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Have you ever heard a news story about a mysterious case that hasn't been
solved until today? I bet you have heard one at once in your life. In our world,
there are many amazing stories about astonishing mysteries. Many of which
must be true because there is a lot of evidence that is being investigated by
famous scientists, and many others that must not be true because they’re only
based on myths. These old mysteries, which have a lot of evidence, may not
have been figured out yet because of some weird aspects, but I think they
may be solved soon since many people are working on this case. Well, in any
case, the US federal police have investigated one famous case for years, and
no indication makes sense of what really happened. They have tried to solve
this mystery without success, and they haven’t been able to figure out how it
could happen.
A man, known as DB Cooper, approached an airline counter at Oregon airport
and requested a one-way ticket to Seattle. After boarding the plane, he sat in
the last row, and while he waited for takeoff, I assumed that he must have
been really thirsty because he ordered a bourbon and 3 bottles of soda from
Florence Schaffner, the flight attendant. The young woman was 23 years old
and was used to being asked by passengers for her contact to ask her out. So,
when it was 3 PM, Cooper handed her a note, but she ignored him. Of course,
she may have thought it was another man who tried to get her phone number.
But Cooper's intentions were different, so he insisted. Florence can’t have
guessed what that man was going to do. Faced with persistence, Schaffner
didn’t have another choice but to pick up the paper. The paper said, “I have a
bomb in my briefcase. I want you to sit next to me”.
A few minutes later, Schaffner walked to the cockpit with a paper in which
Cooper demanded four parachutes and $ 200,000 in 20 bills. They might not
have had any other choice because it was only a few hours and Cooper had
everything he needed. Once he received the money, Cooper asked the pilot to
fly to Mexico. However, suddenly, the kidnapper disappeared. The pilots of
the plane must have been really surprised when searching for Cooper
throughout the plane and not find him. That night, in the strong wind and rain,
Cooper tied off the nearly 10 kg of money, got into the back of the plane with a
parachute, and jumped into the void. Authorities searched the forest for Cooper
for several days, but they found nothing: not a parachute, not banknotes, not a
A team of agents also rented a submarine and descended hundreds of meters
into a lake, but found nothing. Now I have a couple of theories that might
explain how this could happen. I think that Cooper can’t be just a simple person
who risked his life jumping out of the plane. D.B Cooper may be a great
skydiver and that’s why he was able to jump and land perfectly, without leaving
any traces. Now he may be living a good life in another country, with another
identity and even with a family.
Although thanks to Disney, I now have a second theory that is a bit crazier than
the previous one. The person who jumped out of that plane might not be
human, but rather a Nordic god named Loki. Although funny, the series' nod
does nothing more than highlight an undeniable fact: DB Cooper's crime could
be a daring that few humans would dare. While Loki is a fictional character, Db
Cooper can’t be a normal person; he might have any special ability that many
people may not be aware of.

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