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The Dissatisfied Employee

Tony and Fenny, both supervisors in the trust department of the CBA Banking
Corporation, are in the employee lounge having a cup of coffee and discussing a point of mutual
concern. Tony said, “I’m beginning to get frustrated. When I joined CBA four years ago, I really
felt that I could make a career here. Now I’m not sure. I spoke with the boss last week about
where I might be in the next few years and all she kept saying was, “There are all kinds of
possibilities.” I need more than that. I’d like to know what specific opportunities might be
available if I continue to do a good job. I’m not sure if I want to spend my career in the trust
department. There may be better chances for advancement in other areas. This is a big bank.”
Fenny replied, “I’m having the same trouble. My boss told me that “the sky’s limit.” I’d
also like to know where I might progress if I decide to stay with CBA. I wonder what “the limit”
means to him.”

1. If you were the supervisor of Tony or Fenny, how will you encourage them to stay with
the company for good?
2. Is there a need for CBA Trust Company to review their career development programs for
their employees? Explain your answer.

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