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Jao, Lovelle A.

Brand Management
BSBA III (MM) Mrs. Ronielda Ricohermoso


Prepare an illustration/example of:

✾ Brand marks / Brand name
✾ Service Marks
✾ Trademarks
By searching illustrations from available sources.

1. Apple Inc.

Brand marks Service Mark Trademark

2. Coca-Cola

Brand Name Service Mark Trademark

3. Pepsi

Brand Mark/Brand Name Service Mark Trademark

Answer the following questions:

1. How do these brand marks/brand names influence the buying decisions of the
↱ Having these brand marks does influence the customers. A brand covers a warranty of
quality and many different tangible and intangible attributes such as design, symbol,
culture, personality and user image. A brand not only delivers its product attributes but also
carries various non-product related attributes such as personality and emotional benefits.
Consumers only buy from brands that better represents themselves or has the same
personality as them. Shapes, fonts, designs and color matter when creating a brand mark.

2. Why do you think that brand names, brand marks be put to the product or service?
Explain its importance to product promotion.
↱ A product or service is different from a brand. Without branding a product or service
won’t have their own personality. Branding shows the uniqueness of a product or service,
that is why when we hear about famous brands we know what kinds of products and
services they provide as well as the quality of them. For example, FedEx is known for their
fast delivery service in America, which makes that service their brand. Remember that
people would always choose the well-known brands rather than the ones they don’t know.
That being said, its is very important to convey to the customers your intentions when
introducing your brand. What better way to introduce your brand rather than your logo and
tagline? These two are the first two things that a customer sees or hears about; promotes

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