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Journal of
& Cell Biology
PERGAMON The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 30 (1998) 863±868

Molecules in focus

Carnosine, a protective, anti-ageing peptide?

Alan R. Hipkiss *
Molecular Biology and Biophysics Group, King's College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS, UK
Received 25 September 1997; accepted 5 May 1998


Carnosine (b-alanyl-L-histidine) has protective functions additional to anti-oxidant and free-radical

scavenging roles. It extends cultured human ®broblast life-span, kills transformed cells, protects cells against
aldehydes and an amyloid peptide fragment and inhibits, in vitro, protein glycation (formation of cross-links,
carbonyl groups and AGEs) and DNA/protein cross-linking. Carnosine is an aldehyde scavenger, a likely
lipofuscin (age pigment) precursor and possible modulator of diabetic complications, atherosclerosis and
Alzheimer's disease. # 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 3. Synthesis and degradation

Carnosine, ®rst identi®ed nearly a century Carnosine synthetase synthesises carnosine

ago, occurs in innervated tissues (e.g. muscle from b-alanine and histidine in astroglial-rich pri-
and brain) of vertebrates at concentrations up mary cultures (rodent brain), glial cell lines and
to 20 mM. Most published/patented items on skeletal muscle cell primary culture [2]. It is
carnosine derive from Japan and the ex-Soviet degraded by serum or intracellular carnosinases,
Union and indicate anti-oxidant roles. Recent but is resistant to peptidases that hydrolyse a-
studies suggest additional homeostatic func- peptides. The reason why carnosinase is in serum
tions. is unknown, perhaps the relatively non-toxic
dipeptide is a histidine (relatively toxic) source in
the presence of carnosinase.

2. Structure 4. Biological function

Carnosine is a simple dipeptide, b-alanyl-L- Little is known about carnosine and metab-
histidine (Fig. 1a). olism; it may regulate glycolysis, muscular con-
traction and oxidative phosphorylation, stimulate
the immune system, bind copper, zinc and
* Tel.: +44-171-873-2490; fax: +44-171-873-2285. calcium [23] and purines [19] which suggests

1357-2725/98/$19.00 # 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

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864 A.R. Hipkiss / The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 30 (1998) 863±868

potential involvement in gene regulation or signal residue and potential ubiquitination site for sub-
transduction. sequent proteolysis. Additionally/alternatively,
formation of AGE-like structures (possibly as
4.1. Carnosine and ageing suggested in Fig. 1d) by carnosine reacting with
polypeptide carbonyl groups might facilitate
Carnosine is one of the few agents that can removal of modi®ed protein via receptors
extend maximum cell division capacity (the (e.g. RAGEs) on scavenging macrophages.
Hay¯ick limit) of cultured human ®broblasts Interestingly, growth with carnosine stimulates
converting mature/senescent cells to juvenile degradation of long-lived proteins in cultured
phenotypes [16]; it also decreases 8-hydroxy- human ®broblasts at high passage number [7].
guanine (DNA oxidation product) content in cul- Carnosine stimulates and inhibits calpain
tured human ®broblast DNA [13]. There have activity (depending on calpastatin concen-
been no reports (to date) on the e€ects of carno- tration) [23], whilst in rabbit reticulocyte extracts,
sine on ®broblast telomere length. it stimulates prematurely terminated (puro-
Ageing is associated with oxygen free-radical- mycyl) peptide degradation, although inhibits
induced macromolecular damage; oxidised/cross- catabolism of normal length polypeptides con-
linked/denatured proteins accumulate. Lysine taining amino acid analogues perhaps because
and histidine side chains are the most readily oxi- of increased proteolysis of oxidised unlabelled
disable groups in ageing proteins and carnosine globin chains [9].
resembles both. Non-enzymic glycosylation (gly- Carnosine is both a preventative and chain-
cation) of proteins is also an age-associated breaking anti-oxidant [3, 23] dismutating superox-
phenomenon; sugar aldehydes react with protein ide radicals, scavenging hydroxyl radicals and
amino groups producing cross-linked, oxidised, preventing their production by binding copper
coloured, ¯uorescent, high molecular weight ions and interacting with lipid peroxidation pro-
structures called advanced glycosylation end-pro- ducts. Anti-oxidant activity is frequently
ducts (AGEs). Preferred glycation sites are amino measured by MDA production (thiobarbituric
groups with proximal imidazole and/or carboxyl acid-reactive substances or TBARS); possibly,
groups; carnosine possesses these. Carnosine inhi- direct anti-oxidant/radical scavenging function of
bits, in vitro, formation of protein carbonyl carnosine could be falsely ascribed because of its
groups and cross-links, both age-associated modi- reactivity towards MDA. Carnosine's anti-
®cations, by reacting preferentially with hexose, oxidant role has been questioned by Aruoma et
pentose and triose aldehydes, malondialdehyde al. [1] and Datta et al. [4].
(MDA, a lipid peroxidation product), methyl- Hypochlorite, generated from H2O2 and chlor-
glyoxal (Hipkiss and Chana, unpublished obser- ide ions by macrophage myeloperoxidase, induces
vation) and ketones [6±8, 10] thus sparing protein cross-linking and oxidation (formation of
proteins. Whilst glycated lysine (lysine + glucose) carbonyl groups). Carnosine prevents hypochlor-
is mutagenic, glycated carnosine (carnosine + ite-mediated protein modi®cation in vitro [9] as it
glucose) is not [6]. Carnosine also prevents reacts with hypochlorite to form a stable chlora-
acetaldehyde- and formaldehyde-induced DNA/ mine derivative [3].
protein cross-linking [9]. Carnosine protects cultured rat brain endo-
Histidine forms spinacine following its reaction thelial cells against MDA toxicity [8], CHO cells,
with formaldehyde [20] (see Fig. 1b). Perhaps human lymphocytes and ®broblasts against acet-
carnosine forms analogous molecules with alde- aldehyde and formaldehyde [7] and cultured
hydes (Fig. 1c) or even a tricyclic structure human ®broblasts and CHO cells against AGEs
(Fig. 1d). It is not known whether carnosine formed by lysine/deoxyribose incubates [9].
reacts with protein carbonyls, but it is conceiva- Mammalian intramuscular carnosine concen-
ble; in which case if carnosine's amino group trations increase with species maximal life-span
remains free (see Fig. 1c) it creates a quasi-lysine (Holliday, personal communication) though
A.R. Hipkiss / The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 30 (1998) 863±868 865

Fig. 1. (a) Structure of carnosine; (b) structure of spinacine, formed from the reaction of histidine with formaldehyde (formal-
dehyde carbon atom marked *); (c) hypothetical structure of product of carnosine's reaction with a (protein) carbonyl group (car-
bonyl carbon atom marked *) displaying quasi-lysine residue and (d) alternative hypothetical structure of product of carnosine's
reaction with a (protein) carbonyl group (carbonyl carbon atom marked *).

possibly decrease with age [12]. Long-lived non- 5. Possible medical and industrial applications
dividing tissues (muscle and nerve), rich in
carnosine, accumulate the age pigment lipofuscin, Some aberrant proteins associated with age-re-
conceivably deriving from carnosine's reaction lated pathologies (e.g. amyloid peptides and
with MDA or other aldehydes. Although carno- AGE-proteins) induce hyperoxia, ROS and re-
sine has also been suggested to possess immuno- lated products (e.g. MDA); protein carbonyls are
stimulatory activity, there are no published increased in neurodegenerative disorders [15].
reports on carnosine dietary supplementation on Carnosine protects cultured rat brain endothelial
animal life-span but carnosine feeding increase cells against MDA [8] and AGE-protein
vitamin E levels in rat tissues [4]. and amyloid peptide fragment (b-A4 25±35)
866 A.R. Hipkiss / The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 30 (1998) 863±868

Fig. 2. Summary of carnosine's known and possible activities and potential applications.

toxicity [9, 22]. Carnosine possibly: a€ects toxic declines in CSF homocarnosine [21] and carno-
agent structure; interferes with AGE-receptors sine and anserine in rat skeletal and cardiac
(RAGEs) or with signal transduction; reacts with muscle are reported [12]. Carnosine prevents glu-
ROS and end-products and stimulates aberrant tathione oxidation in vitro, its concentrations in
protein degradation. human lens declines, together with glutathione,
Carnosine inhibits sugar-induced b-A4 amyloi- with increasing cataract severity [3]. Carnosine
dogenic peptide aggregation [18]. Alzheimer's inhibits cataractogenesis and atherosclerotic fatty
brain amyloid contains b-pleated sheets enriched streaks in rabbits fed high cholesterol diets [17].
with iso- (or b)-aspartate [24], an age-associated Atherosclerosis is associated with protein modi®-
modi®cation which destabilise a-helices. Self- cations possibly induced by hypochlorite and
selecting aggregation of `aged' peptides via b- MDA, against which carnosine is protective (see
pleated sheets would be permissible between Section 4.1).
chains containing iso-aspartates. Could carno-
sines (b-peptides) hydrogen bond to iso-aspartate 5.1. Carnosine as an anti-cancer agent
residues and disrupt `aged' polypeptide aggrega-
tion? Carnosine selectively kills cultured transformed
Little is known about age-related changes in cells; however this is prevented by pyruvate,
carnosine concentrations in either normal or oxaloacetate and a-ketoglutarate [11]. Another
Alzheimer's brain. The carnosine content of the b-peptide, b-alethine (b-alanyl-cysteamine disul-
olfactory lobe is high; loss of a sense of smell is phide) has anti-neoplastic activity and extends
an assumed early indicator of A.D. Age-related cultured human ®broblast life-span [14]. Patent
A.R. Hipkiss / The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 30 (1998) 863±868 867

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erages, given carnosine's ability to inhibit acet-
A. Mateen, L. Allende, P.A.M. Eagles, J. Abbott,
aldehyde-mediated damage? Alternatively, should Pluripotent protective e€ects of carnosine, a naturally-
brewers, etc. include carnosine in their products occurring dipeptide, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. (1998) (in
to protect our livers? The properties (actual and press) (data also presented at British Congress of
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are illustrated in Fig. 2.
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