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how-to-motivate-an-under-performer (individual)

1) Address the problem head-on

don't wait to talk to him or her

2) Find the root cause from my end

If your employee is a bad fit for the job, that's on me. If he lacks the
necessary skills, that's on me too.
Sometimes underperformance can be fixed with training. There also might be a
misunderstanding of my expectations.
I need to look at how me and the employee are jointly responsible. There are
chances that I may have contributed to the negative situation

3) Make sure I am objective/ not bias

4) Start a conversation
Now that I have collected unbiased information, put across what I have
how their actions are affecting the team and company, and stress that I am
available to help

5) Coach the employee and lay out the plan

This is the time to get the specific improvements and goals down on paper and
detail how to achieve them.
Agree on measurable actions and start tracking their progress.

6) Follow up and monitor progress

7) Take action if needed

Let me be very clear that this is the third time this has happened and since
your behavior hasn't changed, I need to explain the consequences

8) If improved, Reward them for changes

want a team that can make mistakes and learn from them

How will you motivate the team?
know their career aspirations and align their
objective and aspirations to the work.
Create a career path
Job security
clear, crisp and regular communication
Encourage creativity
Acknowledge and appreciate employees’
Encourage autonomy.
their opinion counts and encouraged
Treat them with respect.
Allow honest criticism and complaints.
Ensure a healthy work life balance.

Example of confilict

some time back one of my reportee came to me in anger and distress ..he said the
team lead has spoken to him in impolite and disrespectful manner.
First I helped him calm down and stay comfortable and composed... I took him for a
coffee break, created a relaxed environment and assured him
that I am there to help.

Next day I discussed with team lead and offered my help if something is troubling
her ..She disclosed she is feeling overburdened due to tight schedule of
some tasks and in between when this team member came for peer review she noticed
that half of the work was incomplete and incorrect..she got frustated

Now after knowing the exact root cause ..I delegated some of team lead's work to
others ....We had a meeting between we 3 where in I explained the
adverse consequences of incomplete and incorrect development work and also advised
the lead to approach me if workload is more. They both apologised to
each other .
Togeather we laid out a proper precess plan of peer review along with a checksheet
of what has to be done and checked before going for review

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