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How I achieved personal happiness

I’ve been in therapy for over a year. I’ve had many neurosis in the past and made many
mistakes. I’m in my thirties and feel like I just figured out what living life is supposed to be like.
It’s been incredibly freeing. Not one thing helped me reach that state; even my therapist couldn’t
help 100% (although she was definitely a guiding light).

These are the things which worked for me. I hope they can help at least one other person. It
takes effort. It’s well worth your time.

All of these things on this list are important. They are not ranked. Do all the things.

Read daily. I recommend Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. It’s the last book you’ll ever need to
read. It’s that good. Tap in to the mindset you’ll need to deal with the adversities of life. I read
every morning.

Exercise. Run twice a week minimum, as much as you can. Lift weights. Sweat. Push yourself.

Cook gourmet food. No frozen or prepared meals. Whole foods. Use a meal plan service like
The Fresh 20 to plan your recipes.

Go out. Find something to be involved in. Volunteer. Sports league. Running club. Improv. You
don’t have to do more than that. Being there is enough. You’re enough. Truly. Good things will
happen. Ride the waves of awkwardness and anxiousness. They will pass. Be friendly to
everyone. They are riding the waves too, some able to cope better than others. Cultivate
discipline. Do the thing regardless of whether you are feeling like doing it. Motivation (trying to
convince yourself to do a thing) won’t help; only discipline will. You’ll feel better after doing the
thing, and build momentum.

Be still. Take a quite evening to look out the window. Journal. Admire your plants. Put down your
phone and resist the urge to check it. Notice the details of wherever you find yourself. Sit on the
beach and watch the waves and do nothing else for a while. Everything else can wait.

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