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Which management functions did Circuit City managers fail to

perform? Cite examples to support your answer.
Answer Planning because before they changed their store location they
did not set goal.
2.What management roles did Circuit City managers fail to perform in
the actions taken? Give examples to support your answer.
Answer Informational role because they do not gather information about the
store from stake-
3.Which management skills did Circuit City managers fail to use? Cite
examples to support your answer.
Conceptual skill because they did not analysed any situation
4.How did Best Buy exercise leadership? Give examples to support your
Be a purposeful leader, be clear about your role as leader, be clear about who
you are serving, be a values-driven leader and be an authentic.

Mountain West Health Plans Inc.

1. How would you describe Evelyn Gustafson’s leadership style? What

were its strengths and weaknesses? What were the sources of her


How would you describe Evelyn Gustafson’s leadership style?

She has Country club management style, or Country Club Leadership i.e., high
people or low cost attention. This style of leader is most concerned about the
needs and feelings of members of his other team. These people operate under
the assumption that as long as team members are happy and secure then they
will work hard. What tends to result is a work environment that is very relaxed
and fun but where production suffers due to lack of direction and control.

What were her strengths and weaknesses?


Consideration and motivation of the needs of team members, their interests, and
areas of personal development when deciding how best to accomplish a task. In
general term, there is a conducive work environment as a result of good
interpersonal relationship between the leader and respective employees.


Excessive flexibility and employee focus approach hinders to control cost. As a

result 70% of the budget is contributed to employee’s salary in addition to
excessive training costs.

What were the sources of her influence?

Another kind of power, reward power, stems from the authority to bestow
rewards on other people. Managers may have access to formal rewards, such as
pay increases or promotions. They also have at their disposal such rewards as
praise, attention, and recognition. Managers can use rewards to influence
subordinates’ behaviour. People would rather say yes to someone they like than
to someone they don’t. Effective leaders strive to create goodwill and
favourable impressions. When a leader shows consideration and respect, treats
people fairly, and demonstrates trust in others, people are more likely to want to
help and support the leader by doing what he or she asks. In
addition, most people like a leader who make them feel good about themselves,
so leaders should never underestimate the power of praise. By developing allies.
Effective leaders develop networks of allies; people who can help the leader
accomplish his or her goals. She talks with followers outside of formal meetings
to understand their needs and concerns as well as to explain problems and
describe the leader’s point of view. She strives to reach a meeting of minds with
others about the best approach to a problem or decision By use of rational
persuasion. The most frequently used influence strategy is to use facts, data, and
logical argument to persuade others that a proposed idea, request, or decision is
appropriate. Using rational persuasion can often be highly effective, because
most people have faith in facts and analysis.

1. How would you describe Erik Rasmussen’s leadership style as he

tried to effect change? What are its strengths and weaknesses? What
are the sources of his influence?

How would you describe Erik Rasmussen’s leadership style as he tried to

effect change?
High production or low people leadership style. Also known as authoritarian or
compliance leaders, people in this category believe that employees are simply a
means to an end. Employee needs are always secondary to the need for efficient
and productive workplaces. This type of leader is very autocratic, has strict
work rules, policies, and procedures, and views punishment as the most
effective means to motivate employees.
What are his strengths and weaknesses?

Emphasizes on concrete objectives, organizational efficiency and high
productivity when deciding how best to accomplish a task.
Lack of analysis of internal culture and in addition to participatory approach to
bring change, that is the needs of team members, their interests of personal
development when deciding how best to accomplish a task.
What are the sources of his influence?
The source of his influence is the legitimate power given to him. By using the
higher authority given, he tries to get things done as a leader and as well as gain
the support of
people at higher levels to back them up.
In our case by the manager of the organization, reward the behaviours he
programmed-reward and punishment as a means for influencing others, but
combined with other tactics that involve the use of personal power, rewards can
be highly effective.

1. If you were Martin Quinn, would you recommend modifications in

Erik Rasmussen’s leadership style that you would like him to adopt?
Do you think it will be possible for Rasmussen to make the necessary
changes? If not, why not? If you do think change is possible, how
would you recommend the desired changes be facilitated?

If you were Martin Quinn, would you recommend modifications in Erik

Rasmussen’s leadership style that you would like him to adopt?

If we were Martin Quinine, we would recommend Erik Rasmussen as he should

diagnose the current situation by creating personal contact with employee and
build relationship to care for them, not favour of meeting schedules, keeping
costs low and achieving production efficiency rather than to sensitive to
subordinates, respects their ideas and feeling as well as establish mutual
Do you think it will be possible for Rasmussen to make the necessary
changes? Yes. Considering for both people and tasks in balance manner,
treating employees just as well as they treat their customers, and providing
overall direction and guidance, not to micromanagement but telling people how
to do their jobs. In general to be most effective leader he should develop the
interactive leadership style with characteristics of inclusion, collaboration,
relation ship building and caring.

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