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L¨vZbvgv ¯‹

‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ 1

L¨vZbvgv ¯‹zjmg
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ
41 wgR©vcyi K¨v‡WU K‡jR, Uv½vBj 42 gqgbwmsn Mvj©m K¨v‡WU K‡jR, gqgbwmsn
welq †KvW : 1 0 2 evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
mgq−2 NÈv; c
Y©gvb−50 (K) Punctuality is to be cultivated and formed into a habit. This
[ `ªóe¨ : `w¶Y cvk¦©¯’ msL¨v cÖ‡kœi c
Y©gvb ÁvcK| DËi cÖvmw½K nIqv quality is to be acquired through all over works from our
evÃbxq| GKB cÖ‡kœi Dˇi mvay I PwjZ fvlvixwZi wgkÖY `
lYxq|] boyhood. Boyhood is the seed time. The habit formed at
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 the time will continue all through our life. "Everything" at
(K) We have duties to God, go state and to the society. God has the right time it should be our motto.
created us and placed us on this beautiful earth. We are (L) In this life there are no gains without pains. Life, indeed,
indebted to our society for the service it renders to us. Our
would be bull if there were difficulties, Games lose their
society is like machine of which we are the parts. We have
each to play our own part. Otherwise the society will not zest if these is no struggle, and if the result is a forgone
prosper. conclusion Both winner and loser enjoy a game most if it is
(L) War is a curse of human civilization. In ancient times closely contested to the last.
battle were confined to soldiers. But now a days all the 2| (K) gva¨wgK cix¶vi dj cÖKv‡ki c
e©eZ©x AeKv‡k Zzwg Kx Ki‡Z
people both civilian and military have to suffer from the
effect of war. None can escape from the grip of enemy PvI Zv Rvwb‡q cÖevmx eÜzi wbKU GKLvbv cÎ †jL| 5
bombers. In fact war turns men into beasts. A_ev, (L) †Zvgv‡`i MÖv‡g GKwU cvVvMvi ¯’vc‡bi Rb¨ Avw_©K
2| (K) AwZ m¤•ÖwZ cwVZ GKwU eB m¤•‡K© wbR¯^ gZvgZ Rvwb‡q mvnv‡h¨i Av‡e`b Rvwb‡q †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki Kv‡Q GKwU
†Zvgvi cÖevmx eÜz‡K GKwU cÎ †jL| 5 `iLv¯U †jL|
A_ev, (L) moK `yN©Ubv †iv‡ai e¨vcv‡i †Zvgvi civgk© msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki
A_ev, (M) †Zvgvi GjvKvq we`y¨rweåvU cÖwZ‡ivaK‡í mswk−ó KZ…c© ‡¶i
Rb¨ ˆ`wbK cwÎKvi m¤•v`‡Ki wbKU GKwU cÎ †jL|
A_ev, (M) Le‡ii KvM‡R GKRb AwfÁ wk¶K wb‡qv‡Mi weÁvcb †`Iqv `„wó AvKl©Y K‡i msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ m¤•v`‡Ki
n‡q‡Q, D³ c‡`i cÖv_x© wn‡m‡e GKwU Av‡e`bcÎ iPbv Ki| eivei GKwU cÎ †jL|
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10 3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
hviv wb‡R wb‡R †Póv K‡ib Avj−vn Zv‡`i mnvq nb| AvR‡Ki `ywbqvUv Avðh©RbKfv‡e A‡_©i ev we‡Ëi Dci
c„w_ex‡Z hviv eo‡jvK n‡q‡Qb; Zuv‡`i cÖ‡Z¨‡KiB Rxebx
cvV Ki‡j Avgiv G wk¶vB †c‡q _vwK| we`¨vB †nvK, abB wbf©ikxj| jvf †jv‡fi `ywb©evi MwZ †Kej Av‡M hvevi
†nvK cwikÖg bv Ki‡j †KD Zv jvf Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| GK †bkvq, j¶¨nxb AvÍweKv‡ki c‡_ GwM‡q P‡j‡Q| gvbyl hw`
ivRcyÎ GKevi GK cwÛZ‡K e‡jwQ‡jb, Ògnvkq mvaviY GB g
pZv‡K Rq bv Ki‡Z cv‡i, Z‡e gbyl¨Z¡ K_vUvB nq
†jv‡K cwikÖg K‡i we`¨vjvf K‡i _v‡K| Avwg cwikÖ‡g †jvc †c‡q hv‡e| gvby‡li Rxeb AvR Ggb GK ch©v‡q G‡m
Af¨¯U bB| Avgvi Rb¨ wK we`¨v AR©‡bi †Kv‡bv mnR c_ †cuŠ‡Q‡Q †hLvb †_‡K Avi nq‡Zv bvgevi Dcvq †bB, Gevi
K‡i w`‡Z cv‡ib bv?Ó cwÊZ ej‡jb, ÒivRv ev ivRcy‡Îi
Rb¨ we`¨v wk¶vi ¯^ZšZ Dcvq †bB|Ó A‡bK evjK Av‡Q Zviv DVevi wmuwoUv bv LuyR‡jB bq|
†Kej wk¶K g‡nv`‡qi DciB wbf©i K‡i _v‡K| Awfavb A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
Ly‡j Kó ¯^xKvi bv K‡i A_© cy¯U‡Ki mvnvh¨ †bq| GiKg ˆkk‡e m`yc‡`k hvi bv †iv‡P,
†jvK KL‡bv RM‡Z DbœwZ Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| Rxeb Zvnvi Kfz g
L©Zv bv †Nv‡P
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL : ˆPÎ gv‡m Pvl w`qv bv †ev‡b ˆekv‡L,
GK`v wQj bv RyZv PiY hyM‡j,
K‡e †mB ˆngwšUK avb¨ †c‡q _v‡K,
`wnj ü`q gg †mB †¶vfvb‡j|
ax‡i ax‡i Pzwc Pzwc `ytLvKzj g‡b, me Qvwoqv w`qv K‡i cÊkÖg
†Mjvg fRbvj‡q fRb Kvi‡Y| dj Pv‡n †mI AwZ wb‡e©va Aag|
†m_v †`wL GKRb c` bvwn Zvi, †LqvZix P‡j †M‡j e‡m _v‡K Zx‡i,
Agwb RyZvi †L` NywPj Avgvi| wK‡m cvi n‡e Zix bv Avwm‡j wd‡i?
c‡ii `yt‡Li K_v Kwi‡j wPšUb
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
Avcb g‡bi `ytL _v‡K KZ¶Y|
(K) ˆkevj `xwN‡i K‡n, D”P Kwi wki
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
(K) we`¨v webq `vb K‡i, webq Øviv RMr ekxf‚Z nq| wj‡L †iL GK †duvUv w`‡jg wkwki|
(L) †h b`x nviv‡q †mªvZ Pwj‡Z bv cv‡i (L) AvÍkw³ AR©bB wk¶vi D‡Ïk¨|
mnmª ˆkevj `vg euv‡a Avwm Zv‡i| 5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20 (K) cwi‡ek `
lY I Zvi cÖwZKvi;
(K) evsjv‡`‡ki cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM; (L) weÁvb I eZ©gvb mf¨Zv;
(L) GKwU kx‡Zi mKvj;
(M) wkïkÖg; (M) ¯^‡`k‡cÖg;
(N) Kw¤•DUvi : weÁv‡bi we¯§q; (N) mgvR Dbœq‡b QvÎmgv‡Ri f‚wgKv;
(O) gv`Kvmw³ : cwiYvg I cÖwZ‡iva| (O) kÖ‡gi gh©v`v|
2 L¨vZbvgv ¯‹
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ

43 ivRkvnx K¨v‡WU K‡jR, ivRkvnx 44 iscyi K¨v‡WU K‡jR, iscyi

evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
(K) Modern sceience is teaching us that no one can live alone. (K) Man is the architect of his own life. if he makes a proper
Co-operation between individuals and between the families division of his time and prosper in life. Youth is the golden
is essential to the life of man. Greater Co-operation
season of life. In youth the mind can be moulded in any
between nations is essential for continuing life on earth.
form you like. It is called the seed-time of life.
(L) Poverty is a great problem in our country. But we hardly
realize that this miserable condition is our own creation. (L) We should bear of courage to say the right thing. We need
Many do not try to better their conditions by means of hard not fear men nor care for what others things of us. So long
labour. They only blame their miserable lot and curse their as our purpose is honest, God will be on our side. And with
fate. His help, we should be able to march in life and search its
2| (K) QvÎRxe‡b wk¶vg
jK md‡ii DcKvwiZv eY©bv K‡i eÜzi goal.
wbKU cÎ †jL| 5 2| (K) QvÎRxe‡b wk¶vg
jK md‡ii ¸i“Z¡ eY©bv K‡i eÜzi Kv‡Q
A_ev, (L) †Zvgvi we`¨vj‡qi cÖavb wk¶‡Ki we`vq Dcj‡¶ GKwU
GKwU cÎ †jL| 5
we`vq Awfb›`b cÎ iPbv Ki|
A_ev, (M) †Zvgvi GjvKvq gkvi Dc`ª‡ei cÖwZKv‡ii K_v Rvwb‡q A_ev, (L) mv¤•ÖwZK eb¨vq ¶wZMÖ¯U RbM‡Yi mvnv‡h¨i Rb¨ KZ…c© ‡¶i
KZ…©c‡¶i `„wó AvKl©Y K‡i msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Dc‡hvMx `„wó AvKl©Y K‡i msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Dc‡hvMx GKwU cÎ
GKwU cÎ †jL| †jL|
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10 A_ev, (M) webv †eZ‡b Aa¨q‡bi Rb¨ cÖavb wk¶‡Ki wbKU Av‡e`b cÎ
kÖg‡K kÖ×vi m‡½ MÖnY Ki| Kvwj-a
wji gv‡S †iŠ`ª-e„wó‡Z
Kv‡Ri Wv‡K bvwgqv hvI| evey nBqv Qvqvq, cvLvi Zjvq
_vwKevi †Kv‡bv cÖ‡qvRb bvB| GBUv nB‡Z‡Q g„Zz¨i 3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
Av‡qvRb| Kv‡Ri wfZi Kzeyw×, KzgZje gvbewP‡Ë evmv mgq I †mªvZ KviI A‡c¶vq e‡m _v‡K bv| wPiKvj Pj‡Z
euvwa‡Z cv‡i bv| Kv‡R kix‡ii mvg_©¨ R‡š§, ¯^v¯’¨, kw³, _v‡K| mg‡qi wbKU Abybq Ki, G‡K fq †`LvI, 僇¶cI
Avb›`, ù‚wZ© mKjB jvf nq| cwikÖ‡gi ci †h AeKvk jvf Ki‡e bv, mgq P‡j hv‡e Avi wdi‡e bv| bó ¯^v¯’¨ I
nq Zvnv cig Avb‡›`i AeKvk| ZLb K…wÎg Av‡qvRb
nviv‡bv ab cybtcÖvß nIqv hvq; wKš‘ mgq GKevi MZ n‡q
Kwiqv Avb›` Kwievi †Kv‡bv cÖ‡qvRb nq bv| ïay wPšUvi Øviv
RM‡Zi wnZ mvab nq bv| ïay wPšUv Kwiqv gvbyl c
Y© Ávb †M‡j Avi wd‡i Av‡m bv| MZ mg‡qi Rb¨ Aby‡kvPbv Kiv
jvf Kwi‡Z mg_© nq bv| gvbemgv‡R gvby‡li m‡½ Kv‡R, wbõj| hZB Kuv` bv †Kb, MZ mgq KLbI wd‡i Avm‡e
iv¯Uvq, KviLvbvq, gvby‡li m‡½ e¨env‡i gvbyl wb‡R‡K c
Y© bv|
K‡i| wPšUv I cy¯UK gvbeg‡bi cvcwo Lywjqv †`q gvÎ, A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
evwK KvR mvwaZ nq msmv‡ii Kg©‡¶‡Î|
G‡m‡Q bZzb wkï, Zv‡i †Q‡o w`‡Z n‡e ¯’vb|
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
ˆkk‡e m`yc‡`k hvnvi bv †iv‡P, RxY© c„w_ex‡Z e¨_©, g„Z Avi aŸsm¯U‚c-wc‡V
Rxe‡b Zvnviv Kfz g
L©Zv bv †Nv‡P P‡j †h‡Z n‡e Avgv‡`i|
ˆPÎ gv‡m Pvl w`qv bv †ev‡b ˆekv‡L, P‡j hve− Zey AvR hZ¶Y †`‡n Av‡Q cÖvY
K‡e †mB ˆngwšUK avb¨ †c‡q _v‡K?
cÖvYc‡Y c„w_exi miv‡ev RÄvj;
mgq Qvwoqv w`qv K‡i cÊkÖg,
dj Pv‡n, †mI AwZ wb‡e©va Aag| G wek¦‡K G wkïi evm‡hvM¨ K‡i hve Avwg−
†Lqv Zix P‡j †M‡j e‡m _v‡K Zx‡i beRvZ‡Ki Kv‡Q G Avgvi `„p A½xKvi|
wK‡m cvi n‡e, Zix bv Avwm‡j wd‡i? 4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10 (K) ivZ hZ Mfxi nq, cÖfvZ ZZ wbK‡U Av‡m|
(K) ÔRx‡e †cÖg K‡i †hB Rb
(L) AvÍkw³ AR©bB wk¶vi D‡Ïk¨|
†mB Rb †mwe‡Q Ck¦i|Õ
(L) ÔcwikÖg †mŠfv‡M¨i cÖm
wZ|Õ 5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20 (K) Kw¤•DUvi : weÁv‡bi GK we¯§q;
(K) weÁvb I AvaywbK mf¨Zv; (L) cwi‡ek `
lY I Zvi cÖwZKvi;
(L) evsjv‡`‡ki †cvkvK wkí;
(M) †`k MV‡b bvixmgv‡Ri f‚wgKv;
(M) evsjv‡`‡ki cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM I Zvi cÖwZKvi;
(N) GKwU el©YgyLi mܨv; (N) ¯^‡`k‡cÖg;
(O) †`k‡cÖg| (O) †Zvgvi ˆkke¯§„wZ|
L¨vZbvgv ¯‹
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ 3

45 cvebv K¨v‡WU K‡jR, cvebv 46 wSbvB`n K¨v‡WU K‡jR, wSbvB`n

evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
(K) Man is the architect of his own life. If he makes a proper (K) Student have youth and energy. They are filled with high
division of his time and does his duties accordingly, he is ideas. They are free from the responsibility of maintaining
sure to prosper in life. Youth is the golden season of life. In families. So it is easy for them to devote themselves to
youth the mind can be moulded in any form you like. It is social service besides their normal duty or acquiring
called the seed time of life. knowledge.
(L) We are the citizens of an independent country. (L) Dishonest men may seem to prosper and go undetected but
Independence is the birth right of man. But no nation can only for short time. Dishonesty is sure to be detected in the
achieve independence without efforts. Again the people of long run and follow punishment and disgrace. Honesty is,
a country must be determined to preserve that
therefore, the best policy.
independence. It is the sacred duty of every citizen to
preserve the independence of his motherland.
2| (K) †Zvgvi A‡j AbywôZ K…wl‡gjvi weeiY w`‡q †Zvgvi eÜzi
2| (K) m¤•ÖwZ †`Lv †Kv‡bv HwZnvwmK ¯’v‡bi eY©bv w`‡q †Zvgvi Kv‡Q GKLvwb cÎ †jL| 5
eÜz‡K GKwU cÎ †jL| 5 A_ev, (L) `wi`ª Znwej †_‡K mvnvh¨ †P‡q †Zvgvi we`¨vj‡qi Kv‡Q
A_ev, (L) †Zvgvi GjvKvi eb¨v`yM©‡Zi mvnv‡h¨i Rb¨ Av‡e`b Rvwb‡q
GKLvwb `iLv¯U †jL|
h_vh_ KZ…©c‡¶i `„wó AvKl©Y K‡i msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡kvc‡hvMx
GKwU cÎ iPbv Ki| A_ev, (M) ÔBf wUwRsÕ wbim‡bi j‡¶¨ mswk−ó KZ…©c¶‡K h_vh_ e¨e¯’v
A_ev, (M) †Zvgvi GjvKvq GKwU nvmcvZvj ¯’vc‡bi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv I MÖn‡Yi mycvwik K‡i cwÎKvq cÖKv‡ki Dc‡hvMx GKwU cÎ
Avw_©K mvnv‡h¨i Av‡e`b Rvwb‡q †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki Kv‡Q
GKwU `iLv¯U †jL|
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10 3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
wb›`v bv _vwK‡j c„w_ex‡Z Rxe‡bi †MŠie wK _vwKZ? GKUv Ac‡ii Rb¨ Zzwg †Zvgvi cÖvY `vI − Avwg ej‡Z PvB‡b|
fv‡jv Kv‡R nvZ w`jvg Zvnvi wb›`v †Kn K‡i bv, †m fv‡jv
Ac‡ii ¶z`ª ¶z`ª `ytL Zzwg `
i K‡iv| Aci‡K GKUzLvwb myL
Kv‡Ri `vg wK? GKUv fv‡jv wKQy wjLjvg, Zvnvi wb›`yK
†Kn bvB-fv‡jv MÖ‡š’i c‡¶ Ggb gg©vwšUK Abv`i Avi Kx `vI| Ac‡ii m‡½ GKUzLvwb wgó K_v e‡jv| c‡_i Amnvq
n‡Z cv‡i? Rxeb‡K ag©PP©vq DrmM© Kwijvg, hw` †Kv‡bv gvbylwUi w`‡K GKUz Ki“Y `„wó wb‡¶c K‡iv− Zvn‡jB n‡e|
†jvK Zvnvi g‡a¨ g›` AwfcÖvq bv †`wLj, Z‡e mvayZv †h
PwiÎevb, gbyl¨Z¡m¤•bœ gvbyl wb‡Ri †P‡q c‡ii Afv‡e †ewk
wbZvšUB mnR nBqv cwoj| gnË¡‡K c‡` c‡` KuvUv gvovBqv
Pwj‡Z nq| Bnv‡Z †h nvi gv‡b, ex‡ii m`MwZ †m jvf K‡i Aaxi nb, c‡ii `ytL jvNe Ki‡Z †MŠie‡eva K‡ib|
bv| c„w_ex‡Z wb›`v †`vlx‡`i ms‡kvab Kwievi Rb¨ Av‡Q A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
Zvnv b‡n, gnË¡‡K †MŠie †`Iqv Zvnvi GKUv g¯U KvR|
nvq nvq, Rbwgqv hw` bv dzUv‡j
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
G‡m‡Q bZzb wkï, Zv‡K †Q‡o w`‡Z n‡e ¯’vb GKwU KzmygKwj bqbwKi‡Y
RxY© c„w_ex‡Z e¨_©, GKwU Rxebe¨_v hw` bv Kzov‡j
g„Z Avi aŸsm¯U‚c wc‡V eyKfiv †cÖg †X‡j wedj Rxe‡b
P‡j †h‡Z n‡e Avgv‡`i| Avcbv ivwL‡j e¨_© Rxebmvabv;
P‡j hve−Zey AvR hZ¶Y †`‡n Av‡Q cÖvY
Rxeb we‡k¦i Z‡i civ‡_© Kvgbv|
cÖvYc‡Y c„w_exi miv‡ev RÄvj|
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
G wek¦‡K G wkïi evm‡hvM¨ K‡i hve Avwg
(K) ¯^vaxbZv AR©‡bi †P‡q ¯^vaxbZv i¶v Kiv KwVb|
beRvZ‡Ki Kv‡Q G Avgvi `„p A½xKvi|
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10 (L) wg_¨v ïwbwb fvB
(K) ˆkevj `xwN‡i e‡j D”P Kwi wki GB ü`‡qi †P‡q eo †Kvb gw›`i Kvev bvB|
wj‡L †iL GK †duvUv w`‡jg wkwki|
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
(L) ¯^vaxbZv AR©‡bi †P‡q ¯^vaxbZv i¶v Kiv KwVb|
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20 (K) RvZxq Rxe‡b msev`c‡Îi f‚wgKv;
(K) evsjv‡`‡ki cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM I Zvi cÖwZKvi; (L) kÖ‡gi gh©v`v;
(L) ˆ`bw›`b Rxe‡b weÁvb; (M) Kw¤•DUvi;
(M) RvwZ MV‡b bvixmgv‡Ri f‚wgKv;
(N) Aa¨emvq; (N) evsjv‡`‡ki K…lK;
(O) ¯^‡`k‡cÖg| (O) bvixwk¶vi ¸i“Z¡|
4 L¨vZbvgv ¯‹
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ

47 Kzwgj−v K¨v‡WU K‡jR, Kzwgj−v 48 †dŠR`vinvU K¨v‡WU K‡jR, PÆMÖvg

evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
(K) No man can live alone. When we are children, the family (K) A gentleman is one who never causes pain to others. This
protects us. When we grow up we need the help of all
people around us. If we try to live alone our lives are no description is short, but as far as it goes it is correct. He is
other than those of animals. Our fathers and mothers, our always polite and considerate. He carefully avoids
teachers, our government, all these train us to do our duty.
whatever may cause even a slight shock in the minds of
(L) We should bear the courage to say the right thing. We need
those with whom he associates, for this reason, he is loved
not fear men nor care for what others think of us. So long
as our purpose is honest, God will be on our side and with and respected by all in the society. A gentleman is
this help, we shall be able to encourage the weak. Thus we undoubtedly an ideal man to be gentleman is not very
shall be able to march in life and search its goal. difficult if one wishes sincerely to be so.
2| (K) A¨vb_ªv· †iv‡Mi Kvi‡Y Rb¯^v¯’¨ ûgwKi m¤§yLxb| G (L) Socrates did not teach in a school instead he taught in the
e¨vcv‡i h_vh_ e¨e¯’v MÖn‡Yi Rb¨ KZ…©c‡¶i `„wó AvKl©Y streets, in the market places. Where the young man were
K‡i msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Dc‡hvMx GKwU cÎ †jL| 5 likely to be found. He taught that man must be good to be
A_ev, (L) †jvW‡kwWs-Gi Kvi‡Y †jLvcov I Dbœqb Kxfv‡e evavMÖ¯U happy. he often said that he was wiser than other man,
n‡”Q Zv Rvwb‡q cÖevmx eÜz‡K cÎ †jL| because he understood how little he really knew.
A_ev, (M) GmGmwm cix¶v_x©‡`i we`vq Dcj‡¶ GKwU we`vq msea©bv
2| (K) ÔZoKv AvZ¼ : A_©bxwZi fMœ`kvÕ wel‡q †Zvgvi gZvgZ
cÎ †jL|
†jL| 5
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
A_ev, (L) weÁvb †gjvi AwfÁZv Rvwb‡q cÖevmx eÜz‡K †jL|
kÖg‡K kÖ×vi m‡½ MÖnY Ki| Kvwj-ayjvi gv‡S, †iv`ª-
3| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
e„wó‡Z Kv‡Ri Wv‡K †b‡g hvI| evey n‡q Qvqvq cvLvi Z‡j
(K) †Kb cvš’ ¶všU nI †nwi `xN©c_
_vKevi `iKvi †bB| G n‡”Q g„Zz¨i Av‡qvRb| Kv‡Ri †fZi
Kzeyw×-KzgZje-gvbewP‡Ë evmv euva‡Z cv‡i bv| Kv‡RB D`¨g wen‡b Kvi cy‡i g‡bvi_?
kix‡i mvg_©¨ R‡š§, ¯^v¯’¨, kw³, Avb›`, ù‚wZ© mKjB jvf (L) wg_¨v ïwbwb fvB
nq| cwikÖ‡gi ci †h AeKvk jvf nq Zv cig Avb‡›`i GB ü`‡qi †P‡q eo †Kvb gw›`i Kvev bvB|
AeKvk| ZLb K…wÎg Av‡qvRb K‡i Avb›` Kivi †Kv‡bv (M) Mvwn mv‡g¨i Mvb
cÖ‡qvRb nq bv| ïay wPšUvi Øviv RM‡Zi wnZ mvab nq bv| gvby‡li †P‡q eo wKQy bvB, b‡n wKQy gnxqvb|
gvbemgv‡R gvby‡li m‡½ Kv‡R, iv¯Uvq, KviLvbvq, 4| mvivsk / mvigg© †jL : 10
gvby‡li m‡½ e¨env‡i gvbyl wb‡R‡K c
Y© K‡i| (K) †cÖg wPiKv‡ji A`„k¨ Av‡eM| N„YvI Pg©P‡¶i Abvq‡Ë|
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL : Aek¨ Dcjwäi †Rv‡i Gm‡ei Ici Rqjvf Kiv m¤¢e|
ˆ`b¨ hw` Av‡m, AvmyK, j¾v wK ev Zv‡n, A_P mªóvq Abv¯’v! Zv wK K‡i nq! G nevi bq| Òhv
gv_v DuPz ivwLm| †`wL‡b, Zv gvwb‡bÓ Ggb Vzb‡Kv †L‡jv Ges f½yi AvIqvR
my‡Li mv_x gy‡Li cv‡b hw` bvwn Pv‡n, Avnv¤§wKi cÖgvYevnx| AZGe Avgiv Ges Zviv GKB c‡_i
ˆah© a‡i _vwKm| cw_K n‡Z cvwi bv| Zviv DReyK, ¯^í‡gqv`x Ges c_åó|
i“`ª iƒ‡c Zxeª `ytL hw` Av‡m †b‡g, Avgiv Av‡jvK cÖZ¨vkx, mÜvbx Ges AwfhvwÎK|
eyK dzwj‡q `uvovm|
(L) Avgvi G K‚j fvwOqv‡Q †hev Avwg Zvi K‚j euvwa,
AvKvk hw` eRª wb‡q gv_vq †f‡O c‡o,
†h †M‡Q ey‡K AvNvZ nvwbqv Zvi jvwM Avwg Kuvw`|
E‡aŸ© `yÕnvZ evovm|
†h †gv‡i w`‡q‡Q we‡l fiv evY,
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
Avwg †`B Zv‡i eyK fiv Mvb
(K) Ôhvnv PvB Zvnv fzj K‡i PvB
KuvUv †c‡q Zv‡`i dzj Kwi `vb mvivwU Rbgfi,
hvnv cvB Zvnv PvB bv|Õ
Avcb Kwi‡Z Kuvw`qv †eovB †h †gv‡i K‡i‡Q ci|
(L) ÔAvÍkw³ AR©bB wk¶vi D‡Ïk¨|Õ
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20 5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
(K) ¯^‡`k‡cÖg; (K) eB cov;
(L) mgvR Dbœq‡b QvÎmgv‡Ri f‚wgKv; (L) weÁv‡bi wewkóZv;
(M) kx‡Zi mKvj; (M) Aa¨emvq;
(N) gvbeKj¨v‡Y weÁvb; (N) iƒcmx evsjv‡`k;
(O) cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM I Zvi cÖwZKvi| (O) evev|
L¨vZbvgv ¯‹
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ 5

49 wm‡jU K¨v‡WU K‡jR, wm‡jU 50 ewikvj K¨v‡WU K‡jR, ewikvj

evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
(K) Tomorrow as yesterday, the fittest will survive in the (K) Punctuality is to be cultivated and formed into a habit. This
struggle for existence. But where as in the past selfishness quality is to be acquired through all our works from our
was the measure of fitness, in the future survival will be boyhood. Boyhood is the seed-time. The habit formed this
determined by breadth and depth of love. Modern science time will continue all through our life. Everything at right
is teaching, as it never was thought before, that no one time should be our motto.
lives for himself alone. (L) It is very difficult to be great. Some qualities are required
(L) The wind and the sun had quarrelled as to who was the to become great. Honesty and courage are two of them.
stronger. Just then a man came walking alone the road. The People of former times possessed these qualities. Now
sun said. "Do you see the man? Let us see which of us can these qualities are very rare.
make him take off his coat. He who succeeds is the 2| (K) wk¶v md‡ii AwfÁZvi eY©bv w`‡q †Zvgvi eÜz‡K GKwU
stronger". cÎ †jL| 5
2| (K) †Zvgvi GjvKvq cvVvMvi ¯’vc‡b Avw_©K mvnv‡h¨i Av‡e`b A_ev, (L) gkvi Dc`ªe wbevi‡Yi Rb¨ KZ…©c‡¶i mnvqZv Kvgbv K‡i
Rvwb‡q †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki eivei GKwU `iLvZ †jL| 5 msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡kvc‡hvMx GKwU cÎ iPbv Ki|
A_ev, (L) †Zvgvi †`Lv GKwU GKz‡ki eB‡gjvi eY©bv w`‡q cÖevmx A_ev, (M) †Zvgvi we`¨vj‡q beel© D`hvcb Dcj‡¶ GKwU wbgšZYcÎ
iPbv Ki|
eÜz‡K GKLvbv cÎ †jL|
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
A_ev, (M) cÖKvwkZ msev‡`i cÖwZev` Rvwb‡q msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki †µva gvby‡li cig kΓ| †µva gvby‡li gbyl¨Z¡ bvk K‡i| †h
Dc‡hvMx GKwU cÎ †jL| †jvgnl©K KvR¸‡jv c„w_ex‡K bi‡K cwiYZ Kwiqv‡Q, Zvnvi
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10 g
‡jI iwnqv‡Q †µva| †µva †h gvbyl‡K cïfvevcbœ K‡i,
Ac‡ii Rb¨ Zzwg †Zvgvi cÖvY `vI, Avwg Zv ej‡Z PvB‡b| Zvnv GKevi µz× e¨w³i gy‡Li cÖwZ `„wócvZ Kwi‡jB ¯•ó
Ac‡ii ¶z`ª ¶z`ª `ytL Zzwg `
i Ki| Aci‡K GKUzLvwb myL cÖZxqgvb nq| †h e¨w³i gyLLvbv me©`v nvwmgvLv, Zzwg †`eZv
†f‡e cwic
Y© g‡b Ki, †`wL‡jB †Zvgvi g‡b Avb›` a‡i
`vI| Ac‡ii m‡½ Zzwg wgwó K_v ej| c‡_i Amnvq
GKevi †µv‡ai mgq †mB gyLLvwbi w`‡K ZvKvBI; †`wL‡e,
gvbylwUi w`‡K GKUz Ki“Y KUv¶ Ki−Zvn‡jB A‡bK n‡e| †mB ¯^‡M©i mylgv Avi bvB| biKvwMœ‡Z weKU iƒc aviY
PwiÎevb gbyl¨Z¡m¤•bœ gvbyl wb‡Ri †P‡q c‡ii Afv‡e †ewk Kwiqv‡Q| mg¯U gyL Kx GK Kvwjgvq XvwKqv wMqv‡Q| ZLb
Aaxi nb, c‡ii `ytL‡K †X‡K ivL‡Z †MŠie‡eva K‡ib| Zv‡K Avwj½b Kiv `
‡i _vKzK, Zvnvi wbKU hvB‡ZI B”Qv
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL : nq bv| my›`i‡K gyn
‡Z©i g‡a¨ KzrwmZ Kwi‡Z Ab¨ †Kv‡bv
¶gv †h_v ¶xY `ye©jZv wicy †µv‡ai b¨vq K…ZKvh© nq bv|
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
†n i“`,ª wbôzi †hb n‡Z cvwi Z_v|
`wʇZi mv‡_
†Zvgvi Av‡`‡k, †hb imbvq gg `Ê`vZv Kuv‡` h‡e mgvb AvNv‡Z
mZ¨ evK¨ SwjÕ D‡V Li-LoM mg me©‡kÖô †m wePvi| hvi Z‡i cÖvY
†Zvgvi Bw½‡Z; †hb ivwL Ze gvb e¨_v bvwn cvq †Kvb, Zv‡i `Ê-`vb
†Zvgvi wePvivm‡b j‡q wbR ¯’vb| cÖe‡ji AZ¨vPvi| †h `Ê †e`bv
Ab¨vq †h K‡i Avi Ab¨vq †h m‡n, cy‡Î‡i cvi bv w`‡Z, †m Kv‡iI w`I bv|
†h †Zvgvi cyÎ b‡n, ZviI wcZv Av‡Q,
Ze N„Yv †hb Zv‡i Z…Ymg `‡n|
gnv Acivax n‡e Zzwg Zvi Kv‡Q|
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10 4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
(K) ¯•ófvlx kΓ wbe©vK wgÎ A‡c¶v fv‡jv| (K) ivZ hZ Mfxi nq, cÖfvZ ZZ wbK‡U Av‡m|
(L) Øvi eÜ K‡i w`‡q ågUv‡K i“wL (L) ¯^v_©gMœ †h Rb wegyL
mZ¨ e‡j, Avwg Z‡e †Kv_v w`‡q XzwK? e„nr RMr n‡Z, †m KL‡bv †k‡L wb euvwP‡Z|
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20 5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
(K) AvšUR©vwZK gvZ…fvlv w`em;
(K) weÁvb I AvaywbK mf¨Zv;
(L) weÁvb I AvaywbK Rxeb;
(L) hvbRU I Zvi cÖwZKvi; (M) cwi‡ek `
lY I Zvi cÖwZKvi;
(M) GKwU el©YgyLi mܨv; (N) RvwZ MV‡b bvixmgv‡Ri f‚wgKv;
(N) eb¨v I Zvi cÖwZKvi| (O) gv`Kvmw³ I Zvi cwiYvg|
6 L¨vZbvgv ¯‹
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ

51 †dbx Mvj©m K¨v‡WU K‡jR, †dbx 52 RqcyinvU Mvj©m K¨v‡WU K‡jR, RqcyinvU
evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
(K) Wealth perishes very soon while knowledge lasts and does (K) Computer is the new miracle of science. It can make
not perish. Knowledge is light and ignorance is darkness. thousand of calculations in a moment. It can store in its
memory millions of facts and figures. It can also recall
A man without learning is like a beast. Knowledge in the
them at ease. In our country the use of Computer is
beast is like the sun is the sky. Wealth may be stolen. but
growing rapidly. Now a day computers are used is banks,
learning cannot be stolen. shops, airlines, offices, libraries, everywhere. It seems that
(L) Work is life. It is the ture source of health and happiness. computer is going to dominate the future civilization of
Man cannot be altogether idle. They must have something man.
to do or think upon. An idle man is busy with evil thoughts (L) He who loves his country is a patriot. The patriots love
and goes to ruin. their country more dearly than their lives. They are ready
to lay down their lives for the welfare of their country.
2| (K) cix¶vq K…wZZ¡ cÖ`k©‡bi Rb¨ Awfb›`b Rvwb‡q eÜz‡K
Everybody honours them. They live even after their death.
GKwU cÎ †jL| 5 2| (K) MÖvg‡K wbi¶iZvi Awfkvc †_‡K gy³ Kivi †¶‡Î wb‡Ri
A_ev, (L) Av‡jvwKZ gvbyl nevi Rb¨ †Zvgvi GjvKvq GKwU cvVvMvi f‚wgKvi eY©bv w`‡q eÜzi Kv‡Q GKLvbv cÎ †jL| 5
¯’vc‡bi j‡¶¨ †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki wbKU GKLvbv Av‡e`bcÎ A_ev, (L) †Zvgvi GjvKvi iv¯Uv †givg‡Zi Rb¨ Av‡e`b Rvwb‡q
†jL| BDwbqb cwil‡`i †Pqvig¨v‡bi wbKU GKLvbv Av‡e`bcÎ
A_ev, (M) we`y¨r weåvU wbimbK‡í mswk−ó KZ©„c‡¶i `„wó AvKl©‡Yi †jL|
A_ev, (M) we`y¨rweåvU wbimbK‡í mswk−ó KZ…©c‡¶i `„wó AvKl©‡Yi
Rb¨ msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Dc‡hvMx GKwU cÎ †jL|
Rb¨ msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Dc‡hvMx GKwU cÎ †jL|
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
eZ©gvb wek¦mvwn‡Z¨i w`‡K GKUz fv‡jv K‡i †`L‡j me©v‡MÖ kÖg‡K kÖ×vi m‡½ MÖnY Ki| Kvwj-aywji gv‡S, †iŠ`ª-
†Pv‡L c‡o Zvi `ywU iƒc| GKiƒ‡c †m G a
wj-gwjb c„w_exi e„wó‡Z Kv‡Ri Wv‡K †b‡g hvI| evey n‡q Qvqvq cvLvi Z‡j
E‡aŸ© I‡V ¯^‡M©i mÜvb K‡i, Zvi PiY KLbI aivi gvwU _vKevi `iKvi †bB| G n‡”Q g„Zz¨i Av‡qvRb| Kv‡Ri wfZi
¯•k© K‡i bv;−GLv‡b †m ¯^cb wenvix| Avi GKiƒ‡c G gvwUi Kzeyw×, KzgZje gvbewP‡Ë evmv euva‡Z cv‡i bv| Kv‡R
c„w_ex‡K Acvi ggZvq AuvK‡o a‡i _v‡K| −GLv‡b †m gvwUi kix‡i mvg_©¨ R‡š§ ¯^v¯’¨, kw³, Avb›` I ù‚wZ© mKjB jvf
`yjvj| nq| cwikÖ‡gi ci †h AeKvk jvf nq Zv cig Avb‡›`i
AeKvk| ZLb K…wÎg Av‡qvRb K‡i Avb›` Kievi †Kv‡bv
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
cÖ‡qvRb nq bv| ïay wPšUvi Øviv RM‡Zi wnZ mvab nq bv|
mܨv hw` bv‡g c‡_, P›`ª hw` c
e©vPj †Kv‡Y
gvbemgv‡R gvby‡li m‡½ e¨env‡i gvbyl wb‡R‡K c
Y© K‡i|
bv nq D`q A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
ZviKvi cyÄ hw` wb‡f hvq cÖjq Rj‡` `wʇZi mv‡_
bv Kwie fq| `Ê`vZv Kuv‡` hv‡e mgvb AvNv‡Z
wnsmª Dwg© KYv Zzwj, wefxwlKvg
wZ© awi hw` me©‡kÖô †m wePvi| hvi Z‡i cÖvY
MÖvwmev‡i Av‡m, e¨_v bvwn cvq †Kv‡bv, Zv‡i `Ê `vb,
cÖe‡ji AZ¨vPvi| †h `Ê †e`bv
†m g„Zz¨ jwŽNqv hve wmÜzcv‡i beRxe‡bi
cy‡Î‡i cvi bv w`‡Z, †m Kv‡iI w`I bv|
bexb Avk¦v‡m| †h †Zvgvi cyÎ b‡n, ZviI wcZv Av‡Q,
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10 gnvAcivax n‡e Zzwg Zvi Kv‡Q|
(K) AvÍkw³ AR©bB wk¶vi D‡Ïk¨| 4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
(L) hZ eo †nvK B›`ªaby, †m my`
i AvKv‡k AuvKv (K) c‡ii Awbó wPšUv K‡i †hB Rb,
Avwg fv‡jvevwm †gvi aiYxi cÖRvcwZwUi cvLv| wb‡Ri Awbó exR K‡i †m ecb|
(L) `yt‡Li g‡Zv GZ eo cikcv_i Avi †bB|
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
(K) evsjv‡`‡ki wµ‡KU;
(K) Aa¨emvq;
(L) RvwZ MV‡b bvixmgv‡Ri f‚wgKv; (L) Kw¤•DUvi;
(M) w`b e`‡ji cvjvq evsjv‡`k; (M) e„¶‡ivcY Awfhvb;
(N) B›Uvi‡bU I AvR‡Ki wek¦; (N) GKwU el©YgyLi mܨv;
(O) GKwU el©YgyLi mܨv| (O) gv`Kvmw³ I Zvi cÖwZKvi|
L¨vZbvgv ¯‹
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ 7

53 ivRDK DËiv g‡Wj K‡jR, XvKv 54 XvKv †iwm‡WwÝqvj g‡Wj K‡jR, XvKv
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
(K) The proverb says that Allah helps those who help 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
themselves. A man who relies on his own ability and does (K) No man can live alone. When we are children the family
his work by himself is helped by Allah. Such a man is protects us. When we grow up, we need the help of all
always crowned with success. The great virtue creates in people around us. If we try to live alone, our lives are no
him the confidence which is essential for success in life. It other than those of animals. Our fathers and mothers, our
is a self confident man who only reaps the fruit of his teachers, our government, all these trains us to do our duty.
labour in full. (L) Students are the source of future hope and strength of our
(L) A good teacher is one of the most important person in any country. Much depends on how they spend their time and
country. Bangladesh needs good teachers. A good teacher energy now. They have in the first place, to acquire
makes lessons interesting. He keeps pupils and students knowledge and experience. Secondly, they have to look
awake. He also make them confident and proves them around and study the condition of people. Their ways of
clever. Everybody has something valuable in him. A good living and see in what direction reforms are necessary.
teacher discovers the treasure hidden inside each student. 2| (K) cix¶vq bKj Kivi Kzdj m¤•‡K© †Zvgvi gZvgZ Rvwb‡q
2| (K) AvaywbK evsjv‡`k Mo‡Z Kx Kx Kiv cÖ‡qvRb Zv Rvwb‡q †QvU fvB‡qi wbKU GKwU cÎ †jL| 5
†Zvgvi eÜzi wbKU cÎ wjL| 5 A_ev, (L) †Zvgvi GjvKvq eb¨v`yM©Z RbM‡Yi Rb¨ ch©vß ÎvYmvgMÖx I
A_ev, (L) gva¨wgK we`¨vj‡q mnKvix wk¶‡Ki k
b¨ c‡`i Rb¨ Av‡e`b Ilya mieiv‡ni Rb¨ KZ…©c‡¶i `„wó AvKl©Y K‡i ˆ`wbK
Rvwb‡q `iLv¯U wjL| cwÎKvq GKwU cÎ †jL|
A_ev, (M) hvbRU wbimbK‡í n¯U‡¶c Kvgbv K‡i msev`c‡Î A_ev, (M) †Zvgvi we`¨vj‡q gvbbxq wk¶vgšZxi AvMgb Dcj‡¶ GKwU
cÖKv‡kvc‡hvMx GKwU cÎ †jL| Awfb›`b cÎ iPbv Ki|
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10 3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
Zzwg Rxeb‡K mv_©K I my›`i Kwi‡Z PvI? fvj K_v, wKš‘ AvR‡Ki `ywbqvUv Avðh©fv‡e A‡_©i ev we‡Ëi Dci
†mRb¨ †Zvgv‡K cÖvYvšU cwikÖg Kwi‡Z nB‡e| gnr wKQy jvf wbf©ikxj| jvf I †jv‡fi `ywb©evi MwZ †Kej Av‡M hvevi
Kwi‡Z nB‡j K‡Vvi mvabvi `iKvi| †Zvgv‡K A‡bK `ytL †bkvq j¶¨nxb cÖPÊ †e‡M ïayB AvZ¥webv‡ki c‡_ GwM‡q
mn¨ Kwi‡Z nB‡e| GB me Zz”Q Kwiqv hw` Zzwg j‡¶¨i Pj‡Q| gvbyl hw` GB g
pZv‡K Rq bv Ki‡Z cv‡i, gbyl¨Z¡
w`‡K µgvMZ AMÖmi nB‡Z cvi, Z‡e †Zvgvi Rxeb my›`i K_vUvB nq‡Zv †jvc †c‡q hv‡e| gvby‡li Rxeb AvR Ggb
nB‡e| AviI Av‡Q| †Zvgvi wfZ‡i GK Avwg Av‡Q, †m eo GK ch©v‡q G‡m †cuŠ‡Q‡Q †mLvb †_‡K nq‡Zv Avi bvgevi
`yišU| Zvnvi ¯^fve cïi gZ ee©i Avi D”Q„ŽLj| †m †Kej Dcvq †bB, Gevi DVevi wmuwo bv LuyR‡jB bq|
†fvMwejvm Pvq| GB ÔAvwgÕ-†K Rq Kwi‡Z nB‡e| Z‡eB A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
†Zvgvi Rxeb mv_©K I my›`i nBqv DwV‡e| wb›`y‡K‡i evwm Avwg mevi †P‡q fv‡jv,
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL : hyM Rb‡gi eÜz Avgvi Auvavi N‡ii Av‡jv|
Zi“Z‡j e‡m cvš’ kÖvwšU K‡i `
i mevB †gv‡i Qvo‡Z cv‡i eÜz hviv Av‡Q,
dj Av¯^v`‡b cvq Avb›` cÖPzi wb›`yK †m Qvqvi gZ _vK‡e cv‡Q cv‡Q|
we`vq Kv‡j nv‡Z Wvj †f‡½ jq wek¦R‡b wbt¯^ K‡i, cweÎZv Av‡b,
Zi“ Zey AKvZi−wKQy bvwn Kq mvaK R‡b wb¯Uvwi‡Z Zvi gZ †K Rv‡b?
`yj©f gvbe Rš§ †c‡qQ hLb, webvg
‡j¨ gqjv ay‡q K‡i cwi®‹vi,
Zi“i Av`k© Ki Rxe‡b MÖnY wek¦ gv‡S Ggb `qvj wgj‡e †Kv_vq Avi?
civ‡_© Avcb myL w`‡q wemR©b wb›`yK †m †eu‡P _vKzK wek¦-wn‡Zi Z‡i,
ZzwgI nI‡Mv ab¨ Zi“i gZb| Avgvi Avkv c
Y© n‡e Zvnvi K…cv f‡i|
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10 4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
(K) KxwZ©gv‡bi g„Zz¨ bvB| (K) gvbyl euv‡P Zvi K‡g©i g‡a¨, eq‡mi g‡a¨ bq|
(L) Rx‡e †cÖg K‡i †hBRb, (L) iv‡Z hw` m
h©‡kv‡K S‡i AkÖ“aviv|
†mBRb †mwe‡Q Ck¦i| m
h© bvwn †d‡i, ïay e¨_© nq Zviv|
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20 5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
(K) kx‡Zi mKvj; (K) Aa¨emvq;
(L) RvwZ MV‡b msev`c‡Îi f‚wgKv; (L) wWwRUvj evsjv‡`k;
(M) evsjv‡`‡ki cÖvK…wZK †mŠ›`h©; (M) evsjv‡`‡ki cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM I Zvi cÖwZKvi;
(N) cwi‡ek `
lY I Zvi cÖwZKvi; (N) Kw¤•DUvi I AvaywbK Rxeb;
(O) Z_¨cÖhyw³ I AvaywbK Rxeb| (O) evsjv‡`‡ki ¯^vaxbZv msMÖvg I e½eÜz|
8 L¨vZbvgv ¯‹
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ

55 AvBwWqvj ¯‹zj GÛ K‡jR, gwZwSj, XvKv 56 wfKvi“bwbmv b!b ¯‹zj I K‡jR, XvKv
evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
(K) Patriotism is love for one's country. It is powerful (K) A patriot is a man who loves his country, works for it, and
sentiment and wholly unselfish and noble. A patriot can is willing to fight and die for it. Every soldier is bound to
sacrifice even his own life for the welfare of his country. It do his duty but the best soldiers do more than this. They
is idealism that gives courage and strength. But false risk their lives because they love the country. They are the
patriotism makes a man narrow minded and selfish. best friends of the people.
(L) Self-reliance means depending on one's ownself. It is a (L) Student are the source of future hope and strength of our
great virtue. God helps those who help themselves. So, country. Much depends on how they spend their time and
everybody must rely on his own abilities to be self-reliant. energy now. They have, in the first place, to acquire
A self-reliant man has confidence in his own abilities. knowledge and experience, secondly, they have a look
around and study the condition of people, their ways of
2| (K) †Zvgvi we`¨vj‡qi cÖavb wk¶‡Ki Aemi MÖnY Dcj‡¶ GKwU
living and see in what direction reforms are necessary.
gvbcÎ iPbv Ki| 5 2| (K) †Zvgvi GjvKvi eb¨v `yM©Z RbM‡Yi Rb¨ ch©vß ÎvY mvnvh¨
A_ev, (L) moK `yN©Ubv †ivaK‡í †Zvgvi AwfgZ Rvwb‡q msev`c‡Î I Ilya mieiv‡ni Rb¨ KZ…©c‡¶i `„wó AvKl©Y K‡i ˆ`wbK
cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ m¤•v`‡Ki wbKU GKwU cÎ †jL| msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Dc‡hvMx GKLvbv cÎ †jL| 5
A_ev, (M) †Zvgvi we`¨vjq Rxe‡bi †kl w`‡bi gvbwmK Ae¯’v Rvwb‡q A_ev, (L) GmGmwm cix¶vq DËxY© nevi ci Zzwg e„wËg
jK wk¶v MÖnY
cÖevmx eÜz‡K GKwU cÎ †jL| Ki‡Z PvI| †Zvgvi G B”Qvi c‡¶ hyw³ †`wL‡q †Zvgvi
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10 eÜz‡K GKLvbv cÎ †jL|
A_ev, (M) †Zvgvi we`¨vj‡q bevMZ cÖavb wk¶K‡K ¯^vMZ Rvwb‡q GKwU
gvbyl m„wói †kÖô cÖvYx| RM‡Zi Ab¨vb¨ cÖvYxi mwnZ gvby‡li
Awfb›`bcÎ iPbv Ki|
cv_©‡K¨i KviY gvbyl we‡eK I eyw×i AwaKvix| GB we‡eK, 3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
eyw× I Ávb bvB ewjqv Avi mKj cÖvYx gvbyl A‡c¶v kÖg‡K kÖ×vi m‡½ MÖnY Ki| Kvwj ayjvi g‡a¨, †iŠ`ª-e„wó‡Z
wbK…ó| Ávb I gbyl¨‡Z¡i DrKl© mvab Kwiqv gvbyl RM‡Zi Kv‡Ri Wv‡K bvwgqv hvI| evey nBqv Qvqvq, cvLvi Z‡j
ey‡K A¶q KxwZ© ¯’vcb Kwiqv‡Q, RM‡Zi Kj¨vY mvab _vwKevi †Kvb `iKvi bvB| G n‡”Q g„Zz¨i Av‡qvRb| Kv‡Ri
Kwi‡Z‡Q| cïej I A_©ej gvbyl‡K eo ev gnr Kwi‡Z cv‡i wfZi Kzeyw×, KzgZje gvbewP‡Ë evmv euvwa‡Z cv‡i bv|
bv| gvbyl eo nq Ávb I gbyl¨‡Z¡i weKv‡k| Ávb I Kv‡R kix‡ii mvg_©¨ R‡š§, ¯^v¯’¨, kw³, Avb›`, ù‚wZ©
mKjB jvf nq| cwikÖ‡gi ci †h AeKvk jvf nq Zv cig
gbyl¨‡Z¡i cÖK…Z weKv‡k RvwZi Rxeb DbœZ nq| cÖK…Z gvbyl
Avb‡›`i AeKvk| ZLb K…wÎg Av‡qvRb K‡i Avb›` Kwievi
RvZxq Rxe‡bi cÖwZôv I Dbœqb Avbq‡b m¶g| †Kvb cÖ‡qvRb nq bv| ïay wPšUvi Øviv RM‡Zi wnZ mvab nq
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL : bv| ïay wPšUv K‡i gvbyl c
Y© Ávb jvf Kwi‡Z mg_© nq bv|
wb›`y‡K‡i evwm Avwg mevi †P‡q fv‡jv, gvbemgv‡R gvby‡li m‡½ Kv‡R, iv¯Uvq, KviLvbvq,
hyM Rb‡gi eÜz Avgvi, Auvavi N‡ii Av‡jv| gvby‡li m‡½ e¨env‡i gvbyl wb‡R‡K c
Y© K‡i| wPšUv I
mevB †gv‡i Qvo‡Z cv‡i eÜz hviv Av‡Q, cy¯UK gvbeg‡bi cvcwo Lywjqv †`q gvÎ, evKx KvR mvwaZ
wb›`yK †m Qvqvi g‡Zv _vK‡e cv‡Q cv‡Q| nq msmv‡ii Kg©‡¶‡Î|
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
wek¦R‡b wbt¯^ K‡i cweÎZv Av‡b,
ˆ`b¨ hw` Av‡m, AvmyK, j¾v wKev Zv‡n,
mvaKR‡b wb¯Uvwi‡Z Zvi g‡Zv †K Rv‡b? gv_v DuPz ivwLm|
‡j¨ gqjv ay‡q K‡i cwi®‹vi, my‡Li mv_x gy‡Li cv‡b hw` bvwn Pv‡n,
wek¦gv‡S Ggb `qvj wgj‡e †Kv_v Avi? ˆah© a‡i _vwKm|
wb›`yK †m †eu‡P _vKzK wek¦wn‡Zi Z‡i, i“`ªiƒ‡c Zxeª `nb hw` Av‡m †b‡g
Avgvi Avkv c
Y© n‡e Zvnvi K…cvf‡i| eyK dzwj‡q `uvovm,
AvKvk hw` eRª wb‡q gv_vq c‡o †f‡½
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwUi fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
D‡aŸ© `yÕnvZ evovm|
(K) `yb©xwZ RvwZi mKj DbœwZi AšUivq| 4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
(L) †h GKv †mB mvgvb¨, (K) MÖš’MZ we`¨v Avi ci n‡¯U ab
hvi HK¨ bvB †mB Zz”Q| b‡n we`¨v, b‡n ab n‡j cÖ‡qvRb|
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20 (L) ¯^vaxbZv AR©‡bi †P‡q ¯^vaxbZv i¶v Kiv KwVb|
(K) †`k MV‡b bvixmgv‡Ri f‚wgKv; 5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
(K) kÖ‡gi gh©v`v;
(L) wWwRUvj evsjv‡`k;
(L) gvbe mf¨Zvq weÁv‡bi Ae`vb;
(M) evsjv‡`‡ki †eKvi mgm¨v I Zvi cÖwZKvi; (M) RvwZ MV‡b msev`c‡Îi f‚wgKv;
(N) kÖ‡gi gh©v`v; (N) cwi‡ek msi¶Y I ebvqb;
(O) wkóvPvi| (O) GKwU kx‡Zi mKvj|
L¨vZbvgv ¯‹
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ 9

57 †m›U †Rv‡md D”P we`¨vjq, XvKv 58 gwbcyi D”P we`¨vjq I K‡jR, XvKv
evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
(K) The proverb says that, God helps those who help (K) Punctuality is to be cultivated and formed into a habit. This
themselves. A man who realise on his own ability and does quality is to be acquired through all our works from our
his work by himself, he is helped by God. Such a man is boyhood.. Boyhood is the seed time. The habit formed at
always crowned with success. The great virtue creates in this time will continue all through our life. Everything at
him the confidence, which is essential for success in life. It right time should be our motto.
is the self-confident man who only reaps the fruit of his (L) Always speak the truth. Never tell a lie. Nobody believes a
labour in full. liar. Even if he speaks the truth he is considered to be a
(L) In this life there are no gains without pains. Life indeed liar. Nobody in the world is as unfortunate as he.
would be dull if there were no difficulties. Games lose 2| (K) `wi`ª Znwej n‡Z mvnv‡h¨i Av‡e`b Rvwb‡q †Zvgvi
their zert if there is no struggle, and if the result is a fare we`¨vj‡qi cÖavb wk¶‡Ki wbKU GKwU Av‡e`bcÎ †jL| 5
gone conclusion. Both winner and the loser enjoy a game
A_ev, (L) †Zvgvi GjvKvq GKwU WvKNi ¯’vc‡bi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv
most, if it is closely contested to the last.
m¤•‡K© mswk−ó KZ©„c‡¶i `„wó AvKl©‡Yi Rb¨ msev`c‡Î
2| (K) e„¶ †ivcY mßvn cvj‡bi ¸i“Z¡ eY©bv K‡i msev`c‡Î
GKwU cÎ †jL|
cÖKv‡ki Dc‡hvMx GKLvbv cÎ †jL| 5
A_ev, (M) wk¶v †k‡l K…wli Dbœq‡b wb‡R‡K wb‡qvwRZ Ki‡e Gi KviY
A_ev, (L) cÖksmv cÎ †P‡q †Zvgvi we`¨vjq cÖav‡bi eive‡i GKLvbv
cÎ †jL| Rvwb‡q cÖevmx eÜz‡K GKwU cÎ †jL|
A_ev, (M) ÒwbR wbR GjvKv cwi”Qbœ ivLÓ -GB g‡g© `vwqZ¡ m‡PZb 3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
K‡i Zzj‡Z, eÜz‡K GKLvwb cÎ †jL| †Kvb mf¨ RvwZ‡K Amf¨ Kievi B”Qv hw` †Zvgvi _v‡K
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10 Zvn‡j Zv‡`i me eB aŸsm Ki Ges mKj cwÊZ‡K nZ¨v
bxie fvlvq e„¶ Avgv‡`i mv_©KZvi Mvb †M‡q †kvbvq| Ki, †Zvgvi DÏk¨ wm× n‡e| †jLK, mvwnwZ¨K I cwÊZivB
Abyf‚wZi Kvb w`‡q †m Mvb ïb‡Z nq| Zvn‡jB eyS‡Z cviv RvwZi AvÍv| GB AvÍv‡K hviv Ae‡njv K‡i, Zviv euv‡P
hv‡e, Rxe‡bi gv‡b e„w×, a‡g©i gv‡bI ZvB| cÖK…wZi †h ag© bv| †`k‡K ev RvwZ‡K DbœZ Ki‡Z B”Qv Ki‡j mvwn‡Z¨i
gvby‡liI †m ag©| cv_©K¨ †Kej Zi“jZv I RxeRš‘i e„w×i mvnv‡h¨B Zv Ki‡Z n‡e| gvbe g½‡ji Rb¨ hZ Abyôvb
Dci Zv‡`i wb‡Ri nvZ †bB, gvby‡li e„w×i Dci Zvi Av‡Q Zvi g‡a¨ GUvB cÖavb I m¤•
Y|© RvwZi wfZi
wb‡Ri nvZ i‡q‡Q| Avi GLv‡bB gvby‡li gh©v`v| gvby‡li mvwn‡Z¨i aviv m„wó Ki Avi wKQy Avek¨K †bB|
e„w× †Kej ˆ`wnK bq, AvwÍKI| gvbyl‡K AvÍv m„wó K‡i A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
wb‡Z nq, Zv ˆZwi cvIqv hvq bv| myL-`ytL Avb›`-†e`bv emygZx †Kb Zzwg GZB K…cYv
Dcjw×i d‡j AšU‡i †h cwiKíbv ZvB †Zv AvÍv| KZ †LuvovLuywo Kwi cvB km¨KYv|
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
w`‡Z hw` nq †` gv cÖmbœ mnvm,
†Zvgvwi †µv‡o‡Z †gvi wcZvgnMY,
†Kb G gv_vi Nvg cv‡q‡Z envm?
wbw`ªZ Av‡Q my‡L Rxeb jxjv †k‡l,
webv Pv‡l km¨ w`‡j wK Zvnv‡Z ¶wZ?
Zv‡`i †kvwYZ Aw¯’ mKjB GLb
ïwbqv Clr nvwm Kb emygZxÑ
†Zvgvi †`‡ni m‡½ w`‡q‡Q gv wg‡k|
Avgvi †MŠie Zv‡n mvgvb¨B ev‡o,
†Zvgvi a
wj‡Z Mov G †`n Avgvi,
†Zvgvi a
wj‡Z Kv‡j wgwk‡e Avevi| †Zvgvi †MŠie Zv‡n G‡Kev‡i Qv‡o|
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10 4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
(K) hviv Avi wKQy‡Z eo nevi ˆah© I mvnm †`Lv‡Z cv‡i bv, (K) ivZ hZ Mfxi nq cÖfvZ ZZ wbKU Av‡m|
ZvivB †Kej UvKv‡Z eo n‡Z Pvq| (L) bvbvb †`‡ki bvbvb fvlv
(L) `ytL Zzwg cig g½j we‡b ¯^‡`kx fvlv
†Zvgvwi `n‡b Avwg n‡qwQ D¾¡j| cy‡i wK Avkv?
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20 5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
(K) weÁv‡bi eicyÎ AvaywbK mf¨Zv; (K) GKwU el©YgyLi mܨv;
(L) GKzk kZ‡Ki cÖZ¨vkv; (L) K…wl Kv‡R weÁvb;
(M) AvÍKg©ms¯’vb; (M) kÖ‡gi gh©v`v;
(N) XvKvi RbmsL¨v mgm¨v I Zvi cÖwZKv‡ii Dcvq; (N) KvwiMwi wk¶v t †cÖw¶Z evsjv‡`k;
(O) RvZxq Rxe‡b †Ljvayjvi ¸i“Z|¡ (O) evsjv‡`‡ki †eKvi mgm¨v t KviY I cÖwZKvi|
10 L¨vZbvgv ¯‹
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ

59 nwj µm D”P evwjKv we`¨vjq, XvKv 60 Mf. j¨ve‡iUix nvB ¯‹zj, XvKv
evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg
jK cÖkœ evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
(K) Computer is the new miracle of science. It can make (K) Illiteracy is a great problem of our country. No
thousand of calculations in a moment. It can store in its development efforts can succeed unless illiteracy is
eradicated. Eradication of illiteracy in a country like
memory millions of facts and figures. In our country the
Bangladesh with so vast population is undoubtedly a
use of computer is growing rapidly. Nowaday computers giganitc task. No idividual community, organization, not
are used is banks, shops, airlines, offices, libraries, even the government is capable of solving this huge
everywhere. It seems that computer is going to dominate problem single handed. It is the social responsibility of all
the future civilization of man. the literate people to make some concerted efforts to
remove illiteracy from the country.
(L) Honesty is a great virtue. If you do not deceive others, if
(L) Man is the architect of his own life. If he makes proper
you do not tell a lie. If you are strictly just and fair in your division of his time and does his duties accordingly, he is
dealing with others, you are an honest man is respected by sure to prosper in life. But if he does otherwise, he is sure
all. No one can prosper in life if he is not honest. to repent when he is too late and he will have to drag a
miserable existence from day to day.
2| (K) GmGmwm cix¶vq DËxY© nIqvi ci fwel¨r Rxe‡bi j¶¨
2| (K) m`¨ cov GKwU eB m¤•‡K© gZvgZ Rvwb‡q eÜzi wbKU
Rvwb‡q eÜzi Kv‡Q cÎ †jL| 5 GKwU cÎ †jL| 5
A_ev, (L) †Zvgvi GjvKvi eb¨vcxwoZ RbM‡Yi R‡b¨ mvnvh¨ †P‡q A_ev, (L) †Zvgvi we`¨vj‡qi `wi`ª Znwej †_‡K mvnvh¨ †P‡q cÖavb
msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Dc‡hvMx GKwU Av‡e`bcÎ †jL| wk¶‡Ki Kv‡Q GKwU Av‡e`b cÎ iPbv Ki|
A_ev, (M) †Zvgvi GjvKvq AvaywbK myweav msewjZ GKwU WvKNi
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
¯’vc‡bi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv D‡j−L K‡i msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki
gvbyl m„wói †kÖô cÖvYx| RM‡Zi Ab¨vb¨ cÖvYx mwnZ gvby‡li Dc‡hvMx GKwU cÎ †jL|
cv_©‡K¨i KviY gvbyl we‡eK I eyw×i AwaKvix| GB we‡eK, 3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
eyw× I Ávb bvB ewjqv Avi mKj cÖvYx gvbyl A‡c¶v gnvmgy‡`ªi kZ eQ‡ii K‡j−vj †KD hw` Ggb K‡i †eu‡a
ivL‡Z cviZ †h, †m NygšU wkïi g‡Zv Pzc K‡i _vKZ, Z‡e
wbK…ó| Ávb I gbyl¨‡Z¡i DrKl© mvab Kwiqv gvbyl RM‡Zi
†m bxie gnvk‡ãi mv‡_ GB cy¯UKvMv‡ii Zzjbv n‡Zv|
ey‡K A¶q KxwZ© ¯’vcb Kwiqv‡Q Ges RM‡Zi Kj¨vY mvab GLv‡b fvlv Pzc K‡i Av‡Q, cÖevn w¯’i n‡q Av‡Q, gvbevÍvi
Kwi‡Z‡Q evûej I A_©ej gvbyl‡K eo ev gnr Kwi‡Z cv‡i Agi AwMœ Kv‡jv A¶‡ii k„ŽL‡j Kv‡ji KvivMv‡i euvav c‡o
bv| gvbyl eo nq Ávb I gbyl¨‡Z¡i weKv‡k| Ávb I Av‡Q| Giv mnmv hw` we‡`ªvnx n‡q I‡V, wb¯UäZv †f‡O
†d‡j Avgv‡`i †eov †f‡O GKevi evB‡i Av‡m, Kv‡ji
gbyl¨‡Z¡i cÖK…Z weKv‡k RvZxq Rxeb DbœZ nq| cÖK…Z
kŽLi‡Ü« GB bxie mnmª eQi GKKv‡j dzrKvi w`‡q I‡V,
gvbylB RvZxq Rxe‡bi cÖwZôv I Dbœqb Avbq‡b m¶g| Z‡e †m eÜbgy³ D”Q¡wmZ k‡ãi †mªv‡Z †`k-we‡`k †f‡m
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL : †h‡Zv| wngvj‡qi gv_vi Dc‡i KwVb Zzlv‡ii g‡a¨ †hgb kZ
eûw`b a‡i eû †µvk `
‡i kZ eb¨v euvav c‡o Av‡Q, †Zgwb GB cy¯UKvMv‡ii g‡a¨
gvbe-ü`‡qi eb¨v‡K †eu‡a ivLv n‡q‡Q|
eû e¨q Kwi eû †`k Ny‡i
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
†`wL‡Z wMqvwQ ce©Zgvjv, mv_©K Rbg Avgvi R‡š§wQ GB †`‡k,
†`wL‡Z wMqvwQ wmÜz, mv_©K Rbg gv‡Mv †Zvgvq fvj‡e‡m|
†`Lv nq bvB P¶z †gwjqv Rvwb bv †Zvi ab iZb Av‡Q wKbv ivbxi gZb
ïay Rvwb Avgvi A½ Ryovq †Zvgvi Qvqvq G‡m|
Ni n‡Z ïay `yB cv †dwjqv
†Kvb e‡b‡Z Rvwb‡b dzj M‡Ü Ggb K‡i AvKzj
GKwU av‡bi kx‡li Dci †Kvb MM‡b D‡V‡i Puv` Ggb nvwm †n‡m|
GKwU wkwki we›`y| AvuvwL †g‡j †Zvgvi Av‡jv cÖ_g Avgvi †PvL Ryov‡jv
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10 H Av‡jv‡Z bqb †i‡L gy`e bqb †k‡l|
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
(K) wekÖvg Kv‡Ri A½ GK mv‡_ Muv_v
(K) wekÖvg Kv‡Ri A½ GKmv‡_ Muv_v
bq‡bi Ask †hgb bq‡bi cvZv| bq‡bi Ask †hgb bq‡bi cvZv|
(L) cÖwZfv Ggwb wRwbm, G hv‡K ¯•k© K‡i Zv‡K mRxe K‡i| (L) ¯^vaxbZv AR©‡bi †P‡q ¯^vaxbZv i¶v Kiv KwVb|
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20 5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
(K) Aa¨emvq;
(K) ¯^‡`k‡cÖg;
(L) gvbeKj¨v‡Y weÁvb;
(L) AvaywbK Rxeb weÁvbwbf©i; (M) evsjv‡`‡ki cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM I Zvi cÖwZKvi;
(M) cwi‡ek `
lY I Zvi cÖwZKvi; (N) kÖ‡gi gh©v`v;
(N) GKwU kx‡Zi mKvj| (O) Avgv‡`i gyw³msMÖvg|
L¨vZbvgv ¯‹
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ 11

61 gwZwSj g‡Wj nvB ¯‹zj GÛ K‡jR, XvKv 62 gvBj‡÷vb K‡jR, XvKv

evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
(K) A patriot is a man who loves his country. Works for it and (K) Man is the architect of his own life. If he makes a proper
is willing to fight and die for it. Every soldier is bound to division of his life time and does his duties accordingly, he
do his duty but the best soldiers do more than this. They
risk their lives because they love the country. is sure to prosper in life. Youth is the golden season of life.
(L) Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues in a man's life. It In youth the mind can be moulded in any form you like. It
means the quality of speaking the truth. The true happiness is called the seed time of life.
and prosperity of a man entirely depends on it. It enables (L) Good books are the store house of knowledge and wisdom.
one's character and gives one a high position in society.
Anyone who has the key can enter these store houses and
Truthfulness may lead the whole world to peace and
happiness. help himself. What is the key? Simply the ability to read.
2| (K) Kw¤•DUvi wk¶vi ¸i“Z¡ eY©bv K‡i cÖevmx eÜz‡K GKLvwb He who can read, can store his mind with the great

cÎ †jL| 5 thoughts of the great thinkers of the world. The man who
never opens book has an empty mind.
A_ev, (L) †Zvgvi MÖv‡g cvVvMvi ¯’vc‡bi Rb¨ Avw_©K mvnvh¨ †P‡q
†Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki wbKU GKLvbv Av‡e`bcÎ †jL| 2| (K) m„Rbkxj cix¶v c×wZi ¸i“Z¡ Rvwb‡q †Zvgvi †QvU fvB‡K
A_ev, (M) `ªe¨g
‡j¨i EaŸ©MwZ †ivaK‡í msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡k Dc‡hvMx GKwU cÎ †jL| 5
GKLvwb cÎ iPbv Ki| A_ev, (L) †Zvgv‡`i we`¨vj‡q Ô¯^vaxbZv w`emÕ D`hvcb Dcj‡¶
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10 Av‡qvwRZ Abyôv‡bi Rb¨ GKwU wbgšZY cÎ †jL|
cÖK…Z Áv‡bi ¯•„nv bv _vK‡j wk¶v e¨_©Zvq ch©ewmZ nq| A_ev, (M) hvbRU wbimbK‡í mswk−ó KZ©„c‡¶i `„wó AvKl©Yc
eK ©
ZLb cix¶v cvm KivUvB eo nq Ges cvV¨cy¯U‡Ki c„ôvq msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Dc‡hvMx cÎ †jL|
Ávb mxgve× _v‡K| GB Kvi‡Y cix¶v cvm Kiv †jv‡Ki 3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
Afve †bB Avgv‡`i †`‡k, wKš‘ Afve Av‡Q Ávbxi| cÖK…Z Áv‡bi ¯•„nv bv _vK‡j wk¶v e¨_©Zvq ch©ewmZ nq
†hLv‡bB cix¶vq cv‡mi †gvn Zi“Y QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i DrKwÉZ Ges cvV¨cy¯U‡Ki c„ôvq Ávb mxgve× _v‡K| GB Kvi‡YB
iv‡L, †mLv‡bB Ávb wbe©vwmZ Rxebhvcb K‡i| GKwU ¯^vaxb
cix¶vq cvm Kiv †jv‡Ki Afve †bB Avgv‡`i †`‡k, wKš‘
RvwZ wn‡m‡e RM‡Zi ey‡K A¶q Avmb jvf Ki‡Z n‡j
Afve Av‡Q Ávbxi| †hLv‡bB cix¶v cv‡mi †gvn Zi“Y QvÎ-
Áv‡bi cÖwZ Zi“Y mgvR‡K Dš§yL Ki‡Z n‡e| mnR jvf
QvÎx‡`i DrKwÉZ iv‡L †mLv‡b Ávb wbe©vwmZ Rxebhvcb
AvcvZZ my‡Li n‡jI cwiYv‡g Kj¨vY enb K‡i bv| cix¶v
cv‡mi †gvn †_‡K gy³ bv n‡j Zi“Y mgv‡Ri mvg‡b KL‡bvB K‡i| GKwU ¯^vaxb RvwZ wn‡m‡e RM‡Zi ey‡K A¶q Avmb
Áv‡bi w`MšU D‡š§vwPZ n‡e bv| jvf Ki‡Z n‡j Áv‡bi cÖwZ Zi“Y mgvR‡K Dš§yL Ki‡Z
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL : n‡e| mnR jvf AvcvZZ my‡Li n‡jI cwiYv‡g Kj¨vY enb
wb›`y‡K‡i evwm Avwg mevi †P‡q fv‡jv, K‡i bv| cix¶v cv‡mi †gvn †_‡K g³ bv n‡j Zi“Y mgv‡Ri
hyM Rb‡gi eÜz Avgvi, Auvavi N‡ii Av‡jv| mvg‡b KL‡bv Áv‡bi w`MšU D‡š§vwPZ n‡e bv|
mevB †gv‡i Qvo‡Z cv‡i eÜz hviv Av‡Q, A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
wb›`yK †m Qvqvi g‡Zv _vK‡e cv‡Q cv‡Q| ¯^vaxbZv, ¯•k©gwY meB fv‡jvev‡m,
wek¦R‡b wbt¯^ K‡i cweÎZv Av‡b, my‡Li Av‡jv R¡‡j ey‡K, `yt‡Li Qvqv bv‡k|
mvaKR‡b wb¯Uvwi‡Z Zvi g‡Zv †K Rv‡b? ¯^vaxbZv †mvbvi KvwV †Lv`vi myav `vb,
‡j¨ gqjv ay‡q K‡i cwi®‹vi, ¯•‡k© Zvi †b‡P I‡V k
b¨ †`‡n cÖvY|
wek¦gv‡S Ggb `qvj wgj‡e †Kv_v Avi?
gbyl¨‡Z¡i evb †W‡K hvq hvnvi ü`q Z‡j,
wb›`yK †m †eu‡P _vKzK wek¦wn‡Zi Z‡i,
eyK dzwj‡q `uvovq fxi“ ¯^vaxbZvi e‡j|
Avgvi Avkv c
Y© n‡e Zvnvi K…cvf‡i|
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
(K) fwel¨‡Zi fvebv fvevB Ávbxi KvR| (K) †h GKv †mB mvgvb¨, hvi HK¨ bvB †mB Zz”Q|
(L) ¶gv †h_v ¶xY `ye©jZv (L) Øvi eÜ K‡i w`‡q ågUv‡i i“wL
†n i“`ª wbôzi †hb n‡Z cvwi Z_v| mZ¨ Avwg Z‡e †Kv_v w`‡q XzwK?
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20 5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
(K) Aa¨emvq; (K) evsjv‡`‡ki cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM;
(L) `yb©xwZ `g‡b QvÎmgv‡Ri f‚wgKv; (L) K…wlKv‡R weÁvb;
(M) wPwKrmv †¶‡Î weÁv‡bi Ae`vb; (M) RvwZ MV‡b QvÎmgvR;
(N) evsjv‡`‡ki cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM I Zvi cÖwZKvi; (N) gv`Kvmw³i Kzdj I cÖwZKvi;
(O) GKwU kx‡Zi mKvj| (O) kÖ‡gi gh©v`v|
12 L¨vZbvgv ¯‹
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ

63 gwZwSj miKvwi D”P evjK we`¨vjq, XvKv 64 knx` exi DËg †jt Av‡bvqvi Mvj©m K‡jR, XvKv
evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg
jK cÖkœ evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
(K) Man is architect of his own life. If he makes a proper (K) When you have done worng, do not deny it, even if you are
division of his time and does his duties accordingly, he is sorry for what you have done and try not to do so any
sure to prosper in life. Youth is the golden season of life. In more. People will very seldom be angry with you punish
youth the mind can be mounded in any form you like. It is you. They will think that they may always believe what
you say since they find you will not tell a lie, even to hide
called the seed time of life.
fault and to prevent yourself from being punished.
(L) Poverty is a great problem in our country. But we hardly
(L) A patriot is a man who loves his country. Works for it and
realize that this miserable conditions is our own creation.
is willing to fight and die for it. Every soldier is bound to
Many do not try to better their condition by hard labour do his duty but the best soldiers do more than this. They
and profitable business. We must shake off this is in risk their lives because they love the country. They are the
activity and aversion to physical labour. Man is the maker best friends of the people.
of his own fortune. 2| (K) †Zvgvi we`¨vj‡qi cÖavb wk¶‡Ki Aemi MÖnY Dcj‡¶ GKwU
2| (K) †Zvgvi GjvKv‡K wbi¶iZvi Awfkvc †_‡K gy³ Ki‡Z Zzwg gvbcÎ iPbv Ki| 5
†h f‚wgKv cvjb K‡iQ Zvi eY©bv w`‡q eÜz‡K cÎ †jL| 5 A_ev, (L) ivRavbxi Amnbxq hvbRU wbimbK‡í KZ…c© ‡¶i `„wó
A_ev, (L) moK `yN©Ubv †ivaK‡í †Zvgvi gZvgZ Rvwb‡q msev`c‡Î AvKl©Y K‡i ˆ`wbK cwÎKvq cÖKv‡ki Dc‡hvMx GKLvbv cÎ
cÖK‡ki Rb¨ GKwU cÎ †jL| iPbv Ki|
A_ev, (M) Av‡jvwKZ gvbyl nevi Rb¨ †Zvgvi GjvKvq GKwU cvVvMvi A_ev, (M) †Zvgvi †QvU fvB mgvcbx cix¶vq Ask MÖnY Ki‡Z hv‡e|
¯’vc‡bi Rb¨ †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki wbKU GKLvbv Av‡e`bcÎ Zv‡K mgvcbx cix¶vi ¸i“Z¡ I cix¶vi cÖ¯‘wZ m¤•‡K©
†jL| Dc‡`k w`‡q GKwU cÎ †jL|
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10 3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
cÖK…Z Áv‡bi ¯•„nv bv _vK‡j wk¶v e¨_©Zvq ch©ewmZ nq| hviv wb‡Riv †Póv K‡ib Avj−vn Zv‡`i mnvq nb| c„w_ex‡Z
ZLb cix¶v cvm KivUvB eo nq Ges cvV¨cy¯U‡Ki c„ôvq hviv eo n‡q‡Qb Zv‡`i Rxebx cvV Ki‡j Avgiv G wk¶vB
Ávb mxgve× _v‡K| GB Kvi‡Y cix¶vq cvm Kiv †jv‡Ki †c‡q _vwK| we`¨vB †nvK, abB †nvK, cwikÖg bv Ki‡j †KD
Afve †bB Avgv‡`i †`‡k, wKš‘ Afve Av‡Q Ávbxi| Zv jvf Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| GKevi GK ivRcyÎ GK cwÊZ‡K
†hLv‡bB cix¶vq cv‡mi †gvn Zi“Y QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i DrKwÉZ e‡j‡Q, gnvkq mvaviY †jvK cwikÖg K‡i we`¨vjvf K‡i
iv‡L, †mLv‡bB Ávb wbe©vwmZ Rxeb hvcb K‡i| GKwU ¯^vaxb _v‡K| Avwg cwikÖ‡g Af¨¯U bB| Avgvi Rb¨ we`¨v wk¶vi
RvwZ wn‡m‡e RM‡Zi ey‡K A¶q Avmb jvf Ki‡Z n‡j †Kvb mnR c_ K‡i w`‡Z cv‡ib? cwÊZ ej‡jb, ivRvi ev
Áv‡bi cÖwZ Zi“Y mgvR‡K Dš§yL Ki‡Z n‡e| mnR jvf ivRcy‡Îi we`¨v wk¶vi †Kvb ¯^ZšZ Dcvq †bB| A‡bK evjK
AvcvZZ my‡Li n‡jI cwiYv‡g Kj¨vY enb K‡i bv| cix¶v Av‡Q hviv †Kej wk¶K g‡nv`‡qi mvnv‡h¨i Avkvq e‡m
cv‡mi †gvn †_‡K gy³ bv n‡j Zi“Y mgv‡Ri mvg‡b KL‡bvB _v‡K| Awfavb †Lvjvi Kó ¯^xKvi bv K‡i A_© cy¯U‡Ki
Áv‡bi D‡š§vwPZ n‡e ev| mvnvh¨ MÖnY K‡i| Giƒc †jvK KLbI DbœwZ Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL : A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
Kwnj g‡bi †L‡` gvV mgZj ˆkk‡e m`yc‡`k hvnvi bv †iv‡P
gvV f‡i †`B Avwg KZ km¨ dj, Rxe‡b Zvnvi Kfz g
L©Zv bv †Nv‡P
ce©Z `uvov‡q i‡n wK Rvwb wK KvR ˆPÎ gv‡m Pvl w`qv bv †ev‡b ˆekv‡L,
cvlv‡Yi wmsnvm‡b wZwb gnvivR K‡e †m ˆngwšUK avb¨ †c‡q _v‡K?
weavZvi AwePv‡i †Kb DuP-z wbPz mgq Qvwoqv w`qv K‡i cÊkÖg,
†m K_v eywS‡Z Avwg bvwn cvwi wKQy| dj Pv‡n, †mI AwZ wb‡e©va Aag|
wMwi K‡n me n‡j mgf‚wg cviv †Lqv Zix P‡j †M‡j e‡m _v‡K Zx‡i
bvwgZ wK SY©vi mygayi aviv! wK‡m cvi n‡e, Zix bv Avwm‡j wd‡i?
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10 4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
(K) ¯^vaxbZv AR©‡bi †P‡q ¯^vaxbZv i¶v Kiv KwVb| (K) cÖvY _vK‡jB cÖvYx nq, wKš‘ gb bv _vK‡j gvbyl nq bv|
(L) c‡ii Awbó wPšUv K‡i †hB Rb, (L) hZ eo †nvK B›`ªab, †m my`
i AvKv‡k AuvKv,
wb‡Ri Awbó exR K‡i †m ecb| Avwg fvjevwm †gvi aiYxi cÖRvcwZi cvLv|
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20 5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
(K) †Zvgvi wcÖq Kwe;
(K) Aa¨emvq;
(L) Aa¨emvq;
(L) RvwZ MV‡b QvÎmgv‡Ri f‚wgKv;
(M) Áv‡bi w`MšU D‡š§vP‡b B›Uvi‡b‡Ui f‚wgKv;
(M) evsjv‡`‡ki Kv`¨ NvUwZ I Zvi cÖwZKvi;
(N) el©vq evsjv‡`k;
(N) Kw¤•DUvi : weÁv‡bi GKwU we¯§q;
(O) †d‡j Avmv w`b¸‡jv|
(O) eB covi Avb›`|
L¨vZbvgv ¯‹
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ 13

65 exi‡kÖô b!i †gvnv¤§` ivB‡djm cvewjK ¯‹zj GÛ K‡jR, XvKv 66 Av`gRx K¨v›Ub‡g›U cvewjK ¯‹zj, XvKv
evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
(K) Books introduce us with the best society. They bring us (K) Tomorrow as yesterday, the fittest will survive in the
into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived. struggle for existence. But whereas in the past selfishness
was the measure of fitness, in the future survival value will
We have what they said and did. We see them as if they
be determined by breadth and depth of love. Modern
were really alive. We became participators in their science is teaching, as it never was taught before, that no
thoughts. We sympathizes with them and grieve with them. one lives for himself alone.
The great and good do not die xeven in this world. (L) We are the citizen of an independent country.
(L) We are the citizens of on independent country. Independence is the birth-right of man. But no nation can
achieve independence without efforts. Again the people of
Independence is the birth right of man. But no nation can
a country must be determined to preserve that
achieve independence without efforts. Again the people of independence. It is the sacred duty of every citizen to
a country must be determined to preserve that preserve the independence of his motherland.
independence. It is the sacred duty of every citizen to 2| (K) Qv·`i cÖZ¨¶ ivRbxwZ‡Z RwoZ nIqvi Kzdj m¤•‡K©
preserve the independence of his motherland. Rvwb‡q †QvU fvB‡qi wbKU cÎ †jL| 5
2| (K) †Zvgvi GjvKvi eb¨vZ©‡`i mvnv‡h¨i Av‡e`b Rvwb‡q A_ev, (L) `ªe¨g
‡j¨i EaŸ©MwZ n«vmK‡í KZ…©c‡¶i `„wó AvKl©Y K‡i
KZ…©c‡¶i `„wó AvKl©Y K‡i msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Dc‡hvMx msev`c‡Î cÎ †jL|
GKLvbv cÎ †jL| 5 A_ev, (M) †Zvgvi we`¨vj‡q GmGmwm cix¶v_x©‡`i we`vq Dcj‡¶
A_ev, (L) ¯‹z‡j AbywôZ weÁvb †gjvi eY©bv w`‡q eÜz‡K wPwV †jL| GKwU gvbcÎ iPbv Ki|
A_ev, (M) webv †eZ‡b covi AbygwZ †P‡q cÖavb wk¶‡Ki wbKU GKLvwb 3| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
Av‡e`bcÎ †jL|
(K) `ybx©wZ RvZxq Rxe‡bi Awfkvc ¯^iƒc|
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
(L) G c„w_ex Ajm Kg©fxi“‡`i Rb¨ bq|
AvR‡Ki `ywbqvUv Avðh©fv‡e A‡_©i ev we‡Ëi Dci
4| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
wbf©ikxj| jvf I †jv‡fi `ywb©evi MwZ †Kej Av‡M hvevi
mg¯U Ávb, mg¯U mvwn‡Z¨i D‡Ïk¨ gvby‡li AšUi¯’
†bkvq j¶¨nxb cÖPÊfv‡e ïay AvZ¥webv‡ki c‡_ GwM‡q
we‡e‡K RvwM‡q †Zvjv−wbfx©K, †ZR¯^x I mij K‡i †Zvjv|
Pj‡Q| gvbyl hw` GB g
pZv‡K Rq Ki‡Z bv cv‡i, Z‡e
hw` Ávb, Dc‡`k cy¯UK Ges mvwnZ¨ gvby‡li AšUi‡K
gbyl¨Z¡ K_vUvB nq‡Zv †jvc †c‡q hv‡e| gvby‡li Rxeb AvR
RvMv‡Z bv cv‡i, Zv‡K wPšUvkxj K‡i Zzj‡Z bv cv‡i, Zv‡K
Ggb GK ch©v‡q G‡m †cuŠ‡Q‡Q †mLvb †_‡K Avi nq‡Zv
Av͇eva bv w`‡Z cv‡i, Z‡e eyS‡Z n‡e Zvi cvlvY cÖv‡Y
bvgevi Dcvq †bB, Gevi DVevi wmuwo bv LuyR‡jB bq|
mg¯U Ávb e¨_© n‡q‡Q| we‡e‡Ki RvMi‡Yi bvgB Av͇eva|
DVevi wmuwoUv bv Luy‡R †c‡j Avgv‡`i AvÍwebvk †h Awbevh©
we‡eK A‡c¶v AviI GKwU gnr wRwbm Av‡Q, Zvi bvg
Zv‡Z Avi †Kv‡bv m‡›`n _v‡K bv|
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL : cÖÁv| we‡eK gvbyl‡K cÖZviYv K‡i, cÖÁv †Kv‡bv mgq
mev‡i evwme fv‡jv, Kwie bv AvÍci †f` gvbyl‡K cÖZviYv K‡i bv| cÖÁv w`ev‡jv‡Ki g‡Zv D¾¡j,
msmv‡i Mwoe GK bZzb mgvR| Zvi `„wói m¤§y‡L Kzqvkv †bB, m‡›`n †bB| cÖÁv aªe“ mZ¨‡K
gvby‡li mv‡_ Kfz gvby‡li i‡e bv we‡”Q`− `k©b K‡i| whwb GB cÖÁvi mÜvb †c‡q‡Qb wZwb cig †PZbv
me©Î ˆgÎxi fve Kwi‡e weivR| jvf K‡i‡Qb, wZwb gvby‡li cig kÖ×vn©|
†`‡k †`‡k hy‡M hy‡M KZ hy× KZ bv msNvZ A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
gvby‡l gvby‡l n‡jv KZ nvbvnvwb ˆ`b¨ hw` Av‡m AvmyK, j¾v wKev Zv‡Z?
Gevi †gv‡`i cy‡Y¨ mgyw`‡e †cÖ‡gi cÖfvZ gv_v DuPz ivwLm|
†mvj−v‡m Mvwn‡e m‡e †mŠnv‡`©i evYx| my‡Li mv_x gy‡Li cv‡b hw` bv Pv‡n
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10 ˆah© a‡i _vwKm|
(K) A_© m¤•‡`i webvk Av‡Q, wKš‘ Ávb m¤•` KL‡bv webó nq i“`ªiƒ‡c Zxeª `ytL hw` Av‡m †b‡g
bv| eyK dzwj‡q `uvovm|
(L) ¯^‡`‡ki DcKv‡i †bB hvi gb AvKvk hw` eRª wb‡q gv_vq c‡o †f‡½
†K e‡j gvbyl Zv‡i? cï †mB Rb| E‡aŸ© `yÕnvZ evovm|
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20 5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
(K) gyw³hy‡×i †PZbv; (K) wk¶v‡¶‡Î Kw¤•DUvi I B›Uvi‡bU;
(L) †`k I RvwZ MV‡b QvÎmgv‡Ri f‚wgKv; (L) cwi‡ek `
lY I Gi cÖwZKvi;
(M) gvbeKj¨v‡Y weÁvb; (M) e„¶‡ivcY;
(N) evsjv‡`‡ki cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM I Zvi cÖwZKvi; (N) †`kMV‡b QvÎmgv‡Ri f‚wgKv;
(O) PwiÎ I gvbeRxeb| (O) msev`cÎ|
14 L¨vZbvgv ¯‹
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ

67 Mf. j¨ve‡iUix nvB ¯‹zj, ivRkvnx 68 ivRkvnx K‡jwR‡qU ¯‹zj GÛ K‡jR, ivRkvnx
evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
(K) Punctuality is to be cultivated and formed into a habit. This (K) It is very difficult to be great. Some qualities are required
quality is to be acquired through all our works from our to become great. Honesty and courage are two of them.
boyhood. Boyhood is the seed-time. The habit formed at People of former times possessed these qualities. Now
this time will continue all through our life. 'Everything at these qualities are very rare.
right time' should be our motto. (L) In our country poverty is a great problem, But we do not
(L) One day a lad went to a famous teacher to acquire understand that this plight is our own creation. Most people
knowledge from him. The learned man, wishing to find out do not try to improve their condition with hard labour.
what sort of ability he had, asked him where God is. The They only express regret for their distress and blame their
lad replied, "I will answer you, if you first tell me where lot for it.
He is not." The teacher was satisfied and according to the
2| (K) wbqwgZ msev` cv‡Vi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv e¨vL¨v K‡i †Zvgvi
boy's wish, perfected in his studies.
2| (K) RvZxq weZK© cÖwZ‡hvwMZvq AskMÖn‡Yi j‡¶¨ weZwK©Z `j eÜz‡K GKwU cÎ †jL| 5
MV‡bi AbygwZ cÖv_©bv K‡i cÖavb wk¶‡Ki wbKU GKLvbv A_ev, (L) `ªe¨ g
j¨ e„w×i d‡j †Zvgvi GjvKvi `wi`ª RbM‡Yi †h Kó
`iLv¯U †jL| 5 n‡”Q Zv Rvwb‡q msev` c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Dc‡hvMx GKLvbv cÎ
A_ev, (L) †Zvgvi we`¨vj‡q m`¨ mgvß weÁvb †gjvi msev` Rvwb‡q †jL|
Av‡gwiKv cÖevmx eÜz Avw`j‡K GKLvbv cÎ †jL|
A_ev, (M) gkvi Dc`ªe †_‡K i¶v Kivi Rb¨ Av‡e`b Rvwb‡q wmwU
A_ev, (M) iv¯Uvq PjvP‡ji mgq wmMb¨vj evwZ I wbR wbR mvBW †g‡b
Pjvi ¸i“Z¡ I cÖ‡qvRbxqZv D‡j−L K‡i msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡kvc‡hvMx †gq‡ii wbKU GKU cÎ †jL|
GKLvbv cÎ iPbv Ki| 3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10 Lye †QvU wQ‡`ªi ga¨ w`‡q †hgb m
h©‡K †`Lv hvq, †Zgwb †QvU
Zzwg em‡šUi †KvwKj, †ek †jvK| hLb dzj †dv‡U, `w¶Yv
Kv‡Ri wfZi w`‡qI †Kvb e¨w³i PwiÎ dz‡U I‡V| e¯‘Z
evZvm e‡n, G msmvi my‡Li ¯•‡k© wknwiqv D‡V| ZLb Zzwg
Avwmqv iwmKZv Avi¤¢ Ki| Avevi hLb `vi“Y kx‡Z gh©v`vc
Y©fv‡e I myPvi“iƒ‡c m¤•bœ †QvU †QvU Kv‡RB Pwi‡Îi
Rxe‡jv‡K _i_wi K¤•b jv‡M, ZLb †Kv_vq _vK evcy! hLb cwiPq| A‡b¨i cÖwZ Avgv‡`i e¨envi wKiƒc ZvB n‡”Q
kÖve‡Yi avivq Avgvi PvjvN‡i b`x e‡n, hLb e„wói †Pv‡U Avgv‡`i Pwi‡Îi †kÖô cix¶v| eo, †QvU I mgZz‡j¨i cÖwZ
KvK, wPj wfwRqv †Mvgq nq ZLb †Zvgvi gvRv gvRv Kv‡jv my‡kvfb e¨envi Avb‡›`i wbiew”Qbœ Drm|
`yjvjx ai‡bi kixiLvbv †Kv_vq _v‡K? Zzwg em‡šUi †KvwKj,
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
kxZ el©vi †Kn bI|
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL : †Kv_vq ¯^M?© †Kv_vq biK? †K e‡j Zv eû`
An¼vi g‡` Kfz b‡n Awfgvbx| gvby‡liB gv‡S ¯^M-© biK, gvby‡l‡ZB myivmyi|
me©`v imbiv‡R¨ evm K‡i evYx| wicyi Zvo‡b hLwb †gv‡`i we‡eK cvq‡Mv jq
fzeb f‚wlZ m`v e³…Zvi e‡k|
AvÍM−vwbi biK Ab‡j ZLwb cywo‡Z nq|
ce©Z mwjj nq imbvi i‡m|
wg_¨vi Kvb‡b Kfz å‡g bvwn å‡g| cÖxwZ I †cÖ‡gi cyY¨ euva‡b h‡e wgwj ci¯•‡i,
A½xKvi A¯^xKvi bvwn †Kvb µ‡g| ¯^M© Avwmqv `uvovq ZLb Avgv‡`i Kzu‡oN‡i|
Ag„Z wbtm„Z nq cÖwZ ev‡K¨ hvi| 4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
gvbyl Zv‡iB ewj gvbyl †K Avi? (K) †h GKv †m-B mvgvb¨,
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
hvi HK¨ bvB, †m-B Zz”Q|
(K) AbyKi‡Yi Øviv c‡ii fve Avcbvi nq bv,
AR©b bv Kwi‡j †Kv‡bv e¯‘B wb‡Ri nq bv, (L) `yR©b weØvb n‡jI cwiZ¨vR¨
(L) KxwZ©gv‡bi g„Zz¨ bvB| 5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20 (K) Aa¨emvq;
(K) kÖ‡gi gh©v`v;
(L) wek¦‡hvMv‡hv‡M B›Uvi‡bU;
(L) gvbe mf¨Zv I weÁvb;
(M) KvwiMwi wk¶vi ¸i“Z;¡ (M) QvÎRxe‡bi `vwqZ¡ I KZ©e¨;
(N) RvwZ MV‡b bvixmgv‡Ri f‚wgKv; (N) evsjv‡`‡ki we`y¨r mgm¨v I mgvavb;
(O) gv`Kvmw³ I Zvi cwiYwZ| (O) †Zvgvi wcÖq †jLK/Kwe|
L¨vZbvgv ¯‹
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ 15

69 e¸ov wRjv ¯‹zj, e¸ov 70 cvebv wRjv ¯‹zj, cvebv

evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
(K) Work is life. It is the ture source of health and happiness. (K) Punctuality is to be cultivated and formed into a habit. This
Man cannot be all together idle. They must have something quality is to be acquired through all hour works from our
to do or think upon. An idle man is busy with evil thoughts boyhood. Boyhood is the seed time. The habit formed at
and goes to ruin. this time will continue all through our life. Everything at
(L) Students are the source of future hope and strength of our right time should be our motto.
country. Much depends on how they send their time and (L) Socrates never believed that all men are equal. If all were
energy now. They have in the first place to acquire treated as equal there would be one flock and no shepherd.
knowledge and experience. Secondly they have to look This opinion of Socrates gave offence to many people.
around and study the conditions of the people, their ways Socrates was regular in prayer and had a firm belief in
of living and see in what directions reforms are necessary. God. He held that only God knows what is good for us.
2| (K) †Zvgvi †`Lv GKwU weÁvb †gjvi eY©bv w`‡q cÖevmx eÜz‡K 2| (K) we`¨vj‡qi †kl w`‡b g‡bi Ae¯’v Rvwb‡q †Zvgvi eÜz‡K
GKwU cÎ †jL| 5 GKLvbv cÎ †jL| 5
A_ev, (L) MYwk¶v ev¯Uevq‡bi j‡¶¨ †Zvgvi GjvKvq GKwU ˆbk A_ev, (L) QvÎKj¨vY Znwej n‡Z mvnvh¨ cÖvwßi Rb¨ †Zvgvi we`¨vj‡qi
we`¨vjq ¯’vc‡bi Rb¨ †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki wbKU GKwU Av‡e`b cÖavb wk¶‡Ki wbKU GKwU `iLv¯U wQj|
cÎ †jL| A_ev, (M) †Zvgvi ¯‹z‡j bevMZ cÖavb wk¶K‡K msea©bv Rvwb‡q GKwU
A_ev, (M) †Zvgvi we`¨vj‡q GKRb wk¶‡Ki Aemi MÖnY Dcj‡¶ gvbcÎ iPbv Ki|
GKLvbv gvbcÎ iPbv Ki| 3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10 Ac‡ii R‡b¨ Zzwg cÖvY `vI − Avwg ej‡Z PvB‡b| Ac‡ii
AvR‡Ki `ywbqvUv Avðh©fv‡e A‡_©i ev we‡Ëi Dci
¶z`ª ¶z`ª `ytL Zzwg `
i Ki| Aci‡K GKUzLvwb myL `vI|
wbf©ikxj| jvf I †jv‡fi `ywb©evi MwZ †Kej Av‡M hvevi
Ac‡ii m‡½ GKUzLvwb wgwó K_v ej| c‡_i Amnvq
†bkvq j¶¨nxb cÖPÊ †e‡M ïayB AvZ¥webv‡ki c‡_ GwM‡q
gvbylUvi w`‡K Ki“Y `„wó wb‡¶c Ki − Zvn‡jB A‡bK n‡e|
Pj‡Q| gvbyl hw` GB g
pZv‡K Rq bv Ki‡Z cv‡i, gbyl¨Z¡
PwiÎevb gbyl¨Z¡m¤•bœ gvbyl wb‡Ri †P‡q c‡ii Afv‡e †ewk
K_vUvB nq‡Zv †jvc †c‡q hv‡e| gvby‡li Rxeb AvR Ggb
GK ch©v‡q G‡m †cuŠ‡Q‡Q †mLvb †_‡K nq‡Zv Avi bvgevi Aaxi nb| c‡ii `ytL †X‡K ivL‡Z †ewk †MŠie †eva K‡ib|
Dcvq †bB, Gevi DVevi wmuwo bv LuyR‡jB bq| A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL : b`x Kfz cvb bvwn K‡i wbR Rj,
mv_©K Rbg Avgvi R‡š§wQ GB †`‡k, Zi“MY bvwn Lvq wbR wbR dj;
mv_©K Rbg gv‡Mv †Zvgvq fvj‡e‡m| Mvfx Kfzy bvwn K‡i wbR `y» cvb,
Rvwb bv †Zvi ab-iZb, Av‡Q wKbv ivbxi gZb, Kvô `» n‡q K‡i c‡i Abœ `vb;
ïay Rvwb Avgvi A½ Ryovq †Zvgvi Qvqvq e‡m| ¯^Y© K‡i wbR iƒ‡c Ac‡i †kvwfZ,
†Kvb e‡b‡Z Rvwb‡b dzj, M‡Ü Ggb K‡i AvKzj, eskx K‡i wbR my‡i Ac‡i †gvwnZ;
t †Kvb MM‡b IV‡i Puv` Ggb nvwm †n‡m| km¨ Rš§vBqv bvwn Lvq Rja‡i
AuvwL †g‡j †Zvgvi Av‡jv, cÖ_g Avgvi †PvL Ryov‡jv mvayi Hk¦h© ïay ciwnZ Z‡i|
H Av‡jv‡Z bqb †i‡L gy`e bqb †k‡l|
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
(K) wg_¨v ïwbwb fvB
(K) msmvi mvM‡i `ytL Zi‡½i †Ljv
GB ü`‡qi †P‡q eo †Kvb gw›`i Kvev bB|
Avkv Zvi GKgvÎ †fjv|
(L) AvZ¥kw³ AR©bB wk¶vi D‡Ïk¨|
(L) weË n‡Z wPË eo|
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
(K) wWwRUvj evsjv‡`k; (K) Aa¨emvq;
(L) ¯^vej¤^b; (L) evsjv‡`‡ki cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM I Zvi cÖwZKvi;
(M) ¯^‡`k‡cÖg; (M) AvaywbK Rxeb Kw¤•DvUvi wbf©i;
(N) †hŠZzK cÖ_v : bvix wbMÖn I cÖwZKvi; (N) RvwZ MV‡b bvixmgv‡Ri f‚wgKv;
(O) msev`cÎ cv‡Vi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv| (O) ¯^‡`k‡cÖg|
16 L¨vZbvgv ¯‹
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ

71 wgwjUvwi K‡jwR‡qU ¯‹zj, Lyjbv (GgwmGm‡K) 72 miKvwi K‡iv‡bkb gva¨wgK evwjKv we`¨vjq ,Lyjbv
evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
(K) We are the inhabitants of an independent country. Freedom (K) We are the inhabitants of an independent country. Freedom
is the birth right of man. But no nation can achieve it is the birth-right of a man. But no nation can achieve it
without effort. Again, the people of a country must be without effort. Again, the people of a country must be
determined to defend it. It is the sacred duty of every determined to defend it. It is the sacred duty of every
citizen to defend the freedom of his motherland. citizen to defend the freedom of his motherland.
(L) Home is the first school where the child learns his first (L) Books are men's best companions in life. You must have
leassons. The first lessons are very important for the very good friends but you cannot get them when you need.
development of his mind. He sees, hears and begins to They may not speak gently to you. One or two may prove
learn at home. It is home that builds his character. In a false and do you much harm. But books are always ready
good home honest and healthy men are mode. to be by your side. Some books may make you laugh.
2| (K) QvÎRxe‡b cÖZ¨¶ ivRbxwZ‡Z RwoZ nIqvi Kzdj Rvwb‡q Some other may give you much pleasure. Others again
may give you knowledge and ideas.
†QvU fvB‡qi wbKU GKwU cÎ †jL| 5 2| (K) hvbRU wbimbK‡í mswk−ó KZ©„c‡¶i `„wó AvKl©Yc
eK ©
A_ev, (L) †Zvgvi GjvKvq eb¨vZ©‡`i mvnv‡h¨i Av‡e`b Rvwb‡q †Rjv msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Dc‡hvMx GKwU cÎ †jL| 5
cÖkvm‡Ki wbKU GKLvbv `iLv¯U †jL| A_ev, (L) GKwU cÖksmvcÎ cÖ`v‡bi Rb¨ cÖavb wk¶‡Ki Kv‡Q
A_ev, (M) Ôe„¶‡ivcY mßvnÕ cvj‡bi cÖ‡qvRbxZv D‡j−L K‡i Av‡e`bcÎ iPbv Ki|
msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ cwÎKvi m¤•v`‡Ki wbKU GKwU A_ev, (M) †Zvgvi we`¨vj‡qi GmGmwm cix¶v_©x‡`i we`vq Dcj‡¶
GKwU gvbcÎ iPbv Ki|
cÎ †jL|
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10 cÖK…Z Áv‡bi ¯•„nv bv _vK‡j wk¶v e¨_©Zvq ch©ewmZ nq|
A‡b‡Ki aviYv GB †h, gnr e¨w³ ïay D”P es‡kB Rš§MÖnY ZLb cvmUvB eo nq Ges cvV¨cy¯U‡Ki c„ôvq Ávb mxgve×
K‡i _v‡Kb, bxPzKz‡j gn‡Ë¡i Rš§ nq bv| wKš‘ cÖK…wZi w`‡K _v‡K| GB Kvi‡YB cix¶vq cvm Kiv †jv‡Ki Afve †bB
`„wócvZ Ki‡j †`Lv hvq †h, gvby‡li GB aviYv AwZkq Avgv‡`i †`‡k, wKš‘ Afve Av‡Q Ávbxi| †hLv‡bB cix¶v
ågvÍK| cÙdzj dz‡ji ivRv| iƒcM‡Ü †m AZzjbxq| wKš‘ cv‡mi †gvn Zi“Y QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i DrKwÉZ iv‡L, †mLv‡bB Ávb
wbe©vwmZ Rxeb-hvcb K‡i| GKwU ¯^vaxb RvwZ wn‡m‡e
Bnvi Rš§ nq cv‡bi A‡hvM¨ cvwbfiv Gu‡`v cyKz‡i| c¶všU‡i
RM‡Zi ey‡K A¶q Avmb jvf Ki‡Z n‡j Áv‡bi cÖwZ Zi“Y
eUe„¶ e„¶Kz‡ji g‡a¨ we‡kl gh©v`vm¤•bœ e‡U| A_P eû mgvR‡K DØy× Ki‡Z n‡e| mnR jvf AvcvZZ my‡Li n‡jI
e„‡¶i dj Avgiv Av¯^v`b Kwi, GZ L¨vZbvg †h eUe„¶, cwiYv‡g Kj¨vY enb Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| cix¶v cv‡mi †gvn
Zvnvi dj Avgv‡`i ALv`¨| †_‡K gy³ bv n‡j Zi“Y mgv‡Ri mvg‡b KLbB Áv‡bi w`MšU
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL : D‡b¥vwPZ n‡e bv|
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
G‡m‡Q bZzb wkï, Zv‡K †Q‡o w`‡Z n‡e ¯’vb,
wmÜz Zx‡i †L‡j wkï evwj wb‡q †Ljv
RxY© c„w_ex‡Z e¨_©, g„Z Avi aesm¯U‚c wc‡V
iwP M„n, nvwmgy‡L wd‡i mܨv‡ejv
P‡j hve-Zey AvR hZ¶Y †`‡n Av‡Q cÖvY Rbbxi A¼c‡i| cÖv‡Z wd‡i Avwm
cÖvYc‡Y c„w_exi miv‡ev RÄvj| †n‡i Zvi M„nLvwb †Kv_v †M‡Q fvwm|
G wek¦‡K G wkïi evm‡hvM¨ K‡i hve Avwg, Avevi Mwo‡Z e‡m †mB Zvi †Ljv,
beRvZ‡Ki Kv‡Q G Avgvi `„p A½xKvi| fvOv Avi Mov wb‡q Kv‡U Zvi †ejv|
GB †h †Ljv Gi Av‡Q †Kvb gv‡b?
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
†h Rb †Ljvq †Ljv, †mB eywS Rv‡b|
(K) AvÍkw³ AR©bB wk¶vi D‡Ïk¨|
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
(L) c‡ii Awbó wPšUv K‡i †hB Rb (K) KxwZ©gv‡bi g„Zz¨ bvB|
wb‡Ri Awbó exR K‡i †m ecb| (L) DËg wbwð‡šU P‡j Aa‡gi mv‡_
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20 wZwbB ga¨g whwb P‡jb Zdv‡Z|
(K) Aa¨emvq; 5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
(K) wbqgvbyewZ©Zv;
(L) wPwKrmv‡¶‡Î weÁvb;
(L) K…wlKv‡R weÁvb;
(M) cwi‡ek `
lY I Zvi cÖwZKvi; (M) †`k MV‡b QvÎmgv‡Ri f
(N) †Zvgvi wcÖq Kwe; (N) moK `yN©Ubv I Zvi cÖwZKvi;
(O) bvixwk¶vi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv| (O) eB covi Avb›`|
L¨vZbvgv ¯‹
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ 17

73 Lyjbv wRjv ¯‹zj, Lyjbv 74 h‡kvi wRjv ¯‹zj, h‡kvi

evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
(K) Man is the architect of his own life. If he makes proper (K) Man is architect of his own life. If he makes a proper
division of his time and does his duties accordingly, he is division of his time and does his duties accordingly, he is
sure to prosper in life. Youth is golden season of life. In sure to prosper in life. Youth is the golden season of life. In
youth the mind can be moulded in any form you like. It is youth the mind can be mounded in any form you like. It is
called the seed time of life. called the seed time of life.
(L) A patriot is a man who loves his country, works for it and (L) We should bear the courage to say the right things. We
is willing to fight and die for it. Every soldier is bound to need not fear men nor care for what others think of us. So,
do his duty, but the best soldiers do more than this. They long as our purpose is honest, God will be on our side. And
risk their lives because they loves the country. They are the
with His help, we shall be able to encourage the weak.
best friends of the people.
Thus we shall be able to march in life and search its goal.
2| (K) m¤cÖwZ †`Lv GKwU eB‡gjvi eY©bv w`‡q †Zvgvi †QvU fvB‡K 2| (K) cÖksmvcÎ †P‡q cÖavb wk¶‡Ki wbKU GKwU `iLv¯U †jL| 5
GKwU cÎ †jL| 5 A_ev, (L) †Zvgvi GivKvq we`y¨r weåv‡Ui cÖwZKv‡ii Av‡e`b Rvwb‡q
A_ev, (L) wk¶v md‡i hvIqvi AbygwZ †P‡q we`¨vj‡qi cÖavb wk¶‡Ki KZ…©c‡¶i `„wó AvKl©Y K‡i msev`cÎ cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ GKwU
wbKU GKwU Av‡e`bcÎ †jL| wPwV †jL|
A_ev, (M) evRv‡i `ªe¨g
‡j¨i EaŸ©MwZi d‡j RbRxe‡b †h `y‡f©vM †b‡g A_ev, (M) mv¤cÖwZK fqven eb¨vq gvby‡li `ytL-Kó I ¶q¶wZi
G‡m‡Q Zvi cÖwZKvi †P‡q msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ GKLvbv weeiY Rvwb‡q †Zvgvi cÖevmx eÜzi Kv‡Q GKLvbv cÎ †jL|
cÎ †jL| 3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10 Zzwg Rxeb‡K mv_©K I my›`i Kwi‡Z PvI? fv‡jv K_v| wKš‘
Lye †QvU wQ‡`ªi ga¨ w`‡q †hgb m
h©‡K †`Lv hvq, †Zgwb †QvU †m Rb¨ †Zvgv‡K cÖvYvšU cwikÖg Kwi‡Z nB‡e| me Zz”Q
†QvU Kv‡Ri wfZi w`‡qI †Kvb e¨w³i Pwi‡Îi cwiPq dz‡U Kwiqv hw` Zzwg j‡¶¨i w`‡K µgvMZ AMÖmi nB‡Z cvi, Z‡e
†Zvgvi Rxeb my›`i nB‡e| Av‡iv Av‡Q| †Zvgvi wfZi GK
I‡V| e¯‘Z gh©v`vc
Y©fv‡e I myPvi“iƒ‡c m¤•bœ †QvU †QvU
ÔAvwgÕ Av‡Q, †m eo `yišU| Zvnvi ¯^fve cïi gZ ee©i I
Kv‡RB Pwi‡Îi cwiPq| A‡b¨i cÖwZ Avgv‡`i e¨envi Kxiƒc
D”Q„ŽLj| †m †Kej †fvM wejvm Pvq| †m eo †jvfx| GB
ZvB n‡”Q Avgv‡`i Pwi‡Îi Ab¨Zg †kªô cix¶v| eo, †QvU
ÔAvwgÕ †K Rq Kwi‡Z nB‡e| Z‡eB †Zvgvi Rxeb mv_©K I
I mgZz‡j¨i cÖwZ my‡kvfb e¨envi Avb‡›`i wbiew”Qbœ Drm|
my›`i nBqv DwV‡e|
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL : A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
eûw`b a‡i eû‡µvk `
‡i wmÜz Zx‡i †L‡j wkï evwj wb‡q †Ljv
eû e¨q Kwi eû †`k Ny‡i iwP M„n nvwm gy‡L wd‡i mܨv †ejv
†`wL‡Z wMqvwQ ce©Zgvjv, Rbbxi A‡¼vc‡i| cÖv‡Z wd‡i Avwm
†`wL‡Z wMqvwQ wmÜz| †n‡i− Zvi M„nLvwb †Kv_v †M‡Q fvwm|
†`Lv nq bvB P¶z †gwjqv, Avevi Mwo‡Z e‡m− †mB Zvi †Ljv,
Ni nB‡Z ïay `yB cv †dwjqv, fvOv Avi Mov wb‡q Kv‡U Zvi †ejv|
GKwU av‡bi wk‡li Dc‡i, GB †h †Ljv− nvq, Gi Av‡Q wKQy gv‡b,
GKwU wkwki we›`y| †h Rb †Ljvq †Ljv, †mB eywS Rv‡b|
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10 4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
(K) `wʇZi mv‡_ `Ê`vZv Kuv‡` h‡e
(K) AvZ¥kw³ AR©bB wk¶vi D‡Ïk¨|
mgvb AvNv‡Z me©‡kÖô †m wePvi|
(L) ¯^‡`‡ki DcKv‡i bvB hvi gb|
(L) ˆkevj w`wN‡i e‡j D”P Kwi wki
†K e‡j gvbyl Zv‡i? cï †mB Rb|
wj‡L †i‡Lv GK †duvUv w`‡jg wkwki|
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
(K) Aa¨emvq; (K) Aa¨emvq;
(L) Kw¤•DUvi I AvaywbK Rxeb; (L) gyw³hy‡×i †PZbv;
(M) AvšUR©vwZK gvZ…fvlv w`em; (M) RvwZ MV‡b bvixmgv‡Ri f‚wgKv;
(N) †`k MV‡b QvÎmgv‡Ri f
wgKv; (N) FZz ˆewP‡Î¨ evsjv‡`k;
(O) wWwRUvj evsjv‡`k| (O) wk¶v‡¶‡Î Kw¤•DUvi|
18 L¨vZbvgv ¯‹
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ

75 Kzwóqv miKvwi evwjKv D”P we`¨vjq, Kzwóqv 76 `vD` cvewjK ¯‹zj, h‡kvi †mbvwbevm
evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
(K) A patriot is a man who loves his country. Works for it, and (K) A good teacher is one of the most important people in any
willing to fight and die for it. Every soldier is bound to do country. Bangladesh needs good teachers. A good teacher
his duty. but the best soldiers do more than this. They risk makes lesson interesting. He discovers the treasure hidden
their lives because they love the country. They are the best inside each student.
friends of the people. (L) Books introduce us to the best society: they bring us into
(L) In our country poverty is a great problem. But we do not the presence of the greatest minds that ever lived. We hear
understand that this plight is our own creation. Most people what they said and did. We see them as if they were really
do not try to improve their condition with hard labour. alive. We are participators in their thoughts. We
sympathize with them and grieve with them.
They only expresses regret for their distress and blame
their lot for it. 2| (K) †jLvcvov †kl K‡i fwel¨r Rxe‡b GKRb Av`k© †`k‡meK
2| fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : (†h‡Kvb 1wU) 10 n‡Z PvI− G g‡g© †Zvgvi eÜzi wbKU GKLvbv cÎ †jL| 5
(K) KxwZ©gv‡bi g„Zz¨ bvB| A_ev, (L) †Zvgvi GjvKvq AvBb-k„ŽLjv cwiw¯’wZi AebwZi weeiY
A_ev, (L) AvÍkw³ AR©bB wk¶vi D‡Ïk¨| w`‡q mswk−ó KZ…©c‡¶i `„wó AvKl©Y K‡i msev`c‡Î
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10 cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ m¤•v`‡Ki wbKU GKLvbv cÎ †jL|
cÖK…Z Áv‡bi ¯•„nv bv _vK‡j wk¶v e¨_©Zvq ch©ewmZ nq| A_ev, (M) ÔiZbcyi D”P we`¨vjqÕ-Gi GKRb cÖexY wk¶‡Ki
ZLb cix¶vq cvmUvB eo nq Ges cvV¨ cy¯U‡Ki c„ôvq Ávb AemiMÖnY Dcj‡¶ GKLvbv gvbcÎ iPbv Ki|
mxgve× _v‡K| GB Kvi‡YB cix¶vq cvm Kiv †jv‡Ki Afve 3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
†bB Avgv‡`i †`‡k, wKš‘ Afve Av‡Q Ávbxi| †hLv‡bB kÖg‡K kÖ×vi m‡½ MÖnY Ki| Kvwj-ayjvi gv‡S, †iv`ª-
cix¶v cv‡mi †gvn Zi“Y QvÎ/QvÎx‡`i DrKwÉZ iv‡L, e„wó‡Z Kv‡Ri Wv‡K †b‡g hvI| evey n‡q Qvqvi cvLvi Z‡j
†mLv‡bB Ávb wbe©vwmZ Rxeb-hvcb K‡i| GKwU ¯^vaxb RvwZ _vKevi `iKvi †bB| G n‡”Q g„Zzi Av‡qvRb| Kv‡Ri wfZi
wn‡m‡e RM‡Zi ey‡K A¶q Avmb jvf Ki‡Z n‡j Áv‡bi Kzeyw× KzgZje gvbewP‡Ë evmv euva‡Z cv‡i bv| Kv‡R
cÖwZ Zi“Y mgvR‡K AbycÖvwYZ Ki‡Z n‡e bZzev KL‡bvB kix‡i mvg_© R‡š§, ¯^v¯’¨, kw³, Avb›`, ù‚wZ© mKjB jvf
Áv‡bi w`MšU D‡š§vwPZ n‡e bv| nq| cwikÖ‡gi ci †h AeKvk jvf nq Zv cig Avb‡›`i
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL : AeKvk| ZLb K…wÎg Av‡qvRb K‡i Avb›` Kivi †Kv‡bv
wb›`y‡K‡i evwm Avwg mevi †P‡q fv‡jv| cÖ‡qvRb nq bv| ïay wPšUvi Øviv RM‡Zi wnZ mvab nq bv|
hyM Rb‡gi eÜz Avgvi Avuavi N‡ii Av‡jv| gvbemgv‡R gvby‡li m‡½ Kv‡R, iv¯Uvq, KviLvbvq,
mevB †gv‡i Qvo‡Z cv‡i eÜz hviv Av‡Q, gvby‡li m‡½ e¨env‡i gvbyl wb‡R‡K c
Y© K‡i|
wb›`yK †m‡Zv Qvqvi gZ _vK‡e cv‡Q cv‡Q| A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
wek¦R‡b wbt¯^ K‡i cweÎZv Av‡b| eûw`b a‡i eû †µvk `
mvaKR‡b we¯Uvwi‡Z Zvi g‡Zv †K Rv‡b? eûe¨q Kwi eû †`k Ny‡i
‡j¨ gqjv ay‡q K‡i cwi®‹vi, †`wL‡Z wMqvwQ ceZ©gvjv,
wek¦gv‡S Ggb `qvj wgj‡e †Kv_v Avi? †`wL‡Z wMqvwQ wmÜz|
wb›`yK, †m †eu‡P _vKzK wek¦wn‡Zi Z‡i, †`Lv nq bvB P¶z †gwjqv
Avgvi Avkv c
Y© n‡e Zvnvi K…cv f‡i| Ni n‡Z ïay `yB cv †dwjqv
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU cÖ‡kœi DËi `vI : 5 GKwU av‡bi kx‡li Dci
(K) †Zvgvi †`Lv GKwU HwZnvwmK ¯’v‡bi eY©bv w`‡q eÜz‡K GKwU wkwki we›`„|y
GKLvwb cÎ †jL| 4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
(L) †Zvgvi GjvKvi AvBbk„sLjv cwiw¯’wZi AebwZi K_v (K) †fv‡M bq, Z¨v‡MB cÖK…Z myL|
Rvwb‡q mswk−ó KZ…©c‡¶i `„wó AvKl©Y K‡i cwÎKvq (L) ¯^‡`‡ki DcKv‡i bvB hvi gb,
cÖKv‡ki R‡b¨ m¤•v`‡Ki wbKU GKwU cÎ †jL| †K e‡j gvbyl Zv‡i? cï †mB Rb|
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20 5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
(K) `ªe¨g
j¨ e„w× I Gi cÖwZKvi| (K) RvZxq Rxe‡b gyw³hy‡×i †PZbv;
(L) eB covi Avb›`| (L) wPwKrmvkv‡¯Z weÁvb;
(M) msev`cÎ| (M) `ªe¨g
‡j¨i EaŸ©MwZ I Zvi cÖwZKvi;
(N) evsjv‡`‡ki cÖvK…wZK †mŠ›`h©| (N) bvixwk¶vi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv;
(O) wPwKrmv‡¶‡Î weÁvb| (O) kirKvj|
L¨vZbvgv ¯‹
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ 19

77 Kzwgj−v wRjv ¯‹zj, Kzwgj−v 78 B¯•vnvbx cvewjK ¯‹zj I K‡jR, Kzwgj−v †mbvwbevm
evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
(K) One day a lad went to a famous teacher to acquire (K) A patriot is a man who loves his country, works for it and
knowledge from him. The learned man, wishing to find out
is willing to fight and die for it, best soldier is bound to do
what sort of ability he had, asked him where God was. The
lad replied, "I will answer you, if you first tell me where he his duty but the best soldiers do more than this. They risk
is not. "The teacher was satisfied and according to the their lives because they love the country. They are the best
boy's wish, perfected in his studies. friends of the people.
(L) The love of mother is never exhausted. It never changes it
(L) A good teacher is one of the most important people in any
never tires. A father may turn his back on child, brother
and sister may become deadly enemies; husbands may country. Bangladesh needs good theacher. A good teacher
desert their wives; wives their husbands. But a mother's makes lesson interesting. He discovers the treasure hidden
love endures through all. A mother always remember the inside each student.
infants smile that filled her bosom with rapture, the joyful
shout of the childhood and she never be brought to think 2| (K) Zzwg cÖavbgšZx n‡j †`‡ki Rb¨ Kx Kx KvR Ki‡e Zv eY©bv
her child unworthy. K‡i †Zvgvi wcZv‡K GKwU cÎ †jL| 5
2| (K) wbqwgZ msev`cÎ cv‡Vi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv e¨vL¨v K‡i †Zvgvi A_ev, (L) †Zvgv‡`i GjvKvq AvBb-k„ŽLjv cwiw¯’wZi AebwZi weeiY
eÜz‡K GKwU cÎ †jL| 5
w`‡q mswk−ó KZ…©c‡¶i `„wó AvKl©Y K‡i msev`c‡Î
A_ev, (L) Lv‡`¨ †fRvj cÖwZ‡iv‡ai Dci ¸i“Z¡ Av‡ivc K‡i msev`c‡Î
cÖKv‡ki Dc‡hvMx GKwU cÎ iPbv Ki| cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ m¤•v`‡Ki wbKU GKLvbv cÎ †jL|
A_ev, (M) †Zvgvi GjvKvq GKwU nvmcvZvj ¯’vc‡bi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv I A_ev, (M) †Zvgvi we`¨vj‡qi 2010 mv‡ji GmGmwm cix¶v_©x‡`i
Avw_©K mvnv‡h¨i Av‡e`b Rvwb‡q †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki Kv‡Q we`vq Dcj‡¶ GKwU gvbcÎ iPbv Ki|
GKwU `iLv¯U †jL| 3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10 AvR‡Ki `ywbqvUv Avðh©fv‡e A‡_©i ev we‡Ëi Dci
mg¯U Ávb, mg¯U mvwn‡Z¨i D‡Ïk¨ gvby‡li AšUi¯’
wbf©ikxj| jvf I †jv‡fi `ywb©evi MwZ †Kej Av‡M hvevi
we‡eK‡K RvwM‡q Zz‡j wbf©xK, †ZR¯^x I mij K‡i †Zvjv|
hw` Ávb Dc‡`k, cy¯UK Ges mvwnZ¨ gvby‡li AšUi‡K †bkvq j¶¨nxb cÖPÊ †e‡M ïayB AvZ¥webv‡ki c‡_ GwM‡q
RvMv‡Z bv cv‡i, Zv‡K wPšUvkxj K‡i Zzj‡Z bv cv‡i, Zv‡K Pj‡Q| gvbyl hw` GB g
pZv‡K Rq bv Ki‡Z cv‡i, gbyl¨Z¡
Av͇eva bv w`‡Z cv‡i, Z‡e eyS‡Z n‡e Zvi cvlvY cÖv‡Y K_vUvB nq‡Zv †jvc †c‡q hv‡e| gvby‡li Rxeb AvR Ggb
mg¯U Ávb e¨_© n‡q‡Q| we‡e‡Ki RvMi‡Yi bvg Av͇eva, GK ch©v‡q G‡m †cuŠ‡Q‡Q †mLvb †_‡K nq‡Zv Avi bvgevi
we‡eK A‡c¶v AviI GKwU gnr wRwbm Av‡Q| Zvi bvgB
Dcvq †bB, Gevi DVevi wmuwo bv LuyR‡jB bq|
cÖÁv| we‡eK gvbyl‡K cÖZviYv K‡i| cÖÁv †Kv‡bv mg‡q
gvbyl‡K cÖZviYv K‡i bv| A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL : ÔZi“Z‡j e‡m cvš’ kÖvwšU K‡i `
Z…Y ¶z`ª AwZ, dj Av¯^v`‡b cvq Avb›` cÖPzi|
Zv‡iI euvwaqv e‡¶ gvZv emygZx we`v‡qi Kv‡j nv‡Z Wvj †f‡½ jq
Kwn‡Qb cÖvYc‡Y, Ò†h‡Z bvwn †`e|Ó Zi“ Zey AKvZi, wKQz bvwn Kq|
Avqy¶xY `xcgy‡L wkLv wbe wbe,
`yj©f gvbe Rš§ †c‡qQ hLb,
Auvav‡ii MÖvm n‡Z †K Uvb‡Q Zv‡i,
Kwn‡Z‡Q kZevi, Ò†h‡Z w`e bv †i|Ó Zi“i Av`k© Ki Rxe‡b MÖnY|
G AbšU PivP‡i ¯^M©gZ©¨ †Q‡q civ‡_© Avcb myL w`‡q wemR©b,
me‡P‡q cyivZb K_v, me‡P‡q ZzwgI nI †Mv ab¨ Zi“i gZb|Õ
Mfxi µ›`b, Ò†h‡Z bvwn w`e|Ó nvq 4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
Zey †h‡Z w`‡Z nq, Zey P‡j hvq|
(K) `yb©xwZ RvZxq Rxe‡bi Awfkvc¯^iƒc|
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwUi fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
(K) AvÍkw³ AR©bB wk¶vi D‡Ïk¨| (L) c‡ii Awbó wPšUv K‡i †hB Rb,
(L) wekÖvg Kv‡Ri A½ GKmv‡_ Muv_v wb‡Ri Awbó exR K‡i †m ecb|
bq‡bi Ask †hb bq‡bi cvZv| 5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20 (K) cix¶vq `yb©xwZ I Zvi cÖwZKvi;
(K) Aa¨emvq; (L) wµ‡KU we‡k¦ evsjv‡`k;
(L) we`y¨r I AvaywbK Rxeb;
(M) AvaywbK Rxeb Kw¤•DUvi wbf©i;
(M) RvwZ MV‡b QvÎmgv‡Ri f‚wgKv;
(N) evsjv‡`‡ki wbm‡M© loFZzi cÖfve; (N) e„wËg
jK wk¶v;
(O) cwi‡ek `
lY I Gi cÖwZKvi| (O) cwi‡ek msi¶‡Y ebvqb|
20 L¨vZbvgv ¯‹
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ

79 Kzwgj−v gWvb© nvB ¯‹zj, Kzwgj−v 80 Avj-Avwgb GKv‡Wgx ¯‹zj GÛ K‡jR, Puv`cyi
evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
(K) We are the inhabitants of an independent country. Freedom (K) We should bear the courage to say the right thing. We need
is the birth-right of man. But no nation can achieve it not fear men nor care for what others think of us. So long
without effort. Again, the people of a country must be as our purpose is honest, Allah will be on our side and with
determined to defend it. It is the sacred duty of every his help, we shall be able to encourage the weak. Thus we
citizen to defend the freedom of his motherland. shall be able to march in life and search its goal.
(L) The necessity of learning English cannot be overstated. (L) A student is a learner. He must mind his studies first. He
English is an international language. It is essential in our should go through with his home work and attend school
day to day activities. We must know English in order to go regularly. A good student reads a lot even outside his
in for any job. There is hardly any situation where
prescribed textbooks. He loves knowledge for the sake of
employees can do without English.
knowledge. He loves his teachers as he loves his parents.
2| (K) GKwU eB‡gjvi eY©bv w`‡q †Zvgvi cÖevmx eÜzi Kv‡Q
2| (K) weMZ GmGmwm cix¶vq K…ZKvh©Zvi Rb¨ eÜz‡K Awfb›`b
GKLvbv cÎ †jL| 5
Rvwb‡q GKLvbv cÎ †jL| 5
A_ev, (L) †Zvgv‡`i GjvKvq AvBbk„ŽLjv cwiw¯’wZi AebwZi weeiY
A_ev, (L) wk¶v md‡i hvIqvi hyw³ †`wL‡q cÖwZôvb cÖav‡bi Kv‡Q A_©
w`‡q mswk−ó KZ…©c‡¶i `„wó AvKl©Y K‡i msev`c‡Î
cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ m¤•v`‡Ki wbKU GKLvbv cÎ †jL| I AbygwZ †P‡q GKLvbv Av‡e`bcÎ †jL|
A_ev, (M) QvÎKj¨vY Znwej n‡Z Avw_©K mvnvh¨ cÖvwßi Rb¨ †Zvgvi A_ev, (M) `ªe¨g
‡j¨i EaŸ©MwZ wel‡q msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ GKLvbv
¯‹z‡ji cÖavb wk¶‡Ki wbKU GKLvbv Av‡e`bcÎ †jL| cÎ †jL|
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10 3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
Zzwg Rxeb‡K mv_©K I my›`i Kwi‡Z PvI? fv‡jv K_v, wKš‘ ¯^vaxb nevi Rb¨ †hgb mvabvi cÖ‡qvRb †Zgwb ¯^vaxbZv
†mRb¨ †Zvgv‡K cÖvYvšU cwikÖg Ki‡Z nB‡e| gnr wKQy jvf i¶vi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRb mZ¨wbôv I b¨vqcivqYZv| m‡Z¨i cÖwZ
Kwi‡Z nB‡j K‡Vvi mvabvi `iKvi| †Zvgv‡K A‡bK `ytL kÖ×v‡evanxb RvwZ hZB †Póv Ki“K, Zv‡`i Av‡e`b
mn¨ Kwi‡Z nB‡e| GB me Zz”Q Kwiqv hw` Zzwg j‡¶¨i
wb‡e`‡b dj nq bv| †h RvwZi AwaKvsk e¨w³ wg_¨vPvix
w`‡K µgvMZ AMÖmi nB‡Z cvi Z‡e †Zvgvi Rxeb my›`i
†mLv‡b `yPviRb mZ¨wbô‡K eû weo¤^bv mn¨ Ki‡Z n‡e,
nB‡e| AviI Av‡Q, †Zvgvi †fZ‡i GK ÔAvwgÕ Av‡Q, †m eo
`y‡f©vM †cvnv‡Z n‡e| wKš‘ gvbyl RvwZ wn‡m‡e gv_v Zz‡j
`yišU| Zvnvi ¯^fve cïi g‡Zv ee©i I D”Q„ŽLj| †m †Kej
†fvMwejvm Pvq, †m eo †jvfx| GB ÔAvwgÕ †K Rq Kwi‡Z `uvov‡Z n‡j †m Kó mn¨ bv K‡i Dcvq †bB|
nB‡e| Z‡eB †Zvgvi Rxeb my›`i I mv_©K nBqv DwV‡e| A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL : †Kv_vq ¯^M,© †Kv_vq biK, †K e‡j Zv eû `
†QvU †QvU evjyKYv, we›`y we›`y Rj, gvby‡li gv‡S ¯^M© biK, gvby‡l‡Z myivmyi|
M‡o †Zv‡j gnv‡`k, mvMi AvZj| wicyi Zvo‡b hLbB †gv‡`i we‡eK cvq †Mv jq
Z© wb‡gl Kvj, Zz”Q cwigvY, AvZ¥M−vwbi biK Ab‡j ZLbB cywo‡Z nq|
M‡o hyM hyMvšUi AbšU-gnvb| cÖxwZ †cÖ‡gi cyY¨ euva‡b h‡e wgwj ci¯•‡i,
cÖ‡Z¨K mvgvb¨ ΓwU, ¶z`ª Aciva, ¯^M© Avwmqv `uvovq ZLbB Avgv‡`iB Kuy‡oN‡i|
µ‡g Uv‡b cvc c‡_, NUvq cÖgv`
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
cÖwZ Ki“Yvi `vb, †ønc
Y© evYx
(K) `yb©xwZ RvZxq Rxe‡b Awfkvc ¯^iƒc|
G aivq ¯^M© myL wbZ¨ †`q Avwb|
(L) †gN †`‡L †KD Kwim‡b fq
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
(K) ïavj ùwUK, ÒmvMi n‡Z †K AwaK abevb?Ó Avov‡j Zvi m
h© nv‡m,
Ávbx e‡jb, ÒevQv Zzó ü`q Zv‡iv †P‡q Mixqvb|Ó nviv kkxi nviv nvwm
(L) gvbyl euv‡P Zvi K‡g©i g‡a¨, eq‡mi g‡a¨ bq| AÜKv‡iB wd‡i Av‡m|
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20 5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
(K) Aa¨emvq; (K) cwi‡ek `
lY I Zvi cÖwZKvi;
(L) wk¶v‡¶‡Î Kw¤•DUvi ; (L) wPwKrmv‡¶‡Î weÁv‡bi Ae`vb;
(M) RvZxq Rxe‡b msev`c‡Îi f‚wgKv; (M) eB covi Avb›`;
(N) cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM I evsjv‡`k; (N) †Zvgvi wcÖq e¨w³Z¡;
(O) e„wËg
jK wk¶v|
(O) mg‡qi g
L¨vZbvgv ¯‹
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ 21

81 beve dqRy‡bœQv miKvwi evwjKv D”P we`¨vjq, Kzwgj−v 82 K‡jwR‡qU ¯‹zj, PÆMÖvg
evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
(K) A good teacher is one of the most important people in any
(K) Knowledge is vaster than an ocean. The more we gather country. Bangladesh needs good teachers. A good teacher
knowledge, the more our thirst for it increases. So any kind makes lesson interesting. He keeps pupils and students
of restriction on the pursuit of knowledge is not at all awake. He also makes them confident and proves them
desirable. Everybody has the right to walk freely in the clever. Everyday has something valuable inside him.
ocean of knowledge. (L) As science progresses, superstition ought to grow less. On
the whole that is true. But it is surprising- how
(L) Our total environment influences our life and our way of
superstitions continue to go on. We should remember that
living. The main elements of our human environment are even today among the most civilized nations, there are
man, animals, plants, soil, air and water. There are many stupid superstitions. Perhaps you yourself believe in
relationships between these elements. When these some of those superstitions. Try to find out if there is really
relationships are disturbed life becomes difficult or anything in any of them and what reasons there may be for
people believing in them.
2| (K) hvbRU wbimbK‡í mswk−ó KZ…©c‡¶i `„wó AvKl©Yc
eK ©
2| (K) †Zvgvi †`Lv GKwU HwZnvwmK ¯’v‡bi eY©bv w`‡q eÜzi
msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Dc‡hvMx GKLvbv cÎ †jL| 5
wbKU cÎ †jL| 5
A_ev, (L) Av‡jvwKZ gvbyl nevi Rb¨ †Zvgvi GjvKvq GKwU cvVvMvi
A_ev, (L) ÔBfwUwRsÕ cÖwZ‡iva wel‡q †Zvgvi gZvgZ Rvwb‡q msev`c‡Î
¯’vc‡bi j‡¶¨ †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki wbKU GKLvbv Av‡e`bcÎ
cÖKv‡ki Dc‡hvMx GKwU cÎ †jL| †jL|
A_ev, (M) †Zvgvi we`¨vj‡qi GmGmwm cix¶v_x©‡`i we`vq Dcj‡¶ A_ev, (M) †Zvgvi †`Lv GKwU HwZnvwmK ¯’v‡bi eY©bv w`‡q eÜzi
GKwU gvbcÎ iPbv Ki| wbKU GKwU cÎ †jL|
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10 3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
†Kvb mf¨ RvwZ‡K Amf¨ Kivi B”Qv hw` †Zvgvi _v‡K Rxe‡bi Kj¨v‡Yi Rb¨, gvby‡li my‡Li Rb¨ GB RM‡Z wZwb
Zvn‡j Zv‡`i me eB aŸsm Ki Ges mKj cwÊZ‡K nZ¨v hZ K_v e‡j _v‡Kb ZvB mvwnZ¨, evZv‡mi Dci wPšUv G
Ki, †Zvgvi D‡Ïk¨ wm× n‡e| †jLK, mvwnwZ¨K I K_v ¯’vqx n‡Z cv‡i bv−gvbeRvwZ ZvB A¶i Avwe®‹vi
cwʇZivB RvwZi AvÍv| GB AvÍv‡K hviv Ae‡njv K‡i K‡i‡Q| gvby‡li g
j¨evb K_v, DrK…ó wPšUv¸‡jv †Kvb hy‡M
Zviv euv‡P bv| †`k‡K ev RvwZ‡K DbœZ Ki‡Z †Póv Ki‡j, cv_‡i, †Kvb hy‡M Mv‡Qi cvZvq Ges eZ©gv‡b KvM‡R wj‡L
mvwn‡Z¨i mvnv‡h¨B Zv KiZ n‡e| gvbe g½‡ji Rb¨ hZ ivLv n‡q _v‡K| †h wbZvšUB nZfvM¨, †mB mvwnZ¨‡K Abv`i
K‡i _v‡K| mvwnZ¨ cvV gvby‡li g‡bi nZvkv‡K `
Abyôvb Av‡Q, Zvi g‡a¨ GUvB cÖavb I m¤•
Y|© RvwZi †fZi
K‡i| †Zvgvi AvÍv n‡Z †hgb Zzwg wew”Qbœ n‡Z cvi bv,
mvwn‡Z¨i aviv m„wó Ki, Avi wKQyi Avek¨KZv †bB|
mvwnZ¨‡K Zzwg †Zgwb A¯^xKvi Ki‡Z cvi bv−Dnv‡Z †Zvgvi
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
g„Zz¨ †Zvgvi `ytL I Am¤§vb nq|
c‡ii gy‡L †kLv eywj cvwLi gZ †Kb ewjm? A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
c‡ii fw½ bKj K‡i b‡Ui gZ †Kb Pwjm? Avwm‡Z‡Q ïf w`b
†Zvi wbR¯^ me©v‡½ †Zvi w`‡jb avZv Avcb nv‡Z, w`‡b w`‡b evwoqv‡Q †`bv ïwa‡Z nB‡e FY
gy‡Q †mUzK ev‡R nwj, †MŠie wKQy evoj Zv‡Z? nvZzwo kvej MuvBwZ Pvjv‡q fvw½j hviv cvnvo
Avcbv‡i †h †f‡½Pz‡i Mo‡Z Pvq c‡ii Quv‡P, cvnvo KvUv †m c‡_i `yÕcv‡k cwoj hv‡`i nvo
AjxK, duvwK, †gwK †mRb, bvgUv Zvi Kw`b euv‡P? †Zvgv‡i †mwe‡Z nBj hvnviv gRyi, gy‡U I Kzwj
c‡ii Pzwi †Q‡o w`‡q Avcb gv‡S Wz‡e hv‡i, †Zvgv‡i ewn‡Z hvnviv cweÎ A‡½ jvMvj a
LuvwU ab hv †m_vq cvwe, Avi †Kv_vI cvwebv‡i| ZvivB gvbyl, ZvivB †`eZv Mvwn Zvnv‡`wi Mvb
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10 Zv‡`iB e¨w_Z e‡¶ cv †d‡j Av‡m be DÌvb|
(K) KZ©‡e¨i Kv‡Q fvB-eÜz †KnB bvB| 4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwUi fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
(K) A_© m¤•‡`i webvk Av‡Q, wKš‘ Ávb m¤•` KL‡bv webó nq
(L) ¯^‡`‡ki DcKv‡i bvB hvi gb,
†K e‡j gvbyl Zv‡i, cï †mB Rb|
(L) `vI wd‡i †m AiY¨, jI G bMi
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
(K) gvbeKj¨v‡Y weÁvb; (K) †eKvi mgm¨v I KvwiMwi wk¶v;
(L) ¯^‡`k‡cÖg; (L) evsjv‡`‡ki wbm‡M© loFZzi cÖfve;
(M) †`k MV‡b QvÎmgv‡Ri f‚wgKv; (M) †Zvgvi wcÖq Kwe;
(N) evsjv‡`‡ki we`y¨r mgm¨v I cÖwZKvi; (N) RvZxq Dbœq‡b kÖ‡gi ¸i“Z;¡
(O) eBcovi Avb›`| (O) gvbeKj¨v‡Y weÁvb|
22 L¨vZbvgv ¯‹
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ

83 evsjv‡`k gwnjv mwgwZ evwjKv D”P we`¨vjq, PÆMÖvg 84 wmjfvi †ejm& Mvj©m nvB ¯‹zj, PÆMÖvg
evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
(K) Punctuality is to be cultivated and formed into a habit. This (K) It is very easy to acquire bad habits, such as eating too
quality is to be acquired through all our works from our many sweets too much food or drinking too much liquid of
boyhood. Boyhood is the seed-time. The habit formed at any kind or smoking. The more we do a thing, the more we
this time will continue all through our life. 'Everything at tend to like doing it, and if we do not continue to do it, we
right time' should be our motto. feel unhappy. This is called the force of habit, and the
(L) We should bear the courage to say the right thing. We need force of habit should be fought against.
not fear men nor care for what others think of us. So long (L) Education is the backbone of a nation. No nation can make
as our purpose is honest, Allah will be on our side and with progress without education. Ignorance is like darkness. So,
the light of education is necessary for society. Everybody
his help, we shall be able to encourage the weak. Thus we
will have to appreciate this truth. Students, both bosys and
shall be able to march in life and search its goal.
girls must be conscious of their reponsibility. Otherwise
2| (K) †Zvgvi MÖvg‡K wbi¶iZvi Awfkvc †_‡K gy³ Kivi e¨vcv‡i the nation will not be able to see the light of hope.
wb‡Ri f‚wgKvi eY©bv w`‡q we‡`wk eÜzi wbKU cÎ †jL| 5 2| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
A_ev, (L) QvÎRxe‡b wk¶vg
jK md‡ii DcKvwiZv eY©bv K‡i we`¨vjq GUv ¯§iY ivLv KZ©e¨ †h, c„w_ex‡Z †hLv‡b G‡m Zzwg _vg‡e,
†_‡K wk¶v md‡ii e¨e¯’v Kivi Rb¨ cÖavb wk¶‡Ki wbKU †mLvb n‡Z †Zvgvi aŸsm Avi¤¢ n‡e| KviY ZzwgB †Kej
Av‡e`b cÎ †jL| GKjv _vg‡e, Avi †KD _vg‡e bv| RMr cÖev‡ni m‡½
A_ev, (M) we`y¨r weåv‡Ui Avï cÖwZKvi †P‡q msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ mgMwZ‡Z hw` bv Pj‡Z cvi †Zv cÖev‡ni mg¯U mej †eM
cÎ †jL| †Zvgvi Dci G‡m AvNvZ Ki‡e, G‡Kev‡i we`xY© wech©¯U
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10 n‡e wKsev A‡í Aí ¶qcÖvß n‡q Kvj‡mªv‡Zi Zj‡`‡k
evj¨Kvj nB‡Z Avgv‡`i wk¶vi mwnZ Avb›` bvB| †Kej AšUwn©Z n‡q hv‡e| nq Aweivg Pj Ges Rxeb PP©v Ki, bq
hvnv wKQz wbZvšU Avek¨K, Zvnv Kɯ’ Kwi‡ZwQ| †Zgwb wekÖvg Ki Ges wejyß nI, c„w_exi GB iKg wbqg|
Kwiqv †Kv‡bvg‡Z KvR P‡j gvÎ, wKš‘ weKvk jvf nq bv| A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
nvIqv LvB‡j †cU f‡i bv, Avnvi Kwi‡j †cU f‡i, wKš‘ cy‡Y¨-cv‡c, `yt‡L-my‡L, cZ‡b-DÌv‡b,
Avnvivw` ixwZg‡Zv nRg Kwievi Rb¨ nvIqv Avek¨K| gvbyl nB‡Z `vI †Zvgvi mšUv‡b|
†Zgwb GKwU wk¶v cy¯UK‡K ixwZg‡Zv nRg Kwi‡Z †n †ønvZ© e½f‚wg! Ze M„n-†µv‡o,
A‡bK¸‡jv AcvV¨cy¯U‡Ki mvnvh¨ Avek¨K| Bnv‡Z Avb‡›`i wPiwkï K‡i Avi ivwLI bv a‡i|
mwnZ cwo‡Z cvwievi kw³ Ajw¶Zfv‡e e„w× cvB‡Z _v‡K| †`k-†`kvšUi gv‡S hvi †h_v ¯’vb,
LuywRqv jwn‡Z `vI Kwiqv mÜvb|
MÖnYkw³, aviYvkw³, wPšUvkw³ †ek mn‡R Ges ¯^vfvweK
c‡` c‡` †QvU †QvU wb‡l‡ai †Wv‡i,
wbq‡g ej jvf K‡i|
†eu‡a †eu‡a ivwLI bv fvj †Q‡j K‡i|
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
cÖvY c‡Y, `ytL m‡q Avcbvi nv‡Z-
†Kv_vq ¯^M,© †Kv_vq biK, †K e‡j Zv eû `
msMÖvg Kwi‡Z `vI fvj-g›` mv‡_|
gvby‡li gv‡S ¯^M-© biK, gvby‡l‡Z myivmyi|
3| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
wicyi Zvo‡b hLwb †gv‡`i we‡eK cvq †Mv jq,
(K) cÖ‡qvRbxqZvB D™¢ve‡bi RbK|
AvZ¥M−vwbi biK-Ab‡j, ZLwb cywo‡Z nq|
(L) cy®• Avcbvi Rb¨ †dv‡U bv|
cÖxwZ I †cÖ‡gi cyY¨ euva‡b h‡e wgwj ci¯•‡i,
4| (K) gv`Kvmw³i Kzdj m¤•‡K© Rvwb‡q †Zvgvi †QvU fvB‡K
¯^M© Avwmqv `uvovq ZLb Avgv‡`i Kuy‡o N‡i|
GKLvbv cÎ †jL| 5
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
A_ev, (L) ebv¨vZ©‡`i mvnv‡h¨i Rb¨ †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki wbKU GKLvbv
(K) KZ©‡e¨i Kv‡Q fvB eÜz †KnB bvB|
`iLv¯U †jL|
(L) we`¨vi mv‡_ m¤•K©nxb Rxeb AÜ Ges
A_ev, (M) †Zvgvi GjvKvq GKwU ˆbk we`¨vjq ¯’vc‡bi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv
Rxe‡bi mv‡_ m¤•K©nxb we`¨v c½y|
D‡j−L K‡i msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ GKLvbv cÎ †jL|
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
(K) evsjv‡`‡ki cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM I cÖwZKvi|
(K) RvZxq Rxe‡b msev`c‡Îi f‚wgKv;
(L) evsjv‡`‡ki gyw³hy×| (L) gvbeKj¨v‡Y weÁvb;
(M) e„wËg
jK wk¶v| (M) A_©‰bwZK Dbœq‡b †hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’vi f‚wgKv;
(N) kÖ‡gi gh©v`v| (N) cj−x Dbœqb;
(O) `ªe¨g
j¨ e„w× I Zvi cÖwZKvi| (O) Av‡m©wbK `
lY I Zvi cÖwZKvi|
L¨vZbvgv ¯‹
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ 23

85 Wv. Lv¯\Mxi miKvwi evwjKv D”P we`¨vjq, PÆMÖvg 86 wm‡jU miKvwi cvBjU D”P we`¨vjq, wm‡jU
evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
(K) Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues in a man's life. It (K) Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues in a man's life. It
means the quality of speaking the truth. The true happiness means the quality of speaking the truth. The true happiness
and prosperity of a man entirely depends on it. It enables
and prosperity of a man entirely depends on it. It enables
one's character and gives one a high position insociety.
Truthfulness may lead the whole world to peace and one's character and gives one a high position in society.
happiness. Truthfulness may lead the whole world to peace and
(L) The necessity of learning English cannot be overstated. happiness.
English is an international language. It is essential in our (L) Books are men's best companions in life. You must have
day to day activities. We must know English in order to go
very good friend but you cannot get them when you need
in for any job. There is hardly any situation where
employees can do without English. them. They may not speak gently to you. One or two may
2| (K) Avmbœ el©v †gŠmy‡gi c
‡e© †Zvgvi GjvKvi iv¯Uvmg
n prove false and do you much harm. But books are always
ms¯‹v‡ii R‡b¨ KZ…©c‡¶i `„wó AvKl©Y K‡i msev`c‡Î ready to be by your side. Some books may make you
cÖKv‡ki Dc‡hvMx GKwU cÎ †jL| 5 laugh. Some others may give you much pleasure. Others
A_ev, (L) QvÎRxe‡b wk¶vg
jK åg‡Yi DcKvwiZv m¤•‡K© cÖevmx eÜzi again may give you knowledge and new ideas.
wbKU cÎ †jL| 2| (K) †Zvgvi †`Lv GKwU weÁvb †gjvi eY©bv w`‡q eÜz‡K GKwU
A_ev, (M) †Zvgvi ¯‹z‡j GKRb L¨vZbvgv Kwei AvMgb Dcj‡¶ GKwU cÎ †jL| 5
gvbcÎ iPbv Ki| A_ev, (L) moK `yN©Ubvi cÖwZKviK‡í Kx KiYxq, G m¤•‡K© AwfgZ
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10 e¨³ K‡i msev`c‡Îi wPwVcÎ wefv‡M cÖKvkv‡_© GKwU cÎ
huviv wb‡R wb‡R †Póv K‡ib, Avj−vn Zuv‡`i mnvq nb| iPbv Ki|
c„w_ex‡Z huviv eo n‡q‡Q, Zuv‡`i cÖ‡Z¨‡KiB Rxebx cvV A_ev, (M) †Zvgvi we`¨vj‡qi GKRb cÖexY wk¶‡Ki we`vq Dcj‡¶
Ki‡j Avgiv G wk¶vB †c‡q _vwK| we`¨vB †nvK, abB †nvK, GKwU gvbcÎ iPbv Ki|
cwikÖg bv Ki‡j †KD Zv jvf Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| GKevi GK 3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
ivRcyÎ GK cwÊZ‡K e‡jwQ‡jb, gnvkq mvaviY †jvK bxie fvlvq e„¶ Avgv‡`i mv_©KZvi Mvb †kvbvq| Abyf‚wZi
cwikÖg K‡i we`¨vjvf K‡i _v‡K| Avwg cwikÖ‡g Af¨¯U bB|
Kvb w`‡q †m Mvb ïb‡Z n‡e| Zv n‡j eyS‡Z cviv hv‡e,
Avgvi Rb¨ wK we`¨v wk¶vi †Kv‡bv mnR c_ K‡i w`‡Z
Rxe‡bi gv‡b e„w×, a‡g©i gv‡bI ZvB| cÖK…wZi †h ag©
cv‡ib bv? cwÊZ ej‡jb, ivRv ev ivRcy‡Îi Rb¨ we`¨v
gvby‡liI †m ag©, cv_©K¨ †Kej Zi“jZv I RxeRš‘i e„w×i
wk¶vi ¯^ZšZ Dcvq †bB| A‡bK evjK Av‡Q Zviv †Kej
wk¶K g‡nv`‡qi DciB wbf©i K‡i _v‡K| Awfavb Ly‡j Kó Dci Zv‡`i wb‡Ri nvZ †bB, gvby‡li e„w×i Dci Zvi
¯^xKvi bv K‡i A_© cy¯U‡Ki mvnvh¨ †bq| Giƒc †jvK KLbI wb‡Ri nvZ i‡q‡Q| Avi GLv‡bB gvby‡li gh©v`v| gvby‡li
RM‡Z DbœwZ Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| e„w× †Kej ˆ`wnK bq, AvwÍKI| gvby‡li AvÍv m„wó K‡i
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL : wb‡Z nq, Zv ˆZwi cvIqv hvq bv|
cv‡c-cy‡Y¨, `yt‡L-my‡L, cZ‡b-DÌv‡b, A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
gvbyl nB‡Z `vI †Zvgvi mšUv‡b| ˆ`b¨ hw` Av‡m, AvmyK, j¾v wKev Zv‡n,
†n †ønvZ© e½f‚wg! Ze M„n-†µv‡o, gv_v DuPz ivwLm|
wPiwkï K‡i Avi ivwLI bv a‡i| my‡Li mv_x gy‡Li cv‡b hw` bvwn Pv‡n,
†`k-†`kvšUi gv‡S hvi †h_v ¯’vb, ‰ah© a‡i _vwKm|
LuywRqv jwn‡Z `vI Kwiqv mÜvb| i“`ªiƒ‡c Zxeª `ytL hw` Av‡m †b‡g,
c‡` c‡` †QvU †QvU wb‡l‡ai †Wv‡i, eyK dzwj‡q `uvovm|
†eu‡a †eu‡a ivwLI bv fv‡jv †Q‡j K‡i| AvKvk hw` eRª wb‡q gv_vq c‡o †f‡O,
cÖvYc‡Y, `ytL m‡q Avcbvi nv‡Z- E‡aŸ© `yÕnvZ evovm|
msMÖvg Kwi‡Z `vI fvj-g›`i mv‡_| 4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
(K) AvÍkw³ AR©bB wk¶vi g
j D‡Ïk¨|
(K) KZ eo Avwg K‡n bKj nxivwU
(L) ¯^‡`‡ki DcKv‡i bvB hvi gb
ZvB‡Zv m‡›`n Kwi, bn wUK LuvwU|
†K e‡j gvbyl Zv‡i cï †mB Rb|
(L) AvÍkw³ AR©bB wk¶vB D‡Ïk¨|
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20 5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
(K) bvixwk¶vi ¸i“Z;¡ (K) Aa¨emvq;
(L) wkóvPvi; (L) cwi‡ek `
lY I Gi cÖwZKvi;
(M) †d‡j Avmv w`b¸‡jv; (M) AvaywbK Rxe‡b Kw¤•DUvi;
(N) wk¶v‡¶‡Î Kw¤•DUvi; (N) †`k MV‡b bvixmgvR;
(O) cwi‡ek msi¶‡Y ebvqb| (O) †Zvgvi wcÖq K_vmvwnwZ¨K|
24 L¨vZbvgv ¯‹
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ

87 e−y evW© ¯‹zj GÛ K‡jR, wm‡jU 88 ewikvj wRjv ¯‹zj, ewikvj

evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
(K) Honesty is the best policy. An honest man is respected by (K) Bangladesh declared independence on 26 March, 1971. It
all, Everyone trusts him. No one can prosper in life if he is become free from Pakistan on 16 December, 1971 after a
not honest. An honest shop-keeper is liked very much by great liberation war. It is a democratic country with many
his customers. All go to his shop and buy things from him. kinds of people. Bangladesh is also a beautiful country
They begin to trust him. His credit grows and his business with many resources and become prosperous.
flourishes. (L) In this life there are no gains without pains. Life indeed
(L) Smoking is a dangerous habit. People addieted to smoking would be dull if there were no difficulties. Games lose
may become victims of cancer. And that cancer is a fatal their zest if there is no real struggle, if the result is a
disease needs not tellings. So vigorous campaign against forgone conclusion. Both the winner and the loser enjoy a
smoking is a crying need. game most if it is closely contested to the last. No victory
2| (K) gva¨wgK cix¶v cvm Kivi ci Rxe‡bi j¶¨ Abyhvqx Zzwg Kx is a real triumph unless the foe is worthy of your steel.
Whether we like it or not life is one continuous competitive
Ki‡Z PvI Zv Rvwb‡q †Zvgvi evevi Kv‡Q GKwU cÎ †jL| 5
A_ev, (L) Av‡jvwKZ gvbyl nevi R‡b¨ †Zvgvi GjvKvq GKwU cvVvMvi 2| (K) `ªe¨g
j¨ e„w×i d‡j gvby‡li †h Kó n‡”Q Zv Rvwb‡q
¯’vc‡bi j‡¶¨ †Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki Kv‡Q GKwU cÎ †jL| msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ cwÎKvi m¤•v`K eivei GKwU wPwV
A_ev, (M) †Zvgvi GjvKvq we`y¨r weåvU NUvi Avï cÖwZKvi †P‡q h_vh_ †jL| 5
KZ…©c‡¶i `„wó AvKl©Y K‡i msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki R‡b¨ GKwU A_ev, (L) Kw¤•DUvi wk¶vi ¸i“Z¡ eY©bv K‡i †Zvgvi eÜz‡K GKwU cÎ
cÎ iPbv Ki| †jL|
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10 A_ev, (M) †Zvgvi we`¨vj‡qi we`vqx Qv·`i D‡Ï‡k¨ GKwU gvbcÎ
gvZ…‡ø‡ni Zzjbv bvB| wKš‘ AwZ †øn A‡bK mgq Ag½j iPbv Ki|
Avbqb K‡i| †h †ø‡ni DËv‡c mšUv‡bi cwicywó, ZvnviB 3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
Avwa‡K¨ †m Amnvq nBqv c‡o| gvZ…‡ø‡ni ggZvi cÖve‡j¨ AvR‡Ki `ywbqvUv Avðh©fv‡e A‡_©i ev we‡Ëi Ic‡i
gvbyl Avcbv‡K nvivBqv Avmj kw³ gh©v`v eywS‡Z cv‡i bv| wbf©ikxj| jvf I †jv‡fi `ywb©evi MwZ †Kej Av‡M hvevi
wbqZ gvZ…‡ø‡ni AšUiv‡j Ae¯’vb Kwiqv AvÍkw³i mÜvb †bkvq j¶¨nxb cÖPÊ †e‡M ïayB AvÍwebv‡ki c‡_ GwM‡q
†m cvq bv| `ye©j, Amnvq c¶xkve‡Ki g‡Zv wPiw`b P‡j‡Q; gvbyl hw` GB g
pZv‡K Rq Ki‡Z bv cv‡i Z‡e
†ønvwZk‡h¨ Avcbv‡K †m GKvšU wbf©ikxj g‡b K‡i| µ‡g gbyl¨Z¡ K_vUvB nq‡Zv †jvc †c‡q hv‡e| gvby‡li Rxeb AvR
Ggb GK ch©v‡q G‡m †cuŠ‡Q‡Q, †mLvb †_‡K Avi nq‡Zv
Rbbxi cig m¤•` mšUvb Ajm, fxi“, `ye©j I ciwbf©ikxj
bvgevi Dcvq †bB, Gevi DVevi wmuwoUv bv LuyR‡jB bq|
nBqv gbyl¨Z¡ weKv‡ki c_ nB‡Z `
‡i mwiqv hvq| AÜ
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
gvZ…‡øn †m K_v ey‡S bv−`ye©‡ji cÖwZ †m w¯’i j¶¨, Amnvq
†n `vwi`ª¨, Zzwg †gv‡i K‡iQ gnvb|
mšUv‡bi cÖwZ ggZvi AšU bvB−Ajm‡K †m cÖvYcvZ Kwiqv Zzwg †gv‡i `vwbqvQ wLª‡ói m¤§vb
†mev K‡i, fxi“Zvi `y`©kv Kíbv Kwiqv wec‡`i AvµgY nB‡Z KÉK-gyKzU †kvfv; w`qvQ Zvcm,
fxi“‡K i¶v Kwi‡Z e¨vß nq| Ams‡KvP cÖKv‡ki `yišU mvnm,
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL : D×Z Dj½ `„wó, evYx ¶ziavi,
†Kv_vq ¯^M?© †Kv_vq biK? †K e‡j Zv eû`
i? exYv †gvi kv‡c nj Zievi|
gvby‡liB gv‡S ¯^M-© biK, gvby‡l‡ZB myivmyi| `ytmn `vn‡b Ze †n `cx© Zvcm,
wicyi Zvo‡b hLwb †gv‡`i we‡eK cvq †Mv jq, Aèvb ¯^‡M©‡i †gvi Kwi‡j weim
AvÍM−vwbi biK Ab‡j ZLwb cywo‡Z nq| AKv‡j ïKv‡j †gvi iƒc-im cÖvY
cÖxwZ I †cÖ‡gi cyY¨ euva‡b h‡e wgwj ci¯•‡i, kxY© KicyU fwi my›`‡ii `vb
¯^M© Avwmqv `uvovq ZLb Avgv‡`iB Kzu‡oN‡i| hZevi wb‡Z hvBцh eyfz¶z, Zzwg
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10 A‡MÖ Avwm Ki cvb| k
b¨ gi“f‚wg
(K) wekÖvg Kv‡Ri A½ GK mv‡_ Muv_v †nwi gg Kí‡jvK|
bq‡bi Ask †hb bq‡bi cvZv, 4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
A_ev, (L) DËg wbwð‡šU P‡j Aa‡gi mv‡_, (K) ¯^‡`‡ki DcKv‡i bvB hvi gb|
†K e‡j gvbyl Zv‡i? cï †mB Rb|
wZwbB ga¨g whwb P‡jb Zdv‡Z|
(L) g½j Kwievi kw³B ab, wejvm ab b‡n|
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
(K) RvZxq Dbœq‡b kÖ‡gi ¸i“Z;¡
(K) cwi‡ek `
lY I Zvi cÖwZKvi;
(L) wek¦‡hvMv‡hv‡M B›Uvi‡bU/†gvevBj †dvb; (L) †Zvgvi wcÖq †jLK;
(M) eB covi Avb›`; (M) gvbe mf¨Zvi Dbœq‡b Z_¨ cÖhyw³;
(N) hvbRU mgm¨v I mgvavb; (N) RvZxq Rxe‡b msev`c‡Îi ¸i“Z¡;
(O) bvixwk¶vi ¸i“Z¡| (O) †Zvgvi †`Lv GKwU †gjv|
L¨vZbvgv ¯‹
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ 25

89 †fvjv miKvwi D”P we`¨vjq, †fvjv 90 ˆmq`cyi miKvwi KvwiMix ¯‹zj I K‡jR, bxjdvgvix
evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
(K) Many difficulties may stand on the way of performing (K) A student is a learner and he must mind his studies first.
work. But a man of perseverance is never discouraged by He should go through with his home work and attend
it. He goes on trying until be attains his success. No great
school regularly. A good student reads a lot even outside
work can be accomplished without repeated attempts.
his prescribed text books. He loves knowledge for the sake
Perseverance teaches us how to fight these difficulties.
(L) The main things about habits is that they should be of knowledge. He loves his teachers as he loves his
acquired quite early in life. The mind is then like clay in parents.
the hands of a potter. You can give any shape you like. (L) Honesty is a noble virtue. It is secret of success in every
There is also the need of a good atmosphere at home for sphere of life. The value of honesty is very great. It wins
the child forming the right sorts of habit. Education is also love, respect and fearlessness. An honest man passes his
as factor in habit formation.
days in respect and happiness. Honesty is the best policy.
2| (K) Kw¤•DUvi wk¶vi ¸i“Z¡ eY©bv K‡i †Zvgvi eÜz‡K GKwU cÎ
2| (K) we`¨vjq Rxe‡bi †kl w`‡bi gvbwmK Ae¯’v Rvwb‡q †Zvgvi
†jL| 5
A_ev, (L) gkvi Dc`ªe wbevi‡Yi Rb¨ KZ…©c‡¶i mnvqZv Kvgbv K‡i cÖevmx eÜz Fkv‡bi Kv‡Q GKwU cÎ †jL| 5
GKwU cÎ †jL| A_ev, (L) mviv †`‡k G¨vb_ªv· †ivM gnvgvixi iƒc aviY K‡i‡Q| G
A_ev, (M) †Zvgvi GjvKvq cvbxq R‡j Av‡m©wb‡Ki gvÎvwa‡K¨i Kvi‡Y wel‡q mswk−ó KZ…©c‡¶i `„wó AvKl©Y K‡i ˆ`wbK cwÎKvq
Rb¯^v¯’¨ ûgwKi m¤§yLxb| G e¨vcv‡i h_vh_ e¨e¯’v MÖn‡Yi cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ GKLvbv cÎ †jL|
Rb¨ KZ…©c‡¶i `„wó AvKl©Y K‡i msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki
A_ev, (M) †Zvgvi we`¨vj‡qi cÖavb wk¶‡Ki Aemi MÖnY Dcj‡¶
Dc‡hvMx GKwU cÎ †jL|
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10 GKLvbv gvbcÎ iPbv Ki|
†`k‡K †h bvixi Ki“Yv wb‡q †mev K‡i †m cyi“l bq, nq‡Zv 3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
gnvcyi“l| wKš‘ †`k GLb Pvq gnvcyi“l bq| †`k Pvq †mB AvR‡Ki `ywbqvUv Avðh©fv‡e A‡_©i ev we‡Ëi Dci
cyi“l, hvi fv‡jvevmvq AvNvZ Av‡Q, we‡`ªvn Av‡Q| †h †`k‡K wbf©ikxj| jvf I †jv‡fi `ywb©evi MwZ †Kej Av‡M hvevi
fv‡jv‡e‡m ïay †Pv‡Li RjB †dj‡e biv; †m `iKvi n‡j
AvNvZI Ki‡e, cÖwZNvZI eyK †c‡Z †b‡e, we‡`ªvn Ki‡e| †bkvq j¶¨nxb cÖPÊfv‡e ïayB AvZ¥webv‡ki c‡_ GwM‡q
we‡`ªvn Kiv, AvNvZ Kivi cïZ¡ ev ˆckvwPKZv‡K †h Abyf‚wZ, Pj‡Q| gvbyl hw` GB g
pZv‡K Rq Ki‡Z bv cv‡i, Z‡e
wbôziZv e‡j †`vl †`q ev mn¨ Ki‡Z cv‡i bv, †mB Abyf‚wZB gbyl¨Z¡ K_vUvB nq‡Zv †jvc †c‡q hv‡e| gvby‡li Rxeb AvR
n‡”Q bvixi Abyf‚wZ, gvby‡li GBUzKzB n‡”Q †`eZ¡| huviv cyi“l Ggb GK ch©v‡q G‡m †cuŠ‡Q‡Q, †hLvb †_‡K nq‡Zv Avi
n‡e, hviv †`k ˆmwbK n‡e, Zv‡`i evB‡i H cï‡Z¡i ev
bvgevi Dcvq †bB, Gevi DVevi wmuwoUv bv LuR y ‡jB bq|
Amyi‡Z¡i e`bvgUzKz mn¨ K‡i wb‡Z n‡e| †h †Q‡ji g‡b
†mev Kivi, ey‡K Rwo‡q aivi B”QvwU cÖej, Zvi ˆmwbK bv DVevi wmuwoUv bv Luy‡R †c‡j Avgv‡`i AvÍwebvk †h Awbevh©
nIqvB DwPZ| †`‡ki `ytLx, AvZ©-cxwoZ‡`i †mevi fvi Zv‡Z Avi †Kvb m‡›`n _v‡K bv|
Gme †Q‡jiv fv‡jvfv‡eB MÖnY Ki‡Z cv‡i| A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL : †Kv_vq ¯^M,© †Kv_vq biK, †K e‡j Zv eû `
ˆeivM¨ mva‡b gyw³ †m Avgvi bq
gvby‡li gv‡S ¯^M© biK, gvby‡l‡ZB myivmyi|
AmsL¨ eÜb gv‡S gnvb›`gq
jwfe gyw³i ¯^v`! GB emyavi wicyi Zvo‡b hLbB †gv‡`i we‡eK cvq †Mv jq,
g„wËKvi cvÎLvwb fwi evisevi AvZ¥M−vwbi biK Ab‡j ZLbB cywo‡Z nq|
†Zvgvi Ag„Z Xvwj w`‡e AweiZ cÖxwZ I †cÖ‡gi cyY¨ euva‡b h‡e wgwj ci¯•‡i,
bvbv eY©MÜgq| cÖ`x‡ci g‡Zv ¯^M© Avwmqv `uvovq ZLb Avgv‡`iB Kuy‡oN‡i|
mg¯U msmvi †gvi j¶ ewZ©Kvq
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
R¡vjv‡q Zzwjwe Av‡jv †Zvgvwi wkLvq|
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10 (K) †h m‡n, †m i‡n|
(K) ivZ hZ Mfxi nq cÖfvZ ZZ wbK‡U Av‡m| (L) we‡k¦ hv wKQy gnvb m„wó wPi Kj¨vYKi;
(L) wekÖvg Kv‡Ri A½ GK m‡½ Muv_v A‡a©K Zvi Kwiqv‡Q bvix A‡a©K Zvi bi|
bq‡bi Ask †hb bq‡bi cvZv| 5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
(K) wk¶v‡¶‡Î Kw¤•DUvi;
(K) evsjv‡`‡ki RbmsL¨v mgm¨v I Zvi cÖwZKvi;
(L) msev`cÎ; (L) `yb©xwZ `g‡b QvÎmgv‡Ri f‚wgKv;
(M) wbqgvbyewZ©Zv; (M) AvšUR©vwZK gvZ…fvlv w`em;
(N) K…wlKv‡R weÁvb; (N) e„¶ †ivcY Awfhvb;
(O) evsjv‡`‡ki cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM I Zvi cÖwZKvi| (O) RvZxq Rxe‡b msev`c‡Îi f‚wgKv|
26 L¨vZbvgv ¯‹
‡ni iPbvg
jK cÖkœcÎ

91 w`bvRcyi wRjv ¯‹zj, w`bvRcyi 92 K¨v›Ub‡g›U cvewjK ¯‹zj I K‡jR, iscyi

evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ evsjv wØZxq cÎ ■ iPbvg!jK cÖkœ
1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5 1| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU Aby‡”Q` evsjvq Abyev` Ki : 5
(K) Self-reliance means depending on one's ownself. It is a (K) We are the inhabitants of an independent country. Freedom
great virtue. Self help is the best help. God helps those who is the birth-right of man. But no nation can achieve it
help themselves. So, everybody must rely on his own without effort. Again, the people of a country must be
abilities to be self-reliant. A self-reliant man has determined to defend it. It is the sacred duty of every
confidence in his own abilities. He takes heart in the face citizen to defend the freedom of his mother land.
of difficulty. (L) Good books are store house of knowledge and wisdom.
(L) The necessity of learning English can't be overstated Any one who has the key, Can enter these store houses and
English is an international language. It is essential in our help himself. What is the key? Simply the ability to read.
day to day activities. We must know English in order to go He who can read can store his mind with the great thoughts
in for any job. There is hardly any situation where the of the great thinker of the world. The man who never opens
employees can do without English. a book has an empty mind.
2| (K) wk¶v md‡i hvIqvi hyw³ †`wL‡q †Zvgvi we`¨vj‡qi cÖavb 2| (K) †Zvgvi †`Lv †Kvb mvs¯‹…wZK Abyôv‡bi eY©bv w`‡q †Zvgvi
wk¶‡Ki Kv‡Q A_© I AbygwZ cÖv_©bv K‡i GKwU Av‡e`bcÎ eÜz‡K GKwU cÎ †jL| 5
†jL| 5 A_ev, (L) BfwUwRs Gi wei“‡× mvgvwRK cÖwZ‡iva M‡o †Zvjvi AvnŸvb
A_ev, (L) evRv‡i `ªe¨g
‡j¨i DaŸ©MwZi d‡j RbRxe‡b †h `y‡f©vM †b‡g Rvwb‡q msev` c‡Î GKwU cÎ †jL|
G‡m‡Q Zvi cÖwZKvi †P‡q msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ GKLvbv A_ev, (M) †Zvgiv GjvKvq Av‡m©wbK mg„× wUDeI‡qj wPwýZKi‡Yi
cÎ †jL| Rb¨ KZ…©c‡¶i wbKU GKwU Av‡e`b cÎ †jL|
A_ev, (M) Kw¤•DUvi wk¶vi ¸i“Z¡ eY©bv K‡i †Zvgvi eÜz‡K GKLvbv 3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10
cÎ †jL| gvbyl Rxe‡bi †kÖô mv_©KZv ˆmwbK Rxe‡b| ˆmwbK †h c_
3| (K) mvivsk †jL : 10 w`qv nuv‡Ub †m c‡_i a
wj¸‡jvI cweÎ| ˆmwbK mvgvb¨
Lye †QvU wQ‡`ªi g‡a¨ w`‡q †hgb m
h©‡K †`Lv hvq, †Zgwb †QvU b‡nb| cvc‡K `gb Kwievi Rb¨ †h gvbyl Awm MÖnY K‡ib,
Kv‡Ri wfZi w`‡qI †Kvb e¨w³i PwiÎ dz‡U D‡V| e¯‘Z wZwb Amvgvb¨| Rxeb‡K Zz”Q Rvwbqv whwb Kvgvb †Mvjvi
Y©fv‡e I myPvi“iƒ‡c m¤•bœ †QvU †QvU Kv‡RB Pwi‡Îi m¤§y‡L eyK cvwZqv `uvovb, wZwb KZ eo Zvnv wK fvweqv
cwiPq| A‡b¨i cÖwZ Avgv‡`i e¨envi wKiƒc ZvB n‡”Q †`wLqvQ? mZ¨ I b¨v‡qi cÖwZôvi Rb¨ Rxeb `vb Kwievi
Avgv‡`i Pwi‡Îi †kÖô cix¶v| eo, †QvU I mgZz‡j¨i cÖwZ mvnm hvnvi Av‡Q, wZwb wK †kÖô gvbyl bb? †Lv`vi mwnZ †cÖg
my‡kvfb e¨envi Avb‡›`i wbiew”Qbœ Drm| Kwievi AwaKvi wZwb Qvov Avi Kvnvi Av‡Q? †h gvbyl
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
Rxe‡bi gvqvq AmZ¨‡K bg¯‹vi K‡i, †m gvbyl b‡n?
wb›`y‡K‡i evwm Avwg mevi †P‡q fv‡jv,
A_ev, (L) mvigg© †jL :
hyM Rb‡gi eÜz Avgvi Auvavi N‡ii Av‡jv|
`wʇZi mv‡_
mevB †gv‡i Qvo‡Z cv‡i eÜz hviv Av‡Q,
`Ê `vZv Kuv‡` h‡e mgvb AvNv‡Z
wb›`yK †m Qvqvi gZ _vK‡e cv‡Q cv‡Q|
me©‡kÖô †m wePvi| hvi Z‡i cÖvY|
wek¦R‡b wbt¯^ K‡i cweÎZv Av‡b,
†Kvb e¨_v bvwn cvq, Zvi `Ê `vb
mvaK R‡b wb¯Uvwi‡Z Zvi gZ †K Rv‡b?
cÖe‡ji AZ¨vPvi| †h `Ê †e`bv
‡j¨ gqjv ay‡q K‡i cwi®‹vi,
wek¦ gv‡S Ggb `qvj wgj‡e †Kv_vq Avi? cy·i cvi bv w`‡Z, †m Kv‡iI w`I bv|
wb›`yK †m †eu‡P _vKzK wek¦-wn‡Zi Z‡i, †h †Zvgvi cyÎ b‡n, ZviI wcZv Av‡Q,
Avgvi Avkv c
Y© n‡e Zvnvi K…cv f‡i| gnv Acivax n‡e Zzwg Zvi Kv‡Q|
4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwUi fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10 4| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fve-m¤•ÖmviY Ki : 10
(K) †hŠZzK GKwU mvgvwRK e¨vwa| (K) Rš§ †nvK h_v Z_v Kg© †nvK fv‡jv|
(L) `wʇZi mv‡_ `Ê`vZv Kuv‡` h‡e mgvb AvNv‡Z (L) DËg wbwð‡šU P‡j Aa‡gi mv‡_,
me©‡kÖô †m wePvi wZwbB ga¨g whwb P‡jb Zdv‡Z|
5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20 5| †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki : 20
(K) kÖ‡gi gh©v`v; (K) K…wl‡¶‡Î weÁv‡bi Ae`vb;
(L) †gvevBj †dvb; (L) GKwU Puv`bx ivZ;
(M) wWwRUvj evsjv‡`k; (M) moK `yN©Ubv I m¤¢ve¨ cÖwZKvi;
(N) evsjv`‡ki cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM I Zvi cÖwZKvi; (N) RvwZ MV‡b QvÎmgv‡Ri f‚wgKv;
(O) K…wli Dbœq‡b weÁvb| (O) wbqgvbyewZ©Zv|

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