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Name: Regina Sandra O. Gonzales Date: October 20, 2020

Section: 9 - St. Christina Score: _____________

Regina Gonzales (Me)

In the novena, I learned that devoting ourselves through prayers and novenas can help us deepen our
relationship with God. These novenas will help us overcome our fears and strengthen our faith to God. We
were able to get closer with God and with our family.

Trixie Yanson (Cousin)

It was so long since I participated in novenas because of the pandemic and loads of work but I was happy
because I finally had the time to participate. I was also happy that I was able to help my cousin in her
performance task and also devote myself to God.

Jillian Yanson (Cousin)

For me, prayer and devotions are our greatest warrior. No matter how hard the battle we undertake everyday,
constant communication with God is our best weaponry. We do our part as his creation but we have to entrust
everything to Him.

Samuel Ofrecio (Cousin)

Praying together with my family makes our ties stronger. We lift everything to God and He is our best weapon
against any struggles. I have a strong feeling that having these novenas will help us in our daily lives especially
this time of crisis.

Jasmin Yanson (Cousin)

I still participated in the novena even though I am the one who recorded the video. It is so nice that at my
young age I get to participate in this novena. I am hoping that by devoting ourselves to God, we will be able to
conquer our fears and He will give us strength to fight this pandemic.

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