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Instagram was the fastest growing social network in 2019; in June, it announced on
its corporate blog that it had surpassed 1.200 million users. According to the same
text, 80 percent of users are located outside of the United States, demonstrating
that the app is used all over the world. However, Instagram is used by more than
just individuals; there has been a 55% increase in corporate accounts. This means
that in any digital strategy, it is critical to include this social network, which is even
outnumbering Twitter in terms of followers.

Instagram's growth has enabled the democratization of photography; now, anyone

with a smartphone equipped with a high-resolution camera can upload powerful
images and have them viewed by millions of people. It is also the most popular
social network among celebrities; many celebrities share details about their private
lives on Instagram, which the public enjoys.

If you're already an expert or just getting started in this world, these Instagram
marketing tips will help you boost the effectiveness of your Instagram strategy.

1. Optimize your Instagram profile

Before you can begin implementing these marketing strategies on Instagram, you must
first create an entrepreneur profile or a creator account.
A business account gives you access to features that you would not be able to use with a
personal account, such as:
 Instagram Statisticas
 Instagram announcements
 Purchases on Instagram
Contact information and an action button can be found on your profile.
In addition, a creator account has its own set of advantages for content creators and
influencers. However, for the vast majority of market analysts, a business account
contains everything they require.
Instagram only allows the use of avatar photos and does not allow the use of portrait
photos. Keep in mind that the photo is displayed in a circle, so the company logo or main
image must be in the center. If you manage a company's profile, you must change the
account from person to company. This allows you to include a phone number and an
email address.
In just 150 characters, your Instagram bio must convey the personality of your brand,
make a great first impression, and show people why they should follow you.

2.Select the appropriate profile photo.

The profile photo for the majority of brands should be the company logo. This helps to
establish credibility and gives visitors to your profile a first impression of who you are.
Your Instagram profile photo is shown in a circle with a diameter of 110 pixels, with a size
of 110 by 110 pixels.

3.Define your objectives clearly.

All social media platforms serve as tools. However, you cannot use these tools effectively
unless you first know what you are attempting to build.
Instagram marketing can mean a variety of things. You're looking for:
 Boosting your brand's perception?
 Obtaining prospective clients?
 Establishing your brand as an industry leader?
 Creating sales?

4.Define your target audience.

A preliminary investigation can assist you in determining the type of public to whom you
can reach out with Instagram.

5.Make content that is visually appealing.

Because Instagram is primarily a visual platform, your posts must be visually appealing.
You don't need a professional photographer's equipment, but your photos should be
clean, well-lit, and well-composed. As a minimum, they must be focused.

6. Choose your hashtags wisely.

Form a list of hashtags that correspond to the business sector, analyze them before using
them, and note what type of content is published with them. It is important to use them
because frequent use increases the likelihood of appearing in Instagram's search engine,
as well as assisting in filtering potential new followers.
7. Make use of Instagram Stories
More than half of Instagram users are young people who enjoy consuming ephemeral
content, that is, content that disappears after 24 hours. It's not a coincidence that
Instagram has copied Snapchat's features. It is necessary to use this tool to submit unique

8. Create emotional and entertaining publications.

Instagram is one of the most emotional social networks available, and it is for this reason
that it is becoming increasingly important to post images and videos with emotional and
entertaining content. It is critical to experiment with various formats and topics in order to
achieve these goals and determine which of them generates the most interaction from the

9.Interact with people.

If you want people to interact with your Instagram account, you'll need to interact as well.
Publicing high-quality content is a great strategy, but if you ignore the comments and
never communicate with other profiles, your presence on the platform will be rather
Respond to the comments that your followers leave on your feed. However, within your
niche, look for popular accounts, follow them, say "like it," and comment on their posts.
Make yourself visible in a way that no one thinks you're self-promotional.

10.Publish at the appropriate times.

Do you know when the best time to post on Instagram is for your industry?
The following are the best times to publish in each industry:
 Travel and tourism: Fridays at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.
 Markets and entertainment: Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 12 to 3 p.m.
 Food and beverages are available on Fridays at 12 p.m.
 Small businesses: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 12 p.m.
 Professional services are available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9 a
10 a.m.
 Non-profit: Tuesdays at 10 a.m. and Thursdays at 4 p.m.
 E-commerce and major corporations: thursdays, 4 to 9 p.m.
 On Wednesdays and Sundays, 9 a.m., there will be medical attention.
 Personal security: thursdays and Fridays, 1 p.m., 2 p.m., 3 p.m.
11.Showcase your company's human side.
Display photos and videos of your company's employees to show the human side of your
company. Demonstrate that behind every brand is a group of people who work hard and
strive to ensure that everything goes well

12.Make competitions
You may run contests on Instagram with the help of etiquettes. This will allow you to
increase the number of followers while also rewarding those who generate the most
interactions. One crucial step is to link your Instagram and Facebook accounts and
duplicate the contest's content.

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