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Literature Quiz

Q. How far do you find Dr. Heidegger

admirable in Dr. Heidegger’s experiment?

Ans. Key words= admirable, far

Planning: -
Intelligence: This is shown when Dr. Heidegger tells his four friends,
he wouldn’t have drunk the water if the effects were permanent. He
seems to understand what the water could do chooses not to drink it
and in doing so he does not succumb to foolish behaviour like his
Helpful: He chooses to help his friends by giving them a choice to
become young again so they would not feel any pain from being old
and ugly and would have a chance to relieve their youth. The 4 friends
were grateful to him.
Hard working: Dr. Heidegger was a hard-working man. He always
came up with an idea for a experiment but they never worked but
that did not stop him. He kept putting in the hard work until he came
across the water.

Dr. Heidegger was a scientist who was intelligent, helpful and

hardworking. He recently found the water of youth which would
make anyone who drank from it younger. He was smart enough no to
drink from it unlike his friends and did not succumb to the foolish
behaviour which was involved with drinking it. His friends were all
grateful to him as he had cured them from their pain and they told
him that they would find the fountain of youth so they can remain
young forever.

One of the things that make Dr. Heidegger admirable is his hard work.
He always loved making experiments even if they were not good or
lame. This is shown when he called his friends over to test his water
of youth experiment. They all thought it would be one of his lousy
experiments which were not impressive but this was not the case.
Through his hard work and never giving up he had something called
the water of youth in his possession which could make anyone
younger. He tested it out on his friends it worked. He was overcome
with joy and in the end his hard work payed off..

In the end the essay had a big impact. It showed hardwork always
pays off and you just have to wait. ***

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