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Spring, 2019
Assignment 2
Total Marks: 20


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Question: 1

Read the article carefully “21st Century Standards and Curriculum: Current Research and
Do not copy and paste material. Write down the content in your own words.
Article is available in download section with the name “Article _Assignment 2_EDU402”

I. Summarize any two 21st century standards in (500-800) words

II. Relate how these standards can be enhanced by using technological tools

(5 marks + 5 marks)

Question: 2

Briefly describe the curriculum development process in Pakistan and the organizational structure
of curriculum wing.

Curriculum development 2 marks

Curriculum development process in Pakistan3 marks

Organizational structure of curriculum wing 5 marks

Question: 2

Briefly describe the curriculum development process in Pakistan and the organizational structure
of curriculum wing.

 Curriculum development 2 marks

 Curriculum development process in Pakistan 3 marks
 Organizational structure of curriculum wing 5 marks

Answer. Curriculum development: Curriculum development is a process of improving the

curriculum. The curriculum development process systematically organizes what will be taught,
who will be taught, and how it will be taught. Each component affects and interacts with other
components. The four basic stages involved in the curriculum development process are planning,
content, implementation and evaluation.

Curriculum development process in Pakistan: Pakistan—governed under the Islamic,

democratic, federal Constitution of 1973 is comprised of four autonomous provinces: Punjab,
Sindh, KpK and Baluchistan. Education in Pakistan is essentially a provincial affair. However,
education is considered to be a vital source of nation-building. Therefore, in order to ensure
national cohesion, integration and preservation of the ideological foundation of the State, certain
educational functions are the responsibilities of the Federation—via the Federal Ministry of
Education. These responsibilities include: curriculum, syllabus, planning, policy and educational
standards. The 1976 Act of Parliament authorized the Ministry of Education (MOE) to
appoint competent authorities to perform the following curriculum-related functions.

In Pakistan, the curriculum has undergone several revisions. The first national curriculum in
Pakistan was developed in 1975 - 1976. It was then revised in 1984- 1985 and then again in 1994
- 1995. The next review took place during 2000 - 2002. In 2005, a comprehensive review of
school curricula was undertaken. The curriculum was reviewed to make it more objectives-
based and outcome driven as well as responsive to the modern, socioeconomic, technical,
professional and labor market needs of the country. As a result of this process, a revised
curricula for 25 core subjects (grades 1 - 12), known as the National Curriculum 2006, emerged.
One o f the hallmarks of the new curricula was the inclusion o f Student Learning Outcomes
(SLOs) for each subject and grade level. It was on the basis of these SLOs that assessments and
textbooks were to be developed

 Federal Ministry of Education: It is responsible in making of:

 Curriculum 
 Syllabus
 Planning
 Policy
 Education standards
 National Bureau of Curriculum and Textbooks (NBTC): It is also known as
curriculum wing. Its basic purpose is to supervise the curriculum and the textbooks. It
approves and maintains curriculum standards from the primary to the higher secondary
 Provincial curriculum Centre: In every province there is a provincial curriculum centre.
Its basic purpose is not only to ensure provincial collaboration but also to involve in all
activities falling within the purview of the federation. Each Province has its own
Provincial Textbook Board (PTTB),which is responsible for:

 Preparing
 Publishing
 Stocking
 Distribution
 Marketing school textbooks.

Organizational structure of curriculum wing:

Introduction: In 1973 constitution, Government placed education on the concurrent list.

Federal Government took the responsibility to determine the curriculum text boards, policy,
planning and standards of education
Higher Education Commission: In December, 1976 Federal Government appointed University
Grant commission (now HEC) as the competent authority to look after the curriculum revision
work at bachelor level and onwards
It also look after the degrees, certificates and diplomas awarded by degree colleges, universities
and other institutions of HEC.
Procedure to Review/ Revise Curriculum: In 45th meeting of Vice-Chancellor’s Committee
it’s recommended that the UGC should review the curriculum of a particular discipline after
every three years. HEC adopted a procedure to review/ revise curriculum to ensure the quality of
the updated curricula.
Steps Involved in Curriculum Review/Revision Process
PHASE-I Curricula under consideration. 
PHASE – II Circulation of the draft curriculum

Step – I 
Constitution of National Curriculum Revision Committee (NCRC) in the subject.
The Vice-Chancellors of all public and private sector universities, R&D organizations,
Directorate of colleges and industries in relation to the subject under consideration, are requested
to nominate their representatives, for appointment of National Curriculum Review Committee

Step –II

Assessment/Analysis of the existing Curriculum:

The existing curricula is circulated amongst the members of NCRC to discuss it with their
colleagues and bring collective proposals for review and revision of existing curricula in relation

 objectives (of teaching the subject).

 Scheme of studies
 Course-content
 Weight age
 Reading materials
 Teaching strategies
 Methods of evaluation.

In this way participation of maximum number of subject experts is ensured

Step – III

NCRC meeting-I:

Draft preparation.

The first meeting of the NCRC is organized at the HEC Headquarter Islamabad or one of its
Regional Centers at Peshawar, Lahore and Karachi. Other universities at different places may
also be chosen to serve the purpose. The meeting draft of the revised curricula, after detail
discussion and deliberation on the proposals prepared by the NCRC members.


Circulation of the Draft Curriculum

Step – IV

The first draft prepared is circulated among the universities, institutions and organization and is
viewed for its further improvement.

The view/recommendations collected on the draft curriculum were deliberated upon to design
and finalize the curriculum of specific subject of study in a final meeting.
Step – V

NCRC meeting-II:

Finalization of draft

The second meeting of the NCRC is held to finalize the draft of the revised curriculum in the
light of comments/suggestions/recommendations received from the college and university
teachers and institutions all over the country. The meeting would again take 3 days to finalize a

Step VI

Approval of the revised curricula by the Vice-Chancellors’ Committee: The final draft
curriculum is submitted to the Vice-Chancellors’ Committee for approval.

Implementation: The curricula designed is printed and sent to universities/institutions for its
adoption/implementation after the approval of the Competent Authority.
Question: 1

Read the article carefully “21st Century Standards and Curriculum: Current Research and
I. Summarize any two 21st century standards in (500-800) words
II. Relate how these standards can be enhanced by using technological tools

Answer: 21st Century Standards. 21st century standards are as follows:

 It concentrates on skills of 21st century, expertise and content knowledge.

 Provides knowledge among the core subjects and interdisciplinary themes.
 Concentrates on deep learning rather than focusing on surface knowledge.
 Involve students about the real world data and tools that they will use in college,
in job and in their personal life as well
 Students may become masters of multiple measures.
1 standard
As every new century comes up with new inventions, discoveries and knowledge
and every century creates its own new standards. And to achieve 21st century expertise
and content knowledge the most suitable approach is one such approach. This approach
also helps students to gain deep knowledge of the core subjects and interdisciplinary
themes. One such approach is that is based on problem learning. In this approach students
do analysis and discuss about different subjects related to real world. Students may
investigate many problems, take explanations, analyze data and may make judgment to
find the appropriate solution through this approach. Research tells us that students who
use problem base learning, they take more participations in classroom activities and it
increases their critical thinking skills. A research shows that in 21 st century students will
need significant correlation between critical thinking and problem based learning. A set
of higher mental process is necessary for critical thinking and problem solving. Research
also shows that problem solving approach in teaching student can make them able to
overcome challenges in their real life 21st century learning skills.

2nd standard
21st century that involves students in gaining real world knowledge and practical
tools which they can use in their practical life in college and jobs. This standard also
makes them master of many multiple measures. To achieve these 21 st century skills we
use cooperative learning strategy. This strategy is based on the division of students in
different small groups with diverse abilities and interests. It is very supportive in learning
process and it gives prominent results. As teamwork is more creative and effective
because of deep thinking and integration of peers hence, it is easier to accomplish a task.
This joint session learning has many positive impacts on students. This collaborative
learning also develops social relation between students. Teachers provide different
opportunities to involve students such kind of activities which, promote cooperative
learning like problem solving, research and projects. In such type of opportunities student
perform as a team they work together to complete projects and completion of these
projects enhance students’ participation, achievement and motivation to learn. Students
use their prior knowledge, abilities and aptitude in collaborative learning to complete
their tasks. Consequently, collaborative learning allows students to contribute different
degrees of prior knowledge, abilities, and aptitudes.

Technological Tools
As technologies brought a revolutionary change in every aspect of life, It also
bought many changes in the field of education and made education easy. As 21 st century
has its own standard of education and knowledge so to fulfill these standards
technological tools can help to meet these standards. Problem solving, critical thinking
and collaborative learning are made easy due to technological tools. Students may work
easily in collaborative groups by the help of ICTs as it motivates students and develop
critical thinking among students. For the completion of class activities, collaborative
learning and deeper understanding multimedia tools such as portfolios, web quotes,
quizzes, wiki, Google, blogs etc. are very helpful in this regard. Research shows that
students who gain education through ICTs have higher thinking level rather than of those
students who use traditional methods. These students using ICTs develops an ability to
evaluate their peers when using these ICTs. Critical thinking is also developed through
the usage of technological tools. Students also give meaningful feedback for the
improvement of their peers’ work that supports the team efforts.
These tools are helpful for the enhancement of academic and social skills when they
communicate and share information and organize their thoughts to express opinions.
Robin (2008) argued that educators should use multimedia tools to support students’
learning by encouraging them to organize and express their ideas and knowledge in a
personal and meaningful way. In this manner, students can work together to prepare their
projects, which help them develop communication skills. Moreover, they can deepen
collaboration by working in groups to collect the information.
Student can access knowledge and information through ICTs and teachers should
motivate students to use multimedia tools in order to gain different skills. By the help of
these tools students also come to know how to learn. The Internet provide information in
abundance about the related topic that is being searched by the student. It help students to
gain information on any research topics like global warming, poverty, population, social
studies etc. This would allow them to be informed about and able to address the global
issues suffered by society. ICTs also give opportunities to practice in reading and writing
and online learning to fulfill their future needs. Hence, ICTs made education very easy
for every learner and it gives opportunities for remote learners who are far away from
university areas. It helps students to get firm grip on the topics they are learning.

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