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Lovelle A.

Jao English for International Business

BSBA IV – Major in Marketing Ms. Dondee Palma

Responding to the text

Complete this table with the positives and negatives of moving away that were mentioned in the


Opportunity for adventures Homesickness
New experiences/First-times Lack of support network of friends
Chance to broaden horizons Away from family
Became more sociable
New friends
Leaving your comfort zone Change of norms
A chance to improve Harder to communicate to your hometown
An opportunity to learn anew

Building your bank of words and phrases

Find the words or expressions in the article that have a similar meaning to these definitions.

1. clear arrangements (p1) Concrete plans
2. had jobs organized (p1) Had jobs lined up
3. to not hurry (p1) Take my time
4. hurried (p1) Rushed
5. needed to see new places and have new experiences (p2) Change of scenery
6. give myself extra time to (do something) (p2) Buy me some time
7. damage future work opportunities (p2) Harm my job prospects
8. exactly the kind of thing I like (p3) Right up my street
9. organized programme or course (p3) Scheme
10. I couldn’t believe this moment was real (p4) Scene from a movie
11. beginning a new life in a different place (p5) Starting afresh
12. become completely involved in (an experience) (p5) Immerse
13. see more of the world (p6) Broaden my horizons
14. easy or without problems (p7) Plain sailing
15. improve my mood (p7) Cheer me up
16. remain in touch with (p7) Keep in contact
17. full of life (p8) Vibrant

Discuss these questions

o Which of the words or expressions in Exercise 5 are the most useful for you?

In my case, every single one of them are. But I would say that one of the most frequent words
or expressions I use is “keep in contact.”

o How do you say the same thing in your own language?

“Balitaan mo na lang ako” or just “balitaan.”

o What will you do to practice using them?

One way is by socializing with people farther away from me. People who are overseas for
example or live somewhere you cannot reach by foot or land.

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