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GROUP: 1413


1. Brainstorm the most important characteristics of a good president.

 A good president must be wise.

 A good president must be honest.
 A good president must have good values.
 A good president must deliver on proposed promises.
 A good president must have character.
 A good president must be brave.
 A good president must respect the rights of the people.
 A good president must make his own decisions.

2. Select the 5 most important characteristics of a good president according to you.

 A good president must be wise.

 A good president must be honest.
 A good president must deliver on proposed promises.
 A good president must respect the rights of the people.
 A good president must make his own decisions.

3. Organize the selected characteristics from the most important to the least important.

 A good president must respect the rights of the people.

 A good president must make his own decisions.
 A good president must deliver on proposed promises.
 A good president must be honest.
 A good president must be wise.

4. Give reasons for each characteristic you have mentioned.

 A good president must respect the rights of the people.

 Because he must know that rights are the way to carry out the projects of our lives
freely and peacefully.
 He must know that by respecting the rights of the people you will maintain a good
number of votes in the elections.
 I think he should know that by respecting the rights of the people you might be the
most preferred to be the new president.

 A good president must make his own decisions.
 Because he must make their own decisions that largely depends on our development
and the happiness of people.
 He must know that by making your own decisions you show that you are qualified to
serve as president.
 I think he should make its own decisions so that the country grows both in economy
and in development.

 A good president must deliver on proposed promises.

 Because he must fulfill the proposed promises so that the country progresses and
has new expectations.
 He must fulfill the proposed promises in order to have new projects and more
work or study opportunities.
 I think he should fulfill the proposed promises so that the country progresses
both in the labor field and in the field of study.

 A good president must be honest.

 Because he must be honest since honesty leads to a good presence and a good
charisma towards people.
 He must be honest with himself and ask himself if he is qualified to hold the office
of the presidency.
 I think he should be honest in order to win over the people and obtain the
necessary votes to be the new president.

 A good president must be wise.

 Because you must show wisdom in your decisions for the country to grow and develop.
 He must know about the concept of politics and have enough knowledge to make the
country grow.
 I think he should show your acquired knowledge and show that you are capable of moving
the country forward.
A good president must respect the rights of the people. Because he must know that rights are the
way to carry out the projects of our lives freely and peacefully. He must know that by respecting
the rights of the people you will maintain a good number of votes in the elections. I think he
should know that by respecting the rights of the people you might be the most preferred to be the
new president.

A good president must make his own decisions. Because he must make their own decisions that
largely will depend on our development and the happiness of people. He must know that by
making your own decisions you show that you are qualified to exercise as president. I think he
should make its own decisions so that the country grows both in economy and development.

A good president must deliver on proposed promises. Because he must fulfill the proposed
promises so that the country progresses and has new expectations. He must fulfill the proposed
promises in order to have new projects and more work or study opportunities. I think he should
fulfill the proposed promises so that the country progresses and can develop new jobs so that the
country escapes from poverty.

A good president must be honest. Because he must be honest since honesty leads to a good
presence and a good charisma towards people. He must be honest with himself and ask himself if
he is qualified to hold the office of the presidency. I think he should be honest in order to win over
the people and obtain the necessary votes to be the new president.

A good president must be wise. Because he must show wisdom in your decisions for the country to
grow and develop. He must know about the concept of politics and have enough knowledge to
make the country grow. I think he should show your acquired knowledge and show that you are
capable of moving the country forward.

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