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Q Academy of Management Review

2015, Vol. 40, No. 4, 515–537.


Michigan State University

University of Washington

Georgia Institute of Technology

Organizations are dynamic, hierarchically structured entities. Such dynamism is re-

flected in the emergence of significant events at every organizational level. Despite this
fact, there has been relatively little discussion about how events become meaningful
and come to impact organizations across space and time. We address this gap by de-
veloping event system theory, which suggests that events become salient when they are
novel, disruptive, and critical (reflecting an event’s strength). Importantly, events can
originate at any hierarchical level and their effects can remain within that level or travel
up or down throughout the organization, changing or creating new behaviors, features,
and events. This impact can extend over time as events vary in duration and timing or as
event strength evolves. Event system theory provides a needed shift in focus for orga-
nizational theory and research by developing specific propositions articulating the in-
terplay among event strength and the spatial and temporal processes through which
events come to influence organizations.

Time is like a river made up of the events which character, and circumstance. As Pillemer notes,
happen, and a violent stream; for as soon as “In every life, the ongoing stream of mundane
a thing has been seen, it is carried away, and
daily occurrences is punctuated by distinctive,
another comes in its place, and this will be carried
away too (Aurelius, 167). circumscribed, highly emotional and influential
episodes” (2001: 123). Some have gone so far as to
That our experience of life can be described in
suggest that “the world is composed of events
terms of events is something that has been rec-
ognized since antiquity. The things that happen and experiences rather than substantial entities”
to us—the events of our work and personal lives— (Langley, Smallman, Tsoukas, & Van de Ven,
form the core of what is called “experience.” 2013: 5).
Events occur over time, playing a major role in In organizations, events occur at every hierar-
shaping thoughts, feelings, and actions. In fact, chical level, from the most molar environmental
when people describe their lives, they often level to the most molecular individual level, and
refer to events as central to their development, their effects can travel up, down, or within hier-
archical levels. This seems an obvious fact,
making it all the more surprising that scholars
We thank former associate editor Ingrid Fulmer and three
anonymous reviewers for their constructive and generative have largely failed to offer a comprehensive
comments throughout the review process. The resulting arti- account of the central role events play in un-
cle is significantly better as a result of their efforts. We also derstanding organizational phenomena. This
wanted to acknowledge the helpful comments of Marion represents a significant gap in our under-
Eberly, Gary Johns, Robert Liden, and Deborah Rupp on ear-
lier versions of the manuscript. We are indebted to you for standing of organizations, in part because
your thoughtful comments. Finally, thanks to Adela Garza for focusing on events calls attention to dynamics,
her insightful comments and copy-editing assistance on nu- change, and system interrelationships that have
merous drafts of the manuscript. Dong Liu acknowledges heretofore been neglected in theory and re-
support from the grant of the National Natural Science Foun-
dation of China (71472147), the Fundamental Research Funds
search. Although certain types of events have
for the Central Universities, and the Research Funds of been studied and process-oriented research
Renmin University of China (11XNL002). considers events a part of the broader process
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516 Academy of Management Review October

flow, scholars have largely focused on enduring phenomena have downstream consequences,
features of the work environment as the key yet feature-oriented theories are typically silent
cause of organizational phenomena. with respect to such effects. A natural outcome
Concerned with quite different phenomena, of thinking across space and time is that it
feature-oriented theories focus on the relatively prompts a focus on change, dynamics, and lon-
salient, enduring, and stable representative fea- gitudinal phenomena. Because feature-oriented
tures of individuals, teams, and organizations. research focuses on the amount of a construct
For example, in job characteristics theory, dif- and covariation among constructs, it often neglects
ferent degrees of a feature-oriented independent change and development.
variable (e.g., an individual’s amount of job Second, even though a body of event-oriented
autonomy) are presumed to lead to different research (including process- and change-based
amounts of a feature-oriented dependent vari- research) exists, it has been limited in important
able (e.g., job satisfaction). Features operate, in ways. This includes focusing only on certain
part, by structuring daily experiences, reflecting types of events (e.g., affective events, CEO suc-
the generally stable amount of a particular var- cession), treating events in a dichotomous man-
iable for an individual, group, or organization. ner (i.e., the event occurs or does not occur)
Thus, variance in features causes variance in without understanding the underlying event
some feature serving as the dependent variable. characteristics (i.e., what makes events impactful
Without a doubt, features are crucial, thus and trigger changes), taking a retrospective ap-
supporting the considerable attention given to proach by examining a specific event only after it
them in past research. Yet it is also clear that appears to have been impactful, and offering
organizational phenomena are not solely limited only descriptive accounts of event patterns. In
to features. This has been increasingly recog- total, these limitations make it difficult to offer
nized under the auspices of event-oriented theory predictive, multilevel accounts of changes in
perspectives. Events differ from features in many organizational phenomena over time.
ways, but perhaps the greatest difference lies in Third, EST serves as a pivotal bridge between
the fact that events are discrete and bounded in feature- and process-oriented theory and re-
space and time. In addition, events can become search. Importantly, it can be used to better
“strong” enough to produce change or variability describe the multilevel nature and temporal dy-
in behaviors or features and can lead to sub- namics inherent in organizational phenomena
sequent events. In this way, events can form associated with events, thereby offering a more
larger chains of events that affect organizations comprehensive and veridical account of organi-
across time. For example, a terrorist attack may zational behavior. For example, the unfolding
change security systems, a new law may bring model of turnover (Lee & Mitchell, 1994) showed
expanded and intrusive internal regulations, a how both events and features impact turnover
new boss may implement substantial changes in decisions. This included three event-precipitated
organization rules, and the unexpected turnover turnover paths (e.g., being passed over for pro-
of a valued team member can influence the mo- motion, receiving an unexpected job offer) and
tivation and goal-oriented behavior of those who one feature-driven turnover path (e.g., level of
remain. job dissatisfaction). These paths varied in the
To move toward a more event-oriented per- amount and type of deliberation, behavior
spective, we develop event system theory (EST), change (e.g., search behaviors), and time to
an overarching event-oriented theoretical system actually depart (a subsequent event). Con-
that bridges and ultimately extends feature- and sidering only events or features would have
process-oriented perspectives. In so doing, we led to a deficient theory and understanding of
make three important theoretical contributions. the phenomena.
First, event-oriented theories have been rela- To develop EST, we draw from and extend open
tively rare, particularly when compared to feature- system theory to explain when and how events
oriented theories. As we will show, however, an affect the behavior and features of organizational
explicit focus on events generates unique in- entities and trigger subsequent events. We then
sights and forces scholars to theorize across place EST in the context of the larger ontological
space and time, which is often neglected in and epistemological commitments currently
feature-oriented scholarship. For example, most present in the field of management as reflected
2015 Morgeson, Mitchell, and Liu 517

in variance- and process-oriented theories. Fol- functioning (Miller & Rice, 2013; Rice, 2013). Less
lowing this, we define what events are, describe attention has been paid to nonroutine events and
what makes some events stronger than others, how they can change organizational functioning.
and discuss how events impact outcomes de- To address this gap, EST focuses on how events
pending on space and time. command attention and impact organizational
behaviors, features, and subsequent events across
levels and time. In EST, events can influence or-
EST IN CONTEXT ganizational entities through changing or creating
(1) individual or collective behaviors (e.g., indi-
EST and Open System Theory
viduals or groups voluntarily terminate and quit
Open system theory (Katz & Kahn, 1978; von their jobs after experiencing shocking events
Bertalanffy, 1950) has proven to be influential, in [Lee & Mitchell, 1994]; airline passengers have to
part, because it provides a general framework take off their shoes to pass security screening
within which to understand how organizations after the 9/11 terrorist attacks), (2) features (e.g.,
function. The basic principle of open system a merger changes existing justice norms and
theory is that organizations import some form of leads to the formation of a new division in the
energy from the environment, transform this merging companies [Monin, Noorderhaven,
energy in various ways, and produce some sort Vaara, & Kroon, 2013]), or (3) subsequent events
of output that is exported back to the environ- (e.g., a counteroffer from one’s current company
ment (Katz & Kahn, 1978). Less well recognized, causes one to give up on moving to a new com-
however, is that organizations are composed pany; the Enron scandal resulted in a number of
of events: subsequent events, including the bankruptcy of
The human organization lacks structure in this the Enron Corporation and the de facto dissolu-
anatomical sense; its land and buildings are tion of Arthur Andersen LLP).
trappings; its members come and go. Yet it has System theories maintain that components of
structure; membership is not accidental and the a system interface with one another rather than
behavior of members is not random. We have ar- operate exclusively to determine the properties
gued that the resolution of this paradox lies in the
patterns of the events of organizational life them- and functioning of that system (Ahrne, 1994).
selves. The events are structured, and the forms Thus, drawing from system theories (Berrien,
they assume have dynamic properties. Social or- 1961; von Bertalanffy, 1950), we define the event
ganizations as contrived systems are sets of such system as a complex of three interacting event
patterned behavioral events (Katz & Kahn, 1978: components: (1) event strength (an event’s
novelty, disruption, and criticality), (2) event
Events maintain or create organizational space (where an event originates and how its
structures (Morgeson & Hofmann, 1999), which effects spread through an organization), and (3)
can be enduring (leading to stable organiza- event time (when an event occurs, how long an
tional structures over time) or dynamic (leading event remains impactful, and the evolution of event
to changes in organizational structures over strength).
time). This tension between stability and change
is captured in open system theory through the
EST and Variance- and Process-Oriented
concept of steady states and dynamic homeo-
stasis (Katz & Kahn, 1978; Lewin, 1947; Luenberger,
1979). Open systems attempt to achieve a degree Historically, two major types of theories have
of constancy embedded in an equilibrium in terms been forwarded in the organizational sciences
of the inflow and outflow of goods and materials (Mohr, 1982). The first, variance theories, are
(Berrien, 1961; von Bertalanffy, 1950). This con- primarily concerned with issues of covariation
stancy is manifested in organizational structures among constructs. This reflects a research tradi-
and functions that allow for variation in inter- tion focused on how relatively stable features
dependent entities’ actions and behaviors in are interrelated, which has yielded consider-
adapting to nonroutine events. able insight into how the amount of a given or-
The focus in open system theory has been ganizational feature is related to the amount of
on the recurring events that help create a another organizational feature. For example,
steady state and enable routine organizational variance-oriented research might examine how
518 Academy of Management Review October

an organization’s cultural values (an organiza- which explicitly denies the existence of discrete
tional feature) are related to its reputation (another events. For example, Rescher notes that “the idea
feature). Exploring feature interrelationships of discrete ‘events’ dissolves into a manifold of
dominates the organizational sciences and flows processes which themselves dissolve into further
directly from the assumptions articulated in processes” (1996: 29).
Aristotle’s Metaphysics, which gives primacy to EST bridges variance and process theories by
the quality of things. offering an integrative framework that consists of
The second major theory type is a direct re- quantifiable events that exist uniquely in space
action to the philosophical limitations in such and time and within the flow of other entities and
a “thing-quality paradigm” (Rescher, 1962: 410). events, forming a process over time. Extending
Termed process theories, these theories involve prior variance and process theories, EST articu-
understanding how patterns of events lead to lates why event strength is quantified by novelty,
outcomes (Pentland, 1999). This reflects a re- disruption, and criticality (indicating what
search tradition consisting of “stories about what makes events meaningful and impactful). EST
happened and who did what when—that is, then focuses on the interplay between event
events, activities, and choices ordered over time” strength and spatial and temporal factors that
(Langley, 1999: 692). Although a more recent ad- change or create behaviors, features, and sub-
dition to the organizational sciences, process- sequent events (i.e., the amount of a given event
oriented theories also have a long philosophical characteristic interfaces with spatial and tem-
tradition, reflected in the idea that “natural ex- poral factors to bring about the change in the
istence consists in and is best understood in amount of an organizational phenomenon). As
terms of processes rather than things—of modes such, EST integrates and extends variance and
of change rather than fixed stabilities” (Rescher, process theories to offer unique and important
1996: 7). epistemological and ontological contributions to
Interestingly, variance-oriented theories elevate the organizational sciences. We begin our de-
things (i.e., features) at the expense of processes, velopment of EST by defining the term event and
whereas process-oriented theories elevate pro- then considering issues associated with event
cesses at the expense of features. Rescher goes so strength, space, and time.
far as to suggest that “process has primacy over
things. Substance is subordinate to process:
Things are simply constellations of processes” DEFINING EVENTS
(1996: 2). These two major types of theories
Previous Conceptualizations
represent competing world views that espouse
incommensurate ontologies. The general idea that one should study events
EST shares elements of both variance and has a long philosophical tradition, ranging from
process theories but integrates and goes beyond Dewey’s (1929) view that discrete experiences are
them in important ways. For example, although a key unit of analysis to Pepper’s (1948) “con-
events can be characterized and quantified in textualism” that suggested phenomena can only
a variety of ways (EST focuses on the crucial role be understood in terms of distinct events and the
of novelty, disruption, and criticality), much like surrounding context. In the organizational sci-
what occurs in variance theories, the phenome- ences, many micro-oriented scholars have used
non itself is a transitory and unstable process numerous terms to describe events, such as crit-
(i.e., events arise and impact entities). Impor- ical incidents (Flanagan, 1954), shocks (Fligstein,
tantly, although process theory focuses on the 1991; Lee & Mitchell, 1994), jolts (Meyer, 1982),
process whereby events cause outcomes, it milestones (Hannigan, 1995; Hoffman, 1999), oc-
largely deals with events as a whole (i.e., process currences (Basch & Fisher, 1998), prototypic ex-
studies do not clearly quantify events). In addi- emplars (Ligon, Hunter, & Mumford, 2008), crises
tion, it does not consider an event’s essential (Gersick, 1991), turning points (McAdams &
nature (i.e., what makes some events stronger Bowman, 2001), and emergencies (Latané &
than others) and the implications this has for Darley, 1969). Other scholars have specifically
outcomes (i.e., how event strength leads to out- used “event” terminology, focusing on such things
comes). This orientation may result from the as affective events (Weiss & Cropanzano, 1996),
philosophical commitments of process theory, justice events (Rupp & Paddock, 2010), anchoring
2015 Morgeson, Mitchell, and Liu 519

events (Ballinger & Rockmann, 2010), embedded definition of events in terms of their attributes
organizational events (Peterson, 1998), momen- (not their content) as a prelude to under-
tous events (Pillemer, 2001), positive events (Ilies, standing how and why events can impact
Keeney, & Scott, 2011), negative events (Lavallee organizations.
& Campbell, 1995), daily life events (Langston,
1994), work events (Mignonac & Herrbach,
Toward a Definition of Events
2004), uncommon events (Latané & Darley, 1969),
stressful life events (Holmes & Rahe, 1967), and Floyd Allport offered perhaps one of the earli-
novel and disruptive events (Morgeson, 2005). est, complete, but somewhat abstract and broad
Much of the above literature has a more micro, accounts of events. In writings stretching across
quantitative, and predictive orientation. There is three decades, Allport (1940, 1954, 1967) articu-
also substantial macro literature focused on lated a view of science centrally organized
the topics of sensemaking and organizational around events. His view has been influential,
change that is more qualitative and retrospective with many of his core organizing concepts serv-
in nature, where events are seen as foundational ing as the foundation for seminal works in the
for sensemaking or organizational change pro- organizational sciences (e.g., Katz & Kahn, 1978;
cesses. Scholars have described these events Weick, 1979). We draw from and further develop
as discrepant (Weick, 1995), surprising (Louis, this view of events. Allport’s basic unit is the
1980; Maitlis, 2005), confusing and uncertain entity, which is any “explicitly denotable” thing.
(Cornelissen, 2012; Sonenshein, 2007), unusual Entities have “continuances,” or ongoing stable
(Vaara, 2003), critical (Hoffman & Ocasio, 2001), ways of being. When entities meet, events can
unexpected (Nigam & Ocasio, 2010), complex occur. From our perspective, entities can include
(Cornelissen, 2012), disruptive (Stigliani & Ravasi, individuals (e.g., subordinates, leaders, upper
2012), and interrupted (Weick, 1995). In this liter- managers), teams, departments, organizations
ature many types of events have been investi- (e.g., competitors, suppliers), and environments
gated, such as organizational entry surprises (e.g., regions, industries). In this way, entities
(Louis, 1980), organization identity threats are independent “objects.” This highlights the
(Elsbach & Kramer, 1996), strategic change ini- fact that events arise and take on meaning from
tiatives (Gioia & Thomas, 1996), acquisitions multiple sources and at multiple hierarchical
(Vaara, 2003), and disruptive occurrences on the levels (Langley, 1999) and that all entities pos-
shop floor (Patriotta, 2003). sess the potential to act or be acted upon. For
Although important, there are several prob- example, workers may interact with senior
lems associated with past event-oriented re- leaders or customers; teams may interact with
search, ultimately limiting its usefulness as other teams, customers, and suppliers; or orga-
a general theory of events. First, many of the nizations may operate within certain kinds of
definitions are relatively broad or inclusive. technical and natural environments, all of which
For example, affective events are defined as “a can produce events.
change in circumstances, a change in what one Given this potential interaction, Allport de-
is currently experiencing” (Weiss & Cropanzano, fined an event as the point in space and time
1996: 31), a definition that potentially includes where entities or entity actions contact, encoun-
almost anything to which a person has an ter, or meet each other. Events thus reflect
affective reaction. Second, the definitions are discrete, discontinuous “happenings,” which
often circular. That is, events are commonly diverge from the stable or routine features of
defined by their outcomes and are viewed as the organizational environment. This view of
negative and positive if they produce such an events is deliberately broad and comprehen-
outcome (e.g., Ilies et al., 2011; Lavallee & sive in that it allows one to analyze any open
Campbell, 1995). Third, much of this research system in terms of events, ranging from the
focuses on the adjective that precedes the word molecular to the molar. Yet this breath and
“event” (e.g., positive, anchoring, interruptive) flexibility is also a potential limitation, in part
and describes people’s responses to certain because this conceptualization implies that
types of events rather than what distinguishes virtually every happening (e.g., having lunch
salient events from nonsalient events. EST ad- at work, answering the phone, meeting a cus-
dresses these limitations and offers a concise tomer) might be considered an event.
520 Academy of Management Review October

Because EST is organizationally focused, we command attention (Nigam & Ocasio, 2010). Routine
further refine and develop this conception of happenings are ignored, whereas more significant
events in three ways. First, to separate events from events prompt controlled information processing
entities’ responses to events, we define events as and entity action (Morgeson, 2005). Considerable
being part of the environment or context that is research has supported the idea of two modes of
external to the perceiver (Johns, 2006; Mowday & information processing (Bargh, 1994; Evans &
Sutton, 1993). Events may originate inside or out- Stanovich, 2013; Kahneman, 2003, 2011; Petty &
side the organization, but they constitute observ- Cacioppo, 1986; Schneider & Shiffrin, 1977): auto-
able actions or circumstances (e.g., a hostile matic (implicit, rapid, shortcuts) and controlled
takeover attempt, a new competitor’s product, (explicit, effortful, slow, logical). We are interested
a machine failure, a new CEO). Internal psycho- in how events engage this second type of in-
logical processes may lead to or reflect reactions formation processing.
to events, but they are not events in themselves. Researchers have discussed how events and
Second, events are bounded in space and time controlled information processing can trigger
(i.e., discrete) such that they have an identifiable organizational changes (e.g., Armenakis &
temporal beginning and end and evolve in a spe- Bedeian, 1999; Fox-Wolfgramm, Boal, & Hunt,
cific setting. They also represent some disconti- 1998; Isabella, 1990). Yet such research takes
nuity, thereby possessing a nonroutine character. a retrospective approach to studying how orga-
Scholars working in this domain have come to nizations respond to events that have happened
similar conclusions. For example, affective events and were found to be important (i.e., having cre-
theory suggests that events are important hap- ated some changes). A key unanswered question
penings that occur “in a certain place during revolves around what it is about events that
a particular period of time” where there is commands attention and produces change.
some key “change in circumstances” (Weiss & Building on previous research, EST focuses on
Cropanzano, 1996: 31). Similarly, research on the key event characteristics of novelty, disrup-
“surprises” suggests that an event is “unexpected tion, and criticality, which provide particularly
and draws attention away from the standard important information about event strength.
progression of the work” (Bechky & Okhuysen,
2011: 239). Events break people out of estab-
Event Novelty
lished routines as well as their own automatic
cognitive processing (Morgeson, 2005), and they Novelty reflects the extent to which an event is
command our attention (Mowday & Sutton, 1993). different or varies from current and past behav-
Third, events can result from the actions of iors, features, and events, thus representing a
a single entity on another entity or can occur when new or unexpected phenomenon (Lee & Mitchell,
the actions of multiple different entities converge. 1994; Morgeson, 2005). Novelty helps an event
Regardless of the specific form of interaction, stand out and triggers in-depth interpretation.
events have a decidedly between-entity (as op- The controlled information processing associ-
posed to intra-entity) character. Thus, an event ated with novel events centers on information
occurs between entities, represented by their in- search and involves questions such as “What is
teraction (Weick, 1987). Rousseau and Fried cap- this?” “How did this happen?” and “What in-
tured this idea nicely, describing events as formation do I need to interpret what is happen-
including an “intersection of an action with its ing?” This information processing occurs
context” (2001: 9). Thus, events are external, because there are no established scripts or rou-
bounded in time and space, and involve the in- tines to guide action. For example, the construct
tersection of different entities. Having defined of surprise is driven by novelty and is defined as
events, we turn to describing how and why events change and contrast (Louis, 1980). Novel events
impact the behavior and features of organiza- differ or reflect a break in expectations (Ballinger
tional entities and trigger subsequent events. & Rockmann, 2010; Bechky & Okhuysen, 2011) and
are unanticipated (Staw, Sandelands, & Dutton,
1981), nonroutine (Hoffman & Ocasio, 2001), un-
common (Latané & Darley, 1969), and surprising
Entities encounter numerous events on a day- (Cornelissen, 2012). Variation from expecta-
to-day basis, yet not all events are salient or tions prompts entities to engage in controlled
2015 Morgeson, Mitchell, and Liu 521

information processing and to initiate changes. Organizational examples include a major

In the presence of routine events, entities may not conflict between business units, a significant
engage in deliberate analysis or strive for changes failure in equipment essential to the production
but may instead resort to established and familiar process, or a substantial change in a project’s
actions and responses. deadlines. Other events at the environmental
Examples of novel events include the in- level can occur as well. The Exxon Valdez oil spill
troduction of new work procedures, new mem- and the Tylenol tampering incident are events
bers joining a work team, or a competing that caused major significant short-term disrup-
company designing a new product. The publi- tions for the companies involved and long-term
cation of the new business school rankings in consequences for the industry and the public as
1988 (in Businessweek) was a surprise and a whole (e.g., double-hulled tankers and tamper-
caused major immediate deliberations and long- proof packaging; Elsbach & Kramer, 1996).
term changes in business schools (Elsbach & Disruptive events break entities out of their con-
Kramer, 1996). The 9/11 tragedy was a surprise ventional thinking and response mode and
and had major consequences for travel in the compel them to change.
United States. When events are novel, entities
Proposition 2: The more disruptive an
are usually ill prepared with a set of rules or
event, the more likely it will change or
procedures to effectively respond to the events.
create behaviors, features, and events.
As such, novel events require entities to change
or create new behaviors, features, and events in
order to respond to the event.
Event Criticality
Proposition 1: The more novel an event,
Criticality reflects “the degree to which an
the more likely it will change or create
event is important, essential, or a priority” to an
behaviors, features, and events.
entity (Morgeson & DeRue, 2006: 273) and typi-
cally triggers additional analyses and changes
(Vaara, 2003). The more critical the event, the
Event Disruption
more likely it will be seen as salient and require
Disruption reflects a discontinuity in the envi- unusual attention and action. Entities will not
ronment (Hoffman & Ocasio, 2001), where the invest valuable resources and effort in inter-
external situation has somehow changed. As preting and handling ordinary or trivial hap-
a result, it concerns the amount or degree of penings. Others have suggested that criticality
change in usual activities (Dohrenwend, Raphael, reflects an event’s potential to have an influence
Schwartz, Stueve, & Skodol, 1993; Perkins, 1982) on the “horizon” (Hoffman & Ocasio, 2001; Pirola-
and reflects perceived threats experienced with Merlo, Härtel, Mann, & Hirst, 2002) and may cur-
major disruptions (Morgeson & DeRue, 2006). tail the attainment of important goals such that
The terms disruptive (Hannigan, 1995; Patton, the “centrality of the goal at stake in the ex-
2010) and upheaval (Gersick, 1991) have been change matters” (Ballinger & Rockmann, 2010:
used to describe these events. In short, things do 378). Crises can “threaten the most fundamental
not continue the way they did prior to the event. goals of an organization” (Weick, 1988: 305).
Disruption to the ordinary and predictable flow of In their qualitative examination of events,
experience triggers further analysis (Stigliani & Morgeson and DeRue (2006) found that 20 percent
Ravasi, 2012). In other words, disruptive events of critical events had implications for perfor-
may block or transform ongoing routines and mance, with another 15 percent related to in-
require entities to adjust and adapt (Zellmer- terpersonal conflict that negatively influenced
Bruhn, 2003). This requires more deliberate, team and task processes. Because critical events
effortful information processing and changes tend to command attention and influence re-
to existing behaviors and features or the crea- source allocation (Gersick & Hackman, 1990),
tion of new behaviors, features, and events. they often become a central focus until they are
Such information processing might involve resolved. Effortful analysis is needed to de-
such questions as “What behaviors need to termine how much attention the event needs and
change?” and “What routines or rules need to what and how many resources should be
be adjusted?” allocated to dealing with it. Organizational
522 Academy of Management Review October

examples include the bankruptcy of a key sup- 1988, 1995) involves “figuring out what is going on
plier or the unexpected death of a key executive. and what should be done” (Vaara, 2003: 863). Be-
Much of the research on organizational “threats” yond acknowledging its occurrence, we do not
describes major, financially related events (e.g., cover this process in detail largely because there
a new product that captures the market) that is already substantial literature on sensemaking
have implications for organizational survival at the macro, organizational level and cognitive
and development (Hermann, 1963). When events information processes at the micro, individual
are critical, new behaviors, features, and events level. This literature is rich and extensive;
will be more likely to emerge. In contrast, when therefore, we concentrate on the more novel the-
events are not critical, entities may not pay at- oretical analysis of what determines event
tention or react to them. strength and how events impinge on organiza-
tional entities across space and time.
Proposition 3: The more critical an
event, the more likely it will change or
create behaviors, features, and events. EVENT SPACE
Event space reflects the specific location where
Combining Event Characteristics and the an event originates and how its effects spread
Interpretive Process through an organization. Events occur in a spe-
cific place, location, or hierarchical level. This
Although we have discussed each of the event suggests that events can arise at every hierar-
characteristics separately, it is clear that all chical level and can have a downward, upward,
three are present in varying amounts in every or within-level impact. This event spatial di-
event. A key question thus revolves around how rection reflects the multilevel nature of event ef-
they combine to influence behaviors, features, fects and represents how the effects of an event
and events. We suggest that they combine in an “move” through organizational space. Given this
additive fashion, where the confluence of event event movement, there are a number of important
characteristics determines the overall “strength” factors related to event origin, spatial dispersion,
of an event, much in the same way that “situa- and spatial proximity that govern how much an
tional strength” reflects the extent to which situ- event will influence an organization. These fac-
ations can constrain behavior (Mischel, 1969). For tors serve to moderate the relationships between
example, novel, disruptive, and critical events event strength and outcomes. By describing
are more likely to affect organizational entities these spatial facets, we build on our previous
than are novel but nondisruptive and uncritical discussion of the impact of events by situating
events. Because novelty, disruption, and criti- events in the context of the larger organization
cality represent different aspects of an event, and environment.
however, they can function independently. For
example, disruptive events (e.g., major storms)
are not necessarily novel. This suggests it is Event Spatial Direction
possible that two characteristics (or even one)
Events and their effects can travel within or
can yield a strong enough event to prompt con-
across all organizational levels (e.g., environ-
trolled information processing.
ment, organization, team, individual). This can
Event strength focuses on the general impact
be thought of as event spatial direction, which
events have on behaviors, features, and sub-
generally takes one of five prototypical forms.
sequent events. Yet there is an interpretive pro- Figure 1 illustrates the general forms event ef-
cess that occurs between event occurrence and
fects can take in an organization.1
entity action. This involves analyzing meaning,
Single-level effects. Most simply, events can
making sense of important issues (Gioia &
have a single hierarchical level effect on
Thomas, 1996), and communicating and reaching
behaviors, features, or subsequent events
agreement about what is happening and how to
proceed. It includes scripts, schemas, cognitive 1
There are a potentially large number of different ways
maps, symbols, metaphors, and accounts (Gioia, events can impact behaviors, features, and subsequent
Thomas, Clark, & Chittipeddi, 1994; Orbuch, events. Figure 1 illustrates a range of ways events have their
1997). In short, this sensemaking process (Weick, effects but is by no means all inclusive.
2015 Morgeson, Mitchell, and Liu 523

Prototypical Effects of Events on Entitiesa

The prototypical examples are illustrative and not exhaustive. The specific effects shown in the figure are linked to the
examples described in the text.
Note: Numbers within each event correspond to the numbered examples used in the text.

(Figure 1). These single-level effects reflect acquisitions (Event 4) can impact managerial
events that arise and effectuate changes at the interpretations of change (Isabella, 1990) and
same hierarchical level (i.e., individual, team, “post-acquisition integration challenges” (Event 5;
organization). That is, an event arises at a given Vaara, 2003). As this range of examples demon-
level and its impact is restricted to that same strates, the event and its associated outcome(s)
level. This is perhaps the most commonly studied reside within the same hierarchical level.
event effect as it reflects a traditional disciplin- Top-down and bottom-up direct effects. Events
ary approach where scholars focus on how can have a top-down (e.g., organizational to in-
events at a given level influence outcomes at that dividual) direct effect on lower-level behaviors,
same level. features, and subsequent events. Typically, this
For example, at the individual level, scholars kind of effect involves a higher-level event con-
have studied how justice events (Event 12) can straining or enabling lower-level processes
spark positive and negative emotions and sub- (Kozlowski & Klein, 2000). The idea of top-down
sequent behavior (Weiss, Suckow, & Cropanzano, direct effects is that the event itself directly in-
1999). At the team level, a lapse in patient care fluences lower-level phenomena. Of course, by
(Event 2) can lead to new policies (which be- expanding across levels we are not only spread-
come features over time) concerning the treat- ing the controlled cognitive activities but also
ment of patients (Blatt, Christianson, Sutcliffe, engaging broader social processes, such as in-
& Rosenthal, 2006). Finally, at the organiza- fluence and power.
tional level, scholars have explored how For example, Tilcsik and Marquis (2013) re-
a range of organizational events such as new cently examined how “mega-events” (e.g., the
technology introductions (Event 3) impact role Olympics, national political conventions) and
behavior (Barley, 1986) and power dynamics natural disasters (e.g., floods, earthquakes) can
(Burkhardt & Brass, 1990) and how mergers and impact corporate philanthropy in U.S. communi-
ties. These are two different types of environ-
All event numbers correspond to the numbers found in mental events, in that mega-events are planned,
Figure 1. anticipated, and actively sought by a given
524 Academy of Management Review October

community, whereas natural disasters are neg- environment (a feature change). Another exam-
ative exogenous events. Not surprisingly, both ple could be a worker being accused of theft (Event
events produced behavioral change in corporate 9), prompting his coworkers to come to his defense
giving, but the form of the effects differed some- or introduce new monitoring activities. Finally, or-
what. Mega-events (Figure 1, Event 6) led to an ganizational events can impact the broader envi-
increase in giving by local corporations, but the ronment. For example, in 1984 the Union Carbide
impact of natural disasters depended on the se- pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, released toxic
verity of the event itself. Major disasters had gas (methyl isocyanate) into the environment
a negative effect, but more minor disasters had (Event 10), resulting in thousands of deaths in the
a positive effect. This research shows that surrounding community (Event 11; Weick, 1988).
higher-level environmental events can have a As these examples illustrate, there are a number
direct effect on lower-level behavior, changing of ways in which events can have bottom-up di-
what had been fairly stable organization-level rect effects on behaviors, features, and events.
behavior. Although not discussed by Tilcsik and Top-down and bottom-up moderating effects.
Marquis (2013), it is also possible to imagine how Events can have a top-down moderating effect on
such events can also influence the team and in- the relationship between lower-level behaviors,
dividual levels. This might involve developing features, and events. This kind of effect occurs
norms around becoming involved in promotional when the relationship between two lower-level
activities (in the case of mega-events) or volun- behaviors, features, or events is shaped, changed,
teer activities (in the case of natural disasters), as or moderated by a higher-level event (Kozlowski
illustrated by the event effect arrows extending & Klein, 2000). Also called cross-level moderation,
to these lower levels in Figure 1. what is unique to EST is the prediction that it
Events can also have a bottom-up direct effect on is an event rather than a stable higher-level
higher-level phenomena. These bottom-up direct feature that moderates lower-level relationships
effects reflect how lower-level events can cause (Figure 1). There are fewer examples of this kind
behavioral change, the emergence of new or al- of top-down moderating effect of events in the
tered features, or subsequent events at higher or- literature, but there are a number of scenarios
ganizational levels (Figure 1). Bottom-up direct where this is likely to occur.
effects are typified by the emergence of new or For example, considerable evidence demon-
different phenomena at higher organizational strates that social features such as feedback from
levels (Hitt, Beamish, Jackson, & Mathieu, 2007; others and social support are negatively related
Kozlowski & Klein, 2000). The bottom-up direct to turnover intentions (Humphrey, Nahrgang, &
effect of events is the main way collective phe- Morgeson, 2007). This suggests that jobs providing
nomena emerge, as individuals and collectives feedback and offering supportive relationships
interact to create larger collective structures are more enjoyable, leading to lower turnover in-
(Morgeson & Hofmann, 1999). For example, there tentions. Yet the relationship between these pos-
is emerging evidence to suggest that some in- itive social features and turnover intentions is
dividuals are qualitatively better performers likely to be influenced by higher-level events. For
than others (Humphrey, Morgeson, & Mannor, example, as a result of the financial crisis of 2008
2009; O’Boyle & Aguinis, 2012). These “stars” or (Event 12), many organizations, such as General
“strategically core” individuals are responsible for Motors and Chrysler, declared bankruptcy (Event
a disproportionate share of the organization’s suc- 13). An organizational event like bankruptcy un-
cess and output. Now imagine what might happen doubtedly has a direct effect on job characteristics
if one of these star performers left an organization and turnover intentions (as described in top-down
(Event 7). Beyond the obvious effect on organiza- direct effects), as well as weakens the relationship
tional performance, another potential outcome is between social job characteristics and turnover
that other team members may also decide to leave intentions (i.e., a top-down moderating effect).
(Event 8), as turnover has been shown to be “con- This occurs, in part, because experiencing such
tagious” in teams (Felps et al., 2009). Recognizing a novel and disruptive event focuses attention on
this, organizations may directly intervene by saving one’s job rather than worrying about the
granting workers more work scheduling autonomy quality of the immediate work environment. An-
(a behavioral change) or by making structural other example is how organizational adoption of
or policy changes to create a better working new team structures (Event 14) might lessen the
2015 Morgeson, Mitchell, and Liu 525

direct relationship between leadership behavior potentially larger scope of events at higher orga-
and team performance (a feature). nizational levels and the increased likelihood that
Although not identified in existing multilevel these events can impact the overall context, po-
theory, EST suggests that events can also have tentially shaping behaviors, features, and events at
a bottom-up moderating effect on the relation- lower levels (e.g., employees’ behaviors, division
ship between higher-level behavior, features, features, events happening to project teams).
and events. This kind of effect occurs when the For example, Chen and Kanfer’s (2006) theory of
relationship between two higher-level behaviors, team motivation suggests that downward team
features, or events is shaped, changed, or mod- contextual influences on team members are quite
erated by a lower-level event (Figure 1). This is persistent and pervasive over time. In contrast,
analogous to the top-down moderation described upward influences of team members on team-
previously, with the key difference being that the related dimensions may only occur in situations
moderating effect is emanating from lower-level that allow team members to affect their teams
events. To the best of our knowledge, there are no (e.g., a team member is asked by the team leader
examples or elaboration of this kind of bottom-up to design a new team decision-making process).
moderating effect of events in the literature, but In addition, top-down effects “can be manifest
there are scenarios where this may occur. within short time frames, whereas emergent,
For example, a strong individual event could bottom-up linkages necessitate longer time frames”
moderate relationships at higher aggregate levels. (Kozlowski & Klein, 2000: 23). Because organiza-
The death of Steve Jobs (a particularly strong in- tions, teams, and individuals are all nested within
dividual event; Event 15) undoubtedly moderated the external environment, events arising in the
many important relationships at Apple Computer’s external environment can have a wide-ranging
organizational and team levels. Because Jobs di- immediate impact. One has only to look at such
rectly handled important new product launches, things as serious natural disasters, extreme mar-
often obsessively planning and rehearsing even ket fluctuations, or terrorist attacks to understand
the smallest details, it is likely that new product how virtually every aspect of organizational life
launches (Event 16) were less successful (an can be affected. In contrast, lower-organization-
organizational-level feature) after his death than level events (e.g., a poor performer in a shop floor
they were before. Similarly, stable routines in team) can often be isolated or “walled off” from
product development teams (a team-level feature) other individuals or units, thereby minimizing
were likely disrupted, leading to new team be- their impact. Thus, the influence of event strength
haviors as team members made sense of the event. on event outcomes may depend on event origin.
Another example might be how new governmental
Proposition 4a: Event origin moderates
regulations (Event 17) and their impact on financial
the relationship between event strength
reporting requirements (an environmental feature)
and event outcomes such that novel, dis-
may be influenced by the lobbying efforts of a sin-
ruptive, and critical events originating at
gle influential organization (Event 18).
higher levels will be more likely to change
or create behaviors, features, and events
Event Origin than events originating at lower levels.
With an understanding of event direction, we Proposition 4b: Event origin moderates
turn to a consideration of how an event’s origin (the the relationship between event strength
hierarchical level at which an event occurs) can and event outcomes such that novel, dis-
influence behaviors, features, and events. Events ruptive, and critical events originating at
may originate inside or outside the organization higher levels will be more likely to mod-
and have direct or indirect impact on entities within erate the relationship between lower-
a focal organization. Events can occur at any hier- level behaviors, features, and events
archical level, but assuming equivalence in event than events originating at lower levels.
strength, events that occur at higher levels (e.g.,
CEO, top management team) are likely to have
Event Spatial Dispersion
a much larger organizational impact than events
that occur at lower levels (e.g., an employee retires Regardless of the hierarchical level at which
and leaves the team). This is largely due to the they originate, events can vary considerably in the
526 Academy of Management Review October

extent to which their effects are dispersed through- Event Spatial Proximity4
out the organizational hierarchy (holding time
Hierarchical organization is created to take ad-
constant; Abbott, 1984). Some events arise and
vantage of the division of labor and unity of com-
remain at the same hierarchical level. For exam-
mand (Hinds & Kiesler, 1995). Nevertheless, “the
ple, product development teams might have
division of labor into functionally specialized units
a major disagreement over project requirements,
and unity of command constrain communication
reducing the amount of helping within the team
linkages to specified vertical connections within
(a behavioral change), as well as producing poor
the chain of command” (Hinds & Kiesler, 1995: 375).
communication structures (a feature change)
In other words, the greater the distance between
and requiring a revision to the production
two organizational levels, the less likely entities
schedule (a subsequent event). In this example
affiliated with one level will access information
the changes take place at the team level across
and be influenced by events arising at the other.
time.3 This is illustrated in the shaded section of
For example, a production team member’s turnover
Figure 2.
is more likely to impact his or her team leader than
Events might also occur at a given level but
the company CEO. In addition to this “vertical” or
have an effect that extends to other levels over
hierarchical aspect (the number of hierarchal levels
time. Continuing with the product development
between two entities), event proximity has a “hori-
team example, the disagreement might also
zontal” component (the physical distance between
affect the decisions of team members to remain
two parties at the same hierarchical level). For ex-
with the organization and the organization’s
ample, two employees or teams could have similar
ability to meet key customer deadlines. In turn,
hierarchical levels but be distant in terms of where
missing a key customer deadline may cause
they are in the organization chart and be separated
the customer to move that business to a com-
physically (different floor, building).
petitor and may lead to lower organizational
Social information processing theories suggest
reputation in the broader business environ-
that spatially proximal entities are subject to social
ment. As shown in Figure 2, because of the
influence “through exposure to or inaccessibility of
original team-level event, individuals may
other individuals [and] organizational subclimates
decide to quit their jobs (a subsequent
and events” (Rice & Aydin, 1991: 224). In addition,
individual-level event), the organization may
knowledge sharing is less likely to happen when
fail to meet the deadline of delivering new
organizational members operate at organizational
products (a subsequent organization-level
levels or locations more distant from each other
event), and the customer may shift business
(Ipe, 2003). Hence, spatial distance may weaken the
to a competitor (a subsequent organization-
impact of event strength on event outcomes. When
level event), which may result in lower
entities are closer to the location where an event
organizational reputation (a change in an envi-
occurs, they may have more direct and effective
ronmental feature). Thus, event strength may in-
receipt of information and cues regarding the event.
teract with event spatial dispersion to impact
Consequently, they will be more strongly influ-
event outcomes, with events influencing
enced by the event.
more organizational levels creating greater
changes. Proposition 6: Event spatial proximity
moderates the relationship between
Proposition 5: Event spatial dispersion
event strength and event outcomes
moderates the relationship between
such that novel, disruptive, and critical
event strength and event outcomes
events closer to the entity location will
such that novel, disruptive, and critical
be more likely to change or create be-
events that impact a greater number of
haviors, features, and events than
levels will be more likely to change or
events that are farther away from the
create behaviors, features, and events
entity location.
than events that impact fewer levels.

We focus on physical distance. Scholars have also
Dispersion contains some elements of space and time, as discussed psychological distance, but a consideration of
illustrated in this example. this issue is beyond the scope of our present discussion.
2015 Morgeson, Mitchell, and Liu 527

Example of Impact of Events on Entities

EVENT TIME (Morgeson & DeRue, 2006). When events linger,

additional attention and resources may be
Events are bounded in time; this is part of what
needed to ultimately respond to the event itself.
distinguishes them from more chronic features of
For example, a long-lasting lawsuit may cost
the work environment. This temporal aspect of
a firm’s top management, department managers,
events raises a number of intriguing issues with
and lower-level employees considerable time
respect to their impact on behaviors, features,
and effort. Shipp and Jansen (2011) maintain that
and subsequent events. Events can be transitory,
longer episodes of person-environment (PE) fit
with effects limited in time or scope, or long-
experiences are more likely to be included in PE
lasting, with a correspondingly larger impact.
fit narratives. Therefore, event strength and du-
The timing of events in an entity’s developmental
ration may interact to affect event outcomes.
history can play an important role in determining
When events last longer, event novelty, disrup-
an event’s impact. Event strength also can vary
tion, and criticality will be more strongly related
over time, and the trajectory of event strength is
to changing or creating behaviors, features, and
likely to interact with general event strength to
impact event outcomes. It is to these temporal
issues we turn. Proposition 7: Event duration moder-
ates the relationship between event
strength and event outcomes such that
Event Duration novel, disruptive, and critical events
Although events are bounded in time, they are that are longer in duration will be more
also likely to vary in duration. Some events might likely to change or create behaviors,
last only a brief moment, whereas others might features, and events than events that
extend over time, having a stronger influence. are shorter in duration.
Duration is likely to moderate the impact of event
strength on event outcomes. Assuming equiva-
lence in novelty, disruption, and criticality, Event Timing
events that last longer are more impactful on
organizational entities than events that are Research suggests that entities (e.g., organi-
shorter in duration. A study of production and zations, teams, and individuals) experience dis-
service teams found that longer event duration tinct stages of development (Allen & Meyer, 1993;
had a greater impact on team functioning Gersick, 1988; Quinn & Cameron, 1983) and have
528 Academy of Management Review October

different needs at these different stages (Smith, events fit more with a person’s development
Mitchell, & Summer, 1985). For example, Quinn stage by meeting the distinct needs and de-
and Cameron (1983) identified four different mands of that stage, events are more likely to
stages in an organizational life cycle: entrepre- have a larger impact.
neurial, collectivity, formalization, and elabora-
Proposition 8: Event timing moderates
tion. Each stage is associated with unique
the relationship between event strength
demands and needs. At the entrepreneurial
and event outcomes such that novel,
stage, new ventures may concentrate on attract-
disruptive, and critical events that bet-
ing investments and increasing their market
ter match the needs associated with the
value. Thus, a new venture will be more likely to
developmental stage of entities will be
respond to investment requests than acquisition
more likely to change or create behav-
deals (two different events) because it is focused
iors, features, and events than events
on growth and enhancing value for the merger
that do not match the needs associated
and acquisition market. At the elaboration
with the developmental stage.
stage, new ventures have become established.
This results in an emphasis on creativity and
innovation to foster organizational revitalization.
Event Strength Change
Accordingly, firms at this state will be more re-
ceptive to events that lead to innovative changes Events are dynamic and evolutionary. That is,
in organizational practices (e.g., rewarding em- as they unfold and interact with circumstances
ployees for proposing new ideas for organiza- and entities upon their inception, events may
tional development) than events that formalize become more or less novel, disruptive, and criti-
production and management processes (e.g., in- cal. As a result, their overall strength can change
troducing additional layers of management). over time. For example, the confrontation be-
Similarly, team development models suggest tween Democrats and Republicans over health
that teams go through a series of stages, in- care reform began with heated debates but later
cluding forming, storming, norming, perform- escalated to the historic shutdown of the U.S.
ing, and adjourning (Tuckman, 1965; Tuckman government, resulting in hundreds of thousands
& Jensen, 1977). At the norming stage, appoint- of federal employees suffering unpaid leave.
ing a new transformational leader is likely to Another high-profile event occurred in Seattle.
motivate teammates to overcome difficulties The legislature committed to constructing a
and establish effective processes, thereby tunnel beneath the city so it could tear down
allowing the team to realize its goals. In con- a viaduct damaged by earthquakes. Digging
trast, at the adjourning stage a team has commenced in 2013 but, after starting, the borer
reached its goals and is ready for disbandment. (dubbed “Big Bertha”) encountered a buried pillar,
Thus, in this stage events related to recognizing which stopped progress. Event strength increased
team members’ accomplishments and arrang- over the subsequent months as the exact cause
ing their future activities will be appealing to (they did not know for weeks what had happened
members. Events that match the development or why) and amount of damage were ascertained.
stage of entities may trigger responses and re- The latest description of the event is that the main
actions significant enough to bring forth changes.5 drive bearing needs a repair that could take over
Finally, at the individual level, a leader’s de- six months. Thus, event strength has increased
velopmental readiness and trigger events jointly dramatically in that the event is far more novel,
lead to authentic leader development (Avolio & disruptive, and critical than originally thought. In
Hannah, 2008). Similarly, and consistent with PE addition, there are new work schedules, lawsuits
fit theory and research (Edwards, 2008), when over who will cover the costs, renegotiations of
costs, changes in material needs, and cost in-
creases up to four times original estimates. And
Although we do not outline the interpretive process that the outcomes of this event are still unfolding.
follows an event’s occurrence, it seems that an entity’s de- Gestalt characteristics theory highlights that
velopmental stage can also impact the interpretation of the
event itself (i.e., perceived novelty, disruption, and criticality). the extent to which entities are affected by their
The dynamics of this interpretive process are worthy of further experiences is ascribable to their general level
development. (the average strength of the experiences over
2015 Morgeson, Mitchell, and Liu 529

time) and development trend (the experiences a comprehensive and integrative account of how
becoming more or less salient over time; Ariely & events become meaningful and come to impact
Carmon, 2003). More recently, Liu, Mitchell, Lee, organizations across space and time. By in-
Holtom, and Hinkin pointed out that “people use corporating elements from both perspectives,
salient summary features of their experience over EST outlines how characteristics of events exist
time (e.g., change trajectory) to describe the past within a multilevel system characterized by dy-
and project the future” (2012: 1362). Supporting the namic processes over time. This helps close
unique effects of the general level and develop- a significant gap in our understanding of orga-
ment trend of experiences on entities’ behavior nizational dynamics, change, and system in-
change, Liu et al. (2012) found that the average terrelationships. This is a crucial gap to fill
level and change trajectory of job satisfaction because organizations are dynamic and charac-
experiences exerted significant effects on turn- terized by both stability and change. Although
over at both the individual and unit levels. In we have a considerable understanding of sta-
a study of physically painful events, Ariely (1998) bility, we know comparatively less about change.
demonstrated that the slope of an experience Events are a useful construct through which to
profile reflective of a painful event’s development understand both stability and change, and EST
trend significantly predicted one’s summary integrates and extends past event-oriented re-
evaluation of experience. In addition, Hausknecht, search by describing the specific spatial and
Sturman, and Roberson (2011) modeled justice temporal processes by which events come to in-
experience trends and showed that employees’ fluence organizational entities. Although we
improving justice experiences over time engender draw from existing research when possible, EST
more favorable job attitudes. Finally, consistent presents some unique challenges for theory and
with temporal construal research (Trope & Liber- research. In this section we discuss EST’s impli-
man, 2003), projection into an event’s future along cations to assist scholars using EST to develop
with its current magnitude may impact ongoing event-oriented theory. We then describe some
decisions and behavior. areas for future research.
Accordingly, the impact of an event’s average
strength across time on event outcomes may be
Theoretical Implications
altered by changes in event strength over time
(i.e., the evolutionary trend of past and current As a theory that serves as an integrative bridge
states as well as future prospects of event between variance- and process-oriented theo-
strength). Specifically, when an event’s strength ries, EST has a number of important theoretical
displays a faster growth trajectory, the event’s implications.
average strength will be more likely to influence Events and organizational change. Perhaps
event outcomes. In contrast, when an event’s one of the major reasons for the dominance of
strength displays a faster declination trajectory, feature-oriented research is that features do ex-
the event’s average strength will be less likely to ert a strong influence on organizations. This
influence event outcomes. creates a strong tendency for homeostasis or
routines, where “individuals and groups develop
Proposition 9: Event strength change
cognitive structures, habits of mind, to guide
moderates the relationship between an
automatic cognitive processing” (Louis & Sutton,
event’s average strength and event
1991: 70). However, “discrepant events . . . trigger
outcomes such that in the presence of
a need for explanation” (Louis, 1980: 241). In other
greater increment (decrement) in the
words, automatic processing and habits of mind
event’s strength over time, the event’s
reflect routines that are maintained until inter-
average strength will be more (less)
rupted by an event such that “habitual behavior,
likely to change or create behaviors,
once established, persists more or less automat-
features, and events.
ically until and unless something specific hap-
pens to break a group out of its routine” (Gersick
& Hackman, 1990: 80). Thus, events are often the
means by which entities come to evaluate,
EST contributes to and extends variance- and change, or otherwise interrupt their routines or
process-oriented perspectives by developing regular behavior.
530 Academy of Management Review October

The organizational change literature describes prohibit the accomplishment of an existing goal
numerous aspects of the content and process of forever and require a set of new goals. An un-
change (Armenakis & Bedeian, 1999), as well as expected workforce reduction would do this, as
how change is diagnosed, remedies for change, would many major events at the organizational
strategies for impacting the change process, and level (e.g., a merger, a competitor scooping the
emotional reactions to change (Armenakis & company’s new product design that is still in
Harris, 2009). Yet little is said about the role process). What often emerges from these events
events might play in terms of event-generated is a new goal, which reenergizes and redirects
changes across hierarchical levels and over future action. Goal abandonment and adoption
time, or how change-related processes might may also have effects on goal space and timing
differ for events versus features. Moreover, Johns dimensions. Leaving or adding a goal may in-
concluded that there is little research on the fluence the whole goal hierarchy in terms of pri-
contextual influences of time and space and “this orities as well as goals in other domains (e.g.,
unnatural, acontextual bounding of time and home or hobby activities). A new downstream
space foregoes the considerable advantage of and long-term goal may require new subgoals. In
studying whole events and processes” (2006: 390). short, the use of EST may interface with goal-
To more completely explicate the roles of events, setting theory in new and important ways.
EST shows how events evolve in organizations As another example, a valuable extension of
across organizational levels and over time, and entrepreneurial research would be to look at the
how event spatial and temporal factors interplay ways events experienced by entrepreneurs lead
with event strength to change or create behav- to the emergence of new ventures. Entrepre-
iors, features, and events. Thus, EST presents neurial theorists have traditionally stressed the
a number of opportunities for advancing the or- notion that entrepreneurship emerges from en-
ganizational change literature. trepreneurial opportunities, which are “those
Research opportunities arising from EST. In- situations in which new goods, services, raw
stead of focusing on the stability inherent in materials, and organizing methods can be in-
features, the theoretical focus in EST naturally troduced and sold at greater than their cost of
shifts to changes as prompted by events over production” (Shane & Venkataraman, 2000: 220).
time and across organizational levels. Theoreti- Drawing on EST, scholars can investigate the
cians could investigate events that seem, based ways events may function as entrepreneurial
on the literature, to cause individual, team, or opportunities to fuel entrepreneurship. For ex-
organizational changes such as layoffs, mergers, ample, mega-events (e.g., the Olympics, World
promotions, and new leadership. This shift in Cup) may trigger a quantum increase in new
frame of reference brings to the foreground gen- ventures in the hosting cities. In addition, certain
eral questions about change, including changes events may prompt individuals to become en-
in norms, interactions, relationships, and perfor- trepreneurs without the presence of entrepre-
mance, all of which highlight the importance of neurial opportunities. For instance, after having
events and their contrast with features. Examples her proposal for a new business rejected by the
from the goal-setting literature and entrepre- CEO, a top management team member may de-
neurship literature highlight some of these cide to start a new business to compete with her
opportunities. former company. These are but two examples of
For example, EST offers a number of opportu- how using EST may yield new insight into the
nities for extending goal-setting research, par- field of entrepreneurship.
ticularly in terms of how organizational events The interface between events and features.
exert a top-down moderating effect on changes in When examining events, scholars should not ig-
new goal adoption and old goal abandonment. nore the critical role of features but should con-
New goals are often embraced after events, es- struct an integrative theory-building approach
pecially events that signal the successful com- that examines the ways features and events
pletion of previous goals. Examples include jointly or independently affect entities. This may
a surprise award, an unexpected promotion, or enable the development of more fine-grained
a transfer to a new division. Adoption and organizational theories, enhancing their explan-
abandonment, however, often go hand in hand. atory power and impact. Liu, Kwan, and Fisher
An event represents a disruption that may (2014) showed that the interactions between
2015 Morgeson, Mitchell, and Liu 531

a CEO’s core self-evaluations (a personality at- link event novelty, disruption, and criticality to
tribute) and two event strength indicators (criti- event outcomes, this is clearly an important area
cality and novelty) explained a much larger for additional conceptual work. Cognitive and
portion of the variance in new venture perfor- social processes push entities toward action. Yet,
mance than did a CEO’s core self-evaluations after deliberation, entities might decide they do
alone. This highlights how a joint consideration not know what to do, they do not have the re-
of events and features can enhance our un- sources to deal with the event, or there is no
derstanding of organizational phenomena. urgency to respond. The point is that further
Event clusters and chains. In developing EST, theoretical elaboration is needed to specifically
we focused on understanding what constitutes describe this overall process and how it unfolds
an event and how events impact entities across over time.
space and time. This involved treating events as Unique outcomes of events. Organizational
discrete occurrences. Many events possess a theories have been criticized as being overly
singularity that lends itself to focusing on static when, in fact, many organizational phe-
event strength and organizational impact without nomena are dynamic in nature (Liu et al., 2012).
considering other events. Yet multiple (different) One explanation for this criticism is that most
events can occur closely in space and time, form- theories focus on stable features of individuals or
ing a distinctive “event cluster” that can signifi- their organizational environment, which tends to
cantly impact entities. These event clusters might result in a focus on amounts of a stable outcome
form from independent events that occur within (e.g., a given level of entrepreneurial orientation
a certain time frame and impact the same un- as an individual attribute of a CEO is related to
derlying behaviors, features, or other events. The a given level of venture performance). When fo-
potential combinations are too numerous to con- cusing on events, however, change-related out-
sider in this initial exposition of EST but certainly comes become relevant and may help us to
warrant further conceptual work. develop new and different types of dependent
Events can also be seen as causing a number variables. First, events can elicit behavioral
of things to happen over time or downstream in change or create new behavior. Such change or
the organization, forming what could be termed creation can happen quickly and be major, in
an event chain. For example, the wide-ranging part because events can disrupt steady states
responses to the 9/11 terrorist attacks show how and produce effortful, controlled information
an event may change or create behaviors, fea- processing (Morgeson, 2005). This type of reap-
tures, and events in the long run. Among other praisal often does not occur when focusing only
things, responses to 9/11 resulted in new and in- on features of organizational phenomena.
vasive surveillance of U.S. citizens. Similarly, in Second, even if some events only occur for
organizational acquisitions new employees en- a brief moment, they may permanently change
ter (and others exit), changing well-established existing features of the work environment or may
interaction patterns and group composition. generate new features. For example, a person
New rules are implemented that change long- might be highly committed to the organization (a
standing features (e.g., rules for promotion or feature of an individual’s job attitudes), yet when
raises or allocation of parking spaces). Sub- the company is faced with a new international
sequent events like new computer software for competitor (an environmental event), the organi-
tracking employee attendance might be seen as zation’s response might be to ask employees to
directly caused by the takeover. We can expect work overtime more frequently. As a result, the
and track these chains of an event’s effects. employee’s commitment may drop significantly.
Identifying, describing, and examining such An unexpected promotion (an individual event),
event chains is a way to explicitly incorporate however, might serve to subsequently raise the
space and time into conceptual models. employee’s organizational commitment to pre-
Psychological processes underlying the re- organizational event levels. Although this is
lationship between events and outcomes. As a simple example, it illustrates how a diverse set
mentioned earlier, there are some activities that of events occurring at different organizational
transpire between when an event is first noticed levels can have a marked impact on the levels of
and the event’s eventual outcomes. Although we existing features. In addition to changing exist-
did not specify the psychological processes that ing features, events can beget new features. A
532 Academy of Management Review October

new policy or procedure in response to an event to both measure the event and gather immediate
may, in turn, become a feature after it is accepted reactions to it. Another important methodological
and routinized over time. For example, quality issue revolves around when to measure events.
control routines in a pharmaceutical plant might One strategy involves measuring features and
continue until there is a contamination event. base rates, then capturing the event while it is
Such an event may alter existing quality control occurring (or very shortly thereafter) using expe-
routines (i.e., features) and introduce new ones. rience sampling methods (Hektner, Schmidt, &
Another example would be new safety regula- Csikszentmihalyi, 2007). Because events often
tions put in place after an accident on the shop evolve and change as they unfold, continued
floor. In these ways a fleeting event can have an tracking of event strength and movement across
enduring impact by producing new features. levels and time is necessary.
Third, events may cause subsequent events to Conducting event-oriented research poses a
occur over time. The 9/11 terrorist attacks created number of interesting data analysis challenges
a number of subsequent events (e.g., summits of as well. Perhaps the greatest challenge is the
world leaders and military actions) to counter the fact that events are nested within individuals,
threat of terrorism. When an influential manager teams, and organizations, creating dependencies
leaves her organization, her subordinates may within a data set, particularly when multiple
quit their jobs to join her at the new organization, events are measured for a given entity (e.g.,
thereby creating a chain of turnover events. As measuring consecutive workdays for a job in-
such, although some initial events may not di- cumbent, multiple events for a work team, or
rectly impact entities, they may still trigger sub- a series of corporate announcements). This de-
sequent events that require more immediate pendency in the data violates the assumption of
reactions from the entities. independence common for most statistical tech-
niques. Fortunately, analytic methods have been
developed that can account for this lack of
Methodological Implications
independence, such as hierarchical linear
Because many of our methodological pre- modeling. Alternatively, many process-oriented
scriptions and techniques have been developed scholars use qualitative procedures to analyze
for feature-oriented research, they are not nec- events and their effects on individual and orga-
essarily well-suited for an event-oriented ap- nizational change. For example, the process
proach. Events can be short, infrequent, studies highlighted in the recent Academy of
unexpected, and nested, so conducting event- Management Journal special issue offer a range
oriented research has its share of challenges, of potential ways to use qualitative methods to
particularly when compared to feature-oriented study events (Langley et al., 2013).
research where phenomena accumulate slowly
and are fairly static or stable over time. Fortu-
Future Research Directions
nately, as event-oriented research has increased,
methodological tools have been developed, It is important to mention, on the one hand, that
modified, or adopted to facilitate such research. not all events are negative (think of winning the
There are a range of research design and data lottery, discovering a drug that cures cancer, or
analysis issues that must be taken into consid- winning a new customer account). These kinds of
eration in order to pursue an event-oriented pro- events may cause new or altered behaviors and
gram of research. features and generate other events, all of which
A key issue revolves around what to measure. may take adjustment time and incur costs of one
If it is a description of the events themselves, sort or another but will still be seen as positive
records, reports, and perhaps behavioral obser- events. On the other hand, many events are
vations might be appropriate. If it is an in- negative, and perhaps there are ways we can
terpretation and reaction to the event, the avoid, deflect, or reduce their negative impact. In
researcher has to consider using interviews, ob- describing EST, we have largely taken what can
servations, and questionnaires. The advent of be thought of as a “reactive” view of events. That
social media (e.g., blogs, Facebook, Twitter) and is, these events arise in the external context, ul-
the increasing ubiquity of audio and video moni- timately resulting in new or altered behaviors
toring of the workplace provide many opportunities and features or subsequent events. Although
2015 Morgeson, Mitchell, and Liu 533

such an approach is appropriate given our goals positive affect have higher levels of job satis-
of describing how event strength, space, and faction), and sometimes they are across levels
time affect entities, it does neglect some poten- (e.g., at the organizational and individual levels,
tially more “proactive” views of events, espe- where a supportive organizational culture is
cially ways that negative outcomes may be likely to reduce employee turnover). In contrast,
anticipated and managed. In this regard there EST focuses on events, which result in changes in
are two key proactive aspects of EST that are current behaviors and features and the creation
important to consider for future research. of new behaviors, features, and events over time
First, as suggested by Aspinwall and Taylor’s and across levels. The specific propositions of
(1997) research on proactive coping toward EST describe how events become impactful, as
stressful events, entities can attempt to an- well as the spatial and temporal processes
ticipate the occurrence of events and prepare through which they cause outcomes. Although
for them (i.e., proactive coping). One’s own EST has the potential to create new and sub-
history and the history of similar entities pro- stantive contributions to our understanding of
vide nformation about possible future events. changes in entities, clearly much more needs
Forecasting and scenario planning can aid to be done. We hope that EST represents an
preparation for novel, disruptive, and critical important step toward a more event-oriented
events. Simulations can be devised for train- science.
ing and awareness purposes. Engaging in
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Frederick P. Morgeson ( is the Eli Broad Professor of Management at

Michigan State University. He received his Ph.D. from Purdue University. His research
has spanned a number of different areas, including exploring the role of leadership in
self-managing teams and the nature of the relationship between leaders and followers;
examining fundamental questions about the nature of work; studying the effectiveness
and consequences of different selection techniques; and developing multilevel and
event system theory.
Terence R. Mitchell ( is a professor emeritus at the University of Wash-
ington. He received his Ph.D. in organizational psychology from the University of Illinois.
His research focuses on motivation, leadership, turnover, and decision making.
Dong Liu ( is an assistant professor of organizational
behavior in the Ernest Scheller Jr. College of Business at the Georgia Institute of Tech-
nology. He received his Ph.D. in business administration from the Michael G. Foster
School of Business at the University of Washington. His research interests include cre-
ativity, turnover, event system theory, teams, and international entrepreneurship, with
a particular focus on exploring the multilevel interface between individuals and orga-
nizational context.

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