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Marketing strategies for social media: 8

tactics you can't afford to overlook

According to the annual report The Global State of Digital in 2019, created by
Hootsuite and We Are Social, 52 percent of the world's population uses social
media. This massive global audience that uses these channels represents a
vast market of opportunity for any business, regardless of size. A chance to
develop marketing strategies that will allow your company's reach to expand
into the digital world.
However, in order for your social media marketing efforts to bear fruit, you
must first develop a strategy. Following that, we'll go over the fundamental
concepts you should consider when developing your marketing strategy.

1) Present your content in new formats.

We are all aware that images and videos generate more interactions than
text-based publications. We also know that stories are gaining popularity
among social media users. Now is the time to take a step forward, to leave
your comfort zone, and to experiment with new media formats such as 360-
degree videos, live photos, virtual reality, and IGTV.

2) Make use of similar publics in your marketing strategies.

The similar audience tool is a valuable ally in attracting new customers. The
platform is built around the characteristics of your target audience
(customers with whom you have previously interacted) to help you find new
prospects, integrate them into your sales funnel, and improve the
performance of your advertisements.
Similar publics on Facebook, for example, are based on different public
objectives (or semi-publics) depending on the goal you want to achieve. For
example, if you want to increase your sales, Facebook will direct you to the
customers who have visited your website the most.
To glean useful information from this practice, you must experiment with
various groups of people and assess your performance.

3) A/B tests to optimize your content and marketing strategies

The A/B tests are a very useful research tool for testing minor variations in
your advertising content to determine which is the most effective for your
target audience. For example, suppose you're about to launch a new product
and you're planning a marketing campaign.
However, you don't know whether a video ad or a photo ad is better for your
audience, or if you have two copies to accompany your image and don't
know which to use. A/B testing allows you to test two different types of
advertisements and measure the results using various variables to determine
which format generates the most interactions with your customers.

4) Evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing strategy.

It's time to write your monthly report: how can you prove that your
marketing strategies are producing results? These two tools will be extremely
Facebook's Pxel
The Facebook pxel is a piece of code that you can install on your website to
track the actions that users take on your page after seeing an announcement
on Facebook.
Because of the cookies that track your interactions with your customers, the
Facebook Pixel helps you ensure that your announcements are seen by the
people who are most likely to take the action you desire. The main advantage
of this is that it allows you to improve your annunciation conversion rate.
(That is, knowing whether your advertisements are actually causing the client
to take action) and obtaining a higher return on investment. This code can
also be used to optimize your advertisements and build audiences.
Hootsuite Analytics is a social media analytics platform.
You can visualize detailed reports with quantifiable data using Hootsuite
Analytics. With this analysis tool, you can measure the success of your
marketing campaigns and strategies in real time without having to review
each social network's Analytics report separately. With simple control panels
and the option to create an unlimited number of reports, you can analyze
metrics such as publications, followers, interactions, and traffic from
platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram in a single location. This
way, you'll be able to see what's working, what needs to be improved, and
where you should focus your budget.

5) Maintain your creativity and keep yourself up to date.

The world of digital marketing and social media is constantly evolving, so it is
critical to stay on top of everything that is going on in this microcosmos.
Configure an RSS reader such as Feedly or Hootsuite's Syndicator Pro to
monitor real-time updates from sites such as Merca 2.0, Adweek, and, of
course, Hootsuite's blog to stay up to date on the latest news in the
advertising industry. This will save you a lot of time because you won't have
to visit each website individually and check their content.

6) Promote your content across all platforms (Cross promotion)

One of the simplest marketing strategies to implement is cross-promotion
(Cross promotion). Assume you're trying to grow your YouTube channel, but
you're not having much success at the moment, so you decide to share a link
to your video on Facebook. Publicating that link is the first step in your cross-
promotion. In any case, there is much more to do and some practices to
follow in order to improve the performance of this strategy.
The cross-promotion is determined by two factors: the “hero” content and
the support content. The hero content is that piece of content in which you
have invested the most time and where you want your marketing strategy to
focus its efforts. The support content is the publications that will promote
your hero content on other platforms.

7) Optimize your content across all platforms.

If you want your content to reach a wider audience, you'll need to optimize it
by following the best practices of the social media platform where you want
to share it. For example, if you post a video on YouTube, make sure to include
the most relevant tags to your content, use no more than 70 characters in
your title to catch the attention of your followers (this is the maximum visible
limit in mobile searches), and so on.
Another example is Facebook's 20 percent rule, which states that images
with text covering 20% of their total area or more will be negatively affected
by Facebook's algorithm, their organic distribution will be reduced, and they
will be unable to be promoted.

8)Create a community of superfans and brand ambassadors.

Finally, the most important step in your social media marketing strategy will
be to build a community of brand ambassadors or super fans. These are
people who follow your content, interact with it on a regular basis, and are
interested in representing your brand, channel, or fan community on social
Creating a community of ambassadors will allow you to strengthen your
marketing strategy for organic content distribution. If you publish a new
video, photo, or other type of content on a regular basis, you are ensuring
that it will be shared organically with social circles outside of your area of
influence, circles that you will try to acquire.
Remember that this is a reciprocal relationship and that you will have to
provide a greater value to this community than to the rest of your followers.
Sending small gifts, mentioning them in your publications, or even a direct
and personal message can all be effective ways of expressing your

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