3 Philtrum. 4 floor of throat). 32 Cranial horn of hyoid. 33 condyle.72 Medial collateral ligament of stifle
Pinna (visible part of external ear). 5 External Basihyoid bone. 34 Caudal horn of hyoid joint. 73 Femorotibial component of stifle joint. Nerves
opening of ear canal. 6 Jugular fossa (tri- (thyrohyoid bone). 35 Thyroid cartilage of 74 Patellar tendon (continuation onto tibia of 111 Infraorbital nerve (from maxillary com-
angular depression at base of neck). 7 Axilla. larynx (forming 'laryngeal prominence' of voice quadriceps femoris tendon). 75 Fat pad under- ponent of trigeminal nerve [5] ramifying on
8 Median pectoral groove. 9 Umbilicus box). 36 Cricoid cartilage of larynx. 37 Crico- lying patellar tendon. 76 Tibial tuberosity (in- side of muzzle).
(navel - hairless scar denoting point of entry thyroid membrane. 38 Tracheal cartilages. sertion of patellar tendon). 77 Cranial border
and exit of blood vessels in foetus). 10 Fold of of tibia (tibial crest). 78 Subcutaneous medial Glands
flank. 11 Fold of groin. 12 Position of super- Vertebral column, ribs and sternum .surface of tibial shaft. 79 Medial malleolus of 112 Parotid salivary gland (diffuse gland
ficial (subcutaneous) opening of inguinal 39 Wing of atlas (transverse process of cervi- tibia. 80 Crurotarsal joint (main component moulded around concha of auricular carti-
canal. 13 Femoral triangle (bordered by cal vertebra 1). 40 Position of atlantooccipital of tarsal joint). 81 Calcaneal tuberosity (point lage). 113 Parotid salivary gland duct (crossing
sartorius, pectineus and abdominal wall joint. 41 Spinous process .ofaxis (cervical of hock). 82 Metatarsal bone 1 (remains of). surface of masseter muscle). 114 Mandibular
muscles). vertebra 2). 42 Transverse process of axis. salivary gland. 115 Thyroid gland.
43 Transverse processes of cervical vertebrae. Muscles
Bones, joints and ligaments of head 44 Nuchal ligament. 45 Supraspinous liga- 83 Temporal muscle. 84 Masseter muscle. 85 Internal viscera
14 Nasal cartilages (movably articulated with ment. 46 Spinous process of thoracic vertebra Mylohyoid muscle. 86 Sternohyoid muscle. 116 Heart. 117 Diaphragm (cranial extent of
bone of nasal cavity and surrounding nasal 1. 47 Manubrium of sternum (1 st sternebra 87 Sternooccipital muscle. 88 Brachiocephalic dome). 118 Kidneys. 119 Urinary bladder.
vestibule). 15 Nasal process of incisive bone elongated into base of neck). 48 Xiphoid muscle. 89 Triceps brachii muscle. 90 Flexor 120 Ovaries. 121 Spleen. 122 Descending
(bordering bony nasal opening leading into process of sternum (cartilaginous prolongation muscles of carpus and digits. 91 Supra- duodenum. 123 Caecum. 124 Descending
nasal cavity proper). 16 Infraorbital foramen of last sternebra into belly wall). 49 Rib 1. spinatus muscle. 92 Superficial pectoral colon.
(passage of infraorbital branches of maxillary 50 Costal arch (fused costal cartilages of ribs muscle. 93 Deep pectoral muscle. 94 Latis-
artery and nerve). 17 Bony orbital margin. 10-12 connected by fibrous tissue with costal simus dorsi muscle. 95 Sartorius muscle. 96
18 Zygomatic (supraorbital) procllss of frontal cartilage of rib 9). 51 Rib 13 (last or floating Quadriceps femoris muscle. 97 Pectineus
bone. 19 Zygomatic arch (bar of bone con- rib united with costal arch by fibrous tissue). muscle. 98 Gracilis and adductor muscles.

arch (bar of bone connecting face and cranium cipital bursa and held in place by transverse ternal ophthalmic plexus). 85 Facial vein. 86


below eye). 17 Orbital ligament (joining humeral retinaculum). 47 Medial humeral External jugular vein. 87 Omobrachial vein
frontal bone and zygomatic arch and complet- condyle. 48 Medial humeral epicondyle (flexor (linking cephalic and external jugular vein
ing orbital rim). 18 Temporal line (rostral epicondyle). 49 Lateral humeral condyle. 50 across point of shoulder). 88' Cephalic vein.
SURFACE ANATOMY OF THE divergence of external sagittal crest). 19·20 Lateral humeral epicondyle (extensor epi- 89 Median cubital vein (entering cubital fossa
DOG - NECK, THORAX AND Mandible (lower jaw). 19 Mandibular body. condyle). 51 Radial head. 52 Lateral radial to join cephalic vein with brachial vein). 90
FORELIMB 20 Mandibular symphysis (fibrocartilaginous' tuberosity. 53 Medial edge of trochlear notch Accessory cephalic vein. 91 Axillobrachial vein
intermandibular joint). 21 Tracheal cartilages of ulna. 54 Medial collateral elbow ligament. (connection of cephalic vein with brachiall
(approximately 35 linked by annular liga- 55 Lateral collateral elbow ligament. 56 axillary vein in armpit). 92 Brachial artery
This drawing, and figs 36 & 38, attempt ments). 22 Transverse processes of cervical Olecranon process of ulna (point of elbow). (pulse may be taken from brachial in cubital
to portray most of the structures that vertebrae 6 and 7. 23 Spinous process of tho- 57 Position of elbow joint. 58 Lateral styloid fossa). 93 Median artery (enters paw through
are clearly related to the body surface, racic vertebra 1. 24 Spinous process of thoracic process of ulna. 59 Subcutaneous medial sur- carpal canal). 94 Mandibular lymph nodes
either palpable or capable of visualiza- vertebra 13. 25 Nuchal ligament (continuation face of radius. 60 Medial styloid process of (normally 2 or 3, palpable at angle of jaw).
tion in surface projection. of supraspinous ligament from summit of first radius. 61 Accessory carpal bone. 62 Medial 95 Superficial cervical lymph nodes (normally
thoracic spinous process to spine of axis ver- collateral carpal ligament. 63 Lateral collateral 2, palpable if enlarged).
Surface features tebra). 26 Supraspinous ligament linking carpal ligament. 64 Lateral surface of base of
1 Nasal plane (pigmented hairless skin). 2 summits of spinous processes of trunk ver- metacarpal bone 5. 65 Position of ante- Nerves
External nostril (leading into nasal vestibule tebrae. 27-29 Sternum. 27 Manubrium of brachiocarpal joint (main component of com- ' 96 Radial nerve, muscular branches. 97
surrounded by nasal cartilages). 3 Philtrum. sternum (1 st sternebra elongated into base of posite carpal joint). Radial nerve, superficial branch (palpable on
4 Pinna (visible part of external ear based on neck).28 Body of sternum (8 sternal segments surface of brachial muscle). 98 Cranial super-
auricular cartilage). 5 Jugular fossa (triangular linked by intersternebral cartilages). 29 Muscles ficial antebrachial nerve, medial and lateral
depression at base of neck bordered by sterno- Xiphoid process of sternum (cartilaginous 66 Sternooccipital muscle. 67 Brachiocephalic branches. 99 Median nerve. 100 Ulnar nerve
cephalic, brachiocephalic and superficial prolongation of last sternebra into belly wall). muscle. 68 Supraspinous muscle. 69 Deltoid (palpable crossing medial surface of olecranon
pectoral muscle·s). 6 Axilla ('armpit' between 30 Rib 1. 31 Thoracic inlet (bordered by first muscle. 70 Long head of triceps muscle (tri- of ulna). 101 Infraorbital nerve.
muscles of arm and muscles of chest wall). thoracic vertebra, sternal manubrium and first cipital margin of arm). 71 Brachial muscle.
7 Median pectoral groove. 8 Tricipital margin pair of ribsl. 32 Rib 6. 33 Costal arch lfused 72 Biceps tendon (in intertubercular groove).' Internal organs
of arm (caudal margin of arm based on long costal cartilages of ribs 10-12 connected by 73 Biceps brachii, muscle. 74 Superficial 102 Heart (in surface, projection extending be-
head of triceps muscle). 9 Cubital fossa (de- fibrous tissue with costal cartilage of rib 9). pectoral muscle. 75 Deep pectoral muscle. 76 tween ribs 3and 6, overlapping into intercostal
pression on flexor surface of elbow joint). 34 Rib 13 (last or floating rib united with costal Radial carpal extensor muscle. 77 Pronator spaces 2 and 6). 103 Base of heart' (in trans-
10 Ventral boundary of epaxial musculature arch by fibrous tissue). 35 Dorsal (vertebral) teres muscle. 78 Extensor muscles of carpus verse plane of rib 3/intercostal space 3). 104
(thoracic iliocostal muscle attaching onto ribs). border of scapula. 36 Cranial angle of scapula. and digits. 79 Flexor muscles of carpus and Apex of heart (from which heart beat may be
37 Cranial border of scapula: 38 Caudal angle digits. 80 Tendon of ulnar carpal flexor muscle. detected at lower end of intercostal space 6).
Bones, joints and ligaments of scapula. 39 Spine of scapula. 40 Acromion 81 Tendon of lateral ulnar muscle. 82 Latis- 105 Diaphragm, 106 Basal border of lung.
11 Nasal process of incisive bone (bordering process of scapula. 41 Position of shoulder simus dorsi muscle. 83 Epaxial muscles (ilio- 107 Costodiaphragniatic line of pleural reflec-
bony nasal opening leading into nasal cavity joint. 42 Greater tuberosity of humerus (point costal muscle forms lateral component of tion. 108 Parotid salivary gland (diffuse and
proper). 12 Bony nasal aperture. 13 Infra- of shoulder). 43 Crest of greater tuberosity of group). moulded around concha of auricular carti-
orbital foramen (passllge for infraorbital humerus. 44 Deltoid tuberosity of humerus. lage). 109 Parotid salivary gland duct. 110
branches of maxillary artery and nerve). 14 45 Lesser tuberosity of humerus. 46 Inter- Vessels and lymph nodes Mandibular salivary gland (oval. just caudal to
Bony orbital margin. 15 Zygomatic (supra- tubercular '(bicipital) groove of humerus (for 84 Angular vein of eye (continuation of facial angle of jaw).
orbital) process offrontal bone. 16 Zygomatic passage of biceps tendon surrounded by bi- vein into orbit where it anastomoses with ex-


form basis of penile root). 9 Scrotum (sparsely stifle ligament. 35 Position of femorotibial Vessels and lymph nodes


haired, thin skin). 10 Scrotal raphe (denoting component of stifle joint. 36 Infrapatellar fat 62 Medial saphenous vein. 63 Lateral
internal subdivision of scrotum into two tes- pad underlying patellar tendon. 37 Tibial saphenous vein. 64 Saphenous artery, caudal
ticular compartments). 11 Popliteal fossa tuberosity. 38 Cranial border of tibia. 39 Sub- branch. 65 Cranial tibial artery (continuation
SURFACE ANATOMY OF THE (depression on flexor surface of stifle joint cutaneous medial surface of tibia. 40 Head of of popliteal artery attaining front of crus by
DOG - PELVIS AND HINDLIMB bounded by diverging hamstring muscles and fibula. 41 Lateral malleolus of fibula. 42 passing through interosseous space between
gastrocnemius muscles). . Medial malleolus of tibia. 43 Calcaneal tuber- tibia and fibula). 66 Dorsal pedal artery (con-
osity (point of hock). 44 Metatarsal bone 1. tinuation of cranial tibial artery across flexor
This drawing, and the previous two Bones, joints and ligaments 45 Lateral surface of base of metatarsal bone surface of tarsus in company with tendon of
(figs 36 & 37), attempt to portray most 12 Crest of ilium. 13 Sacral tuberosity (point 5. 46 Lateral collateral tarsal ligament. 47 long digital extensor muscle). 67 Perforating
of the structures that are clearly related of croupl. 14 Coxal tuberosity (point of Medial collateral tarsal ligament. 48 Position metatarsal artery (continuing dorsal pedal
to the body surface, either palpable or haunch). 15 Median sacral crest. 16 Sacrotu- of crurotarsal component of hock joint (trochlea artery between metatarsal bones 2 and 3 into
capable of visualization in surface berous ligament (extending from ischiatic of talus is palpable). 49 Os penis (penile bone plantar surface of paw). 68 Popliteal lymph
projection. tuberosity to lateral sacral crest and transverse in glans penis formed from ossification in node (single prominent node in popliteal fossa,
process of first caudal vertebra). 17 Ischiatic cavernous bodies - maintains glans penis in normally palpable).
Surface features tuberosity (point of buttock). 18 Ischiatic arch apermanently 'erect' state. Longitudinal groove
1 Ischiorectal fossa (lateral to root of tail where (joining ischiatic tuberosities of either side). on underside of bone houses urethra sur- Nerves
bordered by pelvic diaphragm, medial to rump 19 Greater trochanter of femur (roughly on rounded by spongy erectile tissue). 69 Ischiatic nerve (direct continuation of
muscles and sacrotuberous ligament). 2 Fold same level as head of femur and is pointer to lumbosacral trunk leaving pelvis through lesser
of flank (skin fold joining flank and thigh proxi- position of hip joint). 20 Position of hip joint Muscles ischiatic notch in lateral wall of ischiorectal
mal to stifle joint). 3 Prepuce (sheath or fore- (joint itself is not palpable). 21 Lateral ridge of 50 Middle and superficial gluteal muscles fossa). 70 Common peroneal nerve (crosses
skin protecting glans penis and providing a femoral trochlea. 22 Medial ridge of femoral (rump muscles). 51 Cranial margin of thigh lateral head of gastrocnemius muscle beneath
reserve fold of skin for erect penis). 4 Preputial trochlea. 23 Patella ('knee cap' - sesamoid based on sartorius muscle. 52 Biceps femoris crural fascia). 71 Superficial peroneal nerve.
opening (leading into preputial cavity around bone in tendon of insertion of quadriceps component of hamstring muscles. 53 Semi- 72 Deep peroneal nerve. 73 Tibial nerve
glans penis). 5 Anus (ducts of paranal sacs femoris muscle located in femoral trochleal. tendinosus component of hamstring muscles. (palpable in crus between common calcaneal
open on either side). 6 Circumanal skin 24 Position of femoropatellar component of 54 Gracilis muscle. 55 Quadriceps femoris tendon and deep digital flexor muscle).
(sparsely haired and studded with pores of stifle joint. 25 Patellar tendon (tendon of in- muscle (beneath lateral femoral fascia). 56
circumanal glands - modified sebaceous sertion of quadricep~ femoris muscle, major Calf muscJes (gastrocnemius and superficial Glands
glands producing odoriferous material attract- stifle extensor muscle). 26 Medial condyle of digital flexor muscles). 57 Cranial tibial muscle. 74 Anal (paranal) sac (paired sacs sandwiched
ive to other dogs). 7 Penile (urethral) bulb femur. 27 Medial epicondyle of femur. 28 58 Tendon of origin of long digital extensor between external and internal anal sphincters
(expansion of spongy erectile tissue below Lateral condyle of femur. 29 Lateral epi-' muscle. 59 Tendon of deep digital flexor - receive and temporarily store secretion from
anus and between divergent crura of penile condyle of femur. 30 Lateral fabella (sesamoid muscle. 60 Common calcaneal tendon (com- glands in its wall which is added to faecal
root). 8 Penile crus (fibrous erectile tissue bone in tendon of origin of lateral head of posite structure formed from Achilles' tendon, surface when voiding occurs). 75 Opening of
[cavernous body] surrounded by an ischio- gastrocnemius muscle). 31 Medial condyle of superficial digital flexor tendon and tarsal duct of anal sac.
cavernosus muscle and attached to ischiatic tibia. 32 Lateral condyle of tibia. 33 Lateral tendons from hamstring and gracilis muscles).
arch - pair of crura attach penis to pelvis arid collateral stitle ligament. 34 Medial collateral 61 Superficial digital flexor tendon.


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