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The Inbound Marketing Evolution: The Story of ORM

Inbound marketing is a powerful strategy that has been emerging in recent years. As more and
more businesses are focusing on growing their online presence, marketers have come up with
new strategies to help them do so.

The term "inbound marketing" refers to the process of using content and other forms of
promotion to attract customers through search engine optimization, social media activity,
blogging, and email campaigns. It's an essential part of modern-day business practices because
it can be used as a long-term strategy for developing loyal customer bases while also increasing
revenue over time.

History of inbound marketing

-Early inbound marketing was used by search engine companies at the time, such as Yahoo! and

-In 2008, Hubspot coined the term "inbound marketing".

-This strategy became popular with startups that were looking for a way to compete against
larger corporations.

-The first major book on this topic came out in 2011 (Hubspot Marketing Book).

-The first inbound marknadsföring agency was founded by Hubspot co-founder Brian Halligan.

-Hubspot now has an annual revenue of $160 million.

-Inbound marketing is on the rise as more and more businesses are looking for a cheaper, long-
term strategy to grow their online presence.

-As more businesses find success with inbound marketing, the strategy will continue to become
even more popular.

Inbound marketing today

-Today, inbound marketing is a strategy that takes hold of many facets of the online experience.
It being used by retailers like Amazon and clothing companies such as H&M to grow their
brands on social media platforms. Large corporations are using this technique too because it
yields long-term results.

-Inbound marketing is used to generate traffic and convert that traffic into leads.
-It also comes with several benefits, including lower investment costs than traditional forms of
advertising, the ability to build relationships over time rather than just one-time customers,
increased customer loyalty thanks to personalized messages sent out through email campaigns,
and more.

What inbound marketing entails

-Inbound marketing accomplishes three things: first, it attracts visitors to your site through
content; second, it converts those visitors into leads and then customers; third, these new
customers become loyal brand advocates over time.

How does one use inbound marketing?

-When done correctly, inbound marketers can build an audience with blogging and social media
campaigns before promoting products or services from those audiences.

-The process starts with the creation of great content that attracts people to your site.

-Blogging, social media, and SEO are all important in terms of attracting visitors.

-Next is the conversion phase. You want these visitors to become leads, which mean they have
opted into a list just for you.

-Finally, there is customer service - this includes answering questions via phone or email and
providing free consultations.

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